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“Evaluating the Influence of Parental

Involvement On Students Academic


A Research Presented to

Julieto B. Sumatra Jr
Research Teacher

Research Chapter I in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for Practical Research II

Name:Chem Japhet L.Gaviola

Jecyrich U.Comendador

Jerick P.Natingga

John Mark U.Basalo

John Paul P.Jeolin

Junmar A.De Leon

Reymark A.Onas


Chapter 1

The Problem

Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation of

parents regarding their children’s school life and life in general.

The responsibility to socialize and educate children is a shared

obligation between parents and schools. For a child to reach academic

achievement, parents must be involved and participate in the

educational process (Mella et al. 2020). The involvement of parents or

guardians in their children’s education and general development is

referred to as parental involvement. Parental involvement encompasses

a variety of actions, attitudes, and behaviors that parents engage in

to support their children’s learning and wellbeing both at home and at

school. Examples of these actions include financial and academic

support, communication, volunteering, advocacy, and positive role


Parents have a crucial role to play in shaping their child’s

development. Parents can control their children’s path or support

their ambitions, affecting academic performance and overall growth.

However, both approaches can positively and negatively impact the

child. Parents who control their child’s path may not allow them to

follow their dreams. Conversely, if parents support their child’s

aspirations, the child may feel more content and satisfied.

Education begins at home. The responsibility to socialize and educate

children is a shared obligation between parents and schools. In order

for a child to reach academic achievement, parents must be involved

and participate in the educational process. The more parental

involvement, the more students are likely to become productive members

of society as well as excel in academics. Parental involvement impacts

student academics (SA Cole 2017). Parents play an important role in

helping their children grow and build their own characters.

Parental involvement is an individual right and responsibility for

families and a social need. It is generally accepted that without the

positive cooperation of family and school, it is not possible to reach

the high standards set for educational outcomes by a demanding society

(M. Castro et al., 2015). Furthermore, a stronger sense of connection

between home and school is fostered when parents are involved in their

child’s education. An atmosphere that fosters student achievement and

improves the educational process as a whole is created by this

cooperative relationship.

Moreover, parents have vital roles to play in the life of a child. The

involvement of a parent in a child determines the future of that

child. Parenting involvement is a catch-all term for many different

activities, including at ‘home, ‘good parenting, helping with home

work, talking to teachers, attending school functions, and taking part

in school governance (OO Jethro 2012). Parental involvement is an

important factor in determining a child’s life. It includes a broad

variety of actions parents take to assist their child’s education and

general growth. It entails creating a loving and encouraging

atmosphere at home, establishing and upholding boundaries, and

actively participating in their child’s day-to-day activities.

Additionally, as Rubén Fernández-Alonso et al. (2017) claimed,

students whose parents exhibit a more indirect or distal style of

family involvement tend to perform better academically than those from

homes with a controlling manner. Parental involvement styles can

impact achievement at the individual and school levels. Students who

are raised positively in different traits, cultures, and ways of

living for having everything are more successful than students who are

raised negatively and have less involvement from their parents.

However, education is distinctive with its high prevalence of private

tutoring, which not only imposes an economic burden on parents but

also requires parents’ time and efforts to select the best kind of

private tutoring for their children and to keep track of their

academic progress by interacting with private tutors (Park et al.,

2011). Parents always choose the best way for their children by

finding the best schools, tutors, and school environment as support in

order to ensure their children’s future.

In addition, children are, by nature, inquisitive. Driven by their

appetite to learn, they explore and thirst for knowledge. As students,

the parents are their initial teachers, as they are the ones who

provide them with answers to their first questions. It follows then

that parental involvement is an essential component in the teaching-

learning process and therefore requires schools to engage and

collaborate with parents to improve school success (AV Llamas et al.,

2016). As the students who have a better life due to their parents
good support in their studies, they will strive for good academic

achievement in order to show their parents appreciation for their high

expectations of them.

Moreover, parents often ask their children what they want to be and

support their ambitions, yet other parents have their own preferences

for their children that conflict with theirs. Due to these issues,

students often engage in different harmful behaviors in school for the

reason that their parents do not support them. However, as they stated

(Michelle LaRocque et al., 2011), the primary issue is that the

students who engage in harmful activities should be addressed and

given proper support by their parents. These can significantly impact

their academic achievement. Parental participation is widely accepted

but challenging to promote and maintain. Schools are becoming more

diverse, and educators face a challenge to meet the needs of all


The solid and meaningful relationship between parental Involvement and

academic achievement and parents’ beliefs, expectations, and

experiences are essential ingredients that help better learning

outcomes for children (Olusegun Emmanuel Afolabi 2014). San Pablo

National High School has students whose parents fully support their

studies and are eager to excel academically due to their good

relationships, support, and high expectations. Moreover, some students

still do inappropriate things that can affect their academic

Additionally, as they stated (CM Cepada 2020), absenteeism among

adolescents jeopardizes their chances of achieving their educational

goals. Absenteeism can lead to an increasing disinterest in school and

the chance of dropping out of school. This is likely one of the most

common problems in schools and with parents due to students losing

interest and the lack of participation of their parents.

Filipino families place a high value on their children’s educational

achievement. Providing for children’s education is a primary goal of

Filipino parents, and conversely, children consider educational

success as the means by which they can meet filial obligations and

parental expectations (LP Alampay 2019). The Filipino trait of

parental involvement is very important to every parent, as it is the

highest value of all things that they want their children to achieve

success in the future in order to get out of poverty. Filipino parents

often give their full support in every decision of their children

about what to achieve. Filipino parents are always backing up their

children’s decisions.

In addition to Daniela et al. (2013), education has ills today. The

involvement of families and parents is a critical factor in achieving

success. The extensive breakdown has invariably emphasized the lively

and damaging correlation between parental involvement and improved or

affected student academic performance. The San Pablo National High

School provides valuable insights into how parental participation and

support can contribute to their children’s success. By analyzing the

relationship between parental involvement and academic performance, we

can better understand how parents can significantly influence their

children’s educational journey.

Theoretical Framework

Due to the importance of education for each person, it is

crucial that parents take part in their children’s schooling.

Therefore, concepts that contribute to improving educational

effectiveness are necessary. In this regard, parental involvement

in schools is a viable way to improve the effectiveness of the

educational process. Student development theory aims to develop

new ideas and develop existing ideas to improve student

performance (Garvey et al., 2019). This covers a wide range of

issues, such as student relationships, accommodation, teaching,

relationships with teachers, cultural differences, equality, and

more. (Garvey et al., 2019). In this regard, parental involvement

can be emphasized within the theoretical framework of student

development. Specifically, this is another method to improve

student learning outcomes through parental involvement. This

involves increased control, increased communication, and the

ability to directly discuss the specifics of the learning

process. This theory is a kind of method that will help students

at San Pablo National High improve their ideas on academic,

social, socioeconomic, and critical thinking skills.

Conceptual Framework

This study aims to close this gap by examining the

relationship between parental involvement and academic

performance, identifying influencing factors, and determining the

magnitude of their impact. By fully understanding the dynamics of

parent engagement, educators, policymakers, and parents

themselves can collaborate to maximize students’ learning

potential, leading to positive outcomes and better overall

learning. Through this study, we hope to provide valuable

insights and evidence-based recommendations to increase parent

engagement in the educational journey of Grade 11 students.

Parental Involvement

Cultural Factors Parental

Academic Achievement

Figure 1.The Schematic Diagram of the Study

In this conceptual framework, parent involvement is central

and represents the main objective of the study. It is believed

that parental involvement has a direct impact on academic

achievement. Arrows indicate relationships and directions of

influence. Cultural factors are included as moderators,

influencing the relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance. It was hypothesized that the impact of

parental involvement on academic achievement may vary depending

on cultural factors within the context of San Pablo National High

School. Additionally, parental expectations were shown as a

mediator, reflecting the role of parental expectations in shaping

the relationship between parental involvement and academic

achievement. It is believed that parental expectations play an

important role in translating parental involvement into better

academic outcomes.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to evaluate the influence of parental

involvement on students’ academic achievement. Parental

participation has become increasingly significant in today’s

educational environment as a potential factor influencing

students’ achievement.

1. What is the respondent’s demographic profile on the

following indicators:

1:1 Gender

1:2 Sex

2. What are some reasons why parents may not provide their

children with complete support?

3. Is there a correlation between parental involvement and the

academic performance of students at SPNHS?

4. What are the factors that contribute to the impact of

parental involvement on students’ academic performance?

5. How does the level of parental involvement differ across

different student demographics, and what effect does this

have on their academic performance?

6. What are the long-term effects of sustained parental

involvement on students’ academic performance and overall

educational outcomes?


Ha. There is a relationship between parental involvement and

students academic achievement.

Significance of the Study

This study’s significance is to provide insights into the

relationship between parental involvement and academic

performance. This study can contribute to the existing body of

knowledge on the importance of parental involvement in education

and how it can positively impact the academic performance of

students. The findings of the study can also provide a basis for

the development of effective strategies for promoting parental

involvement and improving academic performance.

Beneficiaries of the study:

1. Parents – The study can benefit parents by helping them

understand the importance of their involvement in their

child’s education and how it can positively impact their

academic performance. The findings of the study can also

provide parents with insights into the most effective ways

of supporting their child’s education

2. Teachers – The study can benefit teachers by providing them

with insights into the factors that affect academic

performance and how parental involvement can positively

impact it. The study can also inform the development of

effective strategies for promoting parental involvement in

3. Students – The study can benefit students by improving their

academic performance and overall educational outcomes.

Increased parental involvement can provide students with

additional support, motivation, and resources to succeed in

their academic pursuits.

4. Educational institutions – The study can benefit

educational institutions by contributing to the development

of effective strategies for promoting parental involvement

and improving academic performance. The findings of the

study can also serve as a basis for further research and can

inform policy and practice in the field of education.

5. Future Researchers – The study can benefit the future

researchers through providing valuable insights, guide

future research, and contribute to the development of

effective strategies that promote academic success among

students at San Pablo National High School.

Scope and Limitation

This study will focus on the impact of parental involvement

on the academic performances of Grade 11 Students. This study

aimed to examine various aspects of parental involvement, such as

parents’ support, communication, and involvement in their

children’s education, and what factors How does this factor

affect student learning outcomes? It also aims to identify any

significant differences in academic achievement between students

with highly involved parents and those with less involved


The Researchers limited the study ”f 25 male and female of

students in the first semester of the school year 2023-2024 of

San Pablo National High School. The study will not include

students from other grade level and other schools. The study will

only involve the academic performance of students, socioeconomic

status. , personal motivation or quality of education. Research

may focus on measuring parent involvement through self-report

questionnaires, interviews, or observations and will not cover

other aspects such as social, emotional, and physical

development. It also not cover the impact of parental involvement

on students’ behavior and attitude towards learning. It does not

aim to investigate the parents’ background or demographics nor

establish causal relationships between parental involvement and

academic performance. Furthermore, the study does not address the

impact of other external factors, such as peer influence or

extracurricular activities, on the academic performance of Grade

11 students. It concentrates solely on exploring the relationship

between parental involvement and academic performance at San

Pablo National High School.

Definition of Terms
Academic: is used to characterize employment or educational

institutions that prioritize learning and analysis over practical

or technical expertise.

Achievement: The action of accomplishing a goal. anything that

someone has accomplished, often after significant work.

Academic Achievement: A student’s degree of accomplishment in

their academic endeavors, typically determined by their test

results, grades, and other performance metrics.

Evaluate: To determine the worth, caliber, or importance of

anything by using a set of rules or specifications.

Influence: is the capacity of an object or person to affect

another person’s ideas, attitudes, or behaviors.

Involvement: Participating actively or engaging in a specific

activity or organization.

Parental: Of or pertaining to parents or raising children.

Parental Involvement: is defined as a parent’s active involvement

in their child’s education and extracurricular activities.

Examples of this involvement include volunteering, attending

parent-teacher conferences, and offering homework assistance.

Students: People who are enrolled in a school, college, or

university with the intention of obtaining an education.

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