Day Trip Learning (PEC)

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Seminar/Workshop Title: Day Trip Learning Initiative - Bridging the Gap between Industry and


The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) aims to enhance the educational experience of engineering
undergraduate students by implementing the "Day Trip Learning Initiative." This initiative proposes organizing
industrial visits to various manufacturing units and companies to enable students to connect their theoretical
knowledge with practical industrial applications. These trips will foster a better understanding of industry needs
and challenges, empowering students to develop innovative solutions through their semester projects, final year
projects, and research and development activities. By fostering stronger industry-academia linkage, this program
will contribute to the overall growth and development of the engineering sector in Pakistan.


The main objective of the Day Trip Learning Initiative is to create an environment where engineering students
can observe real-life industrial practices, gain insights into industry demands, and identify opportunities for
problem-solving and innovation. The program aims to:

1. Facilitate practical learning: Provide students with an opportunity to witness the application of
theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios, promoting a deeper understanding of engineering
2. Foster industry-academia collaboration: Strengthen the relationship between academia and industries
by facilitating regular interactions, fostering collaboration, and promoting knowledge-sharing.
3. Encourage innovative solutions: Inspire students to identify challenges faced by industries during the
visits and develop creative solutions through their academic projects and research endeavors.
4. Promote skill development: Encourage the development of practical skills, critical thinking, and
problem-solving abilities among engineering students.

Seminar Structure:

The proposed seminar will be a 1 to 2 hours interactive session that will introduce the Day Trip Learning Initiative
to all stakeholders, including university faculty, engineering students, and representatives from industries if any.
The seminar will be structured as follows:

1. Introduction to the Day Trip Learning Initiative: A brief overview of the initiative, its objectives, and the
anticipated benefits of the program for both students and industries.
2. Importance of Industry-Academia Linkage: Highlighting the significance of bridging the gap between
academia and industries for the holistic development of the engineering sector.
3. Best Practices from Global Case Studies: Presenting successful models of similar initiatives from other
countries that have effectively integrated industry visits with engineering education.
4. Student Perspectives: Inviting engineering students who have participated in pilot trips to share their
experiences, insights, and the impact of the initiative on their academic journey.
5. Industry Partnerships: Discussing the benefits for industries in collaborating with academic institutions
and the potential for knowledge exchange and talent acquisition.
6. NUTECH practice: National University of Technology Islamabad already doing it as named: INDUSTRIAL
LEARNING EXPERIENCE from the day one, the university practice will be discussed in details.
7. Q&A Session: Allowing participants to ask questions, seek clarifications, and provide feedback on the
proposed initiative.


The Day Trip Learning Initiative by PEC is an essential step towards fostering a symbiotic relationship between
academia and industries. By organizing industrial visits for engineering undergraduate students, we can enable
them to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications. This seminar will serve as a
platform to garner support, build enthusiasm, and garner active participation from all stakeholders, creating a
sustainable and impactful program that contributes to the growth of both the engineering industry and the
academic community in Pakistan.

Dr. Adnan Saeed Engr. Yasir Naseer

Industrial Liaison Officer Asst Industrial Liaison Officer
Electrical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department,
National University of Technology Islamabad. National University of Technology Islamabad.

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