First Exam - 2023 Date: 10/10/2023 STD: 11: Computer Time: 1 Hour Stream: Commerce Marks 50

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First Exam - 2023

Date : 10/10/2023 STD : 11 : Computer Time : 1 Hour

Stream : Commerce Marks 50

Q Choose the correct option from following questions. 50

1. Communication is __________ part of our life.
A. Integral B. Variation C. Common D. Simple
2. Use of more than one medium is known as __________ ?
A. Multilevel B. Multiwidth C. Multimedia D. Multiwork
3. How many elements are there in multimedia?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
4. __________ are the parts of multimedia
A. Text, graphics B. Audio, video C. Animation D. All of these
5. Text can be in __________ form.
A. Word B. Lines C. Paragraphs D. All of these
6. Which is the example of serif font?
A. Times B. Century C. Bookman D. All of these
7. Bitmap file has __________ extension.
A. .bit B. .bmp C. .btm D. .bmt
8. PNG stands for __________?
Portable netware Portable network Portable netwise
A. Portable new graphic B. C. D.
graphic graphic graphic
9. Full form of jpg/jpeg is __________?
Joint photographic Joint photographic Joint photographic Joint photographic
A. B. C. D.
export group extra group expert group excellent group
10. PSD stands for __________?
A. Photoshop document B. Portable document C. Pagewise document D. Printed document
11. Full form of tif is __________?
Tagline international
A. Terminal image file B. C. Timeline image file D. Tagged image file
12. Meaningful speech in any language is known as __________?
A. Audio B. Word C. Language D. Dictionary
13. AVI stands for __________?
Audio video Audio video Audio video
A. B. C. D. Audio video output
interleave interface information

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14. Multimedia is classified into __________ parts.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
15. Multimedia is used in __________ ?
Education and Advertising and
A. B. C. Journalism D. All of these
Training entertainment
16. CBT stand for __________?
Computer based Computer based Computer based Computer based
A. B. C. D.
technology training terminology timing
17. Synfig is __________ type of an authoring tool.
Card or page based Icon and event based Time based authoring
A. B. C. D. All of these
tools tools tools
18. __________ is the full name of GPL.
General public General private General page wise General performance
A. B. C. D.
license license license license
19. __________ is the full form of XML.
Extensible markup Extension markup Explanation markup Extra markup
A. B. C. D.
language language language language
20. Synfig files use the filename extension __________ in compressed form.
A. .sifz B. .syfz C. .synz D. .snfz
21. __________ menu-option is used to open the synfig file property window.
A. Caret/Edit/Properties B. Caret/File/Properties C. Caret/Format/Properties D. Caret/View/Properties
22. The __________ tool is used to create smooth transition between two or more colors in an object.
A. Fill B. Eyedrop C. Draw D. Gradient
23. __________ is the type of gradient.
A. Linear B. Radial and conical C. Spiral D. All of these
24. What does ‘S’ suggest in timebar?
A. Source B. Section C. Second D. Solution
25. What does ‘F’ suggest in timebar?
A. Form B. Frame C. Font D. File
26. Red color line around canvas suggests __________ status of animate editing mode.
A. Close B. Off C. Active D. Inactive
27. What is the default file format in file rendering?
A. Auto B. gif C. bmp D. png

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28. While rendering the file, auto format is change to __________?
A. sifz B. gif C. bmp D. png
29. __________ message is given when rendering done successfully.
File rendered File rendering File successfully
A. B. C. File render successfully D.
successfully successfully rendered
30. Which of the following terms represent the objects to be displayed over a period of time?
A. Frame B. Object C. Keyframe D. Panel
31. Which of the following timings is default setting for the end time?
A. 2s B. 5s C. 3s D. 6s
32. Which of the following terms represent a frame that defines the change to an object’s properties?
A. Timeline B. Layer C. Keyframe D. Panel
33. Which of the following represent an indicator use to represent waypoint?
A. Circle B. Square C. Rectangle D. Diamond
34. In animate edit mode the canvas outline color changes to which of the following colours?
A. Orange B. Yellow C. Red D. Green
35. Which of the following terms defines the length of the time in the document?
A. Frame B. Keyframe C. Layer D. Tweening
36. Which of the following is correct entry in the timeslider?
A. 3f 9f B. 3s 9f C. 3f 9s D. 3s 9s
37. Which of the following terms represent an effect wherein the image transforms into another?
A. Morphing B. Tweening C. Kinematics D. Keyframe
38. Which of the following is the default setting for frames per second?
A. 15 B. 30 C. 24 D. 28
39. Which of the following is a type of layer?
A. Timebar B. Gradient C. Palette D. Animate edit mode
40. Which of the following panel shows the parameter of a layer?
A. Layer B. Keyframe C. Params D. Timetrack
41. Which of the following commands is used as a shortcut key to import image?
A. Ctrl+a B. Ctrl+m C. Ctrl+i D. Ctrl+n
42. Which of the following color represents the points used to change the size of the image?
A. Green B. Yellow C. Blue D. Red
43. Which of the following amount value signifies that the layer is fully visible?
A. 1 B. 0 C. 2 D. -1
44. Which of the following is a feature used to hide or reveal areas of a layer?
A. Tweening B. Masking C. Morphing D. Encapsulation
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45. Which of the following blend method is used to reveal or hide the object?
A. Composite B. Alpha over C. Straight onto D. Straight
46. Which of the following commands is used to remove files?
A. dm B. rm C. delete D. erase
47. Which of the following command is used to copy a file?
A. tar B. cpio C. cp D. copy
48. Which of the following command is used for searching a pattern in a file?
A. grep B. find C. lookup D. All of the above
49. Which of the following is not a redirection symbol?
A. > B. < C. * D. >>
50. Which of the following refers to the minimum arguments of cp command?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. None of these

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