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Number Theory (Johnsonbaugh, 2005)

o It is a branch of mathematics concerned with integers and their properties.

Divisibility (
• It means dividing a number evenly.

Figure 1 Retrieved from:

• d | n; d divides n if there is no remainder on the division

• d ∤ n; d does not divide n

Figure 2 Integers Divisible by the Positive Integer d

Divisibility Rules (

• 2 divides n if the last digit of the number is even (e. g. 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8).
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 2 | 128 and 2 | 129
• 3 divides n if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 3 | 381 and 3 | 217
• 4 divides n if the number formed by the last two (2) digits is divisible by 4.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 4 | 1312 and 4 | 7019
• 5 divides n if the last digit is either 0 or 5.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 5 | 175 and 5 | 809
• 6 divides n if it is divisible by 2 and it is divisible by 3.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 6 | 114 and 6 | 308
• To find out if 7 divides n, take the last digit, double it, and subtract it from the rest of the number.
• If you get an answer divisible by 7 (including zero), then the original number is divisible by seven; If you don't know
the new number's divisibility, you can apply the rule again.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 7 | 672 and 7 | 905
• 8 divides n if the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by 8.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 8 | 109816 and 8 | 216302
• 9 divides n if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 9 | 1629 and 9 | 2013
• 10 divides n if the last digit is 0.
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 10 | 220 and 10 | 221
• 11 divides n if the difference between the sum of one set of alternate digits (from left to right) and the sum of the
other set of alternate digits (from left to right) is 0 or divisible by 11
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 11 | 3729 and 11 | 987
• 12 divides n, if the number is divisible by both 3 and 4 (it passes both the 3 rule and 4 rule above)
o Example:
▪ Determine whether 12 | 648 and 12 | 524

Practice Exercises (

• For the given d and n, show d | a by finding a q with n = d x q
o 4 | 20 o 1 | 23
o 5 | −25 o −1 | 17
o −3 | 9 o −5 | 0
o −9 | −27 o 75 | 75

Prime Numbers
• These are positive integers p (greater than 1) that cannot be divided by any number except themselves and 1.

Figure 3 7 cannot be divided up evenly

• Procedures on finding out the prime numbers (

o Write the numbers from 1 to 100 in 10 rows of 10.
o Cross off number 1 because all primes are greater than 1
o Number 2 is a prime, so we can keep it, but we need to cross off the multiples of 2 (i.e. even numbers).
o Number 3 is also a prime, so again, we keep it and cross off the multiples of 3.
o The next number left is 5 (because four has been crossed off), so we keep it and cross of the multiples of
this number.
o The final number left in the first row is number 7, so cross off its multiples. You have finished; All of the
"surviving" numbers on your grid are prime numbers.

Composite Numbers
• These are positive integers that is greater than 1 and is not prime.
• It can be divided by at least one (1) other number (a factor) other than itself.

Figure 4 Divided into 2 groups

Figure 5 Divided into 3 groups
Practice Exercises
• Determine if a number is a prime or composite and list their factors
o 29 o 28
o 24 o 20
o 11 o 23
o 17 o 12

Greatest Common Divisor

• It is the largest non-zero integer d that is a common divisor of all the given integers if d | a and d | b.
• It is denoted by gcd (a, b).

Steps in Obtaining the GCD of Two (2) or More Integers

• Example:
o Find the greatest common divisor of 375 and 525
• Find the prime factorization of the given integer
o Prime Factorization – It is a way to find which prime numbers multiply together to make the original
▪ How to Do Prime Factorization Using a Factor Tree
• Write any pair of factors of the given number.
• Find factors of these factors.
• Write the numbers from least to greatest and count how many numbers are the same and
write exponents for them.
o List the common prime divisors (factors) with the least power of all the given integers.
o Multiply the common prime divisors (factors) to find the greatest common divisor (factor).

Practice Exercises (Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L., & Sta. Maria, A., 2010)
• Find the greatest common divisor of the following pair of numbers
o 4480 and 10000 o 1346 and 2248
o 2345 and 5000 o 1101 and 2002

Least Common Multiple

• It is the smallest integer that is a common multiple (denominator) of all the given integers.
• It is denoted by lcm (a, b).

Steps in Obtaining the LCM of Two (2) or More Integers

• Example:
o Find the least common multiple of 18 and 20
• Find the prime factorization of the given integer
• List the prime divisors (factors) with the greatest power of all the given integers
• Multiply the prime divisors (factors) to find the least common multiple (denominator)

Find the LCM of the following: (Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L. & Sta. Maria, A. (2010))
• 1101 and 1000 • 240 and 135
• 445 and 1125 • 172 and 426
Representations of Integers

Number System in Computer (Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L., & Sta. Maria, A., 2010)
• Theorem. Let k be a positive integer greater than 1. Then if n is a positive integer, it can be expressed uniquely in
the form: n = amkm + am-1km-1 + … + a1k + a0
• Common Bases
o Decimal: k = 10, digits: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
o Binary: k = 2, digits: {0, 1}
o Octal: k = 8, digits: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
o Hexadecimal: k = 16, digits: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F}

Breakdown of the Decimal Number 3854 (Johnsonbaugh, 2005)

3 8 5 4
103 102 101 100
thousands hundreds tens ones

Breakdown of the Binary Number 101101 (Johnsonbaugh, 2005)

1 0 1 1 0 1
25 24 23 22 21 20
thirty twos sixteens eights fours twos ones

Breakdown of the Hexadecimal Number BF4 (Johnsonbaugh, 2005)

B F 4
162 161 160
sixty fours sixteens ones

2.2 Divisibility. (n. d.) Retrieved from
3. Algorithms, the integers and matrices. (n. d.) Retrieved from
Binary number system and conversion. (n. d.) Retrieved from
Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L., & Sta. Maria, A. (2010). Discrete mathematics 1. Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City:
National Book Store.
Chapter 3 (part 2): the fundamentals: algorithms, the integers & matrices. (2007) Retrieved from
“Divisible by” what does it mean?. (n. d.) Retrieved from
Divisibility. (n. d.) Retrieved from
Johnsonbaugh, R. (2005). Discrete mathematics (6th ed.). Jurong, Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.
Number theory. (n. d.) Retrieved from
Prime and composite numbers lesson 3. (n. d.) Retrieved from https://mr-van-raalte-math-
Prime numbers. (n. d.) Retrieved from
Yuskaitis, M. (n. d.) Factors, primes, & composite numbers. Retrieved from

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