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Name: Marsonia, Nikaellabel I. Yr.

/ Course/Section: 2nd BSBA HRDM – D2021

Republic act 6713

Republic Act No. 6713, also known as the "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees," is a Philippine law enacted on February 20, 1989. This
law establishes the ethical standards and norms of behavior for public officials and
employees, ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity in government service.

Declaration of Policy: The law affirms the principle that public officials and employees
must uphold the highest standards of ethics, accountability, and transparency. It emphasizes
the importance of maintaining public trust and confidence in government.
Code of Conduct: The law sets forth a Code of Conduct for public officials and employees,
outlining the norms and principles that should guide their behavior in the performance of
their duties.
Disclosure of Financial and Business Interests: Public officials and employees are required
to submit a declaration of their assets, liabilities, and net worth, as well as possible financial
and business interests. This aims to prevent conflicts of interest and promote transparency.
Prohibited Acts and Transactions: Republic Act No. 6713 enumerates specific acts and
transactions that public officials and employees are prohibited from engaging in. These
include, but are not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts, favors, loans, or any form
of gratuity.
Penalties for Violations: The law prescribes penalties for violations of its provisions.
Penalties may include suspension, dismissal from service, and other administrative
sanctions, as well as criminal liability for certain offenses.
Ombudsman Jurisdiction: The Ombudsman has jurisdiction over cases involving violations
of the Code of Conduct, ensuring an independent body oversees investigations and
proceedings related to ethical breaches by public officials and employees.

Republic Act No. 6713 is a significant piece of legislation aimed at promoting good
governance and ethical conduct in the Philippine public sector. It plays a crucial role in
fostering a culture of accountability and integrity among government officials and
employees, ultimately contributing to the overall effectiveness and credibility of public

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