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~ Designation: F 837 - 08

~u 117

Standard Specification for

Stainless Steel Socket Head Cap Screws"
Thi s sta nda rd .is iss ued under the fixed de signati on F 837 : the number immed iately followin g the designation indicate s the yea r of
orig ina l ad op rion or. in the case of rev isio n. the yea r of last revision. A numb er in parenthe ses indic ates the year of last reapproval , A
superscript ep silon (E) indi cate s an edit orial change since the last revision or rea pproval.

This standard has been approved f or lise by agencies of the Departm ent of Defe nse.

1. Scope A 555 /A 555M Spec ifica tion for Gen eral Requirements for
1.1 This speci fica tio n co vers the chemica l and mechanical Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods
require ments for stainless stee l inch sock et head cap screw A 75 1 Tes t Me thods, Pract ice s. and Terminolog y for
(SHCS) with nomin al thread 0.060 through 1.500 in. and Che mical Analysis of Steel Prod ucts
intended for use in applica tions requiring general corros ion A 967 Spe cification for Chemica l Passiva tion Treatments
resistance. for Stainless Steel Parts
1.2 Three gro ups of stainless steel alloys are cove red , D 3951 Practice for Com merc ial Pack agin g
austenitic Group I and 2 and marten sit ic Gro up 5. E 18 Test Method s for Rockwell Hardn ess of Metallic
1.3 Four propert y co nditions are covered: austenitic Alloy Materials
Gro ups I and 2 in an annea led co ndition (AF) at 85 ksi E 92 Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Mate-
max imum , in two co ld worked co nditions (CW) at 80 ksi rials
minimum, (C W I) at 102 ksi minimum, and martensitic Alloy E 384 Test Method for Microindentatio n Hardness of Ma-
Gro up 5 in a heat treated condi tion (HT) at 160 ksi minimum. teria ls
1.4 The valu es state d in inch-pound unit s are to be regarded F 606 Test Method s for Deter mining the Mec hanical Prop-
as standard . The values give n in parentheses are mathemati cal erties of Externa lly and Intern ally Threaded Fasteners,
conversion s to SI units that are provided for inform ation only Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets
and arc not co nsidere d standa rd. F 788/F 788M Specification for Su rface Discontinuities of
1.5 The followi ng pre cautiona ry cav ea t perta ins only to the Bolts. Screws. and Studs, Inch and Metric Series
test meth od portion, Sect ion 13, of this specification: This F 1470 Guide for Faste ner Sa mpling for Spec ified Mechani-
standard does not purport to address all of the safe ty concerns, cal Properties and Perfor ma nce Inspect ion
if any. associat ed with its lise. It is the responsibility of the user 2.2 ASME Standard:
of this standa rd to establish app rop riate safe ty and health ASME B 18.3 Socket Ca p, Sho ulde r, and Se t Screw s-Inch
pra ctices and determin e the applicabil ity of regulatory limita- Series}
tions p rior to lise.
3. Class ification
2. Referenced Documents 3. 1 The austenitic stainless steel soc ket head cap screw shall
2. 1 ASTM Standards: 2 be designated F 837 Group I or 2 Co ndition AF, F 837 Gro up
A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu - I or 2 Co ndit ion CWo or F83 7 Group I or 2 Co ndition CW I.
lar Attac k in Aus tenitic Stainless Steel s 3.2 The marte nsitic stainless stee l soc ket head cap screw
A 342/A 342M Test Methods for Permeabi lity of Feeb ly shall be design ated F 837 Grou p 5 Condition HT.
Magn etic Materials
4. Ordering Information
A 380 Practice for Clea ning. Descaling, and Passivation of
Stai nless Steel Part s, Eq uipment, and Sys tems 4.1 Orders for sock et head cap screws under this specifica-
tion sha ll include:
4 .1.1 Quantity (number of pieces of each item).
1 T his speci ficat io n is unde r the juri sd ict ion of ASTM Co mmi ttee F I6 on 4.1 .2 Name of the item (socket head cap screws, SHCS ).
Faste ners an d is the direct respo nsibility of Subco mmittee F16.04 on Nonferrous
4 . 1.3 Size (no minal diameter. threa d pitch, thread class,
Current ed ition approved Ju ly 1. 2008. Published Ju ly 200 8. O rigi nally approved screw length ) or part number.
in 1988. Last prev iou s ed ition appro ved in 2002 as F 837 - 02a d •
, For referen ced ASTM standards, visit the AST M website. www. astm.o rg, or
contac t ASTM Cu stom er Servi ce at ser vice For An nual Book oj ASTM
Standards vo lume inform ati on . re fer 10 the st and ard' s Document Sum mary page on J Availa ble from G lob al Eng inee ring Docum ents. 15 Inverness Way. East
the ASTM webs ite. Englewood . CO 80 112-5704. bllp :ll ww .

Copyright © ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. PO Box C700. West Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959. United States.
e F837-08
4.1.4 Alloy Group (sec 7. I) and Condi tion (Gro up I or 2 6.2 When Condition CW or CW I is specified. the austenitic
AF, Group I or 2 CW, Group I or 2 CW I. or Group 5 HT). alloys sha ll be annealed as spec ified in 6.1 generally by the raw
4 . 1.5 ASTM spec ifica tio n and year of issue. When year of ma terial manufacturer, then cold wo rked to develop specific
issue is not specified, fasteners shall be furn ished to the late st propert ies.
issue. 6.3 Marte nsitic alloy Grou p 5 Condi tion HT screws shall be
4 . 1.6 Supplementary requiremen ts, if any. (see S I throu gh hardened and tempered by heating to 1800 ± 50°F sufficient
S7 ). for austenitiza tion, holding for at least Ifz h, rapid air or oil
4. 1.7 Additional speci al requirement s. if any, to be specified
quenchin g, reheating to 525°F minimum and holdin g for at
on the purchase order:
least I h and then air cooling to provide the properties specified Forming (sec 5. 1).
in Table I.
4 .1.7 .2 Threading (see 5.2).
4. 1.7.3 Surface finish (sec 11.1).
7. Chemical Properties
4 . I.7.4 Allo y selection (sec 7.2).
4. 1.7.5 Test report (sec 12.2). 7. 1 It is the intent of this spec ification that screws shall be
4.1.7 .6 Addit iona l testing (sec 12.3). ordered by alloy group and condition. The che mica l co mpos i-
4. 1.7.7 Inspect ion (see 14. 1). tion of the screw material shall conform to the requirements of
4. 1.7.8 Rejec tion (see 15.1). Table 2.
4. 1.7.9 Certification (see 16.1). 7.2 Unless otherwi se spe cified in the inquiry and purc hase
4.1.7 . 10 Special packaging requirements (sec 18.3). orde r (sec Supplementary Requirements S2) the choice of an
4 .1.7.1 1 Supplementary requirem ents as needed. alloy from with in a group shall be at the discretion of the
fastener manufacturer as required by their method of fastener
5. Materials and Manufacture fabrication and mater ial availability. Th e specific allo y used by
5.1 Heads-Unless otherw ise specified the head and soc ket the manu facturer sha ll be cle arly identified on all certification
recess of the screw may be hot forged. cold forged, or requ ired in the purch ase orde r and sha ll have chemica l co m-
machin ed at the option of the manufacturer. Users requiring position conformi ng to the limit s specified in Table 2.
co ld forged head s sho uld spec ify Suppleme ntary Requi rem ents 7.3 When chemical ana lys is is per formed by the purchaser
SI. using finished fastener s repr esenting each lot , the chemica l
5.2 Threads-Unless othe rw ise speci fied, screws in sizes up co ntents obtained shall con form to the limit s spec ified in Table
to 1.00 in. inclusi ve and product lengths up to 6 in. inclusive, 2 for the spec ific alloy. Chemical contents shall conform to the
shall have thre ad s form ed by roll ing, except by special agree- tolerances speci fied in Specification A 555/A 555M .
ment with the purchaser. Larger products may be rolled , cut. or
7.3. I In the event of discrep anc y, a referee anal ysis as
grou nd at the opti on of the manu facturer.
spec ified in 13. 1 of samples for each lot shall be made III
6. Heat Treatment accordance with 12.3.1.

6. 1 Austenitic alloys Gro up 1 or 2 Condition AF screws,

8. Mecha nical Properties
followi ng manu facture, sha ll be annea led by heating to 1900 ±
50°F to obta in maximu m corrosion res istance and minimum 8. 1 Screws shall be tes ted in accordance with the mechani-
per meabi lity. T he screws shall be held for a sufficient time at cal testing requ ireme nts for the alloy gro up and co ndition
temperature and the n cooled at a rate sufficient to prevent nominal thread diameter, length, and specified minimu m ten-
prec ipitation of the ca rbide and to provide the properties sile strength as spec ified in Tab le 3 and shall meet the
specified in Table 1. mechanical requ irements speci fied for that product in Table I.

TABLE 1 Mechani cal Property Requirem ents

Alloy Full-Size Product Machine Specimen Core Hardness "

Mecha nical Nominal
Alloy Minimum
Cond ition Thread Tensile Minimum Tensile Yield Strengt h,
Group Elongation, Vickers Rockwell
Property Diameter" Strength, ksi Extensicn? Strength. ksi ksi
Marking %

1 AF F837A 0.060-1.500 85 max 0 .6 0 85 max 55 max 40 210 max 95 HRS max

1 CW F837S 0.060-0.750 80 min 0040 80 min 40 min 25 150 min 50 HRA min
1 CW1 F837C 0.060-0.750 102 min 0040 87 min 65 min 20 220 min 59 HRA min
2 AF F837D 0.060-1.500 85 max 0 .60 85 max 55 max 40 210 max 95 HRS max
2 CW F837E 0.060-0.750 80 min 0040 80 min 40 min 25 150 min 50 HRA min
2 CW 1 F837F 0.060--{).750 102 min 0040 87 min 65 min 20 220 min 59 HRA min
5 HT F837G 0.060--{).190 180 min 350-423 36-43 HRC
5 HT F837 H 0.250-1 .500 180 min 0 .20 160 min 120 min 12 350-423 36-43 HRC
A For CW and CW1 cond ition fasteners with nomina l thread dia meter larger than 0.750 in.• the mechanical properties and marking shall be agreed upon between the
user and man ufactu rer.
" Core hardness is only requ ired when full-size produc t tensile testing cannot be accomplished.
< o denotes nominal thread size.

o F837 -08
TABLE 2 Che mical Req uirement s

Alloy UN S Comp osition, % maxim um excep t as shown

Group Designation Ca rbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel Copper Molybdenum
Austenitic Alloys
1 S30300 303 A 0,15 2,00 0.20 0.15 min 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 0.60 max"
1 S3040 0 304 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0 to 20.0 8.0 to 10.5 1.00
1 S30 403 304L 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0 to 20.0 8.0 to 12.0 1.00
1 S30500 305 0.12 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 10.5 to 13.0 1.00
1 S38400 384 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 15.0 to 17.0 17.0 to 19.0
1 S203 00 XM 1A 0.08 5.0 to 6.5 0.040 0.18 to 0.35 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 5.0 to 6.5 1.75 to 2.25 0.50 max"
1 S30430 18-9LW 0.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 3.00 to 4.00
1 S30433 302HQ 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 4.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 3.0 to 4.0
2 S3 1600 316 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 10.0 to 14.0 2.0 to 3.0
2 S31603 316L 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 10.0 to 14.0 2.0 to 3.0
Martensit ic Alloys
5 UNS 41000 4 10 0.15 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 11.5 to 13.5
A Free machining grades are not recomm ended for forged product. These grades may be furnished only when approved by the purchase r.
B At manuf actur er's option, determ ined only whe n intentionally added.

TAB LE 3 Mechanica l Test in g Req uirements

Test Cond ucted Using Full Size

Hardness Test Conducted Using Mac hined Test Specification
Item Produ ct Length
max min Extension Axia l Tensile Yield Strength Tensile Elongation
Strength 0.2 % offset Strength
B 0
1 :53 D"
0 B B
2 >3 0- 12 in.
0 A B B B
3 Over 12 in. A
0 denotes nom inal diamete r of product.
Denotes mand atory test. In addi tio n, either all tests deno ted by A or all tests denoted by B shall be performed . In case of arbitration full size tests, denoted A, shall

be dec isive.

8.2 Fo r products o n which bot h hardne ss and tension tests 11.2. 1 Forgi ng defects that co nnec t the socke t to the periph-
are performed , accept ance based o n ten sile requireme nts shall ery of the head are not permi ssible. Defect s originati ng on the
take prec edence ove r low hardness readings (see Table 4). periphery and with a traverse indicating a potential to intersect
are not permissi ble. Other forgi ng defects are perm issible
9. Corrosion Resistance provided those located in the bearing area, fillet, and top
9. 1 Carbide Precipitation: surfaces shall not have a depth ex ceeding 0.0 3 D or 0.005 in,
9. 1. 1 Rod, bar, and wire in the austenitic alloy gro ups I and whicheve r is grea ter. For peripheral discontinuities, the maxi-
2 (not including the free-machining gra de 303) used to make mum de pth may be 0.06 D (see Fig . I).
fasteners in accord anc e with this spec ification shall be capable 11 .2.2 Forgi ng de fects located in the soc ket wall within 0.1
of passin g the test for susceptibility to intergra nular corrosion times the actual key engageme nt, T, from the bottom of the
as specified in Practice E of Prac tice A 262 . socke t are not perm iss ible. Disco ntinuities located elsew here in
9. 1.2 As state d in Pra ctices A 262 , sa mples may be sub- the socket sha ll not have a length exceeding 0.25 T. or a
jected to the faster and more seve re screening test in acco r- maxi mum depth of 0.03 D not to exceed 0.005 in. (see Fig. 2).
danc e with Practic e A. Fa iling Practice A, speci mens shall be 11 .2.3 Seams in the shank sha ll not exc eed a depth of 0.03
tested to Prac tice E and be co nsidered satisfactory if passing D or 0.008 in., whichever is grea ter.
Prac tice E. 11.2.4 No transverse discon tinui ties sha ll be permitted in
the head-to-shank fillet area.
10. Dimens ions 11 .2.5 Threads sha ll have no laps at the root or on the flanks
10.1 Unless othe rwise specified, the produ cts shall conform located be low the pitch line. Laps are permitted at the crests
to the requirem en ts of ASME B 18.3. (Fig. 3) that do not exceed 25 % of the basic thread depth , and
on the flanks outside the pitch cy linde r. Lo ngitudinal sea ms
11. Workmanship , Fin ish, and Appearance rolled benea th the root of the thread and across the crests of cut
11.1 Surface Trea tme nt-U nless o therw ise specified, thread s are acce ptab le within the limit s of 11.2.3.
scre ws sha ll be cleaned , de scaled and pass iva ted in accor da nce
with Pract ice A 380 or Speci fica tio n A 967 at the option of the 12. Number of Tests
manu facturer. 12.1 The requirem ents of this speci ficatio n shall be met in
11 .2 Th e surface disco ntinuities for these products shall continuous mas s produ ction for stoc k, and the manufacturer
co nfor m to Specification F 788 /F 788M and the additio nal sha ll make sa mple inspections to ensur e that the produ ct
limit ation s specified herein . conforms to the spec ified requirements . Additional tests of

ilrn~) F 837 - 08
TABLE 4 Tensile Strength Values for Full-Size Fasteners , Ibs Fro m eac h lot , sa mples sha ll be se lected at random
Alloy Gro ups 1 and 2 Alloy and tested fo r eac h require men t in accorda nce with the
Nominal Group 5
St res s Area followi ng plan:
AF max CW min CW 1 min HT min Number of Pieces in Lot Number of
0.060-80 0.00180 153 144 183 288 Samples
0.073-64 0.00263 223 210 267 420
0.073-72 0.0027 8 236 222 283 444 800 and less 1
0.086-56 0.003 70 3 14 296 377 592 Over 800 to 8000 , 2
0.086 -64 0.00394 33 4 3 15 40 1 630 incl
0.099-48 0.00 487 414 390 497 779 Over 8000 to 3
0.099 -56 0.00523 445 418 533 837 22000 , incl
0.112-40 0.00604 513 483 615 966 Over 22 000 5
0.112-48 0 .00661 562 529 674 1 060
0.125-40 0 .00796 676 636 811 1 270 12.3. 1.3 Sho uld any sample fail to meet the requireme nts of
0.125-44 0.00830 706 665 848 1 330 a specified tes t, doub le the numb er of sa mples fro m the same
0.138-32 0.00909 772 727 927 1 450
Jot sha ll be retested fo r the req uire me nt(s) in which it failed.
0.138-40 0.0 1015 862 8 11 1 035 1 620
0.164-32 0.0 140 1 191 1 121 1 429 2240 All of the addi tio nal sa mples sha ll co nform to the spec ification
0.164 -36 0.0 1474 1252 1 178 1502 2360 or the lot sha ll be rejected .
0. 190-24 0.0 175 1 490 1 403 1 788 2800
0.190-32 0.0200 1 699 1 600 2039 3200 If the fa ilure of a test specim en is due to impro per
0.250-20 0.0318 2705 2546 3246 5 090 preparation of the spec ime n or an incorrect testing technique,
0.250-28 0.0364 3092 29 10 3 710 5820 the specime n sha ll be discarded and another test speci men
0.312-1 8 0.0524 4457 41 94 5348 8380
0.312-24 0.0580 4936 4645 5 923 9280 submitted.
0 .375-16 0 .0775 6587 6 199 7 904 12400 12.4 Corrosion Resista nce Tests:
0.375-24 0.0878 7465 7 026 8958 14 000
0.437- 14 0 .1063 9036 8505 10 843 17000 12.4.1 Unless otherw ise spe cified, inspect ion for corrosion
0.437-20 0.1187 10091 9497 12109 19 000 resista nce sha ll be in acco rda nce with the manu facturer' s
0.500-1 3 0.1419 12 061 11 352 14 474 22700
standard quality cont rol practices. No specific meth od of
0.500-20 0.1599 13596 12796 16 315 25600
0.625-11 0.226 192 10 18 080 23 052 36200 inspec tion is required , but the screws sha ll be produ ced fro m
0.625-18 0.256 21756 20477 26 108 41 000 su itab le raw material and man ufactured by prop erly co ntro lled
0.750- 10 0.334 28 429 26757 34 115 53400
practices to mai nta in resis tance to corrosion. When cor rosion
0.750-1 6 0.373 31702 29837 38042 59700
0.875-9 0.462 39247 73900 test s are required, Suppleme ntary Req uireme nt S6 must be
0.875-14 0 .509 43305 81400 spec ified in the inq uiry and order, except as noted in 12.4.2.
1.000-8 0 .606 5 1 488 97000
1.000-1 2 0.663 56359 106000 12.4.2 Products that have bee n hot worked shall be so lution
1.125-7 0.763 64878 122 000 annealed and tested to determ ine freedom from precipitated
1.125 -12 0.856 72736 137000 carb ides . Not less than one corrosion test shall be mad e fro m
1.250-7 0.969 82 37 4 155000
1.250 -12 1.073 91200 172 000 eac h lot. Corrosion test sha ll be performed in accorda nce with
1.375-6 1.155 98 165 185000 Practice A 262, Pract ices A or E as applicable.
1.375-12 1.315 111 75 1 210 000
1.500-6 1.405 119 446 225000
1.500-1 2 1.581 134 387 253000 13. Test Methods
13. 1 Chemical Analysis-The che mical comp osition shall
be determined in accorda nce with Test Me thod A 75 1.
indi vidu al shipme nts of faste ners are not ordi narily necessary.
13.1.1 The fastener manu facturer may accept the chemi cal
A record of the ind ivid ua l hea t of steel in eac h lot shall be
ana lysis of eac h heat of raw material purch ased and reported on
maintain ed . T he contain ers shall be coded to permi t identifi-
the raw material certifica tion furnis hed by the raw material
ca tion of the lot.
produc er. T he faste ner manu facturer is not require d to do any
12.2 Whe n spec ified in the pur ch ase orde r, the ma nufacturer
further che mical analys is testing, provided that precise heat lot
shall furnis h a test repor t of the last co mplete set of che mica l
traceabil ity has been maintain ed thro ughout the manu facturin g
analys is and mech ani cal tests for eac h stock size in eac h
process on eac h lot of fas tener s produce d and delivered.
shipme nt.
12.3 Whe n tests of ind ividu al shipme nts are requ ired, 13.2 Mechanical Tests:
Supple mentary Requirement S I must be speci fied in the 13.2.1 Screws tested full size for axia l stre ngth, screw
inquir y and order. exten sion. and hardness sha ll be tested in acco rda nce with the
12.3.1 Whe n the purc haser doe s not spec ify the sa mpling methods described in Test Me thods F 606 and 13.2.3 of this
plan and ba sis of acceptance , the follow ing shall apply: specifi cation. The hardness sha ll be determined usin g Test The lot, for purposes of se lec ting sa mp les, shall Met hods E 18. E 92, or Tes t Method E 284, as appropriate.
co nsist of all products offe red for inspe ctio n and test ing, at one 13.2.2 Machi ned test spe cime ns tested for ten sile strength,
time , that are the sa me type , sty le, no mi nal dia meter, thread yield strength at 0.2 % offset, and elongation sha ll be tested in
pitch , nominal length, mater ial (a lloy), co ndition, and surface accordance with the methods de scribed in Test Me tho ds F 606.

o F837-08
Permissible-does not extend more than
half the distancebetweenthe periphery
of the head and the socket
Permissible in accordancewith 11.2.1

Permissible in accordancewith 11.2.1

Permissiblein accordancewith 11.2.1

Pennissiblein accordance
with 11.2.1
Bearingarea. body,
and threads
direction only).

Not permissible-potential
intersecting discontinuities.
FIG. 1 Head and Body Discontinuity Location and Limits





FIG. 2 Socket Discontinuity Location and Limits

~ F837 -08






- - ( -C ) - - PIT CH DIA METER

FIG. 3 Thread Disc ontinuities

13.3 Corrosion Resistance-W hen spec ified on the pur-

13.2.3 Extension Test is applicab le o nly to full size prod- chase order or inquiry, co rros ion tests to determi ne freed om
ucts. The overa ll len gth of the test spec ime n (L I ) shall be from precipit ated carbides sha ll be performed in accordance
measur ed within ::to.005 in . Th e head and refe rence surface for with Practices A 262 , Prac tice A or E as applicab le.
length measurement may be the bott om of the hex socket for
measurin g purp oses. T he spec ime n shall be asse mbled into a 14. Inspection
threaded adapter to a dep th of one no minal diameter and then 14. 1 If the inspectio n de sc ribe d in 14.1 is requi red by the
axial tensile tested in acc ord ance with 13.2.1 to failure. Th e purchaser. it sha ll be spec ified in the inquiry, order. or contract.
two broken piece s shall be fitted clos ely toge ther and the 14.2 The inspect or representi ng the purc haser shall have
overall length (L 2 ) me asured again. T he total ex tension sha ll be free entry to all parts of the manufact urer' s works that co ncern
com puted by subtracting the or igin a l overall length from the the ma nufac ture of the mater ial ordere d. The ma nufacturer
len gth fo llowin g frac ture ( Fig. 4). Th e prod uct is acceptable shall afford the inspec tor all reaso nab le facili ties to satisfy that
when the extensio n eq uals or exceeds the minim um value for the mater ial is be ing furnished in acco rda nce with this speci-
ex tensio n specified in Table I. fication. All test s and inspecti on required by the specificatio n
that are requested by the pur cha ser ' s representative and pur-
chase order shall be made pri or to shipment, and sha ll be so
co ndu cted as not to interfere unn ecessaril y with the opera tion
of the work.

15. Rejection and Rehea ri ng

15. 1 Screws that fail to co nform to the req uiremen ts of this
specification may be rejected by the purcha ser. Reje ction shall
be reported to the supplier prom ptly and in writing. In case of
dissatisfaction with the resu lts of tests or inspecti on authorized
by the purch aser, the supplier may c laim for a rehear ing.

16. Certification
16. 1 Test Report- T he manu factur er sha ll maintain on file
for a period of 5 yea rs, the original test report, including a copy
Af te r
of the ce rtified chemica l ana lys is of the heat of mate rial used
f-racture and the resul ts of the requi red testing for the lot of fasteners.
16 .2 Manufac turer 's Ce rtifica te of Confo rmance-s-Th e
man ufacturer shall maintain on file for a per iod of 5 yea rs, a
certifica te indicati ng that the lot of faste ners wa s manu factured
and teste d in acco rdance with this specifica tion and confor ms
FIG. 4 Comparison of Overall Length Befor e and Aft er Fract ure to all specified requirements.

o F 837 - 08
16.3 Whe n requ ested by the purchaser, submission of eopies 18.2 When special packaging requireme nts are req uired by
of the test report, manufacture r' s certificate, or an ex tension of the purc hase r, the y shall be defined at the time of inquir y and
the 5-year document retention peri od shall be performed as order.
ag reed be tween the manu facturer and the pur ch aser at the time 18.3 Package Marking-Each shi pping uni t shall include or
o f the inquiry or order. be pla inly marke d wit h the followi ng :
17. Product Ma r king 18.3. I ASTM specification.
18.3.2 Alloy gro up and co ndition.
17. 1 Individual Produ cts- A ll products 1j~ in. diameter and 18.3.3 Alloy number,
larger, sha ll be mark ed with a sy mbol to identify the man ufac-
18.3.4 Size,
turer. In addition, the y shall be mark ed with the alloy/
18.3.5 Na me and bra nd or trademark of the manufacturer.
mechanical property marking in accordance wit h Table I. The
18.3.6 Cou ntry of ori gi n.
manufacturer may at thei r opinio n add the specific sta inless
18.3.7 Nu mbe r of pieces. and
alloy design ation from Table 2. Th e mark ing sha ll be rais ed or
18.3.8 Purc hase order number.
depressed at the opti on of the manu facturer.
18. Packaging and Package Ma r king 19. Keywords
18.1 Unless otherw ise spec ified pack aging shall be in ac- 19.1 corrosion resistant ; stainless stee l; socket head cap
co rdance wit h Pract ice D 3951 . screws


The followi ng supp lementary requireme nts shall apply only when spec ified by the purc haser in the
contrac t or orde r. Det ail s of these supplementary requ irem en ts shall be agreed upon in writin g between
the manu facturer and purchaser. Supplementary require ments sha ll in no way negate any requ irement
of the spec ification itself.

Sl. Shipment Lot Testing condi tion AF screws sha ll not exce ed 1.05 at 100 oer steds
S 1.1 When Sup ple me ntary Req uirement S I is spe cified on when dete rm ined by Tes t Method A 342. Sc rew s in Gro up I or
the order. the manufacturer shall ma ke sample tests on the 2 condition CW or CW I ma y not be ca pab le of meeting
individual lots for shipme nt to ensure that the produ ct con- perm eability and strength requirements simulta neo usly. Co n-
forms to the specified requirem en ts. sultatio n with the raw materi al manufacturer should be consid-
S 1.2 T he manu facturer sha ll make an analys is of a ran- ered for critica l permeabi lity requireme nts .
domly se lec ted finished fas tene r fro m each lot of product to be
S4. Material Identifica tion
shipped. Heat or lot co ntrol sha ll be maintained. The analysis
of the starting material from which fasteners have been S4.1 When Supple me ntary Requirement S4 is speci fied on
manufactured may be reported in place of the produ ct ana lysis. the inquiry and order, the fasteners sha ll be marked with the
S 1.3 The manufacturer shall perform mechanical propert y specific alloy number to identi fy the material in accordance
tests in accorda nce with th is spec ifica tio n and Guide F 1470 on with the purchase r' s instru ction s.
the indi vidu al lots for shipme nt.
S5. Manufacturer Ide ntification
S 1.4 Th e manu facturer sha ll furn ish a tes t report for eac h lot
in the shipment sho wing the ac tual res ults of the chemica l S5 .1 When Sup pleme ntary Requirem ent S6 is specified on
analysis and mech anical property tests performed in accor- the inquiry and orde r for nomi nal sizes '/4 (0.250) in. and
dance with Su pplementary Req uireme nt S I. larger. the faste ners shall be marked with the manufacturer ' s
insigni a. The manufacturer' s identificati on insignia shall be of
S2. Alloy Control the des ign, place d on the side or top of the head and
S2. I Wh en Supplem en tary Requirem ent S2 is specified on recognizable to the purc haser. The insig nia shall be readable
the inquiry and orde r. the manufacturer sha ll supply that alloy with no greater tha n l OX ma gn ificat ion .
specified by the custom er on the orde r with no group su bsti-
S6. Forged Heads
tuti ons permitted without the writte n perm ission of the pur-
chaser. S6.1 When Supplementary Requirement S7 is specified on
the inquiry and order, screw he ads sha ll be cold forged by
S3. Permeability upset. ext rus ion. or both . The hexagon socket may be forged or
S3.1 W hen Supplem ent ary Requi rem ent S3 is specifie d on machin ed at the manu facturer ' s optio n. T his requirement may
the inqu iry and order, the per meability of Gro up I or 2 be inappropriate for large sizes.

/frlT~) F 837 - 08
87. Corrosion Resistance Tests 88. Passivation
57 .1 When Supplementary Requ ireme nt 58 is specified on 58. 1 When Suppleme ntary Requirement 59 is specified on
the inquiry and orde r, corr osion test(s) shall be performed as the inquiry and order, the finished product shall be passivated
agreed between the manu facturer and the purchaser at the time in accordance with Specification A 380 .
of the inquiry or o rder.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any pa tent rights asse rted in connec tion with any item men tioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such paten t rights, and the risk
of infringem ent of such rights. are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committ ee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reappr oved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this sta ndard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
respons ible technical comm ittee, which yo u may attend. If yo u feel that your commen ts have not received a fair hearing yo u should
make your views known to the ASTM Commi ttee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box ClOD, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-295 9,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610 -832 -9585 (phone), 6 10-832-9555 (fax), or serv ice (e-mail); or through the AS TM website

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