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FactoryTalk VantagePoint

Pasquale Paolone Manager EMEA Information Solutions Consulting

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Global Manufacturing Imperatives

Global Climate Change
Energy saving Waste reduction Regulatory Compliance

Greater Agility


Reduce product development and launch cycles Increase product variety

Global Competition
Cost reduction Increasing demand forecast error More dynamic supply networks
2008 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Manufacturing: Process & Purpose

Data Material Time Human resources Waste Energy


2008 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Todays Manufacturing Apps Reality(AMR 2007)

Extended Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Trading Exchanges PLM ERP EDMS Plant Centric ERP Materials management LIMS Data Historian MES FCS/Factory Scheduling Financials Procurement CRM



Product Specs Specialty Quality Administration

Supply Chain Applications and APS

MES Formula Management Process Optimization KPIs KPI EBR


Production Production Unit Process t

Batch Management In Process Testing




SPC/ Trending


Control logic Data Automation Capture

Machine logic

Process Control

Process Control/SPC

Recipe/ Process Management Work Order Execution

Plant Operational Analysis

Business Production Processes Scheduling and business processes

Supply Chain Manager


Production and Business Process Management

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Manufacturing Information Landscape

Silos of Information
Control systems have real-time manufacturing status Historians store behavior over time ERP systems know business context Other applications keep everything from maintenance & production schedules to recipes & product quality data

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Issues with Incomplete Data

Bad decisions
Cant find the data Cant reconcile the data Cant correlate the data Cant interpret the data

Fragmented information
In different systems With different purposes At different locations With different UIs And different APIs And different security The systems they are a-changing
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Core EMI Capabilities

Aggregate, contextualize, analyze, visualize, and propagate

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Source: AMR Research 2008



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Operational Mash-ups?

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EMI - Business Unit Summary

Business Unit Key Performance Indicators

Consolidated Measure Material Cost Quality Level Utilization Labor Expense Energy Usage Inventory Levels Production Rate 15 day trend Target 1300 4.5 88 250 546 1610 134,000 Current 1282 4.3 92 245 534 1560 137,000


Grand Rapids



Chicago Target 300 4.5 88 50 146 410 34,000 Current 282 4.3 92 45 134 360 37,000

Grand Rapids Target 300 4.5 88 50 146 410 34,000 Current 282 4.3 92 45 134 360 37,000

Indianapolis Target 300 4.5 88 50 146 410 34,000 Current 282 4.3 92 45 134 360 37,000

Lincoln Target 300 4.5 88 50 146 410 34,000 Current 282 4.3 92 45 134 360 37,000 Units $K / day % $K / day KWH/day $K Units/day

Top Regional Lost Opportunities

Location Lincoln Reason Stock out Packer down Operator Est. Cost per day $ 205 K $ 120 K $ 80 K

Available Capacity by Product Type / Location

Chicago Grand Rapids Indianapolis Lincoln

400,000 200,000 0

Legend 12 pack Bulk Dist Individual

Margin by Product Type / Location

Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.


EMI Single Site Operations Summary

Springfield Lincoln Chicago Indianapolis Grand Rapids Midwest Region Lost Opportunity
Reason Stock out Packer down Operator Est. Cost per day $ 205 K $ 120 K $ 80 K

Key Performance Indicators

Measure Material Cost Quality Level Utilization Labor Expense Energy Usage Inventory Levels Production Rate 15 day trend Target 300 4.5 88 50 146 410 34,000 Current 282 4.3 92 45 134 360 37,000 Units $K / day % $K / day KWH/day $K Units/day

Equipment Bad Actors

4 2 0

Compressors Pumps Conv. Motors Centrifuge

Priority Orders
Customer Product Quantity Due Date Walmart Northwest Dist. 12 pack Bulk Dist. Individual Individual 12 pack 12 pack 75,000 40,000 30,000 22,000 19,000 32,000 01-04-07 01-05-07 01-06-07 01-06-07 01-06-07 01-07-07

5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0

Six Sigma Defect Opportunity by Product 15 day trend

12 pack Bulk Dist. Individual

TKL Inc. Helmtac Kroger Ralphs

Legend Label Weight Package

Maintenance Item


Maintenance Work Orders

Priority Emergency Scheduled Scheduled Due Date 01-05-07 01-10-07 01-12-07 Status In Process Pending Open Packing Conv Motor AS/RS Drive Mixer bearings



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EMI Single Site Asset View

Springfield Lincoln Chicago


Grand Rapids

Midwest Region
Process Data

Asset Explorer - Pumps

Recirculation / Pre-Heat Cycle

Pump 43A

Pump 43B

Pump 12-R

Pump 12-L

Pump 121

Pump 12-R Critical Data

150 140 130 120 110 Legend Stopped Running Current Temp Vibration

Pump 12-R Maintenance Work Orders

Maintenance Item Packing Conv Motor AS/RS Drive Mixer bearings Priority Emergency Scheduled Scheduled Due Date 01-05-07 01-10-07 01-12-07 Status In Process Pending Open


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EMI: Hierarchical and Cross-functional

Business Unit Summary

... Site #3 Summaries Site #1 Summaries Site #2 Summaries

Site #1 Solutions Asset / Maintenance Intelligence Production Target Monitoring

Planning & Scheduling

Energy Management Inventory Management

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Without an Mashup Platform

Many have/can build specific solutions using a programming framework The result: fragile, hardwired systems that are expensive to maintain Many data sources are manually entered high cost, error prone & latent Expensive labor intensive deployment not scalable



Plan & Schedule



CMMS Control Systems


Custom Databases

Applications Process rights reserved. Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. AllHistorians
Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.


A Platform for Intelligence Solutions



Plan & Schedule



CMMS Systems


Custom Databases

Applications Process All rights reserved.Control Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc.Historians

EMI: Manage Connections, Transforms Data and Delivers Updates to Many Views EMI: Manage Connections, Transforms Data and Delivers Updates to Many Views
Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

Basic Architectural Layers

Information Presentation Layer

Administration / Configuration

Aggregation & Preparation Layer

Models & Relationships Layer

Connectivity Layer
Data Sources
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A Pump is just a Pump or is it?

Process Control Engineer Pressure Flow Speed

Production Manager Volume pumped Product throughput Operation history Power consumed

Maintenance Manager Running hours Performance spec Manufacturer data Spares on hand Maintenance date

Process Engineer Related equipment Rating Vibration data

Quality Assurance Batch record Leak test data Lab sample

2008 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Asset Manager Purchase date Cost Warranty Manufacturer Engineering Specs


What is FactoryTalk VantagePoint?

Trend Trend Excel Excel KPIs KPIs

Portal Portal

Reports Reports Dashboards Dashboards

Analysis Unified Production Model


FactoryTalk FactoryTalk FactoryTalk OPC DA OPC HDA InTouch Proficy Control HMI/SCADA Historians Alarms/Events RT Systems View Historian Alarms/Events




Reusability & Consistent, easy access to data Map Logix structures to Report Elements
2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Benefits of a Model
Presents the information in a way that is meaningful to all levels in the organization No need to know the physical location of the data No need to know tag names, database structures, etc. Simplifies task of a plant or corporate rollout

2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.


The most widely used mfg. analysis tool is?

Strengths Everyone knows Excel Relatively easy to produce a report Data can be imported as .csv file Most manufacturing systems can produce .csv

Concerns Security Islands of Data Portability Collaboration Cost of Labor to produce

and the inevitable Excel accessory:

2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.


Additional Strengths of VantagePoint

Zero touch deployment of clients just a browser No replication of data we get it when we need it Can store data if needed, e.g. data aggregation Work with existing systems - dont replace them Gives IT a single platform that can support any application for business intelligence

2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.


Simple to Own
(Optional) Named Users Dashboard Builder Connectors: OPC DA OPC HDA WW InSQL GE Proficy Historian OSIsoft PI

FactoryTalk VantagePoint License per named user Basic server and FactoryTalk connectors are included

Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 2009 2008


Simple to Install, Configure and Use

Target audience: All manufacturing / plant personnel Install server and connect to FactoryTalk data sources (an hour, or less) Web-based zero install clients View pre-configured reports, trends and dashboards (an hour, or less)
Alarm and Event Reports Product Reports Control Loop Reports
Devices and Equipment Reports Diagnostic Reports FactoryTalk Batch, Production Runs and Shift Reports

Named Users

Trend, XY Plotter Excel Reporting Standard Dashboards Limited Portal

Non-programmer can build, publish a new report in less than a day

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Pre-configured Reports, Out of the Box

2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.


Clear Upgrade Path

Concurrent / Named Users Named Users

Buy Advanced Server Buy more connectors (DB and Application) Buy more concurrent and named users No additional installation!

+ Advanced Security + Advanced Portal

+ Analysis Services

DB Sources

App. Sources

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Improving Manufacturing Processes

Enhance Profitability - Increase Production

Unlock capacity Maximize throughput

Reduce Manufacturing Costs

Use less energy per unit of output Maximize alternative fuels use
Improve Product Quality

Minimize variability Reduce deviation from specifications

Reduce Environmental Risk

Achieve active emissions compliance Support emissions trading

26 26

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Customer Value Food & Beverage

SCOPE 69 plants 140+ data sources SCADA, control, MES, LIMs, Asset Management, SAP, ORACLE & SQL databases, InSQL historian Many legacy systems & in-house designed MES 2.5 MM 10 MM objects in the database (Incuity model) Strudel TV (One plant) Corporate portal system TV Monitor above every production line available to 28,000 employees Dashboard tracking the following for each line Production Target Results so far Current projection against target Targets Cost MTBF/MTTR Downtime Cause RESULTS Improved Throughput by 8% Reduced Waste by 3%
2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

Customer Value Chemical

SCOPE/OBJECTIVE International Paint is a division of Akzo Nobel, a global fortune 500 manufacturing company Objectives Increase production due to higher demand Without adding new capital or resources Replace antiquated batch reporting No rip-replace of other Rational for (Incuity) EMI Legacy systems. Integrated easily with existing production control systems Provided deep insight into our batch processes Reports available to production & management to monitor production in context of individuals role Future expansion capabilities for integration with our ERP RESULTS One of the main benefits of using Incuity was greater performance. We have better insight into how we perform, how long processes take and how fast we can make our products. Weve reduced our production cycle times by 30% already. Jean-Paul Scheepens
2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Changeover time reduction Control Loops Optimized Schedule improvements Now produce more product in 2 shifts than previously had in 3

Customer Value Energy Management

SCOPE Small University 70 buildings Central plant to manage: electricity, heat & cooling Cogeneration of electricity & heat from fuel oil Buildings metered / data stored in historian & control OBJECTIVE Manage/reduce energy consumption Make vs. Buy Solution Track & accurately predict electricity & oil consumption Reduce impact of high cost peak-demand energy Calculate / predict individual building demands Integrate islands of information from water treatment, HVAC, co-generation & weather reports RESULTS Reduced overall energy consumption by 23% Lowered total energy bill by $3M / year
2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Customer Value Water Management

SCOPE/ENVIRONMENT Mid-size city municipality Multi-vendors SCADA & Control Many disparate data sources Facing severe environmental issues with storm run-off Objectives Consistent Reporting Yield Quicker leak detection Reduce contamination Improve water quality RESULTS Reduce energy Remediated detection, quality and consumption energy issues Reduced operating cost (dbl digits)

Were taking business intelligence to the next level because our departmental staff recognize opportunities earlier, react more swiftly to them, more easily communicate the issues involved, and make better decisions. John Joyner
2009 Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. 30

Decision support Analytics and reporting Aggregation and contextualization Data mining Dash boarding Predictive & advisory capabilities Performance management visibility Role based access Integration with IT web applications

Operational vs. Business Intelligence, Plant Data Sources Are Essential

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Thank You!

Copyright 2007 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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