Rationalism Script

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(Classroom Setting)
Teacher: Good morning, class! Please, pick up the trashes and arrange your chairs properly. Do we have absent/
absentees today, Ms. Secretary?
Student 2: Everyone is present, ma’am.
Teacher: Okay, thank you Ms. Secretary. Are you ready to learn a new philosophy, class?
Students: Yes, ma’am!
Teacher: Okay class. So today, we are going to explore the nature of knowledge from a rationalist perspective.
Rationalism involves the power of logical thinking and reason. Therefore, I encourage you to question and
analyze the lesson we will be discussing. Feel free to give and share your thoughts, class. Are you ready?
Students: Yes, ma’am!
Teacher: So, let us start by understanding the rationalist view of knowledge. According to rationalism, how do
we acquire knowledge?
(Student raises hand)
Student 1: Just like what you have said a while ago, our knowledge is acquire through reason and logical
thinking. For me, it states that our minds are capable of discovering universal truths and innate reasoning.
Student 4: With that, since it involves reason, I think our knowledge is not solely derived from our sensory
experience but can be accessed through rational reflection and deduction.
Teacher: That is correct! Let us take Mathematics as an example. We all know that Mathematics is indeed a
great way of how reason and logical thinking are essential in acquiring knowledge. One potential aspect of
rationalism is that it may overlook the importance of empirical evidence and sensory experience. Since reason
and logical thinking are valuable, it is also be connected in observation and experimentation. So, how can you
say so? Can someone give me an example?
Student 3: Ma’am, we can use observation just like for example, in scientific research, in order for validating
theorems and hypothesis, it is crucial to prove an empirical evidence first.
Teacher: Very good answer! By considering alternative viewpoints, you also demonstrate how rationalism
encourages us to critically evaluate different perspectives in order to acquire knowledge. We should keep in
mind that rationalism is just one piece of the puzzle and that a comprehensive understanding often requires
applying different methods. By applying rationalist thinking, it can make us gain a deeper understanding of the
nature of knowledge and the role or significance of reason in acquiring it, as well as helps us to develop critical
thinking skills and the capability to evaluate information independently.
Student 2: I want to add my idea, ma’am. Therefore, it means that rationalism truly empowers us to think
independently and critically, that allows us to become active participants in our education.
Teacher: Well said, I am happy to see your enthusiasm for rationalism and its classroom application.
Student 1: Ma’am, can I ask a question? Since it includes logical reasoning to acquire knowledge, it will enable
us to solve problems independently and make smart choices.
Teacher: Definitely! It will make us become well when it comes to problem solving and critical thinking.
Student 1: Thank you, ma’am!
Teacher: You are welcome. Any other questions? None. Moreover, it seems that you all are already familiar with
rationalism so let us have an activity. I will be going to present a mathematical problems and you are about to
use reason and critical thinking to solve it systematically. Are you ready, class?
Student: Yes, ma’am!
Teacher: These problems require you to use logical thinking and deductive reasoning to find the solution,
individually. I will give you 15 minutes to answer this 3-item for your recitation. Give your best, class.
(Students work on the activity silently. One student will shout)
Teacher: Work silently, class. You do not have to higher your voice.
Teacher: Once you are done. Now, let us discuss the solutions. Student 4, can you share your solution with us?
Student 4: My answer is 10. I used deductive reasoning to eliminate the possibilities that did not fit the given
Teacher: That is great! You applied logical reasoning to arrive at the correct solution. Now, let us move on to
collaborative activity. You will work as two groups, so pick a partner. This activity is consist of two problems
and you will answer both. But in terms of answer-sharing, the first group will discuss the first problem, on the
other hand, the second group on the second problem.
(Students work in two group, engage in discussions and applying logical reasoning to solve problems.)
Teacher: Now, present your approach and solution for the problem. Everyone should speak.
(Students present their solutions, explaining their logical reasoning.)
Teacher: Congratulations! You have successfully demonstrated the power of collaborative thinking and logical
reasoning in problem solving. For our next meeting, I want you to prepare yourselves on a debate about how
logical reasoning has helped you in understanding and problem solving.
Students: Okay, ma’am.
Teacher: Class, do you have any questions? Clarifications?
Teacher: Thank you class for your active participation today. Through our exploration of rationalism, we have
seen how logical reasoning and deductive reasoning plays a crucial role in our education.

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