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Table of Contents

Definition of Electronics..............................................................................................................................2
The scope of electronics in technology.......................................................................................................2
Application of Electronics............................................................................................................................2
Measuring systems......................................................................................................................................3
Introduction of CGS.................................................................................................................................3
Matric system..........................................................................................................................................4
Difference between IS and Matric System...............................................................................................4
International System of Units (SI or IS):...............................................................................................4
Metric System:.....................................................................................................................................5
Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors..........................................................................................5

Definition of Electronics
Electronics is a science and engineering area that explores how to make and use gadgets
manipulating tiny particles called electrons. It's like a cool branch of electrical engineering but
focuses on active tools such as transistors and diodes to control and boost electric currents.
Electronics covers microelectronics, Nano electronics, and more, delving into creating and using
super tiny and advanced electronic stuff. In short, it's all about playing with electrons to make
amazing gadgets

The scope of electronics in technology

The scope of electronics in technology involves the study, development, and application of devices
that control the flow of electrical currents to perform various functions. This field spans a broad
range, from fundamental components like resistors and transistors to intricate systems such as
computers and communication devices. Electronics is fundamental to technological advancements,
influencing areas like telecommunications, computing, medical equipment, and automation. The
ongoing scope includes exploring new materials, miniaturization (microelectronics and Nano
electronics), and integrating electronics with other disciplines for innovative solutions in a rapidly
evolving technological landscape.

Application of Electronics
Electronics finds application in numerous areas, contributing to various aspects of our daily lives and
technological advancements. Some key applications include:

Communication: Facilitates global communication through smartphones, radios, TVs, and the

Computing: Drives computers, laptops, and tablets for information processing and software

Entertainment: Powers audio and video systems, gaming consoles, and home theaters.

Healthcare: Vital for medical devices like MRI machines, pacemakers, and digital thermometers.

Transportation: Controls engine functions, navigation, and safety features in vehicles.

Automation: Enables industrial automation, robotics, and smart home systems.

Renewable Energy: Used in solar panels and wind turbines for energy capture and conversion.

Security Systems: Supports surveillance cameras, access control, and alarm systems.

Consumer Electronics: Enhances devices like washing machines, refrigerators, and digital cameras.

Space Exploration: Essential in spacecraft, satellites, and communication systems for space missions.

Measuring systems
Introduction of CGS

CGS system is Centimeter Gram Second system. The French system of units in this system, the unit
of length is centimeter (cm), mass is grams (g) and of time is second (s)


MKS typically refers to the Meter-Kilogram-Second system, which is a system of units for measuring
physical quantities. In MKS:

Meter (m): The unit of length.

Kilogram (kg): The unit of mass.

Second (s): The unit of time.

This system is widely used in scientific and engineering contexts for its simplicity and coherence. It's
one of the standard systems of measurement in the International System of Units (SI).

IS commonly refers to the International System of Units (SI), which is the modern form of the metric
system and the world's most widely used system of measurement. The International System of Units
is based on seven base units

Meter (m): Unit of length.

Kilogram (kg): Unit of mass.

Second (s): Unit of time.

Ampere (A): Unit of electric current.

Kelvin (K): Unit of temperature.

Mole (mol): Unit of amount of substance.

Candela (cd): Unit of luminous intensity.

These base units are used to derive units for other physical quantities. The adoption of the SI system
provides a standardized and coherent framework for measurement across different scientific and
engineering disciplines globally.

Matric system
The metric system is a system of measurement that uses the meter, liter, and gram as base units of
length (distance), capacity (volume), and weight (mass)

Difference between IS and Matric System

The terms "IS" and "metric system" are often used interchangeably, but it's essential to clarify their

International System of Units (SI or IS):

The SI is the modern form of the metric system and is the globally accepted standard for

It includes units like meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela as base units.

The SI is a coherent system, meaning that units are interrelated in a consistent manner.

Metric System:
The metric system is a broader term that encompasses various systems of measurement based on
the decimal system.

The metric system historically includes the MKS system (Meter-Kilogram-Second) and the CGS
system (Centimeter-Gram-Second), among others.

While the metric system as a whole includes different variations, the term is often used colloquially
to refer to the SI.

In summary, the International System of Units (SI) is a specific and refined version of the metric
system, and in modern usage, the terms are often used synonymously. The SI is the globally
accepted standard for measurement in scientific and engineering context
FPS System

The full form of FPS system is Foot Pound Second system. In the FPS system, fundamental units are
The fundamental units are the foot for length, the pound for weight, and the second for time.(Foot,
Pound, and second). It is a scheme for measuring dimensional and material quantities


Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors

Conductors have many free electrons whereas insulators have very few or none at all, Like


When electrons can move easily from atom to atom in a material, the material is a
conductor. In general, all metals are good conductors, with silver the best and copper
second. Their atomic structure allows free movement of the outermost orbital electrons.
Copper wire is generally used for practical conductors because it costs much less than silver.
The purpose of using conductors is to allow electric current to flow with minimum

The wire conductor is used only to deliver current produced by the voltage source to a
device that needs the current to function. As an example, a bulb lights only when current
flows through the filament. A material with atoms in which the electrons tend to stay in
their own orbits is an insulator. An insulating material, such as Glass, plastic, rubber, paper,
air, or mica, is also called a dielectric, meaning it can store electric charge.

Insulators can be useful when it is necessary to prevent current flow. In addition, for
applications requiring the storage of electric charge, as in capacitors, a dielectric material
must be used because a good conductor cannot store any charge. Carbon can be considered
a semiconductor, conducting less than metal conductors but more than insulators. In the
same group are germanium and silicon, which are commonly used for transistors and other
semiconductor components. Practically all transistors are made of silicon.
Each orbital ring of electrons corresponds to a different energy level; the larger the orbit,
the higher the energy level of the orbiting electrons.

The generation of static electricity is also referred to as the tribo electric effect.

Potential refers to the possibility of doing work. Any charge has the potential to do the work
of moving another charge by either attraction or repulsion. When we consider two unlike
charges, they have a difference of potential .

The only case without any potential difference between charges occurs when they both
have the same polarity and are equal in amount.
A larger amount of charge moving during a given period of time means a higher value of

Definition of Electricity

Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as
electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a
current. It is a versatile and fundamental force in nature responsible for phenomena,
including the generation of light, heat, and the operation of electronic devices.

Definition of charge

"Charge" refers to a fundamental property of matter that gives rise to electric force. There
are two types of charge: positive and negative. Like charges repel each other, and opposite
charges attract. The unit of charge is the coulomb (C), and the charge of an electron is
considered negative, while the charge of a proton is positive. Charged particles play a crucial
role in the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, as well as in the generation and flow of

Law of Charges

The law of charges refers to the basic principles that govern the behavior of electric charges,
particularly with respect to their interactions. There are two fundamental laws related to
electric charges:

Coulomb's Law:

Coulomb's Law describes the force between two charged objects. It states that the force
between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. Mathematically,
Coulomb's Law is expressed as:

The principle of conservation of charge states that the total electric charge in an isolated
system remains constant over time. In other words, charge cannot be created or destroyed;
it can only be transferred from one object to another.
These laws form the foundation for understanding and predicting the behavior of charged
objects and the forces between them in the study of electrostatics.
1–6 Charge in Motion Is Current
When the potential difference between two charges forces a third charge to move,the
charge in motion is an electric current . To produce current, therefore, charge must be
moved by a potential difference. In solid materials, such as copper wire, free electrons are
charges that can be forced to move with relative ease by a potential difference, since they
require relatively little work to be moved. As illustrated in Fig. 1–9, if a potential difference
is connected across two ends of a copper wire, the applied voltage forces the free electrons
to move. This current is a drift of electrons, from the point of negative charge at one end,
moving through the wire, and returning to the positive charge at the other end. To illustrate
the drift of free electrons through the wire shown in Fig. 1–9, each electron in the middle
row is numbered, corresponding to a copper atom to which the free electron belongs. The
electron at the left is labeled S to indicate that it comes from the negative charge of the
source of potential difference. This one electron S is repelled from the negative charge _ Q
at the left and is attracted by the positive charge _ Q at the right. Therefore, the potential
difference of the voltage source can make electron S move toward atom 1. Now atom 1 has
an extra electron. As a result, the free electron of atom 1 can then move to atom 2. In this
way, there is a drift of free electrons from atom to atom. The fi nal result is that the one free
electron labeled 8 at the extreme right in Fig. 1–9 moves out from the wire to return to the
positive charge of the voltage source. Considering this case of just one electron moving,
note that the electron returning to the positive side of the voltage source is not the electron
labeled S that left the negative side. All electrons are the same, however, and have the same
charge. Therefore, the drift of free electrons resulted in the charge of one electron moving
through the wire. This charge in motion is the current. With more electrons drifting through
the wire, the charge of many electrons moves, resulting in more current.

Potential Difference Is Necessary

to Produce Current
The number of free electrons that can be forced to drift through a wire to produce a moving
charge depends upon the amount of potential difference across the wire. With more applied
voltage, the forces of attraction and repulsion can make more Free electrons drift,
producing more charge in motion. A larger amount of charge moving during a given period
of time means a higher value of current. Less applied voltage across the same wire results in
a smaller amount of charge in motion, which is a smaller value of current. With zero
potential difference across the wire, there is no current.

Two cases of zero potential difference and no current can be considered to emphasize that
potential difference is needed to produce current. Assume that the copper wire is by itself,
not connected to any voltage source, so that there is no potential difference across the wire.
The free electrons in the wire can move from atom to atom, but this motion is random,
without any organized drift through the wire. If the wire is considered as a whole, from one
end to the other, the current is zero.

As another example, suppose that the two ends of the wire have the same potential. Then
free electrons cannot move to either end because both ends have the same force and there
is no current through the wire. A practical example of this case of zero potential difference
would be to connect both ends of the wire to just one terminal of a battery. Each end of the
wire would have the same potential, and there would be no current. The conclusion,
therefore, is that two connections to two points at different potentials are needed to
produce a current.

The General Nature of Current

The moving charges that provide current in metal conductors such as copper wire
are the free electrons of the copper atoms. In this case, the moving charges have
negative polarity. The direction of motion between two terminals for this electron
current, therefore, is toward the more positive end. It is important to note, however,
that there are examples of positive charges in motion. Common applications include
current in liquids, gases, and semiconductors. For the current resulting from the
motion of positive charges, its direction is opposite from the direction of electron
flow. Whether negative or positive charges move, though, the current is still defined
fundamentally as Q / T . Note also that the current is provided by free charges, which
are easily moved by an applied voltage.

1–7 Resistance Is Opposition to Current

The fact that a wire conducting current can become hot is evidence that the work done by
the applied voltage in producing current must be accomplished against some form of
opposition. This opposition, which limits the amount of current that can be produced by the
applied voltage, is called resistance. Conductors have very little resistance; insulators have a
large amount of resistance.
The atoms of a copper wire have a large number of free electrons, which can be moved
easily by a potential difference. Therefore, the copper wire has little opposition to the fl ow
of free electrons when voltage is applied, corresponding to low resistance.

Carbon, however, has fewer free electrons than copper. When the same amount of voltage
is applied to carbon as to copper, fewer electrons will fl ow. Just as much current can be
produced in carbon by applying more voltage. For the same current, though, the higher
applied voltage means that more work is necessary, causing more heat. Carbon opposes the
current more than copper, therefore, and has higher resistance.
The Ohm
The practical unit of resistance is the ohm . A resistance that develops 0.24 calorie
of heat when one ampere of current fl ows through it for one second has one ohm

The opposite of resistance is conductance. The lower the resistance, the higher the
conductance. Its symbol is G , and the unit is the siemens (S), named after Ernst von
Siemens (1816–1892), a German inventor. (The old unit name for conductance is
mho, which is ohm spelled backward.)

1–8 The Closed Circuit

In applications requiring current, the components are arranged in the form of a circuit,
as shown in Fig. 1–11. A circuit can be defi ned as a path for current fl ow. The
purpose of this circuit is to light the incandescent bulb. The bulb lights when the
tungsten-fi lament wire inside is white hot, producing an incandescent glow.
The tungsten fi lament cannot produce current by itself. A source of potential
difference is necessary. Since the battery produces a potential difference of 1.5 V
across its two output terminals, this voltage is connected across the fi lament of the
bulb by the two wires so that the applied voltage can produce current through the
fi lament.

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