Abstract of ASTM A325 2002

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1. ASTM A325 Is a specification developed through the procedur es of

ASTM. A325 is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-16 on

2. This abstract presents the c hemical and mechanical requi rem ents
of two types of carbon and al/oy steel bolts commonly known as
"A32S high strength structural bolts." It omits those requirements
dealing with the number of tests and inspection, and a listing of

referenced documents. For the omitted information, refer to the
complete A325.

3. The paragraph numbers throughout this abstract are those of the

complete A325-2002.

4. Refer to page E· 1 for a discussion of high strength bolting.

5. ASTM A325-2002 is abstrac ted with p ermission from the Annual

Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for Testi ng
and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA
19428-2959, U.S.A.

1. Scope Type Descri ption

Type 1 Medium carbon, carbon boron, or medium car-

1.1 This specification covers two types of bon alloy steel.
quenched and tem pered steel heavy hex struc- Type 2 Withdrawn in November 1991.
tural bolts having a minimum tensile strength of Type 3 Weathering steel.
120 ksi for sizes 1.0 in. and less, and 105 ksi for NOTE 1 - Bolts for general applications. including an-
sizes over 1.0 to 1-1/2 in., inclusive. chor bolts, are covered by Specification ASTM A449. Also
refer to Specification ASTM A449 for quenched and tem-
1.2 The bolts are intended for use in struc- pered steel bolts and studs with diameters greater than
1-1 /2 in., but with similar mechanical properties.
tural con nections. These connections are cov-
ered under the req uirements of the Specifica- NOTE 2 - A complete metric companion to Specification
tion for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or ASTM A325 has been developed - Specification ASTM
A490 Bolts, approved by the Research Cou ncil A325M; therefore no metric equivalents are presented in
on Structural Connections; endorsed by the this speCification.
American Institute of Steel Construction and by
the Industrial Fasteners Institute. 1.4 This specification is applicable to heavy
hex structu ra l bolts only. For bolts of other con-
1.3 The bolts are furnished in sizes 1/2 to figurations and thread lengths with simila r me-
1-1/2 in., inclusive. They are designated by type, chanica l properti es, see Specification ASTM
denoting chemical composition as follows: A449, page 6-97.

E-28 © 2003 Industria' Fasteners Institute


1.5 Terms used in this specification are de- and direct tension indicators, or combinations
fined in Specification ASTM A1789. thereof, shall be furnished by lot number.

1.6 The followi ng safety hazards caveat per- 3.1.8 Zinc Coating - Specify the zinc coating
tains only to the test methods portion, Section process required , for example, hot-dip, mechani-
10, of this specification: This standard does not cally deposited, or no preference (see 4.3).
purport to address all of the safety concerns, if
any; associated with its use. It is the responsi- 3.1.9 Other Finishes - Specify other protec-
bility of the user of this standard to establish ap- tive finish , if required.
propriate safety and health practices and deter-
3.1.10 Test reports, if required (see Section 13).

mine the applicability of regulatory limitations
prior to use.
3.1 .11 Supplementary or special requirements,
if requ ired.
2. Referenced Documents
3.1 .12 For establishment of a part identifying
(Refer to the complete specification.)
system, see ASM E B18. 24.1.

3. Ordering Information NOTE 3 - A typical orderin g description follows: 1,000

pieces 1-118 • 7 UNC, 4 in. long. Heavy Hex Structural
Bolt, Type 1 ASTM A325-XX; each with one Hardened
3.1 Orders for heavy hex structural bolts un- Washer. ASTM F436 Type 1; and one Heavy Hex Nut.
der this specification shall include the following: ASTM A563 Grade DH. Each component hol-dip zinc
coated. Nuts lubricated.
3.1.1 Quantity (number of pieces of bolts and
accessories). 3.2 Recommended Nuts:

3.1.2 Size, including nominal bolt diameter, 3.2.1 Nuts conforming to the requirements of
thread pitch, and bolt length. Specification ASTM A563 , page B-97, are rec-
om mended for use with Specification A325
3.1.3 Name of product, heavy hex structural heavy hex structural bolts. The nuts shall be of
bolts. the class and have a su rface finish for each type
of bolt as follows:
3.1.4 When bolts threaded full length are re-
quired, Supplementary Requirement S1 shall be Bolt Type and Finish Nut Class and Finish
specified. 1, plain (non coated) A563· C, C3, D, DH. DH3, plain

3.1.5 Type of bolt: Type 1 or 3. When type is 1. zinc coated A563-DH , zinc coated
not specified, either Type 1 or Type 3 shall be
3. plain A563·C3, OH3. plain
furnished at the supplier's option.
3.2.2 Alternatively, nuts conforming to Specifi-
3.1.6 ASTM designation and year of issue.
cation ASTM A194/A194M Gr. 2H are consid-
3.1.7 Other components such as nuts, wash- ered a suitable substitute for use with Specifica-
ers, and washer-type direct tension indicators, if tion ASTM A325 Type 1 heavy hex structural
required. bolts. When such other components are speci- 3.2.3 Specification ASTM A194/A194M Gr. 2H
fied to be furnished, also state W
nuts, washers, zinc coated nuts are supplied, the zinc coating,

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute E- 29

Abstract of

Ta ble 1 Chemical Requirements fo r Type 1 Bolts

Carbon Steel Carbon Boron Steel Alloy Steel Alloy Boron Steel
Element Heat Product Heat Product Heat Product Heat Product
Analys is Analys is Analysis Anillysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Carbon 0.30 - 0.52 0.28 - 0.55 0.30 - 0.52 0.28 - 0.55 0.30 - 0.52 0.28 - 0.55 0.30 - 0.52 0.28 - 0.55
Marganese, min 0.60 0.57 0.60 0.57 0.60 0.57 0.60 0.57
Phosphorus, max 0.040 0.048 0.040 0.048 0.035 0.040 0.035 0.040
SUfu", max 0.050 0.058 0.050 0.058 0.040 0.045 0.040 0.045
Silicon 0.15-0.30 0.13 -0.32 0.10-0.30 0.08 - 0.32 0.15-0.35 0.13-0.37 0.15 - 0.35 0.13-0.37
Alloy Elemerts
see 5.5 & 5.6
0.0005 - 0.003
0.0005 - 0.003
see 5.5 & 5.6

-• 0.0005 - 0.003

0.0005 - 0.003

'" Steel, as defined by the American Iron and Steel Institute, shall be considered to be alloy when the maximum of the range given for the content
of alloying elements exceeds one or more of the following limits: Manganese, 1.65%; silicon, 0.60%; copper, 0.60% or In which a definite range or
a definite minimum quantity of any of the following elements Is specified or required within the limits of the recognized field of constructional alloy
steels: aluminum, chromium up to 3.99%, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, zirconium, or any other alloying
elements added 10 obtain a desired alloying effect.

overtapping, lubrication and rotational capacity from the austenitizing temperature. Type 1 bolts
testing shall be in accordance with Specification produced from medium carbon steel to which
ASTM A563, page B-1 67. chromium, nickel, molybdenum, or boron were
intentionally added shall be quenched only in oil
3.3 Recommended Washers: from the austenitizing temperature .
3.3. 1 Washers conforming to Specification 4.1.2 Type 3 bolts shall be quenched only in
ASTM F436 are the recommended washers for oil from the austenitizing temperature.
use with Specification ASTM A325 heavy hex
structural bolts. The washers shall have a sur- 4.1.3 Type 1 bolts, regardless of the steel used,
face finish for each type of bolt as follows: and Type 3 bolts shall be tempered by reheating
to not less than 800°F.
B oil Type and Finish W asher F inish

1, plain (uncoated) plain (uncoaled) 4.2 Threading - Threads on bolts shall be

1, zinc coa ted zinc coated cut or rolled.
3, plain weathering sleel , plain
4. 3 Zinc Coatings, Hot-Dip and Mechanicalfy
3.4 Other Accessories: Deposited:

3.4.1 When compressible washer-type direct 4.3.1 When zinc coated fasteners are required,
tension indicators are specified to be used with the purchaser shall specify the zinc coating pro-
these bolts, they shall conform to Specification cess, for example, hot-dip, mechanically depos-
ASTM F959, page E-65, Type 325. ited, or no preference.

4.3.2 When hot-dip is specified, the fasteners

4. Materials and Man ufactu re
shall be zinc coated by the hot-dip process and
4.1 Heat Treatment: the coating shall conform to the coating weighV
thickness and performance requirements of
4 .1.1 Type 1 bolts produced from medium car- Class C of Specification ASTM A 153, page 6-
bon steel shall be quenched in a liquid medium 230.

E-30 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

Abstract of

Tab le 2 Chemical Requirements for Type 3 Heavy Hex Structural Bolts A

Composition, Percen t
Element Type 3 Bolts A

0.33-0AO 0.38-<lA8 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25 0.2O-Q.25 0.20-0.25
Heat analysis
0.31--0.42 0 .36-0.50 0.14-0.26 0.14--0.26 0.18-{).27 0.19-0.26
Product analysis
0.90-1.20 0.7O-Q.90 0.80-1.35 0.40-1.20 0.60-1.00 0.90-1.20
Heat analysis
0.86-1.24 0.67--0.93 0.76-1.39 0.36-1.24 0.56-1.04 0.86-1.24
Product analysis
0.035 max 0.035 max

Heal analysis 0.06-0.12 0.035 max 0.035 max 0.035 max
0.040 max 0.06-0.125 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max
Product analysis

Heat analysis
0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max
0.045 max 0.045 max 0.045 max 0.045 max 0.045 rnax 0.045 max
Product analysis
0.15-<l.35 0.30-0.50 0. 15-0.35 0.25-<l.50 0.15-<l.35 · 0.15-<l.35
Heat analysis
0. 13--0.37 0.25-<l.55 0.13--0.37 0.2O-Q.55 0.13--0.37 0.13--0.37
Product analysis
0.25-<l.45 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.50 0.3O-Q.50 0.30-0.60 0.20-0.40
Heat analysis
0.22--0.48 0.17--0.43 0.17--0.53 0.27-0.53 0.27--0.63 0 .17-0.43
Product analysis
0.25-<l.45 0.50-0.80 0.25-<l.50 0.50-0.80 0.30-0.60 0.20-0.40
Heat analysis
0.22-0.48 0.47--0.83 0.22--0.53 0.47--0.83 0.27--0.63 0.17--0.43
Product analysis
0.45-0.65 0.50-0.75 0.30-0.50 0.50-1.00 0.60-0.90 0.45-0.65
Heat analysis
0.42-0.68 0.47--0.83 0.27--0.53 0.45-1.05 0.55-0.95 0.42-0.68
Product analysis
Heat ana!y.!is • • 0.020 mln • • •
Product analysis • • 0.010 min • • •
Heat analysis • 0.06 max • 0.10 max • •
Product analysis
• 0.07 max • 0.11 max • •
Heat analysis
• • • 0.05 max • •
Product analysis • • • 0.06 max • •
AA. B. C, D , E and F are classes ofmatenal used for Type 3 bolts. SelecUon ofa class shall be attheoptlon of the bolt manufacturer.
8These elements are not specified or required.

4.3.3 When mechanically deposited is speci- Class C, or a mechanically depOSited zinc coat-
fied , the fasteners shall be zi nc coated by the ing in accordance with Specification ASTM 8 695,
mechanical deposition process and the coating Class 50. Threaded components (bolts and nuts)
shall conform to the coating weighUthickness and shaJl be coated by the same zinc coating pro-
performance requirements of Class 50 of Speci- cess and the supplier's option is limited to one
fication ASTM 8695, page B-233. process per item with no mixed processes in a
4.3.4 When no preference is specified, the
supplier shall furnish either a hot-dip zi nc coat- 4.4 Lubrication - When zinc coated nuts are
ing in accordance with SpeCification ASTM A 153, ord ered with the bolts , the nuts shall be lubri-

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute E -3 1


cated in accordance with Specification A5TM Table 3 Hardness Requirements for Bolts
A563, Supplementary Requirement 51, to mini- Brinell Rockwell C
Bolt Size, Bolt Length,
mize galling. in. in.
Min Mu Min Ma>

4.5 Secondary Processing: Less lhan 2D" 253 319 25 34

112 to 1 . incl.
20 and over - 319 - 34
4.5.1 If any processing which can affect the 1-1/8 to HI2. Less than 3DA 223 286 19 30
mechanical properties or performance of the incl. 3D and over - 286 - 30
bolts is performed after the initial testing, the bolts A Sizes 1.00 In. and smaller haVIng a length shorter than 20
and sizes larger than 1.00 in. having a length shorter than 3D
shall be retested for all specified mechanical are subject only to minimum and maximum hardness.
properties and performance requirements af-

0= nominal diameter or thread size.
fected by the reprocessing.

4.5.2 When the secondary process is heat 5.5 Compliance with 5.4 shall be based on
treatment, the bolts shall be tested for all speci ~ certification that heats of steel having any of the
fied mechanical properties. Hot-dip zinc coated listed elements intentionally added were not used
bolts shall be tested for all specified mechanical to produce the bolts.
properties and rotational capacity. If zinc coated
nuts are relubricated after the initial capacity 5.6 Chemical analyses shall be performed
tests, the assemblies shall be retested for rota- in accordance with Test Methods. Practices, and
tional capacity. Terminology ASTM A751.

5. Chemical Composition
6. Mechanical Properties
5.1 Type 1 bolts shall be plain carbon steel,
6.1 Hardness - The bolts shall conform to
carbon boron steel. alloy steel, or alloy boron
steel at the manufacturer's option, conforming the hardness specified in Table 3.
to the chemical composition specified in Table
6.2 Tensile Properties:

5.2 Type 3 bolts shall be weathering steel 6.2.1 Except as permitted in 6.2.2 for long bolts
and shall conform to one of the chemical com- and 6.2.3 for short bolts, sizes 1.00 in. and
positions specified in Table 2. The selection of smaller having a length of 2-1/40 and longer,
the chemical composition, A, B. C, D. E. or F. and sizes larger than 1.00 in. having a length of
shall be at the option of the bolt manufacturer. 3D and longer. shall be wedge tested full-size
See ASTM Guide G101 for methods of estimat- and shall conform to the minimum wedge ten-
ing the atmospheric corrosion resistance of low sile load and proof load or alternative proof load
alloy steels. specified in Table 4. The load achieved during
proof load testing shall be equal to or greater
5.3 Product analyses made on finished bolts than the specified proof load.
representing each lot shall conform to the prod-
uct analysis requirements specified in Table 1 6.2.2 When the length 01 the bolt makes lull-
and Table 2, as applicable. size testing impractical, machined specimens
shall be tested and shall conform to the require-
5.4 Heats of steel to which bismuth, sele- ments specified in Table 5. When bolts are
nium, tellurium, or lead has been intentionally tested by both full-size and machined specimen
added shaJl not be permitted for bolts. methods, the full-size test shall take precedence.

E -32 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

Abstract of

Table 4 Tensile Requ irements for that cannot be axially tensile tested shall be quali-
Full Size Bolts - fied on the basis of hardness.
Proof Alternative
Bolt Size,
Threads per Stress Tensile
Load,- Proof 6.2.4 For bolts on which both hardness and
Length Load,·
Inch and Area,A Load,-
Measure· Yield
tension tests are performed , acceptance based
Series In! min, lbf on tensile requirements shall take precedence
ment Strength
Method Metho d in the event of low hardness readings.
Column 1

112-13 UNC
5f8-11 UNC
3(4-10 UNC
7f8-9 UNC
1--6 UNC
' ·1/8-7 UNC
Column 2 Column 3 Column .. Column 5
6.3 Rotational Capacity Test:

6.3.1 Definition - The rotational capacity test

is intended to evaluate the presence of a lubri-
cant, the efficiency of the lubricant, and the com-
1-118-8 UN 0.790 82,950 58,450 64,000
patibility of assemblies as represented by the
1·1/4-7 UNC 0.969 101,700 71 ,700 78,500 components selected for testing.
1·114--8 UN 1.000 105,000 74,000 81,000
,.3J8.-6 UNC 1.155 121 ,300 85,450 93,550 6.3.2 Requirement - Zinc coated bolts, zinc
1-318-8 UN 1.233 129,500 91,250 99,870
1-112-6 UNC 1.405 147,500 104,000 113,800
coated washers, and zinc coated and lubricated
1-112-8 UN 1.492 156.700 110.400 120.850 nuts tested full-size in an assembled joint or ten-
A The stress area is calculated as follows:
sion measuring device, in accordance with 10.2,
As = 0.7854 [0 - (0.9743/0)]2 shall not show signs of failure when subjected
to the nut rotation in Table 6. The test shall be
As = stress area, in.~, performed by the responsible party (see Sec-
D = nominal bolt size, and tion 14) prior to shipment after zinc coating and
n = threads per inch. lubrication of nuts. (See 10.2 and Note 5.)
e Loads tabula ted are based on the following :
6.3,3 Acceptance Criterion - The bolt and nut
Bolt Size, In. Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 assembly shall be considered as nonconform-
112 to 1, incl. 120,000 psi 85,000 psi 92.000 psi
ing if the assembly fails to pass anyone of the
1·118 to 1-112, incl. 105,000 psi 74,000 psi 81,000 psi following specified requirements: Inability to install the assembly to the

nut rotation in Table 6.
6,2.3 Sizes 1.00 in. and smaller having a length'
shorter than 2-1 /4D down to 2D, inclusive, that Inability to remove the nut after install-
cannot be wedge tensile tested shall be axially ing to the rotation specified in Table .6.
tension tested full-size and shall conform to the
minimum tensile load and proof load or alter- 6,3,3.3 Shear failure of the threads as deter-
nate proof load specified in Table 4. Sizes 1.00 min ed by vis ual examination of bolt and nut
in. and smaller having a length shorter than 2D threads following removal.

Table 5 Tensile Strength Requirements for Specimens Machined From Bolts

Bolt Dia Ten sile Strength Yteld Strength Elongation, In. 40 Reduction of Area
In. p si,min psi, mln mln "/0 mln %
112 to 1 irx:1. 120.000 92,000 35
over 1 to 1-112 105,000 81 ,000 " 35

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute E-33

Abstract of


Table 6 Rotational Capacity Test for Zinc Coated Bolts

Nominal Nut Rotation, Degrees
Bolt Length, in.
Up to and irduding 4 x dia 240 (213)
CNer 4 " dia, bti. not exceeding 8 " dia 360 (1)
OYer 8" dia, bit not exceeding 12 "dia 420 (1-116)
Over 12 "dia Te st not app~cable Torsional or torsional/tension failure of Oversize limit, in. ~

Nominal Bolt
the bolt. Elongation of the bolt. in the threads Dlameter, ln. A Mechanical Zinc
Hot..olp Zinc
between the nut and bolt head, is to be expected
112 0.0 18 0.0 12
at the req uired rotation and is not to be classi- 9116. 5/8, 314 incl. 0.020 0,013
fied as a failure. 7ffi 0,022 0.015
1 to 1-114 incl. 0.024 0.016
1-3/8.1-1/2 0.027 0.0 18
7. Dimensions
A Hot-dip zinc nuts are tapped oversize after coating, and me-
chanical zinc coated nuts are tapped oversize before coating.
7.1 Head and Body:

7.1.1 The bolts shall conform to the dimensions 7.2.3 The gaging limit for bolts sha ll be ve ri-
for Heavy Hex Structural Bolts specified in ASME fied during manufacture. In case of dispute, a
B1 8.2.6. page E- 14. calibrated thread ring gage of the same size as
the oversize limit in 7,2,2 (Class X tolerance,
7.1.2 The thread length shall not be changed gage tolerance plus) shall be used to verify corn·
except as provided in Supplementary Require- pliance. The gage shall assemble with hand ef·
ment 81. Bolts with thread lengths other than fort following application of light machine oil to
those required by this specification shall be or· prevent gall ing and damage to the gage. These
dered under Specification ASTM A449, page S- inspections, when performed to resolve contro-
97. versy, shall be conducted at the frequency speci·
fi ed in the quality assurance provisions of ASME
7.2 Threads: B1 8.2.6, page E- 13.

7.2.1 Uncoated - Threads shall be the Uni-

8. Workmansh ip
fied Coa rse Thread Series as specified in ASM E
61 .1, page A-33, and shall have Class 2A loler· 8.1 The allowable limits, inspection and
ances. evaluation of the surface discontinuities, quench
cracks, forging cracks, head bursts, shear bursts,
7.2.2 Coated - Unless otherwise specified, seams, folds, thread laps , voids, tool marks,
zinc coated bolts to be used with zi nc coated nicks, and gouges shall be in accordance with
nuts or tapped holes that are tapped oversize , Specification ASTM F788fF788M , page B- 190,
in accordance with Specification ASTM A563, (see Note 4).
shall have Class 2A threads before hot·dip or
mechanically deposited zinc coating. After zinc NOTE 4 - Specification ASTM F7BB/F78BM nor ASTM
F1470 guarantee 100 percent freedom from head bursts.
coating, the maximum limits of pitch and major Sampling is designed to provide a 95 percent confidence
diameter shall not exceed the Class 2A limit by level of freedom from head bursts in any test lot. Head
more than the following amounts: bursts within the limits specified in ASTM F7BB/F7B8M are

E - 34 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

Abstract of
ASTMA325 ·

unsightly, but do not affect mechanical properties or func- bolt. and the rotation shown in Table 6 shall be
tion requirements of the bolt.
applied. During rotation, the bolt head shall be
restrained from turning .
9. Number of Tests and Retests
NOTE 5 - Rotational capacity tests shall apply only to
(Refer to the complete specification. ) matched assembly lots that contain one A325 bolt, one
A563 lubricated nut, and one F436 washer that have been
zinc coated in accordance with either Specifications ASTM
10. Test Methods A 153 or B695. Both the bolt and nut components of the
matched assembly shall be zinc coated using the same
10.1 Tensile, Proof Load, and Hardness: process.

10.1.1 Tensile , proof load, and hardness tests 11. Inspection
shall be conducted in accordance with Test Meth-
ods ASTM F606. 12. Rejection and Rehearing

10.1.2 Tensile strength shal l be determined us- 13. Certification

ing the Wedge or Axial Tension Testing Method
(Refer to the complete specification for
of Full-Size Product Method orthe Machined Test Paras. 11 thru 13.)
Specimens Method , depending on size and
length. as specified in 6.2. 1 thru 6.2.4. Fracture 14. Responsibility
on full-size tests shall be in the body or thread s
of the bolt without a fracture at the junction of 14.1 The party responsibl e for the fastener
the head and body. shall be the organization that supplies the fas-
tener to the purchaser and certifies that the fas-
10.1.3 Proof load shall be determined using tener was manufactured, sampled, tested and
Method 1, Length Measurement or Method 2, inspected in accordance with this specification
Yield Strength, at the option of the manufacturer. and meets all of its requirements.

10.2 Rotational Capacity - The zinc coated 15. Product Marking

bolt sha ll be placed in a steel joint or tension
measuring device and assembled with a zinc 15.1 Manufacturer's Identification - All Type
coated washer and a zinc coated and lubricated 1 and 3 bolts shall be marked by the manufac-
nut with which the bolt is intended to be used turer with a unique identifier to identify the manu-
(see Note 5). The nut shall have been provided facturer or private label distributor, as appropri-
with the lubricant described in the last paragraph ate.
of the Manufacturing Processes section of Speci-
fication ASTM A563. The joint shall be one or 15.2 Grade Identification:
more flat structural steel plates or fixture stack
15.2.1 Type 1 boils shall be mar1<ed "A325 ."
up with a total thickness. including the washer,
such that 3 to 5 full threads of the bolt are lo- 15.2.2 Type 3 bolts shall be marked "~. with
cated between the bearing surfaces of the bott the "~~ underlined. The use of additional dis-
head and nut. The hole in the joint shall have tinguishing marks to indicate that the bolts are a
the same nominal diameter as the hole in the weathering steel shall be at the manufacturer's
washer. The initial tightening of the nut shall option.
produce a load in the bolt not less than 10% of
the specified proof load. After initial tightening, 15.3 Marking Location and Methods - All
the nut position sha ll be marked relative to the marking shall be located on the top of the bolt

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute E-35


head and shall be either raised or depressed at 16.2 Package Manking:

the manufacturer's option.
16.2.1 Each shipping unit shall include or be
15.4 Acceptance Criteria - Bolts which are plainly marked with the following information:
not marked in accordance with these provisions
shall be considered nonconforming and subject ASTM designation and type,
to rejection . Size,
15.5 Type and manufacturer's or private la-
bel distributor's identification shall be separate Name and brand or trademark of the
and distinct. The two identifications shall prefer-

ably be in different locations and , when on the
same level, shall be separated by at least two Number of pieces,
spaces. Lot number; when nuts, washers, or
16. Packaging and Package Marking direct tension indicators or combinations thereof,
16.1 Packaging: are ordered with A325 heavy hex structural bolts,
the shipping unit shall be marked with the lot
16.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging number in addition to the marking required by
shall be in accordance with Practice ASTM the applicable product specification.
D3951. Purchase order number, and
16.1.2 When zinc coated nuts are included on
the same order as zinc coated bolts, the bolts Country of origin.
and nuts shall be shipped in the same container.
17. Keywords
16.1.3 When special packaging requirements
are required, they shall be defined at the time of 17.1 bolts; carbon steel ; steel ; structural ;
the inquiry and order. weathering steel


The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when speCified by the purchaser in
the contract or order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon in writing
between the manufacturer and purchaser. Supplementary requirements shall in no way negate any
requirement of the specification itself.

. .
81 . Bolts Threaded Full Length ring gage, assembled by hand as far as the
thread will permit, shall not exceed the length of
81.1 Bolts with nominal lengths equal to or 2-1/2 threads for bolt sizes 1 in. and smaller,
shorter than four times the nominal bolt diam- and 3-1/2 threads for bolt sizes larger than 1 in.
eter shall be threaded full length. BoUs need
not have a shoulder, and the distance from the 51.2 Bolts shall be marked in accordance with
underhead bearing surface to the first complete Section 15, except that the symbol sha ll be
(full form) thread, as measured with a GO thread "A325T" instead of "A325. "

E-36 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

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