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Miikkulainen et al.

Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)

version 14.9.2012

Crystallinity of inorganic films grown by atomic layer deposition: overview

and general trends
Ville Miikkulainen,1, a) Markku Leskelä,1, b) Mikko Ritala,1, c) and Riikka L. Puurunen2, d)
Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 55 (A.I.Virtasen aukio 1), FI-00014 Helsinki,
Microsystems and Nanoelectronics, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1000 (Tietotie 3),
FI-02044 Espoo, Finland
(Dated: 14 September 2012)
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is gaining attention as a thin film deposition method, uniquely suitable for
depositing uniform and conformal films on complex three-dimensional topographies. The deposition of a film
of a given material by ALD relies on the successive, separated and self-terminating gas–solid reactions of
typically two gaseous reactants. Hundreds of ALD chemistries have been found for depositing a variety of
materials during the past decades, mostly for inorganic materials but lately also for organic and inorganic–
organic hybrid compounds. One factor that often dictates the properties of ALD films in actual applications
is the crystallinity of the grown film: is the material amorphous or, if it is crystalline, which phase(s) is
(are) present. In this thematic review, we first describe the basics of ALD, summarize the two-reactant ALD
processes to grow inorganic materials developed to-date, updating the information of an earlier review on
ALD [J. Appl Phys. 97, 121301 (2005)], and give an overview of the status of processing ternary compounds
by ALD. We then proceed to analyze the published experimental data for information on the crystallinity
and phase of inorganic materials deposited by ALD from different reactants at different temperatures. The
data are collected for films in their as-deposited state and tabulated for easy reference. Case studies are
presented to illustrate the effect of different process parameters on crystallinity for representative materials:
aluminium oxide, zirconium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium nitride, zinc zulfide, and ruthenium. Finally, we
discuss the general trends in the development of film crystallinity as function of ALD process parameters.
The authors hope that this review will help newcomers to ALD to familiarize themselves with the complex
world of crystalline ALD films and, at the same time, serve for the expert as a handbook-type reference source
on ALD processes and film crystallinity.

CONTENTS 4. Case: Zinc oxide 30

B. Metal nitrides 32
I. Introduction 2 1. General 32
2. Case: Titanium nitride 34
II. ALD processes: basics 3 C. Metal chalcogenides 36
A. Principles of ALD 3 1. General 36
B. ALD reactants 4 2. Case: Zinc sulfide 39
C. Overview of recent two-reactant ALD D. Other inorganic ALD materials 41
material studies 6 1. General 41
D. Growth of ternary compounds by ALD 15 2. Case: Ruthenium 45
III. Crystallinity of inorganic ALD materials: IV. Crystallinity of inorganic ALD materials:
overview 17 general trends 47
A. Metal oxides 17 A. Effect of temperature 47
1. General 17 B. Effect of reactants 48
2. Case: Aluminum oxide 26 C. Effect of impurities 49
3. Case: Zirconium oxide 27 D. Effect of plasma enhancement 49
E. Effect of substrate 50
F. Effect of film thickness 51
a) Current
G. Grain size of ALD films 51
address: Centre for Materials Science and Nanotech-
nology, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. H. Schemes for the initial growth of crystalline
Box 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway; Electronic mail: grains in ALD 52
b) Electronic mail:
V. Conclusion 54
c) Electronic mail:
d) Electronic mail: (corresponding author)
VI. List of abbreviations 54
Miikkulainen et al.
Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 2

ties. It is not trivial to know in advance, whether a given

800 ALD process will result in an amorphous or crystalline
film, and in the case of a crystalline film, what phase,
ALD publications

orientation, crystal size, etc. are present, but these need

400 to be experimentally determined.
The main goal of this review is to collect experimen-
tal data on the crystallinity of ALD films in their as-
0 deposited state, to analyze the data superficially for all
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 ALD processes and in more detail for selected cases, and
finally to report general trends in the evolution of crys-
tallinity of ALD films as function of important growth
FIG. 1. The number of scientific publications on ALD pub-
parameters. Collecting the experimental data has been a
lished per year during 1980 to 2010, analysed from the Web
of Science. major effort and has included analyzing a major part of
the published ALD literature. While working to achieve
the main goal, we have also reviewed the ALD process
Acknowledgments 54 development that has occurred during the past years, and
as a secondary goal it has been to update the information
of two-reactant ALD processes published in an earlier
I. INTRODUCTION ALD review by one of the authors.2 The earlier review,2
whose main target was to review the AlMe3 –H2 O ALD
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is gaining attention as process in detail, covered ALD publications until early
a thin film deposition method, uniquely suitable for de- 2005, while the current work includes articles published
positing uniform and conformal films on complex three- by the end of 2010. Please note that two of the current
dimensional topographies. The indifference of ALD to authors have earlier reviewed many general aspects of
substrate shape facilitates the use of ALD in highly dif- ALD, which are not covered in this work.3,4
ferent fields of technology, e.g., dynamic random access Since the ALD reviews were listed in the earlier
memory (DRAM) and metal–oxide–semiconductor field- review,2 several reviews have been published on various
effect transistor (MOSFET) production in microelectron- specific aspects of ALD, which the readers may find use-
ics, thin-film electroluminescent displays (the oldest in- ful. Putkonen et al.5 reviewed the analysis of ALD pro-
dustrial application of ALD), catalysis, solar energy, mi- cessed films by ion-beam techniques; Putkonen and Ni-
croelectromechanical systems, coating of fibers—in fact inistö6 the use of organometallic reactants (precursors)
almost any area of nanotechnology research. The rising for ALD; Elers et al.7 the film uniformity in ALD; Schu-
number of scientific publications on ALD per year, shown macher et al.8 ALD and ”AVD” (atomic vapour deposi-
in Figure 1, testifies to the increasing world-wide interest tion) for next-generation microelectronic devices; Jones
towards ALD. et al.9 ALD (and MOCVD) of high-κ oxides; Knez et
The deposition of a film of a given material by ALD al.10 the fabrication of nanostructures by ALD; Zaera11
relies on the successive, separated and self-terminating the surface chemistry of ALD for electronic device man-
gas–solid reactions of typically two gaseous reactants. ufacturing; Sherman12 general aspects of ALD; Ritala
Hundreds of ALD chemistries have been found for de- and Niinistö13 ALD in general; Niinistö et al.14 high-
positing a variety of materials during the past decades, κ oxides of Group 4 metals for memory applications;
mostly for inorganic materials but lately also for organic Kim et al.15 applications of ALD to nanofabrication and
and inorganic–organic hybrid compounds. ALD pro- emerging nanodevices; Clavel et al.16 non-aqueous sol–gel
cesses are at different levels of technology maturity: some routes to ALD of oxides; George17 ALD in general; Pu-
have been in continuous industrial use for more than two urunen et al.18 the use of ALD for microelectromechan-
decades (e.g., the process to deposit Al2 O3 from chlo- ical systems (MEMS); Bakke et al.19 the nanoengineer-
ride reactants),1 some have been shown to work in small ing and interfacial engineering of photovoltaics by ALD;
laboratory-scale reactors with no commercially obtain- Profijt et al.20 the basics, opportunities, and challenges of
able reactants yet, while most ALD processes are some- plasma-assisted ALD; Detavernier et al.21 the tailoring of
where in between. nanoporous materials by ALD; George et al.22 metalcone
One factor that often dictates the properties of ALD molecular layer deposition (MLD); Marin et al.23 ALD in
films in actual applications is the crystallinity of the corrosion protection; Parsons et al.24 the progress in ALD
grown film: is the material amorphous or, if it is crys- chemistry; Leskelä et al.25 novel materials by ALD and
talline, which phase(s) are present. Amorphous films MLD; Bae et al.26 ALD for 3D nanostructure fabrication;
are desired for example as diffusion barriers, since grain Elam et al.27 ALD for clean energy conversion, utiliza-
boundaries between individual crystals would provide a tion, and storage; Kessels and Putkonen28 advanced ALD
leakage path for the diffusion of ions and lead to device process technologies (e.g. PEALD, roll-to-roll); Peng et
failure. Crystalline films with a specific phase, in turn, al.29 ALD for electrochemical energy generation and stor-
are often desired for their chemical or electrical proper- age; Im et al.30 ALD for plasmonics and nanobiotech-
Miikkulainen et al.
Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 3

nology; Knoops et al.31 ALD for nanostructured Li-ion Reactant A Reactant B By-product
batteries; Zaera32 the surface chemistry of ALD of solid
films; Elliott33 the atomic-scale simulation of ALD chem-
istry; Knez34 the diffusion phenomena in ALD; van Delft Step 2b
et al.35 ALD for photovoltaics; and Wiemer et al.36 ALD purge

rare-earth-based binary and ternary oxides for microelec-

tronic applications. Nilsen and co-workers have also pub-
lished a valuable series of articles on the modeling of the

Repeat cycles to increase layer thickness

growth of crystalline ALD layers from seed objects.37–40
The structure of this review is as follows. We first

ALD reaction cycle

Step 2a
describe the basics of ALD, summarize the two-reactant Reactant B
ALD processes to grow inorganic materials developed to-
date, updating the information of an earlier review on
ALD,2 and give an overview of ternary materials made Step 1b
by ALD. We then proceed to analyze the published ex- purge
perimental data for information on the crystallinity and
phase of inorganic materials deposited by ALD from dif-
ferent reactants at different temperatures. The data are
tabulated for easy reference. Case studies are presented
to illustrate the effect of different process parameters on
crystallinity for representative materials: aluminium ox- Step 1a
Reactant A
ide, zirconium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium nitride, zinc
sulfide, and ruthenium. Finally, we discuss the trends in
the development of ALD film crystallinity as function of
ALD process parameters. before deposition

II. ALD PROCESSES: BASICS FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of one ALD reaction cycle.

This section describes the basics of ALD, summarizes

the two-reactant ALD processes to grow inorganic mate- used to deposit film by ALD are often called precursors
rials developed to-date, updating the information of an or reactants. Sometimes, a distinction is made to call
earlier review on ALD,2 and gives an overview of ternary the metal compound ”precursor” and the non-metal com-
materials made by ALD. pound ”reactant”. In this work, such distinction is not
made but the two terms are used interchangeably.)
Essential characteristics of ALD processes, required to
A. Principles of ALD have a uniform thin film on large-area substrates and
complex 3D shapes, are the irreversible and saturating
The principles of ALD are here described in sufficient reactions. Figure 3 compares the saturating and irre-
detail that the readers can grasp an understanding of versible gas–solid reactions (often called self-terminating,
what ALD is, and to support the discussion on the crys- self-limiting, etc.) to other types of adsorption. It is clear
tallinity of ALD films from theoretical and practical view- that only irreversible and saturating reactions, which
point. Those looking for a more thorough description are are allowed to saturate, automatically lead to the same
referred to other sources, e.g. Refs. 2 and 3. amount of material adsorbed on different parts of large
ALD is a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique and/or complex-shaped substrates, irrespective of how
that relies on saturating and irreversible, separated gas– much reactant was available and of the exposure and
solid reactions of typically at least two compounds, which purge times. As discussed elsewhere, reactant partial
are repeated in a cyclic manner. One ALD cycle con- pressures also do not influence the amount of material
sist typically of four steps, as schematically illustrated in adsorbed in saturating, irreversible reactions.2 This au-
Figure 2: first gas–solid reaction, i.e. chemisorption re- tomatic control of the amount of material deposited is a
action, of the first reactant (Reactant A), typically of a key feature of ALD.
metal reactant (Step 1a); purge or evacuation to remove Another key feature of ALD processes is their weak
the unreacted precursor and gaseous by-products (Step temperature dependency. CVD processes in general
1b); second gas–solid reaction, i.e. chemisorption reac- are strongly temperature dependent, especially when
tion, of the second reactant (Reactant B), typically of a they are in the surface-reaction-limited regime where the
non-metal reactant (Step 2a); and again purge or evac- growth rate follows an Arrhenius-type relationship in-
uation to remove the unreacted precursor and gaseous creasing exponentially with deposition temperature. In
by-products (Step 2b). (Please note that the compounds the special case of ALD, the amount deposited per cy-
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Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 4

Amount adsorbed

Amount adsorbed

Amount adsorbed

Amount adsorbed

Amount adsorbed
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Time t Time t Time t Time t Time t

FIG. 3. Schematic illustration of different types of adsorption: (a) irreversible saturating adsorption (as required for ALD), (b)
reversible saturating adsorption, (c) combined irreversible and reversible saturating adsorption, (d) irreversible non-saturating
adsortpion (i.e., deposition), and (e) irreversible saturating adsorption not allowed to saturate. The dashed vertical line denotes
the end of reactant pulse (Step 1a or 2a) and the beginning of purge sequence (Step 1b or 2b), as described in the text. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. 2, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 97, Art. 121301, R. L. Puurunen, Surface chemistry of atomic
layer deposition: a case study for the trimethylaluminum/water process. Copyright (2005), American Institute of Physics.

cle depends on the conditions where the saturating, ir-


reversible reactions are carried out (reactants, substrate,
temperature). Several trends how temperature may af-
fect the amount deposited per cycle, referred to here
as growth per cycle (GPC) and often in ALD litera- (a) (b)
ture as growth rate (denoting growth in a cycle, not per
time unit), have been observed in the literature and are Temperature Temperature
schematically summarized in Figure 4. The temperature


dependencies are typically weak: for example in the case
of Al2 O3 deposition from AlMe3 and H2 O, collection of
data from many sources leads to the conclusion that in
the temperature range 180–300 ◦ C an 100 ◦ C increase in
(c) (d)
the deposition temperature decreases linearly the GPC
by about 20%, as opposed to the expected exponentially
Temperature Temperature
increasing trend for CVD in general. The explanation
behind the decreasing trend is the decrease of the –OH
FIG. 4. Schematic illustration how the GPC can vary with
group concentration of the Al2 O3 surface, as explored in the ALD temperature within the so-called ALD window (i.e.,
detail elsewhere.2,41 the temperature range where the process fulfills the criteria
of ALD growth): (a) GPC decreases with temperature, (b)
Good ALD processes follow the above description GPC is constant with temperature, optionally with different
closely. When reactants that completely fulfill the ALD constant values at different temperatures, (c) GPC increases
criteria are used in reactors optimized to operate in the with temperature, and (d) GPC goes through a maximum
ALD regime—with Steps 1a–2b tuned so that the reac- with temperature. Reprinted with permission from Ref. 2,
tions are allowed to saturate and the purges are suffi- Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 97, Art. 121301, R. L. Pu-
cient to prevent Reactants A and B from mixing in the urunen, Surface chemistry of atomic layer deposition: a case
gas phase—the ALD growth should result in the same study for the trimethylaluminum/water process. Copyright
amount of material deposited per cycle in all reactors, (2005), American Institute of Physics.
irrespective the process parameter details and the reac-
tor manufacturer. Comprehensive reviews on whether
this is really the case are scarce, but for example for 95% may be accepted, and the unreacted reactant may be
the AlMe3 –H2 O process to deposit Al2 O3 this seems purged to e.g. 0.01% of the original concentration. Elers
to be valid.2 In cases where the ”correct” ALD behav- et al.7 have devoted a complete review article for examin-
ior is known from the same results obtained by many ing these and other non-ideal factors contributing to film
groups with different reactors, obtaining results that de- non-uniformity in ALD, and more in-depth discussion on
viate from the known trend points to problems in process ALD non-idealities is also presented in Ref. 13.
optimization. In reality, however, many ALD processes
deviate from the general requirements by having some
non-ideal features not inherently typical for ALD. For B. ALD reactants
example, the reactants may react partly reversibly, or
some irreversible decomposition may take place, or reac- Reactants to be used in ALD have many require-
tion by-products may not be completely inert but they ments. They must be either gaseous or vaporizable at
may interact with and adsorb on the surface, blocking a temperature lower than the ALD reaction temperature
further growth. Also the process conditions may be opti- to enable transportation through the gas phase. They
mized closely, but not completely, to the ALD condition, must react, preferably fast and aggressively, in a saturat-
generally to save time: saturation of the surface by e.g. ing, irreversible manner with sites on the surface of the
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version 14.9.2012 5

growth substrate. When gaseous reaction by-products Inorganic Metal organic

are formed, they should be inert and not interfere with Elements Organometallic
the ALD growth. The reactants should not dissolve in Alkyls Cyclopentadienyls Other
the film. The reactants must not decompose thermally,
(no ligand)
neither during the storage, at the vaporization tempera-
ture nor at the ALD growth temperature. They should Halides
be safe and easy to handle, preferably non-toxic and non- Cl
M Methyl Methylcyclo- 1,3-Cyclohexa-
corrosive towards the substrate and the reactor materials. (Me) pentadienyl diene (chd)
For industrial use, price is also an issue. High purity is Chloride (CpMe)
needed for some applications. While it in principle does
not matter whether the reactants are gases, liquids or Alkoxides b-Diketonates Amides and imides

solids at room temperature, the phase affects the reac-

tor construction: solids and low-vapor-pressure liquids O N N
require special source designs. The list of preferred prop- M O
erties is long, and it is evident that not many reactants Ethoxy Acetylacet- Diethylamido Tert-butylimido
in actual use fulfill all the criteria. Compromises often (OEt) onato (acac) (NEt2) (N Bu)

need to be made regarding, for example, the reactivity Amidinates Phosphines Other compounds
and corrosiveness of the by-products.
Many classes of compounds are used as metal reac-
tants in ALD. Figure 5 summarizes the most typical M N

ones (please note that this is an introductory view— M M

a more complete treatment can be found in the tables N,N’-diisopropyl- Triethylphosphine Dimethylamino-
acetamidinato (PEt3) 2-propoxy (dmap)
of Section II C). The metal reactants used in ALD can i
( PrAMD)
be roughly divided in two groups, inorganic and metal
organic, and these can be further categorized in ele-
ments, halides, alkyls, cyclopentadienyls, alkoxides, β- FIG. 5. Overview of the classes of metal reactants used in
diketonates, amides and imides, phosphines, silyls, and ALD.
amidinates. Occasionally, other types of reactants, e.g.
heterocyclic compounds, have been used (generally re-
ferred to as other compounds in Figure 5), and active
reactant development continues to take place. Each type
of reactant has its benefits and drawbacks regarding reac- Hydrides Molecular elements Other
tivity, stability, gaseous by-products and impurities left
in the films. For example, alkyls, which are organometal- H2S O2
lic reactants containing a direct metal–carbon bond, are H2O ROH

generally very reactive, but stable alkyls are not avail- N2

NH3 H2
able for many metals and the deposition temperatures
are limited because of the decomposition of the reactants.
Chlorides, which belong to the general class of halides,
FIG. 6. Overview of the classes of non-metal reactants used
are reactive, stable at a broad temperature range and
in ALD.
available for many metals, but the deposited films may
suffer from chlorine residues and film thickness gradients
in the direction of flow, formed by secondary reactions of
the HCl released in the reactions.
The variety in non-metal reactants is somewhat less
than in metal reactants. The most typically used non- also the surface of the underlying substrate. Ozone is
metal reactants are shown in Figure 6. (Again, a more also unstable, and its decomposition may be catalysed
complete list can be found in tables of Section II C). by the film itself. In such cases limitations arise for uni-
The most commonly used types of non-metal reactants in formity across large wafers and batches, and for confor-
ALD are the hydrides of the non-metal elements: water mality in high aspect ratio 3-D structures. With plasma-
(H2 O), ammonia (NH3 ) and hydrogen sulphide (H2 S), enhanced ALD (PEALD), molecular elements which oth-
etc, that are used to grow oxides, nitrides, and sulphides, erwise would not be sufficiently reactive (e.g., O2 , H2 ,
respectively. The advantage of these types of reactants N2 ), can be used. The conformality of PEALD films is
is their generally high stability and reactivity in a broad however limited due to the finite lifetime of radicals and
temperature range, including high temperatures. Ozone charged species, as discussed in recent work by Knoops et
is often used for deposition of oxides especially from com- al.42 In addition to these classes of compounds, various
pounds having bulky ligands that are not reactive with organic compounds have also been used, with reducing
water. The drawback of ozone is that it can oxidize or oxidizing characteristics, as needed.
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version 14.9.2012 6

C. Overview of recent two-reactant ALD material studies now been updated to correspond to the situation about
five years later, at the end of 2010. Accordingly, Table I
Recently, the development of ALD processes has been collects information on ALD processes based on two reac-
more need- than curiosity-driven. Microelectronics has tants. The data collection principles have been the same
been the most important application area motivating the as in the earlier review:2 investigations published in sci-
ALD research. In microelectronics, high-κ oxides for entific journals have been included; we have not judged
both transistors and DRAM capacitors have formed the the contents of the paper as to whether the process re-
largest focus area. New processes have been developed ally obeys the principles of ALD but have included it if
for Group 4 metal (Zr, Hf) oxides but doping of the oxide the authors present it as ALD; and investigations have
films, making of nanolaminates, and ternary compounds been included if they bring some information or data on
have been important part of the research aiming for in- the particular ALD process which could be useful to oth-
crease of the κ-value and more stable films. Publication- ers using the same process. Therefore, conference papers
wise the most active ALD research topic has recently are generally not included in the table (with some excep-
been the integration of high-κ oxides with various III–V tions); some investigations may be included which in fact
and Ge channel materials. do not correspond to ALD but rather some other form of
Microelectronics has also motivated the development CVD; and many publications are not referred to, where
of ALD processes for metal and conducting metal oxide ALD layers have merely been used as part of a multi-
films to be used as electrodes. Noble metal and noble layer process flow while the properties of the ALD layers
metal oxide films, and especially the interfacial behavior have not been individually investigated. Restricting the
between dielectrics and metal electrodes has received a table contents to two-reactant processes leaves out sig-
lot of attention. Phase-change materials for non-volatile nificant amounts of information on ALD processes based
electronic memories present a new area for ALD. For that on three or more reactants (such as the WF6 –BEt3 –NH3
application, new chemistry and processes to deposit ger- to deposit WCN), laminates, mixed oxides and doping.
manium and antimony tellurides has been developed. Therefore, although the table is meant to cover all two-
MEMS (NEMS) and different nanotechnology appli- reactant ALD processes, it is not an overview of all ALD
cations are naturally suited for ALD. In these studies processes.
no new processes have been developed but existing well- TABLE I: Overview of ALD processes based on two reactants
(source: ISI Web of Science, status end December 2010).
working processes such as those for Al2 O3 , TiO2 and ZnO
have been applied. Protective (barrier) layers and optics Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs.
3 lithium
form other important and increasing application areas. Li2 O t
Li(O Bu) H2 O 44
They also mostly rely on existing processes but for op- (LiOH)
Li2 CO3 Li(thd) O3 45
tics new chemistry has been studied for metal fluoride 5 boron
films. In the case of protective films the substrate to be B2 O 3 BBr3 H2 O 46 and 47
BN BCl3 NH3 48
covered is often polymer material, setting limitations for BBr3 NH3 49 and 50
the process temperature. BBr3 NH3 ☼ 50
Energy applications form yet another increasing inter- Bx Py Oz B(OMe)3 POCl3 51 and 52

est area which has motivated ALD thin film research. 6 carbon
Both nanostructured dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) Cb CFx H c
CCl3 H 54
and Li-ion batteries could utilize the conformality of ALD
films. In case of batteries new processes have been de- 12 magnesium
MgO MgCp2 H2 O 55–62
veloped for lithium-containing films while DSSC could Mg(CpEt)2 H2 O 63
utilize the existing oxide processes. In photovoltaics, Mg(thd)2 H2 O2 64
the surface passivation of silicon solar cells with ALD- Mg(thd)2 O3 65
MgF2 Mg(thd)2 TiF4 66 and 67
Al2 O3 has shown excellent results and has been exten- Mg(thd)2 TaF5 68
sively studied. MgTe Mg Te 69 and 70

Both for photovoltaic (PV) applications and barrier 13 aluminum

layers for high volume products, the productivity of con- Al AlMe3 H2  71 and 72
Al2 O3 AlCl3 H2 O 73–98
ventional ALD even in batch mode is of a concern. There- AlCl3 H2 O + cat. 99
fore, increasing effort has been devoted towards fast spa-
AlCl3 O2 100 and 101
tial ALD, where the substrate is moved under spatially AlCl3 ROH d 80, 88, and 102
separated continuous precursor and purge gas flows. So AlCl3 Al(OEt)3 103
far, this work has focused almost exclusively on Al2 O3 , AlCl3 Al(Oi Pr)3 103 and 104
AlBr3 H2 O 105
and it will be interesting to see how well other ALD pro- AlMe3 H2 O 41, 59, 86, 94, 95,
cesses can be transferred to this mode. 98, 106–396
AlMe3 H2 O ☼ 397 and 398
The literature contains extensive amounts of informa- AlMe3 H2 O2 325, 399–407
tion on the development of new ALD processes and the AlMe3 O3 152, 160, 161, 186,
199, 216, 236, 267,
characteristics of existing processes. The collection of 270, 333, 380, 381,
two-reactant ALD processes made in 2005 in Ref. 2 has 408–428
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version 14.9.2012 7

TABLE I: (Continued) TABLE I: (Continued)

a a
Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs. Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs.
AlMe3 O2  199, 242, 310, 336, Si3 H8 —k 546 and 578
354, 357, 372, 375, SiO2 SiCl4 H2 O 74, 111, 130, 579–
426, 429–456 587
AlMe3 O2 + H2 O + 457 SiCl4 H2 O + cat. 99, 584, 588–594
H2 O2 g

AlMe3 CO2  458 Si2 Cl6 O3 595

AlMe3 N2 O 402 SiCl3 H H2 O 596–598
AlMe3 NO2 110 SiCl2 H2 O3 599 and 600
AlMe3 N2 O4 459 SiH4 N2 O 601
AlMe3 PrOH 460 and 461 Si(OMe)4 H2 O 602
AlMe3 PrOH 281 Si(OMe)4 H2 O + NH3 603
AlMe3 Al(Oi Pr)3 103 cat.
AlMe2 Cl H2 O 462 and 463 Si(OEt)4 H2 O + cat. 604 and 605
AlMe2 Oi Pr H2 O 464 and 465 Si(OEt)4 O2  433, 606, and 607
AlMe2 Oi Pr O2  435 Si(OEt)3 ((CH2 )3 - H2 O + O3 362, 608–612
AlEt3 H2 O 56 NH2 )
Al(OEt)3 H2 O 80 Si(Ot Pe)3 OH AlMe3 613 and 614
Al(OEt)3 O2 80 HMDS h O2 615
Al(On Pr)3 H2 O 80 and 88 SiH2 (N(CH3 )2 )2 O3 616 and 617
Al(On Pr)3 O2 80 SiH2 (NHt Bu)2 O2  618
Al(mmp)3 H2 O 466 SiH2 (NEt2 )2 O2  619
AlH3 N:(C5 H1 1) O2  467 SiH2 (NEt2 )2 O3 389
Al(NEt2 )3 H2 O 468–471 SiH(N(CH3 )2 )3 O3 616, 617, 620–622
Al(NEt2 )3 O3 472–475 SiH(N(CH3 )2 )3 H2 O 623
Al(Ni Pr2 )3 H2 O 470 SiH(N(CH3 )2 )3 H2 O2 623 and 624
Al(i PrAMD)Et2 H2 O 476 Si(NCO)4 H2 O 625
AlN AlCl3 NH3 477 and 478 Si(NCO)4 NEt3 626
AlCl3 NH3 + H2  479 and 480 MeOSi(NCO)3 H2 O2 627 and 628
AlMe3 NH3 125, 132, 338, 478, Si3 N4 SiCl4 NH3 629–633
481–490 SiCl2 H2 NH3 632 and 634
AlMe3 NH3 ☼ 491 SiCl2 H2 NH3  635
AlMe3 NH3 + N2  492 SiCl2 H2 NH3 + cat. 636 and 637
AlMe3 NH3 + H2  493 Si2 Cl6 N2 H4 638
AlMe3 N2 + H2  494 Si2 Cl6 NH3 639
AlEt3 NH3 495 and 496 SiC SiCl2 H2 C2 H4 640 and 641
Me3 N:AlH3 NH3 497 SiEt2 H2 —i 642
Me2 EtN:AlH3 NH3 498–500 Si2 H6 C2 H4 643
Al(NMe2 )3 NH3 501 Si2 H6 C2 H2 644–647
AlP AlMe2 H PH3 502–504 Six Aly Oz Si(OEt)4 AlCl3 535
Me2 EtN:AlH3 PH3 505 SiO2 / (t BuO)3 SiOH AlMe3 43, 536, and 537
AlAs AlCl3 AsH3 506 and 507 Al2 O3 f
AlMe3 AsH3 508–518 Six Tiy Oz Si(OEt)4 TiCl4 51
AlMe2 H AsH3 519–523 Si(On Bu)4 Ti(NEt2 )4 648 and 649
AlEt3 AsH3 512 and 514 Six Zry Oz SiCl4 Zr(Ot Bu)4 650
Ali Bu3 AsH3 524 Si(OEt)4 ZrCl4 103
Me3 N:AlH3 AsH3 525 Si(On Bu)4 ZrCl4 103 and 651
Me3 N:AlH3 As(NMe2 )3 526 and 527 Si(On Bu)4 Zr(NEt2 )4 652
Me2 EtN:AlH3 AsH3 523, 528–533 Six Hfy Oz Si(OEt)4 HfCl4 653
AlSb AlCl3 (Et3 Si)3 Sb 534 Si(OEt)4 HfI4 653
Alx Siy Oz AlCl3 Si(OEt)4 535 (t BuO)3 SiOH Hf(NMe2 )4 654
Al2 O3 / AlMe3 (t BuO)3 - 43, 536, and 537 Si(On Bu)4 Hf(NEt2 )4 655–659
SiO2 f SiOH Si(Ot Pe)3 OH Hf(NEt2 )4 660
Alx Tiy Oz AlCl3 Ti(OEt)4 103 Si(On Bu)4 Hf(NEtMe)4 661
AlCl3 Ti(Oi Pr)4 103 Six Biy Oz Bi(CH2 SiMe3 )3 O3 662 and 663
AlMe3 Ti(Oi Pr)4 103
Alx Cry Oz AlMe3 CrO2 Cl2 538 15 phosphorus
Alx Zry Oz Al(OEt)3 ZrCl4 103 POx PCl3 H2 O 664–668
Alx Hfy Oz Al(OEt)3 HfCl4 103 POCl3 H2 O 581, 669, and 670
AlLaO3 [LaAl(Oi Pr)6 - H2 O 539 Px By Oz POCl3 B(OMe)3 51 and 52
(i PrOH)]2
20 calcium
AlPrx Oy [AlPr(Oi Pr)6 - H2 O 540
CaO Ca(thd)2 H2 O 671
(Pri OH)]2 (CaCO3 )
AlNdx Oy [AlNd(Oi Pr)6 - H2 O 540 Ca(thd)2 O3 672 and 673
(Pri OH)]2 Ca(i Pr3 Cp)2 H2 O 674
CaS Ca(thd)2 H2 S 671, 675–679
14 silicon CaF2 Ca(thd)2 HF 680
Si SiCl4 Si2 H6 541 Ca(thd)2 TiF4 67 and 681
SiCl2 H2 H2 542 and 543
SiCl2 H2 Hc 544–551 21 scandium
SiCl2 H2 —j 552–554 Sc2 O3 ScCp3 H2 O 682
SiEt2 H2 —k 555 Sc(thd)3 O3 682
SiH4 —k 556–558 Sc(thd)3 O3 + H2 O2 682
Si2 Cl6 Si2 H6 547, 548, 559, and Sc(i PrAMD)3 H2 O 683
560 Sc(emd)3 O2 684
Si2 Cl6 Hc 561
Si2 H6 —k 562–570 22 titanium
Si2 H6 —j 571–575 Ti TiCl4 H2  685 and 686
Si2 H6 —k 570 and 576 TiO2 TiF4 H2 O 687
Si2 H6 —l 577
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TABLE I: (Continued) TABLE I: (Continued)

a a
Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs. Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs.
TiCl4 H2 O 44, 92, 94, 123, 128, Tix Siy Oz TiCl4 Si(OEt)4 51
153, 176, 179, 198, Ti(NEt2 )4 Si(On Bu)4 648 and 649
207, 218, 228, 238, Tix Zry Oz Ti(Oi Pr)4 ZrCl4 103, 1000, and 1001
305, 365, 378, 379, Tix Hfy Oz Ti(Oi Pr)4 HfCl4 103
390, 581, 585, 664,
665, 688–814 23 vanadium
TiCl4 H2 O2 301, 334, 403, 405, VOx VOCl3 H2 O 581, 668, 698, 705,
490, 815, and 816 1002–1005
TiCl4 MeOH 817 VO(Oi Pr)3 H2 O 1006–1010
TiCl4 O2  818 and 819 VO(Oi Pr)3 H2 O 1010
TiI4 H2 O 820–822
VO(Oi Pr)3 H2 O2 1011
TiI4 H2 O2 823–825
VO(Oi Pr)3 O2 1012–1014
TiI4 O2 826 and 827
Ti(CpMe5 )(OMe)3 O3 828 and 829 VO(Oi Pr)3 O2  1010
Ti(CpMe5 )(OMe)3 O2  375 VO(On Pr)3 CH3 COOH 910, 1015, and 1016
Ti(CpMe)(Oi Pr)3 O2  375 VO(acac)2 O2 1017–1019
Ti(OMe)4 H2 O 95, 830–838
24 chromium
Ti(OEt)4 H2 O 122, 128, 760, 773,
CrOx CrO2 Cl2 H2 O 581, 668, 670, 698,
782, 837, 839–845
705, 1020–1028
Ti(OEt)4 H2 O2 96, 760, 773, and
CrO2 Cl2 H2 O2 1026
CrO2 Cl2 MeOH 538, 817, 1028–1031
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O 128, 212, 236, 273,
Cr(acac)3 O2 736, 1032–1036
280, 285, 325, 328,
Crx Aly Oz CrO2 Cl2 AlMe3 538
350, 359, 362, 396,
764, 788, 791, 846–
25 manganese
MnOx Mn(CpEt)2 H2 O 1037
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O 864 and 878 Mn(thd)3 O3 1038–1041
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O2 325, 334, 406, 407, MnS MnCl2 H2 S 77 and 78
848, 882, and 883 MnTe Mn Te 70, 1042–1051
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O2 736 and 884 MnAs Mn(CpMe)2 As(NMe2 )3 1052
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O2  375, 439, 442, 448,
607, 854, 864, 878, 26 iron
885–895 Fe Fe(t BuAMD)2 H2 1053
Ti(O Pr)4 O2 + NH3 896 FeOx FeCl3 H2 O 1054
Ti(Oi Pr)4 NH3 897 and 898 Fe(acac)3 O2 1055
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O3 236, 890, 899–906 Fe(acac)3 O3 1056
Ti(Oi Pr)4 N2 O 890 and 907 Fe(thd)3 O3 1057–1061
Ti(Oi Pr)4 HCOOH 908 Fe(Cp)2 O2 821, 1062, and 1063
Ti(Oi Pr)4 CH3 COOH 908–911 Fe(Cp)2 O3 609, 1064, and 1065
Fe(t BuAMD)2 H2 O 1053
Ti(Oi Pr)2 (dmae)2 H2 O 912
Fe2 (t BuO)6 H2 O 1064–1066
Ti(Oi Pr)2 (thd)2 H2 O 913–916
Ti(trhd)2 - H2 O 913
27 cobalt
(O(CMe2 Et)2
Ti(OBu)4 H2 O 917 Co Co(i PrAMD)2 H2 1053, 1067, and
Ti(NMe2 )4 H2 O 356, 377, 864, 914, 1068
918–924 Co( PrAMD)2 NH3 1068 and 1069
Ti(NMe2 )4 O3 418 and 925 Co(i PrAMD)2 NH3  1069
Ti(NMe2 )4 H2 O 864 CoCp(i PrAMD) NH3  1070
Ti(NMe2 )4 O2  864, 926–930 CoCp2 NH3  1071 and 1072
Ti(NMe2 )4 q
931 CoCp(CO)2 NH3  1073 and 1074
TiCp2 ((i PrN)2 - q
932 CoCp(CO)2 H2  1074 and 1075
C(NHi Pr)) CoCp(CO)2 N2  1074 and 1075
TiN TiCl4 NH3 766, 933–956 Co2 (CO)8 H2  1075–1077
TiCl4 NH3 + cat. 121, 934–936, and Co2 (CO)8 N2  1075
957 CoOx CoI2 O2 1078
TiCl4 N2 ,H2  429, 449, 453, 958– Co(acac)2 O2 1079–1081
965 Co(acac)3 O2 1079–1087
TiCl4 Me2 NNH2 966 Co(thd)2 O3 1060, 1088–1090
TiCl4 t
BuNH2 967 Co(i PrAMD)2 H2 O 1053
TiCl4 AyNH2 967 CoSi2 CoCp2 NH3 , SiH4  1091
TiI4 NH3 936 and 968
TiI4 t
BuNH2 967 28 nickel
TiI4 AyNH2 967 Ni Ni(acac)2 H2 1092
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3 319, 969–987 Ni(i PrAMD)2 H2 1053
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3  986, 988, and 989 Ni(dmamb)2 H2  1093
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3 , H2  493, 979, and 990 Ni(dmamb)2 NH3  1072 and 1093
Ti(NMe2 )4 N2  986, 989, 991–994 Ni(hfip)2 H2 1094 and 1095
Ti(NMe2 )4 H2  989, 992, 993, and NiO NiCp2 H2 O 1096
995 NiCp2 O3 1097–1100
Ti(NMe2 )4 q
931 Ni(CpEt)2 O3 1097 and 1100
Ti(NEt2 )4 NH3 977 Ni(dmamb)2 H2 O 1101
Ti(NEtMe)4 NH3 996 and 997 Ni(dmamp)2 H2 O 1102 and 1103
Ti(NEtMe)4 q
998 Ni(acac)2 O2 1104–1106
TiCp2 ((i PrN)2 - q
932 Ni(acac)2 O3 1092 and 1107
Ni(thd)2 H2 O 1108–1110
C(NHi Pr))
Ni(thd)2 O3 1111
TiS2 TiCl4 H2 S 999
Ni(apo)2 O3 1107
Tix Aly Oz Ti(OEt)4 AlCl3 103
Ni(dmg)2 O3 1107
Ti(Oi Pr)4 AlCl3 103
Ti(Oi Pr)4 AlMe3 103 29 copper
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TABLE I: (Continued) TABLE I: (Continued)

Z Material Reactant A a Reactant B Refs. Z Material Reactant A a Reactant B Refs.
Cu CuCl H2 1112 and 1113 Zn[N(SiMe3 )2 ]2 H2 Se 1356
CuCl H2 + H2 O 1113 and 1114 ZnTe Zn Te 1044, 1323, 1326–
CuCl Zn 1115 1328, 1330, 1357–
Cu(acac)2 H2 1092 1366
Cu(acac)2 H2  1116–1118 ZnCl2 (Et3 Si)2 Te 1148
Cu(thd)2 H2 1119–1122 ZnMe2 Et2 Te 1367
Cu(thd)2 H2  1123 ZnMe2 MeAyTe 1367
Cu(hfac)2 ROH d 1124
Cu(hfac)2 HCHO m 1124 31 gallium
Cu(hfac)2 H2 + cat. 1125 Ga2 O3 Ga(acac)3 O3 1368 and 1369
Cu(hfac)(vtmos) H2  1126 Ga(acac)3 H2 O 1368
Cu(i PrAMD) H2 1053 and 1067 [GaMe2 NH2 ]3 O2  1370–1372
Cu(s BuAMD) H2 1127–1131 Ga2 (NMe2 )6 H2 O 1373
Cu(dmap)2 ZnEt2 1132 GaN Ga N2 1374 and 1375
Cu(dki)(vtms) SiH2 Et2 1133 GaCl NH3 1376 and 1377
CuOx Cu(acac)2 O2 1134 GaCl3 NH3 1378 and 1379
Cu(thd)2 O2 1135–1137 GaMe3 NH3 485, 1380–1384
Cu(hfac)2 H2 O 1138 GaEt3 NH3 496, 1385, and 1386
Cu(Pn Bu3 )2 (acac) H2 O, O2 1139 GaEt3 NH3 o 1387
Cu3 N Cu(s BuAMD) NH3 1128 and 1140 GaP Ga P 1286
Cu(hfac)2 NH3 + H2 O 1141 GaCl PH3 1388
Cux S Cu(thd)2 H2 S 1142–1146 GaMe3 PH3 502, 516, 1389–1394
Cu(s BuAMD)2 H2 S 1147 GaMe3 P(NMe2 )3 1395
Cux Se Cu(O2 Ct Bu)2 (Et3 Si)2 Se 1148 GaEt3 PH3 ☼ 1396
CuCl (Et3 Si)2 Se 1148 GaAs GaCl AsH3 1388, 1394, 1397–
30 zinc GaCl3 AsH3 506, 507, 1411–1415
Zn ZnEt2 H2 O 1149 GaCl3 As 1414
ZnO Zn O2 1150 GaBr AsH3 1416
Zn H2 O 1151 GaI AsH3 1416
ZnCl2 H2 O 1152 GaMe3 AsH3 508–511, 514, 516,
ZnCl2 O2 1153–1155 518, 521, 524, 1390,
ZnMe2 H2 O 1156–1162 1393, 1417–1467
ZnMe2 O2  1163 and 1164 GaMe3 EtAsH2 1468
ZnMe(Oi Pr) H2 O 1165 GaMe3 BuAsH2 1469–1476
ZnEt2 H2 O 60, 117, 145, 147, GaEt3 AsH3 512, 514, 1390,
204, 240, 264, 1424, 1433, 1438,
282, 291, 297, 300, 1477–1485
305, 306, 318, 323, GaEt3 BuAsH2 1475 and 1486
346, 350, 352, 368, GaEt3 (Me2 N)3 As 527, 1487, and 1488
374, 812, 1011, GaEt2 Cl As 1489
1149, 1157, 1159– GaEt2 Cl AsH3 1450 and 1490
1162, 1166–1265 GaEt2 Me AsH3 1390
ZnEt2 H2 O 1266 Gai Bu3 AsH3 1480
ZnEt2 H2 O ☼ 1179 GaNp3 BuAsH2 1475 and 1491
ZnEt2 H2 O + NH3 292 and 1267 GaSb GaCl3 (Et3 Si)3 Sb 534
ZnEt2 H2 O + NH3 457
+ O2 32 germanium
ZnEt2 H2 O2 1223, 1268, and Ge GeCl4 Hc 1492 and 1493
1269 GeMe2 H2 Hc 1494–1496
ZnEt2 O2 1186 GeEt2 H2 —k 1497 and 1498
ZnEt2 O2  1270–1275 GeH4 —k 558 and 1499
ZnEt2 O3 1193 Ge2 H6 —k 1500 and 1501
ZnEt2 N2 O 1276–1278 GeO2 GeCl4 H2 O 689 and 1502
ZnEt2 N2 O 458 Ge(dpp-BIAN) O3 1503
Zn(OAc)2 H2 O 1160, 1279–1285 GeSb GeCl2 · (C4 H8 O2 ) (Et3 Si)3 Sb 534
ZnS Zn S 76, 1286–1288 GeTe GeCl2 · (C4 H8 O2 ) (Et3 Si)2 Te 1148 and 1504
Zn H2 S 1289
ZnCl2 H2 S 77, 78, 84, 1290– 38 strontium
1305 SrO Sr(Cpi Pr3 )2 H2 O 1505 and 1506
ZnI2 H2 S 1305 (SrCO3 )
ZnMe2 H2 S 1156, 1306–1314 Sr(Cpn PrMe3 )2 H2 O 1507
ZnEt2 H2 S 206, 1177, 1194, Sr(Cpn PrMe3 )2 O2 1507
1215, 1315–1320 Sr(Cpt Bu3 )2 H2 O 838
ZnEt2 Et2 S2 1321 Sr(thd)2 O3 1508
Zn(CH3 COO)2 H2 S 1304 Sr(methd)2 O2  885
Zn(OAc)2 H2 S 680, 1279, 1292, SrS Sr(CpMe5 )2 H2 S 1509
1293, 1295–
Sr(Cpi Pr3 )2 H2 S 1509 and 1510
1297, 1304, and
Sr(thd)2 H2 S 675, 677, 1511–1513
SrF2 Sr(thd)2 HF 680
ZnF Zn(OAc)2 HF 680
SrTa2 O6 Sr[Ta(OEt)5 (me)]2 O2  1514
ZnSe Zn Se 1150, 1287, 1323–
39 yttrium
Zn H2 Se 1340
Y2 O3 YCp3 H2 O 1515 and 1516
Zn Et2 Se 1341
Y(CpMe)3 H2 O 1515, 1517–1520
ZnCl2 H2 Se 1342–1344
Y(CpMe)3 O3 1521
ZnCl2 (Et3 Si)2 Se 1148
Y(CpEt)3 H2 O 1522 and 1523
ZnMe2 H2 Se 1312–1314, 1345–
Y(thd)3 O2 1524
Y(thd)3 O3 135, 153, 1524–1526
ZnEt2 H2 Se 1356
Y(thd)3 O2  1527–1532
ZnEt2 Et2 Se2 1321
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TABLE I: (Continued) TABLE I: (Continued)

Z Material Reactant A a Reactant B Refs. Z Material Reactant A a Reactant B Refs.
Y(i PrAMD)3 H2 O 1533 Ru Ru(chd)(ipmp) O2 1641
YF3 Y(thd)3 TiF4 1534 ” RuCp2 O2 95, 98, 1642–1651
Y2 O2 S Y(thd)3 H2 S 1535
RuCp2 NH3  1649
40 zirconium Ru(CpEt)2 O2 1649, 1652–1659
ZrO2 ZrCl4 H2 O 98, 128, 135, 138, Ru(CpEt)2 NH3  196, 1649, 1656,
146, 162, 221, 736, 1660–1670
1516, 1536–1563 Ru(CpEt)2 N2 + H2  994 and 1671
ZrCl4 H2 O2 1544 and 1545 Ru(CpEt)2 H2 + O2 900
ZrCl4 O2 1564 and 1565 Ru(CpEt)(dmp) O2 906, 1672–1677
ZrI4 H2 O 1566 Ru(CpEt)(dmp) 1678
ZrI4 H2 O2 1567–1570 Ru(CpEt)(pyr) NH3  1679
ZrCp2 Cl2 O3 1571–1573 RuCp(CpCH(Me)- O2 1680
ZrCp2 Me2 H2 O 1574 and 1575 (NMe2 ))
ZrCp2 Me2 O3 1571 and 1576 RuCp(CO)2 Et O2 1681 and 1682
ZrCp2 Me(OMe) O3 1577 RuCp(CO)2 Et O2  1681
ZrCp(NMe2 )3 O3 1578 Ru(od)3 O2 1683
Zr (CpMe)2 Me2 O3 1579–1581 Ru(thd)3 H2 1684
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(OMe)H2 O 1582 Ru(thd)3 O2 1644, 1685–1687
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(OMe)O3 1579–1584 Ru(t BuAMD)2 - O2 1688
Zr(CpMe)(NMe2 )3 O3 1578 (CO)2
Zr(CpEt)(NMe2 )3 O3 1578 Ru(t BuAMD)2 - NH3 1689 and 1690
Zr(Cp2 CMe2 )Me2 O3 1585 (CO)2
Zr(Cp2 CMe2 )- O3 1585 RuO4 H2 1691
Me(OMe) RuO2 Ru(CpEt)2 O2 1652, 1654, 1687,
Zr(Oi Pr)4 H2 O 1586 and 1692
Zr(Oi Pr)2 (dmae)2 H2 O 861 and 1587 Ru(thd)2 (cod) O2 1693
Zr(Ot Bu)4 H2 O 273, 850, 852, 853,
879, 1588–1594 45 rhodium
Zr(Ot Bu)4 O2 1592 Rh Rh(acac)3 O2 1653 and 1694
Zr(Ot Bu)4 O2  1595–1598 Rh2 O3 Rh(acac)3 O3 1695
Zr(Ot Bu)4 N2 O 1592
46 palladium
Zr(Ot Bu)4 Ar 1598
Pd Pd(thd)2 H2 1684
Zr(Ot Bu)2 (dmae)2 H2 O 1587 and 1599
Pd(thd)2 O2 1136
Zr(Ot Bu)2 (dmae)2 H2  1600 Pd(hfac)2 H2 1696–1698
Zr(dmae)4 H2 O 1587 Pd(hfac)2 H2  1699 and 1700
Zr(thd)4 O3  1571 Pd(hfac)2 H2 + N2  1701
Zr(NMe2 )4 H2 O 350, 1517– Pd(hfac)2 HCOCOOH 1696
1519, 1601–1605 Pd(hfac)2 HCHOm 368, 396, 1011,
Zr(NEt2 )4 H2 O 295, 311, 315, 320, 1702–1704
1601, and 1606
Zr(NEt2 )4 O2 1607 47 silver
Zr(NEt2 )4 O2  1596 and 1608
Ag Ag(O2 Ct Bu)(PEt3 ) H2  1705
Zr(NEtMe)4 H2 O 1601 and 1609
Ag(hfac)(cod) propanol 1706
Zr(NEtMe)4 O3 1610–1615
Zr(NEtMe)4 O2  1616–1619
48 cadmium
Zr(NEtMe)4 N2 O 1618
q CdS Cd S 1707 and 1708
Zr(NEtMe)4 998
CdCl2 H2 S 1300
Zr[N(SiMe3 )2 ]2 Cl2 H2 O 1620
CdMe2 H2 S 1315, 1709–1714
Zr(MeAMD)4 H2 O 1609
CdSe Cd Se 1287, 1708, 1715–
ZrNx ZrCp2 (NMe2 )2 N2  1621
Zr(NMe2 )4 NH3 1622
CdMe2 H2 Se 1315 and 1346
Zr(NEtMe)4 NH3 1622
CdTe Cd Te 70, 1042–
Zr(NEt2 )4 NH3 1622
1047, 1049–
Zr(NEt2 )4 N2  1623
1051, 1338, 1360,
Zrx Aly Oz ZrCl4 Al(OEt)3 103
1364, 1366, 1708,
Zrx Siy Oz ZrCl4 Si(OEt)4 103 and 1624
1720, 1721, 1723–
ZrCl4 Si(On Bu)4 103 and 651
Zr(Ot Bu)4 SiCl4 650 CdMe2 Et2 Te 1367
Zr(NEt2 )4 Si(On Bu)4 652 CdMe2 MeAyTe 1367, 1748–1750
Zrx Tiy Oz ZrCl4 Ti(Oi Pr)4 103, 1000, and 1001 CdMe2 i
Pr2 Te 1751 and 1752
Zrx Lay Oz Zr(CpMe)2 - La(i PrCp)3 1625
Me(OMe) 49 indium
In2 O3 InCl3 H2 O 128, 1753–1757
41 niobium InCl3 H2 O2 1757
Nb2 O5 Nb(OEt)5 H2 O 91, 122, 391, 842, InMe3 H2 O 1758
1539, 1626–1629 InCp O3 787, 1759, and 1760
NbN NbCl5 NH3 933, 935, 1630–1632 In(acac)3 H2 O 1761
NbCl5 NH3 + cat. 935 and 1630 In(acac)3 O3 1761
NbCl5 Me2 NNH2 966 InN In N2 1762
Nb(N Bu)(NEtMe)3 H2 
1633 InEtMe2 NH3 485, 1381, and 1382
In2 S3 InCl3 H2 S 1763 and 1764
42 molybdenum In(acac)3 H2 S 1177, 1178, 1765–
Mo MoCl5 Zn 1634 1772
Mox N MoCl5 NH3 933 and 1635 InP InCl PH3 1388
MoCl5 Me2 NNH2 966 InCl t
BuPH2 1406
Mo(N Bu)2 (NMe2 )2 NH3 1636–1640 InMe3 PH3 1436, 1449, 1773–
Mo(Nt Bu)2 (NEt2 )2 NH3 1638 and 1640 1781
InMe3 BuPH2 1782–1784
44 ruthenium InEt3 PH3 1389 and 1391
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TABLE I: (Continued) TABLE I: (Continued)

a a
Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs. Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs.
InEt3 BuPH2 1785
In2 Se3 InCl3 (Et3 Si)2 Se 1148 60 neodymium
InAs InCl AsH3 1398, 1399, and Nd2 O3 Nd(thd)3 O3 1864 and 1865
1411 NdAlx Oy [NdAl(Oi Pr)6 - H2 O 540
InMe3 AsH3 1394, 1428, 1786, (Pri OH)]2
and 1787
InMe3 BuAsH2 1476, 1775, 1777, 62 samarium
1788, and 1789 Sm2 O3 Sm(thd)3 O3 1864
InClMe2 AsH3 1790
InEt3 AsH3 1421, 1791, and 63 europium
1792 Eu2 O3 Eu(thd)3 O3 1864
InSb In Sb 1793 and 1794
64 gadolinium
50 tin Gd2 O3 Gd(thd)3 O3 1583, 1864, and
SnO2 Sn O2 1286 1866
SnCl4 H2 O 128, 714, 747, 1369, Gd(CpMe)3 H2 O 1866
1795–1812 Gd(mmp)3 - H2 O 1867
SnCl4 H2 O2 1804, 1813–1818 tetraglyme
SnI4 H2 O2 1804 Gd(dmb)3 H2 O 96, 1868–1870
SnI4 O2 1804, 1813, 1814, Gd((i PrN)2 - H2 O 1871–1873
1819–1821 CNMe2 )3
SnMe4 N2 O4 459 and 883
SnEt4 N2 O4 459 66 dysprosium
Sn Bu2 (CH3 COO)2 O2 
1822–1825 Dy2 O3 Dy(thd)3 O3 1864
Sn(NMe2 )4 H2 O2 1760, 1826, and Dy(emd)3 O2 684
Sn(tbba) H2 O2 1828 67 holmium
SnS Sn(acac)2 H2 S 384 Ho2 O3 Ho(thd)3 O3 1864

51 antimony 68 erbium
Sb SbCl5 (Et3 Si)3 Sb 534 Er2 O3 Er(thd)3 O3 1584, 1864, and
Sb2 O5 SbCl5 H2 O 1797 1874
Sb(NMe2 )3 O3 1829 Er(thd)3 O2  1527, 1528, 1530–
Sb2 S3 Sb(NMe2 )3 H2 S 1226 and 1829 1532
Sb2 Te3 SbCl3 (Et3 Si)2 Te 534, 1148, and 1504 Er(CpMe)3 H2 O 1875
Er(t BuAMD)3 O3 1876
56 barium
BaO Ba(Cpt Bu3 )2 H2 O 1830 69 thulium
(Ba(OH)2 ) Tm2 O3 Tm(thd)3 O3 1864
BaO Ba(Cpn PrMe4 )2 H2 O 1519
BaS Ba(CpMe5 )2 H2 S 1509 and 1510 70 ytterbium
Ba(thd)2 H2 S 675 and 1831 Yb2 O3 Yb(thd)3 O3 1877
BaB2 O4 Ba(TpEt2 )2 H2 O 1832
71 lutetium
57 lanthanum Lu2 O3 Lu(Oi Pr)3 H2 O 1878
La2 O3 La(thd)3 O2 1135 and 1137 Lu[Cp(SiMe3 )]2 Cl H2 O 1879 and 1880
La(thd)3 O3 44, 1088, 1111, LuSix Oy Lu[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O 1881 and 1882
1577, 1833–1835 Lu[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 O3 1881 and 1882
La(thd)3 H2 O 237, 1836, and 1837
La[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O 654, 1838–1842 72 hafnium
La(i PrAMD)3 H2 O 1053 and 1843 HfO2 HfCl4 H2 O 92, 135, 154, 160,
La(i PrfAMD)3 H2 O 1844 168, 169, 171–
La(i PrfAMD)3 O2 1607 173, 175, 188–190,
La(i PrfAMD)3 O3 1844 199, 221, 259, 310,
La(Cp)3 H2 O 1835, 1845, and 587, 741, 761, 1520,
1846 1541, 1551, 1554–
La(CpEt)3 O2  1847 1562, 1566, 1610,
La(CpEt)3 O3  1848 1839, 1883–1974
La(Cpi Pr)3 H2 O 1849 and 1850 HfCl4 O2 1975 and 1976
La(Cpi Pr)3 O3 1851 and 1852 HfCl4 O3 420, 423, 1897,
1917, 1933, 1951,
La(Cpi Pr)3 O2  1850, 1853–1856
1954, 1977, and
La2 S3 La(thd)3 H2 S 1857
LaF3 La(thd)3 TiF4 67 and 1858
HfCl4 Hf(mmp)4 1979
Lax Siy Ox La[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 (t BuO)3 Si 654
HfCl2 [N(SiMe3 )2 ]2 H2 O 1980
LaAlO3 [LaAl(Oi Pr)6 - H2 O 539 HfI4 H2 O 1566, 1896, 1901,
(i PrOH)]2 1981, and 1982
Lax Zry Oz La(Cpi Pr)3 Zr(CpMe)2 - 1625 HfI4 H2 O2 1981
Me(OMe) HfI4 O2 1901, 1983–1987
HfI4 O2 q 1988
58 cerium HfCp2 Me2 H2 O 1989 and 1990
CeO2 Ce(thd)4 O2 1135 and 1137 HfCp2 Me2 O3 1990
Ce(thd)4 O3 1859 and 1860 HfCp2 Cl2 H2 O 1990
Ce(thd)3 phen O3 1859 HfCp2 Cl2 O3 1990
Hf(CpMe)2 Me2 H2 O 1579
59 praseodymium Hf(CpMe)2 Me2 O3 1991
PrOx Pr[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O 1861 and 1862 Hf(CpMe)2 - H2 O 1579
Pr(i PrAMD)3 H2 O 1863 (OMe)Me
Pr(Cpi Pr)3 H2 O 1863 Hf(CpMe)2 - O3 1521, 1581, 1860,
PrAlx Oy [PrAl(Oi Pr)6 - H2 O 540 (OMe)Me 1991, and 1992
(Pri OH)]2
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TABLE I: (Continued) TABLE I: (Continued)

Z Material Reactant A a Reactant B Refs. Z Material Reactant A a
Reactant B Refs.
Hf(CpMe)2 - H2 O 1993 TaCl5 Ta(OEt)5 103 and 2135
(Oi Pr)Me TaF5 H2 O 2136
Hf(CpMe)2 - H2 O 1993 TaI5 H2 O2 2137
(mmp)Me TaI5 O2 2138
Hf(Cp)(NMe2 )3 O3 1994 Ta(OEt)5 H2 O 85, 91, 122, 123,
Hf(CpMe)(NMe2 )3 O3 1994 128, 201, 803, 833,
Hf(Cp2 CMe2 )Me2 O3 1585 842, 1539, 1563,
Hf(Cp2 CMe2 )- O3 1585 1627, 1885, 2139–
Me(OMe) 2146
Hf(Oi Pr)4 O2 1995 Ta(OEt)5 O2  2143, 2147, and
Hf(Ot Bu)4 H2 O 274 and 1996 2148
Hf(Ot Bu)4 O3 1997–1999 Ta(OEt)5 O2 ☼ 2149
Hf(Ot Bu)4 O2 2000 Ta(OEt)4 (dmae) O3 2150
Ta(NMe2 )5 H2 O 843, 918, 2151–2154
Hf(Ot Bu)4 O2  1597
Ta(NMe2 )5 O2  375, 453, 918, 1650,
Hf(Ot Bu)4 HCOOH 908
2152, and 2155
Hf(Ot Bu)4 CH3 COOH 908–911 Ta(NEt2 )5 H2 O 2156
Hf(Ot Bu)2 (mmp)2 H2 O 2001 Ta(NEt)(NEt2 )3 H2 O 2156
Hf(Ot Bu)2 (mmp)2 O2 684 Ta(Nt Bu)(t Bu2 pz)3 O3 2157
Hf(Ot Bu)(NEtMe)3 O3 2002 and 2003 Ta(Nt Bu)- H2 O 2158
Hf(mmp)4 H2 O 1867 and 2004
(i PrAMD)2 (NMe2 )
Hf(mp)4 H2 O 2005
Hf(mp)4 O2  2006 TaOx Ny Ta(Ni Pr)(NEtMe)2 H2 +N2 + 2159
Hf(ONEt2 )4 H2 O 2007 NH3 
Hf(NMe2 )4 H2 O 254, 312, 350, 358, TaNx TaCl5 NH3 933, 2160–2162
362, 654, 1601, TaCl5 NH3 + cat. 2160
1602, 1605, 1660, TaCl5 Me2 NNH2 966
1960, 2008–2033 TaCl5 BuNH2 2163
Hf(NMe2 )4 O3 2009, 2034–2039 TaCl5 AyNH2 2163
Hf(NMe2 )4 O2 2040 TaCl5 N2  2164–2166
Hf(NMe2 )4 O2  1667, 2041–2044 TaCl5 H2 +N2  2167 and 2168
Hf(NEt2 )4 H2 O 197, 468, 633, 1523, TaCl5 · SEt2 NH3 + 2169
1601, 1932, 1962, AlMe3
2045–2057 TaBr5 BuNH2 2163
Hf(NEt2 )4 O2 1522 and 2058 TaF5 H2 +N2  2170
Hf(NEt2 )4 O2  440, 2006, 2058– TaF5 H2 +NH3 2126 and 2127
2069 TaF5 H2 +NH3  2127
Hf(NEt2 )4 O3 472–475 Ta(NMe2 )5 NH3 2152, 2171–2180
Hf(NEt2 )4 N2 O 2070 Ta(NMe2 )5 NH3  2181
Hf(NEt2 )4 N2 O 2062 and 2070 Ta(NMe2 )5 H2  964, 2152, 2182,
Hf(NEtMe)4 H2 O 160, 247, 250, 253, and 2183
1601, 1842, 1849, Ta(NMe2 )5 N2  2181–2183
1912, 1967, 2023, Ta(NMe2 )5 N2 , H2  453
2071–2095 Ta(NEtMe)5 NH3 2184
Hf(NEtMe)4 O3 428, 616, 620, 829, Ta(N Pr)(NEtMe)3 H2 +N2 
1521, 1610, 1611, Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 NH3 2186–2190
1938, 1994, 1998, Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 N2 H4 2188
2095–2108 Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 H2  1669, 2191–2193
Hf(NEtMe)4 O2  438, 963, 1610, Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 NH3  1668 and 2186
1618, 1619, 1853, TaCp(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )2NH3 2190
2109–2111 Ta(Nt Am)(NMe2 )3 H2  1671
Hf(NEtMe)4 N2 O 1618 TaNx Cy Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 H2 2194
Hf(NEtMe)4 998 Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 H2  2194–2196
Hf[N(SiMe3 )2 ]2 Cl2 H2 O 2112 Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 H2 -CH4  2197
Hf(NO3 )4 H2 O 2113–2116 Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 NH3 2198
Hf3 N4 Hf(NMe2 )4 NH3 1622
Ta(Nt Bu)(NEt2 )3 NH3  2198
Hf(NEt2 )4 NH3 1622
Ta(Nt Am)[(NMe2 )]3 H2  2199
Hf(NEtMe)4 NH3 501 and 1622
TaSix TaF5 Si2 H6 2200
HfN Hf(NMe2 )4 H2  2042, 2117, and
Ta2 SrO6 Sr[Ta(OEt)5 (Me)]2 O2  1514
Hf(NMe2 )4 N2  2119
74 tungsten
Hfx Aly Oz HfCl4 Al(OEt)3 103
W WF6 SiH4 2201–2206
Hfx Siy Oz HfCl4 Si(OEt)4 653 and 2120
n WF6 Si2 H6 165, 184, 187, 193,
HfCl4 Si(O Bu)4 2121 and 2122
220, 249, 309, 314,
HfI4 Si(OEt)4 653
1183, 2207–2219
Hf(Ot Bu)4 Si(NEtMe)4 2123
WF6 B2 H6 2202, 2205, and
Hf(NMe2 )4 (t BuO)3 SiOH 654 2206
Hf(NEtMe)4 Si(On Bu)4 661 WOx WF6 H2 O 2220
Hf(NEt2 )4 Si(On Bu)4 655–659 WF6 q
Hf(NEt2 )4 Si(Ot Pe)3 OH 660 WFx Oy H2 O 2220
Hf(NO3 )4 (t BuO)3 SiOH 2116 WOCl4 —q 2222
Hfx Tiy Oz HfCl4 Ti(Oi Pr)4 103 W2 (NMe2 )6 H2 O 2223
Wx N WF6 NH3 944, 945, 2207,
73 tantalum 2224–2226
Ta TaCl5 H2  685 and 2124 WF6 NH3  2226–2229
TaF5 H2  2125–2127 WF6 NH3 + B2 H6 2230
TaF5 Si2 H6 2128 W(Nt Bu)2 (NMe2 )2 NH3 1067, 1636, 1639,
Ta2 O5 TaCl5 H2 O 75, 77, 78, 81, 90, 1689, 2231–2234
92, 128, 392, 1291, W2 (NMe2 )6 NH3 2235
1541, 1627, 1883, Wx C W(Nt Bu)2 (NMe2 )2 H2 , N2  2236
2129–2134 WNx Cy W(CpEt)(CO)2 (NO)H2  2237
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TABLE I: (Continued)
in their own figures. Figure 7 contains the inorganic,
Z Material Reactant A Reactant B Refs. organometallic and some metal-organic ligands, and Fig-
WS2 WF6 H2 S 2238 and 2239
ure 8 completes the set of metal-organic ligands. Also, to
77 iridium assist reading Table I, a quick overview of the different
Ir Ir(acac)3 O2 95, 98, 276, 832,
835, 2240–2245 types of materials grown in two-reactant ALD processes
Ir(acac)3 O3 + H2
2246 is given in Figure 9 in the form of a Periodic Table.
Ir(acac)3 2247
Ir(CpEt)(cod) O2 2248 Examination of Table I reveals several popular ALD
Ir(CpEt)(cod) NH3  2249 processes, which are repeatedly used in various applica-
Ir(CpMe)(chd) O2 2250
IrO2 Ir(CpEt)(chd) O2 + H 2  2251 tions. The process that appears to be used the most often
Ir(CpEt)(cod) O2 2248 and 2249 is the AlMe3 –H2 O to deposit Al2 O3 : since the previous
Ir(acac)3 O3 2252
review,2 this process has gained over 200 new citations.
78 platinum AlMe3 is also often combined with ozone or O2 plasma.
Pt Pt(CpMe)Me3 O2 95, 98, 295, 350,
803, 1642, 1644,
Examples of other widely applied ALD processes are the
1651, 1676, 2013, ZnEt2 –H2 O process to deposit ZnO (almost 100 new cita-
2015, 2243, 2245, tions), the HfCl4 –H2 O process to deposit HfO2 (almost
Pt(CpMe)Me3 O2  2260 80 citations), and TiCl4 –H2 O process to deposit TiO2
Pt(CpMe)Me3 H2 2266 and 2272 (about 70 new citations).
Pt(acac)2 H2 1092
Pt(acac)2 O3 2273 Many new binary compound materials have been
PtOx Pt(CpMe)Me3 O2  2260 demonstrated since the previous review.2 Of oxides,
Pt(acac)2 O3 2273
lithium oxide has been deposited from Li(Ot Bu) and
80 mercury H2 O,44 barium oxide from cyclopentadienyl-based re-
HgTe HgMe2 MeAyTe 1748 and 1750
actants Ba(Cpt Bu3 )2 and Ba(Cpn PrMe4 )2 combined
82 lead with H2 O,1519,1830 and ytterbium oxide from Yb(thd)3
PbO2 Pb(thd)2 H2 O 915 and 2274
Pb(thd)2 O3 2275
and ozone.1877 ALD of noble metal oxide films has
Pb(tod)2 H2 O 913 been demonstrated for rhodium,1695 iridium,2252 and
H2 O
platinum.2273 Also PEALD processes to deposit oxides of
PbS PbBr2 H2 S 2277 iridium and platinum have been developed.2251,2260 Of ni-
PbI2 H2 S 2277 trides, copper nitride has been grown from Cu(s BuAMD)
Pb(OAc)2 H2 S 2277
Pb(Ot Bu)2 H2 S 2278 and NH3 and Cu(hfac)2 and NH3 + H2 O.1140,1141 Of sul-
Pb4 O(Ot Bu)6 H2 S 2278 phides, titanium sulphide has been deposited from TiCl4
Pb(thd)2 H2 S 2277–2281
Pb(dedtc)2 H2 S 2277 and 2278
and H2 S,999 tin sulphide from Sn(acac)2 and H2 S,384 and
antimony sulphide from Sb(NMe2 )3 and H2 S.1226,1829
83 bismuth The selection of ALD-made fluoride materials has been
BiOx Bi[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O 2282
Bi(thd)3 H2 O 2283 extended substantially using titanium and tantalum flu-
Bi(Ot Bu)3 H2 O 2283 orides as fluorine sources: magnesium fluoride was de-
Bi(dmb)3 H2 O 2283
Bi2 Se3 BiCl3 (Et3 Si)2 Se 1148 posited from Mg(thd)2 and TiF4 or TaF5 ,66,68 yttrium
Bi2 Te3 BiCl3 (Et3 Si)2 Te 1148 fluoride from Y(thd)3 and TiF4 ,1534 and lanthanum fluo-
Bix Siy Oz Bi(CH2 SiMe3 )3 O3 662 and 663
ride from La(thd)3 and TiF4 .67,1858 Many new selenides
The metal thd complexes may have been slightly oligomerized and
contain a neutral adduct molecule. have been deposited: bismuth selenide from BiCl3 and
Diamond. (Et3 Si)2 Se,1148 copper selenide from Cu(O2 Ct Bu)2 or
Atomic hydrogen produced by a hot tungsten filament. CuCl and (Et3 Si)2 Se,1148 and indium selenide from InCl3
R refers to alkyl chains of various lengths.
 Plasma. and (Et3 Si)2 Se.1148 Also new tellurides have been de-
This process is atypical for ALD: it deposits nanolaminates of Al2 O3 posited: germanium telluride from GeCl2 · (C4 H8 O2 )
and SiO2 , where the growth-per-cycle is many nanometers, through a
catalytic mechanism.43
and (Et3 Si)2 Te,1148 antimony telluride from SbCl3 and
Cat. = catalyst. (Et3 Si)2 Te,1148 and bismuth telluride from BiCl3 and
HMDS = hexamethyldisilazane, (Me3 Si)2 NH. (Et3 Si)2 Te.1148 Of arsenides, manganese arsenide has
Controlled desorption.
been deposited from Mn(CpMe)2 and As(NMe2 )3 ,1052
Temperature treatment, such as flash heating or temperature mod- and of silicides, cobalt silicide has been deposited from
CoCp2 and NH3 –SiH4 plasma.1091
He plasma treatment.
Reactant B was formaline, containing ∼ 37% of formaldehyde In addition to compound materials, also many new
HCHO and some ethanol in water. elemental metals have been demonstrated since the
☼ Photo-assisted.
Decomposed. previous review.2 Rhodium has been deposited from
Preliminary surface science investigation. Rh(acac)3 , employing similar oxidative O2 -based chem-
Only one half-reaction of an ALD reaction cycle was carried out.
istry as in the other noble-metal ALD processes.1694 The
corresponding O3 -based process leads to oxidation of
The metal reactants used in the processes collected in rhodium.1695 Silver films have been deposited by PEALD
Table I contained almost a hundred different ligands. To using Ag(O2 Ct Bu)(PEt3 ) and H2 plasma,1705 and silver
assist reading the table, the ligands have been collected nanoparticles by thermal ALD using a Ag(hfac)(cod)–
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Inorganic H
F Cl Br I O

(no ligand) Fluoride Chloride Bromide Iodide Hydride Oxo



Methyl Ethyl Isopropyl Allyl n-Butyl Isobutyl Tert-butyl Neopentyl
i n i t
(Me) (Et) ( Pr) (Ay) ( Bu) ( Bu) ( Bu) (Np)



Carbonyl 3-Aminopropyl Cyclopenta- Methylcyclo- Pentamethyl- Ethylcyclo- Isopropylcyclo-

(CO) [(CH2)3)NH2] dienyl pentadienyl cyclopentadienyl pentadienyl pentadienyl
(Cp) (CpMe) (CpMe5) (CpEt) i
(Cp Pr)



Tri-isopropyl- Tris(tert-butyl) n-Propyltetramethyl- Trimethylsilyl- N,N’-dimethyl-1-cyclopenta-

cyclopentadienyl cyclopentadienyl cyclopentadienyl cyclopentadienyl dienylethanamine
(Cp Pr3)
(Cp Bu3)
(Cp PrMe4) [Cp(SiMe3)] [CpCH(Me)NMe2]


2,4-Dimethyl- 1-Isopropyl-4-
1,3-Cyclohexa- Phenyl pentadienyl methylphenyl 1,5-Cyclo-octa- 2,2-Bis(cyclopentadienyl)-
diene (chd) (Ph) (dmp) (ipmp) diene (cod) propane (ansa, Cp2CMe2)


Methoxy Ethoxy n-Propoxy Isopropoxy n-Butoxy Isobutoxy Tert-butoxy Tertpentoxy

n i n
(OMe) (OEt) (O Pr) (O Pr) (n Bu)
(O Bu)
(O Bu)
(O Pe)


1-Methoxy-2-methyl- 2,3-Dimethyl- 3-Methyl- N,N’-diethylhydroxy- Amido Dimethyl-

2-propoxy (mmp) 2-butoxy (dmb) 3-pentoxy (mp) amido (ONEt2) (NH2) amido

M M H Si M M

Ethylmethyl- Diethylamido Tert-butylamido Bis(trimethyl- Ethylimido Isopropylimido Tert-butylimido Tertamylimido

amido (NEt2) t
(NH Bu) silyl)amido (NEt) i
(N Pr)
(N Bu)
(N Am)
(NEtMe) [N(SiMe3)2]

O O Si Si

Nitrosyl Isocyanato Triethylphosphine Tributylphosphine Vinyltrimethyl- Vinyltrimethoxy-

(NO) (NCO) (PEt3) n
(P Bu3) silane (vtms) silane (vtmos)

FIG. 7. Ligands for ALD metal reactants, part 1 of 2.

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Metalorganic (continues)

Acetylacet- 2,2,6-Trimethyl- 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl- 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl- Octane-2,4- 6-Ethyl-2,2-dimethyl- 1-(2-Methoxyethoxy)- 1,1,1,5,5,5-
onato 3,5-heptanedionato 3,5-heptanedionato 3,5-octanedionato dionato 3,5-decanedionato 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl- Hexafluoro-
(acac) (trhd) (thd) (tod) (od) (emd) 3,5-heptanedionato acetylacetonato
(methd) (hfac)

Acetato 2,2-Dimethyl- N,N’-dimethyl- N,N’-diisopropyl- N,N’-diisopropyl- N,N’-ditertbutyl- N,N’-disecbutyl- N,N’-diisopropyl- N,N’-diisopropyl-
(OAc) propanato amidinato acetamidinato formamidinato acetamidinato amidinato guanidinato isopropylamido-
t i i t s i
(O2C Bu) (MeAMD) ( PrAMD) ( PrfAMD) ( BuAMD) ( BuAMD) ( PrGuan) guanidinato
i i
[( Pr2N)2CNH Pr]


Pyrrolyl 3,5-Ditert-butyl- Diethyldithio- Dimethyl- 2-Methoxyethoxy Dimethylamino- Dimethylamino- N,N,2-Tri-

(pyr) t
pyrazolate ( Bu2pz) carbamato glyoximato (me) ethoxy (dmae) 2-propoxy (dmap) methyl-2-butoxy
(dedtc) (dmg) (dmamb)


N,N,2-Tri- N,N-di-tert-butyl- 2-Amino-pent-2- 2-(2-Amino-prop- 1,10-phenanthroline Tris(3,5-diethyl- 1,2-Bis(2,6-di-isopropylphenyl-

methyl-2-propoxy butane-2,3- en-4-onato 1-enyl)-1-pyrrolinyl (phen) pyrazolyl)borate imino)acenaphthene
(dmamp) diamido (tbba) (apo) (dki) (TpEt2) (dpp-BIAN)

FIG. 8. Ligands for ALD metal reactants, part 2 of 2.

propanol process.1706 Metallic zinc has been detected in a side with alkyl silyl chalcogenides to deposit various se-
film made by the ZnEt2 –H2 O process, when large ZnEt2 lenides and tellurides. PEALD is at a rapidly developing
doses were used.1149 The main product of this process stage, with new processes developed since the previous re-
remains ZnO, however, and since pure metallic zinc films view for Al2 O3 , AlN, SiO2 , TiO2 , TiN, V2 O5 , Co, CoSi2 ,
will be still difficult if not impossible to make by ALD, Ni, Cu, ZnO, Ga2 O3 , Y2 O3 , ZrO2 , ZrNx , NbN, Ru, Pd,
elemental zinc deposition is not shown with black but Ag, SnO2 , La2 O3 , Er2 O3 , HfO2 , HfN, Ta, Ta2 O5 , TaN,
with gray background in Figure 9. Most recently in 2011 Ir, IrO2 , Pt, and PtOx .
(not shown in Table I), antimony films have been grown
by combining the SbCl3 and Sb(SiEt3 )3 reactants.534
Several trends can be seen by examining Table I re- D. Growth of ternary compounds by ALD
garding the development of new ALD processes. Signifi-
cant attention has been given since the previous review2 The number of ternary compounds studied in ALD is
to the development of new processes to deposit noble limited but increases. The compounds studied are mainly
metals Ru, Pd, Ir, and Pt. Also metallic Co and Ni multi-component oxides, as shown in Table II. Interest in
have clearly been in the center of attention. Regarding them stems from their high dielectric constant, ferroelec-
compound materials, especially active process develop- tric properties, or magnetic properties. Ternary chalco-
ment has been made for SiO2 , HfO2 , FeOx , and TaN. For genides have recently been studied for phase-change
groups of reactants, active development has been made memory applications.1148 Lithium-containing ternary or
with cyclopentadienyls (e.g., to deposit Yb2 O3 , ZrO2 , quaternary films gain interest because of their possible
Ru, La2 O3 ), alkylamides (e.g., to deposit Al2 O3 , AlN, use in all-solid-state thin-film Li-ion batteries.45
TiO2 , ZrO2 , and HfO2 ), and on the nonmetal precursor There are several ways how the ternary compounds can
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FIG. 9. Overview of the materials grown by ALD. Classification according to Reactant A, with details of the investigations
in Table I. Growth of pure elements as well as compounds with oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium, fluorine,
and other compounds grouped together are indicated through shadings of different types at different positions. The ele-
ments are named according to the recommendations of The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC, table/, dated 21 January 2011).

be deposited. The most straightforward way is the one constant interest as a possible material for DRAMs. The
where separate binary deposition cycles are mixed to get limited Sr precursor chemistry has slowed down the in-
the right stoichiometry. Since the growth rates per cy- dustrial use of ALD SrTiO3 . The oldest chemistry is
cle differ in the binary processes, careful adjustment in based on Sr cyclopentadienyls with water as the oxygen
pulsing is needed.2289 The optimum process temperatures source.1505,2289 Later, Sr β-diketonates have been used in
may also be different in the binary processes, making the combination with ozone or oxygen plasma.1508,2299 Since
temperature window for ternary process narrow.2297 The the application of ALD SrTiO3 has been delayed, mixed
second possibility for deposition of ternary compounds is rare-earth oxides have received attention as possible can-
the use of bimetallic single-source precursors. The ap- didates for high-κ materials in microelectronics. Combi-
proach is common in CVD but very sparsely studied in nation of large rare-earth ions with small ones can pro-
ALD, the most well-known case being the deposition of duce separate ternary compounds with perovskite struc-
SrTa2 O6 from SrTa2 (OEt)10 (dmae)2 and water.2282 The ture, which may have κ-values above 20. Scandium as
reason for the limited use of bimetallic precursors is the the smallest rare-earth ion forms perovskites with all
lack of volatile, thermally stable and reactive compounds. larger lanthanide ions (La–Gd), and lanthanum for exam-
The third way to make ternary compounds is to use re- ple forms perovskites even with the smallest lanthanides
actants which supply two of the three elements into the (LaLuO3 ).2296 Ternary rare-earth perovskite oxides can
film. This has been exemplified with silicon alkoxides, be made with both cyclopentadienyl and β-diketonate
which when reacting with metal chlorides produce metal chemistry, with water or ozone, respectively, being the
silicates.103 oxygen source.2287,2288

In transistors and DRAMs, a shift from SiO2 to binary Ferroelectric materials are usually ternary of quater-
high-κ oxides, like HfO2 and ZrO2 or multilayer struc- nary oxides. BaTiO3 is one of the most widely stud-
tures (ZrO2 –Al2 O3 –ZrO2 ), has already occurred. The ied ferroelectric materials, and ALD films have been
further step to higher-κ materials is adoption of ternary deposited similarly to SrTiO3 .2289,2297,2300 Bismuth ti-
oxides. Aluminates, especially LaAlO3 has been of in- tanates form another group of ALD ferroelectric materi-
terest, because it makes a stable structure on Si, con- als. In their deposition, the precursor chemistry of bis-
trary to pure La2 O3 .2284 The κ value is not very high, muth has played a major role,2291,2301,2302 and so far the
being something between those of the binary oxides (9– most versatile precursor has been Bi(OCMe2 i Pr)3 .2283
27).2285 As a very high-κ material, SrTiO3 is attracting Quaternary compound SrBi2 Ta2 O9 is an interesting fer-
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ALD is limited, some early work on CuGaS2 (Ref. 2298)

TABLE II. Examples of ALD processes for ternary and qua-
and recent studies on germanium antimony tellurides1148
ternary compounds
being the examples. Because of the importance of many
Compound Precursors Ref. ternary compounds, it is obvious that much more ALD
MgAl2 O4 Mg(C5 H5 )2 + Al(CH3 )3 + O3 59 studies will be devoted to this area.
LaAlO3 La(thd)3 + Al(acac)3 + O3 2284
La(i Pr)AMD)3 + Al(CH3 )3 + H2 O 2285
MSiO4 (M = Zr, Hf) MCl4 + Si(OEt)4 103 MATERIALS: OVERVIEW
MCl4 + Si(OEt)4 + H2 O 103
MCl4 + Si(On Bu)4 103
MCl4 + H2 O + NH2 (CH2 )3 Si(OEt)3 + 2286 This section analyzes the published experimental data
O3 for information on the crystallinity and phase of inorganic
Bi4 Si3 O12 (Bi2 SiO5 ) Bi(CH2 SiMe3 )3 + O3 662 materials deposited by ALD from different reactants at
Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 Ca(thd)2 + O3 + (CH3 O)3 PO + H2 O 673 different temperatures. The data are tabulated for easy
RScO3 R(thd)3 + Sc(thd)3 + O3 2287 reference. Case studies are presented to illustrate the
(R = lantanide) R(MeC5 H4 )3 + Sc(C5 H5 )3 + H2 O 2288 effect of different process parameters on crystallinity for
MTiO3 (M=Sr,Ba) M(i Pr)3 C5 H2 )2 + Ti(Oi Pr)4 + H2 O 2289 representative materials: aluminium oxide, zirconium ox-
M(t Bu)3 C5 H2 )2 + Ti(OMe)4 + H2 O 1505 ide, zinc oxide, titanium nitride, zinc sulfide, and ruthe-
M(thd)2 + O3 + Ti(Oi Pr)4 + H2 O 1508
M(thd)2 + Ti(Oi Pr)2 (thd)2 + H2 O 2290
Bi4 Ti3 O12 Bi(CH2 SiMe3 )3 + Ti(OMe)4 + H2 O 2291
Bi(Ph)3 + O3 + Ti(Oi Pr)4 + H2 O 663
PbTiO3 Pb(Ph)4 + O3 + Ti(Oi Pr)4 + H2 O 2292
A. Metal oxides
Pb(dmamp)2 + H2 O + Ti(Ot Bu)4 2293
H2 O 1. General
LaMnO3 La(thd)3 + Mn(thd)3 + O3 1038
LaCoO3 La(thd)3 + Co(thd)2 + O3 1088
Though the list of various oxides deposited by ALD
LaNiO3 La(thd)3 + Ni(thd)2 + O3 1111
is long, as is the list of metal precursors used in these
LaGaO3 La(thd)3 + Ga(thd)3 + O3 2294
processes, from the oxygen precursor point of view the
PbZrO3 PH4 Pb + Zr(thd)4 + O3 2295
LiLaOx Li(thd) + La(thd)3 + O3 45
processes divide into three main groups: those using wa-
LaLuO3 La(thd)3 + Lu(thd)3 + O3 2296 ter, ozone and oxygen plasma. While the water processes
SrTa2 O6 SrTa2 (OEt)10 (dmae)2 + H2 O 2297 proceed through protonation of the ligands that remain
SrBi2 Ta2 O9 SrTa2 (OEt)10 (dmae)2 + H2 O + 2282 intact, with ozone and oxygen plasma the mechanism
Bi(N(SiMe3 )2 )3 + H2 O is more complicated and more combustion-like. Besides
Ge2 Sb2 Te5 GeCl2 ·L + SbCl3 + (R3 Si)2 Te 1148 these three main groups, one can also distinguish vari-
CuGaS2 CuCp·PEt3 + Et3 Ga + H2 S 2298 ous alternative oxygen precursors like H2 O2 , alcohols and
N2 O. A special case includes processes that do not exploit
a separate oxygen precursor but one of the metal pre-
cursors (metal alkoxide or carboxylate) serves both as a
roelectric material. In its ALD process, the bimetal- metal and oxygen source. This chemistry was developed
lic SrTa2 (OEt)10 (dmae)2 has been utilized.2297 PbZrO3 originally to avoid oxidation of the substrate surface, sil-
films have been grown Ph4 Pb, Zr(thd)4 and ozone at icon in particular, by the common oxygen sources.103
around 300 ◦ C.2295 PbZrO3 is an interesting material due High-κ oxides for both transistors and DRAM capaci-
to its applications in sensors and transducers but espe- tors have formed one of the most important driving forces
cially as a component for lead zirconate titanate (PZT) for ALD oxide research. New processes have been devel-
ferroelectrics. oped for Group 4 metal oxides, the focus being first in
Ternary oxide films are usually deposited at low tem- hafnium oxide and then shifting to zirconium oxide since
peratures, because of the low thermal stability of the its tetragonal and cubic forms have higher κ-values than
precursors. As-deposited films are amorphous. Crys- the corresponding hafnium oxide phases. Meanwhile at-
talline films are obtained after high-temperature anneal- tention has also been paid to TiO2 , because its rutile
ing, which for example in case of mixed rare earth ox- phase can have very high κ values 80–150. The problem
ides requires 800–1000 ◦ C. It would be beneficial from the is the small band gap of TiO2 and accordingly high leak-
electrical property point of view to get as-deposited crys- age currents. Doping with aluminum has given promis-
talline films. By selecting precursors tolerating higher ing results.904 From titanates, SrTiO3 has received much
temperature, crystalline SrTiO3 films have been de- attention as a potential next-generation dielectric mate-
posited at 370 ◦ C.2290 Electrical performance of these rial for DRAMs. The study of ALD of rare-earth oxide
films is better than that of films crystallized by post- films as potential high-κ oxides has been living during
deposition annealing. the last years. Almost all lanthanide oxides have been
The number of other ternary compounds studied in studied. In particular, interesting results in respect of
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stability and reasonably high κ-value have been obtained to know the conditions where different crystalline phases
with ternary compounds having the perovskite structure, are formed, and the dependencies between the precursor
which have been formed from rare earth aluminates and chemistry, process parameters, and crystalline phases.
from ternary oxides containing two rare earth elements. An overview of crystallinity of metal oxide films grown
Ferroelectric, magnetic and multiferroic oxide films have by two-reactant ALD processes is shown in Table III.
been very recently of interest. These ternary compounds This table, similarly to the corresponding crystallinity ta-
have needed new precursors and process development es- bles later for other classes of materials, has been drawn
pecially for bismuth and iron. up for two-reactant ALD processes on the basis of ex-
perimental evidence for the presence of amorphous and
The increasing interest towards organic and flexible
crystalline phases in films made by particular ALD pro-
electronics and displays is reflected in studies of trans-
cesses on particular substrates at a specified ALD tem-
parent conducting oxides. ALD of ZnO:Al is of vital
peratures. The data are collected for ALD films in their
as-deposited state; post-deposition treatments are ex-
The properties of the oxide films strongly depend on cluded. The presence or absence of different crystalline
the crystal structure. Not only the difference between phases is indicated on the basis of diffraction or spec-
amorphous and crystalline phases, but also between the troscopy investigations. The investigations include Ra-
different crystalline phases of the oxides has to be taken man scattering and x-ray absorption spectroscopies as
into account. The Group 4 metal oxides TiO2 , ZrO2 and well as x-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction. All nota-
HfO2 are illustrative examples, as they all can exist as tions of crystallinity or amorphicity in the table should
amorphous or as 3–4 different crystalline phases in the therefore be reliable. In many cases the phase interpre-
ALD films. In the dielectric properties, the difference tation is not straightforward due to overlapping of peaks,
is seen in the κ-values and leakage currents, amorphous however. Problematic interpretations are noted in the ta-
films having the lowest κ-value but the best leakage cur- ble inputs if the ambiguity has been reported in original
rent properties. Therefore, it is of utmost importance papers.
TABLE III: Crystallinity studies of ALD binary oxide films made
by diffraction or spectroscopy.
React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.
Li2 O Amorphous
Li(Ot Bu) H2 O Si, SLG 225 ◦ C 44
B2 O 3 Amorphous Hexagonal
BBr3 H2 O Si, SLG 20–50 ◦ C 47
MgO Amorphous Cubic
Mg(thd)2 O3 Si, SLG 225–250 ◦ C 65
Mg(thd)2 H2 O2 SLG 325–425 ◦ C 64
Mg(Cp)2 H2 O H-Si, Si, SLG 105–375 ◦ C 58, 60, and 61
Mg(Cp)2 H2 O Si 370–500 ◦ C 500–900 ◦ C 55–57
Mg(CpEt)2 H2 O Si 150 ◦ C 63

Al2 O3 Amorphous Hexagonal Cubic Tetragonal

AlCl3 H2 O Si, SiO2 , glass, 100–500 ◦ C 600–800 ◦ Ca 600–800 ◦ Ca 79, 83, 86, 88,
ITO, Al, PC 93, and 2303
AlCl3 O2 Sapphiree 660 ◦ C 101
AlCl3 O2 Nbe 450 ◦ C 101
AlCl3 t
BuOH Si, SLG, ITO, 500 ◦ C 88
AlCl3 Al(OEt)3 H-Si 400 ◦ C 103
AlCl3 Al(Oi Pr)3 SLG, H-Si 150–375 ◦ C 103 and 104
AlMe3 H2 O Si, H-Si, GaAs, 25–500 ◦ C 86, 94, 107,
SiC, MgO, ZnO, 108, 118, 123,
CuO, LiMnO2 , 158, 159, 179,
LiCoO2 , SiO2 , 187, 189, 207,
Al2 O3 , TiO2 , 209, 214, 219,
PC, PMMA, 223–226, 243,
PEEK, PTFE, 250, 258, 262,
PET, PP, 268, 273, 279,
GaQ3, cotton, 282, 298, 302,
paper, CNC, 309, 315, 321,
MWCNT, Fe, 339, 348, 361,
W, SS 362, 367, 387,
392, 624, 657,
770, 832, 1922,
AlMe3 H2 Oc Cr 200 ◦ C 292
AlMe3 H2 O ITO 300 ◦ Cj 313
AlMe3 H2 O2 Si,H-Si, GaAs, 24–700 ◦ C 700–750 ◦ Ca 399 and 402
SiO2 , SS, Cu, Al
AlMe3 i
PrOH Si 250 ◦ C 460
AlMe3 O3 SiC, SiO2 300–450 ◦ C 421 and 2309
AlMe3 O2  Si, borosilicate, 25–300 ◦ C 432
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TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

AlMe3 Al(Oi Pr)3 H-Si 300 ◦ C 103
AlMe2 Cl H2 O SLG 125–500 ◦ C 462
AlMe2 (Oi Pr) H2 O H-Si 100–250 ◦ C 465
AlEt3 H2 O Si 600–750 ◦ C 56
Al(On Pr)3 H2 O Si, SLG, ITO, 500 ◦ C 88
Al(On Pr)3 t
BuOH Si, SLG, ITO, 500 ◦ C 88

Al(mmp)3 H2 O Si 250 C 466
Al(NMe2 )3 H2 O Si 200–400 ◦ C 469
Al(NEt2 )3 H2 O Si 250–325 ◦ C 470
Al(NEt2 )3 O3 Si 200–325 ◦ C 472 and 473
Al(Ni Pr2 )3 H2 O Si 250–325 ◦ C 470

SiO2 Amorphous
Si(OMe)4 H2 O Au-TiO2 150 ◦ C 602

SiH(NMe2 )3 H2 O2 TiO2 500 C 624
SiH2 (NMe2 )2 O3 H-Si 225 ◦ C 2310

CaO Amorphous Cubic

Ca(thd)2 O3 Si, Glass 225–350 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 672 and 673
Ca(Cpi Pr3 )2 H2 O Si, borosilicate 205–300 ◦ C 674

Sc2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Sc(thd)3 O3 SLG, Si 335–375 ◦ C 682
Sc(Cp)3 H2 O SLG, Si 250–350 ◦ C 682
Sc(i PrAMD)3 H2 O H-Si 290–360 ◦ C 683

TiO2 Amorphous Anatase OrthorhombicRutile

TiF4 H2 O borosilicate 300–500 ◦ C 687
TiF4 H2 O SLG 300–400 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ C 687
TiCl4 H2 O Si, H-Si, Ge, 25–600 ◦ C 125–680 ◦ C 275–680 ◦ C 44, 94, 128,
GaAs,ZnO, 207, 365, 719,
SiO2 , Al2 O3 , 720, 722–
glass, PC, PS, 724, 727, 737,
MWCNT, Ni, 738, 742, 744,
Mo, Ti, Ta, Pt 746–749, 753,
756, 758–760,
762, 767, 769,
770, 773, 775–
778, 780–782,
785, 786, 788–
790, 795, 800,
801, 803, 805,
806, 808, 809,
814, 1011,
TiCl4 H2 O RuO2 150 ◦ C 275–600 ◦ C 780 and 799
TiCl4 H2 O RuO2 on 425–450 ◦ Ce 799 and 812
TiCl4 H2 O Al2 O3 100–150 ◦ C 150–350 ◦ C 425–500 ◦ Ce 748 and 754
TiCl4 H2 O MgOe 300 ◦ C 757
TiCl4 H2 O Si, SiO2 , SS, 100–350 ◦ C 150–427 ◦ C ◦
300–427 C 400–427 C ◦
123, 207, 728,
KBr 732, 733, 739,
750, 751, 772,
and 807
TiCl4 H2 O ⊣⊢ Si 27–67 ◦ C 27–67 ◦ C 731
TiCl4 H2 O2 Fe 100 ◦ C 490
TiCl4 H2 O2 H-Si, MgOe 340–490 ◦ C 815
TiCl4 MeOH Si, SiO2 375 ◦ C 817
TiCl4 MeOH Al2 O3 375 ◦ C 817
TiCl4 O2  H-Si 110–200 ◦ C 818 and 819
TiI4 H2 O2 Si, Al2 O3 e , 135 ◦ C 165–375 ◦ C 300–490 ◦ C 820, 823, and
SiO2 , SLG 824
TiI4 H2 O Si, Al2 O3 e , 135 ◦ C 165–375 ◦ C 445 ◦ C 820–822, and
SiO2 , AAO, 824
TiI4 O2 H-Si 235–457 ◦ C 457 ◦ C 826
TiI4 O2 Al2 O3 e 300–455 ◦ C 827

TiI4 O2 MgOe 375–455 C 827
Ti(CpMe5 )(OMe)3 O3 Ru 280 ◦ C 280 ◦ C 828
Ti(CpMe5 )(OMe)3 O3 TiN 280 ◦ C 828
Ti(OMe)4 H2 O Glass, Ni, Si, Ti 200–300 ◦ C 250–350 ◦ C 830, 834, 836,
and 837
Ti(OEt)4 H2 O Si, H-Si, SiO2 , 100–300 ◦ C 180–350 ◦ C 128, 760, 773,
SLG, paper, 782, 831, 832,
Mo, Ti 837, 839–841,
and 845
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TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

Ti(OEt)4 H2 O2 H-Si, Mo 125–175 ◦ C 225–350 ◦ C 773 and 782
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O Si, SiO2 , Glass, 50–225 ◦ C 150–350 ◦ C 128, 273, 328,
PC, PVP, 362, 788, 846–
Al2 O3 , ZnO, 848, 850, 852,
SS, Ru, Pt, 855, 856, 859–
CrN, TiSi2 , 861, 864–868,
CNC 870, 875, 877,
881, 914, and
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O RuO2 , ISM 70–160 ◦ C 225–300 ◦ C 225–300 ◦ C 318 and 859
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O2 Si, SiO2 , PE, 77–150 ◦ C 180–300 ◦ C 334, 848, and
Fe, Ni 882
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O2 silica 100–165 ◦ C 736 and 884
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O3 Si, Pt 250 ◦ C 899 and 1612
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O3 Ru 250 ◦ C 899, 900, 1612,
and 2315
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O3 Ru, TiN 250 ◦ C 250 ◦ C 906
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O2  Si, SiNx , 50–275 ◦ C 250–300 ◦ C 439, 864, 885,
borosilicate, 886, 891, and
Pt, RuO2 , PC, 892
PP, wool
Ti(Oi Pr)4 O2  H-Si, Ru, Ir 150–250 ◦ C 150–250 ◦ C 888, 890, and

Ti(O Pr)4 O2  IrO2 250 C 892
Ti(Oi Pr)4 H2 O Si 50–210 ◦ C 864
Ti(Oi Pr)4 N2 O Ru, Al2 O3 250–280 ◦ C 250–280 ◦ C 890 and 907
Ti(Oi Pr)4 HCOOH Si, SrTiO3 , 150–200 ◦ C 908
LaAlO3 , MgO,
wool, cellulose,
latex, CNT
Ti(Oi Pr)4 CH3 COOH Si, SrTiO3 , 150–200 ◦ C 908–911
LaAlO3 , MgO,
wool, cellulose,
latex, CNT
Ti(Oi Pr)4 NH3 xerogel 140 ◦ C 898
Ti(thd)2 (Oi Pr)2 H2 O Pt 220–420 ◦ C 913
Ti(thd)2 (Oi Pr)2 H2 O Pt 340–470 ◦ C 916
Ti(trhd)2 - H2 O Pt 220–420 ◦ C 913
(O(CMe2 Et)2
Ti(NMe2 )4 H2 O Si, H-Si, CeO2 , 50–250 ◦ C 250–350 ◦ C 300–350 ◦ C 864, 914, 918,
ZnO, Ni 919, 921, and
Ti(NMe2 )4 H2 O Si 50–210 ◦ C 864
Ti(NMe2 )4 O2  Si, Kapton, SS, 50–210 ◦ C 250–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 864, 928, and
Zn 930

VOx Amorphous Orthorhombic Monoclinic

V2 O5 VO2
VOCl3 H2 O silica 490 ◦ C 490 ◦ C 1005
VO(acac)2 O2 glass 400–475 ◦ C 1019
VO(Oi Pr)3 H2 O SnO2 , SiO2 , Ti 50–150 ◦ C 1006, 1008,
and 1010
VO(Oi Pr)3 H2 O SiO2 150 ◦ C 1010
VO(Oi Pr)3 O2 silica, titania 90–120 ◦ C 1012–1014
VO(Oi Pr)3 O2  SiO2 150 ◦ C 1010
VO(On Pr)3 CH3 COOH CNT, CNF 200 ◦ C 200 ◦ C 910, 1015, and

CrOx Amorphous α-Cr2 O3

Cr(acac)3 air alumina 200 ◦ C 1033 and 1034
CrO2 Cl2 MeOH Al2 O3 e 330–465 ◦ C 1030 and 1031

CrO2 Cl2 MeOH SiO2 , Si, TiO2 330–375 C 330–465 ◦ C 817 and 1031

MnOx Amorphous β-MnO2 Mn3 O4 α-MnO2 ε-MnO2 MnO

Mn(thd)3 O3 SLG, Si 162–257 ◦ C 235–331 ◦ C 1039

Mn(thd)3 O3 NaCl, KCl, KBr 186 C 1040

Mn(thd)3 O3 SiO2 , Al2 O3 , 186 C 1040
MgO, SLG, Si
Mn(thd)3 O3 Al2 O3 186 ◦ C 1040
Mn(thd)3 O3 Al2 O3 e 186 ◦ C 1041

Mn(CpEt)2 H2 O Si 150 C 1037

FeOx Amorphous α-Fe2 O3 γ-Fe2 O3 Fe3 O4

FeCl3 H2 O Pt 500 ◦ C 1054
FeCp2 O2 Si, Al2 O3 350–600 ◦ C 350–600 C ◦ a
350–600 ◦ Ca 1062
FeCp2 O2 TiO2 400–500 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 821
FeCp2 O2 ZrO2 367–534 ◦ C 1063
Fe(thd)3 O3 SLG, Si, Al2 O3 160–210 ◦ C 1057 and 1058
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TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

Fe(thd)3 O3 MgO 160–210 ◦ C 1058
Fe(thd)3 O3 ⊃ SLG, Al2 O3 186 ◦ C 1057
Fe(Ot Bu)3 H2 O Al2 O3 130–170 ◦ C 1066

CoOx Amorphous Co3 O4 CoO

CoI2 O2 SiO2 , MgOe 475–700 ◦ C 1078
Co(acac)3 O2 silica 400 ◦ C 1083
Co(thd)2 O3 Si, SLG, Corn- 114–450 ◦ C ◦
250–400 C 1088 and 1089
ing 7059
Co(thd)3 O3 Al2 O3 e , MgOe , 138–283 ◦ C 1090

NiO Amorphous Cubic

Ni(acac)2 H2 O glass 190–310 ◦ C 1107
Ni(acac)2 CH3 COOH glass 190–310 ◦ C 1107
Ni(acac)2 O3 +H2 O glass 190–310 ◦ C 1107
Ni(dmg)2 H2 O glass 190–310 ◦ C 1107
Ni(dmg)2 O3 glass 190–310 ◦ C 1107
Ni(apo)2 O3 glass 190–310 ◦ C 1107
Ni(dmamp)2 H2 O H-Si 100–160 ◦ C 1102 and 1103
Ni(CpEt)2 O3 H-Si 150 ◦ C 200–300 ◦ C 1100
Ni(Cp)2 O3 H-Si, Ni, Pt, W, 150–300 ◦ C 1098–1100
Ni(thd)2 H2 O SiO2 , Si 205–275 ◦ C 1108 and 1110
Ni(thd)2 H2 O MgO(100)e , α- 200–275 ◦ C 1109
Al2 O3 (001)e

CuOx Amorphous Cu2 O

Cu(n Bu3 P)2 (acac) O2 +H2 O Ta/TaN 100–150 ◦ C 1139

ZnO Amorphous Hexagonal

Zn H2 O SLG 430 ◦ C 1151
ZnCl2 O2 Sapphire(0001)e , 450–550 ◦ C 1153–1155
GaN e
ZnMe2 H2 O Si, glass, 80–300 ◦ C 1157, 1160–
GaN/Al2 O3 e 1162
ZnMe2 O2  H-Si, Si 25–120 ◦ C 1163 and 1164
ZnEt2 H2 O Si, H-Si, glass, 23–400 ◦ C 60, 282, 297,
SiO2 , Al2 O3 , 318, 1149,
TiO2 , SnO2 , 1157, 1160,
ZnO, MgO, 1161, 1186,
ZnTe, PS, CNT, 1190, 1192–
ISM 1194, 1196,
1197, 1199,
1201, 1203,
1204, 1207–
1210, 1213,
1220, 1222,
1223, 1225,
1228, 1231–
1233, 1235–
1238, 1241,
1243, 1245,
1248, 1250,
1253, 1257,
1259, 1261–
1265, 2316–
ZnEt2 H2 O Sapphire(0001) 40–300 ◦ C 1200, 1214,
1246, 1247,
and 2316
ZnEt2 H2 O Sapphire(0001)e 25–450 ◦ C 812, 1226,
1229, 1246,
1247, and 1251
ZnEt2 H2 O GaN/Al2 O3 e , 180–300 ◦ C 1162, 1202,
p-GaNe , YSZ 1225, 1242,
1244, and 1248
ZnEt2 H2 O silica, Bi2 O3 150–200 ◦ C 150–200 ◦ C 1149, 1211,
and 1239
ZnEt2 H2 O SiO2 100–250 ◦ C 1266
ZnEt2 H2 O-O2 Al2 O3 180 ◦ C 1186
ZnEt2 H2 O⊣⊢ Sapphire(0001)e 600 ◦ C 1181
ZnEt2 H2 O2 TiO2 , SiO2 50–100 ◦ C 1223, 1268,
and 1269
ZnEt2 H2 O+NH3 c Al2 O3 200 ◦ C 292
ZnEt2 H2 O+NH3 Al2 O3 200 ◦ C 457
+O2 c
ZnEt2 O3 SiO2 , TiO2 170–300 ◦ C 1193, 1208,
and 1209
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TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

ZnEt2 O2  H-Si, ZnO, ITO, 75–200 ◦ C 1270–1272,
Glass 1274, and
ZnEt2 O2  PES 100 ◦ C 150–250 ◦ C 1275
ZnEt2 N2 O Al2 O3 , 300–600 ◦ C 1276 and 1278
20)/ZnO buffer
ZnEt2 N2 O Al2 O3 200 ◦ C 458
Zn(CH3 COO)2 H2 O Sapphire(0001), 280–400 ◦ C 1160, 1279,
SLG, Si, GaN, 1282, 1284,
GaAs and 1285

Ga2 O3 Amorphous
Ga(acac)2 H2 O SLG, Corning 365–380 ◦ C 1368
Ga(acac)2 O3 SLG, Corning 350–375 ◦ C 1368
Ga2 (NMe2 )6 H2 O Si 170–250 ◦ C 1373
[GaMe2 NH2 ]3 O2  Si, SiO2 , 50–250 ◦ C 1370–1372

Y2 O3 Amorphous Cubic
Y(Cp)3 H2 O Si 250–400 ◦ C 1515
Y(CpMe)3 H2 O Si 200–400 ◦ C 1515
Y(CpEt)3 H2 O Si 250 ◦ C 1522
Y(thd)3 O2 Si, SLG, Corn- 425–600 ◦ C 1524
ing 7059
Y(thd)3 O3 Si, glass 200–600 ◦ C 1524–1526
Y(thd)3 O2  Si 350 ◦ C 1530 and 1531
Y(i PrAMD)3 H2 O H-Si 280 ◦ C 683

ZrO2 Amorphous Cubic Tetragonal Monoclinic Orthorhombic

ZrCl4 H2 O SLG, SiO2 300–500 ◦ C 128, 1536, and
ZrCl4 H2 O Ta2 O5 , 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 1563
Tax Nby Oz
ZrCl4 H2 O H-Si, SiO2 , 160–450 ◦ C 180–300 ◦ C 300–600 ◦ C 300–600 ◦ C 1537, 1538,
Al2 O3 1544, and 1545
ZrCl4 H2 O Si, SLG 160–325 ◦ C 250–350 ◦ C 300–350 ◦ C 85, 1549, 1558,
1559, and 1561
ZrCl4 H2 O Si, H-Si, SiO2 , 230–500 ◦ C 230–500 ◦ C 140, 1539,
glass, Ta2 O5 , 1540, 1548,
sapphire, MgO 1554, 1556,
and 1557
ZrCl4 H2 O (Nb1−x Tax )2 O5 325 ◦ C 1539
ZrCl4 H2 O Ge(100)e 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 1547
ZrCl4 H2 O2 H-Si 160–450 ◦ C 180–210 ◦ C 210–600 ◦ C 300–600 ◦ C 1544 and 1545
ZrI4 H2 O+H2 O2 H-Si 272 ◦ C 272–350 ◦ C 272–350 ◦ C 1569
ZrI4 H2 O+H2 O2 H-Si 250 ◦ C 250–275 ◦ C 325–500 ◦ C 325–500 ◦ C 1568
ZrI4 H2 O+H2 O2 H-Si 250–300 ◦ C 325–500 ◦ C 500 ◦ C 1567
ZrI4 H2 O+H2 O2 H-Si, Pt 250 ◦ C 250–500 ◦ C 250–500 ◦ C 1570
Zr(t BuO)4 H2 O Si, SLG, Corn- 175 ◦ C 200–300 ◦ C 200–300 ◦ C 861 and 1588
ing 7059
Zr(t BuO)4 H2 O Al2 O3 , PC 120–160 ◦ C 273
Zr(t BuO)4 H2 O ☼ PET 20 ◦ C 1594
Zr(t BuO)2 (dmae)2 H2 O SLG 190–240 ◦ C 340 ◦ Ca 340 ◦ Ca 290–340 ◦ Ca 1599
Zr(dmae)4 H2 O SLG, 190–240 ◦ C 340 ◦ Ca 340 ◦ Ca 300–500 ◦ Ca 1587
Zr(i PrO)2 (dmae)2 H2 O SLG, 190–240 ◦ C 340 ◦ Ca 340 ◦ Ca 300–500 ◦ Ca 1587
◦ ◦ ◦
Zr(thd)4 O3 Si, SLG 275–300 C 300–500 C 300–500 C 1571
ZrCp2 Me2 H2 O Si 200–300 ◦ Ca 200–500 ◦ Ca 200–500 ◦ Ca 1574
and 400–
500 ◦ Ca
ZrCp2 Me2 O3 Si, SLG 250–300 ◦ C 300–500 ◦ C 250–500 ◦ C 1571
ZrCp2 Me(OMe) O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1577
◦ ◦ ◦
ZrCp2 Cl2 O3 Si, SLG 250–300 C 250–500 C 275–500 C 1571
ZrCp(NMe2 )3 O3 Si 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 1578
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(OMe) H2 O Si 300 ◦ C 2319
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(O Bu)H2 O Si 300 ◦ C 2319
Zr(CpMe)2 Me2 H2 O Si 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 1579
Zr(CpMe)2 Me2 O3 SiO2 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ Ca 1580
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(OMe) H2 O Si 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 1579
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(OMe) O3 SiO2 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ Ca 1580
Zr(CpMe)2 Me(OMe) O3 SiO2 300–350 ◦ Ca 300–350 ◦ Ca 300–350 ◦ C 1583 and 1584
Zr(CpMe)(NMe2 )3 O3 Si 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 1578
Zr(CpEt)(NMe2 )3 O3 Si 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 1578
Zr[(Me3 Si)2 N]2 Cl2 H2 O H-Si 250 ◦ C 1620
Zr(NMe2 )4 H2 O Si 50 ◦ C 100–200 ◦ Ca 100–200 ◦ Ca 1601 and 1602
Zr(NEtMe)4 H2 O Si 300 ◦ C 1609
Miikkulainen et al.
Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 23

TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

Zr(NEtMe)4 O3 TiN 225–300 ◦ Ca 225–300 ◦ Ca 225–300 ◦ Ca 1612 and 1613
Zr(NEtMe)4 O3 Si 275 ◦ C 1614
Zr(NEtMe)4 O2  H-Si 100–250 ◦ Ca 100–280 ◦ Ca 1617 and 1619
Zr(NEt2 )4 O2 Si, Ge 300 ◦ C 1607
Zr(MeAMD)4 H2 O Si 300 ◦ C 1609

Nb2 O5 Amorphous
Nb(OEt)5 H2 O SLG 215–275 ◦ C 1626

RuO2 Amorphous Rutile

Ru(CpEt)2 O2 Si, SiO2 , TiN 265–270 ◦ C 1652, 1654,
and 1692
Ru(CpEt)2 O2 Ta2 O5 300–350 ◦ C 1687
Ru(thd)2 (cod) O2 Si 290 ◦ C 1693

Rh2 O3 Amorphous
Rh(acac)3 O3 Si, SLG 160–180 ◦ C 1695

In2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

InCl3 H2 O SLG 400–500 ◦ C 1753
InCl3 H2 O+H2 O2 Corning 7059 300–500 ◦ C 1757
InCp O3 Si, glass, Al2 O3 200–450 ◦ C 1759 and 1760
In(acac)3 H2 O Si 175 ◦ C 200–225 ◦ C 1761
In(acac)3 O3 Si 200 ◦ C 1761

SnO2 Amorphous Tetragonal

SnCl4 H2 O Ga2 O3 350 ◦ C 1812
SnCl4 H2 O SiO2 , Graphene 180–200 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 747, 1802, and
SnCl4 H2 O Si 500 ◦ C 1369
SnCl4 H2 O ZnS, CuOx 350 ◦ C 1808 and 1811
SnCl4 H2 O SLG, Corning 300–600 ◦ C 1796, 1799,
7059 and 1801
SnCl4 H2 O Al2 O3 e 400–600 ◦ C 1804 and 1805
SnCl4 H2 O+O3 SLG 500 ◦ C 1799
SnCl4 H2 O2 Si 150–430 ◦ C 1816
SnCl4 H2 O2 Al2 O3 e 600–700 ◦ C 1804 and 1813
SnI4 H2 O2 Al2 O3 e 600 ◦ C 1804
SnI4 O2 SiO2 400–750 ◦ C 1820
SnI4 O2 Al2 O3 e 400–750 ◦ C 1804, 1813,
1820, and 1821
Sn(NMe2 )4 H2 O2 Si, glass 50–300 ◦ C 1826
Sn(tbba) H2 O2 SiN, glass 120 ◦ C 1828
Snn Bu2 (OAc)2 O2  SiO2 , TiO2 k 200–400 ◦ C 1822, 1823,
and 1825

Sb2 O5 Amorphous
Sb(NMe2 )3 O3 Si 120 ◦ C 1829

BaO(Ba(OH)2 )d Amorphous Monoclinic Orthorhombic

Ba(OH)2 Ba(OH)2 Ba(OH)2
Ba(Cp Bu3 )2 H2 O Al2 O3 240 ◦ C 290–340 ◦ C 340 ◦ Ca 1830

La2 O3 Amorphous Cubic Hexagonal Hexagonal Monoclinic

La(OH)3 La(O)OH
◦ ◦ ◦
La(thd)3 O3 SLG, Si 200–300 C 300–450 C 400–450 C 44, 1088, and
◦ ◦ ◦
La(thd)3 O3 Corning 7059 200–300 C 300–350 C 400–450 C 1088
La(thd)3 O3 Corning 7059 225–300 ◦ C 300–425 ◦ C 1833
La(thd)3 O3 SiO2 l 350–500 ◦ C 350–500 ◦ C 1835
La(thd)3 O3 SiO2 m 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 1835
La(thd)3 H2 O H-Si, TiN 230–350 ◦ C 237, 1836, and
La[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O H-Si 250 ◦ C 250 ◦ C 1838
La[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O H-Si, Si, 200–400 ◦ C 1840
La[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O Si 300 ◦ C 1841
La(Cp)3 H2 O SiO2 l 260 ◦ C 260 ◦ C 1835

La(Cp)3 H2 O SiO2 m 260 C 1835
La(CpEt)3 O2  Si 350 ◦ C 350–400 ◦ C 1847
La(Cpi Pr)3 O3 Si 200 ◦ C 200 ◦ C 1852
La(Cpi Pr)3 O3 Ge 200 ◦ C 1852
La(i PrfAMD)3 O2 Si, Ge 300 ◦ C 1607

CeO2 Amorphous Cubic

Ce(thd)4 O3 SLG, Si 175–250 ◦ C 1859
Ce(thd)3 phen O3 SLG, Si 225–275 ◦ C 1859
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Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 24

TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

PrOx Amorphous
Pr[N(SiMe3 )2 ]3 H2 O borosilicate, Si 200–400 ◦ C 1861 and 1862
Pr(i PrAMD)3 H2 O H-Si 200–315 ◦ C 1863

Nd2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Nd(thd)3 O3 Si, SLG 200–250 ◦ C 290–325 ◦ C 1864 and 1865

Sm2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Sm(thd)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1864

Eu2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Eu(thd)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1864

Gd2 O3 Amorphous Cubic Monoclinic

Gd(thd)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1864 and 1866
Gd(CpMe)3 H2 O Si 150–250 ◦ C 1866
Gd(mmp)3 - H2 O Si 200–250 ◦ C 1867
Gd[OCMe2 CHMe2 ]3 H2 O Si, H-Si, SLG, 350 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 250–300 ◦ C 1868 and 1869
Al2 O3
Gd[(Ni Pr)2 - H2 O Si 200 ◦ C 160–250 ◦ C 1871 and 1873
CN(CH3 )2 ]3

Dy2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Dy(thd)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1864

Ho2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Ho(thd)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1864

Er2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Er(thd)3 O3 Si 300–350 ◦ C 1584 and 1864
Er(thd)3 O2  Si 350 ◦ C 1530 and 1531
Er(CpMe)3 H2 O Si, SLG 250–300 ◦ C 1875
Er(t BuAMD)3 O3 Si 250 ◦ C 300 ◦ C 1876

Tm2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Tm(thd)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 1864

Yb2 O3 Amorphous Cubic

Yb(thd)3 O3 Si, glass 300–350 ◦ C 1877

Lu2 O3 Amorphous
Lu[Cp(SiMe3 )]2 Cl H2 O SiO2 360–370 ◦ C 1879 and 1880

HfO2 Amorphous Cubic Tetragonal Monoclinic Orthorhombic

HfCl4 H2 O H-Si 300 ◦ C 1897 and 1947
HfCl4 H2 O Si, H-Si, SiO2 , 200–350 ◦ C 250–600 C ◦
1918, 1919,
GaAs, TiN, Pt, 1922, 1930,
Ir, Ru 1931, 1970,
and 2320
HfCl4 H2 O H-Si, Ge, SiO2 226–300 ◦ C 226–300 ◦ C 300–750 ◦ C 1915, 1935,
and 1974
HfCl4 H2 O H-Si, SiO2 300 ◦ C 600 ◦ C 300–600 ◦ C 1901
HfCl4 H2 O Si 600–880 ◦ C 880–940 ◦ C 500–600 ◦ Ca 500–940 ◦ C 500–600 ◦ Ca 1888
HfCl4 H2 O Si, H-Si, SiO2 , 225–300 ◦ C 300–750 ◦ Ca 300–750 ◦ Ca 300–940 ◦ C 300–750 ◦ Ca 1554, 1887,
HfO2 1906, 1918,
and 2321
HfCl4 H2 O Si 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ Ca 1559
HfCl4 H2 O Si, SiO2 , sap- 600 ◦ Ca 600 ◦ Ca 600 ◦ C 600 ◦ Ca 1556 and 1557
phire, MgO
HfCl4 H2 O H-Si 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ Ca 1566
HfCl4 H2 O Si, H-Si 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ C 189, 1561, and
HfCl4 H2 O Si, H-Si, glass, 300–350 ◦ C 1883, 1948,
Pt, TiN and 1971
HfCl4 H2 O Ge 375 ◦ C 375 ◦ C 1917
HfCl4 H2 O Pt 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 1970
HfCl4 H2 O Si, SiO2 , glass 300–500 ◦ C 500 ◦ Ca 300–600 ◦ C 500 ◦ Ca 1558, 1884,
and 1932
HfCl4 H2 O SiO2 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ C 1555
HfCl4 O3 H-Si 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ C 1897
HfCl4 O3 Ge 375 ◦ C 1917
HfI4 H2 O H-Si, SiO2 300 ◦ C 600 ◦ C 300–600 ◦ C 1566 and 1901
HfI4 H2 O poly-Si 225 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ Ca 400–500 ◦ Ca 300–500 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ Ca 1981
HfI4 H2 O MgO 400–500 ◦ C 1981
HfI4 H2 O2 poly-Si 225 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ Ca 400–500 ◦ Ca 300–500 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ Ca 1981
HfI4 H2 O2 MgO 400–500 ◦ C 1981
HfI4 O2 H-Si 570–750 ◦ C 1984
HfCp2 Me2 H2 O Si 300–425 ◦ C 1989 and 1990
HfCp2 Me2 O3 Si 300–425 ◦ C 1989 and 1990
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Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 25

TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

Hf(CpMe)2 Me2 H2 O Si 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 1579
Hf(CpMe)2 Me2 O3 Si 300–500 ◦ C 1991
Hf(CpMe)2 (OMe)Me H2 O Si 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 1579
Hf(CpMe)2 (OMe)Me O3 Si, TiN 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 300–500 ◦ Ca 1521 and 1991
Hf(CpMe)2 (Oi Pr)Me H2 O Si 250–440 ◦ C 1993
Hf(CpMe)2 (mmp)Me H2 O Si 250–440 ◦ C 1993
HfCp(NMe2 )3 O3 Si 250 ◦ C 300–350 ◦ Ca 300–350 ◦ Ca 300–350 ◦ C 1994
Hf(CpMe)(NMe2 )3 O3 Si 250 ◦ C 300–350 ◦ Ca 300–350 ◦ Ca 300–350 ◦ C 1994
Hf( BuO)4 O2 H-Si 350–480 ◦ C 2322
Hf(mmp)4 O2 Si 550 ◦ C 684
Hf(mmp)4 H2 O borosilicate, Si 225–325 ◦ C 325–425 ◦ C 1867 and 2004
Hf(mmp)4 H2 O2 borosilicate, Si 300 ◦ C 325–425 ◦ C 2004
Hf( BuO)2 (mmp)2 H2 O borosilicate, 275–300 ◦ C 360 ◦ Ca 300–400 ◦ C 2001
Hf(OCEtMe2 )4 H2 O H-Si 250–350 ◦ C 2005
Hf(OCEtMe2 )4 O2  H-Si 250 ◦ C 250 ◦ C 2006
Hf(Oi Pr)4 O2 H-Si 300 ◦ C 1995
Hf(Ot Bu)4 HCOOH Si, SrTiO3 , 100–125 ◦ C 908
LaAlO3 , MgO,
wool, cellulose,
latex, CNT
Hf(Ot Bu)4 CH3 COOH Si, SrTiO3 , 175–275 ◦ C 908–911
LaAlO3 , MgO,
wool, cellulose,
latex, CNT
Hf(Ot Bu)(NEtMe)3 O3 Si 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ C 2002
Hf(Ot Bu)(NEtMe)3 O3 TiO2 (rutile) 250 ◦ C 250 ◦ C 355
Hf(Ot Bu)(NEtMe)3 O3 TiO2 (anatase) 250 ◦ C 355
Hf(NMe2 )4 H2 O Si 50–150 ◦ C 200–300 ◦ C 1601 and 1602
Hf(NMe2 )4 H2 O CNC 150 ◦ C 362
Hf(NMe2 )4 H2 O H-Si, SiO2 200–400 ◦ C 205–400 ◦ Ca 250, 2011,
2023, and
Hf(NMe2 )4 H2 O Si 250 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 2010 and 2016
Hf(NMe2 )4 H2 O Ge 225 ◦ C 2021
Hf(NMe2 )4 O2  Si, H-Si 250 ◦ C 280 ◦ C 1619 and 2041
Hf(NEtMe)4 H2 O Si 250 ◦ C 250 ◦ Ca 2023
Hf(NEtMe)4 H2 O borosilicate, 150–200 ◦ C 200–300 ◦ Ca 200–300 ◦ C 200–300 ◦ Ca 1601, 2071,
ITO, Si, Al2 O3 2072, and 2082
Hf(NEtMe)4 H2 O H-Si 200–250 ◦ C 2023 and 2081
Hf(NEtMe)4 H2 O InP 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 2094
Hf(NEtMe)4 D2 O H-Si, Six Ny 60–100 ◦ C 2074 and 2323
Hf(NEtMe)4 O3 H-Si, SiO2 180–275 ◦ C 350 ◦ Ca 350 ◦ Ca 2102
Hf(NEtMe)4 O2  Si 290 ◦ C 963
Hf(NEt2 )4 H2 O Si 150–250 ◦ C 1522 and 1932
Hf(NEt2 )4 O3 Si, H-Si 200–275 ◦ C 472, 473, and
Hf(NEt2 )4 O2  H-Si 250 ◦ C 250 ◦ C 2006
Hf(ONEt2 )4 H2 O borosilicate, Si 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ Ca 2007
Hf(NO3 )4 H2 O H-Si 180 ◦ C 2114

Ta2 O5 Amorphous Hexagonal Tetragonal Orthorhombic

TaF5 H2 O H-Si 400–450 ◦ C 400–450 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 2136
TaCl5 H2 O Glass, Si 300–500 ◦ C 392, 1291, and
TaCl5 H2 O Glass, Si 80–160 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ C 2130
TaCl5 H2 O Corning 7059 300–325 ◦ C 300–350 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 2133
TaI5 H2 O H-Si 250–400 ◦ C 350–400 ◦ C 350–400 ◦ C 2137
TaI5 H2 O SiO2 250–400 ◦ C 2137
Ta(OEt)5 H2 O Si, SLG, SS, 170–325 ◦ C 123, 1563,
Nbx Zry Oz 2139, 2145,
and 2146
Ta(OEt)5 H2 O ☼ Si 170–400 ◦ C 2142
Ta(OEt)5 TaCl5 Corning 7059 275–450 ◦ C 2135
Ta(OEt)5 O2 ☼ Si, SiO2 190–285 ◦ C 2149
Ta(OEt)5 O2  Si, borosilicate, 150–250 ◦ C 2148
Ta(OEt)5 O2 +H2 O Si, borosilicate, 150–250 ◦ C 2148

Ta(OEt)4 (dmae) O3 N-Si 400 C 2150
Ta(NMe2 )5 H2 O H-Si 150–350 ◦ C 918, 2152, and
Ta(NMe2 )5 O2  H-Si, Si, SiO2 100–350 ◦ C 918, 1650,
2152, and
Ta(NEt)(NEt2 )3 H2 O Si, SiO2 50–350 ◦ C 2156
Ta(NEt2 )5 H2 O Si, SiO2 50–250 ◦ C 2156
Ta(Nt Bu)(t Bu2 pz)3 O3 Si 300–450 ◦ C 2157
Ta(Nt Bu)- H2 O Si 275–350 ◦ C 2158
(i PrAMD)2 (NMe2 )
Miikkulainen et al.
Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 26

TABLE III (Continued.)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

WOx Amorphous Monoclinic

WF6 +WO3 H2 O sapphire 200 ◦ C 2220
W2 (NMe2 )6 H2 O Si 160–200 ◦ C 2223

IrO2 Amorphous Tetragonal

Ir(acac)3 O3 Si, SLG, Al2 O3 165–200 ◦ C 2252
Ir(CpEt)(cod) O2 SiO2 290 ◦ C 2248
PtOx Amorphous
Pt(acac)2 O3 Si, SLG, Al2 O3 120–130 ◦ C 2273
Pt(CpMe)Me3 O2  Si, SiO2 300 ◦ C 2260

PbO2 Amorphous Tetragonal Orthorhombic

Pb(thd)2 O3 Si 150–300 ◦ Ca 150–300 ◦ Ca 2275
PbPh4 O3 Si 185–400 ◦ Ca 185–400 ◦ Ca 2275
ambiguous interpretation due to reflection overlap or weak intensity
coating-head type deposition
oxide was formed after 1 day delay after deposition
☼photo-assisted deposition
⊣⊢ electric field enhanced deposition
⊃ magnetic field enhanced deposition
XRD was measured after depositing 10-nm HfO2 film on top at the same temperature
rutile single crystals of various orientations
film was capped with ALD-Al2 O3 in situ
bare film without ALD-Al2 O3 in situ capping
H-Si: HF-etched Si
MWCNT: multi-walled carbon nanotube
CNS: carbon nanosheet
CNC: carbon nanocoil
CNT: carbon nanotube
SLG: soda lime glass
SS: stainless steel
PE: polyethylene
PET: polyethylene terephtalate
PMMA: polymethylmethacrylate
PP: polypropylene
PS: polystyrene
PVC: polyvinylchloride
PVP: polyvinylpyrrolidone
PC: polycarbonate
PES: polyethersulfone
PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene
ISM: Inner shell membrane from hen’s egg
YSZ: Yttria-stabilized zirconia
Precursors dash-separated: pulsed separately
Two precursors connected with +: fed in the same pulse

2. Case: Aluminum oxide been ≤ 500 ◦ C or below. All aluminum oxide film grown
below 600 ◦ C are amorphous regardless the type of the
Aluminum oxide is the most studied and used material substrate. Crystallization of the dielectric ALD Al2 O3
in ALD. The deposition is usually performed using TMA upon post-deposition annealing has been studied to in-
(trimethylaluminum) and water as precursors. This is crease the dielectric constant (Figure 10). Crystallization
almost an ideal self-limiting ALD process and considered of 5 nm thick films on 1.0 nm chemical SiO2 oxide oc-
as a model system for ALD. The first report dates back curs at 900 ◦ C. The temperature depends on film thick-
to late 1980’s107 but since then the process has been ex- ness, and thicker films crystallize at lower temperatures
tensively studied and characterized in detail both ex situ possibly because thicker films have a higher likelihood
and in situ. The details of the TMA-water process have to contain seeds to originate the nucleation.151 Besides
been discussed by Puurunen in the earlier review.2 Be- the thickness, the substrate has some effect: on 4H-SiC
sides water, ozone and recently also oxygen plasma have wafers epitaxial γ-Al2 O3 was obtained at 1100 ◦ C,2324
been extensively used with TMA. Other aluminum pre- while on ZnO nanotubes crystalline alumina was ob-
cursors, such as chloride, bromide, different alkoxides, tained at 800 ◦ C.268
alkylamides, amidinates and mixed ligand compounds ALD of alumina films that are crystalline already in the
(AlMe2 Cl, Al(OR)x R’y ) have been studied in ALD of as-deposited state requires growth temperatures above
Al2 O3 , but TMA as a high-vapour-pressure liquid has 600 ◦ C. That is possible when AlCl3 is employed as the
many advantages over the other precursors. ALD Al2 O3 precursor. Dueñas et al.2325 grew films on HF-treated
films are widely used as protective, barrier and dielectric silicon and obtained crystalline material in thick films
layers as such or as component in nanolaminates. (30–100 nm) at 600–800 ◦ C, while thin films (3–9 nm) did
The TMA–water process can be used at 30–300 ◦ C, not show crystallinity at any temperature. The structure
and 300 ◦ C is a common upper limit for all organometal- of the aluminum oxide could not be unambiguously de-
lic aluminum precursors, but in some reports tempera- tected since the XRD and RHEED reflections could be
tures as high as 500 ◦ C have been used. Chlorides toler- attributed either to cubic γ-Al2 O3 or tetragonal δ-Al2 O3 .
ate much higher temperatures, but for practical reasons, Oya et al.100,101 have succeeded in epitaxial growth of α-
also with AlCl3 the growth temperatures have usually Al2 O3 on sapphire at 600 ◦ C and on single crystal Nb
Miikkulainen et al.
Applied Physics Reviews, in press (2012)
version 14.9.2012 27

face energy stabilizes the tetragonal phase and decreases

the monoclinic to tetragonal phase transition tempera-
ture when the feature size of ZrO2 is decreased. Cubic
phase has even lower surface energy, making it stable
in very small particles.2331 Both tetragonal and cubic
nanoparticles have been synthesized.2332–2339 In thin film
deposition, especially in ALD, physical dimensions of the
crystallites can be controlled by laminating ZrO2 with an
other, often amorphous layer such as Al2 O3 , which inter-
rupts the crystallite growth.1539
On the other hand, there are reports on syntheses
of monoclinic2340,2341 and orthorhombic2342,2343 ZrO2
nanoparticles as well. Besides the surface energy, there
appear to be also other factors contributing to the phase,
such as crystallite morphology, oxygen vacancies in the
FIG. 10. First appearance of long-range order in Al2 O3 lattice, and strain.2334,2335,2338,2339,2341,2344–2346 Oxygen
films, as detected by XRD. The inset shows XRD spectra for vacancies can be generated by doping cations with an
5.0 nm Al2 O3 layers annealed for 60 s at different tempera- oxidation state of two or three into the crystal lattice of
tures. Reprinted from Ref. 151, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 425, S. ZrO2 . This method has been widely applied for stabiliz-
Jakschik, U. Schroeder, T. Hecht, M. Gutsche, H. Seidl, and ing cubic and tetragonal phases of ZrO2 . Typical stabi-
J. W. Bartha, Crystallization behavior of thin ALD-Al2 O3 lizing dopants are yttrium, magnesium, and calcium.2347
films, Pages 216–220, Copyright (2003), with permission from
Elsevier. Atomic layer deposited zirconium oxides, and the
closely related hafnium oxides, have been doped with
cations to stabilize their high permittivity cubic and
at 450–500 ◦ C. The process employed was AlCl3 + O2 , tetragonal phases. With ALD, the doping level can
and the reason for the low temperature in the case of be straightforwardly controlled by introducing the dop-
the Nb substrate was explained by catalytic effect of the ing oxide cycles in between the matrix oxide cycling.
substrate. Through the alternate cycling, accurate and repro-
ducible dopant concentration is achieved. In a pa-
per by Putkonen et al., ZrO2 was prepared from Cp-
and thd-complexes together with ozone, while yttrium
3. Case: Zirconium oxide doping was enabled by Y(thd)3 .2347 They found phase-
pure cubic ZrO2 over wide range of dopant concentra-
Zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ) has been studied as possible tion. Niinistö et al. stabilized amorphous ZrO2 by
high-κ oxide material for future microelectronic circuits strontium doping in the as-deposited state, and the
owing to its high permittivity. ALD ZrO2 is already used films were crystallized in cubic/tetragonal phase upon
in DRAM capacitors in ZAZ (ZrO2 -Al2 O3 -ZrO2 ) multi- post-deposition annealing.14 In the same paper, HfO2
layer structures. ZrO2 has different crystal structures, grown from Hf(NMe2 )4 -O3 was doped with yttrium using
from which the monoclinic phase has permittivity value Y(CpMe)3 . The films were amorphous as-deposited and
of 23, while tetragonal and cubic phases show nearly crystallized into cubic/tetragonal phase when annealed
twice as high values of 42 and 40.2326 ZrO2 is a good above 400 ◦ C. Similar phase behavior was found when
oxide ion conductor which has been utilized, for exam- novel HfCp(NMe2 )3 and Hf(CpMe)(NMe2 )3 were used
ple, in fuel cells as a solid electrolyte.1517 as a hafnium source, as reported in a separate paper by
For bulk ZrO2 , monoclinic phase is the most the same authors.1994 Cubic HfO2 can be also stabilized
stable polymorph at temperatures below 1150 ◦ C, by doping with Er and Dy or Sc.684,2348
whereas tetragonal and cubic phases are found at high In ALD, the most widely studied precursor sys-
temperatures.2327,2328 In addition, orthorhombic phases tem for ZrO2 is ZrCl4 and water.1536 Besides chlo-
have been characterized at elevated pressures.2328 In thin ride, zirconium tetraiodide (ZrI4 ) has been utilized
films and particles at sub-micrometer scale, additional as another metal halide precursor for ZrO2 ALD.1567
parameters such as surface energy and strain step in, With ZrI4 , hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) was also ap-
however, and the phase behavior differs from the bulk. plied as the oxygen source.1567 Zirconium alkoxides,1588
In submicron architechtures, such as nanoparticles and aminoalkoxides,1587 alkylamides,1601 and cyclopentadi-
thin films, the ratio of surface area to volume is high. enyl (Cp) complexes1571 as well as complexes of their
Therefore, the surface-related parameters, such as sur- combinations have been utilized as metal sources. In ad-
face energy, start to affect the overall energy and fur- dition to water and hydrogen peroxide, ozone has been
ther the phase transition conditions. The effect of sur- used as a source for oxygen.1571,1610 Several ALD pro-
face energy to the phase behavior has been formulated cesses exploiting plasma have been also reported.1595,1596
by Garvie.2327,2329,2330 According to Garvie, the low sur- Processes reported for ZrO2 ALD are collected in Table I.
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FIG. 12. Minimum film thickness required for crystalline

ZrO2 phases to be observed by RHEED as a function of tem-
perature. Films were deposited on Si(100).1544 Reprinted
from Thin Solid Films, Vol 408, J. Aarik, A. Aidla, H.
Mändar, T. Uustare, and V. Sammelselg, Growth kinetics
FIG. 11. HR-TEM images of thin ZrO2 layers deposited and structure formation of ZrO2 thin films in chloride-based
on (a) oxidized and (b) HF-etched silicon. Arrow indicates atomic layer deposition process, 97–103, Copyright (2002),
amorphous region.1540 Reprinted with permission from Ap- with permission from Elsevier.
plied Physics Letters, vol 76, M. Copel, M. Gribelyuk, and
E. Gusev, Structure and stability of ultrathin zirconium ox-
ide layers on Si(001), 436–438. Copyright 2000, American
Institute of Physics. tion of temperature is illustrated in Figure 12. Kukli et
al.1545 suggested that hydrogen peroxide has its effect on
the silicon-film interface, but shows similar chemistry as
ALD of zirconium oxide starts as amor- water as the film growth proceeds further. Hydrogen per-
phous phase regardless of precursor system oxide most probably oxidizes the substrate in the early
utilized.1536,1544,1545,1549,1569,1587,1599,1620 After a certain stages of the film growth more effectively than water, and
thickness is deposited, crystalline ZrO2 is observed. The forms a thicker amorphous interfacial layer.
phase evolution is not straightforward, and also the With the ZrI4 –H2 O2 /H2 O process, the thickness
overlap in diffraction patterns complicates the interpre- needed for film crystallization is higher, being 20 nm
tation. The literature data on ALD-ZrO2 crystallization at 272 ◦ C,1569 while with ZrCl4 , crystallization took
is collected in Table III. place for less than 10 nm thick film at the same
Nucleation of the film is anyhow different on oxide- temperature.1544 Films deposited from cyclopentadienyl-
terminated and HF-etched H-terminated silicon. This based precursors and ozone start to grow as amor-
is clearly seen in Figure 11. On oxidized silicon, ZrO2 phous as well, since only weak diffraction if any was
layer is smooth yet clearly polycrystalline. On HF-etched observed in the patterns measured from very thin
silicon, the nucleation density has been lower and the films.1576,1578,1580 Films deposited from alkoxides, alkyl-
film shows more or less separate crystallites and is much and silylamides, and aminoalkoxides are mainly amor-
rougher, because the nuclei have had more time to grow phous throughout.1587,1588,1599,1602,1620,2319 Reason for
independently before coalescing.There are amorphous re- the amorphicity can be impurities which originate from
gions in between the crystallites and also an amorphous the thermally unstable precursors. Recently, alkylamidi-
SiOx film at the film-substrate interface.1540 A special nate complex showed good thermal stability and the films
case where a strong effect of substrate has been seen deposited from it and water yielded amorphous films.1609
is local epitaxy of ZrO2 on germanium substrates at The films were just 3.9 nm thick, which is below the com-
300 ◦ C.1547 mon crystallization limit, however.
The thickness required for crystalline ZrO2 to form de- Whether the crystals grow from new nuclei formed on
pends on the precursor combination and deposition tem- the already-deposited amorphous layer, or the original
perature. For the ZrCl4 –H2 O process, the film thickness amorphous layer is crystallized as well, is not extensively
needed for crystallization is as high as 100 nm at 185 ◦ C, studied. However, there are reports1540,1554,1558,2349 pre-
and it monotonically decreases as deposition temperature senting cross-sectional TEM images of few-nanometer
increases, being around 1 nm at 600 ◦ C.1544 The crystal- thick films showing through-film crystallites (Figure 11),
lization threshold thickness is only slightly higher at the supporting the latter option. The apparent amorphicity
low deposition temperatures, when hydrogen peroxide is in very thin films can originate also from crystallite sizes
used in place of water. The threshold thickness as a func- below detection limit of the applied methods.
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The first phase appearing in the zirconia films, as the by water as an oxygen source.1579 Kukli et al. re-
film thickness increases above the crystallization thresh- ported recently that novel cyclopentadienyl-alkylamido
old, is typically cubic or tetragonal. In films deposited complexes CpZr(NMe2 )3 , (CpMe)Zr(NMe2 )3 , and
from ZrCl4 , especially at low deposition temperature, the (CpEt)Zr(NMe2 )3 yielded tetragonal zirconium oxide
first phase appearing is cubic.1544 Evidently, the cubic when utilized together with ozone.1578 The thickness
phase appears as a very thin layer and is transformed range was 5.2-7.8 nm. The films deposited from Zr(thd)4
to the tetragonal form as the film thickness increases, and ozone showed weak reflections in XRD, which were
since reflections from the cubic phase are not visible to- addressed to the monoclinic or orthorhombic phases.1571
gether with tetragonal phase.1544 Due to the similarity of As the film thickness increases, the tetragonal phase
the tetragonal and cubic phases (see for example ICSD starts to appear. In the films deposited from ZrCl4
Cards 17-0923 and 27-0997), the interpretation between and water, the tetragonal phase dominates at thick-
the two is challenging, however. nesses around 50 nm.1544,1545,1548,1557 At moderate de-
In the films grown from ZrI4 and hydrogen peroxide, position temperatures (around 300 ◦ C), the first traces
the cubic phase is found for much higher thicknesses: 125- of the monoclinic phase are found as films reach thick-
nm film grown at 275 ◦ C shows a strong (200) reflection ness around 100 nm.1544,1557 The monoclinic and tetrag-
from the cubic phase.1567 Kukli et al. suggested several onal phases are found in the films simultaneously over
reasons for the phase behavior different from the ZrCl4 a wide range of thicknesses. For the films deposited
process: the chemical mechanism of the crystal growth, from Cp2 ZrMe2 , the monoclinic and orthorhombic
kinetics of the phase formation, effect of grain size, and phases were the most visible, similarly when deposited
mobility of surface species affecting the nucleation den- with water or ozone.1571,1574 When (MeCp)2 ZrMe2 and
sity. It was reported by the same authors that neither the (MeCp)2 Zr(OMe)Me were used together with water or
ZrI4 pulse nor the peroxide-water pulse did completely ozone, cubic and monoclinic phases were reported to start
saturate, as evidenced by QCM data. Also the film mass showing as these films had grown thicker.1579,1580 The
decreased when the purge period after the ZrI4 pulse was (111) reflection of the cubic phase at 30.2◦ was alterna-
elongated, which was concluded to be caused by iodine tively addressed to the orthorhombic phase.1579,1580
desorption from the film surface.1567 In a paper by Tkachev et al.1557 it is concluded from
The QCM observations from the ZrCl4 –water process findings with Raman spectroscopy that part of the origi-
were somewhat different. Firstly, the elongation of the nally formed tetragonal phase transformed to monoclinic,
purge after the metal precursor did not affect the film since the absolute amount of the tetragonal phase de-
mass. On the other hand, the ZrCl4 pulse did not fully creased upon appearance of the monoclinic phase. All
saturate even if the pulse was elongated to the scale of of the tetragonal phase was not, however, transformed
tens of seconds. The mass gain was nevertheless di- but remained underneath the monoclinic layer. Non-
minishingly small after a few seconds. Secondly, reac- equilibrium crystal growth conditions have been sug-
tion between the film surface and water was found to gested to be responsible for stabilizing the tetragonal
saturate.15441544 The film growth mechanisms are obvi- phase in ALD ZrO2 .1548 In addition, there were small
ously different when ZrCl4 and ZrI4 are applied as pre- crystallites, which had been formed at the early stage of
cursors, however. film deposition. The small size together with intercrys-
The orientation of the cubic crystallites is much more tallite strain could stabilize the tetragonal phase in these
evident when deposited from ZrI4 than in the ZrCl4 - crystallites and inhibit the transformation to monoclinic.
based films. This is probably because the crystallites can When ZrO2 is deposited in nanolaminates in the thick-
grow larger in the ZrI4 than in the ZrCl4 process. The ness of about 10 nm, the tetragonal phase is the only
first signs of the cubic phase, as observed by RHEED, re- one observed.85,1539 The peaks are reported to be rela-
fer to randomly oriented crystallites.1569 This is also sup- tively wide indicating small crystallite size. The tetrag-
ported by XRD studies of thin films.1567 As the thickness onal crystallites in the nanolaminate structure are ran-
of the cubic layer increases, the (200) reflection becomes domly oriented, since the (111) reflection is the strongest
the most intense one, indicating the [100] orientation of one similar to the powder pattern (JCPDS Card 27-
cubic crystallites.1567–1570 0997).85,1539
The films deposited from Cp2 ZrMe2 and ozone show The crystallites of the monoclinic phase in thick films
as their first trace of crystallization a weak diffrac- deposited from ZrCl4 seem to prefer [001] orientation,
tion slightly above 2θ of 30◦ , which was interpreted since the (002) reflection becomes the most intense as the
as cubic or orthorhombic (111) reflection.1576 In the film gets thicker, while (111), the strongest peak in pow-
same study, films were deposited also from Cp2 ZrCl2 der pattern (JCPDS Card 36-0420) diminishes.1544,1557
together with ozone, and similar phase behavior was The monoclinic phase, when appearing in ZrI4 -based
found. Very thin films deposited from (MeCp)2 ZrMe2 films, shows random orientation.1568 The studied films
and (MeCp)2 Zr(OMe)Me and ozone as oxygen source were, however, in the thickness range where the cubic
showed reflections from tetragonal and/or cubic phase and tetragonal phases are dominant and the monoclinic
as the first signs of crystalline formation.1580 Similar phase was just starting to form. The films deposited
phase evolution was found when ozone was replaced from some precursors containing cyclopentadienyl lig-
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ands show monoclinic (111) as their most intense reflec-

tion in thickness range over 100 nm, when deposited at
350 ◦ C or higher.1571
Interpretation of some reflections of ZrO2 phases is
complicated due to overlap of diffraction lines. The
presence of the orthorhombic phase in ALD ZrO2 films
has been suggested by Putkonen et al.,1571,1574 Niin-
istö et al.1576,1580 , and Dezelah et al.,1579 while sev-
eral papers1544,1545,1557 do not suggest the appearence
of that phase. The orthorhombic phase is indeed a
high pressure phase found only in high pressure as
bulk material.2327,2328 There are, however, reports on
nanostructured and thin film ZrO2 appearing in the or-
thorhombic phase also in ambient conditions.2342,2343,2350
Therefore neither of the interpretations cannot be ruled
FIG. 13. Relative ratio of XRD peak intensities of ZnO films
as a function of temperature deposited from zinc acetate and
4. Case: Zinc oxide water.1285 Reprinted from Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol 310,
A. Wójcik, M. Godlewski, E. Guziewicz, R. Minikayev, and
W. Paszkowicz, Controlling of preferential growth mode of
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a versatile material owing to its ZnO thin films grown by atomic layer deposition, 284–289,
beneficial electrical, physical, and chemical properties. Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier.
ZnO is a semiconductor with a wide band gap of 3.37 eV
and large exciton binding energy, 60 meV, making it a
promising optoelectronic material. It can be applied in is obtained due to the smaller size of DMZ.1157 At low
UV light emitting diodes.2351 It is also an efficient gas deposition temperature, the films deposited from DMZ
sensor material.2352 Hexagonal ZnO as a piezoelectric were more transparent than the ones grown from DEZ.
material can be utilized for example as a force sensor.2353 Resisitivity, in turn, was higher in the films grown from
Aluminum-doped ZnO is a widely studied transparent DMZ.
conducting oxide. In addition to the alkyl compounds, zinc ac-
The crystal structures occuring for ZnO are cubic zinc etate has been applied as a zinc precursor for ZnO
blende, cubic rock salt, and hexagonal wurtzite. The zinc ALD.1279,1282,1285 Resistivity was reported to be higher
blende phase is stable only on cubic substrates, and the in the films grown from the acetate compared to the
rock salt structure occurs only at high pressures.2351 The films grown from DEZ.1282 With zinc chloride (ZnCl2 )
hexagonal phase is stable at ambient conditions. Crys- and oxygen gas (O2 ), epitaxial growth of zinc oxide was
talline ZnO films produced by ALD are all of hexagonal found on both sapphire1153,1154 and GaN1155 at temper-
phase, as seen in Table III. ature range 450–550 ◦ C. In addition, atmospheric depo-
The most studied precursor combination for ZnO ALD sition pressure was applied in these experiments.1153,1154
is diethyl zinc(DEZ)–water. The deposition tempera- Crystalline ZnO films have been also deposited from ele-
ture range lies from around 100 to 350 ◦ C. Zinc oxide mental zinc and water.1151
thin films are typically crystalline even when deposited In zinc oxide thin films prepared by ALD, the mi-
at low temperature. Amorphous zinc oxide films can crostructure is crystalline hexagonal. The orientation
be deposited only as very thin films on certain sub- of crystallites in the film can be modified by substrate
strate materials.1149,1211,1239 With the DEZ-water pro- material and by tailoring the ALD growth parameters.
cess, ZnO films have been deposited on wide variety of The extreme case of substrate effect on the film orienta-
substrate materials, including glasses, silicon, and differ- tion is epitaxy. ZnO films have been deposited epitaxi-
ent oxide materials (for details see Table III). Besides ally on sapphire (1120), (1010) and (1120) faces as well
water, oxygen,1186 oxygen radicals,1270 N2 O,1276 and as on GaN.1162,1229,1246,1278,1282 Also on ZnO nanowires
ozone1193,1208,1209 have been utilized as oxygen sources and seed crystals, the film growth shows high degree of
together with DEZ. orientation in the same direction as the substrate.297,2316
Resistivity of ZnO is sensitive to stoichiometry. Usu- Interestingly, by depositing ALD aluminum oxide of dif-
ally oxide films prepared in vacuum are oxygen deficient ferent thicknesses on the ZnO nanowires the substrate
and therefore rather conducting. In fact, it is difficult effect on the film orientation could be modified. The
to prepare strictly stoichiometric, insulating ZnO needed thicker the alumina layer between the substrate and the
in for example piezo applications. Ozone and oxygen film, the more random was the orientation in the ALD
radicals can improve the stoichiometry and thereby in- ZnO film.297
crease the resistivity.1193,1270 When DEZ is replaced by When deposited on silicon, glass, or e.g. TiO2 , ZnO
its methyl analogue dimethyl zinc (DMZ), higher GPC films are polycrystalline and typically orientate towards
Miikkulainen et al.
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processes. Malm et al. deposited films from DEZ and

water with long purges in temperature range starting
from room temperature up to 140 ◦ C and reported [001]
preferred orientation throughout the studied range.1265
Furthermore, an additional pulse of molecular oxygen
switched the orientation from [100] to [001] in the case of
DEZ-water at 180 ◦ C.1186 In addition, ZnO could be de-
posited epitaxially onto sapphire (1010) and (0001) faces
from DEZ-water only when the precursor exposure time
was elongated by isolating the reaction chamber dur-
ing the precursor pulse.1229,1246 Liu et al. report that
the film grown from DEZ-water by regular ALD is more
or less randomly oriented, but by applying an electric
field over the substrate, epitaxial films can be grown on
(0001)-cut sapphire without modifying any other process
conditions.1180,1181 It was suggested that polarization of
FIG. 14. Low resolution (a and c) and high resolution (b and
precursor molecules would align them and that way di-
d) TEM images of ZnO films deposited from DEZ and water rect the film growth on the substrate.
at 250 ◦ C (a and b) and 400 ◦ C (c and d) on SiO2 /Si. In- It has been reported that the (001) surface is ther-
sets show digital diffractograms from the corresponding high modynamically the most favorable i.e. it has the lowest
resolution TEM images.1250 Reprinted from Bulletin of Ko- surface energy.1193 The (100) crystal face, in turn, has
rean Chemical Society, Vol. 31, Y.-S. Min, C. J. An, S. K. been reported to have stepped structure.1176 Pung et al.
Kim, J. Song, and C. S. Hwang, Growth and Characterization
suggested that at low deposition temperature the disso-
of Conducting ZnO Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition,
2503–2508, Copyright (2010), with permission from The Ko-
ciation products of DEZ could block the surface sites of
rean Chemical Society the (001) face while at higher temperature these species
would further react into desorbable molecules revealing
the (001) face for ALD growth.1220 Makino et al. sug-
gested that a decrease of the hydroxyl group density on
[100] or [001] direction. The orientation appears to de- the substrate surface at higher temperature would in-
pend, firstly, on growth temperature. At low tempera- crease the surface mobility.1161 Yousfi et al. reported that
ture, random or [100] orientation is favored whereas at when the ZnO growth process was interrupted for ten
higher temperatures, film orientates to [001]. The phe- minutes and then restarted, a nucleation period was ob-
nomenon seems to be universal when epitaxial growth served, while after a shorter pause, the growth recovered
is excluded. Very similar orientation behavior has been immediately.1176 They suggested that the surface could
found for several precursor systems. The temperature rearrange to a less reactive form during the longer inter-
limit for the orientation change from [100] to [001] de- rupt. Wójcik et al. concluded that elongated purge time
pends on the precursors being around 100 ◦ C for pro- allows longer time for the surface species to diffuse.1285
cesses exploiting oxygen plasma together with DEZ or As discussed above, many papers report that elongation
DMZ,1164,1270,1272,1275 slightly above 200 ◦ C for DEZ- of purge or exposure times, or addition of an intermedi-
water,1157,1160,1176,1220,1228 and above 300 ◦ C for zinc ate oxygen pulse switch the ZnO crystallite orientation
acetate-water.1285 Further increase in deposition temper- from [100] to [001]. However, origin of the phenomena
ature improves the film crystallinity and orientates the is not widely discussed in the literature and still requires
film more strongly towards [001], as illustrated in Fig- further investigations.
ure 14. The temperature dependence in the case of zinc Film thickness as a factor in the development of the
acetate is illustrated in Figure 13. In addition to (100), ZnO film orientation has not been as extensively studied
and (002) reflections, strong (110) reflections have been as temperature and other reaction conditions. Makino
reported to arise from films whose thickness lies in the et al. reported that as the film grows thicker, the orien-
range from hundreds to thousands of nanometers, espe- tation seems to decrease and become more random.1222
cially at low growth temperatures.1160,1233 There are de- They applied PEALD process at low deposition tempera-
viations from the above mentioned crystallite orientation ture, and the orientation was not observed to be strong in
trends, however. The strongest reflection from the film the earlier stage of the growth either. Przézdziecka et al.
has been also reported to be (101).1180,1181,2126 studied the effect of thickness when the film was grown
Besides deposition temperature and the precursors, from DEZ and water.1233 At 100 ◦ C, (110) reflection was
film orientation can be modified by other deposition con- notable and became stronger as films grew thicker. At
ditions. At low growth temperatures, the [100] orienta- 200 ◦ C the effect of the film thickness on the (110) re-
tion can be turned to [001] by elongating the purge time flection was found to be opposite. Song et al. deposited
between the precursor pulses. This has been found for ZnO on ITO from DEZ and O2 plasma.2308 They re-
both diethyl zinc-water1213 and zinc acetate-water1285 ported that the thinnest films (100 nm) showed [001] ori-
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entation and the orientation became random as the film B. Metal nitrides
reached 200 nm thickness but arranged again at 300 nm
thickness, now towards [100]. 1. General

Metal nitrides are hard, chemically resistant, some-

times catalytically active, and often electrically con-
ductive materials.2354 Since the pioneering work on the
growth of metal nitrides by ALD published in 1988,933
As above demonstrated, characteristically hexagonal there has been increasing interest in nitride deposition by
ALD zinc oxide shows diverse behavior as it comes to ALD, especially for application as diffusion barriers and
crystal orientation. The orientation appears to be a func- electrodes in microelectronics.2355 An overview of crys-
tion of substrate and deposition temperature but also of tallinity of metal nitride films grown by ALD is shown in
other deposition conditions such as precursor purge time. Table IV.
TABLE IV: Crystallinity studies of ALD nitride films made by
diffraction or spectroscopy.
Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.
BN Amorphous Turbostratic
BBr3 NH3 silica 400 ◦ C 750 ◦ C 49
BBr3 NH3 Al2 O3 250—600 ◦ C 50
BBr3 NH3 ☼ Al2 O3 250—600 ◦ C 50
AlN Amorphous Hexagonal
AlCl3 NH3 SLG 500 ◦ C 477
AlCl3 NH3 +H2  H-Si 350 ◦ C 480
AlMe3 NH3 Corning 7059 325—425 ◦ C 484
AlMe3 NH3 Si 325—400 ◦ C 488
AlMe3 NH3 Sapphire 1200 ◦ C 489
AlEt3 NH3 Sapphire 450 ◦ C 495
Al(NMe2 )3 NH3 Ge 200–250 ◦ C 501
Me2 EtN:AlH3 NH3 Al2 O3 300–380 ◦ C 498
Me2 EtN:AlH3 NH3 Si 300–380 ◦ C 498

TiN Amorphous Cubic

TiCl4 NH3 SLG, Si, H-Si, 300–550 ◦ C 933, 938–940,
SiO2 , HfSiOx , 946, 951, 952,
HfO2 and 955
TiCl4 NH3 -Zn SLG 400–500 ◦ C 934 and 935
TiCl4 NH3 -AlMe3 GaAs 275 ◦ C 957
TiCl4 H2 +N2  Si, SiO2 100–400 ◦ C 958, 960, 962–
TiCl4 DMHy SLG 250 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 966
TiCl4 t
BuNH2 SLG, 400 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 967
TiCl4 allylNH2 SLG, 400 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 967
TiI4 NH3 SLG 400–500 ◦ C 968
TiI4 t
BuNH2 SLG, 400 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 967
TiI4 allylNH2 SLG, 400 ◦ C 400 ◦ C 967
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3 H-Si 200–300 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 975
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3 Si, SiO2 180 ◦ C 180 ◦ C 973 and 980
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3  SiO2 250 ◦ C 988 and 989
Ti(NMe2 )4 NH3 +H2  Al2 O3 150–300 ◦ C 493 and 990
Ti(NMe2 )4 N2  SiO2 250 ◦ C 989
Ti(NMe2 )4 N2  SiO2 200 ◦ C 994
Ti(NMe2 )4 H2  Si, SiO2 150–250 ◦ C 150 ◦ C 989 and 995
Ti(NEtMe)4 NH3 Si, SiO2 150–220 ◦ C 996 and 997

Cu3 N Amorphous Cubic

[Cu(s BuAMD)]2 NH3 Ru 140–300 ◦ C 1140
Cu(hfac)2 H2 O-NH3 SiO2 210–300 ◦ C 1141

GaN Amorphous Cubic

GaCl NH3 GaN 300–400 ◦ C 1376 and 1377
GaCl NH3 GaAs 300–400 ◦ C 1377
GaCl3 NH3 GaAs(001) 500 ◦ C 1378
GaCl3 NH3 GaAs(111)e 500 ◦ C 1378
GaCl3 NH3 H-Si 650 ◦ C 1379
GaMe3 NH3 AlNe 550–650 ◦ C 1380
GaMe3 NH3 AlNe 800–900 ◦ C 1384
GaMe3 NH3 GaAs(001) 500–650 ◦ C 1383
GaEt3 NH3 AlNe 450–900 ◦ C 1385
GaEt3 NH3 SiC(0001)e 250–500 ◦ C 1387
GaEt3 NH3 SiC(0001) 150–170 ◦ C 170–250 ◦ C 1387

ZrNx Amorphous
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TABLE IV (Continued from previous page)

Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

Zr(NMe2 )4 NH3 Si 150–250 ◦ C 1622
Zr(NEtMe)4 NH3 Si 150–250 ◦ C 1622
Zr(NEt2 )4 NH3 Si 150–250 ◦ C 1622
Zr(NEt2 )4 N2  Si 300 ◦ C 1623

NbN Amorphous Cubic Hexagonal

NbCl5 NH3 SLG, SiO2 , 400–500 ◦ C 933, 1630, and
Al2 O3 1632
NbCl5 NH3 SLG, 250–300 ◦ C 1631
NbCl5 NH3 -Zn SLG 500 ◦ Ca 500 ◦ Ca 935 and 1630
NbCl5 DMHy SLG 400 ◦ Ca 966

MoN Amorphous Cubic Hexagonal Tetragonal

MoCl5 NH3 SLG, Si 350–500 ◦ C 450–500 ◦ C 933 and 1635
MoCl5 NH3 -Zn SLG 500 ◦ C 500 ◦ C 966
MoCl5 DMHy SLG 500 ◦ C 500 ◦ C 966
Mo(t BuN)2 (NMe2 )2 NH3 Si, SiO2 , Ni, Cr 260–300 ◦ C 260–300 ◦ C 1636
Mo(t BuN)2 (NEt2 )2 NH3 Si 285–300 ◦ C 285–300 ◦ Ca 1638

InN Amorphous Hexagonal

In N2 ☼ Sapphiree 440 ◦ C 1762
InMe2 Et NH3 AlNe 480 ◦ C 485
InMe2 Et NH3 AlN 480 ◦ C 485

HfNx Amorphous Cubic

Hf(NMe2 )4 NH3 Si 150–250 ◦ C 1622
Hf(NEtMe)4 NH3 Si, Ge 150–250 ◦ C 501 and 1622
Hf(NEtMe)4 H2  SiO2 250 ◦ C 2118
Hf(NEt2 )4 NH3 Si 150–250 ◦ C 1622

TaNx Amorphous Cubic Orthorhombic

TaCl5 NH3 SLG 500 ◦ Ca 933
TaCl5 NH3 SLG, SiLKTM 300–500 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ C 2160 and 2161
TaCl5 NH3 -Zn SLG 400–500 ◦ C 2160
TaCl5 DMHy SLG 300–400 ◦ C 966
TaCl5 t
BuNH2 SLG 350 ◦ C 400–500 ◦ C 2163
TaCl5 t
BuNH2 +NH3 SLG 400–500 ◦ C 2163
TaCl5 H2 +N2  H-Si, SiO2 100–400 ◦ C 2164 and 2166
TaCl5 ·SEt2 NH3 - AlMe3 Si 400–500 ◦ C 2169
TaBr5 t
BuNH2 SLG 400 ◦ C 450–500 ◦ C 2163
TaBr5 t
BuNH2 +NH3 SLG 400–500 ◦ C 2163
TaF5 H2 +N2  SiO2 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 2170
TaF5 H2 -NH3 SiO2 200—350 ◦ C 2125–2127
TaF5 H2 +NH3  SiO2 200 ◦ C 200 ◦ C 2127
Ta(NMe2 )5 H2  H-Si, SiO2 , Si 150–250 ◦ C 964, 2152,
2182, and
Ta(NMe2 )5 N2 +H2  H-Si, SiO2 250 ◦ C 150–250 ◦ C 2182 and 2183
Ta(NEtMe)5 NH3 H-Si, SiO2 220–250 ◦ C 250 ◦ C 2184
Ta(i PrN)(NEtMe)3 N2 +H2  SiO2 400 ◦ C 2185
Ta(t BuN)(NEt2 )3 NH3 SiO2 , Si 150–260 ◦ C 350–400 ◦ C 2187, 2188,
2192, and 2198
Ta(t BuN)(NEt2 )3 N2 H4 Si 150–250 ◦ C 2188
Ta(t BuN)(NEt2 )3 H2  SiO2 , Si 250–350 ◦ C 250–350 ◦ C 1669, 2191,
2192, and 2195
Ta(t BuN)(NEt2 )3 NH3  SiO2 250 ◦ C 350–400 ◦ C 2198
Ta(t AmN)(NMe2 )3 H2  SiO2 230 ◦ C 1671

WNx Amorphous Cubic W2 N Hexagonal


WF6 NH3 Si 327 C 2224
WF6 NH3 (ethene, Si 350 ◦ C 350 ◦ C 2225
silane cat.)
WF6 NH3 SiO2 350 ◦ Ca 944
WF6 NH3 +B2 H6 SiO2 300 ◦ C 300 ◦ Ca 300 ◦ Ca 2356
WF6 NH3 +B2 H6 SiO2 200–350 ◦ C 200–350 ◦ C 2230
W(t BuN)2 (NMe2 )2 NH3 Si, SiO2 , Ni, Cr 250–380 ◦ C 1067, 1689,
and 2231
W2 (NMe2 )6 NH3 Si 180–210 ◦ C 2235
ambiguous interpretation due to reflection overlap, low film thickness, or weak intensity
☼ photo-assisted
SLG: soda lime glass
H-Si: HF-etched Si
Precursors connected with +: fed in the same pulse
Precursors connected with dash: pulsed separately
DMHy: dimethylhydrazine

Metal nitrides have most typically been grown by ALD using metal chloride reactants or other halides and am-
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monia (Table IV). These processes give nitrides at rela- TiCl4 –NH3 process has remained the most commonly
tively high temperatures (typically ca. 350–500 ◦ C) with applied process to deposit TiN to date, while accord-
some residues of the respective halogens. For transi- ing to Table IV the temperature range of the TiCl4 –
tion metals (TiN, ZrNx , MoNx , HfNx , TaNx , WNx ), NH3 process has been extended down to about 300 ◦ C
many recent efforts have concentrated on metalorganic and up to 550 ◦ C.938–940,946,951,952,955 Higher tempera-
alkylamide-based compounds as reactants, with the goal tures should also be possible since decomposition of the
of eliminating halogen residues. With the alkylamides, reactants is not expected. Growth per cycle values be-
the deposition temperatures are typically lower than with tween ca. 0.02 and 0.04 nm have been reported. In some
the halides (typically ca. 150–250 ◦ C). A drawback of the studies, Zn934,935 or AlMe3 957,2358 have been added as a
amide compounds is their thermal decomposition at low reducing agent to the TiCl4 –NH3 process, with the goal
temperatures (even during storage),976,2357 resulting in a to improve the TiN characteristics such as the electrical
non-self-limiting CVD component in addition to the ALD conductivity. While little zinc residues were left in the
growth and high impurity contents. The nitrogen of the TiN films deposited with Zn, several atomic percents of
alkylamide reactants has in many cases been observed to aluminum and carbon were left in the films from AlMe3 .
incorporate in the film, serving as an additional or even In addition to TiCl4 , also TiI4 can be used together
the main nitrogen source.995,996,2042,2118 Organometal- with NH3 to deposit TiN.968 In combination with TiCl4
lic reactants (with direct metal–carbon bonds), mainly and TiI4 , dimethylhydrazine, tert-butylamine and ally-
alkyls, have been used to grow the nitrides of Main lamine have been explored as alternative nitrogen sources
Group III elements (Al, Ga, In). Decomposition of the with more reducing power than ammonia.966,967 Plasma
organometallic reactants at the temperatures needed for of H2 and N2 has also been used in combination with
ammonia to complete the reactions may be a problem TiCl4 , extending the deposition temperature range down
also for metal alkyls, however.484 to 100 ◦ C.958,960,962,963
In many metal nitride ALD processes, the metal cen- In addition to inorganic halides, also metal-organic re-
ter needs to be reduced, since in the reactant the metal actants have been used for TiN deposition. Metal-organic
often is in a higher oxidation state than in the product reactants are desired in cases where the corrosive by-
nitride. Ammonia works as a reducing agent, at least products of the halide-based processes cannot be toler-
in some processes (e.g., TiN and NbN). If several stable ated either by the underlying materials (e.g., copper pit-
nitrides exist for a given metal, ammonia leads generally ting by HCl944 ) or by the ALD reactor itself (e.g., stain-
to the one with the highest oxidation state, of this the less steel reactors). Titanium alkylamides Ti(NMe2 )4
Ta3 N5 (dielectric) and TaN (conductive) pair being per- [tetrakis(dimethylamido) titanium, TDMAT]973,975,980
haps the most well-known example. Additional reducing and Ti(NEtMe)4 [tetrakis(ethylmethylamido) titanium,
agents (e.g., Zn, Me3 Al, B2 H6 , Si2 H6 ) may be employed TEMAT]996 have been used to deposit TiN together with
to assist the metal nitride deposition, although these may ammonia at temperatures typically around 150–250 ◦ C.
leave behind residues in the film. In nitride ALD, plasma- TiN has also been grown by PEALD processes from
enhanced processes are often useful, in many cases facili- Ti(NMe2 )4 .988,989,994,995 Growth per cycle values from
tating the growth of the desired phase with the metal in 0.2 nm up to several nanometers per cycle, correspond-
the reduced state and at the same time decreasing the im- ing to several TiN monolayers per cycle, have typically
purity levels and extending the ALD temperature range been reported. The high absolute values and the high
towards lower temperatures.960 Drawbacks of PEALD variation of the GPC originate from the fact that the
are the more complex process control, decreased confor- alkylamide-based processes do not fulfill the basic sat-
mality of the film, and possible plasma damage to the uration criterion of ALD because decomposition of the
substrate. metal precursor occurs.976
TiN is one of the materials whose amor-
phous/crystalline nature depends on the ALD process
2. Case: Titanium nitride parameters; both crystalline and amorphous films have
been frequently reported. Investigating the data in
TiN is one of the most investigated ALD nitride pro- Table IV shows two trends. TiN films deposited from
cesses. As in many other transition metal nitride pro- the metal halide reactants are mainly crystalline, while
cesses, also in TiN ALD, reduction of the metal center TiN films deposited from the alkylamide reactants are
is needed, since the oxidation state of titanium in the mainly amorphous—both with some exceptions. In
reactants is +IV (see Table IV), whereas in the desired the next sections, we analyze the reasons for these
product nitride, TiN, it is +III. In many cases, the ni- trends as well as for their exceptions. To assist this
trogen source (e.g., NH3 ) acts also as a reducing agent, analysis, published data for the growth characteristics,
while in other processes, separate reducing agents have impurities and density of TiN films made by different
been added. ALD processes have been collected in Table V together
In the pioneering work on metal nitride ALD by with information on film crystallinity.
Hiltunen et al. in 1988,933 TiN was grown from titanium When grown from the metal halide reactants and am-
tetrachloride (TiCl4 ) and ammonia (NH3 ) at 500 ◦ C. The monia, crystalline TiN films are always obtained (Ta-
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temperature is set by thermodynamics: at lower temper-

atures, the Gibbs energy of the possible reaction paths of
metal halides with ammonia are positive, and completing
the necessary reactions is difficult.934 The relatively high
ALD temperature can in principle be one factor that may
explain the crystalline nature of TiN films grown from the
halide reactants: qualitatively seen, higher temperatures
allow the atoms to find the most relaxed locations during
FIG. 15. TEM cross-section of TiN grown on native silicon
the ALD cycle.
oxide from TiCl4 and NH3 at 400 ◦ C. Reprinted from Ref. 945, Another important factor that affects film crystallinity
Thin Solid Films, Vol. 434, K.-E. Elers, V. Saanila, W.-M. Li, is the impurity concentrations: high concentrations
P. J. Soininen, J. T. Kostamo, S. Haukka, J. Juhanoja, and might prevent crystallization altogether. It may be diffi-
W. F. A. Besling, Atomic layer deposition of Wx N/TiN and cult to separate the effect of temperature from the effect
WNx Cy /TiN nanolaminates, Pages 94–99, Copyright (2003), of impurities, since these often go together: the higher
with permission from Elsevier. the ALD temperature, the lower the impurity concentra-
tions often (but not always) are. This decreasing trend
in impurity contents with increasing ALD temperature
is clear also for the titanium halide–ammonia TiN ALD
processes (Table V). However, polycrystalline TiN has
been reported even in cases where there are significant
concentrations of impurities present in the layers, e.g.
7 at-% Cl for thermal ALD at 300 ◦ C and 2 at-% Cl and
16 at-% H for PEALD at 100 ◦ C. It is clear, therefore,
that significant quantities of Cl and H impurities do not
prevent the crystallization of ALD TiN films. Also the
oxygen concentrations measured for some TiN films have
been high (tens of percents). However, most likely this
FIG. 16. X-ray diffractograms of TiN films deposited from oxygen has not been incorporated during the film growth
TiCl4 and NH3 at in 1000 ALD cycles at temperatures 350, but has come through oxidation of the TiN films upon
400, and 450 ◦ C. Reprinted with permission from Ref. 938, their exposure to air.2359 Also, in general in polycrys-
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A, Vol. 18, talline TiN films, oxygen has been found not to be uni-
Pages 1595–1598, H. Jeon, J.-W. Lee, Y.-D. Kim, D.-S. formly distributed but concentrated on the surface and
Kim, and K.-S. Yi, Study on the characteristics of TiN thin
grain boundaries, thereby leaving crystallinity of grain in-
film deposited by the atomic layer chemical vapor deposition
method. Copyright 2000, American Vacuum Society. teriors unaffected.2360,2361 Based on a recent paper, this
seems to be the case for ALD TiN films also.2359 On the
basis of the TiN growth results with the halide–ammonia
ble IV, Table V). Also the corresponding PEALD TiN processes, one cannot therefore conclude on the effect of
process gives crystalline films, even at 100 ◦ C.960 The O impurities on the crystallization behavior, but the fact
films are polycrystalline, with cubic columnar crystals that Cl and H impurities do not prevent crystallization
that extend throughout the film.938,945,952 An example of seems clear.
a TiN film made with the TiCl4 –NH3 process on silicon The few exceptions related to the deposition of amor-
with columnar crystallites is shown in Figure 15. Crystal- phous or weakly crystalline TiN from halide reactants
lite diameter is on the order of 20 nm.945 The orientation (Table IV, Table V) are all from processes where or-
of the lattice planes varies depending on the exact pro- ganic groups are present in the reducing agent. Car-
cess details—e.g., substrate, temperature,938,952,955,960 bon residues have been incorporated, and apparently
and the presence of additional reducing agents.934 The hampered crystallization. This has been the case for
most abundant orientation is [100] in most studies, but the TiCl4 –DMHy process966 and the TiCl4 –allylNH2
other orientations are seen to coexist. Examples of x-ray process.967 The carbon impurity levels were 6–13 at-%,
diffractograms measured for TiN made by the TiCl4 –NH3 while other impurities and reaction temperatures were
process are shown in Figure 16. similar to the other TiCl4 -based studies. No impurity
Temperature is among the most important factors af- analysis was reported for the film grown by the TiCl4 –
fecting crystallinity, both directly and through impu- AlMe3 –NH3 process at 275 ◦ C,957 but the low density of
rity contents. Common to the metal halide-based pro- 3.2 g cm−3 reported points to high impurity contents in
cesses is the ALD-wise relatively high process temper- that case as well. On the basis of this analysis, it seems
ature: almost all studies with thermal ALD have been that C contents of some atomic percents hinder the crys-
made at temperatures above 300 ◦ C. Although high for tallization of TiN films, also in films grown at higher
ALD, this temperature is still low compared to the melt- temperatures (400 ◦ C).
ing point of TiN of about 2930 ◦ C. The minimum ALD TiN films grown from the alkylamide reactants have
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been reported in most cases to be amorphous (Table of C impurities present that prevent crystallization. Tem-
IV). Another difference compared to the halides is perature as such does not seem to dictate the crys-
the markedly lower ALD temperature range: films have tallinity. Also Cl and H impurities even in high concen-
been grown by the alkylamide-based processes at 150– trations (over ten percents) do not seem to affect the crys-
250 ◦ C whereas halides typically require temperatures tallinity. Crystalline films are obtained either by halide-
above 300 ◦ C. based processes at higher temperatures (> 300 ◦ C) or
The data in Table V indicates that the amorphous PEALD also at lower temperatures (< 300 ◦ C). Amor-
TiN films grown by thermal ALD from the alkylamide phous, TiN-type films can be obtained in a wide temper-
reactants are loaded with impurities. Typical are car- ature range by thermal ALD using reactants that contain
bon contents of 10–20 at-%. Hydrogen content has been organic groups—either titanium halide combined with
determined only in one study, being 6 at-%.996 Oxygen organic reducing agents or alkylamides with any (or no)
contents are in almost all cases high (tens of percents), reducing agent—but this comes with the cost of signifi-
but similarly to the halide-based processes, the oxygen cant carbon contamination of the films.
probably originates from oxidation after the growth upon
exposure of the films to ambient air.973,987 The density is
C. Metal chalcogenides
low, just around 3 g cm−3 .976,980 The high carbon content
must originate from incomplete removal of the ligands of
the alkylamide reactants or from thermal decomposition. 1. General
Ti(NEtMe)4 for example decomposes at about 240 ◦ C,
depositing a TiN-type film without any co-reactant.996 From metal chalcogenides, the most attention has
In a few experiments, some crystallinity has been ob- been paid for zinc sulphide, and even the very early
served, and this has been accompanied with a somewhat ALD experiments were with elemental zinc and sulfur
lower carbon concentration, being <10 at-%.976,980 (The to grow ZnS.2362 The motivation for the development of
film grown at 350 ◦ C with crystallinity and 45 at-% C is the whole ALD thin film deposition technology was the
an exception to this ”rule”, but this film has been grown need for a better method to fabricate thin film electro-
at a temperature far higher than decomposition tempera- luminescent (EL) displays. The light-emitting layer in
ture of the alkylamide reactant, and it is therefore a CVD monochrome yellow display is Mn(II) doped ZnS. The
film rather than ALD film.) The TiN films made from development work was very successful and in addition
the alkylamide reactants by thermal ALD are another ex- to the ZnS:Mn, strong contribution to the success was
ample of films which are amorphous and simultaneously coming from the pinhole-free ALD Al2 O3 and especially
have a high C content. Al2 O3 /TiO2 nanolaminate dielectric layers.81,2363 The
need to develop multi-color and full color EL displays led
Plasma-enhanced ALD processes based on alkylamide to studies on rare earth doped ZnS films and doped alka-
reactants have similarly to the thermal ALD processes line earth sulfides.675,1512,2364,2365 The interest towards
most often given amorphous material with significant im- cadmium and indium sulfide originates from their use as
purities. All films with a high oxygen content have also buffer layer in solar cells, especially in those based on
been amorphous (Table V); the amorphous and impure CuInSe2 .831,1766 ALD is one option for their fabrication.
nature of the film probably allows easy oxidation in am- ALD of selenides and tellurides was studied already
bient air. In one study, crystalline film which was not oxi- in 1980s. The interest stems from thin film solar cells
dized in air was obtained, however. In this study, the con- and blue light-emitting diode (LED) materials. CdTe
ditions were optimized for removal of the amino groups of is an important photovoltaic material, and most of the
the alkylamide reactants by hydrogen plasma.995 Simul- ALD studies have focused on the preparation of CdTe
taneously, the GPC was much lower (0.035 nm) than in films from the elements.1042 ZnSe, on the other hand,
other alkylamide-based studies (and similar to the halide- was the most promising blue LED material in 1980s, and
based processes), and crystalline, dense and conductive its studies concentrated on epitaxial films on single crys-
films were obtained at 150 ◦ C. These films contained a tal substrates.1323 ALD studies on epitaxial II-VI com-
significant amount of carbon, however, 11 at-%.995 It pounds did not lead to industrial applications, and ALD
seems therefore that even the plasma process cannot re- of selenide and telluride films was scarcely studied until
move all carbon that results from the decomposition of 2009, when a new process based on alkylsilyl chalcogen
the alkylamide reactant. The plasma process has prob- compounds was discovered.1148 This new interest stems
ably converted the carbon to carbidic, conductive form, from phase change materials, which are aimed for elec-
and the material is more correctly described as Ti(C,N) tronic data storage.
solid solution instead of TiN. An overview of crystallinity of metal sulfide, selenide
In conclusion, TiN films deposited by ALD seem to and telluride films, grown by two-reactant ALD processes
grow in a crystalline form, unless there are high amounts is shown in Table VI.
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TABLE V. Results for some ALD and PEALD TiN films:

film type (crystalline/weakly crystalline/amorphous), average
growth per cycle (GPC), stoichiometry, impurities, and den-
ALD Film type GPC N:Ti Impurities, at-% Density Ref.

C nm C H O Cl (I) g cm−3
Halide reactants
Thermal ALD
TiCl4 –NH3
300 Cryst. 0.03 – – – – 7.7 – 955
350 Cryst. 0.04 0.9 ∼0 – ∼0 2.5 4.2 938
400 Cryst. 0.017 – – – < d.l. 1.2 – 944
400 Cryst. 0.017 1.16 ∼0 – ∼0 1.2 ∼5.4 950
400 Cryst. 0.04 0.9 ∼0 – ∼0 0.5 4.7 938
450 Cryst. 0.03 – – – – 1.8 – 955
450 Cryst. 0.04 0.9 ∼0 – ∼0 0.3 4.9 938
500 Cryst. 0.02 – – <0.4 – <0.5 – 934
500 Cryst. 0.02 0.9 ∼0 – ∼15 <0.05 – 935
500 Cryst. 0.03 – – – – 1.0 – 955
TiI4 –NH3
400 Cryst. 0.012 0.5 – – ∼30 <0.5 (I) – 968
500 Cryst. 0.03 0.8 – – ∼10 <0.5 (I) – 968
TiCl4 –allylNH2
400 Amorph.b 0.015 0.7 9 >3 c > 13 7 – 967
∼ ∼
TiCl4 –DMHy
250 Amorph. 0.022 – – – – 18 – 966
300 W. cryst. 0.022 – 6 2 – 7 – 966
400 W. cryst. 0.026 1.0 13 2 14 2 – 966
Plasma ALD
TiCl4 –N, H plasma
100 Cryst. 0.026 1.1 – 16 2.6 2.1 3.9 960
200 Cryst. 0.027 1.0 – – 1.4 0.96 – 960
300 Cryst. 0.036 1.1 – – 2.8 0.42 – 960
320 Cryst. 0.030 1 d
∼0 – ∼0 ∼1.0 4.9 950
400 Cryst. 0.050 1.0 – 3 1.8 0.07 4.8 960
Alkylamide reactants
Thermal ALD
Ti(NMe2 )4 –NH3
150 Amorph. 0.3 1.0 21 – 20 – – 975
180 Amorph. 0.2 – 10 – 20 – – 973
180 W. cryst. 0.7 0.9 6 – 37 – 3.1 980
200 Amorph. 0.5 1.0 20 – 20 – – 975
200 – 0.06 0.5 9 – 37 – – 986
240 W. cryst. 1–11 0.8 7 – 37 – 3.0 976
350 W. cryst. 7.6 1.0 45 – 7 – – 975
Ti(NEtMe)4 –NH3
200 Amorph. 0.5 0.6 4 6 – – – 996
Plasma ALD
Ti(NMe2 )4 –H2 plasma
150 Cryst. 0.035 0.7 11 – 0 – 4.1 995
250 Amorph. – 1 <5 – 25 – – 989
Ti(NMe2 )4 –N2 plasma
250 Amorph. – 1.3 4.5 – 10 – – 989
Ti(NMe2 )4 –NH3 plasma
200 – 0.08 0.9 1 – 5 – – 986
250 Amorph. 0.2 1.2 <3 – 20 – – 988
250 Amorph. – 1.1 1 – 20 – – 989
a Reduction of Cl by pump-down to 2.3 at-%.
b Results for 7 sccm flow rate. Higher flow rate of 16 sccm gave
weakly crystalline film.
c For a similar process using NH3 with co-reactant, about
3 at-% H and 13 at-% O was reported. With the allylNH2
alone, these impurities are most likely at a similar or higher
d N:Ti adjustable, 0.93–1.1.
e 40 at-% O after 30d air exposure.
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TABLE VI: Crystallinity studies of ALD chalcogenide films

made by diffraction or spectroscopy.
React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.
CaS Amorphous Cubic
Ca(thd)2 H2 S SLG, Al2 O3 325–450 ◦ C 675, 676, 678,
and 679

TiS2 Amorphous Cubic Hexagonal

TiCl4 H2 S Rh 400 ◦ C 999
TiCl4 H2 S Ru 400 ◦ Ca 400 ◦ Ca 999
TiCl4 H2 S SLG, ZnS, Ir, 400 ◦ C 999
Pd, Pt, TiN

CuSx Amorphous Pseudocubic Hexagonal

Cu(thd)2 H2 S Si, SLG 120–160 ◦ C 1144
Cu(thd)2 H2 S Corning 7059, 175–280 ◦ C 125–175 ◦ C 1145 and 1146
SnO2 :F, TiO2
Cu(s BuAMD)2 H2 S Al2 O3 130 ◦ C 130 ◦ C 1147

ZnS Amorphous Cubic Hexagonal

Zn S GaAse 140–340 ◦ C 1288
Zn H2 S GaPe 420–600 ◦ C 1289
ZnCl2 H2 S GaAse 510 ◦ C 1300 and 1301
ZnCl2 H2 S glass, SLG, phl- 390–500 ◦ C 84, 1290–1292,
ogopite, ITO, 1295, 1297–1299,
silica, Al2 O3 1302, 1304, and
ZnCl2 H2 S Al2 O3 360–500 ◦ Ca 360–400 ◦ Ca 1304
ZnI2 H2 S Al2 O3 300–490 ◦ C 300–490 ◦ C 1305
ZnMe2 H2 S GaAse 150–310 ◦ C 1308 and 1311
ZnMe2 H2 S H-Sie 125–175 ◦ C 1313 and 1314
ZnMe2 H2 S Si, Corning 7059 25–500 ◦ Ca 25–500 ◦ Ca 1306
ZnMe2 H2 S Corning 7059 200–340 ◦ C 1309
ZnEt2 H2 S glass 120 ◦ Ca 120 ◦ Ca 1194
ZnEt2 H2 S Alx Tiy Oz , 250–400 ◦ C 350–400 ◦ C 1317 and 1318
Al2 O3
ZnEt2 H2 S H-Si 110 ◦ C 1215
ZnEt2 H2 S Si 100–400 ◦ C 300–400 ◦ C 1320
Zn(CH3 COO)2 H2 S SLG, ITO 290–390 ◦ C 1292, 1295, and
Zn(CH3 COO)2 H2 S SLG, Al2 O3 290–360 ◦ Ca 290–360 ◦ Ca 1279, 1304, and
Zn(OAc)2 H2 S Al2 O3 250–350 ◦ Ca 250–350 ◦ Ca 1304

SrS Amorphous Cubic

Sr(i Pr3 Cp)2 H2 S Al2 O3 260–400 ◦ C 1509
Sr(Me5 Cp)2 H2 S Al2 O3 280–350 ◦ C 1509
Sr(thd)2 H2 S Al2 O3 , SLG 350–450 ◦ C 675 and 1512

CdS Amorphous Cubic Hexagonal

Cd S GaAse 340 ◦ C 1707
CdCl2 H2 S GaAse 510 ◦ C 1300
CdCl2 H2 S ZnS 510 ◦ C 1300
CdMe2 H2 S ZnSee RT 1709, 1710, and
CdMe2 H2 S Si, glass 100–400 ◦ C 100–400 ◦ C 1714

In2 S3 Amorphous Tetragonal

InCl3 H2 S SLG 300–400 ◦ C 1763
In(acac)3 H2 S ZnO 160 ◦ C 1178
In(acac)3 H2 S glass 130–160 ◦ C 1766, 1767, and
In(acac)3 H2 S Si, 140–260 ◦ C 1768, 1769, and
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 , 1771
SLG, Corning

Sb2 S3 Amorphous Orthorhombic

Sb(NMe2 )3 H2 S Si 120 ◦ C 1829
Sb(NMe2 )3 H2 S Sb2 S3 e 65–160 ◦ C 2366
Sb(NMe2 )3 H2 S Sb2 Se3 e 90–160 ◦ C 2366

BaS Amorphous Cubic

Ba(Me5 Cp)2 H2 S Al2 O3 240–300 ◦ C 1509
Ba(thd)2 H2 S Al2 O3 , SLG 300–450 ◦ C 675 and 1831

La2 S3 Amorphous Cubic

La(thd)3 H2 S SLG, Corning 300–400 ◦ C 500 ◦ C 1857

WS2 Amorphous Hexagonal

WF6 H2 S ZnS 300 ◦ C 2238
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TABLE VI (Continued from previous page)

React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

WF6 H2 S(ZnEt2 ZnS 300–350 ◦ C 2239

PbS Amorphous Cubic

Pb(detc)2 H2 S glass, Al2 O3 , 300–350 ◦ C 2277

Pb(thd)2 H2 S Si 160 C 2279

ZnSe Amorphous Cubic
Zn Se GaAs 200–430 ◦ C 1323, 1327, 1331,
e ◦
Zn Se GaAs 350–410 C 1339
Zn Se ZnTee 200–400 ◦ C 1323, 1325, and
ZnMe2 H2 Se H-Sie 125–250 ◦ C 1313, 1314, 1352,
and 1354
ZnMe2 H2 Se GaAse 100–200 ◦ C 1350 and 1352
ZnCl2 H2 Se GaAs 400–500 ◦ C 1342–1344

CdSe Amorphous Cubic

Cd Se ZnSe 230–300 ◦ C 1715, 1717, 1718,
and 1720
e ◦
Cd Se GaAs 350–410 C 1722

MgTe Amorphous Cubic
Mg Te CdTe 260–300 ◦ C 69 and 70

ZnTe Amorphous Cubic

Zn Te GaAs 200–400 ◦ C 1323, 1327, and
e ◦
Zn Te GaAs 380–390 C 1363 and 1365
Zn Te ZnSee 200–400 ◦ C 1323 and 1327
Zn Te CdTee 225–250 ◦ C 1361
Zn Te ZnTee 280 ◦ C 1362

GeTe Amorphous Rhombohedral

GeCl2 · C4 H8 O2 (Et3 Si)2 Te Si 90 ◦ C 1148

CdTe Amorphous Cubic

Cd Te CdTee ,BaF2 e , 260–290 ◦ C 70, 1043, 1046,
GaAse 1723, 1724, 1726,
1730, and 1731
Cd Te ZnSe 230–300 ◦ C 1720
CdMe2 TeEt2 GaAse , Si 250–320 ◦ C 1367 and 1749
CdMe2 TeMe(allyl) GaAse , Si 250–320 ◦ C 1367, 1748–1750

Sbx Tey Amorphous Rhombohed- Sb-like

ral Sb2 Te3 rhombohedral
SbCl3 (Et3 Si)2 Te Si 60 ◦ C 1148
SbCl3 (Et3 Si)2 Te- Si 95 ◦ C 534
(Et3 Si)2 Sb

HgTe Amorphous Cubic

HgMe2 TeMe(allyl) GaAse , Si 140 ◦ C 1748 and 1750
ambiguous interpretation due to reflection overlap or weak intensity
SLG: soda lime glass
ITO: indium tin oxide
H-Si: HF-etched Si

2. Case: Zinc sulfide cursor, H2 S being the sulfur source. The use of ZnBr2
as a precursor has been mentioned in the literature and
ZnI2 has been used for deposition of ZnS:Mn.1305,2367
The first ZnS ALD experiments were made with el-
emental zinc and sulfur. However, it was soon re- The different zinc precursors affect strongly the
alized that this process was not industrially appli- growth rate and process temperatures. For zinc chlo-
cable for the production of EL displays. There- ride and diethyl zinc, similar growth rates have been
fore, a new process, based on compound reactants reported (about 1 Å/cycle) at 500 ◦ C and 150 ◦ C,
ZnCl2 and H2 S, was developed.76 There were indica- respectively.1294,1298,1299,1316,2368 Higher growth rates
tions that EL displays may suffer in performance over have been reported for films deposited at lower temper-
time due to chlorine residues in the films. Since then, atures. The growth rates decrease with increasing tem-
zinc acetate,1279 dimethylzinc (DMZ),1306 Zn(thd)2 (thd perature, and with DEZ this behavior is stronger than
= 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate),2367 and di- with halides. The deposition temperatures and growth
ethylzinc (DEZ),1318 have been studied as a zinc pre- rates with DMZ are similar to those of DEZ, but the tem-
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version 14.9.2012 40

perature dependence is weaker.2368 Acetate yields higher that the thin films (<100 nm) showed crystallinity, with
growth rates (2.6 Å/cycle), which has been attributed to the mean grain diameter increasing with increasing de-
the fact that slowly heated zinc acetate molecules can position temperature.1306 One report deals with epitaxial
form a volatile tetrameric complex that is referred to monolayer per cycle growth from DMZ at 250–310 ◦ C on
zinc oxoacetate (ZnOAc).2369 The complex adsorbs on GaAs(001) surface.1308 The paper on the DEZ + H2 S
the surface, and because the zinc atoms in the complex process shows that the cubic phase dominates at 250–
are at appropriate positions from each other for the ZnS 350 ◦ C, and at 400 ◦ C, the hexagonal structure appears
lattice, high growth rate can be achieved.1304 One mono- in XRD.1317 The DEZ process, although widely used, has
layer per cycle (3.1 Å/cycle) is possible with dimethyl not been described thoroughly in literature. It is obvious
zinc and elemental zinc precursors.1289,1309 The ZnI2 that it allows the deposition of ZnS at low temperatures,
molecule is significantly larger than ZnCl2 , and there- but at which temperature the crystallization starts, is
fore the growth rate of ZnS from ZnI2 is less than half unclear. XRD is not a very good method to study crys-
of that from ZnCl2 .1305 Process temperatures can vary tallinity in detail, since it requires relatively large ordered
from room temperature (alkyl compounds) to >500 ◦ C areas for detection. Electron diffraction with small beam
(halides), depending on the precursor. size can distinguish smaller areas. In order to know ex-
ALD zinc sulfide films studied have been polycrys- actly when the hexagonal phase appears and how broad
talline. Since the application has been luminescence, the two-phase temperature range is, electron diffraction
there has been no interest in amorphous films, because it or careful optical measurements should be carried out.
is known that crystalline order is beneficial for light emis- Recently, Bakke et al. confirmed by TEM and optical
sion. ZnS is known to exist in both cubic (zinc blende or measurements that the cubic and hexagonal phases coex-
sphalerite) and hexagonal (wurtzite) crystal phases. The ist in a wide temperature range (225–400 ◦ C), and traces
phase depends on the temperature, and at atmospheric of hexagonal phase were seen already in films deposited
pressure, the low-temperature cubic phase transforms to at 200 ◦ C with the DEZ–H2 S process.1320
hexagonal form at 1020 ◦ C. In thin films, the wurtzite Grain sizes of the films have been studied by XRD and
phase has been seen at much lower temperatures. How- scanning electron microscopy. It seems that higher depo-
ever, the cubic phase is known as the low-temperature sition temperature and thicker film result in larger grains
and the hexagonal phase as the high-temperature form. in all processes.1295,1306,1322,2371 In the chloride process
Distinguishing the phases from each other in thin film the tendency is stronger than in the acetate process. It
samples with x-ray diffraction measurements is difficult, is believed that because of the larger grains, the electro-
because they both show the main reflection at around luminescence efficiency is better in films grown from the
28.5◦ (CuKα radiation) which can be attributed to ei- chloride than in those made from the acetate.1305 In the
ther cubic(111) or hexagonal(002). The appearance of DEZ process, the dependence of the grain size on thick-
the hexagonal phase is usually determined from the (103) ness is similar to that of the chloride process.1317 The
reflection at 51.8◦ , but this reflection is always relatively SEM and TEM studies show that ALD ZnS films con-
weak.1295,2370,2371 sist of columnar grains that extend through the whole
The XRD patterns show that the polycrystalline ALD thickness.1318,2373 The grain shape seems to depend on
ZnS films are preferentially oriented either to c[111] or the process, since the acetate and DEZ processes show
h[001] direction. In the earlier studies it has been sug- smaller conical or columnar grains than ZnS grown with
gested that ZnS films deposited by ALD below 400 ◦ C the chloride process.1317 In films grown at low tem-
are mainly in the cubic form and above 400 ◦ C mainly in peratures, the grains are largely aligned vertically to
the hexagonal form.1292,1317,2370 The opinion was based the sample surface, but at higher growth temperatures,
on the observations from the chloride process where at the grains are more randomly oriented, as seen in Fig-
350 ◦ C the cubic phase was seen whereas at 460 ◦ C XRD ure 17.1320 Further on, it seems that larger thickness and
showed hexagonal reflections. Optical measurements can higher growth temperature result in a rougher surface, as
be used to confirm the phase structure since the cubic studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM).1298,1317,1320
and hexagonal forms have slightly different band gaps It has also been shown that high roughness is promoted
and Mn emission in ZnS shifts 3–4 nm towards red when by low nucleation density at the beginning of the film
the structure changes from cubic to hexagonal.2372 It is growth.
obvious that there is a rather wide temperature range The study of epitaxial growth on single-crystal
where the both phases can coexist. The films grown GaAs(001) shows that the substrate has an effect on
from the acetate have been cubic but this may be be- the structure and morphology.1308 However, ZnS films
cause the acetate cannot be used above 390 ◦ C due to have usually been grown on amorphous substrates (glass,
thermal decomposition. Most of the crystal structure alumina-coated glass, quartz) or native-oxide-covered sil-
studies with the acetate have been made from the films icon. The beginning of the growth on the amorphous sur-
grown at around 300 ◦ C.1292,1295,1322 face has not been studied carefully. The density measure-
The structures of ZnS films grown from the alkyl com- ments by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS)
pounds have not been studied thoroughly. The early pa- and ellipsometry have shown that the growth on glass
per on room temperature DMZ + H2 S process reports starts mainly as amorphous and crystallization occurs af-
Miikkulainen et al.
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version 14.9.2012 41

FIG. 17. Bright field TEM Images of 2000 cycles of ZnS from Et2 Zn and H2 S at (a) 150 ◦ C and (b) 400 ◦ C. Columnar grains
extend from substrate to surface in the film grown at 150 ◦ C, while the grains are more randomly oriented in the film grown
at 400 ◦ C. Reprinted from Ref. 1320, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 518, J. R. Bakke, J. S. King, H. J. Jung, R. Sinclair, and S. F.
Bent, Atomic layer deposition of ZnS via in situ production of H2 S, pages 5400-5408, Copyright (2010), with permission from

ter a few tens of nanometers.1293 On an Al2 O3 layer, ZnS agglomerates are formed at randomly distributed nucle-
is polycrystalline already at the beginning of the growth, ation sites and more than 100 cycles are needed before
but poor crystal quality has been reported for the first the agglomerates coalesce.1317
25 nm thickness, as evaluated by luminescence measure-
ments. AFM study at the beginning of the growth in
the chloride process shows a difference between glass and D. Other inorganic ALD materials
mica surfaces.1298 The nucleation takes place more eas-
ily on glass than on the atomically flat crystal surface 1. General
of mica and, accordingly, the film is smoother on glass
than on mica. Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy An overview of the crystallinity of elemental films,
(ARXPS) on the DEZ + H2 S process on Al2 O3 -covered metal phosphides and arsenides, and fluorides, grown by
Si wafers showed that after 100 growth cycles there is alu- two-reactant ALD processes, are shown in Tables VII,
minum at the surface. This tells that at first small ZnS VIII, and IX.
TABLE VII: Crystallinity studies of ALD element films made
by diffraction or spectroscopy.
Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.
Al Amorphous Crystalline
AlMe3 H2  Si, SiO2 , TiN 250 ◦ C 71 and 72

Si2 Cl6 Si2 H6 Ge(100)e 465 ◦ C 548

SiCl2 H2 H2  Ge(100)e 465 ◦ C 548
SiCl2 H2 H2 H-Si(100)e 815-825 ◦ C 542 and 543
SiCl2 H2 H2 H-Si(111)e 890-910 ◦ C 543

Fe(t BuNCMeNt Bu)2 H2 SiO2 , glass 250 ◦ C 1053


Co(i PrNCMeNi Pr)2 H2 SiO2 , glass 350 ◦ C 1053

Co(i PrNCMeNi Pr)2 H2 SiO2 , WN 300 ◦ C 1067
CoCp2 NH3  Si 300 ◦ C 1071
CoCp(CO)2 NH3  SiO2 , Si 250–400 ◦ C 1073
CoCp(CO)2 H2  H-Si 125–175 ◦ C 1076
Co2 (CO)8 H2  H-Si 75–110 ◦ C 1077

Ni(i PrNCMeNi Pr)2 H2 SiO2 , glass 250 ◦ C 1053

Ni(acac)2 H2 Ti, Al, Si 250 ◦ C 1092
Ni(hfip)2 H2 H-Si 225 ◦ C 1094

CuCl H2 +H2 O Al2 O3 425 ◦ C 1114

CuCl H2 -H2 O Al2 O3 , SiO2 375–475 ◦ C 1113 and 1114
CuCl H2 -H2 O Al2 O3 e 400 ◦ C 2374
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TABLE VII (Continued from previous page)

Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

CuCl Zn Al2 O3 500 ◦ C 1115
Cu(hfac)2 NH3 -H2 O SiO2 283–302 ◦ C 1141
Cu(hfac)2 ·XH2 O formalin TiN, TaN, Ta 300 ◦ C 1124
Cu(hfac)2 +H2 +H2 O MeOH TiN, TaN, Cu, Ta, glass 300 ◦ C 1138
Cu(hfac)2 +H2 +H2 O EtOH TiN, TaN, Cu, Ta, glass 300 ◦ C 1138
Cu(hfac)2 +H2 +H2 O i
PrOH TiN, TaN, Cu, Ta, glass 300 ◦ C 1138
Cu(hfac)2 +H2 +H2 O formalin TiN, TaN, Cu, Ta, glass 300 ◦ C 1138
Cu(hfac)2 +H2 +H2 O CO TiN, TaN, Cu, Ta, glass 300 ◦ C 1138
Cu(hfac)(vtmos) H2  TiN 200–300 ◦ C 1126
Cu(acac)2 H2 Ti, Al, glass 250 ◦ C 1092
Cu(acac)2 H2  Si, glass 140 ◦ C 1116
Cu(thd)2 H2 SLG-Pt/Pd, SiO2 , glass 190–350 ◦ C 1119, 1120, and 1122
Cu(thd)2 H2  Au, TaNx , SiO2 90–250 ◦ C 1123
Cu(dmap)2 ZnEt2 Si 100–120 ◦ C 1132
[Cu(i PrNCMeNi Pr)]2 H2 SiO2 , glass, Co, WN 190–280 ◦ C 1053 and 1067
[Cu(s BuNCMeNs Bu)]2 H2 Al2 O3 , SiO2 , Si3 N4 , glass, Ru, 150–190 ◦ C 1127
Co, Cu, WN

ZnEt2 H2 O silica 200 ◦ C 1149


GeMe2 H2 H2  SiO2 e 480 ◦ C 1494


MoCl5 Zn Al2 O3 , SLG 400–500 ◦ C 1634


Ru(chd)(ipmp) O2 SiO2 220 ◦ C 1641

Ru(Cp)2 O2 Al2 O3 , TiO2 , SiO2 , HfO2 , 275–400 ◦ C 1643, 1646, 1647, and 1650
HfSiOx , Ta2 O5 , carbon aerogel
Ru(Cp)2 NH3  TaNx , Ta2 O5 , H-Si, SiO2 300 ◦ C 1649
Ru(EtCp)2 O2 Si, SiO2 , TiN, Ta2 O5 270–300 ◦ C 1652, 1654, and 1687
Ru(EtCp)2 NH3  TaN,Si 290 ◦ Ca 1669
Ru(EtCp)2 NH3  TiN, TaNx , Ta2 O5 , H-Si, SiO2 , 100– 270–350 ◦ C 1650, 1661, 1662, 1666, and 1670
Si 200 ◦ Ca
Ru(EtCp)2 H2 -O2 TiO2 300 ◦ C 900
Ru(EtCp)2 H2 +N2  O-Si, SiO2 200–230 ◦ C 994 and 1671
Ru(EtCp)(dmp) O2 Si, Au, Pt, Al2 O3 , SiO2 , TiO2 , 230–290 ◦ C 906, 1672, 1673, and 1677
RuCp(CpCH(Me)(NMe2 ))O2 Al2 O3 325–500 ◦ C 1680
Ru(thd)3 O2 Al2 O3 325–400 ◦ C 1685 and 1686
Ru(t BuAMD)2 (CO)2 O2 O-Si 300–400 ◦ C 1688
Ru( BuAMD)2 (CO)2 NH3 WN 250–300 ◦ C 1689

Rh(acac)3 O2 Al2 O3 250 ◦ C 1694


Pd(hfac)2 formalin Al2 O3 200 ◦ C 1702

Pd(hfac)2 H2 Ir, TaN 80–130 ◦ C 1696 and 1697
Pd(hfac)2 HCOCOOH tetrasulfide SAM 200 ◦ C 1696
Pd(thd)2 H2 Al2 O3 , SiO2 180 ◦ C 1684
Pd(thd)2 H2  Ir, W, Si 80 ◦ C 2375

Ag(O2 Ct Bu)(PEt3 ) H2  Si, glass 140 ◦ C 1705

Ag(hfac)(cod) propanol glass 110–150 ◦ C 1811

SbCl3 (Et3 Si)3 Sb Si, SLG 95–250 ◦ C 534


TaCl5 H2  Si, SiO2 25–400 ◦ C 400 ◦ Ca 685, 2124, and 2165

TaF5 H2  SiO2 200–350 ◦ C 2125–2127

WF6 Si2 H6 Si 327 ◦ Ca 2208

WF6 Si2 H6 Al2 O3 122–177 ◦ C 187 and 309
WF6 SiH4 TiN, SiO2 300 ◦ C 2201 and 2202
WF6 B2 H6 TiN 300 ◦ C 2202

Ir(acac)3 O2 Al2 O3 , TiO2 , SS 225–375 ◦ C 276, 832, 2240, and 2243

Ir(acac)3 O3 Si, SLG, Al2 O3 200–225 ◦ C 2252
Ir(acac)3 O3 - H2 Al2 O3 165–200 ◦ C 2246
Ir(EtCp)(cod) O2 SiO2 , TiN 270–290 ◦ C 2248 and 2249
Ir(EtCp)(cod) NH3  TiN 270 ◦ C 2249
Ir(MeCp)(chd) O2 Al2 O3 225–350 ◦ C 2250
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TABLE VII (Continued from previous page)

Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

Pt(MeCp)Me3 O2 Al2 O3 , Ir, Si, SiO2 , ZrO2 , 200–300 ◦ C 295, 1644, 2243, 2253, 2255,
SrTiO3 , SnO2 , borosilicate 2260, 2262, and 2270
Pt(MeCp)Me3 O2  Si, SiO2 300 ◦ C 2260
Pt(acac)Me2 O3 Al2 O3 140–200 ◦ C 2273
ambiguous interpretation due to reflection overlap or weak intensity
DMHy: dimethylhydrazine
SLG: soda lime glass
H-Si: HF-etched Si
SAM: Self-assembled monolayer
Precursors connected with +: fed in the same pulse
Precursors connected with dash: pulsed separately

TABLE VIII: Crystallinity studies of ALD phosphide, arsenide

and antimonide films made by diffraction or spectroscopy.
Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.
GaP Amorphous Cubic
GaMe3 PH3 GaPe , GaAse 500 ◦ C 1394
GaMe3 PH3 Sie 450–600 ◦ C 516 and 1392
GaMe3 P(NMe2 )3 SiO2 450 ◦ C 1395

InP Amorphous Cubic

InMe3 PH3 GaAse 420–580 ◦ C 1773
InMe3 PH3 InPe 350–360 ◦ C 1775 and 1776

AlAs Amorphous Cubic
AlMe3 AsH3 H-Sie 500 ◦ C 513
AlMe2 H AsH3 GaAse 470 ◦ C 520
AlMe2 H AsH3 -NMe2 H GaAse 460 ◦ C 522
AlMe3 AsH3 H-Sie 500 ◦ C 516 and 1426
AlMe3 AsH3 Ase 500–850 ◦ C 516
(Me3 N)·AlH3 As(NMe2 )3 GaAse 310–400 ◦ C 527
(Me3 N)·AlH3 AsH3 As-Si, GaAse 150 ◦ C 525
(Me2 EtN)·AlH3 AsH3 GaAse 250–650 ◦ C 528–532

MnAs Amorphous Hexagonal

Mn(CpMe)2 As(NMe2 )3 GaAse 350–500 ◦ C 1052

GaAs Amorphous Cubic

Ga+HCl AsH3 GaAse 350–550 ◦ C 1397, 1399, and 1411
GaCl3 AsH3 GaAse 300–450 ◦ C 1413 and 1414
GaCl3 AsH3 GaAs 200–250 ◦ C 1413 and 1414
GaMe3 AsH3 GaAse 450–700 ◦ C 1417, 1420, 1433, and
GaMe3 AsH3 silica 400 ◦ C 1467
GaMe3 AsH3 H-Si 500 ◦ C 516, 1426, 1439, and
GaMe3 AsH3 InAse 500 ◦ C 1394
GaMe3 AsH3 -H2  GaAs 430–500 ◦ C 1441
GaMe3 AsH3 GaPe 500 ◦ C 516
GaMe3 t
BuAsH2 GaAse 500–580 ◦ C 1470 and 1474
GaMe3 EtAsH2 GaAse 500–540 ◦ C 1468
GaMe3 As GaAse 370–530 ◦ C 1434
GaMe3 ☼ AsH3 GaAse 370–430 ◦ C 514
GaEt3 AsH3 GaAse 385 ◦ C 1438
GaEt3 t
BuAsH2 GaAse 550 ◦ C 1486
GaEt3 As(NMe2 )3 GaAse 440–495 ◦ C 527
GaEt3 ☼ AsH3 GaAse 370–430 ◦ C 514
GaEt2 Cl AsH3 GaAse 450–525 ◦ C 1490
Ga(C5 H11 )3 t
BuAsH2 GaAse 430–500 ◦ C 1491

InAs Amorphous Cubic

In+HCl AsH3 GaAse 350–550 ◦ C 1399 and 1411
InMe3 t
BuAsH2 InPe 350–410 ◦ C 1775, 1776, 1788, and
InMe3 AsH3 InAse 360–420 ◦ C 1394

AlSb Amorphous Cubic
AlCl3 (Et3 Si)3 Sb Si, SLG 300 ◦ C 534
GaSb Amorphous Cubic
GaCl3 (Et3 Si)3 Sb Si, SLG 150 ◦ C 534
GeSb Amorphous Cubic
GeCl2 · (C4 H8 O2 )- (Et3 Si)3 Sb Si, SLG 95 ◦ C 534
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TABLE VIII (Continued.)

Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.

☼photo-assisted deposition
H-Si: HF-etched Si
Precursors connected with +: fed in the same pulse
Precursors connected with dash: pulsed separately

TABLE IX: Crystallinity studies of ALD fluoride films made by

diffraction or spectroscopy.
Mat. React. A React. B Substrate(s) Phases Ref.
MgF2 Amorphous Tetragonal
Mg(thd)2 TiF4 Si 250–400 ◦ C 66 and 67

CaF2 Amorphous Cubic

Ca(thd)2 HF Al2 O3 320 ◦ C 680
Ca(thd)2 TiF4 Si 300–450 ◦ C 67 and 681
Ca(thd)2 TaF5 Si 225–400 ◦ C 68

ZnF2 Amorphous Rutile

Zn(CH3 COO)2 HF Al2 O3 300 ◦ C 680

SrF2 Amorphous Rutile

Sr(thd)2 HF Al2 O3 350 ◦ C 680

YF3 Amorphous Orthorhombic

Y(thd)3 TiF4 Si 175–200 ◦ C 225–325 ◦ C 1534

LaF3 Amorphous Hexagonal

La(thd)3 TiF4 Si 225–250 ◦ C 1858

Elemental films divide into metals and Si, Ge (Ta- ALD, or in this case more exactly ALE, of Si and Ge,
ble VII), and most recently also Sb.534 For metal ALD together with the III–V compound semiconductors (ar-
no such universal chemistries as available for metal ox- senides and phosphides) was extensively investigated in
ides with water- and ozone-based processes, for example, the late 1980’s and the early 1990’s.1480,2377 With Si and
have been established by now. The first clearly success- Ge, a substantial amount of surface chemistry studies
ful ALD metal process was based on the reduction of were conducted but the film properties were not reported
WF6 with silane and later also borane. Analogous chem- in similar detail. The III–V compounds gained even more
istry was used later also for molybdenum.2376 For noble effort and were thoroughly characterized with respect of
metals, rather general chemistry that exploits molecular both deposition chemistry and film properties. However,
oxygen as the co-reactant has been established, as will be as there was no clear advantage compared to compet-
discussed in more detail in Section III D 2. For copper, ing techniques, MOVPE in particular, and the films suf-
various attempts have been made (Table VII), but the fered from high carbon contamination levels, the interest
breakthrough process is still to be found. In principle, toward ALE of semiconductors faded away toward mid
plasma activation of either hydrogen alone or with for 1990’s. As noted, this research was aimed at epitaxial
example nitrogen (NH3 or N2 –H2 mixture) has potential growth and, accordingly, the crystalline properties of the
to develop to the desired universal approach to metal resulting films were dominated by the epitaxial effects of
ALD, and indeed, promising results have been reported the substrate material.
with many metals, including the highly challenging elec- Metal fluorides form an important class of thin film
tropositive metals Al and Ta.71,72,685,2124–2128 However, materials especially for optics because of their trans-
much effort is still needed to validate this promise and parency to short UV wavelengths and low refractive in-
to solve potential problems, both chemistry- and reactor- dex. Yet ALD studies on metal fluorides have remained
related, deriving from the exploitation of plasma. rather limited. This must be partly due to concerns re-
Nearly all the ALD metal films have been polycrys- lated to fluorine precursor. Noting the wide use of hy-
talline in the as-deposited form. An interesting, and drides as nonmetal precursors in general would make HF
potentially technologically important exception, is the an obvious choice, but it is highly corrosive and toxic. In-
amorphous tungsten films that were obtained using B2 H6 deed, in the very first ALD metal fluoride studies, HF was
as a reducing agent WF6 at 300 ◦ C.2202 Under identical obtained by decomposing NH4 F thermally and reacted
conditions, the use of Si2 H6 as reducing agent resulted in successfully with Ca(thd)2 , Sr(thd)2 and Zn acetate.680
crystalline W films. One might think that the amorphous Quite recently, Pilvi et al. showed that TiF4 and TaF5
structure would be due to higher impurity contents, but can serve as fluorine source when reacted with metal-thd
the films contained about the same amounts (ca. 5 at.%) precursors.66–68,681,1534,1858,2378 TiF4 and TaF5 are rea-
boron and silicon. The rest of the amorphous ALD metal sonably low-volatility solids and therefore safe to handle
films reported can be ascribed to their low deposition and easy to capture from the reactor exhaust. The reac-
temperatures and/or high impurity contents. tion with metal thd precursors was surprisingly complete,
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version 14.9.2012 45

leaving only minor amounts of Ti and Ta residues into on the film surface was equal to 2–3 ML, which means
the films. that some subsurface oxygen had to be formed as well.
With respect of crystallization, metal fluoride films The same and following studies have shown that a sim-
(LaF3 , YF3 , CaF2 , MgF2 ) deposited from the cor- ilar mechanism seems to apply to other O2 -based noble
responding metal-thd precursors and TiF4 or TaF5 metal processes as well, except that the subsurface oxy-
showed similar behavior: films deposited at 225– gen formation seems to be unique to Ru.
250 ◦ C were only weakly crystalline and the crys- In general, the Ru films obtained with the O2 -based
tallinity intensified strongly with increasing deposition processes have contained only small amounts (a few at.%
temperature.66–68,681,1534,1858,2378 This led to a substan- in maximum, often below 1 at.%) of oxygen as an impu-
tial roughening of the films which is unfortunate with rity, showing that the atomic oxygen formed on the film
respect of the potential UV optics applications of the surface during the O2 pulse is almost completely con-
films. Only YF3 could be deposited below 225 ◦ C, down sumed in the following reactions with the hydrocarbon
to 175 ◦ C, and these films were amorphous to XRD and ligands of the metal precursor. However, a combination
had smooth surfaces.1534 The negative effect of the low of a high O2 dose and low metal precursor dose has some-
deposition temperatures was the contamination of the times resulted in RuO2 instead of metallic Ru, but this
films by residual elements from the precursors. The flu- seems to imply that the metal precursor dose has re-
oride films obtained with HF were all crystalline as the mained short from saturation.994 While oxides of other
deposition temperatures were 260 ◦ C and higher.680 noble metals (IrO2 , Rh2 O3 , PtOx ) have been success-
fully deposited at low temperatures using ozone instead
of O2 ,1695,2252,2273 with Ru this is not possible because
2. Case: Ruthenium Ru and RuO2 are etched by O3 forming volatile RuO4 .
Accordingly, while Ir, Rh and Pt can be deposited at low
Ruthenium is a potential high-work-function electrode temperatures using a cycle sequence metal precursor–O3 –
material for DRAM capacitors and MOSFETs, and has H2 ,2246,2273 this is not applicable to Ru.
therefore gained substantial interest in ALD as well. Fur- In addition to the O2 -based processes, Ru films have
ther motivation for Ru ALD development comes from fuel been grown by PEALD using ammonia plasma, but the
cell electrodes, catalysts and the use of Ru as a seed layer growth rate in these processes has sometimes been mod-
for the electrodeposition of Ru on barrier layers for IC in- est, though rates comparable to thermal ALD have been
terconnects. The first Ru ALD process exploited RuCp2 reported, too. The plasma processes have exhibited sim-
and molecular oxygen as precursors.1643 Exploitation of ilar nucleation delays as the O2 -based processes.1670
molecular oxygen as the other precursor for metal depo- A common observation to the Ru and other noble-
sition is somewhat surprising, as O2 is not a reducing metal ALD processes has been a long incubation time
agent, but this process is more complicated and involves (nucleation delay) of tens of cycles before the film
oxidative decomposition of the metal precursor.1642 Sub- starts go grow with a constant rate. This is under-
sequently it was demonstrated that besides organometal- standable, as in these cases the surfaces on which
lic compounds, also β-diketonates could be used as Ru Ru is deposited are not catalytically active for O2
precursors, and also other noble metals (Ir, Pt, Rh, Pd) dissociation. In fact, it still remains an open question
could be deposited with similar O2 -based processes. A how the growth gets started on a surface that does
common feature for these metals is that they are catalyt- not catalyze O2 dissociation. Most likely some minor
ically active in dissociating O2 to atomic oxygen, which decomposition of Ru precursor occurs first to form
apparently is critical for activating O2 that otherwise has the first metallic Ru nuclei that then act as the cata-
turned out to be often inert in ALD. Deposition tem- lysts. Indeed, with increasing deposition temperature
peratures have typically been between 250 and 350 ◦ C the nucleation delay is shortened. Furthermore, new
but with N,N-dimethyl-1-ruthenocenylethylamine, i.e. a precursors like (η 6 -1-isopropyl-4-methylbenzene)(η 4 -
derivative of RuCp2 where the alkyl substituent of the cyclohexa-1,3-diene)ruthenium(0)1641 and (2,4-
Cp-ring has an amine group, self-limiting growth was dimethylpentadienyl)(ethylcyclopentadienyl)ruthenium
achieved up to at least 450 ◦ C.1680 Examples of Ru films (DER),1672 which from the chemistry point of view
grown from this precursor are shown in Figure 18. should be somewhat less stable than the cyclopentadi-
Reaction mechanism studies on the RuCp2 –O2 process enyls and β-diketonates, have exhibited linear growth
with quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) showed that almost from the very beginning of the growth, yet
CO2 and H2 O were the main byproducts of the process, the processes do not seem to suffer from precursor
and that these both were released during both precursor decomposition.
pulses.1642 This implies that during the oxygen pulse not Based on their observation that negligible nucleation
only the hydrocarbon ligands remaining from the preced- delay was observed when Ru was deposited from DER
ing metal precursor pulse are oxidized, but also adsorbed and O2 on gold film even when gold should not activate
oxygen atoms are formed on the surface to react with O2 dissociation, Kim et al.1677 suggested that instead of
the next metal precursor pulse. Interestingly, QCM mea- O2 dissociation, it would be the metal precursor adsorp-
surements showed that the amount of oxygen atoms left tion that determines the initial growth. However, while
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FIG. 18. Top-view SEM images of Ru films grown from CpRuCpCH(CH3 )N(CH3 )2 and air at 400 ◦ C (top row), 450 ◦ C
(middle row), and 500 ◦ C (bottom row). The labels indicate the deposition temperature, number of ALD cycles, cycle time (Ru
precursor-purge-O2 -purge), Ru thickness, and electrical resistivity. From Ref. 1680, The Journal of Electrochemical Society, Year
2010, Vol. 157, pp. D35-D40, K. Kukli, M. Ritala, M. Kemell, and M. Leskelä, High Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of
Ruthenium from N,N-Dimethyl-1-ruthenocenylethylamine. Reproduced by permission of ECS — The Electrochemical Society.

the adsorption of the metal precursor is an important ALD is easier to realize with noble metals than with ox-
step, it alone does not ensure the onset of the film growth. ides, for example. For selective-area ALD, chosen areas
There are several examples where the metal precursors of the substrate surface are covered with self-assembled
are clearly adsorbing but no film growth is observed. monolayers (SAM) or polymers upon which the films do
For example noble-metal oxides could have been grown not nucleate and thus the films grow only in those ar-
at low temperatures with the more reactive co-reactant eas that are without these passivation layers.95,98,835,2241
ozone, but no growth occurs with O2 at the same tem- Another area where poor nucleation and the resulting iso-
peratures from the same metal precursors.1694,1695,2252 lated island deposits have been exploited is nanocrystal
Therefore, a more plausible explanation is that the gold floating gates in flash memories.1648,1659
surface catalyzes the decomposition of the Ru precursor
so that the first Ru nuclei form on the surface and then All the Ru films deposited by ALD have been crys-
start to catalyze the O2 dissociation. One should also be talline with the common hexagonal structure; no amor-
aware that not all the gold surfaces are the same. Es- phous ALD Ru films have been reported. The crys-
pecially nanostructured gold has become famous about talline orientation is more or less random when the de-
its high catalytic activity that greatly exceeds that ex- position is carried out at low temperature. As the tem-
hibited by single crystal surfaces. In summary, one can perature is elevated, crystallites tend to orient towards
list the following alternatives for the onset of noble metal [001] direction.1642 In PEALD Ru films, the same [001]
ALD growth using O2 as the other precursor: (i) the sur- orientation increases with the plasma power. No ma-
face activates O2 by catalyzing its dissociation to atomic jor differences have been observed between various Ru
oxygen, (ii) the surface catalyzes metal precursor decom- precursors. The substrate, in turn, may have quite an ef-
position to form the first metal nuclei, (iii) the first metal fect: the films deposited with PEALD from Ru(EtCp)2
nuclei form by chance with non-catalyzed decomposition and NH3 plasma had a random orientation on silicon but
reaction. were [001] oriented on PEALD TiN film.1670 Examples of
A positive consequence of the difficulties in nucleation x-ray diffractograms measured for Ru grown from N,N-
of ruthenium and other noble metals is that selective-area dimethyl-1-ruthenocenylethylamine and air are shown in
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Figure 19.



This section discusses the general trends in the de-

velopment of ALD film crystallinity as function of ALD
process parameters. We have attempted to isolate the
effects of different parameters, but often this is not com-
pletely possible because several parameters are interre-
lated, e.g. temperature, reactants, and impurities. Also,
while many ALD processes share characteristics with the
examples discussed here, one must remember that each
ALD process (reactant pair) is unique and may behave
completely differently as compared to the examples given

A. Effect of temperature

Temperature affects the crystallinity of all solid inor-

ganic materials, as they undergo phase transition from
amorphous to crystalline or a crystalline phase to another
at characteristic temperatures. In general, the phase
transition temperatures are similar for ALD films as for
films made by other techniques. In addition to changes in
film crystallinity, other changes occur during ALD pro-
cess with increase of ALD processing temperature, as re-
action and mass transport kinetics get faster. Most no-
tably, the impurity contents in the films change, often
decreasing with increasing temperature, but sometimes
also increasing with temperature if decomposition of the
reactants takes place. The choice of process temperature
dictates also the choice of available ALD reactants, since
not all reactant combinations work at all temperatures,
and the reactants largely determine the impurities. The
effect of temperature on crystallinity cannot therefore in
most cases be completely separated from its effect on
other factors.
Aluminum oxide (Section III A 2) is one the materi-
als that predominantly grows in an amorphous form by
ALD. At the temperatures used typically for the AlMe3 – FIG. 19. Representative x-ray diffractograms of Ru films

H2 O process (< ∼◦ 300 C) as well as for the AlCl3 –H2 O grown at different substrate temperatures, measured in
process (∼ 500 C), the films are almost always amor- GIXRD mode (uppermost panel); Ru films grown to variable
phous. Amorphous Al2 O3 films can be crystallized by thickness or with different Ru precursor pulse length, mea-
heating. The crystallization temperature is a function sured in GIXRD mode (the second panel); Ru films grown
of the film thickness, annealing time (and probably also at different substrate temperatures to different thicknesses,
the substrate): the longer the annealing time and thicker measured in Θ–2Θ mode (the third panel); and thin Ru films
the film, the lower the temperature where crystallization grown at 450 ◦ C, measured in Θ–2Θ mode (bottom panel).
The inset depicts an x-ray diffractogram from a film grown at
is seen. As examples, a 5 nm Al2 O3 film crystallized at
500 ◦ C. Ru peaks are denoted with corresponding Miller in-
about 900 ◦ C in 1 min anneal,151 and a 100 nm thick dexes. Labels denote the amounts of ALD cycles used, cycle
Al2 O3 film between 750 and 800 ◦ C in 30 min anneal.228 times, growth temperatures, diffraction peak intensity ratios,
When crystalline films grow during ALD, the tempera- and film thicknesses (d). From Ref. 1680, The Journal of
ture needed for crystalline growth is similar or somewhat Electrochemical Society, Year 2010, Vol. 157, pp. D35-D40,
lower than the temperature needed for crystallization of K. Kukli, M. Ritala, M. Kemell, and M. Leskelä, High Tem-
thick films by annealing: for Al2 O3 this is from approxi- perature Atomic Layer Deposition of Ruthenium from N,N-
mately 700 ◦ C upwards (Table III). In rare cases, growth Dimethyl-1-ruthenocenylethylamine. Reproduced by permis-
sion of ECS — The Electrochemical Society.
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of crystalline Al2 O3 has succeeded at temperatures sig- dex occurred when growth temperature was increased
nificantly lower than the general temperature for crys- from 150 to 225 ◦ C, a behaviour attributed to crystal-
talline growth (even at 450 ◦ C), enabled by the epitaxial lization of the film.744 The crystallization temperature of
growth guided by the single-crystalline substrate.100,101 TiO2 films is similar regardless of the titanium precur-
Zinc oxide (Section III A 4) gives an example of a mate- sor. With alkoxide (methoxide, ethoxide, isopropoxide)
rial that almost always grows in a crystalline form. This precursors, crystalline anatase together with amorphous
is the case for films deposited at 25–600 ◦ C (Table III). phase have been observed at 250 ◦ C, while films deposited
Furthermore, the crystalline films always show a hexag- at 200 ◦ C have been completely amorphous.830,839,847 It
onal structure. ZnO is therefore an example of a mate- is evident, therefore, that for TiO2 , higher temperature
rial where changes in process temperature do not lead promotes crystalline growth, but it is not totally clear
to significant changes in crystallinity or phase. Process whether this is a direct consequence of the temperature
temperature affects the crystallite orientation in the film, or does the decreasing impurity content with increasing
however, as discussed in detail in Section III A 4. temperature dominate.
Titanium nitride (Section III B 2) exemplifies a mate- Temperature can also affect the preferred orientation
rial that forms both amorphous or crystalline films, de- of the films. For example, TiN films grown from TiI4 and
pending on the process details. Most processes carried NH3 showed [100] orientation when deposited at 400 and
out at ”low” temperatures around 200 ◦ C have resulted 425 ◦ C, but changed to [111] orientation when the growth
in amorphous TiN films, and at ”high” temperatures temperature was 450–500 ◦ C.968 This change was sug-
around 400 ◦ C to crystalline TiN films. However, as dis- gested to be due to a change in steric hindrances caused
cussed in more detail in Section III B 2, it is not the pro- by the iodido ligands in the TiIx surface species formed
cess temperature itself but mainly the carbon impurities, during the TiI4 pulse. At low temperatures the steric
which have determined the amorphous/crystalline nature hindrance was thought to be stronger and thereby pre-
of the films. Alkylamides can be used only at ”low” tem- vent the formation of the energetically favorable (111)
peratures because of their thermal decomposition, and close packed arrangement, which consists of alternate Ti
halides at ”high” temperatures because of thermody- and N layers. At 450 ◦ C and above, fewer iodido ligands
namic requirements of the reactions. The films grown seemed to remain incorporated in the TiIx chemisorp-
from alkylamides always contain significant amounts of tion layer, as both the orientation changed and growth
carbon impurities, and it is the impurities, not the ALD rate increased. Similar behavior has been reported also
temperature itself, which have led to the amorphous TiN for ZnO. At low temperature, [100] orientation is found
films. most often whereas at high temperature [001] becomes
Zinc sulphide (Section III C 2) is an example of a mate- dominant. The temperature at which the orientation is
rial where temperature affects the crystallinity. All ZnS changed depends on the reactants as well as on other
films studied have been crystalline. Cubic phase is ob- process parameters.
tained at low temperatures, at medium temperatures cu-
bic and hexagonal phases coexist, and at higher temper-
atures hexagonal phase dominates. The transition from B. Effect of reactants
the cubic to the hexagonal phase takes place at around
400 ◦ C. In this case, ALD temperature also affects the It is sometimes considered that certain reactants give
grain size: the higher the temperature, the larger the certain crystalline phases. It is, however, difficult to sep-
grains. arate the effect of reactant alone from the effect of tem-
For titanium dioxide both amorphous and crystalline perature on crystallinity: most ALD reactants have a
films have been reported. TiCl4 and H2 O are the reac- characteristic range of temperatures where they can be
tants first introduced for the growth of TiO2 ,689 and still employed, and these temperature ranges are often differ-
remain among the most frequently used reactants. Aarik ent for different types of reactants. Another interrelated
et al.727 have thoroughly studied the reaction between parameter strongly affecting crystallinity is the film im-
TiCl4 and H2 O. They observed by electron diffraction purities.
amorphous TiO2 films at temperatures below 165 ◦ C, One example of an indirect effect of the reactants on
anatase structure at 165–350 ◦ C, and rutile structure the crystallinity is the deposition of V2 O5 from vanadyl-
dominated at temperatures above 350 ◦ C.727 Besides the tri-isopropoxide and H2 O or O2 at 150 ◦ C by PEALD.
temperature itself, an additional explanation for the When H2 O-plasma was used as reactant, amorphous film
amorphous structure formed at low temperatures may be resulted, while O2 -plasma led to a crystalline film.1010
that chlorine residues hinder the crystallization. The rea- The primary reason why the different reactants led to
son for the existence of rutile structure at such a low tem- different crystallinity was their effectiveness for remov-
perature remains open; the surface intermediates formed ing the ligands of the metal reactant. Water was not
and their mobility may favour the growth of rutile. The sufficiently reactive and the H2 O-based V2 O5 films con-
same group observed also an anomalous effect of tem- tained 22 at-% C films, while oxygen plasma effectively
perature on the ALD of TiO2 : a significant increase in combusted the ligands and the film was free from carbon
growth rate, roughening, and decrease in refractive in- impurities.1010 The purity of the film allowed the crys-
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tallization. C impurities effectively prevent crystallization, while Cl

There are several other examples where certain classes and H do not.
of reactants lead to amorphous films, while others lead to The deposition of V2 O5 from vanadyl-tri-isopropoxide
crystalline films. In the ZrO2 case study (Section III A 3), and H2 O or O2 gives another example of the effect of
it was pointed out that films grown from halide reactants carbon impurities on the growth. When the growth was
are generally crystalline when the film thickness is above done at 150 ◦ C, H2 O was used as reactant and the growth
a certain threshold, while films grown from alkoxides, was by ALD or PEALD, amorphous film resulted, but
alkylamides, silylamides and aminoalkoxides are gener- when the non-metal reactant was O2 -plasma, PEALD-
ally amorphous throughout. Similarly, the TiN case grown film was crystalline.1010 The ALD and PEALD-
study (Section III B 2) revealed that films grown from grown H2 O-based V2 O5 films contained 6.5 and 22 at-
the halide reactants are crystalline, while films from the % C, respectively, while the film grown with O2 -plasma
alkylamides are amorphous. In both cases, the amor- was free from carbon impurities according to XPS.1010
phous nature of the films made from the metalorganic Obviously, it is the high carbon impurity content that
precursors is most likely accounted for by their carbon prevented the crystallization of V2 O5 when H2 O was used
impurities. One must note, however, that also the growth as a reactant.
temperature was lower with the alkylamides compared to
the halides.
In addition to defining whether films are crystalline D. Effect of plasma enhancement
or amorphous, the choice of reactants may affect the
phase, orientation and grain size of a crystalline film, and The use of PEALD processes brings additional energy
thereby greatly influence the properties of the films. An to the surface processes in the form of radicals as re-
example of the effect of reactants on the preferred orien- active species, and further energy may be provided by
tation is the addition of Zn to the deposition of nitrides electrons, ions and photons coming from the plasma in
from chloride reactants. TiN films grown from TiCl4 and variable amounts depending on the plasma configuration
NH3 at 500 ◦ C were of cubic TiN and showed [100] as the and operation pressure. PEALD is used instead of ALD
preferred orientation, while addition of Zn led to [111] as mainly either to enable completely new processes, which
the preferred orientation.935 Similar to the above-cited would not be operational by thermal ALD at all, or to
temperature effect on the TiI4 –NH3 process, also here lower the deposition temperature of processes where ther-
relaxed steric hindrance caused by removal of chlorido mal ALD also works. For films grown at relatively low
ligands with zinc was thought to enable the formation temperatures by thermal ALD and PEALD, those grown
of the energetically favourable [111] orientation. NbN by PEALD often contain less impurities. The deposition
films grown from NbCl5 and NH3 at 500 ◦ C showed a of pure metals such as Al, Ti and Ag are examples of
significantly higher grain size and increased AFM rms PEALD as an enabling technology. The lowering of the
roughness when zinc was added as a reducing agent.935 deposition temperature of the TiCl4 –NH3 process down
ZnS films grown by the acetate and DEZ processes show to 100 ◦ C, again, is an example where the use of plasma
smaller conical or columnar grains than ZnS grown with enhancement allows the process to operate at a signifi-
chloride process.1317 cantly lower temperature than possible by thermal ALD.
The main drawbacks of PEALD compared to thermal
ALD are the limited film conformality42 and the more
C. Effect of impurities complicated reactor design. Defect generation by ener-
getic photons is possible, too.2379
Impurities are one of the main factors influencing the For thermal ALD and PEALD processes carried out
crystallinity of ALD-grown films. The effect of impurities from the same or similar reactants at the same (nomi-
is interlinked with other ALD parameters: the reactants, nal) temperature, PEALD may result in films with a de-
temperature, the use of plasma and sometimes also the creased impurity concentration, and thereby allow crys-
substrate. tallization. The additional energy may also lead to in-
In the TiN case study (Section III B 2), the effect creased local temperature and thereby induce crystal-
of impurities on crystallinity was investigated in detail lization. There are examples where PEALD has resulted
for various types of processes (halide-based, alkylamide- in crystalline films while thermal ALD results in amor-
based) and for various impurities (Cl, C, H). It was phous films, but as well examples where PEALD has not
found that impurities indeed strongly affect the amor- influenced the film crystallinity. When at the limit be-
phous/crystalline nature of the films. Not all impurities tween amorphous and crystalline films, the plasma con-
were alike, however. Rather high chlorine and hydrogen figuration may have an effect, too: Kim et al.2059 com-
impurities (up to 7.7 at-% Cl and 16 at-% H) could still pared remote- and direct-plasma PEALD of HfO2 from
be tolerated and resulted in crystalline films. Already Hf(NEt2 )4 and O2 -plasma at 250 ◦ C, and observed that
moderate carbon concentrations (a few atomic percents), while the 2-3 nm thick films deposited with the remote-
in contrast, resulted in weakly crystalline or completely plasma were amorphous, those deposited with the direct-
amorphous films. The TiN case therefore indicated that plasma were already partially crystallised. This differ-
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ence was attributed to the additional energy provided by of the growth reveals details of the substrate–reactant
the plasma species, the flux of which is more intense in interaction, and division of processes to linear growth,
the direct plasma configuration compared to the remote substrate-enhanced growth, substrate-inhibited growth
plasma. of Type 1 and substrate-inhibited growth of Type 2 has
The following gives examples where certain PEALD been proposed.2,163 Type 2 substrate-inhibited growth
films are crystalline, while comparable films grown by has been related with island growth, where growth starts
thermal ALD (or other comparable PEALD processes) from initial nuclei scattered on the surface.163,2380 Island
are amorphous. The deposition of V2 O5 from vanadyl- growth and difficult nucleation are common in ALD pro-
tri-isopropoxide and O2 -plasma at 150 ◦ C is one such ex- cesses, especially when the substrate and film are of dif-
ample. When H2 O was used as reactant and the growth ferent types (metal on oxide, nitride on oxide, oxide on H-
was by ALD or PEALD, amorphous films resulted, but terminated Si, etc.). An extreme case of nucleation prob-
when non-metal reactant was O2 -plasma, the PEALD- lems is used in area-selective ALD growth, where pre-
grown film was crystalline.1010 This difference was re- determined parts of the surface have been passivated with
lated to the fact that carbon impurities prevented crys- a non-reactive surface termination to block the growth
tallization of the films grown using H2 O: the ALD and from those parts completely.
PEALD-grown H2 O-based V2 O5 films contained 6.5 and The effect of surface groups and their amount on sub-
22 at-% C, respectively, while the PE O2 -grown film was strate surface on the beginning of ALD growth has been
free from carbon impurities according to XPS.1010 A sec- widely studied when depositing high-κ oxides (ZrO2 ,
ond example is the Ti(NMe2 )-based process to deposit HfO2 ) on silicon and/or oxidized silicon surfaces. The
Ti(C)N by PEALD. While all other investigations re- number of reactive OH groups differ significantly on H-
ferred to in Table V using alkylamide reactants by ALD terminated and fully hydroxylated silicon oxide surfaces.
or PEALD resulted in amorphous films, in one investi- For reaction between HfCl4 and H2 O it has been shown
gation the authors had managed to tune the PEALD that at 300 ◦ C the hafnium amount deposited in one
process so that crystalline, dense and conductive film cycle is 0.3–0.4 Hf/nm2 on H-terminated Si and 3.7–
was obtained.995 A third example is the growth of TiO2 3.9 Hf/nm2 on fully hydroxylated SiO2 surface.1961 The
at at 110 ◦ C using the TiCl4 reactant. A PEALD pro- difference in nucleation is reflected in the structure and
cess using TiCl4 and O2 plasma resulted in a crystalline properties of the HfO2 films. Compared to good qual-
TiO2 film,818 while a corresponding thermal ALD pro- ity continuous films deposited on SiO2 surface, HfO2 de-
cess with H2 O results in amorphous films at such low posited on H-terminated Si surfaces show a non-uniform,
temperature.228,727,814 island-like morphology and poor electrical properties due
The case studies presented in this work contained two to poor nucleation.1892
examples, where the use of PEALD has resulted in amor- In some cases, the substrate determines whether film
phous thin films, similarly to the corresponding ther- grows in an amorphous or crystalline form. The deposi-
mal ALD processes. The AlMe3 –O2 PEALD processes tion of HfO2 films from HfCl4 and H2 O at 300 ◦ C is an
to deposit Al2 O3 resulted in amorphous films at 25– example of this. Crystalline HfO2 of ∼20 nm thickness
300 ◦ C.432 To obtain crystalline Al2 O3 films by ther- with columnar grains of ∼8 nm diameter were observed
mal ALD, about 700 ◦ C is required (Table III). Ob- on Si when it was terminated with 0.5 nm of thermally
viously, the additional energy provided by the plasma grown SiO2 , while termination with 0.55 nm of chemi-
process does not correspond to several hundreds of de- cally grown SiO2 (O3 -based aqueous process) led to an
grees temperature increase in thermal ALD. Another amorphous film.1893 Another example is the deposition
example are the Ti(NMe2 )4 -based processes to deposit of TiO2 –Al2 O3 laminates using the TiCl4 –H2 O process
TiN, where PEALD processes most often are reported at 200 ◦ C. The laminate stack consisted of 20 nm films of
to deposit amorphous material, similarly as the ther- TiO2 and Al2 O3 films, five of each, starting with TiO2 .207
mal processes.988,989 This process is somewhat special, The first TiO2 layer grown directly on RCA-cleaned Si
though, because the decomposition of the metal reac- was partly crystalline, while all the TiO2 layers grown
tant makes the process to deviate from the principles of on Al2 O3 in the process sequence were amorphous.207 In
ALD.976 cases where a certain choice of substrate leads to amor-
phous growth, it is likely that the film thickness also plays
a role: for significantly thicker films, the amorphous films
E. Effect of substrate might turn to crystalline.
For growth of crystalline films, the substrate will often
The outermost surface of the substrate has a strong guide the size of the grains. Crystalline ALD films fre-
influence on ALD growth, since it determines how the quently show columnar grains that extend through the
growth starts. Suitable adsorption sites are needed for whole film thickness. The first cycles of the ALD growth
growth to initiate—if there are none, no growth oc- define how the initial nuclei are located, and this will
curs. The GPC does not need to be constant during affect the characteristics of the crystalline film even af-
the first cycles or tens of cycles of ALD. The way the ter thousands of cycles. The denser the initial nuclei are
GPC varies with the number of cycles in the beginning located, the smaller the grains will be, while fewer ini-
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tial nuclei lead to larger grains, as the columnar crystals processes on various glass substrates.687,724 Also theoret-
need to grow larger before their coalescence. Obviously, ical modelling has shown that the GPC can differ on
there are possibilities for tuning the surface preparations two substrates at least because of surface topography
to obtain the desired grain size of a crystalline film. As differences (and consequently differences in the effective
an example, the Pt nanoparticle size from MeCpPtMe3 surface area) originating from differences in film nucle-
and O2 at 270 ◦ C could be controlled by choosing the ation density,2380 differences in the shape of the growing
substrate (SiO2 vs. Al2 O3 ) and other process parame- crystallites,38 and differences in the GPC on the various
ters (cycle numbers, exposure time).2268 In that work it facets of crystalline grains.39,40
was also shown that the initially obtained Pt nanoparti-
cle distribution and grain size were stable during anneal-
ing, unless the temperature needed to initiate diffusion of F. Effect of film thickness
Pt particles (1000 ◦ C) was exceeded.2268 Another exam-
ple is the growth of ZnO on sapphire, where the initial In the growth of crystalline films, film thickness affects
crystal size was controlled by the number of ALD cy- the crystalline properties of the films. The effect of film
cles and annealing conditions, and growth was continued thickness on crystallinity is often interlinked to other fac-
on pre-formed nuclei.2316 In the deposition of ZnS, glass tors such as temperature and substrate.
substrate resulted in better nucleation and, according to Thinner films of a given material may appear amor-
AFM, smoother films than mica substrate.1298 In XRD phous and turn to crystalline after a given thickness. As
the films on mica showed dramatically more intense re- discussed in detail in Section III A 3, ZrO2 is one of the
flections which was most probably due to their larger and materials whose deposition starts in an amorphous form,
more strongly oriented grains. while crystalline ZrO2 is observed after a certain thick-
In some cases, the substrate dictates which crystalline ness. This thickness depends on the reactants and tem-
phase is formed. This may lead to the growth of a certain perature, and maybe in some cases also the substrate.
phase at a temperature lower than generally expected, Aarik et al.1544 showed that for ZrCl4 and H2 O reac-
and is often related to epitaxy. The growth of TiO2 on tants, the thickness where ZrO2 crystallinity is observed
SnO2 is an example of this: the SnO2 substrate guided is 100 nm at 185 ◦ C, and it decreases with increasing
the growth from Ti(i OPr)4 and H2 O2 to result in rutile deposition temperature to about 1 nm at 600 ◦ C (Fig-
at 250 ◦ C,883 while anatase is commonly observed at this ure 12). In the TiO2 deposition from TiCl4 and H2 O
temperature. The growth of Al2 O3 from AlCl3 and O2 it has been shown that on RCA-cleaned Si the films
is another example: epitaxial growth of α-Al2 O3 was ob- are originally deposited in amorphous form, but when
served on sapphire at 600 ◦ C and on single-crystal Nb the films are made thicker, the films crystallize through-
at 450–500 ◦ C,100,101 while amorphous alumina would be out, leading to grains an order of magnitude larger than
expected at these temperatures in the absence of epitaxy. the film thickness.207 Similar through-crystallization of
Many examples can be found from the literature of the an amorphous film operates on an Al2 O3 -coated surface,
effect of substrate on the preferred orientation of poly- and grains with diameter of approximately one microme-
crystalline films. For example, the TiCl4 –H2 O process ter have been observed for a TiO2 film thickness of about
to deposit TiO2 resulted at 250–350 ◦ C in randomly ori- 20 nm.814
ented polycrystalline anatase on HF-etched Si, KBr and Increasing thickness may also transform a crystalline
RCA-cleaned Si,207,751 while strongly preferred orienta- material from one phase to another. The growth of ZrO2
tion and partial epitaxy was observed on MgO(100).757 from ZrCl4 and H2 O is an example of such behavior.
Zinc oxide grows in general in crystalline form, and with According to the experimental details reviewed in Sec-
ZnCl2 and O2 , epitaxial growth of zinc oxide was found tion III A 3, the first phase to appear is typically cubic or
on both sapphire1153,1154 and GaN1155 at temperature tetragonal; with increasing film thickness, the tetragonal
range 450–550 ◦ C. The deposition of Ru is yet another phase starts to dominate; and for still thicker films, the
example of the effect of substrate on the orientation of monoclinic phase appears. This behaviour is due to a
polycrystalline films: hexagonal Ru films deposited with competition of surface and bulk energy contributions.
PEALD from Ru(EtCp)2 and NH3 plasma had a random
orientation on silicon but were [001] oriented on PEALD
TiN film.1670 G. Grain size of ALD films
On the basis of the examples in the paragraphs above,
it is clear that the substrate can influence the evolution of A general rule of thumb says that grain size of crys-
crystallinity in ALD films in many ways. A natural con- talline thin films should not exceed the film thickness.
sequence of such influence is that the steady-regime GPC Most ALD processes probably obey this general rule.
obtained for an ALD process—defined by the reactants Of the case studies of this work, the ZnO process (Fig-
and the ALD temperature—may differ for two substrates, ure 14), TiN process (Figure 15), and ZnS process (Fig-
even when all experimental growth parameters are iden- ure 17) are examples, where columnar grains are ob-
tical. Experimentally, such differences in GPC have been served, where the width of the columns is smaller than
observed for example for the TiCl4 –H2 O and TiF4 –H2 O the film thickness. In a separate work, the deposition of
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version 14.9.2012 52

ZrO2 and HfO2 from alkylamides and water was inves- H. Schemes for the initial growth of crystalline grains in
tigated, concluding for thicknesses up to about 100 nm ALD
that the crystal diameter was slightly less than the film
thickness, and the average crystal diameter was less than At least three general schemes can be identified from
half of the film thickness.1602 These experimental obser- the ALD literature which proposed to describe the ini-
vations closely resemble the simulation results by Nilsen tial stages of growth of crystalline nuclei in ALD. These
et al.37–40 for the development of grains from crystalline schemes are summarized in Figure 22. All schemes have
seed objects during ALD, a summary of which is shown their specific features regarding the size of the resulting
in Figure 20. crystalline grains, extent of crystallinity of the resulting
film, and the related growth curve characteristics.
Scheme I refers to a growth of an initially amorphous
In some cases, the grain size of polycrystalline ALD film, in which crystalline nuclei form randomly. Crys-
films has slightly exceeded the film thickness. In Fig- talline grains grow when more material is deposited. The
ure 11, ZrO2 crystallites are seen that are somewhat material landing on the crystalline nuclei adopts the ex-
wider than the film thickness. Another example of the isting crystalline structure, and the material landing on
grain size modestly exceeding the film thickness is a re- amorphous regions remains amorphous. This scheme was
cent TiO2 study, where for films up to 20 nm thickness visually proposed by Hausmann and Gordon.1602 In this
grown on RCA-cleaned Si and thermal SiO2 , the grain scheme, the size of the resulting crystalline grains in-
size measured by AFM exceeded the average film thick- creases steadily with the film thickness until the neigh-
ness by about 20 nm.814 Island growth162,163,2380 might boring crystals touch each other. The crystallite size
be one candidate to explain such behaviour, although this should not exceed the film thickness.1602 Close to the sub-
should be looked into in detail and there may be other strate, the ALD film is mostly amorphous, and the film
explanations, too. crystallinity increases with increasing thickness. Since in
this scheme the growth of the film occurs everywhere on
the surface, the ALD growth curve (material deposited
There are also cases where the grain size of polycrys- vs. cycles) is approximately linear, except perhaps for
talline ALD films has exceeded the average film thick- slight variations due to difference in GPC on amorphous
ness significantly, being several times or even order(s) of and crystalline regions of the film. This scheme is in
magnitude larger. The ruthenium case study gives one accord with the experimental results obtained for the
example of such behavior. The average grain size was on growth of ZrO2 and HfO2 films from the alkylamide
the order of 100 nm for a film whose average thickness reactants.1602
was about 20 nm, the largest grains exceeding the lateral Scheme II can be considered as an extension of Scheme
size of 200 nm (Figure 18). The film topography dif- I. In addition to the crystal growth of Scheme I, crystal-
fers from those of the simulations for ALD (Figure 20). lization of the previously deposited amorphous film next
One particular choice made in the simulations was that to the grains occurs. This scheme eventually leads to
surface diffusion was not allowed.37–40 While this choice a fully crystalline film, although growth starts as amor-
most likely is valid for most processes, for the elemen- phous. The grain size is not limited by the film thick-
tal Ru films it will not be, and the large grain size in ness, but rather dictated by the distance between the
the Ru case probably is explained by the surface dif- randomly formed crystalline nuclei. This scheme was
fusion of the metallic species. Another example where recently proposed by Puurunen et al.814 Similarly as
the crystallite size significantly exceeds the film thick- in Scheme I, the growth curve should be rather linear,
ness is the growth of TiO2 . For example, the deposition with minor deviations from linearity caused by differ-
of ∼20 nm TiO2 from TiCl4 and H2 O on RCA-cleaned ences in GPC on amorphous and crystalline material.
Si at 250–300 ◦ C resulted in anatase crystals >200 nm This scheme is in accord with the experimental results
in diameter.207,228,814 In the same process on an Al2 O3 for the growth of TiO2 from TiCl4 and H2 O on various
surface, the crystallites were still larger,814 an example substrates.207,228,727,814 TiO2 crystallites with lateral size
of which is shown in Figure 21. Also the corresponding of even a micrometer have been observed for Al2 O3 sub-
ethoxide-based TiO2 process resulted in large grains.837 strate for TiO2 film thicknesses in the range of tens of
In the TiO2 case, the large crystallites are explained to re- nanometers.814 The crystallization of as-deposited amor-
sult from the crystallization of the originally amorphous phous films through high-temperature annealing shares
film during the growth of a thicker film.207,814 A further characteristics with this scheme, as there also, crystal-
speciality regarding TiCl4 -based processes is the fact that lites order(s) of magnitude larger than the film thickness
rutile TiO2 crystallites up to more than a micrometer in are sometimes observed.1670,2383
diameter have been observed after one single TiCl4 reac- Scheme III assumes that growth starts only at specific
tion on amorphous high-surface-area silica.723 The gener- sites on the surface as crystalline nuclei. With increas-
ation of gaseous short-lived OH-containing intermediate ing deposition, the grains grow from the initial nuclei.
species such as TiCl4−x OHx have been proposed to ex- During the initial phase of the growth, only part of the
plain the observation.723,2381,2382 substrate is covered with ALD material. With increas-
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Basic shape


Cross section

FIG. 20. Pictorial summary of the simulation results by Nilsen et al.37–40 for the growth of crystalline ALD films from seed
object of various kinds, with respect to the topography and cross-section, for films of a similar simulated thickness. The
porosity indicated for films made of platelets and needles is exaggerated. Reprinted from Ref. 39, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515,
O. Nilsen, O. B. Karlsen, A. Kjekshus, and H. Fjellvåg, Simulation of growth dynamics in atomic layer deposition. Part III.
Polycrystalline films from tetragonal crystallites, 4550-4558, Copyright (2007), with permission from Elsevier.

Scheme I Scheme II Scheme III

FIG. 22. Schematic illustration of different schemes for

growth of crystalline grains in ALD. Scheme I: growth of crys-
=2 µm; IPF_Z; Step=0.05 µm; Grid148x111 talline grains from initial crystalline nuclei embedded in an
amorphous film. Scheme II: growth of crystalline grains from
initial crystalline nuclei embedded in an amorphous film, and
crystallization of the amorphous regions next to the grains.
Scheme III: growth of ALD film directly in crystalline form,
starting from separate crystalline nuclei.

ing deposition, neighbouring grains touch each other,

FIG. 21. Electron back-scattered diffraction inverse pole fig- coalesce, and finally form a continuous film. The film
ure map for TiO2 deposited on Al2 O3 at 250 ◦ C in 500 cycles. is fully crystalline at all phases of growth. The crys-
A misorientation profile is shown for a grain at the bottom tallite size increases with the number of cycles, being
right of the image; the scale bar is 2 µm. The film thick- typically larger than the average film thickness. Here,
ness is about 20 nm and the average grain size about 0.9 µm. the film is not uniform, and the maximum film thick-
From Ref.814, R. L. Puurunen, T. Sajavaara, E. Santala, V. ness measured from the top of the crystallites is signifi-
Miikkulainen, T. Saukkonen, M. Laitinen, M. and Leskelä,
cantly higher than the average film thickness calculated
Controlling the crystallinity and roughness of atomic layer
deposited titanium dioxide films, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. from the amount of material deposited per unit surface
11, 8101–8107 (2011), Copyright⃝American
c Scientific Pub- area. This scheme formed the basis of the simulations
lishers. by Nilsen et al..37–40 In the beginning of the growth,
where the nuclei are freely expanding and have not touch
each other yet, the growth curve is strongly non-linear.
The growth in this case corresponds to island growth,
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where the average film thickness has a third-order rela- phase epitaxy NEMS Nanoelectromechanical systems
tionship on the number of cycles in the initial growth PEALD Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition
regime before coalescence.163,2380 After coalescence, the PV Photovoltaic PZT Lead zirconate titanate QCM
growth curve should be roughly linear, similarly as in the Quartz crystal microbalance QMS Quadrupole mass
other schemes. spectrometer RBS Rutherford backscattering spec-
Growth of crystalline film through the Schemes I–III trometry RCA Radio Corporation of America (clean);
results in characteristically different crystallites and ALD wet-chemical cleaning method RHEED Reflection
growth characteristics (growth curve). While none of high-energy electron diffraction SAM Self-assembled
these simple schemes will be able to explain all the obser- monolayer TDMAT Tetrakis(dimethylamido) titanium
vations encountered in experimental ALD investigations, TEMAT Tetrakis(ethylmethylamido) titanium TEM
they will be useful in analyzing the type of growth in Transmission electron microscopy TMA Trimethyla-
question. The real grain growth may then occur through luminum UV Ultraviolet XPS X-ray photoelectron
one of these schemes, a combination of them, or com- spectroscopy XRD X-ray diffraction
pletely another mechanism.

Dr. Kai-Erik Elers, VTT, is thanked for helpful dis-
In this article, we have overviewed the existing ALD cussions related to TiN growth. Funding for writing this
processes for growth of inorganic materials, reviewed the review came from the ALEBOND Tekes project (Dnro
crystallinity of such films grown by ALD, explored the 3544/31/07) and from the Finnish Center of Excellence
trends in crystallinity for illustrative material cases, and on Atomic Layer Deposition by the Academy of Finland.
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