National Service Training Program

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NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING  It shall be the responsibility of all

PROGRAM 1 citizens to defend the security and
promote the general welfare of the
CHAPTER 1: Organizing Students
through Course Orientation
 In fulfilment thereof, the
NSTP (National Service Training
government may require each
Program) or RA 9163
citizen to render personal,
 A mandated program in the military, or civil service
curricula of all baccalaureate
degree and in at least 2 years of
technical-vocational or SECTION 2. Role of the Youth
associated courses in all
SUC’s, private higher and A. Vital role of youth in nation-
technical-vocational education building
institutions  The state shall promote civic
 2002 the law started to be consciousness among them and
implemented shall develop their physical moral,
spiritual and social well being
 Known as NSTL Act of 2001/RA
9163, conceptualized by CHED’s  It shall inculcate the ideals of
Chairman (UE President, Ester patriotism and nationalism, and
A. Garcia) and signed into law advance their involvement in
in response to the public public and civic affairs
clamor for ROTC B. As the most valuable source of
 Geared towards enhancing the nation
civic consciousness and  They shall be motivated, trained,
defense preparedness by organized, and involved in
developing ethics and service military, literacy, civic welfare
and patriotism programs and other similar
The Revised Implementing Rules and endeavors in there service of the
Regulations of NSTP (RA 9163) nation

Rule I - Guiding Principles Rule II - Definition of Terms

SECTION 1. Guiding Principles

SECTION 3. As used in the  Refers to the program component
implementing Rules and Regulations or activities contributory to the
(IRR) the following terms shall mean: general welfare and betterment of
life for the members of the
a. “National Service Training community or the enhancement
Program” (NSTP)
of its facilities, especially those
 Refers to the program aimed at devoted to improving health,
enhancing civic consciousness education, environment,
and defense preparedness in the entrepreneurship, safety,
youth by developing the ethics of recreation and moral of the
service and patriotism while citizenry and other social welfare
undergoing training in any of the services
3 program components, e. “Program Component”
specifically designed to enhance
the youth’s active contribution to  Refers to the service components
the general welfare of NSTP as define herein

b. "Reserve Officers’ Training f. “Clustering”

Corps” (ROTC)
 Grouping of students enrolled to
 Refers to the program different schools into taking up
component, institutionalized the same NSTP component into
under Sections 38 & 39 of RA one group under the
7077, designed to provide military management and supervision of
training to tertiary level students a designated school
in order to motivate, train,
g. “Cross-Enrollment”
organized, and mobilized them
for national defense  Refers to a system of enrolment
preparedness where a student is officially
c. “Literacy Training Service” enrolled in an academic program
(LTS) of an origin school but is allowed
to enroll in the NSTP component
 Refers to the program component of another accepting school
designed to train students to
h. “Non-Government
teach literacy and numeracy skills
Organization” (NGO)
to school children, out-of-school
youths and other segments of  Refers to any private organization
society in need of their services duly accredited by CHED or
d. “Civic Welfare Training recognized by TESDA
Service” (CWTS) i. “Student Cadet”
 Refers to a student enrolled in the 350, then the provisions of clustering in
ROTC component Section 7 of NSTP IRR (RA 9163)
should be followed
Rule III - Program Implementation
c. Program of study and enrolment
SECTION 4. Coverage forms shall bear the NSTP without
a. All coming students, male and female, stating therein the 3 components. There
starting SY. 2002-2003, enrolled in any shall be an orientation for all NSTP
baccalaureate and at least 2 years enrollees to be jointly conducted by the
technical-vocational or associate course, ROTC, CWTS & LTS
are required to complete one NSTP coordinators/implementers. Students
component of their choice, as a enrolled in the first semester of the
graduation requirement The above freshmen year shall be made to undergo
provision, however, does not cover the a common module phase for 25 hours
following: training period. Upon completion of the
common module phase, the student
1. Students who have finished or must select the specific NSTP program
graduated from baccalaureate component that one will pursue
degree or two-year technical-
vocational course of associate d. The Philippine Military Academy
course and pursuing or enrolled (PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine
in another or additional Academy (PMMA), Philippine National
baccalaureate degree or two-year Police Academy (PNPA) are exempted
technical-vocational or associate from the NSTP in view of the special
course in SY 2003-2004 character of these institutions. Other
SUCs of similar nature will be exempted
2. Students who completed any of the subject to approval of the Department of
3 NSTP components but considered National Defense
freshmen to the course where they
transferred or shifted; and e. Private Higher education institutions
(HEIs) & technical-vocational education
3. Foreign students or aliens institutions with at least 350 students
cadets must establish or maintain a
b. All higher education institutions
Department of Military Science & Tactics
including State Universities & Colleges
(DMST), subject to existing rules and
(SUCs) and technical-vocational
regulations. For DMST, previously
education institutions must offer upon
approved and activated, shall retain the
enrolment all the three NSTP
status regardless of the number of
components. However, SUCs are
cadets will be laser than 350, clustering
required to maintain and provide the
of ROTCU will be undertaken with the
ROTC component. In cases that the
ROTCU of the SUCs within the nearest
enrolment of ROTC Cadets is less than
environ with the lead role
SECTION 5. Program Components the DND, CHED, and TESDA, subject to
the capability of the school and the AFP
a. The NSTP shall have the following to handle the same
components which the students can
choose from as defined in Rule II, c. Earned NSTP units shall not be
Section 3 hereof: The ROTC, LTS, and included in the computation of the GPA
CWTS grades of college students

b. All program components, the ROTC

in particular, shall give emphasis on
SECTION 7. Clustering and Cross-
citizenship training and shall install
patriotism, moral virtues, respect for the
rights of civilians and adherence to the a. Clustering of students from different
Constitution education institutions during semestral
c. The CHED, TESDA in consultation or summer periods may be done for any
with the DND, and PASUC, COCOPEA of the NSTP components, taking into
account logistics, branch of service and
and other concerned government
agencies may design and implement geographical locations. The host school
such other non-military training shall be responsible for managing the
components as may be necessary in
consonance with the provisions of RA b. Schools that do not meet the required
1963 number of students to maintain the
d. Within 30 days from the approval of optional ROTC and any of the NSTP
this revised IRR, the CHED, TESDA, components, or do not offer the
component chosen by the students,
and the DND shall jointly issue the
minimum standards for the 3 NSTP shall allow their students to cross-enrolls
components which shall form part of to other schools, irrespective or whether
such school is under CHED or TESDA;
these guidelines
and in the case of students taking the
SECTION 6. Duration and Equivalent ROTC component, irrespective of
Course Unit whether the two semesters shall be
taken from different schools whose
a. Each of the aforementioned NSTP ROTC are administered by different
components shall be undertaken for an branches of service of the AFP
academic period of 2 secs. It shall be
credited for 3 units per semester, for 54 c. Students intending to cross-enroll
to 90 training per semester shall be subject to the existing rules and
regulations of the school of origin and
b. A One (1) Summer Program (OSP) in the accepting school
lieu of the 2-semester program may be
designed, formulated and adopted by
SECTION 8. Monitoring and 6. The DND shall formulate and
Evaluation administer training modules for the
ROTC program
A. Management

1. The school authorities shall exercise

academic and administrative supervision B. Monitoring
over the design, formulation, adoption
and implementation of the different 1. CHED Regional Offices, TESDA
NSTP components in their respective Provincial/District Offices and DND-AFP
shall oversee and monitor the
implementation of the NSTP under their
2. There should be an NSTP Office in respective jurisdiction, to determine if
each school or college/university the trainings conducted and
headed by an NSTP Director or its inconsonance with the Act. These Sub
equivalent position responsible for the Offices shall submit periodic reports to
implementation of the program. Each of the Central Offices of CHED, TESDA
the NSTP components is considered a and DND.
distinct and/or separate unit under the
NSTP office, and the heads of the unit 2. CHED deputized officials shall
coordinate and conduct spot visits to
shall report directly to the NSTP Director
or its equivalent position actual NSTP activities

3. At the end of every school year the

3. A functional chart of the NSTP Office
shall be structured based on the Higher Education Institution shall submit
capability of the institution to sustain the an Annual Report to the CHED Regional
Office copy furnished the Office of
component program being offered
based on the number of enrollees Student Services in an electronic
template, indicating the following:
4. In the case of ROTC, the school
3.1 names who finished each NSTP
authorities and DND, subject to the
policies, regulations, and programs of component,
the DND on the military component of 3.2 The programs, projects and activities
the training, shall exercise joint undertaken with pictorials and
supervision over its implementation documentation as much as possible,
5. Schools that have contracted CHED- and
accredited or TESDA-recognized NGOs 3.3 financial statements on the funds
to formulate and administer training collected, allocated and utilized.
modules for ant of the NSTP
components shall jointly exercise such 4. In cases of violations of guidelines,
academic and administrative supervision warnings and/or sanctions may be
with those NGOs imposed on schools and accredited
NGOs that disregarded or grossly proper school authorities and concerned
violated the provisions of this NSTP officers
implementing rules and regulations
f. The NSTP Director or its equivalent
Rule IV - Fees and Incentives shall submit a comprehensive report on
the utilization of the NSTP funds by
program component to the school head,
a. No fees shall be collected for any of two weeks after the end of every
the NSTP components except basic semester
tuition which should not be more than g. Rental space of school and other
50% of the charges of the school per similar expenses shall not be charged to
academic unit. NSTP tuition collected NSTP
shall constitute a Trust Fund, which shall
be exclusively used for the operation of SECTION 10 - Incentives, Insurance
the program. 70% of which shall be and Protection
exclusively used for the operation of the
A. Incentives
Program. The remaining 30% retained
by the school shall serve as a 1. A program of assistance/incentives
continence fund especially in support to for ROTC students shall be provided
programmed activities and administered by DND, in
b. NSTP funds derived from NSTP accordance with existing laws and
regulations and subject to the availability
related operations shall serve as an
augmentation to sustain programmed of funds
activities of NSTP 2. A Special Scholarship Program and
other forms of assistance and incentives
c. The inexpert fund balance shall be
carried over to the next semester; for qualified NSTP students shall be
provided, however, NSTP funds shall administered by CHED and TESDA,
with funds for the purpose to be included
not be converted into savings at the
expense of the proper implementation of in the annual regular appropriations of
the program the two agencies, subject to the
availability of funds
d. Subsidies from the government, any
legal agency or institution appropriated 3. The college or university may provide
for NSTP shall be included in the scholarships and other forms of
assistance and incentives to qualified
preparation of the program of
expenditure and report on the utilization and deserving NSTP students, the
of funds funding of which shall come from
available NSTP funds of the school
e. Expenditures/disbursements shall be
subjected to periodic audits by the
4. Personnel involved in the NSTP shall c. Graduates of the ROTC program shall
be provided honorarium and other form part of the Citizen Armed pursuant
incentives based on the standard policy to RA 7077, subject to the requirements
set forth by the HEIs of the DND

B. Insurance and Protection Rule VI - Miscellaneous Provisions

1. School authorities concerned, CHED SECTION 12 - Certificate of

and TESDA shall ensure that health and Completion
accident group insurances are provided
Certificate of Completion with the
for students enrolled in any of the NSTP
components corresponding serial number issued by
CHED, TESDA, or DND, shall be
2. Schools that already provide health awarded to students who have
and accident group insurance and successfully complied with the program
collect the necessary fees for the requirements
purpose from their students as of the
SECTION 13 - Information
effectivity of these Rules are deemed to
have complied with this requirement
Rule V - Organization of NSTP The CHED, TESDA and DND shall
Graduate provide information on these Act and
SECTION 11 - Organization of NSTP IRR to all concerned publics through
Graduate different modes of disseminating
a. Graduates of the non-ROTC
SECTION 14 - Amendatory Clause
components of the NSTP shall belong to
the National Service Reserve Corps a. Section 35 of Commonwealth Act No.
(NSRC) and could be tapped by the 1, EO No. 207 of 1939, Sec. 2 and 3 of
State for literacy and civic welfare Presidential Decree No. 1706, and
activities, especially in times of Sections 38 and 39 of RA. 7077, as well
calamities through the joint efforts of as all laws, decrees, orders, rules and
DND, CHED, and TESDA, in regulations and other issuances in
coordination with DILG, DSWD, and consistent with the provisions of the Act
other concerned agencies/associations are hereby deemed amended and
b. The CHED, TESDA, and DND, in modified accordingly
consultation with other concerned b. These Rules may be amended,
government and non-government modified, or replaced jointly by CHED,
agencies, shall issue the necessary TESDA, and DND, in consultation with
guidelines for the establishment, PASUC, COCOPEA, NGOs and
organization, maintenance and recognized student organizations
utilization of the NSRC
SECTION 15 - Separability Clause of essential government or
private utilities in the furtherance
If any section or provisions of this IRR of the overall mission
shall be declared unconstitutional or
invalid, the other sections or provisions  Pursuant to this act, graduates
not affected thereby shall remain in full of ROTC component shall form
force and effect part of the Citizen Armed Force
subjected to DND requirements
SECTION 16 - Effectivity T whereas: graduates of the non-
These rules shall take effect 15 days ROTC components shall
after publication in a newspaper of belong to the NSRC and could
general circulation and shall remain in be tapped by the State for
force and effect until revoked or literacy and civic welfare
amended activities in times of calamities

The Minimum Standard for NSTP The Philippine Preamble

“We, the sovereign Filipino people,
The revised NSTP-IRR mandates the imploring the aid of Almighty God, in
implementation of the 25 common order to build a just and humane society,
module and 83-hours specific module and establish a Government that shall
or a total of 108 hours for (2) embody our ideals and aspirations,
semesters as minimum standard for promote the common good, conserve
NSTP implementation. and develop our patrimony, and secure
to ourselves and our posterity, the
The Republic Act No. 7077 blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule and regime of
 Known as “Citizen Armed
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and
Forces of the Philippines
peace, do ordain and promulgate this
Reservists Act"
 Aims to organize, train,
develop, and maintain a
support unit to the AFP The Philippine Preamble, Filipino
 Help protect our country and
citizens in the event of war, “Kami, ang nakapangyayaring
invasion or rebellion sambayanang Pilipino, na humihingi ng
tulong sa Makapangyarihang Diyos,
 Assist in relief and rescue
upang bumuo ng isang makatarungan at
during disaster/calamities, in
makataong lipunan at magtatag ng
socioeconomic development and
isang Pamahalaan nakakatawan sa
in cooperation and maintenance
aming mga mithiin at mga lunggatiin,
magtataguyod ng kabutihan sa bawat
isa, mangangalaga at magpapaunlad ng
aming kamanahan, at titiyak para
saming sarili at angkanang susunod ng
mga biyaya ng kalayaan at demokrasya
sa ilalim ng pananaig ng batas at ng
pamahalaang puspos ng katotohanan,
katarungan, kalayaan, pag-ibig,
pagkakapantay-pantay at kapayapaan,
ay naglalagda at naghahayag ng
Konstitusyong ito.”

The National Motto that NSTP abide

“MakaDiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at


National Service Training Program 1 Natural rights- are rights that believe it
is important for all animals or even living
Chapter 2 beings to have out of natural law.
Ex. The right to live and right to love.

Constitutional rights- they are the

Good Governance In National rights that are conferred and protected
by the constitution.
Ex. Freedom of speech and press
According to Fukuyama (2013),

There are two dimensions to qualify

Statutory rights- are an individual's
governance as a good or bad: legal rights, given to him or her by the
local and national ruling government.
the capacity of the state and the
These are generally designed to protect
bureaucracy’s autonomy. citizens.

Good Governance In Local Classification Of Constitutional rights

1. Political rights
2. Civil rights
3. Social economic
4. Rights of the accused

Bill of rights may be defined as a

Flag and Heraldic Code of the
declaration and enumeration of a
Philippines (RA 8491 S. 1998)
person’s rights and privileges that the
constitution is designed to protect An act of prescribing the code of the
against violation by the government or National flag and any other heraldic
by an individual or groups of individuals. items and devices of the Philippines.
This act declares that reverence and
respect shall at all times, and be stars. The flag shall be displayed in
accorded to the flag and any other some institutions.
national symbols.

Our flag shall be raised in any


Military – shall mean, all branches of

Prohibited acts in the flag code
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)

Festoon – hang in a curved shape To dip the flag to any person or object
between two points as decorations by way of compliment or salute.

Flag – shall mean the Philippine flag

To use the flag;
Fly – shall mean the part of a flag
outside the hoist or length As covering for ceilings, walls, statues
Symbol – any conventional sign that etc.
reveals achievement and dignity As a staff or whip
Half-Mast – lowering the flag to one half As a pennant in the hood, side, back,
the distance between the top and the and top of motor vehicles
bottom of the staff

Hoist – part of the flag nearest the staff

attached Display the Flag:

Inclement Weather – this means a Under any painting or pictures

typhoon signal is raised in the locality
Below any platform
National Anthem – shall means the
Philippine National Anthem
“ Lupang Hinirang” is our National
Understanding Our National Flag

The national motto is MAKA-DIYOS,

The flag of the Philippines shall be blue, MAKA-TAO, MAKAKALIKASAN AT
white, and red with an eight-rayed MAKABANSA
golden yellow sun and three five-pointed
Penalties in violating RA 8491 American colonial rule

Any person or judicial entity which In this period the foundation for elections
violates any of the provisions of this Act in the Philippines was founded by the
shall, upon conviction and be punished Americans, government institutions and
by a fine. electoral systems were patterned after
the American system.

Electoral system refers to the detailed

constitutional arrangement and voting Commonwealth
system that covers the vote into a
determination of which individuals and In this period the Philippines was free
political parties are elected to positions under the rule of Americans and it gave
them a chance to govern their own
of power.

The Philippines elections were

The Historical Underpinnings of dominated by a single party and a more
Philippine Elections accommodating electoral system was

Pre – colonial Philippines

The Philippine political system
No elections for ruling
authoritiesGovernment was based more The Philippines has a multi-party
on tangibles)Kinship system. It includes representatives from
b)Customs/traditions)Favors d)Unwritten more than one social, cultural, or
law economic groups, especially members
of ethnic or religious groups

Most of our candidates run under a

Colonial government
political party, which helps them
also known as “Spanish colonial advance their causes and build their
government “ in this period the campaigns.
government was lead by the Governor
General. He was considered as the
representative of Spain and the King Election, the formal process of selecting
himself. He is the highest officer in the a person for public office or of accepting
island and responsible for implementing or rejecting a political proposition by
laws from the mother country. voting.
1.General elections - elections are held  To vote and to be elected at
on the same day for all nationals and genuine periodic elections.
local offices.

2.National elections - election for the 3. The 1987 Philippines

national officials Constitution

 The congress shall provide a

system for securing the secrecy
3.Local elections - election for local
and sanctity of ballot as well a
officials. system for absentee voting
qualified Filipinos abroad.

4.Special elections - this election is

determined by the congress on a date Election Process
different from the regular elections.
 Registration

1. Registration day
Suffrage is the right to cast a vote in
public elections. 2. List of voters

 Election day

The 3 Instrument that Embody the 1. Counting of votes

Human Right to Vote
2. Casting votes
1. Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) - Article 3. Distribution of election returns
21 (1-3) December 10, 1948  Canvassing and proclamation
 Everyone has right to take part in 1. Proclamation of winning
the government of his country, candidates
directly, or through freely chosen
representatives 2. Board of canvassers

Requirement for registration:

2. The International Covenant on
 Filipino citizen
Civil and Political Rights - Article 1 (a-
c) March, 1976  18 years old
 Resident in the Philippines for 4. Grant the President emergency
one year and the city or powers in times of war and
municipality wherein he proposes national distress
to vote

 Not otherwise disqualified by law

Our Voting Practices
 Registered at COMELEC office
 Voting by popularity
 Validation of registration at
 Vote-buying
Barangay offices

THE COMELEC - Commission on Issues in the Political System of the

Elections (COMELEC) is the premier
guardian of the ballot. Political Patronage - hiring of a person
to a government on the basis of partisan
Election in the Philippines

We should consider the following

Political Dynasty - family or group that
qualification of the elective officials:
maintains power for several generations.

1. Faithfully and conscientiously

Top 4 factors that determine the vote
fulfill his/her duties
of the Filipino electorate:
2. Preserve and defend the
constitution 1. Candidate’s public servant image

3. Execute its laws 2. Political machinery

3. Popularity
4. To do justice to every man

Congress 4. Endorsement Of traditional

networks and organizations
1. Make laws and pass resolution

2. Power to tax and levy imposition

R - Righteous Governance - promotes
3. Cancel or extend martial law justice, righteousness, and peace for all
law-abiding Filipinos.
I - Integrity - we can trust based on After election
his/her solid character and willingness to
 Be vigilant on counting and
take the responsibility of his/her
decisions. canvassing of votes

 Participate in local government

activities in barangay level
G - Giftedness - has the ability to and
 Attend consultation meeting
qualification to lead his/her country.
concerning issues in barangay

H - Heart - has heart for God, for the  Support initiatives of the civil
people, and for the nations. society

 Make views known of the elected

representatives in the
T - Track Record - past experiences government\
of the candidate’s based on area of
expertise before running the office.

The Core Values of NSTP

Actions to be taken by the Filipinos Values - “valere”; All of our values

leaders and voters taken together are called value system.

Before election:

 Register for voter registration Corporate Culture - system of values

shared in any given place or
 Be infrared for the platforms and organization.
issues of the candidates

 Set specific guidelines for

choosing leaders Personalism & Personhood

During election: Core and Related Values

 Vote according to your  Physical

 Intellectual
 Be vigilant in protecting the
 Moral
integrity of votes
 Spiritual 3. MAKABAYAN (Pagkamaka-
 Social, Family, Society
 Unity
 Economic Political
 Equity

 Respect for law and government

rule of law
1. MAKA-DIYOS (Pagkamaka-  Patriotism, conserve, and
Diyos) develop our patrimony
 Faith in the Almighty God  Common good
imploring the aid of the Almighty
 Respect for life

 Order
 Concern for the family and future  Follow traffic rules
 Be punctual and do not

 Pay your tax

2. MAKA-TAO (Pagkamaka-tao)
 Be a responsible parent
 Love
 Conserve water and energy
 Freedom, independence, and
democracy  Protect our environment

 Peace  Report crimes

 Truth  Be a responsible citizen

 Justice  Make a honest vote

Chapter 3 : Drug Addiction and inexpensive over-the-counter
Prevention ingredients.

Effects of using Methamphetamine

Drug Addiction- a condition  Sleeplessness for days and

characterized by an overwhelming weeks at a time
desire to continue taking a drug to which
 Total loss of appetite
one has become habituated through
repeated consumption because it  Extreme weight loss
produces a particular effect, usually an
alteration of mental status.  Dilated pupils

 Excited

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use  Talkative

 Sudden change in behavior  Deluded sense of power

 Mood swings  Paranoia

 Withdrawal from family members  Dizziness

 Careless about personal  Mood changes

 Depression
 Loss of interest in hobbies,
 Loss of control
sports, and any other favorite
activities  Nervousness
 Changed sleeping pattern: awake  Unusual sweating
at night, asleep during the day
 Shaking
 Red or glassy eyes
 Hallucinations
 Sniffly or runny nose
 Aggressive
Different Types of Drugs
 Violent
1. Methamphetamine
 Blurred vision
 Addictive stimulant that affects
the central nervous system  Mental confusion

 Made easily in clandestine  Agitation

laboratories with relatively
 Commonly snorted, inhaled as
smoke, or as a solution
injected into a vein.
2. Ecstasy
Effects of using Cocaine
 Also known as
Methylenedioxymethamphetam  Impaired thinking
ine (MDMA)
 Confusion
 A modification of
 Anxiety
Methamphetamine and has some
similar effects to that drug, but its  Depression
stimulating effects can increase
to dangerous levels.  Short-temperedness

Effects of using Ecstasy  Panic attacks

 Changes in mental and physical  Suspiciousness

 Dilated pupils
 Increased body temperature
 Sleeplessness
 Increased emotional response
 Loss of appetite
and sensual reactions
 Irritability
 Teeth clenching
 Talkativeness
 Muscle cramping
 Scratching
 Nausea
 Hallucinations
 Chills
 Paranoia
 Sweating

4. Lysergic Acid Diethylamine

3. Cocaine
 Also known as Acid
 Also known as coke
 A psychedelic drug known for
 Strong stimulant mostly used as a
its psychological effects which
recreational drug
may include altered awareness of
surroundings, perceptions, and
feelings, as well as sensations
and images that seem real Effects of using PCP
though they’re not.
 Violent
Effects of using LSD
 Paranoia
 Dilated pupils
 Fearfulness
 Skin discoloration
 Anxiety
 Loss of coordination
 Aggression
 Euphoria
 Acting withdrawn
 Distortion of time and space
 Skin flushing
 Hallucinations
 Sweating
 Confusion
 Dizziness
 Paranoia
 Total numbness
 Nausea
 Impaired perceptions
 Vomiting

 Loss of control

 Anxiety 6. Heroin

 Panic  Also known as a diamorphine or

an opioid which is most used as
 Self-destructive behaviors a recreational drug for its
euphoric effects

 An illegal and highly addicted

5. Phencyclidine (PCP) drug

 Known as Angel Dust  Typically sold as a white or

brownish powder or as the black
 It is a dissociative drug which was sticky substance known on the
brought to the market in the streets as “black tar hero”
1950s as an anesthetic
pharmaceutical drug but was Effects of using Heroin
taken off in the market in 1965  Euphoria
because of the high prevalence of
dissociative hallucinogen  Nausea
 Vomiting stimulation in various areas of the
 Depressed respiration
 Referred to as downers as they
 Collapsed veins lower the level of arousal when
 Arthritis and other rheumatologic taken
problems Effects of using Depressants

 Memory loss

 Slurred speech
7. Marijuana
 Loss of coordination
 Also known as cannabis.
 Dilated pupils
 A psychoactive drug from the
cannabis plant intended for  Depressed
medical or recreational use. It can
 Tired
be used by smoking,
vaporizing, within food, or as  Aggressive
an extract.
 Agitated
Effects of using Marijuana
 Paranoid
 Compulsive eating
 Suicidal
 Squinty red eyes
 Headaches
 Dry mouth
 Dizziness
 Excessive and uncontrollable

 Forgetfulness Current Philippine Situation on Drug

 Short-term memory loss
 The Office of the President
released an estimate of 1.7
million drug users in the year of
8. Depressants (Tranquilizers and 2008 but went down to 1.3 million
Barbiturates) users in the year of 2012.

 According to a 2012 UN Report,

 Drugs that lower
neurotransmission levels to among all the countries in East
depress or reduce arousal or Asia, The Philippines had the
highest rate  Job placement services
of methamphetamine abuse
Different Treatment Modalities
(also known as shabu). Estimates
showed that about 2.2 percent of  Therapeutic Community – deals
Filipinos between the ages of 16 with behavior modification and
and 64 were using value reformation.
methamphetamines, and that
were the primary drugs of choice.  Hazelden Program – based on
the beliefs that a power greater
than oneself could restore sanity
Treatment of Drug Addiction in the  Eclectic/Multi-disciplinary team
Philippines approach – combines all the
treatment modalities. Treatment
Drug users are not necessarily
criminals. Individuals suffering from team is composed of a doctor,
illegal drug addiction can still turn their social worker, and a psychologist.
lives around if they seek help  Faith-based/Spiritual model –
immediately. They should be brought to views faith as an inspiration to
rehabilitation centers to give them hope change the well-being of the
of giving back their past lives. person. Individual’s personal
Treatment and Rehabilitation conviction and faith encourage
(DOH Program) him/her to turn away from
dangerous drug abuse and aspire
 Intake and admission to become more productive.

 Diagnostic evaluation, treatment,

and rehabilitation proper
Role of the Youth on Drug Detection
 Detoxification and Prevention

 Medical and psychiatric treatment The youth play a vital part in

helping to put a halt on the proliferation
 Psychological and social of illegal drugs in the country. To
rehabilitation maintain a healthy and drug-free lifestyle
 Evaluation and vocational among the youth. The youth's main role
services is for them to act as role models,
become well informed on the appalling
 Spiritual development services effects of drugs on their lives, and
contribute to the dispersion of
 Sports and recreation
awareness for others’ education.
 After-care and follow-up services
10 Tips for the Prevention of Drug A team of anti-drug advocates
Use among the Youth and facilitators provide participants the
opportunity for positive discussions
1. Don’t be afraid to say no structured learning activities, workshops,
2. Connect with your friends and and inputs
avoid negative peer pressure  Drug Abuse Resistance
3. Make connection with your Education (DARE) Program
parents or other adults Offers a variety of activity-oriented
4. Enjoy life and do what you love- techniques, which are designed to
don’t add alcohol and drug encourage student-generated responses
to problem-solving situations,
5. Follow the family rules about specifically on drug abuse.
alcohol and drugs
 Kids Against Drugs Program
6. Get educated about alcohol and
drugs A primary prevention activity that
aims to inculcate the skills of saying
7. Be a role model and set a “NO” to children as a firm foundation of
positive example preventive education

8. Plan ahead  National Drug Education

Program (NDEP)
9. Speak out/speak up/take control
In cooperation with DDB-member
10. Get help!
agency DepEd, entails five components:
Curriculum and instruction, co curricular
and ancillary services, teacher and staff
Campaigns and Advocacies Against development, parent education and
Drug Addiction community outreach, and research,
evaluation, and monitoring which is
 Barkada Kontra Droga (BAKD)
comprehensive in nature and provides a
An effective peer-based holistic approach to the problem of drug
preventive education and information abuse.
program to counter the dangers of ill
 Drug Abuse Prevention
effects of drug abuse
Program for the Transport
 National Youth Congress on Groups
Drug Abuse Prevention and
A primary prevention activity
involving the public transport groups
designed to ensure the safety, well-
being of the commuters and pedestrians
by having drug-free transport personnel.

 Nationwide Caravan of Youth

Against Drugs

Aims to intensify youth empowerment

efforts to zero-in on drug abuse. This
project coverage in six (6) key cities
nationwide including: Metro Manila,
Davao, Cebu, Zamboanga, Naga City,
Cagayan De Oro, and Baguio City

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