Fall 2023 - BT201 - 1 - BC220408251

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Answer 1:

Option 3 is correct.

There are cases where organisms evolved through convergence and appear closely related but are not.


Sometime two species seems that they are closely related but actually they are not because they don’t
share a recent common ancestor and this is due to convergent evolution.

Convergent evolution when is when unrelated organisms independently evolve similar traits or
characteristics due to adabting similar environment ecological niche. It highlights the role of natural
selection, even in distantly related species.

Examples of convergent evolution is include the relationship between bat and insect wings, shark and
dolphins bodies, vertebrates and cephalopod eyes.

Answer 2:

E_mail regarding Bt 201 difficulties


 Name:Maria Ismail
 Email ID:bc220408251@vu.edu.pk


Name :Dr Naureen and Dr Madiha

Email ID :bt201@vu.edu.pk


Subject:Difficulties related to course bt 201(ecology, biodiversity and evolution)

Respected mam,

I am strongly that your are enjoying the sound health.

The purpose of this email is to inform that about the difficulties that I am facing about the course bt 201.

As we know that the course of bt201 is designed to provide us a knowledge about the molecular and
structural unity of life, explain how the diversity of living things is generated and perpetuated, and
exemplify the diversity among and with in life three domains.

Respected mam I am facing a lot of problems the understandings of topics and some concepts etc.

The most important problems are :

 The most important problem is the unavailability of video lectures.

 Another important problem is the to much usage of difficult words and phrases I am totally
unable to understand the meaning of sentences.
 As it’s totally online system we can’t take live classes so it is tough task for us to clear concepts
by readind ppts or handouts.
 Google meet sessions are arranged by you but one or two are not enough for the clarity of all
the topics, there is the need of more live sessions in which you provide us firstly all basic
knowledge of subject and then later on clear our concepts in which we are facing difficulties in
regular intervals.
 Hope you will focus on my problems and provide me a best solution of all these problems during
the study of course bt201 Ecology, biodiversity and evolutions.


Maria Ismail

BS biotechnology

Third semester


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