History of Atom

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According to Dalton's atomic theory, objects are

constituted of particles referred to as atoms, which are

JOHN DALTON (1803) solid spheres that cannot be further divided into smaller
Solid Sphere Model particles. Interestingly, this concept bears a

resemblance to the model developed by the Greeks in
the fifth century BCE.
Before the discovery of the nucleus, JJ Thomson
proposed the 'plum pudding' model of the atom.
J.J THOMSON (1897) According to this model, the atom is a sphere of
Plum Pudding Model positive charge, and the negatively charged
electrons are embedded within to balance out the
overall positive charge.


Nuclear Model
The Nuclear Model, a widely accepted
model of the atom, proposes that the
atom has a positively charged nucleus
at its center, with electrons revolving
around the nucleus in orbits.

The planetary model said that the electrons moved
around the nucleus like planets orbiting the sun, at
NIELS BOHR (1913) random. In 1913, Bohr, found that that electron
Planetary Model orbitals are actually located at fixed distances from the
nucleus. His model demonstrated the existence of
energy levels located at these distances.

According to the quantum mechanical model

ERWIN SCHRÖDINGER (1926) of Schrodinger, electrons orbit atoms
Quantum Model randomly and create an electron cloud that
encompasses all potential electron locations.

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