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1 Introduction to Science, Technology and Society

Definition of Terms
Science- the word came from the Latin "scientia," meaning "knowledge." It refers to the systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing knowledge about how the universe behaves
through observation, experimentation, or both.
According to famous American science historian, John Heilbron (2003), " Modern science is a discovery of regularity in nature, enough for natural phenomena to be described by principles and laws.
he also explained that science required invention to devise techniques, abstractions, apparatuses, and organizations to describe these natural regularities and their law-like descriptions.

Technology- it is the application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world problems. it came from the Greek
word techne, meaning 'art, skill, or cunning of hand.'
Society- is composed of a group of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
Wolpert (2005) made an interesting comparison between science and technology that is helpful in the study of their interaction with society, Wolpert explained that reliable scientific knowledge
has no moral or ethical value. It is meant simply to explain how nature and the universe work and that the obligation of the scientists, besides studying the nature of the universe, is to explain the
possible uses and applications of such scientific knowledge. Along this line, Wolpert made it clear that science is not the same as technology. Scientists are not responsible for the application of
knowledge in technology. He further explained that the very nature of science is that it is not possible to predict scientific discoveries and how these discoveries may be applied. While scientists are
not responsible for the reliable conduct of the scientific inquiry and its honest interpretation and dissemination, technological applications of science are influenced by other sectors such as
politics and governance, religion, and business.
Nowadays, advancements in science and technology have become pervasive. They are manifested in the activities that humans pursue and the tools they use every day. The beauty of this is that
an advancement builds upon itself. As such, humans today live more productive and more exciting lives than their predecessors.
However, the dynamism and immensity of scientific and technological progress also pose challenges and drawbacks to the way humans live. The introduction of machines tremendously cut the
need for the human workforce and gave rise to the question of whether machines will eventually replace humans. The invention of drugs that cured the previously incurable diseases introduced new
strains of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to the very same drugs that once fought them-take an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea as an example. The rise of social media drastically
changed the way humans communicate, interact, and share information; however, this tends to put people's privacy at risk. Indeed, science and technology have served a predominantly double-
edged function.
As problems in science and technology continue to rise and become more observable, the need to pay attention to their interactions with various aspects of human life, e.g. social, political, and
economic, becomes even more necessary. How the different aspects of society shape and influence the progression and further developments of science and technology in the area of
concern of a relatively new academic discipline called Science, Technology, and Society.
Science and Technology and Society is a relatively young field that previously independent and older disciplines, such as the history of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of
science. As an academic field, STS, according to Harvard University's Kennedy School (2018) traces its roots from the interwar period and the start of the cold war. It was during the period
when historians and scientists found interest in the interconnections of scientific knowledge, technological systems, and society. The rise of STS as an academic field resulted from the
recognition that many schools today do not really prepare students to respond critically, reflectively, and proactively to the challenges posed by science and technology in the contemporary world.

In summary, we had discussed the concepts of science, technology, and society. Also, we mentioned that STS applies methods from history, philosophy, and sociology to study the nature of
science and technology and ultimately judge their value and place in society. As an interdisciplinary field, the emergence of STS was a result of the question about science and technology's
dynamic interaction with various aspects of society and was thus viewed as a socially embedded enterprise, Thus, STS seeks to bridge the gap between traditionally exclusive cultures-
humanities and natural science-so that humans will be able to better confront the moral, ethical, and existential dilemmas brought about by the continued developments in science and technology.

1.1.1 Ethical Dilemmas

What is Dilemma?
It is a situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options neither of which is acceptable.

What are Ethical Dilemmas?

Ethical/Moral Dilemmas -are situations where persons, who are called "moral agents" in ethics, are forced to choose between two or more conflicting options, neither of which resolves the
situation in a morally acceptable manner.

Three Conditions that must be present in Moral Dilemmas

1. The person or agent of moral action is obliged to make a decision about which course of action is best.
2. There must be different courses of action to choose from.
3. No matter what course of action is taken, some moral principles are always compromised.

Ten Emerging Ethical Dilemmas

1. Helix- a digital app store designed to read genomes.

2. BlessU-2 Popper- first robot priest and monk
3. Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition- a software being developed to assess your reactions to anything such as shopping and playing games.
4. Ransomware- a way of holding data hostage through the backing and requiring a ransom to be paid.
5. Textalyzer- a device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or her phone during an accident.
6. Social Credit System- a system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them under constant surveillance.
7. Google Clips- a hands-free camera that lets the user capture every moment effortlessly.
8. Sentencing Software- a mysterious algorithm designed to and courts in sentencing decisions.
9. Friendbot- an app that stores the deceased's digital footprint so one can still chat with them.
10. Citizen App- an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific area.

Even though several items in the list sound unfamiliar to many, they can be a useful springboard in the study of science and technology. The list points to the ever-growing challenges, questions,
and issues that need to be addressed and resolved when science and technology, and humanity intertwine. However, methods of critiquing these emerging ethical dilemmas may come from similar
methods used in previous critiques of science and technology issues. For example, one can use methods used in critiquing the rise of clinical trials of gene therapy in the 1990s. Today's approach
to critiquing emerging science and technology issues, such as the ones listed above, may be influenced by how scientists and non-scientists evaluated the positive and negative purpose, one can
continue to specifically draw from the tenets of philosophy, and sociology in making informed and critical judgments of the ethical and moral values of these innovations in science and technology.

In modern times, there are different technological advancements in all forms and sizes may it be inside the home, the workplace, the learning place, or simply on the streets. It is not completely
impossible for a person in the world to own at least one technological device. However, despite its usefulness and beneficial characteristics, there are still problems faced by technological
advancement. To be more specific, these problems are ethical in nature that involve not only the machine but also mankind. It is not impossible for technology and humanity to cross paths because
as one would argue, technology has become a necessity for people. At the end of the day, ethics should still be enforced in the field of technology so as ensure the safety and morality of these
technologies to people.
1.1.2 Social Implications of Dilemmas
What is Social Implication?
The social implications of an event or action are the results, on society or part of society, of the event or the action. The idea of social implications can also be extended to a law or a policy, that is, a planned set
of repeated actions.

For further information on the topic, I would like you to first click the link below on " Emerging Ethical Dilemmas in Science and Technology and Their Implications."
LinkLinks to an external site.
The link enumerates examples of dilemmas and their social implications.

1. Personalized genetic tests/personalized medicine

Within the last 10 years, the creation of fast, low-cost genetic sequencing has given the public direct access to genome sequencing and analysis, with little or no guidance from physicians or genetic
counselors on how to process the information. What are the potential privacy issues, and how do we protect this very personal and private information? Are we headed toward a new era of
therapeutic intervention to increase the quality of life or a new era of eugenics?

2. Hacking into medical devices

Implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers, are susceptible to hackers. Barnaby Jack, of security vendor IOActive, recently demonstrated the vulnerability of a pacemaker by breaching the
security of the wireless device from his laptop and reprogramming it to deliver an 830-volt shock. How do we make sure these devices are secure?

3. Driverless Zipcars

In three states -- Nevada, Florida, and California -- it is now legal for Google to operate its driverless cars. Google's goal is to create a fully automated vehicle that is safer and more effective than a
human-operated vehicle, and the company plans to marry this idea with the concept of the Zipcar. The ethics of automation and equality of access for people of different income levels are just a
taste of the difficult ethical, legal, and policy questions that will need to be addressed.

4. 3-D printing

Scientists are attempting to use 3-D printing to create everything from architectural models to human organs, but we could be looking at a future in which we can print personalized pharmaceuticals
or home-printed guns and explosives. For now, 3-D printing is largely the realm of artists and designers, but we can easily envision a future in which 3-D printers are affordable and patterns abound
for products both benign and malicious, and that cut out the manufacturing sector completely.

5. Adaptation to climate change

The differential susceptibility of people around the world to climate change warrants an ethical discussion. We need to identify effective and safe ways to help people deal with the effects of climate
change, as well as learn to manage and manipulate wild species and nature in order to preserve biodiversity. Some of these adaptation strategies might be highly technical (e.g. building sea walls to
stem off sea-level rise), but others are social and cultural (e.g., changing agricultural practices).

6. Low-quality and counterfeit pharmaceuticals

Until recently, detecting low-quality and counterfeit pharmaceuticals required access to complex testing equipment, often unavailable in developing countries where these problems abound. The
enormous amount of trade in pharmaceutical intermediaries and active ingredients raise a number of issues, from the technical (improvement in manufacturing practices and analytical capabilities)
to the ethical and legal (for example, India ruled in favor of manufacturing life-saving drugs, even if it violates U.S. patent law).

7. Autonomous systems
Machines (both for peaceful purposes and for warfighting) are increasingly evolving from human-controlled to automated, to autonomous, with the ability to act on their own without human input. As
these systems operate without human control and are designed to function and make decisions on their own, the ethical, legal, social and policy implications have grown exponentially. Who is
responsible for the actions undertaken by autonomous systems? If robotic technology can potentially reduce the number of human fatalities, is it the responsibility of scientists to design these

8. Human-animal hybrids (chimeras)

So far scientists have kept human-animal hybrids on the cellular level. According to some, even more, modest experiments involving animal embryos and human stem cells violate human dignity
and blur the line between species. Is interspecies research the next frontier in understanding humanity and curing disease, or a slippery slope, rife with ethical dilemmas, toward creating new

9. Ensuring access to wireless and spectrum

Mobile wireless connectivity is having a profound effect on society in both developed and developing countries. These technologies are completely transforming how we communicate, conduct
business, learn, form relationships, navigate, and entertain ourselves. At the same time, government agencies increasingly rely on the radio spectrum for their critical missions. This confluence of
wireless technology developments and societal needs presents numerous challenges and opportunities for making the most effective use of the radio spectrum. We now need to have a policy
conversation about how to make the most effective use of the precious radio spectrum, and to close the digital access divide for underserved (rural, low-income, developing areas) populations.

10. Data collection and privacy

How often do we consider the massive amounts of data we give to commercial entities when we use social media, store discount cards, or order goods via the Internet? Now that microprocessors
and permanent memory are inexpensive technology, we need to think about the kinds of information that should be collected and retained. Should we create a diabetic insulin implant that could
notify your doctor or insurance company when you make poor diet choices, and should that decision make you ineligible for certain types of medical treatment? Should cars be equipped to monitor
speed and other measures of good driving, and should this data be subpoenaed by authorities following a crash? These issues require appropriate policy discussions in order to bridge the gap
between data collection and meaningful outcomes.

11. Human enhancements

Pharmaceutical, surgical, mechanical, and neurological enhancements are already available for therapeutic purposes. But these same enhancements can be used to magnify human biological
function beyond the societal norm. Where do we draw the line between therapy and enhancement? How do we justify enhancing human bodies when so many individuals still lack access to basic
therapeutic medicine?

Technologies are indeed an inevitable part of one's life, society, and other stakeholders. It makes life easier and more convenient than ever before. It can clearly be seen from the simplest task at
home to the most complicated ones inside the office or laboratory. As time progresses, technology keeps also on progressing resulting in more complicated advancements and discoveries in
science and technology. However, it is essential to note that anything too much is bad. The same problem is faced by technology. Although it has been very helpful to people, various social
implications have been considered that needs to be addressed by the stakeholders in order to safeguard the life of individuals as well as society.

1. 2 Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology

One of the key interests of STS as an academic field is the history of science and technology. As a strand of STS, the history of science and technology focuses on how science and technology
have changed across time. Also, it explores the impacts of scientific and technological innovations on the prevailing social, cultural, political, and economic contexts throughout history.
Conversely, it also pays attention to the conditions that shaped science and technology. Quite often, interests lie in historical antecedents of scientific and technological innovations.
What is Antecedent?
Antecedent- it is defined as a precursor to the unfolding or existence of something.
Thus, historical antecedents in science and technology are factors that paved the way for the presence of advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations today.
Knowledge of the history of science and technology in use in appraising these innovations today. By understanding how previous generations influenced and were influenced can come up with
informed decisions on the proper application of science and technology to daily life.

1.2.1 Ancient
Some Inventions During Ancient Times

1. Ancient Wheel- People from ancient civilizations used animals for transportation long before the invention of the wheel. No one knows who exactly invented the wheel and when. There is, however, a general
agreement that the ancient wheel grew out of a mechanical device called the potter's wheel- a heavy flat disk made up of hardened clay that was spun horizontally on an axis. The invention of the wheel is often
credited to the Sumerians since no other ancient civilization used a similar device at the time. Today, cars, carts, bicycles, and trucks are just some of the many offshoots of the wheels invented by the Sumerians.

2. Paper- Roughly around 3000 B.C., the ancient Egyptians began writing on papyrus, a material similar to thick paper. Papyrus is made from the pith of the papyrus plant cyperus papyrus. It is lightweight, strong,
durable, and portable. Before the Egyptians invented the papyrus, writing was done on stone. With the advent of the papyrus, documentation, and record-keeping become efficient, widespread, and vast.
Through its use, information dissemination became exponentially faster. records were kept and stood the test of time.
3. Shadoof- The shadoof was an early tool invented and used by Egyptians to irrigate the land. It is a hand-operated device used for lifting water. Its invention introduced the idea of lifting things using
counterweights. Because of this invention, irrigation and farming became much more efficient. The shadoof is also believed to be an ancient precursor of more sophisticated irrigation tools. Please click the video
to watch how the shadoof is being made and used.

4. Antikythera Mechanism- Even before the invention of the antecedents of the modern computer, the Greeks had already invented the ancient world's analog computer orrery. Discovered in 1902 and retrieved
from the waters of Antikythera, Greece. Antikythera mechanism is similar to a mantel clock and it is known as the antecedent of modern clockwork.
5. Aeolipile- Also known as the Hero's engine, the aeolipile is widely believed to be the ancient precursor of the steam engine. It is a steam-powered turbine that spun when the water container at its center was
heated, thus making it practically the first rudimentary steam engine.
In summary, we have mentioned that ancient people were concerned with transportation, navigation, communication, record-keeping, mass production, security, and protection, as well as health,
and architecture. They continuously invented new things because of their desire to raise the quality of life and because of their inventions, people of today are enjoying the offshoots of their
discoveries and inventions such as the wheel, paper, shadoof, Antikythera, and an aeolipile.

1.2. 2 Medieval
Some Inventions During the Medieval Times

1. Heavy Plow- This is one of the most important technological innovations during the middle ages. The heavy plow turned European agriculture and economy on its head. Clay soil, despite its being more fertile
than the lighter types of soil, was not cultivated because of its heavyweight. However, through the invention of the plow, it became possible to harness clay soil. Professor Thomas Bernebeck Andersen of the
University of Southern Denmark succinctly describes the impact of the invention of the heavy plow: "The heavy plow turned the European agriculture and economy on its head. Suddenly, the field with the
heavy, fatty, and moist clay soil became those that gave the greatest yields." Because of this, Europe, particularly its northern territories, saw rapid economic prosperity. the heavy plow stirred an agricultural
revolution in Northern Europe marked by higher and healthier agricultural yields.

2. Gunpowder- Around 850 A.D., Chinese civilization's alchemists accidentally invented black powder or gunpowder. Multiple accounts suggest that the gunpowder might have been an unintended byproduct of
attempts made by the Chinese to invent the exilir of life, which is why the Chinese called it huoyao or translated as "fire potion." Prior to the invention of gunpowder, swords and spears were used in battles and
wars. Towards the end of the 13th century, explosive invention crept into most parts of Europe and Asia. Since its invention, gunpowder has allowed for more advanced warfare. from fiery arrows to cannons
and grenades, gunpowder has prompted the foundation for the functionality of almost every new weapon used in war since its invention. It ushered in an unprecedented advancement in warfare and
combat throughout the Middle Ages.
3. Paper Money- Although it was not until the 17th century that banknotes began to be used in Europe, the first known versions of paper money could be traced back to the Chinese in the 17th century AD as
an offshoot of the invention of block printing, which is similar to stamping. Before the introduction of paper money, precious metals, such as gold and silver were used as currency. However, the idea of
assigning value to a marked piece of paper did not immediately become popular. in fact, when the Mongols attempted to introduce paper money into the Middle East market in the 13th century, it did not gain
immediate success. Nonetheless, traders and merchants eventually realized the huge advantage of using paper money because it was easier to transport around compared to the previous forms of currency.

4. Mechanical Clock- Although devices for timekeeping and recording sprung from ancient times, such as the Antikythera mechanism, it was not until the middle ages that clockwork technology was developed.
The development of mechanical clocks paved the way for accurately keeping track the time.
5. Spinning Wheel- A machine used for transforming fiber into thread or yarn and eventually woven into cloth on a loom. Please click the link to watch the video about the Spinning Wheel of India. The Spinning
Wheel encouraged the development of the industry of fabrics, clothes, and related products.

6. Printing Press- After the Chinese developed woodblock printing, Johann Guttenberg was able to invent the printing press, a more reliable way of printing using a cast type. He utilized wooden machines that
extracted juices from fruits, attached to them a metal impression of the letters, and pressed firmly the cast metal into a piece of paper, which then made an exact impression on paper. This general invention soon
evolved to be a mechanical printing press which was eventually used all over the world.
In summary, the following inventions were significant during the medieval period: gunpowder, the printing press, the heavy plow, paper money, the mechanical clock, and the spinning wheel. These inventions had a
wide range of effects on people's lives including economic, social, political, and cultural.

1. 2. 3 Modern
1. Compound Microscope- A Dutch spectacle maker named Zacharias Jansen is credited for the invention of the first compound microscope in 1590. Together with his father Hans, Zacharias began
experimenting with lenses by putting together several lenses on a tube. This led to an amazing discovery that an object, when placed near the end of the tube, can be magnified far larger than what a simple
magnifying lens can do. Jansen's compound microscope was an important progression from a single lens microscope. It was capable of magnifying objects three times their size when fully closed and up to ten
times when extended to the maximum. Today, the compound microscope is an important instrument in many scientific studies, such as in the areas of medicine, forensic studies, tissue analysis, atomic studies,
and genetics.
2. Telescope- Perhaps the single, most important technological invention in the study of astronomy during the Modern Ages was the practical telescope invented by Galileo Galilei. This invention could magnify
objects 20 times larger than the Dutch perspective glasses. It was Galileo who first used the telescope skyward and made important astronomical discoveries, and identified the presence of craters and mountains
in the moon. Galileo's remarkable technological contribution drastically changed the study of astronomy. For the first time, it became clear that the universe is far larger than previously imagined and the earth far
smaller compared to the entire universe.

3. Jacquard Loom- As the industrial Revolution reached full speed, the Jacquard loom was considered as one of the most critical drivers of the revolution. Built by French weaver Joseph Maxie Jacquard, the
Jacquard loom simplifies textile manufacturing. Built by French weaver Joseph Maxie Jacquard, the Jacquard loom simplifies textile manufacturing. Prior to the invention of the Jacquard loom, a drawloom was
used which required two individuals to operate- the weaver and a "drawboy"- if figured on textiles were needed. As such, intensified manual labor and greater effort had to be exerted to produce complex designs.
In 1801, Jacquard demonstrated the ingenuity of his version of a loom in which a series of cards with punch holes automatically created complex textile designs and made mass production easier. The Jacquard
loom is also an important antecedent of modern computer technology as it demonstrated the use of punched cards to instruct a machine to carry out complex tasks. For further information on a Jacquard loom,
please click the link to watch the video.

Jacquard loomLinks to an external site.

4. Engine- Powered Airplane- Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright are credited for designing and successfully operating the first engine-powered aircraft. The Wright brothers approached the design of powered
aircraft and flight scientifically. Orville and Wilbur proved the air crafts could fly without airfoil-shaped wings. Their pioneering success marked an age of powered flights. Sans modern knowledge on aerodynamics
and a comprehensive understanding of the working of the aircraft wings, the Wright brothers were brilliant scientists who paved the way for modern aircraft technology.
5. Television- The Scottish engineer John Logie Baird is largely credited for the invention of modern television. Baird successfully televised objects in outline in 1924, recognizable human faces in 1925, and moving
objects in 1926, and projected colored images in 1928. Baird's television technology caught on really swiftly. In fact, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) used this for its earliest television programming in
1929. Despite being the first television invented. Baird's television was later on criticized for its fuzzy and flickering images, primarily because it was mechanical compared to electronic versions that were
developed much later.

In summary, several inventions were made during modern times such as the compound microscope, telescope, Jacquard loom, engine-powered airplane, and televisions. These inventions had
contributed much to the development of more sophisticated inventions today.

1. 2. 4 Philippine Technologies and Inventions

Please be ready to share your ideas about the various Filipino inventions.
1. Gregoria Zara- He invented the first videophone. A native of Lipa, Batangas and enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, and graduated with a degree in BS in
Mechanical Engineering in 1926. The two-way televisions or videophones 1955 were patented as a "photophone signal separator network."
2. Agapito Flores- He invented the fluorescent lamp, which is the most widely used source of lighting in the world today. The fluorescent lamp reportedly got its name from Flores. The fluorescent lamp, however,
was not invented in a particular year. it was the product of 79 years of the development of the lighting method that began with the invention of the electric bulb by Thomas Edison.
3. Daniel Dingel- He invented the water-powered car. Daniel Dingel started working on a water-powered car and prototype in 1969. His hydrogen reactor uses electricity from a 12-volt car battery to transform
ordinary tap water with salt into deuterium oxide or heavy water. However, Dingel's car has never been patented and commercialized because of what he suspects is an anti-Dngel car conspiracy by multinational
4. Eduardo San Juan- He invented Lunar Rover. Eduardo San Juan's invention is known as the Moon Buggy. The Moon Buggy was the car used by Neil Armstrong and other astronauts when they first explored
the moon in 1969. He worked for Lockheed Corporation and conceptualized the design of the Moon Buggy that the Apollo astronauts used while on the moon. As a NASA engineer, San Juan reportedly used
his Filipino ingenuity to build a vehicle that would run outside the Earth's atmosphere. he constructed its model using homemade materials. However, San Juan was not listed as the inventor of the Moon Buggy in
American Scientific journals, instead, it was attributed to a Polish inventor.
5. Diosdado Banatao- He invented the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Banatao is known for introducing the first single-chip graphical user interface accelerator that made computers work a lot faster and for
helping develop the Ethernet controller chip that made the internet possible. In 1989, he pioneered the local bus concept for personal computers and in the following year developed the first Windows
accelerator chip. Intel is now using the chips and technologies developed by Banatao.
6. Angel Alcala- He invented the artificial coral reefs. This was used for fisheries in Southeast Asia.
7. Roberto del Rosario- He invented karaoke in 1975. Roberto del Rosario developed a sing-along system in 1975 and was patented in the 1980s called his sing-along system "Minus-One," now holds the
patent for the device now commonly known as the" karaoke machine."
8. Juan Salcedo Jr. -He developed the" Enriched Rice," a variety of rice fortified with vitamins B1, which helps prevent beriberi. His discovery helped in the prevention and reduction of beriberi in the
Philippines and in other countries.

Other Inventions by Filipino Scientists

The Philippines boasts of its own history and tradition of scientific and technological innovations. Filipinos have long been known for their ingenuity. As with all inventions, necessity has always
been the mother of Philippine inventions. Most of the inventions appealed to the unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation. Throughout Philippine history, Filipinos are
responsible for developing many scientific and technological innovations focused on navigation, traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques, and even cultural
inventions. The following are some of the most important inventions by Filipino scientists.

1. Electronic Jeepney (e-jeepney)- The jeepney is perhaps one of the most recognizable national symbols of the Philipines and the most popular mode of transportation in the country. It is also perhaps one of the
most enduring symbols of Filipino ingenuity. Jeepneys were designed and improvised from scratch out of military jeeps that the Americans left in the country after WW II.
2. Erythromycin- One of the most important medical inventions is Erythromycin. The Ilonggo scientist Abelardo Aguilar invented the antibiotic out of the strain of bacterium called Streptomyces erythreus, from
which this drug derived its name.
3. Medical Incubator- World-renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is called for the invention of the incubator and jaundice relieving device. Del Mundo was the first woman
pediatrician to be admitted to the prestigious Harvard University School of Medicine. Del Mundo's incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no
electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn babies.
4. Mole Remover- In 2000, a local invention that had the ability to easily remove moles and warts on the skin without the need for any surgical procedure shot to fame. Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the
invention of a local mole remover that made use of extracts of cashew nuts, which are very common in the Philippines.
5. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist, Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of banana ketchup, a variety of ketchup different from the commonly known tomato.

In conclusion, the birth of more Filipino scientists began in the twenty-first century as a result of their important contributions to science, technology, physics, marine science, agriculture, chemistry,
engineering, and mathematics. Whether they are working overseas or in the Philippines, these Filipino scientists consistently perform well. The Filipino spirit remained in their hearts and minds
throughout their lives. They continue to uphold the country's honor. They create remarkable things out of commonplace stuff. Despite the restricted resources available in our nation, they are always
on the level of other scientists. Indeed, this demonstrates the Filipinos' creativity, inventiveness, and resourcefulness.
2.1 Intellectual Revolutions and Society
Welcome to another topic. This time we will be focusing on the contributions of some of the intellectual revolutionists. To begin with, let us be guided by our intended learning outcomes.

2.1.1 Copernicus
Intellectual Revolution
The intellectual revolution changed the way people perceive the influence of science on society in general. It focuses on three of the most important intellectual revolutions in history: Copernican,
Darwinian, and Freudian. By discussing these intellectual revolutions in the context of science, technology, and society, the attention of students is drawn again toward the complex interplay of the
various social contexts and the development of modern science.
Now, let us proceed to the three prominent scientists who contributed to the field of science and technology.

The picture above is Nicolaus Copernicus, one of the three famous scientists. He postulated a model, known as the "heliocentric model." To give you a little background about the biography of

Copernicus and his model, please click the video below. LinkLinks to an external site.
The Copernican Revolution
The Copernican Revolution refers to the 16th-century paradigm shift named after the Polish mathematician and astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of
the universe. At the time, the belief was that the earth was the center of the solar system based on the geocentric model of Ptolemy.
Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model in a 40-page outline entitled Commentariolus. He formalized his model in the publication of his treatise, The Revolution of Celestial Spheres in
1543. In his model, Copernicus repositioned the earth from the center of the Solar System and introduced the idea that the earth rotates on its own axis. The model illustrated the earth, along with
the other heavenly bodies, to be rotating around the sun.
The idea that the sun is at the center of the universe instead of the earth proved to be unsettling to many when Copernicus first introduced his model. In fact, the heliocentric model was met
with huge resistance, primarily from the church, accusing Copernicus of heresy. At the time, the idea that it was not the earth, and, by extension, not man, that was at the center of all creation was
unthinkable. Copernicus faced persecution from the church because of this. However, despite the persecution and the problems with the model, the heliocentric model was soon accepted by other
scientists of the time, most profoundly by Galileo Galilei.
The contribution of the Copernican Revolution is far-reaching. It served as a catalyst to sway scientific thinking away from age-long views about the position of the earth relative to the position
to an enlightened understanding of the universe. This marked the beginning of modern astronomy. Although very slowly, the heliocentric model eventually caught on among other astronomers who
further refined the model and contributed to the recognition of heliocentrism. This was capped off by Isaac Newton's work a century later. Thus, the Copernican Revolution marked a turning point in
the study of cosmology and astronomy making it a truly important intellectual revolution. Below is the Copernicus Theory.
As you can see from the image, the sun is at the center of the solar system instead of the earth as postulated by Ptolemy.

In summary, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric hypothesis. The planets orbit the Sun, according to this concept; Earth is a planet that, in addition to circling the Sun yearly,
also rotates once daily on its own axis; and the precession of the equinoxes is caused by extremely gradual changes in the direction of this axis.

Charles Darwin
Famous for his theory of evolution, which posited that populations pass through a process of natural selection in which only the fittest would survive. He published his book The Origin of Species in
1589. His book presented evidence of how species evolved over time and presented traits and adaptations that differentiate species.
In his book The Descent of Man, he introduced the idea of all organic life, including human beings, under the realm of evolutionary thinking. His unorthodox way of pursuing science gave
more value to evidence-based science. It is a science marked by observation and experiment.
The above picture shows how the natural selection process transpired. Charles Darwin sets out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation.

In summary, the mechanism that Darwin proposed for evolution is natural selection. Because resources are limited in nature, organisms with heritable traits that favor survival and reproduction will tend to leave more
offspring than their peers, causing the traits to increase in frequency over generations

2.2. 3 Freud
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is known for his school of thought known as "Psychoanalysis." This school of thought is a scientific method of understanding inner and unconscious conflicts embedded
within one's personality, springing from free associations, dreams, and fantasies of the individual. Below is Freud's comparison of the mind to an iceberg.
Psychoanalysis immediately shot into controversy for it emphasized the existence of the unconscious where feelings, thoughts, urges, emotions, and memories are contained outside of one's
conscious mind. Psychoanalytic concepts of psychosexual development, libido, and ego were met with both support and resistance from many scholars. Freud suggested that humans are
inherently pleasure-seeking individuals. These notions were particularly caught in the crossfire of whether Freud's psychoanalysis fit in the study of the brain and mind.
Scientists working on biological approaches to studying human behavior criticized psychoanalysis for lack of validity and bordering on being scientific as a theory. Particularly, the notion that all
humans are destined to exhibit Oedipus and Electra complexes (the sexual desire towards the parent of the opposite sex and exclusions of the parent of the same sex) did not seem to be supported
by empirical data. In the same way, it appeared to critics that psychoanalysis, then, was more of an ideological stance than a scientific one.
Amidst controversy, Freud's psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating psychotherapeutic practice in the early 20th century.
For further information on psychoanalytic theory, please click the video below.

The video explains Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. He discussed the three mental structures of the mind which are the id, ego, and superego. These three structures are continuously in conflict
with one another. Also, he mentioned the stages of psychosexual development of individuals. The first is the oral stage where the child gets its satisfaction from the mouth; the second is the anal
stage, the child undergoes toilet training; the third stage is the phallic stage where the child develops complexes, the Electra complex (the girl is attracted to the father) and the Oedipal complex ( the
young boy is attracted to the mother); the fourth stage is the latency stage where the child's focus is on education or learning, and the last stage is the genital stage where there is a recurrence of
the sex organs as the source of satisfaction.

In summary, Sigmund Freud's contribution to the area of science is his "Psychoanalysis" school of thinking. He proposed that numerous conscious and unconscious variables impact behavior and
emotions, and that personality is the result of three opposing elements: the id, ego, and superego. Despite the fact that his school of thinking was widely condemned, psychodynamic treatments,
which treat a wide range of psychological problems, are still heavily influenced by Freud's work on psychoanalysis.
Also, we may deduce that the three revolutionary theories are just a few of the numerous scientific concepts that have shaped and altered civilizations and beliefs. The shifts in the scientific
community's and the public's viewpoints and perceptions are proof of science and technology's connection to mankind. Through scientific research and experimentation, people will continue to
deepen their understanding of the world and the universe.

2.2 Science and Technologies in Various Periods

Role of Science and Technology in Nation Building
The development of science and technology in the Philippines has already come a long way. Many significant inventions and discoveries have been accomplished by or attributed to Filipinos. The
following time periods show the development of science and technology in the world:

• Pre-Colonial Period
• Colonial Period
• Post-Colonial Period

Pre-Colonial Period
Scientific and technological development in the Philippines began in the pre-colonial period. Even before the Spaniards came to the Philippine islands, early Filipino settlers were already using
certain plants and herbs as medicines. Systems of farming and animal raising were also implemented. Moreover, early Filipinos had also developed different modes of transportation, whether
terrestrial or maritime.
A complicated engineering feat was achieved by the natives of the Cordilleras when they built rice terraces by hand. Through these terraces, the people were able to cultivate crops on the
mountainsides in cold temperatures. They incorporated an irrigation system that uses water from the forests and mountain tops to achieve an elaborate fishing system. The rice terraces of the
Cordilleras, which are still functional, show the innovative and ingenious way of the natives to survive in an otherwise unfriendly environment.
Colonial Period
Colonization by the Spaniards provided the Philippines with modern means of construction. Walls, roads, bridges, and other large infrastructures were built using some of the engineering skills and
tools brought by the Spaniards. In addition, the Spanish government developed health and education systems that were enjoyed by the principalia class.
The American occupation modernized almost all aspects of life in the Philippines. They established a government agency, the Bureau of Science, for the sole purpose of nurturing development in
the field of science and technology.

Post-Colonial Period
After achieving independence from the colonizers, the Philippines, under different administrations, continued to pursue programs in science and technology. Each leadership had its own science
and technology agenda.
Pres. Ferdinand Marcos

One of the presidents who ushered in advancements in science and technology was the former president and dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
A milestone in Science and Technology

• He mandated the Department of Education and Culture (DECS) to promote science and technology courses in public schools.
• He established the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
• Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) in place of the abolished Weather Bureau;
• Agencies and organizations
o Philippines Coconut Research Institute (PHILCORIN),
o Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI),
o Philippines Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)/Philippine Nuclear Institute (PNI),
o National Grain Authority(PGA) /National Food Authority (NFA),
o Philippine Council for Agricultural Research (PCAR) /Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources and Development) (PCAANRD)
o Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC),
o Plant Breeding Institute (PBI),
o International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
o Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI),
o Bureau of Forest Products (BFP), and
o National Committee on Geological Sciences (NCGS)

Pres. Corazon Aquino

A milestone in Science and Technology

• National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) was renamed to Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
o DOST aimed to update the production sector, improve research activities and develop infrastructures.

Pres. Fidel Ramos

A milestone in Science and Technology

• Competent scientists and engineers increased to approx. 3,000.

• Doctors to barrio program
• National program for gifted Filipino children in science and technology.
• Laws and Statutes
o RA 8439 -Magna Carta for Scientist Engineers, Researchers, and other personnel in government.
o RA 7687 - Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994
o RA7459 - Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act
o RA 8293 - The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.

Pres. Joseph Estrada

A milestone in Science and Technology

• He mandated and implemented the following Laws:

o RA 8749 - The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
o RA 8792 - Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
• He implemented cost-effective irrigation technologies and provided basic health care services.

Pres. Gloria M. Arroyo

A milestone in Science and Technology

• Filipinovation - the Philippines as an innovation hub in Asia

o Laws
 RA 9367 - Biofuel Act
 RA 10601 - Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMECH)

Pres. Benigno Aquino III

A milestone in Science and Technology
• Philippine Space Technology Program launched Diwata-1 in 2016
• New scientists were acknowledge
o Gavino C. Trono
o Angel C. Alcala
o Ramon C. Barba
o Edgardo D. Gomez

Pres. Rodrigo Duterte

A milestone in Science and Technology

• Budget research and development (R&D) increased six times over the same period.
• Give importance to agriculture and disaster preparedness.
• Philippine Space Technology Program launched Diwata-2 in 2018
• Build, Build, Build Project

In order to understand this topic, here are the following discussion points to remember:
The Role of Science and Technology in Nation Building described how science and technology developed in the Philippines, as well as how many major innovations and discoveries were made by
or ascribed to Filipinos. The world's progress in science and technology may be seen in the following time periods:

• Pre-Colonial Period
• Colonial Period
• Post-Colonial Period

3.1 Human Flourishing

Good day everyone!
The concept of technology was controversial in the field of philosophy. Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, problematized how a human person relates to technology. He investigated
the meaning of technology in ancient and modern times. Moving on, you will also learn the essence of technology, technology as a way of revealing, the problem and dangers of modern technology,
art as the saving power and questioning thought. To further understand technology from the philosophical perspectives, you will get to know Martin Heidegger who wrote a philosophical treatise on

3.1.1 The Essence of Technology

The Greek concept of the essence of technology was investigated by Martin Heidegger. The meaning of technology for the Greeks was assumed to be part of our everyday life. To clarify further,
the term technology was defined into two categories.

1. Technology is a means to an end.

2. Technology is a human activity.

The first definition treated technology as an instrument to achieve a purpose or end. For example, student A bought a laptop and smartphone to be used for online learning since students
were not allowed to attend a face to face learning. Laptops and smartphones are instruments for the student to achieve his/her purpose which is to participate in online learning.
The second definition pointed out that technology is part of our daily activities of the human person which is to invent technology such as gadgets for online learning, protective equipment
to fight COVID-19, agricultural machines to produce foods and etc.
The two definitions of technology are interconnected with each other in such a way that the outcomes of human activities are meant to serve their purpose. However, this definition of
technology became problematic when technology does not serve its purpose (essence). For example, imagine that COVID-19 will die naturally. You might think that those PPEs and gadgets for
learning are meaningless because the purpose is not being served. The revival of face-to-face learning will make a gadget for online learning less significant in the traditional classroom.

3.1. 2 The Problems on Modern Technology

The Greek definition of technology as a human activity designed for a specific purpose was restructured in modern times. Technology in the modern era was reduced to calculative thinking that
controls nature. For instance, the invention of the telescope, the steam machine, and other devices were used to master nature. In the mastery of nature, we used technology to manipulate things
around us. To see a clear picture, Heidegger provided three revelations on modern technology as challenging forth, enframing and dangerous;

Modern Technology as Challenging Forth

Heidegger claimed that ancient and modern technology are revealing. However, modern technology is revealing not in the sense of bringing forth but rather challenging nature. Modern
technology challenges nature through extracting, transforming, storing, and distributing it. Challenging forth reduced nature as standing 'reserve' or something to be disposed of by the people. For
example, people exploited the natural resources without minding the negative effects on the ecology, the modernization of extracting gold, coal, and petroleum from the ground compromised the
bodies of water, using of synthetic dyes and artificial flavoring jeopardize human health, and the use of chemicals in the agriculture poses threat to food safety and health security.
Links to an external site.Links to an external site.
Modern Technology as Enframing
According to Martin Heidegger, modern technology is enframing. The term 'enframing' derives from the word 'frame' which means putting something into a box. This metaphorical term of
Heidegger connotes that modern technology put nature into a box through scientific knowledge. Enframing, according to Heidegger, is akin to two ways of looking at the world; calculative thinking
and meditative thinking. Humans put an order to nature and control it through calculative thinking.

The Dangers of Technology

Heidegger at this point is critical to the dangers of modern technology by pointing out its defects as enframing nature, challenging forth, treat nature as a standing reserve. In this case, modern
technology deviated from the essential notion of technology and revealing or poiesis. Heidegger sees this as a danger to humanity.
Recognizing the dangers of technology requires critical and reflective thinking on its use. For example, social media has indeed connected people in the most efficient and convenient way but it
is prone to abuse such as the invasion of privacy, online disinhibition, and proliferation of fake news.
The real threat of technology comes from its essence, not its activities or products. The correct response to the danger of technology is not simply dismissing technology altogether. Heidegger
explained that people are delivered over to technology in the worst possible way when they regard it as something neutral (Heidegger, 1997).

3.2 Good Life

This topic will introduce you to one of the ancient philosophers who answered the question 'what is the good life? Although this question is a universal concern among the Greeks, Aristotle, a
keen observer of nature and systematic philosopher, provided us with an option on how to achieve a good life.
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the discussion, you are expected to

1. differentiate instrumental good from intrinsic good;

2. share their own perspective about the good life; and
3. write a short insight on how to achieve a good life amidst the development of science and technology.

A brief overview of Aristotle's Life
Aristotle, who lived from 384 - 322 BC, is probably the most important ancient Greek philosopher and scientist. He was a student of Plato and founded a school named Lyceum. In his own
school, Aristotle's students compiled their lecture notes and came up with a book entitled Nichomachean Ethics. This Nichomachean Ethics, dedicated to his son Nichomachus, became a
foundation of Aristotle's ethics composed of ten books.

What is a good life?

The term 'good life is one of the concerns of Greek thinkers like Aristotle. In the Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle says that every action aims at some good. Some goods are classified as
instrumental or intrinsic. The instrumental good is a means to achieve something else while intrinsic good is good in itself or ultimate good (Eudaimonia or human flourishing/happiness). At this
point, Aristotle is suggesting that if we want to live a good life then we must develop intellectual and moral virtues.

Eudaimonia is a Greek word that means human flourishing or happiness. Eudaimonia as ultimate good is the final end of our action. However, Aristotle categorized well into different aspects;
instrumental good and intrinsic good. Instrumental good aims at something else while intrinsic good is the final end or good in itself. For example, enrolling in this course is good because you will
learn something and get a grade at the end of the day. Why do you want a grade? because I want to get a college degree. Why do you want to get a degree? to secure a job. As you push the
question, you will end up in the final end which is the eudaimonia. So studying in college is instrumental good if it helps you to achieve happiness. On the other hand, studying in college is intrinsic
good if you are happy with what you are doing right now. Sometimes, there are people who wrongly assumed bodily pleasure or wealth, fame, and honor as eudaimonia. This assumption is wrong
because eudaimonia is exclusive only to a human being who exercises the faculty of reason.

Human Person
The table above reflects Aristotle's concept of the human soul and its hierarchy of functions and activities. The soul was divided into three; rational, sensitive, and nutritive. The rational part of the
soul is the ability of a human person to think either based on theoretical or practical knowledge. Aristotle formulated the principle of 'man as a rational animal' to achieve eudaimonia/happiness.
Achieving eudaimonia/happiness is possible only when a human person learns to identify and choose the mean of their action between excess and deficiency. By doing this, we can moderate our
actions to achieve the ultimate good or virtuous action. For example, integrating advanced technology into human activities aided workers to produce outputs faster and easier. Almost everything is
run by machines. But, too much dependent on machines has negative effects on human well-being. However, those societies that never upgrade their technology were left behind in the fast-
changing industrial revolution and considered backward societies. Between the two extremes of actions, a rational animal who aims to reach eudaimonia should choose the mean of action of the
advanced technocratic society and backward society. Aristotle's method can be applied to the action of generosity, courage, anger and etc. to make them virtuous.

Arete is one of the significant concepts of Aristotle in achieving a good life/Eudaimonia or happiness. Arete is a Greek term that means 'excellence of any kind in terms of intellectual and moral
virtues. Intellectual virtue is achieved through education and experience. On the other hand, moral virtue is developed through the constant practice of an action that promotes good life. For
instance, courage became a virtue when it is properly displayed at the right time, right manner, and right place in the face of danger. A person who does not properly assess the danger and reserve
any fear may develop the vice of foolhardiness or rashness. However, a person may develop the vice of cowardice if he/she becomes fearful and incapable of acting on the problem in the face of
danger. n
Science, Technology, and Good Life
The rapid development of science and technology is manifested through the current trend in integrating machines into human affairs. The automation of communication, transportation, food
production, education, modernization of medicine, etc. must be geared towards a good life. Guided by the concept of a good life, policymakers, state leaders, and technocrats can work hand-in-
hand to make our world a better place to live in. A world is in a state of balance between excess and deficiency.
To explore more on Aristotle's concept of a good life click The Good Life

3.2 Good Life

A brief overview of Aristotle's Life
Aristotle, who lived from 384 - 322 BC, is probably the most important ancient Greek philosopher and scientist. He was a student of Plato and founded a school named Lyceum. In his own
school, Aristotle's students compiled their lecture notes and came up with a book entitled Nichomachean Ethics. This Nichomachean Ethics, dedicated to his son Nichomachus, became a
foundation of Aristotle's ethics composed of ten books.

What is a good life?

The term 'good life is one of the concerns of Greek thinkers like Aristotle. In the Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle says that every action aims at some good. Some goods are classified as
instrumental or intrinsic. The instrumental good is a means to achieve something else while intrinsic good is good in itself or ultimate good (Eudaimonia or human flourishing/happiness). At this
point, Aristotle is suggesting that if we want to live a good life then we must develop intellectual and moral virtues.

Eudaimonia is a Greek word that means human flourishing or happiness. Eudaimonia as ultimate good is the final end of our action. However, Aristotle categorized well into different aspects;
instrumental good and intrinsic good. Instrumental good aims at something else while intrinsic good is the final end or good in itself. For example, enrolling in this course is good because you will
learn something and get a grade at the end of the day. Why do you want a grade? because I want to get a college degree. Why do you want to get a degree? to secure a job. As you push the
question, you will end up in the final end which is the eudaimonia. So studying in college is instrumental good if it helps you to achieve happiness. On the other hand, studying in college is intrinsic
good if you are happy with what you are doing right now. Sometimes, there are people who wrongly assumed bodily pleasure or wealth, fame, and honor as eudaimonia. This assumption is wrong
because eudaimonia is exclusive only to a human being who exercises the faculty of reason.

Human Person
The table above reflects Aristotle's concept of the human soul and its hierarchy of functions and activities. The soul was divided into three; rational, sensitive, and nutritive. The rational part of the
soul is the ability of a human person to think either based on theoretical or practical knowledge. Aristotle formulated the principle of 'man as a rational animal' to achieve eudaimonia/happiness.
Achieving eudaimonia/happiness is possible only when a human person learns to identify and choose the mean of their action between excess and deficiency. By doing this, we can moderate our
actions to achieve the ultimate good or virtuous action. For example, integrating advanced technology into human activities aided workers to produce outputs faster and easier. Almost everything is
run by machines. But, too much dependent on machines has negative effects on human well-being. However, those societies that never upgrade their technology were left behind in the fast-
changing industrial revolution and considered backward societies. Between the two extremes of actions, a rational animal who aims to reach eudaimonia should choose the mean of action of the
advanced technocratic society and backward society. Aristotle's method can be applied to the action of generosity, courage, anger and etc. to make them virtuous.

Arete is one of the significant concepts of Aristotle in achieving a good life/Eudaimonia or happiness. Arete is a Greek term that means 'excellence of any kind in terms of intellectual and moral
virtues. Intellectual virtue is achieved through education and experience. On the other hand, moral virtue is developed through the constant practice of an action that promotes good life. For
instance, courage became a virtue when it is properly displayed at the right time, right manner, and right place in the face of danger. A person who does not properly assess the danger and reserve
any fear may develop the vice of foolhardiness or rashness. However, a person may develop the vice of cowardice if he/she becomes fearful and incapable of acting on the problem in the face of
Science, Technology, and Good Life
The rapid development of science and technology is manifested through the current trend in integrating machines into human affairs. The automation of communication, transportation, food
production, education, modernization of medicine, etc. must be geared towards a good life. Guided by the concept of a good life, policymakers, state leaders, and technocrats can work hand-in-
hand to make our world a better place to live in. A world is in a state of balance between excess and deficiency.

3.3 Human Flourishing through Progress and De-Development

Despite the efforts to close out the gap between the rich and poor countries, the gap just keeps on widening. (BBC Headline report in 2015)
Although there is no standard measure of inequality, the report claimed that most indicators suggest that the widening of the growth gap slowed during the financial crisis in 2007 but is now
growing again. The increasing inequality appears paradoxical having in mind the efforts that had been poured onto the development programs designed to assist poor countries to rise from absence
to slow progress.
With this backdrop and in the context of unprecedented scientific and technological advancement and economic development, a human must ask themselves whether they are indeed
flourishing, individually or collectively. If development efforts to close out the gap between the rich and the poor countries have failed, is it possible to confront the challenges of development through
a nonconformist framework?
Jason Hickel, an anthropologist at the London School of Economics, criticized the failure of the growth and development efforts of the UN to eradicate poverty several decades ago. He
conceptualized a nonconformist perspective toward growth and development.
Here is the outline of Jason Hickel's article on 'Forget developing poor countries, it's time to de-develop rich countries. Hickel's article will be discussed in detail in assignment 3.1.

1. UN's new sustainable development goals (SDGs) assumed that growth based on the traditional economic model is an effective strategy to eradicate poverty.
2. Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is a measure of human development.
3. Questions;
1. How much do we really need to live long and enjoy a happy life?
1. According to Peter Edward, instead of pushing poor countries to catch up with rich ones, we should be thinking of ways to get rich countries to catch down to more appropriate levels of
2. Genuine Progress is anchored on quality instead of quantity
2. What is a good life or good living?
1. Latin Americans organized themselves and envision the indigenous concept of Buen Vivir, or good living.
2. Robert and Edward Skidelsky conceptualized the good life through the possibility of interventions like banning advertising that promotes consumerism and shortens the working hour, and
basic income.

4.1 When Technology and Humanity Cross

H - human beings'
U - unequivocal
M - means
A - and privilege that
N - need to be
R- respected
I - in order to
G - gain success for humanity
T - today and tomorrow in relation to
S- Science and Technology
What are human rights?
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, and the like.

Human rights in the face of technological and scientific advancement are critical factors in one's journey toward a good life. Protecting the well-being and protecting the dignity of the human person
must be at the core of continued scientific and technological progress and development. Such is the focus of the human rights-based approach to science, technology, and society by S. Romi

The following are the three important documents:

1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights -This document affirms everyone's right to participate in and benefit from scientific advances, and be protected from scientific misuse. The right to the
benefits of science comes under the domain of 'culture,' so it is usually examined from a cultural rights perspective.

2. UNESCO Recommendation of the Status of Scientific Researchers- This document that all advances in scientific and technological knowledge should solely be geared toward the welfare of the
global citizens, and calls upon member states to develop necessary protocol policies to monitor and secure this objective. Countries are asked to show that science and technology are integrated into
policies that aim to ensure a more humane and just society.

3. UNESCO Declaration on the Use of Scientific Knowledge- This document states, "Today, more than ever, science and its applications are indispensable for development. All levels of government and the
private sector should provide enhanced support for building up adequate and evenly distributed scientific and technological capacity through appropriate education and research programs as an
indispensable foundation for economic, social, cultural, and environmentally sound development. This is particularly urgent for developing countries." This declaration encompasses issues such as
pollution-free production, efficient resources use, biodiversity protection, and brain drains.

A human rights- approach to science, technology, and development sets the parameters for the appraisal of how science, technology, and development promote human well-being.
Thus, the discussion on human rights in the face of the changing scientific and technological contexts must not serve as merely a decorative moral dimension of scientific and technological policies
but rather the very heart of sustainable futures.
Human rights should be integrated into the journey toward the ultimate good. They should guide humans not only to flourish as individual members of society but also to assist each other in
flourishing collectively as a society. Human rights are rights to sustainability, as Mukherjee put it. They may function as the "golden mean," particularly by protecting the weak, poor, and
vulnerable from deficiencies and excesses of science and technology. By imposing upon science and technology the moral and ethical duty to protect and uphold human rights, there can be a
more effective and sustainable approach to bridging the gap between poor and rich countries on both tangible and intangible aspects. Ultimately, all these will lead humans to flourish together
through science and technology.

4.2 Why the Future Does Not Need Us?

Please read more about the article by William Nelson Joy entitled " Why The Future Does Not Need Us?" so that you can participate in the discussion.
The article, "Why the Future Does Not Need Us?" was written by William Nelson Joy, an American computer scientist of Sun Microsystems. In his article, Joy warned against the rapid rise of new
technologies. He explained that 21st-century technologies are becoming very powerful that they can potentially bring about new classes of accidents, threats, and abuses. He further
warned that these dangers are even pressing because they do not require large facilities or even rare raw materials-knowledge alone will make them potentially harmful to humans.
Joy argued that robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology pose much greater threats than technological developments that have come before. He particularly cited the ability of
nanobots to self-replicate, which quickly gets out of control. In the article, he cautioned humans against over-dependence on machines. He also stated that if machines are given the capacity to
decide on their own, it will be impossible to predict how they might behave in the future. In this case, the fate of the human race would be at the mercy of machines.
Joy also voiced his apprehension about the rapid increase in computer power. He was concerned that computers will eventually become more intelligent than humans, thus ushering societies into
dystopian visions, such as robot rebellions. To illuminate his concern, Joy drew from Theodore Kaczynski's book, Unabomber Manifesto, where Kaczynski described that the unintended
consequences of the design and use of technology are clearly related to Murphy's Law: " Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Kaczynski argued further that over-reliance on antibiotics
led to the great paradox of emerging antibiotic-resistant strains of dangerous bacteria.
Since the publication of the article, Joy's argument against twenty-first-century technologies has received both criticisms and expressions of shared concern. Critics dismissed Joy's article for
deliberately presenting information in an imprecise manner that obscures the larger picture or state of things. For one, John Seely and Paul Duguid (2001), in their article, A Response to Bill Joy
and doom-and-gloom Technofuturists, criticize Joy's failure to consider social factors and only deliberately focused on one part of the larger picture. Others go as far as accusing Joy of being
a neo-Luddite, someone who rejects new technologies and shows technophobic leanings.
As a material, Joy's article tackles the unpleasant and uncomfortable possibilities that a senseless approach to scientific and technological advancements may bring. Whether Joy's propositions are
a real possibility or an absolute moonshot, it is unavoidable to think of the future that will no longer need the human race. It makes thinking about the roles and obligations of every stakeholder
a necessary component of scientific and technological advancement. In this case, it is preeminently necessary that the scientific community, governments, and businesses engage in a
discussion to determine the safeguards of humans against the potential dangers of science and technology.

5.1 Information Age

(1) There are certain facts to remember that the age of information has the following developments: (1.1) The Gutenberg Press was invented by German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg around
1440 which resulted in the improvement of the manual, tedious, and slow printing methods. This method of the printing press is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface lying on a print
medium, such as cloth or paper, to transfer ink; (1.2) The mass communication was traced back to the invention of the printing press. The development of a fast and easy way of disseminating
information in print permanently reformed the structure of society; and (1.3) The rise of the printing press had threatened the political and religious authorities which impacted the tremendous social
change on the wide circulation of information. Thus, the production of books made accessible not only in the upper class but in the middle class and lower class.
(2) The PowerPoint presentation talks about the information age. This will help you in the discussions of this module. Please check out the PowerPoint and prepare for the discussions.

5.1.1 Pioneers
Some people had contributed to the development of the information age: (1) Harvard Mark 1 made by the US to address the problem of a serious shortage of human computers for military
calculations. This Harvard Mark 1 is the general-purpose electromechanical computer that was 50 feet long and capable of doing calculations in seconds that usually took place hours; (2) Enigma was made by Britain
to encipher the machine that the German armed forces used to securely send messages; (3) Alan Turing, an English mathematician who hired in 1936 by British top-secret Government Code and Cipher School at
Bletchley Park to break the Enigma code; (4) Alan Turing invented “Bombe” an electromechanical machine that encrypted messages of the German Enigma machine. Thus, this contribution had shortened the war by
two years.; (5) Universal Machine became the foundation of computer science and the invention of a machine later called a computer that can solve any problem in performing any task from a written program;
(6) Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple I designed the operating system, hardware, and circuit board of the computer all by himself; (7) Steve Jobs, Wozniak’s friend suggested to sell the Apple I as fully assembled
printed circuit board.
5.1.2 Social Media Platforms
5.2 Biodiversity and Healthful Society
Biodiversity is the variety of life—its ecosystems, species, populations, and genes. Human actions towards the land, freshwater, and oceans have already caused biodiversity to decline. Even greater losses will
occur in the future if humanity continues its present unsustainable use of natural resources. In documenting this decline, there has been a focus on species extinctions, the most obvious manifestation of biodiversity
loss. In addition, there is a loss of ecosystems, populations, and genes. All these are the only truly irreversible consequences of environmental change. When any of these is lost, it is gone forever. Species losses are also
the aspect of biodiversity loss that is most often considered, for example, by the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity. Even a species that survives can lose much of its genetic diversity if local populations are lost
from most of its original range. Furthermore, ecosystems may shrink in the area dramatically and lose many of their functions, even though their constituent species manage to survive. The loss of ecosystems, species,
populations, and genes all have implications for human health (Chivian, 2003).

The research and reports in Biodiversity Studies by Roy (2016:5 15-27) reported that due to the ever-increasing demand for natural resources, the earth is on the verge of global mass extinction. The biodiversity
hotspots are the remnant natural areas of high terrestrial biodiversity which are rapidly degrading and constitute more than half of the global endemic species in approximately 2% of the global land area which requires
conservation and protection along with an effort to identify new areas. Presently, data gaps and the nonavailability of adequate information across the biodiversity hotspots have resulted in unsustainable commercial
exploitation in these areas. In this paper, an effort has been made to assess the status of the various biodiversity hotspots across the globe with respect to the geographic distribution, the area under natural vegetation,
the concentration of endemic plants, and the human development index in these areas. Monitoring such a large extent across the globe has its difficulties. The use of recent tools and technologies including earth
observation systems and information technology can help in monitoring and identification of the global biodiversity hotspots and help in the conservation and protection of these areas. It is suggested to identify the
biodiversity-rich areas at a coarse-scale and have a detailed study of the biodiversity-rich areas to design appropriate conservation and protection of the biodiversity hotspots.

Johns and Eyzaquirre (2006) conducted a study on Linking Biodiversity, Diet, and Health in Police and Practice that the simplification of human diets associated with increased accessibility of inexpensive
agricultural commodities and erosion of agrobiodiversity leads to nutrient deficiencies and excess energy consumption. Non-communicable diseases are growing causes of death and disability worldwide. Successful
food systems in transition effectively draw on locally available foods, food variety, and traditional food cultures. In practice, this process involves empirical research, public policy, promotion, and applied action in
support of multi-sectoral, community-based strategies linking rural producers and urban consumers, subsistence and market economies, and traditional and modern food systems. Implementation of the International
Plant Genetic Resources Institute's Global Nutrition Strategy in Sub-Saharan Africa offers a useful case study. Relevant policy platforms, in which biodiversity conservation and nutrition are and should be linked,
include the Millennium Development Goals, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Convention on Biological Diversity, Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Food-Based Dietary Guidelines, Right to
Adequate Food and UN Human Rights Commission's Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The largely unexplored health benefits of cultivated and wild plants include micronutrient intake and functions related to
energy density, glycaemic control, oxidative stress, and immuno-stimulation. Research on the properties of neglected and underutilized species and local varieties deserves higher priority. In tests of the hypothesis that
biodiversity is essential for dietary diversity and health, quantitative indicators of dietary and biological diversity can be combined with nutrition and health outcomes at the population level. That traditional systems
once lost are hard to recreate underlines the imperative for timely documentation, compilation, and dissemination of eroding knowledge of biodiversity and the use of food culture for promoting positive behaviors.

This study was conducted in the Philippines by Tumbaga, Hipolito, and Gabriel (2020) on Links to an external site.Community participation toward biodiversity conservation among protected areas in
Pangasinan, Philippines. They said that the understanding of community participation in biodiversity conservation among developing countries, such as the Philippines, is still lacking and needs to be supplemented.
This study aimed to determine the community participation toward biodiversity conservation in two communities located at two Protected Areas in Pangasinan, Philippines: Hundred Islands National Park and
Manleluag Spring Protected Landscape. The knowledge, attitude, and community participation in the two communities vary, considering that they possess a unique ecosystem dimension (coastal ecosystem and forest
ecosystem). Moreover, their knowledge of threats and importance on biodiversity, including their attitudes, is considered high. Despite their ecosystem uniqueness, there were no observed differences in both areas in
terms of their knowledge and attitude. However, in terms of community participation, coastal communities show a higher level of community participation as compared to forested communities. The demographic
factors, such as income and the number of programs and projects implemented in their areas, probably determine the status of their community participation.

5.2.1 Definition and Types

To start with our discussion, please observe the pictures and descriptions below. What is your reflection on these pictures?
Biodiversity offsets are an increasingly popular yet controversial tool in conservation. Their popularity lies in their potential to meet the objectives of biodiversity conservation and of economic development in
tandem; the controversy lies in the need to accept ecological losses in return for uncertain gains. We are at a critical stage: biodiversity offsets risk becoming responses to immediate development and conservation
needs without an overriding conceptual framework to provide guidance and evaluation criteria. We clarify the meaning of the term biodiversity offset and propose a framework that integrates the consideration of
theoretical and practical challenges in the offset process. We also propose a research agenda for specific topics around metrics, baselines, and uncertainty (Bull, 2013).
According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, common indicators are needed to monitor the loss of biodiversity and the implications for the sustainable provision of ecosystem services.
Special emphasis was placed on comparing indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem services across ecosystems (forests, grass- and shrublands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, soils, and agro-
ecosystems) and spatial scales (from patch to global scale). The application of biological indicators was found most often focused on regional and finer spatial scales with few indicators applied
across ecosystem types (Feld et al. 2009).

Biodiversity Types: Genetic, Species, and Ecological Diversity

The living world is a complex combination of different levels of organisms. The key components of life are at one extreme and communities of species at the other extreme. The manifestations of all
types of diversities are found at all these levels of organisms. Biodiversity is the shorter form of the word biological diversity which means diversity in the biological world. Thus one can define
biodiversity as the degree of variety in nature with regard to biological species.

The living world is a complex combination of different levels of organisms. The key components of life are at one extreme and communities of species at the other extreme. The manifestations of all
types of diversities are found at all these levels of organisms. Biodiversity is the shorter form of the word biological diversity which means diversity in the biological world. Thus one can define
biodiversity as the degree of variety in nature with regard to biological species.
Types of Biodiversity:
(a) Genetic diversity:
It is the variation of genes within the species. This results in a distinct population of one, even the same species. It gives genetic variation within a population or varieties within one species. There
are two reasons for differences between individual organisms. One is a variation in the gene which all organisms possess which is passed from one to its offspring.
The other is the influence of the environment on each individual organism. The variation in the sequence of four base pairs in the DNA chain forms the genetic variation in the organism. The
recombination) of genetic material during cell division makes it imperative for genetic diversity within a species. The loss of genetic diversity within a species is called genetic erosion.
The whole area of agricultural productivity and development depends on genetic diversity. The plant, as well as animal genetic resources, play an important role in the economy of a country.
Genetic diversity is the whole basis for a sustainable life system on earth.
Scientists in many parts of the world are trying to introduce genetically modified seeds in the agriculture sector for better yield as well as for resistance to drought and flood situations. The local
people or farmers are not showing any interest to preserve the natural way of genetic diversity.

(b) Species diversity:

This refers to the variety of species within a particular region. The number of species in a region is a measure of such diversity. The richness of species in a given region provides a yardstick for
species diversity. Species diversity depends as much on genetic diversity as on environmental conditions.
Colder regions support less than the warmer regions for species diversity. A good climate with good physical geography supports a better species diversity. Species richness is a term that is used to
measure the biodiversity of a given site.
In addition to species richness, species endemism is a term used to measure biodiversity by way of assessing the magnitude of differences between species. In the taxonomic system, similar
species are grouped together in general, similar genera in families, families in orders, and so on till in the level of the kingdom. This process is a genuine attempt to find relationships between
organisms. The higher taxa have thousands of species. Species that are very different from one another contribute more to overall biodiversity.

(c) Ecological diversity:

This is the number of species in a community of organisms. Maintaining both types of diversity is fundamental to the functioning of ecosystems and hence to human welfare. Thus, ecological
diversity is decided on the basis of species and genetic diversity. Ecological diversity is the scale of biodiversity of an ecosystem. It describes the level of biodiversity in an ecosystem.
Ecosystem diversity deals with the variations in ecosystems within a geographical location and its overall impact on human existence and the environment. Ecological diversity is a type of
biodiversity. It is the variation in the ecosystems found in a region or the variation in ecosystems over the whole planet. Biodiversity is important because it clears out our water, changes our climate,
and provides us with food. Ecological diversity includes the variation in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecological diversity can also take into account the variation in the complexity of a
biological community, including the number of different niches, the number of trophic levels, and other ecological processes. An example of ecological diversity on a global scale would be the
variation in ecosystems, such as deserts, forests, grasslands, wetlands, and oceans. Ecological diversity is the largest scale of biodiversity, and within each ecosystem, there is a great deal of both
species and genetic diversity (All cited by your article library, n.d.)

5.2.2 Benefits

5.2.3 Protocols on Biodiversity

Living in Harmony with Nature
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international legally binding treaty with
three main goals: conservation of biodiversity; sustainable use of biodiversity; and the fair and
equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. Its overall objective is
to encourage actions that will lead to a sustainable future.

The conservation of biodiversity is a common concern of humankind. The CBD covers

biodiversity at all levels: Ecosystems, species, and genetic resources. It also covers
biotechnology through the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. In fact, it covers all possible
domains that are directly or indirectly related to biodiversity and its role in development, ranging
from science, politics, and education to agriculture, business, culture, and much more.

The governing body of the CBD is the Conference of the Parties (COP). This ultimate authority
of all governments (or Parties) that have ratified the treaty meets every two years to review
progress set priorities, and commit to work plans.

In 2010, Parties to the CBD adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020, a ten-year
framework for action by all countries and stakeholders to safeguard biodiversity and the
benefits it provides to people.

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) is based in Montreal,

Canada. Its main function is to assist governments in the implementation of the CBD and
its programs of work, organize meetings, draft documents, coordinate with other
international organizations and collect and spread information. The Executive Secretary is the
head of the Secretariat.

Cartagena Protocol on Biodiversity

Cartagena Protocol is an international agreement that aims to ensure the safe handling, transport, and use of living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology
that may have adverse effects on biological diversity, taking into account risks to human health. It makes a precautionary approach by making sure that countries are provided with
the data necessary to make informed decisions before agreeing to the import of such organisms into their territory.
The Philippines recognizes the technologies that can be of particular help for its development. Since the Philippines is one of the biodiversity "hotspots" in the world, it is helpful to
know how biotechnology will progress in the country.

5.3 Nanotechnology
One might be truly mesmerized by how science and technology have developed by leaps and bounds. Who would have thought that scientists of today can perform intervention at the microscopic
level which might be just a product of imagination ages ago? Truly revolutionary, scientists are now possessing the technology to improve human lives, invisible as it may seem to the naked eye.
As human technology progress, the ability to see and find the unknown has become more possible. Unbeknownst to many, technological advances are not only capable to explore the biggest
objects, but the smallest particles as well. In this last module, you will deal with nanotechnology. The scope of the discussion shall include nanotechnology's definition and dimension, its application,
its challenges, and the ethical dilemmas involved.

5.3.1 Definition and Dimensions

Scientific researchers have developed new technological tools that greatly improve different aspects of our lives. The use of nanoscale is one important interdisciplinary area generated by
advancement in science and technology. Scientists and engineers were able to build materials with innovative properties as they manipulate nanomaterials.
Nanotechnology refers to the science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanoscience and nanotechnology employ the study and
application of exceptionally small things in other areas of science including material science, engineering, physics, biology, and chemistry.

Nanotechnology deals with the very smallest components of our world – atoms, and molecules. Trying to understand just how small the nanoscale is can be very difficult for people. A nanometer is
a unit of measurement for length just as you have with meters and centimeters. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, 0.000000001 or 10-9 meters. The word “nano” comes from the Greek word
for “dwarf.” The term nanoscale is used to refer to objects with dimensions on the order of 1-100 nanometers (nm).
You may also like to watch the video below to know more about nanotechnology.

5.3.2 Applications of Nanotechnology

You may not be aware of it, but many of the things you are using now are a product of nanotechnology. This is only possible through decades of basic nanoscience research and decades of
focused research and development. Applications of nanotechnology are now delivering in both expected and unexpected ways on nanotechnology’s promise to benefit society.

5.3.3 Challenges of Nanotechnology

The emergence of nanoscience in the previous decades as a new multidisciplinary scientific research area has attracted a great deal of attention in both synthesis methodologies and wide
applications in medicine, energy, environment, electronics, etc. Despite significant progress in nanotechnology and the rise of many commercialized products involving nanomaterials, nanoscience,
and technology are still facing many new challenges, especially in the areas of great concern to the public: energy and health.
The reservation created against nanotechnology is rational in the basic sense. Nanoscience and technology are relatively new and there are many new discoveries happening every now and then
related to the said discipline. It cannot be denied that due to less familiarity, people may have skeptical views. Below are some of the challenges, risks, and skeptical views about the use of
nanoscience and technology:

• Because elements at the nanoscale behave differently than they do in their bulk form, there's a concern that some nanoparticles could be toxic. Some doctors worry that the nanoparticles are so small, that they
could easily cross the blood-brain barrier, a membrane that protects the brain from harmful chemicals in the bloodstream. If we plan on using nanoparticles to coat everything from our clothing to our highways, we
need to be sure that they won't poison us.
• Closely related to the knowledge barrier is the technical barrier. In order for the incredible predictions regarding nanotechnology to come true, we have to find ways to mass-produce nano-size products like
transistors and nanowires. While we can use nanoparticles to build things like tennis rackets and make wrinkle-free fabrics, we can't make really complex microprocessor chips with nanowires yet.
• If molecular manufacturing becomes a reality, how will that impact the world's economy? Assuming we can build anything we need with the click of a button, what happens to all the manufacturing jobs? If you can
create anything using a replicator, what happens to currency? Would we move to a completely electronic economy? Would we even need money?

5.3.4 Ethical Dilemmas of Nanotechnology

Being a relatively new industry, nanotechnology and the people behind it should pick a lesson or two from history, and never ignore public policy and issues. Such issues may include possible
health and environmental hazards from genetically modified foods - which may invite potential public backlash. If nanotechnology is billed as the "Next Industrial Revolution",1 then it also must raise
a host of important social and ethical questions that we need to consider now.
The following are some of the issues in "nanoethics" cited by Patrick Lin, a research director for The Nanoethics Group, a nonpartisan organization based in Santa Barbara, California, that studies
the ethical and social implications of nanotechnology. Many of them are familiar with philosophy and ethics, but considering them in the context of nanotechnology is important and can reveal new

• Regulation - Do we have a right to research, or is some too dangerous to publish or conduct, such as a recently published recipe for making the 1918 killer influenza virus? Nanotechnology has
the potential to be even more destructive since it gives us the power to precisely manipulate the very building blocks of our world and may even enable such things as self-aware artificial
intelligence systems – though that same power can also profoundly help humanity.
• Environmental and Health - How much safety must we prove in nanomaterials, before introducing them into the marketplace or environment? The precautionary principle seems to require that if
the impact of our research is unclear, but catastrophe or other undesirable events are possible, then we should pause to conduct more investigation to avoid these scenarios. But how strong is
this principle, really? After all, other products, such as mobile phones, are brought to market amid continuing questions about their safety.
• Society - How will nanosensors evolve our concept of privacy, particularly if they are ubiquitous (such as "smart dust") and virtually invisible? Does national security justify a tradeoff of our rights?
Nanotechnology also promises to enhance our capabilities, but does this threaten the idea of being human? For instance, if some people are enhanced to become smarter or to see in infrared,
that may create a "nano divide" that gives significant advantages to only these people and creates a communication gap, if others cannot have the same basic experiences.
• Politics and Markets - How will nanotechnology affect global security and the distribution of power, if it can radically change the face of war and terrorism? Suppose a nondemocratic country
develops it first. Will nanotech create a new arms race? In the long term, if nano factories enable us to make anything we want, what will be the impact on local and global economies? These
issues speak to a need for cooperation, regulation, as well as forethought to minimize any political or economic disruption.
• Personal - A critical application for nanotechnology will be in medicine, such as repairing cellular damage to reverse or retard aging. But how does a longer lifespan affect Social Security,
overpopulation, and retirement? Is living in the shadow of death an essential part of being human? Will we lose our personal identity as we become more integrated with our technologies, when
humans and machines become one, as the "theory of Singularity" predicts?

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