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A Quantitative Research
presented to the HumSS-A of Senior High School Department
Labasan, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Balbaloza, Marcela A.
Barcelona, Mark Jove M.
Buelva, Gregoria M.
Taguna, Dave P.

Grade 12 – HumSS 12

Joyce Ann M. Mascariñas

Research Adviser

October 2023

Chapter I

This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the
background of the study, the statement of the problem, the research hypotheses,
significance of the study, scope and delimitation of the study, the conceptual framework,
and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

According to Valerio K.(2021). Motivation plays a vital role in a student’s learning
and growth and teachers aim to cultivate intrinsic motivation, which is the desire for
knowledge and understanding, among their students. Recognizing that each student is
unique, educators employ various motivational techniques that can greatly influence
students’ engagement and self-expression. Intrinsic Motivation is defined as the
motivation to engage in a behavior because of the inherent satisfaction of the activity
rather than the desire for a reward or specific outcome. Intrinsic Motivation occurs when
we act without any obvious external rewards: “We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an
opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize our potentials.”(Psychology,2023). Intrinsic
Motivation is influenced by perceived competence, which refers to the need of the
individuals to experience opportunities and support for the activity and their ability to
express their knowledge, skills, abilities, or talents. Furthermore, according to social-
cognitive theory, people are motivated to learn if they believe that they can achieve the
desired results. In other words, if students perceive themselves to be sufficiently
competent while undertaking an activity (Educ.Sci.,2021).
Several authors agree that academic performance is the result of learning,
prompted by the teaching activity by the teacher and produced by the student. From a
humanistic approach, Martinez (2013) states that academic performance is “the product
given by the students and it is usually expressed through school grades”. Fifteen years
ago , Pizarro (2014) referred to academic performance as a measure of the indicative
and responsive abilities that express, in an estimated way, what a person has learned
has a result of a process of education or training. For Caballero et al. (2007), academic
performance involves meeting goals, achievements and objectives set in the program or
course that a student attends. These are expressed through grades which are the result
of an assessment that involves passing or not certain tests, subjects or courses. On their
part, Torres and Rodriguez (2006 quoted by Willcox, 2011) define academic
performance as the level of knowledge shown in an area or subject compared to the
norm it is generally measure using the grade point average. The purpose of the school
or academic performance is to achieve an educational goal, learning. In this regard there
are several

components of the complex unit called performance. They are learning processes
promoted by the school that involve the transformation of a given state, into a new state,
and they are achieved with the integrity in a different unit with cognitive and structural
elements. Performance varies according to circumstances, organic an environmental
conditions that determine skills and experiences. Planter and Reysen (2016) discovered
that high school students who possess intrinsic motivation are more likely to accomplish
better academic performance. They further elucidated that intrinsic motivation
encourages students to participate, pursue complex academic activities, and
demonstrate proficiency Vallerand et al. (2014) demonstrated that intrinsic motivation
had a significant impact on academic achievement. They revealed that different forms of
intrinsic motivation may have differing impacts on academic performance, such as when
students are motivated to learn for personal values or strive towards mastery of a
subject. Murayama et al. (2015) discovered that intrinsic motivation is crucial in
enhancing academic performance and might mitigate the impact of stress on academic
achievement. The authors also found a strong relationship between intrinsic motivation
and academic resilience among students, who could maintain better academic
performance despite challenging circumstances.
The goal of many researchers back then and now has been to expand
understanding of the connection between intrinsic motivation and academic
performance. Over the past Decades, self-determination theory or SDT-led experimental
and field research has found Intrinsic motivation for predicting enhanced learning,
performance, creativity, optimum Development, and psychological wellness (Di
Domenico & Ryan, 2017). Intrinsic Motivation is believed to be the most powerful form of
motivation, according to Fabien (2015). If a student is intrinsically driven, things like peer
pressure, complacency, or Indecisiveness are less likely to discourage them (Fabien,
2015). Research also shows that Students are less intrinsically motivated to learn and
less likely to engage in critical thinking When rewards are attached to standardized test
results (Amrein & Berliner, as cited in Tybus, 2010).
Nevertheless, research also exists that has produced no correlation between
Intrinsic academic motivation and academic performance. Citing Bouffard, Marcoux et al.
(2020) concluded that changes in perceived competence and intrinsic motivation, and
intercorrelations between years, were observed to differ according to academic and
gender domains. Intrinsic motivation has made no significant contribution to academic
Achievement at grade school or in any academic domain.
Hence, the purpose of this study is to compare the effect of high and low
Intrinsic motivation in academic performance of students in Humanities and Social
Science Strand.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine intrinsic motivation and academic

performance on Humanities and Social Science Strand in Labasan National High

School. Specifically, this shall seek to answer the following:

1.What is the intrinsic motivation used by the students in terms of

1.1 performance task;

1:2 written works; and

1.3 quarterly exam?

2 To what extent does intrinsic motivation affects the academic performance of

Senior High School students in terms of

1.1 personal growth;

1.2 Creativity; and

1.3 Personal achievement?

3. What is the relationship of intrinsic motivation and academic performance of

Senior High School students?

Research Hypothesis(es)

The null research hypothesis about intrinsic motivation and academic

performance among Humanities and Social Science Strand is as follows:

Ho: “Humanities and Social Science strand students who have higher levels of

intrinsic motivation are more likely to exhibit better academic performance

compared to those with lower levels of intrinsic motivation.”


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic Performance
 Performance
Intrinsic motivation Task
 Written Works
 Quarterly Exam

Significance of the Study

This study aim to determine the relationship of intrinsic motivation and

academic performance among Humanities and Social Science on Senior High

School Students in Labasan National High School. The results of this study will

be beneficial to the following:

Teacher. The study can provide teachers with valuable insights into how intrinsic
motivation impacts the academic performance of HUMSS students. Teachers can adapt
their teaching methods and strategies to better align with and enhance students’ intrinsic
motivation, thereby potentially improving learning outcomes.

Students. The study can empower HUMSS students by helping them recognize

the importance of intrinsic motivation in their academic journey. It can inform them about

the link between their motivation and academic success, enabling them to make more

informed decisions about their educational and career paths. This knowledge can lead to

increased satisfaction and better performance.

Parents. Parents can benefit from the study’s insights by gaining a deeper

understanding of the factors influencing their child’s academic success within the

HUMSS strand. This knowledge can assist parents in providing more effective support,


and encouragement to help their children make choices aligned with their intrinsic

motivations and excel academically.

Future Researcher. Future researchers can build upon this study’s findings as a

starting point for more in-depth investigations into the dynamics of intrinsic motivation

and academic performance in different educational contexts. They can explore additional

variables, conduct longitudinal studies, or examine the effectiveness of interventions.

School Administrator. School administrators can utilize the study’s findings to

improve the educational experience for HUMSS students. They can make data-driven

decisions about curriculum design, resource allocation, and faculty development,

ultimately fostering an environment that supports and enhances intrinsic motivation and,

subsequently, academic performance.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the relationship between intrinsic motivation and
academic performance in Humanities and Social Science High Strand in Labasan
National High School. With the total population of 100 Humanities and Social Science
students and the sample of 20 Students. Students academic performance will be
evaluate using the final grades of the participants obtained from the first semester of the
school year (SY) 2023-2024.
The limitations of this study only focus on Senior High School Students in
Labasan National High School. That conducting through survey questionnaire answered
by only 15 minutes.

Definition of Terms

Academic performance. is a measure of how well a student is doing in their

educational pursuits, such as their grades, test scores, and overall achievement in
academic endeavors.(Smith, J. D. 2010). Researcher used academic performance as
dependent variable which is affected by independent variable.

Humanities and Social Sciences Strand. refers to a specific track or

specialization within the K-12 education system that focuses on developing students’
understanding of various disciplines within the humanities and social sciences fields.
This strand typically includes subjects such as history, economics, sociology, geography,
philosophy, literature, and political science.(Department of Education. 2013).

Intrinsic motivation. refers to engaging in a behavior or activity for the inherent

satisfaction and enjoyment it brings, rather than being motivated by external rewards or
pressures.(Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. 1985). Researcher used intrinsic motivation as
independent variable as manipulator that affects dependent variable.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related principles and studies which have direct

bearing on the current study.

Theories of intrinsic motivation

Self-determination theory (SDT) proposes that humans have innate

psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which when satisfied,
promote intrinsic motivation and well-being (Ryan & Deci, 2017). SDT posits that
autonomy-supportive environments, where individuals are provided with choices and
opportunities to exercise their own volition, facilitate the satisfaction of these needs,
thereby promoting intrinsic motivation (Standage, Duda, & Ntoumanis, 2020).Cognitive
evaluation theory, on the other hand, focuses on the role of extrinsic factors in shaping
intrinsic motivation. According to this theory, the extent to which external rewards or
contingencies support competence and autonomy can influence individuals’ intrinsic
motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2020). When these external factors are perceived as
informational rather than controlling, they can support individuals’ sense of self-
determination and intrinsic motivation.One study that highlights the importance of
autonomy-supportive environments in promoting intrinsic motivation is a longitudinal
study by Niemiec and colleagues (2015). The study found that parental autonomy
support was positively associated with adolescents’ intrinsic motivation and academic
achievement over a 3-year period. Another study by Weinstein and colleagues (2016)
found that teacher autonomy support was positively related to students’ intrinsic
motivation in the context of physical education.A recent study by Vansteenkiste and
colleagues (2020) provides further support for the role of autonomy-supportive
environments in promoting intrinsic motivation. The study found that when individuals
experienced autonomy-supportive coaching, they displayed higher levels of intrinsic
motivation and sport performance compared to those who experienced controlling

Importance and relevance of Humanities and Social Science strand

The HumSS strand, which stands for Humanities and Social Sciences, is highly
relevant and important in today’s society as it helps students develop critical thinking
skills, empathy, and cultural awareness. According to a study by the Philippine
Association of Colleges and Universities, HumSS students not only perform well in
academic subjects but also excel in extracurricular activities such as public speaking and
debating (Lumanog, 2015). Another study conducted by the World Bank Group found
that students who take

HumSS courses are more likely to become engaged and active citizens (World
Bank Group, 2018).Moreover, HumSS subjects like history and political science help
students understand how society and culture have evolved over time, giving them a
better perspective on their place in society (Pluta & Swanson, 2019). According to the
Association of American Colleges and Universities, HumSS courses also help students
develop communication and teamwork skills, which are highly valued in the workplace
(AAC&U, 2017).In terms of intrinsic motivation, a study by Jusayan and Rebancos
(2018) found that HumSS students are highly motivated because they find the subjects
relevant to their lives and future careers. Additionally, HumSS courses give students the
opportunity to explore their interests and passions, which can lead to higher academic
performance (Lee & Shin, 2018).

Chapter 3

Research Design

The research will employ mix-method design. This design aims to determine
specific intrinsic motivation and academic performance among Humanities and Social
Science Strand at Senior High School Department in Labasan National High School.
The mix-method design is a research approach that combines qualitative and
quantitative methods in a study. This design allows researchers to gather both numerical
data (quantitative) and non-numerical data (qualitative) to gain a deeper understanding
of the research question or topic. Creswell, J. W., (2017).

The Sample

The researchers will use purposive sampling technique and the number of respondents
are 85 students from Labasan National High School.

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