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Representation in galaxy

Representation-how a group idea or event is portrayed in a

media text and the media producers’ ideologies are shown
through this.

Stereotype-a preconceived notion or view that is

oversimplified about a group or type of person/people.

Counter stereotype-A counterstereotype is an idea or

object that goes against a standardized mental picture that
is held in common by members of a group.

Masculinity-a set of societal qualities or attributes

regarded as characteristic of men.

Femininity-a set of societal qualities or attributes regarded

as characteristic of women.

Nostalgia-a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a

period in the past.

Celebrity persona-a constructed image of a celebrity their

views and ideologies.

Richard dyers star theory

Star theory refers to the idea that celebrities are commodities manufactured
by institutions. Dyer believes that celebrities are constructed to represent
'real people' experiencing real emotions in order to relate to audiences and sell
products such as films or music. An example of this is Marilyn Monroe (the
celebrity) who was controlled by film companies (the institution) in order to
create an icon and attract audiences to the films they were making and
therefore making money for the company.
Key points
 Celebrities are commodities (something that can be
bought and sold) manufactured by institutions- Audrey
Hepburn advertising industry mars – commercial
 Selection-omission + construction
 Everything in the media is a representation… it’s a
 They are someone else’s view or idea
 Eg photographs are taken with ideas of the
representation in mind
 Representation is made up from signs, media language
and codes
 Events ideas people issues

How does the advert represent the idea of


 The idea of celebrity is represented as valuable, as

 Being popular, well known, successful these are
represented are desirable traits for a person to have
 The idea celebrity as being 'special' and better than
'normal people'. We live in a culture where the idea of
celebrity is glorified- their presence in adverts offers
personal identity.
 Mainstreamers will like the idea of celebrity because it
symbolises trust- Succeeders will like the
achievements of celebrities and strugglers may look up
to them and idolise them as they may not have role
models in their own lives.
 The celebrity in the advert is being commodified,
turned into a profiteering entity.
 Public property?
 Celebrity is being represented as something that
involves having talent, beauty, wealth, success, and
physical attraction.
 The idea of being a hollywood star is seen as the
ultimate 'celebrity'
 Recreation of Audrey Hepburn demonstrates the
lengths producers are willing to go to in order to use
certain celebrities as brand ambassadors- expensive
process- represents the way the producer feels about
the value celebrity.

How does the advert represent masculinity and


 Stereotypical view of the relationship between men

and women, until Audrey H becomes the hero which is
where we see a flicker of progressiveness
 Representation of heteronormativity- the idea that
the normal relationships only involve straight men and
women- stereotypically represents relationships
through a romance between Audrey Hepburn and the
chauffer. There's no representation of other sexual
 Both characters conform to stereotypical ideals of
western beauty: thin, white, pretty, handsome,
chiselled etc,- no representation of other body types
or ideas about beauty and looks. Audrey's 'classic' look
represents a traditional and limited view of femininity
(wearing a dress, she's demure, she doesn't speak at
all! (the idea of being seen and not heard).
 Stereotypical 'male' jobs are seen in the advert (angry
market stall holder, bus driver and the chauffer)- no
women 'working' in storyline, no women in professional
 Audrey Hepburn takes the hat off the bus driver in a
cheeky act of empowerment OR it could be seen as an
act of 'pretty privilege' whereby she's taking
advantage of her looks in order to gain something.

Genre- A way of describing texts which share recognisable
characteristics, eg men’s magazines, TV crime dramas or first-
person shooter games.

Written codes- Written codes are obviously those that have been
written, either text or words that we can see on screen, such as
subtitles, post-it notes a character has stuck on their bedroom wall,
a poster, lower thirds graphics.

Target audience- Producers of media products always have in mind

an intended audience, often defined by age, gender or social class.
The product is fashioned to appeal to the specific wants and needs
of this group, a process called targeting the audience.

Audience positioning- The technique used to persuade the audience

to interpret a media product in a particular way.

Convention- Established rules or shared understandings used in the

creation of media products. Conventions are more likely to be taken
for granted as ‘the way we do things’ rather than formally written

Niche- A relatively small segment of an audience with specific tastes

and interests.

Mainstream- the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by

most people and regarded as normal or conventional.

Editorial- A statement of a newspaper’s position on a topic often

written by the editor.

Gossip- talk about other people behind someone’s back.

Anchorage- The text (copy) that fixes (anchors) an image and its

Magazine genres

 gossip
 film
 tv
 fashion
 men’s lifestyle
 education
 women’s lifestyle
 gay culture
 teen
 cars
 cartoons/children’s
 photography
 sport

magazine features
 exclusive interviews
 adverts
 reviews
 images – editorial professional and candid paparazzi
 puzzles
 contents
 editors’ letter
 posters
 commentaries
 step by step guides
 collages
 horoscopes
 advice pages

Issue and date

House style the visual
aesthetic fonts colours and

Main Cover

Mast head

Round image

Representation of people
places and events

Main image

Specific layout and Direct address image of

design character looking into
Tatler magazine audiences
Magazine- a publication featuring content, features, stories, images
and lots more

Publication- the preparation of a text for public use eg a magazine

Readership- the people that read a media text,made up of specific

types who have certain interests

Tattle- (posh word) gossip or talking about other people

Succeeder- a type of psychographic profile- wealthy educated

successful interested in highbrow information + expensive products

Aristocracy- the highest class in certain societies usually people

from noble birth holding hereditary title. Landowners

Tagline- magazines slogan


“Tatler magazine… the original social media”

The tagline could mean that it was the first place where you got to
look into other peoples lives such as celebrities. The tagline could
also mean that it was the first place where you would hear about
celebrity breakups and rumours.

Target audience:

 succeeders
 women 18-50
 high society/aristocracy
 a-b
 lots of disposable money
 lives in central/west London
 educated
 “posh”
 Conservative/right wing
 Traditional cultured music, art, fashion
 Aspirers

Features on website
 Expensive adverts- aesthetic pleasure and personal identity
 news stories about other rich people – personal identity
 high quality

analysis of tattlers online platform and media pack

(media packs are created by the puiblication!

Tatler target audience

 Monaco
 Superyacht
 Lifestyle manager
 Dinner parties
 Extravagant
 Royalty
 Michelin star restaurants
 Casinos
 Supercars
 Billionaires
 Birkin bag
 Aristocracy

Tatler’s media pack

TOTAL REACH => how many people see/access the magazine –
attracts advertisers which makes more money for tatler – 2M
Convergence => when two media technologies merge e.g., tv =
internet - netflix

4.2 million page

views- online ad
space going to
reach bigger
a- Wealthy educated – powerful jobs
b- Educated + somewhat wealthy

c1- lower socio economic groups

taler talks franchise

-aesthetic, education + weddings – investment in looking good

having a good(private) education. Weddings are traditional and

Tatler address book

-recommendations (school tutors , luxury opportunities)

- information on the richest people in the country – reflects
the wealthy upper-class values of the target audiences

Aesthetic guide

- Plastic surgery/body enhancements

-Places big value on appearance and beauty-expensive luxury
product that only well-off target audience can afford

 Wedding guide
 Schools guide
 Spa guide
 Watches and jewellery guide



Page run of paper 15,667

Page specified position 20,632

Inside back cover 21,251

Outside back cover 30,342

Outside back cover gatefold 92,101

Double page spread run of paper 30,369

Double page specified position 41,375

Inside front cover spread 61,426

Inside front cover gatefold 105,192

Half page 9,157

Half page specified position 11,461



Homepage takeover 7,250

Society sponsorship 12,900

Style & beauty sponsorship 3,700

Schools & education sponsorship 2,220

Travel & culture sponsorship 3,600

*All rates for 7-day sponsorship

Convention – a regular feature present in a type of text

Genre convention -fashion/lifestyle

-images of woman and men in clothes

- models good looking makeup wearing

-jewellery and fashion products

- body beauty relationships celebrities

Form conventions
Sophistication + tradition Social set upper class
Blue - Establishment- government interest
Appels to the target audience as in politics young and beautiful
loyalty to they are interested in history + Personal identity- a/b
Believe in authority they tend to
her tradition
have power Entertainment info – c1
They believe House style white,
Pink – Progressive because
in the pink and green. serif
feminine Written they have a woman
establishment font- classical
Mast head code of mixed race
White - because they
purity are part of it
Posh word for
Direct address Intertextual
Freshly trimmed reference to 1985
hedges and book
vibrate lush
hedges relevant social
cultural cover story



Relaxed not
revealing but you
Pun-entertain funny make
light situations-cheeky can see shoulders
Brexit – positive feeling
about Brexit- “continent” old
phrase traditional personal Images of buildings of
identity bath – anchors the
Who to know binary main cover story
opposition feminine women
black being
progressive and
appealing to modern
Main image

Well-kept nails
and good
Building in
bath printed
on her dress

Expensive massive
diamond on weddig
finger symbol of
Main cover story wealth power pestige
Fashion Alliteration: bouncy fun + optimistic
Reference to aristocracy – noble and
Lockdown (culturally relevant Boris- conservative right wing target audience
to what’s going on respect this character – personal identity politics
Values hierarchy and titles a value placed on knowing the right people
Lots of disposable income
Costume drama intertextual reference to Wedding dress /ball gown
Offer escapism for c1 groups
Bridgeton – entertainment
Narrative tells us that shes been married –
Personal Identity anchors the cover story
Aspirational people femininity + glamour Specific layout and design Haute couture expensive femme
Socialite- usually a woman from the upper classes with an interest in
mixing with other similar types of people


To entertain the audience through personal identity

- Mast head
- Cover stories/main cover story
- Puff
- Skyline
- Barcode
- House style
- Price
- Issue and date

Conglomerate- a rich and powerful company that owns lots of smaller

companies called subsidiaries

Baeur- a conglomerate that owns many media companies, one of

which is Heat, the publisher for Heat Magazine, your second
magazine CSP.

Convergence- when two technologies merge together

Mainstreamers- a type of psychographic group that enjoy tried and
trusted brands, they make up 40% of the population and they like
value for money. They seek security and like to think of themselves
as part of a like-minded people, they are less likely to take risks

Strugglers- They have a 'live for the day' attitude and don't think
about the future. They may see themselves as victims with only
physical skills to contribute towards society. They seek escape.

Baeur media are the UK's biggest selling magazine publisher. They
create 'iconic and influential magazine media brands for diverse and
passionate audiences.

Gender performativity
Values of heat magazine: celebrity, relationships/drama, binary notions of gender

Gender: not biological sex, social construct, how to behave/feel on the inside, gender is a construct, women wearing
makeup males playing football these behaviors repeated result in us being masculine or feminine

Biological sex: reproductive organs, your sex is different to gender

Sexuality: who are you attracted to

Character types

Posh/Victoria Beckham – villain (negative language- secretive liar- paints her badly

Ideology of the producer's negative views of villain/lying/upper class (targeted at the working class)

Giovanna Fletcher is represented as a hero use of language such as queen she is smiling in the photo – optimistic in the
narrative she has overcome heartbreak- she won I’m a celeb

Villain: Meghan Markle – Liam Payne – Dani dyers “baby daddy”

Heroes: Sheryl Cole

Helpers: Mariah Carey and Dani Dyer

Binary oppositions

Failed relationships vs successful relationships

Target audience males relate to relationship struggles

Men vs women

Power vs weakness

Paragraph 1 Symbolic codes

Para 2 written codes

Para 3 technical codes – narrative and character types

Para 4 Representations – gender and 2women relationships Celebrities

Explain how media language and representation have been used to engage a specific target
audience on the front cover of Heat magazine (10)

The media producers have encoded the colors pink and yellow into the media text. The colour pink has connotations of
love compassion and femininity which relates to the target audience since about 90% of the audience is female and
therefore the media producers had carefully selected the colour pink to appeal to the target audience. The color yellow,
however, stimulates the mind and promotes positivity this may appeal to the working class as they may want escapism
and they may have very boring lives. The media producers may have chosen the colour yellow to promote escapism
because of its connotations of positivity which is something that the working class may want in their lives.

The media producers have used written codes such as colloquial language to engage with specific people in the lower
socio-economic groups. The media producers particularly use this when talking about Dani Dyer. One reason that media
producers would have done this specifically for Dani Dyers is that she is the winner of Love Island, and she has a
working-class background. Dani Dyer`s story may have more colloquial language than other stories because of this
background so that the target audience has a sense of familiarity and personal identity.
Butler- women are often seen as performing as Lots of primary feminine colours used to appeal to mainstreamers
women , wearing dresses , in relationships with Enigma code- cover stories that tell you some of the story but
men, long hair and makeup not all of it so that audiences buy it

Relationships represented as difficult Hot- full of gossip

dramatic and traumatic Sheryl cole – was married to footballer celebrity
in a band x factor judge- appeals to mainstream
Dani dyer winner of love island daughter of Pink- and struggler who will personally identify with
Eastender actor Danny dyer working class her- from Newcastle- identify with her
background audience will sympathise and
compassion love
relationship struggles will see her as aspirational
relate to her and femininity Baby daddy due to her success and will sympathise with her
they, may also get aesthetic pleasure since she is
Entertainment through relationship drama Younger lower
a quite beautiful woman – was a loreal model
socio economic
Recognise her from love island sense of
familiarity Busy chaotic cover

Value for money – low

Cheap price appeals disposable income
to working class
”average” women - Liam payne – one
mainstreamers direction

Yellow – stimulates
mind and promotes
Mid shot of
harry and
Meghan - see
Large images easy
to read more
expression they
images than copy
seem sad/
Paparazzi style
Tabloid press photo
demonise her
- Realism
- True
- candid
Many puffs-
circles represent Main image of posh
love and spice married to
relationships David Beckham

Lower case h

- Informal Sans serif

- Casual
- friendly

Serif font Alliteration –

Giovanna fletcher playful and fun Modern representation of women
married to tom fletcher
Duchess – queen
from McFly she won I’m
a celeb smiling Posh represents women as strong + dominant
Intertextual reference
In hiking gear to pop culture widens Men represented
target audience less positively

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