10CS - Iteration-For Loop-Lessonplan

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CLASS: 10 TEACHER: Mamatha Samson LESSON Male 20 SoD 1 Emirati NA

DATE: 25/10/2023 SUBJECT: CS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Female 9 ELL NA ExL 1

High Performance Learning- Highlight the ACP or VAA’s used during the lesson
VAAs (How to Behave): ACP Characteristics (How to think):
Empathetic - Collaborative, Concerned for society, Confident. Creating - Intellectual playfulness, Flexible thinking, Fluent thinking, Originality, Evolutionary or revolutionary thinking.
Hardworking - Practice, Perseverance, Resilience. Meta-thinking - Meta-cognition, Self-regulation, Strategy planning, Intellectual confidence.
Agile - Enquiring, Creative and enterprising, Open-minded, Risk-taking. Linking - Connection finding, Generalisation, Imagination,‘Big picture’ thinking, Seeing alternative perspectives,
Analysing - Critical or logical thinking, Precision, Complex and multi-step problem solving.
Realising - Automaticity, Speed and accuracy.

Lesson Objective…. at the end of the lesson, students will be able to….
To create Python program and pseudocode using count-controlled loop in real time situations.
Success Criteria …. during the lesson….
ALL Are able to confidently use the syntax of the loop structure for programming.
MOST Are able to create python program using FOR loop structure to solve simple task.
SOME Are able to analyze the real time situations and create solution in python program and also write it in pseudocode.

Groups Students discuss in pairs as they progress with the tasks

Emirati NA

SoD one to one support/peer support to be provided, w3school web link for more help
ExL Self-directed learning, opportunity for describing the circuit created buddy support for slow learner.
o Critical thinking – Can a variable declared in a FOR statement can be used again Research-based learning – what are the two factors that should be considered when
Link to National

anywhere in the program code. determining which loop structure to choose.

Agenda: o Problem Solving – Real time situation problems. o Reading – Textbook pages -324-326
Mathematics, Data Science
Reading Literacy: Internet research, identifying credible sources
Sustainable Development Goals : SDG 4, 9 -Quality Education, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

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