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basic wind speed = 39 m/s

k1 = 1.06
k2 = 1.05 terrain category 1, Class A
k3 = 1 assuming terrain slope < 3o
design wind speed = 43.407 m/s
design wind pressure = 1130.501 N/m2
= 1.130501 KN/m2

wind on walls table 4

height = 4.6 m
width = 13.5 m
length = 15.4 m
h/w = 0.340741
l/w = 1.140741
Cpe = 0.7
Cpi = -0.2

effective wind pressure = 1.017451 KN/m2

wind on roof- monoslope

+ve pressure coefficient = 0.7 assuming roof angle = 15o

-ve pressure coefficient(suction)= -1.4 assuming roof angle = 15o

+ve effective pressure = 0.79135 KN/m2

-ve efective pressure(suction) = -1.582701 KN/m2
tegory 1, Class A
terrain slope < 3o

roof angle = 15o

roof angle = 15o

section lipped channel

area = 2000
Ixx = 12794167
10 Iyy = 2177885
rxx = 79.98177
200 ryy = 32.99913
5 X-X



Fy = 500
ϒm0 = 1.1
E = 200000 MPa
imperfection factor, α = 0.49 assuming buckling class c
length = 1500 mm
K = 1 assuming pinned both ends
KL = 1500
(KL/r) = 45.45574
Euler buckling stress = 955.3274
non dimensional eff slenderness ratio, λ = 0.723451
ɸ = 0.889936
stress reduction factor, Χ = 0.710123
design compressive strength, fcd = 322.7832 <= 454.5455
= 322.7832 MPa

design compressive strength, Pd = 645.5663 KN

mm2 Cx = 100
mm4 Cy = 28.625

buckling class c

pinned both ends

section lipped channel

area = 2000
Ixx = 12794167
10 Iyy = 2177885
rxx = 79.98177
200 ryy = 32.99913
5 X-X



Y-Y staad coordinates
wall thickness = 200 mm x
inner length = 8.7 m corner 4.45
inner width = 8.7 m roof top 0
cl length = 8.9 m corner ext 5.35
cl width = 8.9 m
wall height = 5.7 m
roof top height = 6.8 m
ext clear length = 0.8 m
ext cl length = 0.9 m
mm2 Cx = 100
mm4 Cy = 28.625
mm 4


ratio 0.247191
ht diff 0.222472
y z
4.45 0
0 1.1
5.35 -0.222472
Top Roof

wall thickness = 200 mm

wall inner length = 8.7 m
wall inner width = 8.7 m
wall cl length = 8.9 m
wall cl width = 8.9 m
wall height = 5.7 m
roof top height = 6.8 m
overhang clear length = 0.8 m
overhang cl length = 0.9 m
overhang cl depth = 0.222 m
roof top height above wall = 1.1 m

rafter design

max rafter span 5.511 m


section lipped channel

area = 488
Ixx = 1564067
11 Iyy = 91370.14
rxx = 56.6132
150 ryy = 13.68334
2 X-X
stud self weight reduction factor
75 stud self weight udl
stud spacing
wind pressure udl -1 (comp.)
wind pressure udl -2 (uplift)
10.03279 concrete density
Y-Y slab thickness
slab self weight udl
E = 200000 Mpa weight of mesh
yield strength = 500 Mpa mesh self weight udl
permissible yield = 300 Mpa roof finish
strength roof finish udl
Mom Resistance = 6.256 KN-m LL udl
Design Mom = 2.373 KN-m
hence safe Total udl - wind comp.
Total udl - wind uplift
permiss shear stress = 200 Mpa
Design shear = 2.31 KN design udl
Design shear stress = 7.7 Mpa
on web
hence safe

permiss. Defl. = 18.444 mm

within simply supported span
Actual defl. = 18.158 mm
hence safe

ridge beam design

Total supporting face area = 29.484 m2

wind pressure - comp = 0.791 KN/m2
wind pressure - uplift = -1.583 KN/m2
stud self weight = 0.096258 KN/m2
slab self weight = 1.05 KN/m2
mesh self weight = 0.03 KN/m2
roof finish = 0.5 KN/m2
LL = 0.75 KN/m2
Total Load - wind comp = 3.217258 KN/m2
Total Load - wind uplift = -0.074368 KN/m2

Total Load for design = 47.429 KN

length of ridge beam = 7.681 m

design udl on ridge = 6.175 KN/m
Total Load = 5.318142
0.965 KN/m MA = 14.65422
RA = 2.14
RB = 3.178
4.611 0.9 SFx (l-r) = 2.14-0.965*x
x = 0 to 4.611
5.511 SF=0 @ x = 2.218
Mx = 2.373
M_desgn = 2.373
mm2 Cx = 75 mm SF = 2.14
mm4 Cy = 10.03279 mm A
mm4 Sxx = 20854.22 mm3 SF_desgn = 2.31
mm Syy = 9107.155 mm 3


= 0.75
= 0.028877 KN/m
= 300 mm
= 0.237405 KN/m
= -0.47481 KN/m
= 7 KN/m3
= 0.15 mm
= 0.315 kN/m
= 0.03 KN/m2
= 0.009 kN/m
= 0.5 KN/m2
= 0.15 kN/m
= 0.75 KN/m2
= 0.225 kN/m
= 0.965283 kN/m
= -0.022221 kN/m dl factor in uplift = 0.9

= 0.965 kN/m

dl factor in uplift = 0.9

considering 50% load to be resisted by supports

MB = 9.867888


KN-m Mb(left span) = 0.391 KN-m
2.309615 0.8685
B B(left span)

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