Abstract of ASTM A153 A153M 2000

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Abstract of



1. ASTM A 153fA 153M is a specification developed through the proce.

dures of ASTM. A1531A153M is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
Committee A-5 on Metallic Coated Iron and Steel Products and is
the direct responsibility of its Subcommittee A05.13 on Structural
Shapes and Hardware Specifications.

2. A1531A153M covers hot-dip galvanizing of various forms of iron

and steel products, including fasteners. This abstract has been
editorially modified to eliminate those requirements and references
which specifically exclude fasteners . Also omitted are those re-
quirements dealing with sampling, Note 2 of Table 1, quality assur-
ance and inspection, a listing of applicable documents, and metric
(soft converted) equivalencies. For the omitted information, refer
to the complete A1531A153M.
The paragraph numbers throughout this abstract are those of ASTM

3. ASTM A 1531A 153M-2000 is abstracted with permission from the An-

nual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for Test-
ing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA
19428·2959, U.S.A.

1. Scope ated with its use. It is the responsibility of the

user of this standard to establish appropriate
1.1 This specification covers zinc coatings safety and health practices and determine the
applied by the hot-dip process on iron and steel applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 This document is intended to be appli-
cable to hardware items that are centrifuged or
(Refer to the complete specification , see
otherwise handled to remove excess galva niz-
page N-38.)
ing bath metal (free zinc). Coating thickness
grade requirements reflect th is.
3. Materials and Manufacture
NOTE i -If the galvanized material covered by this speci·
fication is bent or otherwise fabricated to the degree that
causes the zinc coatings to stretch or compre ss beyond 3.1 Steel or Iron - Ferrous articles to be hot-
the limit of elasticity, some cracking or flaking of the coat· dip zinc coated shaH conform to specifications
ing may occur. designated by the purchaser.
1.3 (See IFI Note 2.)
3.2 Zinc- The zinc used for the coating shaH
1.4 This standard does not purport to ad- conform to ASTM 86 and shall be at least equal
dress aI/ of the safety concerns, if any, associ- to the grade designated as ~ Prim e Western . ~

8 -230 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

Abstract of
A1 53/A153M

Table 1 Weight of Zinc Coating fo r Vario us Classes of Mate rial 2

Minimum Weigh t of Zin c Coating oz.Ift' of Surface ~

Cla ss of Material
Averag e of Specimens Tested · An y Ind ividual Specimen

Class C - Fasteners 0Yef' 3J8 in. In diameter aoo similar

12' 1.00
artides. Washers 3116 In. aoo 114 In. in ttlckness
Class D - Fasteners 318 In. am lIder In diameter. rivets, 0.85
nails aoo similar articles. Washers lIder 3116 In. in ltickness
• In the case of long pteCes, such as anchor rods and Similar articles over 5 ft, In length, the weight of coating shall be detemllned al
each end and the middle 01 the article. In no case shall individual measurements be below the minimum shown In the "An'1lndividual
Specimen' column .
• The number of specimens to be tested per order shall be as specified In Section 7.
NOTE 2 - Based upon mathematical calculations, 1 oz/ft' of zinc surface corresponds to an average coaUng thickness of 1.7 mil
(0.0017 In.). References to "coating thickness" or "coating thickness grade" throughout this standard are interchangeable with
......eight· in Table 1 in accordance with the calculation.

3.3 Coating Thickness Grade - The thick- would Interfere with function or as edge tears or spikes
that present a safety hazard because of their sharpness,
ness grades of the coating shall conform to the
are grounds for rejection under the terms of 5.1.
requirements prescribed in Table 1 for the ma-
terial category and thickness of material in which 4. 3 Steel that is cold worked may become
the article belongs. embrittled, depending on such factors as the type
(strength level, ag ing characteristics), thickness,
3.4 Th readed Articles - The zinc coating on
and degree of cold work. Galvanizing may ac-
threads shall not be subjected to a cutting, roil-
celerate em brittlement. Preca utio ns aga inst
ing, or finishing-tool operation, unless specifically
embrittlement shall be taken by the designer and
authorized by the purchaser. Threads in nuts
the fabricator. The precautions to fabricate prop-
may be tapped after galva nizing.
erly and prepare the material for galvanizing to
prevent embrittlement are described in ASTM
4. Workmanshi p, Finish, and Appearance
A1 43.
4.1 The zinc coated articles shall be free from NOTE 4 - low service temperatures increase the risk of
uncoated areas, blisters, flux deposits, dross brittle failure of all plain carbon steels Including those which
inclusions, and other types of projections that have been galvanized. This temperature embrittling effect
varies with type of steel. The expected service tempera-
would interfere with the intended use of the ar-
ture should thus be taken 1nto account when selecting steels
ticles or other defects not consistent with good for galvanizing.
galvanizing practice.
4.4 Malleable castings shall be of such com-
4.2 The zinc coating shall be smooth and position as will preclude the possibility that they
reasonably uniform in thickness. become embrittled by the galvanizing process,
NOTE 2 - Smoothness of surface Is a relative term. Mi- or they shaJJ be either cooled from the anneal,
nor roughness that does not interfere with the intended or subseq uently heat treated so as to immunize
use of the part, or roughness that is related to the as-re- them against embriltlement.
ceived (ungalvanized) surface condition of the part. shaH
not be grounds for rejection. 4.5 The zinc coating shall adhere tenaciously
NOTE 3 - Since this specification Is applicable to items to the surface of the basis metal (see Section 8).
that are centrifuged or otherwise handled to remove ex-
cess bath metal (see 1.2), Irregular coating distribution is 5. Sa mpling
not normally encountered. Drainage problems. which
manifest themselves as local excess coating thickness that (Refer to the complete specification.)

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute 8 -231

Abstract of

A153/A 153M

6. Test Methods 6.3 Embrittlement - Test for embrittlement

in accordance with Practice ASTM A143.
6.1 Tests shall be made to ensure that the
zinc coating is being furnished in accordance with 6.4 Adherence - Determine adherence of
this specification and as specified for the follow- the zinc coating to the surface of the base metal
ing: by cutting or prying with the point of a stout knife,
applied with considerable pressure in a manner
6.1. 1 Thickness of coating in 3.3.
tending to remove a portion of the coating . The
6.1.2 Fi nish and appearance in 4.1 and 4.2. adherence shall be considered inadequate if the
6.1.3 Embrittlement in 4.3 and 4.4. coating flakes off in the form of a layer or skin so
as to expose the base metal in advance of the
6.1.4 Adherence in 4.5. knife point. 0 0 not use testing carried out at
edges or corners (points of 'lowest coating ad-
6.2 Thickness of Coating:
herence) to determine adherence of coating .
6.2.1 The average weight of the zinc coating Likewise, do not use removal of small particles
may be determined by weighing specimens af- of the coating by paring or whittling to determine
ter pickling and drying and again after galvaniz- failure.
NOTE 5 - This method does not take Into account the
7. Inspection
weight of Iron reacted from the article that is incorporated
(Refer to the complete specification.)
Into the coa ting. It will thus underestimate coa ting weight
by up to approximately 10%. Base metal reactivity will
affect the extent of underestimation. 8. Rejection and Retest

6.2.2 In the case of materials inspected after (Refer to the complete speCification.)
galvanizing , the weight of coating may be deter-
mined by stripping one or more specimens in 9. Packag ing
accordance with ASTM A90/A90M , or the aver- 9.1 The supplier shall employ such methods
age thickness of coating may be determined with
of packaging zinc coated articles as may rea-
the use of a magnetic thickness gage in confor-
sonably be req uired to ensure their receipt by
mity with Practice ASTM E376.
the purchaser in satisfactory condition, with the In the case of fasteners such as bolts, use to be made of the article being taken into
nuts, and screws, the determination of the thick- consideration.
ness of coating shall be made on a portion of 9.2 Zinc coated items should not be packed
the article that does not include any threads. in unventilated containers, especially if these are
6 .2.3 The thickness of coating may be deter- fabricated from unseasoned wood .
mined by cross section and optical measure-
ment. The thickness thus determined is a point 10. Certific ation
value . No less than five such measurements (Refer to the complete specification.)
shall be made at locations on the test article ,
which are as widely dispersed as practical, so 11 , Keywords
as to be representative of the whole surface of
the test article. The average of no less than five 11 .1 coatings, zinc; galvanized coatings; steel
such measurements is the specimen coating hardware, zinc coated; steel products. metallic
thickness. coated; zinc coatings, steel products.

8 -232 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

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