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Towards the end of the semester, you will meet with your instructor to talk about the various topics from
this class. Your instructor will ask you several questions on the films, the culture and history we’ve studied
and your personal life. You should strive to elaborate your responses and provide lots of details from what
you’ve learned this term while using appropriate vocabulary and grammar from this course. Expect
questions that elicit the verb forms studied this term: présent, future proche, passé composé, imparfait,
conditionnel présent. This is your chance to show off what you’ve learned this term and the progress you’ve

A = excellent range of structures with very few major errors ( major errors = errors in tenses/conjugation).
B = good range of structures. Some important errors in tenses and conjugations but very comprehensible
C = little variety in structures. Several major errors that may interfere with understanding certain details (e.g.
several errors in distinguishing between present and past;)
D = poor control of most basic structures (sentences poorly formed/ incomplete).
E = Very fragmented with many major errors.


A = lots of information provided when answering questions; Very wide range of vocabulary studied this
semester. When there are lapses in vocabulary, you find other ways in French to say what you want and
"get around" these gaps in vocabulary.
B = can answer most questions with a lot of info; appropriate vocab from this semester. Perhaps a few lapses
in vocab which cause you to use incorrect words or non-French words.
C = less details in answering questions or some important inappropriate details related to the films.
Adequate vocab but not much variety. More than occasional grasping for words or substitution of non-French
D = very limited info given. Minimal range of vocab; Frequent intrusion of non-French words. You would probably
not be understood by someone who spoke only French.
E = Almost no details/ information provided related to the topics. Lack of mastery of the most basic vocab.


A = you talked about these topics with very little hesitation. You understood all of the questions.
B = perhaps some hesitation, but you could rephrase ideas successfully. May have slightly misunderstood a
question or needed a few questions repeated.
C = pace may be slow and/or there may be considerable stumbling, especially in trying to give longer
answers. May have misunderstood a few questions or needed several questions repeated
D = considerable stumbling and long pauses. Difficulties understanding many of the questions you hear.
E = minimal speech, just a few words in answer to each question; you appear not to understand most questions.

PRONUNCIATION ((18% - counts less than other categories).

A = no errors affecting comprehensibility.
B = a few errors where, out of context, a word might be misunderstood, but, in context, meaning is still clear.
C = occasional loss of comprehension due to pronunciation.
D = frequent loss of comprehension due to pronunciation. Often difficult to understand
E = most words are scarcely recognizable.
L’évaluation orale finale – Préparation Nom _____________________________________
You must provide a hardcopy of this page as homework after doing the simulation in class with a partner
on Monday, Nov 20th. If you wish to keep this sheet for practice, you’ll need to make a hardcopy to turn
Regardez votre livre Séquences et écrivez 1 question possible pour chaque catégorie ci-dessous. Pas de questions qui
se répondent par “oui/non”. Pensez aussi à des réponses logiques à vos questions.
Vous allez poser vos questions à un/e camarade de classe et il / elle va vous poser des questions pour pratiquer avant
l’évaluation avec votre professeur.

Chapitre préliminaire - le Cinéma en France et la vie universitaire

• 1 question sur la culture:

• 1 question personnelle (avec les structures / le vocabulaire de ce chapitre):

Ch. 2 – Rue Cases-Nègres

• 1 question basée sur le film:

• 1 question sur la culture ou l’histoire:

• 1 question personnelle (avec les structures / le vocabulaire de ce chapitre):

Les Bleus – Une autre histoire de France

• 1 question basée sur le film:

• 1 question sur la culture ou l’histoire:

• 1 question personnelle (avec les structures / le vocabulaire de ce chapitre):

Ch 3 – Persépolis

• 1 question basée sur le film:

• 1 question sur la culture ou l’histoire:

• 1 question personnelle (avec les structures / le vocabulaire de ce chapitre):

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