Unit 12 - Session 2: Man's Best Friend?

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Unit 12 | Session 2

Man’s best friend?

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss the pros and cons of keeping a pet
Unit 12 | Session 2
Man’s best friend?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss the pros and cons of keeping a pet

Lesson overview

1 GET STARTED: Do you have a pet?

2 LISTENING: A podcast about exotic pets

3 SPEAKING: The advantages and disadvantages of pets

Do you have a pet?
Discuss your answers to the questions in
1. Do you or does anyone you know have a
pet? What is it? Why did you/they
choose to have that pet?
2. What other animals do people mostly
keep as pets in your country?
3. Why do most people choose to have a
pet? Do you think they’re good reasons?
Why or why not?
LISTENING: Preparing to listen
A podcast about exotic pets
You are going to listen to a short podcast in which two
guests discuss the pros and cons of keeping exotic
pets. Before you listen, think about these questions.

• What kind of exotic animals do people generally keep

as pets?

• What might be the advantages of keeping an exotic

pet? The disadvantages? Think about both the
people and the animals.
LISTENING: Main ideas
A podcast about exotic pets
Listen to the two podcast guests, Ashby and Jacob. Are they generally in favor of
keeping exotic pets?
LISTENING: Listen for details
A podcast about exotic pets
Listen again. Complete the sentences.

1. Ashby thinks people should / shouldn’t be allowed to keep exotic pets at home.
2. Ashby says that dogs / snakes / lizards bite people more than dogs / snakes / lizards.
3. According to Ashby, exotic pets don’t have fur and feathers / require much care.
4. According to Ashby, lizards and snakes can / can’t cause allergies.
5. According to Jacob, exotic animals like / don’t like living at home with people.
6. Jacob explains that exotic pets can carry / don’t carry dangerous diseases.

Should people be allowed to keep exotic pets? Why or why not?

The advantages and disadvantages of pets have a conversation

Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Prepare to share your answers.

1. What are the main advantages of keeping any kind of pet?
2. What are the main disadvantages?
3. What might be the best pet for the following people and situations? Why?
• A family with young children • A family with a farm in the countryside
• A person who works from home • A family in a small city apartment
• An elderly person living alone

Now I can . . .

 listen for main ideas.

 listen for details.

 discuss advantages and disadvantages of having a traditional pet and exotic pet.
Unit 12 | Session 2
Man’s best friend?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss the pros and cons of keeping a pet

Thank you!

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