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Shandon Colonies Public Meeting

Craiglockhart Primary School Wednesday 12th October 7pm 9pm Agenda: 1. Welcome and introduction from the Chair 2. Gordon Fisher, Lothian and Borders Fire Service Feedback from the recent fire 3. Sgt Monica Brogan, Lothian and Borders Police Service - Parking enforcement 4. John Richmond, City of Edinburgh Council Proposed CPZ 5. Steven Lawther - Community Research 6. Discussion 7. Date of the next meeting Tuesday 24th January 2012, 7pm, Tynecastle High School

Dear resident or business manager, The public consultation for the possible introduction of Controlled Parking in the Ashley/Harrison area will commence on 7 October and run until 1 November 2011. The proposal would add Ashley Drive, Ashley Gardens, Ashley Grove, Ashley Terrace, Cowan Road, Harrison Gardens, Harrison Place and Ogilvie Terrace to Zone S4, meaning that parking restrictions would apply on Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 17:30 hours. How would Controlled Parking benefit residents? Controlled Parking would mean that parking in this area would be limited to permit holders and to those making use of the pay-and-display facilities. Controlled Parking manages the use of kerbside space, with the aim of making it easier for residents to park nearer to their homes, whilst also providing parking opportunities for other users such as visitors, shoppers and trades people. The potential for inconsiderate or inappropriate parking is reduced when parking controls are in place. What permits would residents be entitled to? Any qualifying resident who owns a vehicle may apply for a permit. Residents permits will be limited to two per household but only one per person. A residents permit will allow the holder to use the permit in any parking place within the S4 Zone. You would also be able to purchase up to 25 days worth of visitors parking permits each year. Permits are available in books of 10, with each permit covering a 90 minute period. Multiple permits can be used together to allow your visitors to park for longer periods. What other permits are available? Trades permits allow trades people working in the city centre to park throughout the CPZ. Retailers permits allow holders to park in shared use and permit holders parking places, at particular times, in their specific zone only. How much would permits cost? Permit prices will be based on your vehicles emissions, with an additional surcharge applied to second permits in a household. Full details of prices can be found on our website at Visitors permits cost 6.00 for a book of 10. Any resident with a blue badge will be entitled to a residents permit free of charge. Residents meeting certain disability criteria may also be entitled to a double allocation of visitors permits at half the normal cost.

D a ve A n d e r s o n , D i r e c t o r , C i t y D e ve l o p m e n t
Transport, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ

How do I find out more about Controlled Parking? Further information about this proposal is available on the Councils website, You can also see a copy of the plans during the consultation dates at the City Chambers, 249 High Street, EH1 1YJ. I dont live in one of the affected streets. Can I still comment? This letter is being circulated to all properties between the Union Canal and Slateford Road so that you are kept up-to-date with what is being proposed in your area. If you live outside the area affected by this proposal we want to know your views on parking in your street. If you would like the Council, for example, to consider further extending parking controls, please let us know by responding to this consultation. How do I make my views known to the Council? Whether you want to object to the scheme, indicate your support or just make a comment it is vital that you let us know. We can only make the right decision on whether this scheme should proceed if we know what people living and working within the area think. Make your views known to us by e-mail at or you can write to us at Transport, City Development, 249 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ Please make sure that you include your full name and address, as well as explaining in as much detail as you can why you oppose or support the proposal. It is important to remember that petitions only count as one letter, so it is worthwhile taking the time to write to us individually. The consultation period runs from 7 October 2011 until 1 November 2011. If you want your view to count, you must respond during that period. What happens next? Once the consultation period ends we will analyse all of the responses received. That analysis will be used to form the basis of a report to a future meeting of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee. That Committee will be asked to make a decision on the future of the proposal based on the responses to the consultation. Emergency Services Access In addition to proposals to extend the Controlled Parking Zone I am also able to advise you that, in response to recent events, a public meeting will be held at Craiglockhart Primary School on Wednesday the 12th of October at 7pm to discuss parking issues in the Shandon Colonies.

You can get this document on tape, in Braille, large print and various computer formats if you ask us. Please contact Interpretation and Translation Service (ITS) on 0131 242 8181 and quote reference number 11-1015. ITS can also give information on community language translations. You can get more copies of this document by calling 0131 469 3309.

Shandon Colonies Residents Survey

Prepared by Red Circle Communications

12 October 2011

the method
A self completion survey of all Shandon Colonies adult residents conducted between 25 September and 9 October 2011 Short, focused questionnaire using pre-coded responses to encourage response Provided a variety of return methods completion on the doorstep, self completion and return to interviewer or return direct to Red Circle Communications Data-checked using numbered questionnaires to ensure the validity of the data

breakdown of sample
Sample % Sample %

Alderbank Almondbank Briarbank Hazelbank Hollybank Lived here < 5 years Live here 5-15 years Live here > 15 years Vehicle No Vehicle

23 16 25 16 18 24 33 43 79 21

Male Female Under 25 25 to 44 45 to 64 65 and over Children No Children

43 56 4 40 37 18 47 52

Total responses = 252

(Total households in area = 270)

% stating this is a problem

95% 83% 77% 75%

parking in the area is a problem




access for emergency vehicles is a problem that needs addressed




perceived impact of proposals to extend the CPZ without including the shandon colonies

79% of residents are aware of the CPZ proposals for the surrounding areas


level of support for potential solutions

25% 15% 13% 6% 13%

level of support for potential solutions

75% 67% 69% 69%


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