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1.Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage.

The students (i) ____________talking as Miss Sarkar (ii) ____________the classroom. Then in a loud voice
(iii) ____________said ‘Good Morning’ and (iv) ____________quickly around the room. All the children (v)
____________her intently to find out what sort of a person she (vi) ____________“I suppose you (vii)
____________to know my name,” she said. But (viii) ____________she could tell them, someone in the class
yelled out, “You are Miss Sarkar.”

(i) (a) are (b) was (c) were (d) been

(ii) (a) enters (fo) entered (c) entering (d) entours
(iii) (a) she (b)they (c) he (d) them
(iv) (a) glance (b) glancing (c) glanced (d) glancy
(v) (a) observe (b) watching (c) watch (d) watched
(vi) (a) is (b) was (c) been (d) being
(vii) (a) wants (b) liked (c) knew (d) want
(viii) (a) after (b) before (c) later (d) as

Fill in the blanks with the help of options that follow: (3 marks) (Board Term-12013, Set 5007)
Before alighting, the Wild Pigeon, like the Carolina Parrot and a few other species of birds, breaks die force of
its flight by repeated flapping, (a)______ (so/although/even/as if) apprehensive of receiving injury from coming
too suddenly (b)______(with/in/inside/at) contact, either with the branch, (c)_______(or/and/neither/nor) the
spot of ground on which it intends to settle.

Question 3
Read the paragraph given below and fill in the blanks with the options that follow: (3 marks) (Board Term-
12013, Set 85RR)

High school is a critical time in the life of young people. On (a) ______(a/the/an/no article) one hand, teenagers
are eager to enjoy their freedom and independence, while on the other hand, they must be disciplined enough
to keep (b)________(their/ the/our/ there) priorities straight. In my opinion, the family, the peer group and the
school impact high school students the (c)______(best/highest/most/maximum) at this vulnerable time.

Read the paragraph given below and fill in the blanks with options that follow: (1/2×6 = 3 marks) (Board Term-
12012, Set EC2028)

Amitabh Bachchan is (a)_______(one/two/a/of) of the greatest actors this country has produced. His fluency,
his gift of timing, his command (b) ______ (of/over/off/upon) the language is unparalleled,
(c)________(never/otherwise/always/sometimes) his histrionic talents too are among the
(d)_______(best/better/worst/good) this country (e)______ (was/have/has/had) produced. Even now he (f)
(has/had/have/is) to be the most popular actor of the country.

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