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● Identify characteristics and qualities of heroes in everyday life.
● Identify and explain how a character in a text fulfills the characteristics of an epic hero using textual
● Discuss and analyze a text.
● Bellringer/Do-Now question
● Discussion
● Epic Hero worksheet

1. Students will come into the classroom and independently answer the bellringer/do-now question
which is: in your opinion, what does it take to be a hero?
2. After students have time to settle in and respond the teacher will ask for students to share their
responses and the class will hold a discussion. A list can be made on the white board. The teacher
will explain that today they will be exploring what it means to not just be a hero but what it means
to be an “epic hero” in literature which is more objective, meaning the characteristics to be a hero
are more factual rather than decided by what we feel and believe makes a great hero, although
there could be some similarities.
3. The teacher will explain that today our focus will be “In what ways does Beowulf show qualities of
an epic hero?” as we continue reading Beowulf.
4. The teacher will introduce some of the characteristics of an epic hero to focus on.
● The hero is superior compared to other characters in the text. He stands out for many
reasons like his great strength and courage. It is clear that the hero has a strong presence
and is a problem-solver.
● The epic hero is high-born and from a noble birth. He was not born a common person then
became a hero in a rags to riches story.
● The hero is a figure of great national importance and represents a culture. He is loved and
recognized in his own country as heroic and great which then spreads to other nations.
● The setting in which the epic hero is a part of is large and important. It does not focus on
one area but spans across seas and nations. Some sort of great traveling is always involved.
Distance from one’s own home makes the epic hero even greater and less selfish.
● Supernatural forces such as gods, demons, angels, monsters and fate play a part of the epic
hero’s story and role.
● The epic hero fights for a noble cause such as defending people who can’t defend
themselves. The epic hero is good versus evil.
5. The teacher will say that today they will be reading the section titled “Beowulf” and that as we
read the students should identify how Beowulf fulfills any of these characteristics of an epic hero.
6. Students will complete the worksheet and the class will review it. The last question on the
worksheet circles back to the do-now question by asking students ”in what ways is Beowulf similar to
characteristics of a hero you identified?”

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