Example01 Soln

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Given: A uniform 100-kg bar AB is raised in

the HORIZONTAL plane by the
application of a constant couple of M =
3000 N-m applied to link AC. The
mass of the links is small and may be
neglected. When θ = 53.13°, the system
is at rest.

Find: Determine the force on the bar AB at B

at the position corresponding to θ =

Step 1: FBD’s (shown below). Note that link BD is a two-force member. Since
the mass of BD may be considered negligible, the reaction force on BD
are aligned with line BD. Link AC is NOT a two-force member since a
couple M is applied to it (recall that a couple is the moment equivalent
of a pair of equal and opposite forces F separated by a distance d with M
= Fd).

1m 0.75 m Ax
Ay M

Ax B

Step 2: Newton-Euler
(1) ! Fx = Ax " FBD cos# = maGx ( bar AB )
(2) ! Fy = Ay + FBD sin" = maGy ( bar AB )
(3) ! M G = " (1) Ay + (0.75) FBD sin# = IG$ AB ( bar AB )
(4) ! M C = (1.5cos" ) Ay + (1.5sin" ) Ax # M = ( IG ) AC $ AC ( bar AC )
Step 3: Kinematics
a A = aC + ! AC " r A/C # $ 2AC r A/C
( ) ( )
= ! AC k " #1.5cos% i + 1.5sin % j = #1.5! AC sin % i # 1.5! AC cos% j
Since AB remains horizontal for all positions; therefore,
! AB = " AB = 0 . From this and from above, we can write:

aG = a A + ! AB " r G / A # $ 2AC r G / A = a A
= #1.5! AC sin % i # 1.5! AC cos% j
Therefore, we have:
(5) aGx = !1.5" AC sin # = !1.2" AC
(6) aGy = !1.5" AC cos# = !0.9" AC

Step 4: Solve
Combining (1) and (5): Ax = 0.6FBD ! 120" AC
Combining (2) and (6): Ay = !0.8FBD ! 90 " AC
Substituting into (3):
( )
0.8FBD + 90 ! AC + 0.75FBD 0.8 = 0 " ! AC = #0.0156FBD
( )
Ax = 0.6FBD ! 120" AC = 0.6FBD ! 120 !0.0156FBD = 2.47FBD

Ay = !0.8FBD ! 90" AC = !0.8FBD ! 90 ( !0.0156FBD ) = 0.604FBD

Substituting into (4) and solving:
(1.5cos! )(0.604FBD ) + (1.5sin! )( 2.47FBD ) = M "
FBD = = #855.3 N
( )( )( ) ( )( )(
1.5 0.6 0.604 + 1.5 0.8 2.47 )

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