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1. Name three Fruits?

2. Name three vegetables?
3. Name one leafy vegetable?
4. Name two Pulses ?
5. Name two cereals?
6. Where do we go to buy food from?
7. Name one example of sea Food?
8. Name three items that we get from animals?
9. We must eat a ……………………………….diet?
10. Name the different types of foods that we eat?
11. Write two good food habits?
12. Who are called Vegetarian people?
13. Who are called Non-vegetarians?
14. Give two examples of fruits?
15. Giver two examples of food that we get from plants?
16. Give two examples of food that we get from Animals?
17. Name one non-vegetarian dish?
18. Write the sources of following foods? ( )
19. Name any two vegetables that you find while you visit a vegetable market?
20. Circle the odd one out? a. Rice, Peas, Eggs b. Apple , Carrot , Banana c. peas , potato , Meat
21. People who do not eat animal products are called ………………….
22. Arrange in sequence : Lunch , Breakfast , Dinner
23. Name two dairy products?
24. Write the names of the under mentioned pictures ?

25. Mark the under mentioned statements as True and False

a. Chew Your Food Well .
b. Eat freshly cooked food .
c. Eat cut fruits from vendors .
d. Chewing your food is a good habbit .
e. We should avoid junk foods .
f. We should eat foods that is not covered .
g. Vegiterians eat only fruits , vegetables, cereals , pulses , & milk products.


1. Why do we wear clothes?

2. What do we wear when we go to school?
3. What types of clothes we wear in summer? Why do we wear such clothes?
4. What types of clothes we wear in winter? Why do we wear such clothes?
5. What type of clothes we wear in rainy season? Why do we wear such clothes?
6. We must wear a ……………………………………….. when it is raining
7. We should wear a pair of jeans with a …………………………….
8. ………………….. are special clothes worn by people at their work place .
9. We wear skirt with a ……………………….
10. We wear Shirt / T-shirt with ………………………../……………………
11. Name some types of clothes that we wear?
12. Name two types of clothes that we wear in summer, winter and rainy seasons?
13. Why do we wear raincoat in rainy season?
14. We use different types of clothes at different seasons because …………………….. Is different.
15. Write true or false for the below mentioned statements?
a. In winter , We wear cotton clothes
b. We wear clothes to cover our body
c. We wear clothes only for fun.
d. Clothes protects our body from heat, dust and rain.
e. We wear raincoat to protect us from rain.
f. We must always wear clean clothes
g. We choose same type of clothes to wear at different places / Occasions.
h. We must not wear washed / ironed clothes.
i. We cook food in our bathroom.


1. Why do we need a house?

2. Name the different rooms of a House?
3. The room where our guests come and sit is ……………………………..
4. The room where we eat or take our meals is called ……………………..
5. The room of the house where food is cooked is called ………………………..
6. The room where we take bath is called …………………………….
7. The room where we sleep is called ……………….
8. House protests us from …………………….. , ……………………………………… ,…………………………….,and ………………………….
9. We keep stove in our ……………….
10. We take rest in our ……………………………..
11. Kutcha house is made from ……………………………….
12. Pucca House is made from ………………….
13. Name the two types of House?
14. What is Your Favourite room in the House? Why?
15. Name three fun things that you do in Your House?
16. Pick the odd one out : Living room , Bedroom , Park
17. Write True or false against the below mentioned Statements :
a. We cook food in the kitchen
b. We Wash utensils in the living room
c. We sleep in the dining room
d. A House protects us from rain heat dust and cold.
e. We find sofa in bathroom
f. We find wash basin in living room.
18. Identify the pictures and write their names :

19. Circle the odd one out :

1. Rice , milk , wheat 2. Cucumber , carrot , mango 3. Sofa , bath tub , toilet

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