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Name: Shohan S

Reg Number: 233BCOMG088

The age of fourteen is a complex and confusing time in life, where one is neither an adult nor
a child. Tagore’s depiction of this age resonates greatly with my own life and experiences. It
was a stage of awkward transformation and a struggle to find your place in society.

Tagore perfectly captures what it's like to be fourteen by stating that it's a phase where one is
"neither ornamental nor useful". This period is marked by questioning their purpose and place
in life. One neither feels cute like a child nor mature enough like an adult. It’s an uncertain
and overwhelming time.

The awkward physical changes to the body further cause the frustration of not knowing
where they belong. Tagore’s description of outgrowing clothes with “indecent haste” is all too
familiar. It seems like they’re in a constant battle with their wardrobe, with their once well-
fitting clothes turning into unfitting memories of their younger self. The change in one’s
voice is also one of the ways your body betrays them with constant pitch changes and
stammering, furthering their embarrassment.

Social interactions become hard to navigate. Tagore’s observation that a fourteen-year-old can
either be “unduly forward or so unduly shy” is an accurate description. When around adults,
one feels compelled to act mature, but it often comes across as arrogance or awkwardness.
They’re constantly aware of the gazes and expectations of those around them, and it’s a
source of profound discomfort. Their inner world is in chaos, and they’re unsure how to
express it or to whom.

It's a time of self-discovery and self-doubt. They grapple with questions about identity,
interest, and their place in the world. The weight of schoolwork and pressure to excel in
various areas can be overwhelming. Their emotions are haywire, from the ups of newfound
independence and the downs of nostalgia of younger days.

Yet, for all the challenges, being fourteen is also a time of tremendous growth. It’s a phase of
self-realization and self-acceptance. As the physical, emotional, and intellectual changes
unfold, they begin to discover their strengths, talents, and passions. One learns to navigate the
difficulties of human relationships, gaining insights into empathy and communication.
In retrospect, being fourteen was a life-changing time, when I lingered on the edge of
childhood and adulthood. Tagore's words beautifully capture the essence of the transitional
phase, and were also a crucial stepping stone on the path to becoming the person I am today.

As I look back on my own experiences at fourteen, I'm grateful for the lessons learned and
the growth achieved during that pivotal age. It was a time of transformation, and the
challenges I faced then have contributed to shaping my adult self, helping me find my place
in the world, and teaching me the value of perseverance and self-acceptance.

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