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The Role of NGOs: Sea Shepherd Case Study

Set far from the world’s eyes in Antarctica, the most inhospitable environment on Earth, the
Japanese so-called “research” fleet is openly harvesting thousands of whales in the world’s only
international whale Sanctuary.

On the one side is Sea Shepherd, a volunteer guerrilla navy funded by the citizens of the world, and
on the other side is the Japanese Whaling Fleet hell bent on killing protected Minke whales.

Narrated by the legendary Dan Aykroyd, and featuring never-before-seen footage, Defend,
Conserve, Protect is an empowering documentary set in the most pristine and ferocious
environment on Earth — the Great Southern Ocean — where whales play a vital role in marine
ecology and greenhouse warming.

Your task…

Before we watch the documentary, answer the questions below.

1. What is Sea Shepherd? What is their mission?

Sea Shepherd is an international non-profit marine conservation organisation with a sole mission to
defend, conserve and protect the world’s ocean.

2. Research the history of Sea Shepherd. Describe ONE of their early successes and ONE of
their recent ones.

Sea Shepherd's early success involved their 1979 campaign called "The Makahiki Operation," where
they exposed and disrupted illegal whaling activities, leading to a reduction in Soviet whaling. A
recent success occurred in 2020 during Operation 'Milagro IV' in the Galapagos Islands, where Sea
Shepherd collaborated with Ecuador's Navy to intercept and expose a Chinese fishing fleet engaged
in illegal fishing, resulting in the confiscation of thousands of endangered marine species and
highlighting the need for stronger enforcement of marine conservation laws.

3. How many ships do Sea Shepherd have?

Sea Shepherd has a fleet of 10 ships and many smaller boats to accompany the ships.

4. What is the International Whaling Commission? What is their view on whaling?

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is an international body established in 1946 to regulate
and manage whale populations and whaling activities worldwide. The IWC's primary view on whaling
is to advocate for the conservation and protection of whale species. Over the years, the IWC has
moved towards stricter regulations and moratoriums on commercial whaling, aiming to ensure the
recovery and sustainability of whale populations.
5. Who is Captain Paul Watson? What is his role in marine conservation?

Captain Paul Watson is a prominent figure in marine conservation and the founder of Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society. He is a Canadian-American environmental activist and marine wildlife
conservationist. Watson has dedicated his life to protecting marine ecosystems and wildlife through
direct action campaigns. He played a crucial role in the early years of Greenpeace and later founded
Sea Shepherd in 1977, focusing on aggressive non-violent tactics to disrupt illegal fishing activities,
whaling, and other forms of marine exploitation. Watson's leadership and advocacy have brought
significant attention to marine conservation issues, highlighting the need for urgent action to protect
our oceans and their inhabitants.

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