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CHAPTER Discrete - Time Signal and Discrete - Time System L.1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Sampling and Reconstruction, Standard DT Signals, Concept of Digital Frequency, Representation of DT signal using Standard DT Signals, Signal Manipulations (shifting, reversal, sealing, addition, multiplication) 1.2 Classification of Discrete-Time Signals, Classification of Discrete- Systems 1.3 Linear Convolution formulation for 1-D signal (without mathematical proof), Circular Convolution (without mathematical proof), Linear convolution using Circular Convolution, Auto and Cross Correlation formula evaluation, Concept of LTT system, Output of DT system using Time Domain Linear Convolution. 1.1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. ssasnaaat cents a = 14 1.2 Sampling & Reconstruction. a tetiopnes a 15 1.21 Shanon's Sampling The2xem.nsesssessnsn pase . 16 4.2.2 Folding Frequency .ossonons . 16 1.3 Solved Examples on Sampling Reconstruction os ee 16 vs 93 CORRE ee sna UEK.134 sn so 18 Vex. 135 EUEORTRATIIINE sesso scams 13 16 Cia! Sampling acne Sigur . oat 1.5 Time-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals i a — 1-10 1.6 Basic Sequences and their Time-Domain Representations........ “ . ” 1-10 1.7 Manipulations / Operations on Discrete-Time Signals. se . 112 17.1 Delay son . : 112 172 Advance 112 17.9 Ravers ssn . soos 112 1.7.4 Reversal and Delay ......cssssesenssssessarnseaniensn ‘i A 1-13 1.7.5 Reversal and Advance. Ms ts - 1-13, 1.7.6 Down Sampling / Decimation. esse so 1-13 1.7.7 Up Sampling / Zero-interpotation Eaten “ 1413 > DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) Time System )..Page no ( 1.7.8 Muttiplication with u(n. . ty 1.7.9 Multiplication with u(n ~ m... sis ot se ‘ i ie 1.7.10 Muttiplicaton with u{-n-1} : . rnin fy 1.7.14. Multiplication with [ufa}~ uff = mf}..sssssssene ssn . . tag 1.7.12 Multiplication with 8 (a —m].. = Me 1.8 Solved Examples on Manipulation of Discrete Time Signals . . M4 ———— snonnsneennnivennenn cory UEx. 1.82 si ia 1.8 Classification of Discrete-Time Signals. aa 1 1.9.1 Energy and Power Signals. a 129 1.10 Solved Examples on Energy Power Signals.uw..ssnsnnnnsnsn 129 Vex. 1.102 [ORTENISTESIEI ty Uex. 1.10.3 [EORTC 121 1.11 Periodic and Non Periodic. Signals. st so ta 1.12 Important Differences between Continuous Sinusoids and Discrete Sinusoids... Na 1.13 Solved Examples on Classification of Periodic and Non-periodic Signals 12 UEx. 1.13.2 [ORE DESEO .. ne 123 1.14 Discrete-Time Sinusoids are always Periodic in Frequency (Le. The Maximum Frequency Range is 2n) 12 1.15 Even and Odd Signals nro os 123 145-1 Even and Odd Components of Signo so 124 1.16 Solved Examples on Decomposition of Signal into its Even and Odd Components. sii 124 1.17 Discrete-Time System. 128 1.17.1. Discrete time System Representation .....s:sunenns 126 1.18 Discrete-Time System Classificallon.crenrnsnsinnnn 127 1.18.1 Causal and Non-causal Systems 127 1.18.2 Static and Dynamic Systems... sn sess 127 1.183 Shiftinvariant and Shift Variant Systems (or Time - Invariant and. Time - Variant) ...susnssnnessne 127 1.18.4 Linear and Non-linear Systems. ssn sess sents 1228 1.19 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) and Finite Impulse Response Systems. 1-29 UQ. _ Differentiate IIR and FIR systems [I EETENEC MEN EPAPIORID.......cccc wo N28 1.20 Recursive and Non-recursive Systems. 4-90 4.21. Stable and Unstable Systems.......... 4.31 UEx. 1.21, 2. i 13 Vex. 1.21.3 DERTORESE EEC. 1-33 1,22 Introduction to Linear Convolution 1-34 1.23 Linear Convolution... 134 1.23.1 Convolution is Commutative cs 1-95 1.23.2 Some properties of Linear Convolution... 1-95 (MU-New Syllabus w.e academic year 21-22) (M6-75) & Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venturé DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) (Discrate Time Signal & Discrete Time System )....Page no. (1-3) 1.23.3 Solved Problems on Category 1... onan Cn +38 ex. 1.23. [Maliometieal Method] errreenin es . 1-37 UEx. 1.23.11 vents 1-45 vex 123.12 CRISES ovesyTemanionmethed).. M5 1.28.3 Clreular Convolution ...ssnsnntnnnennnnenn ss oe 148 1.23.4 Linear Convolution via Circular Convolution... 1-50 UEx. 1.23.19 [ENE . i . 1-54 1.24 Long data fitering/ convolution of long sequences! sectioned convolution/black convolution. 451 1.24.1 Overlap Add Method... srasnacionaaaiaige sore VBR Ex. 1.23.20 [OO DESEO .... i oe strana AD 1.24.2 Overlap Save Method. 153 1.25 Concept of Impulse Response and Step Response .. 1-54 1.25.1 To Find the Impulse-Response from Step Response. 1.26 Deconvolution. ‘i “ een 1.27 Impulse response of LTI Systems in Cascade and Parallel ann 1.28 Correlation... i 1-56 1.28.1 Cross Correlation and Auto Correlation (Discrete-Time Signals) 1-58 UEx. 1.28.2 (ESTO... ae 1-60 Uex. 1.28.3 [EXONS CIEEEEEIETCSS TI SSRE LEY WU -Q. 1(c) Doc. 17.5 Marks ame 1.28.2 Properties of Cross-correlation and Auto-correlation.... 1.28.3 Circular Correlation... .29 Representation of a Discrete Function. © Chapter Ends .. (MU-New S) ef academic year 21-22) (ME-75) Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Time System). Page ny ty MLL INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIONAL PROCESSES} Piglet wt an ese SON EE aa] Fire] Sn of acquiring and processing « real world signal using signal Sonat & computer or specialized digital signal processors (vasoflg. 1-11 : Block diagram of a typical DSP system Fig. 1.1.1 shows a typical DSP system can be comprising of an analog to digital converter a microprocesso, an, digital to analog converter. &S why psp? 1. DSP systems are easy to reconfigure. 2. Online and offline processing possible. 3. Performance does not change with environmental changes. 4. Performance is repeatable from unit to unit. & Signals Signals convey information. Natural signals like speech signals, seismic signals, ECG, BEG etc. are continuous tine signals, they are defined for all values of time. The Fig. 1.1.2(a), (b) and (c) shows how certain real world signals are acquired and converted to an electrical signal, ind speech signal 04 02 ‘Ampitude —= 02 04 06 l Mic “5B a - ° 5 0 15 20 25 30 Time (second) = (ata wig. 1.1.2(a) ‘ertain real world signals ‘ Noisy normal ECG (0x3 a1anBig. 1.1.2(b) (MU-New Syllabus wef academic year 21-22) (M6-75) Tech-Neo Publications. A SACHIN SHAH Vent DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) Page no. (1-5) (vas 4 1a0)Fig. 1.1.2(c) ‘These signals are speech, ECG (to ascertain the condition of the heart) and EEG (to ascertain the condition of the brain) sensors and transducers are used for conversion of these signals to electrical form WH _1.2 SAMPLING & RECONSTRUCTION ‘* Discrete-Time signals are defined only at specific instants of time, they can be obtained by sampling continuous-time ie x Analog signals and between these instants the signals are not N ee sefined. Sound Mic Analog |_D&al pressure signal * A discrete-time signal having a set of discrete amplitude values is called a digital signal (woFig. 1.21 © Adiscrete time signal which is amplitude quantized is digital. A digital signal can be encoded using Os and Is. * A discrete-time signal may be generated by sampling a continuous-time signal at uniform intervals of time. ¢ This is illustrated in the Fig. 1.2.1 j a . oo (a8, a9 5 A:OFig. 1.2.2 $200Tsel Tea 2se 3a + Sampling is done by using an electronic switch. * The interval between the samples is called sampling interval and is denoted by Tsp. © The samples that are obtained are continuous valued. ‘+ If this sampled-data signal is quantized by either rounding or truncation we get digital signals. + This signal can be represented as sequences of numbers, called samples. (MU-New Syllabus wet academic year 21-22) (M6-75) a Tech-Neo Publications... SACHIN SHAH Venture DSIP (MI n 0» COMP) x(0T pn ner Tor Tan 3Tan 4Tsn cana sacl 123 1.241 Shanon’s Sampling Theorem © For faithfully reconstruction of an analog signal x (1) from its discrete samples x {n}, the sampling frequency Fax should be greater than or equal to twice the ‘maximum frequency component present in x(). Fea 2 2 Fras * This criteria is called Nyquist Criteria. © Sampling in time domain results in periodicity in frequency domain, It Fy = 2 Fux defines Nyquist rare 1 ie Tye Se” sp Tor = = defines Nyquist interval i.e, 2 samples per period. ‘Y® 1.2.2 Folding Frequency For Fea ‘+ Folding frequency helps us decide which analog frequency will remain unaffected and which will change after sampling and reconstruction, ‘© Allanalog frequencies < Fp will remain unaffected. pi 1.3. SOLVED EXAMPLES ON SAMPLING _RECONSTRUCTION __ +: Consider the analog signal 05 200 mt — 3 sin 600 mt + 8 sin 1200 mt Determine the following, 1. Nyquist rate 2. Folding frequency 3, Discrete time signal x [n} 4. Reconstructed signal x (t) Fog = 500 samples/sec. (MU-New Syllabus wee academic year 21-22) (M6-75) Son, : The analog signal has four frequencies Fy = 100He F, = 300Hz Fy = 600Hz “Fy = max (Fy, Fy, Fy) = 600 Hz 1. Nyquist rate Fy. = 2 Frugx=2* 600 = 1200 Hz 2. Folding frequency F, Fp = = 250K 3, To obtain the discrete-time signal replace ‘t’ by nTsqin the analog signal x (1) where Ts. X(nTsg) = 4.08 200 nT sp - 3sin 600Rn Tsp +8 5sin 1200 maT sp x(a) = © Sampling results in periodicity in the frequency domain. © Therefore if angular frequency ‘w’ of a discrete time sinusoid exceed m we have to modify it and can make i lie between 0 and by using a simple graphical anifice Ub reciieoPucatons.ASACHINSHAH Verve SIP (MU « Sem 6 - COMP) O Ode 0.8n 1.2K an 24n ) ) @) (ainFlg, P.1.3.1 x(n] = 4cos 0.4 nn + 3sin 0.8m +8 sin 0.40 = deoxy nt Sain ne8sin= a 4. To reconstruct the analog signal xp (1) from x{n} t nTsp t ‘n’ replace by > i. (Fx X(tFg) = 4 008 2 (500) + 3sin # +500 + 8sin 21 500) xp) = 4.c0s 200m +3 sin 400mt +8 sin 200m The frequencies present in the reconstructed signal are F, = 100Hz Fy = 200Hzand F; = 100Hz * We find that the sinusoids have frequency 300Hz and 600Hz has changed to a sinusoid having frequency 200Hz and 100 Hz respectively due to aliasing, Note that © 300 Hz and 600 Hz is more than folding frequency i.e. 250 Hz only sinusoids having frequency less than Fpi.e. 100Hz remains intact has not changed. (MU-New Syllabus w.e academic year 21-22) (M6-75) (Diacrote Tine Signal & Discroto Time System ), Pago no.(1-7) ¢ Ifwe had chosen a sampling frequency Psa 2 2F ge ie. Pop 21200 He # We will find that xp (1) will be equal to x(t) Ext “onsider the analog signal A(t) = 3.608 4000nt + 5 sin 6000mt + 13 cos 2000mt 1. What is the Nyquist rate of sampling for this signal. 2. Ifthe signal is sampled at sampling frequency 4. = 5000 samplesisee ‘What is sampling? What is the analog signal if reconstruction is done from the samples obtained in (2) using ideal interpolation © sotn. : ‘The frequency components present in the original the discrete-time signal obtained after signal are F, = 2000Hz Fy = 3000Hz Fy = 1000 Hz Fry = max (F), Fy, Fs) = 3000 Hz Folding Frequency Fp 1. Nyquist rate Fy = 2p 2x 3000 = 6000 Hz 2, To obtain the D.T. signal replace ‘t’ by n Tsp’? in the analog signal where Tsp ==> Fsp xlnTsa] = 3.cos 4000 nn Tsp + Ssin 6000nn Tse + 13.608 2000mn Tsp 4000nn - 6000nn 20000 x[n} = 3¢08 5000 + 5sin“So00 + 13 cos “S999 4 6 2 xln} = 30s" n+5 sin G n+ 13 cos Fn * If Angular frequency ‘w" of a discrete-time sinusoid exceed 7 we have to modify it and make it lie between 0 and 7 by using a graphical artifice shown below & Tech-Neo Publications...A SACHIN SHAH Venture DSIP (MU 6 - COMP) 4an an 2n te. 2n ey] s “= = 2O4n 5 0 ‘Adding a negative integer to the time index results in signal shifting to the right. (aanFig. 1.7.3 x(n) x{n-¢m) => (Shift signal left by m samp ‘Adding a positive integer to the time index resus signal shifting to the left W 1.7.3 Reversal ale ° { 1,7,5,3,1,-1, t xf-n} =>x{a) Fold wrio=0 ing Negating the time index results in signal fo! mirror image. (MU-New Syllabus we academic year 21-22) (M6-75) & Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Vert¥® cassFig. L7S : ( fold signal and shift right ) ea oat vos. ni y Negating the time index and adding a positive integer results in folded signal shifting right. ‘WS 1.7.5. Reversal and Advance camFig. 1.7.6 (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Time System ). Page no. (1-13) ( fold and sft singal let by m ) x{-n-m) =>x{n) ) Fold m— Negating the time index and adding a negative integer result in folded signal shifting left. 1.7.6 Down Sampling / Decimation x(2a} = f-3,1 5.1) Lt J cusnFig. 1.7.7 ‘Number of samples decrease %& 1.7.7 Up Sampling / Zero-interpolation i] - $-3,0,-1,0,1, 0,3 ,0, 5,0, 7,01) 1 1 J cusaig. 1.7.8 Number of samples increase Miu-New Syllabus wef academic year 21-22) (M6-75) TBhrecr.neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture ignal & Discrete Time Systom )....P, (Discrete Time SI o OSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMI \ 2 1.7.8 Multiplication with ulm] may xin} uta) = {h 0412345 (Was9Fig. 1.7.9 a . oO x{n) + ufn} (a = oat euln] = {3 neo = (aay ..n} If any arbitrary signal x(a) is multiplied with u(n) the unit step signal. The signal x(n] becomes zero for negative inder as u[n] = 0 for negative index. 1.7.9 Multiplication wich ufn - m] x(a) -ufa—2) = fo05.73} se xtd-uine nd) = {ral a xf) - bp ptt aH ! $5 jot Trl 70423 (1as3a) Fig. 1.7.9 (a) ‘New Syllabus w.e.f academic year 21-22) (M6-75) Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Vertu! rime Signal & Disorete Time System)... Page no. 6 - COMP) DSIP (Ml 1.7.10 Multiplication with u[-n-1] x{n) + [=n =1,0} a: tah xinjul-n—1] asaFig. xa] n<0 xio}-u-n—1)={ "<0 Any discrete time signal when multiplied with un ~ 1) will have a zero value when the index is zero or positive. % 1.7.11 Multipfication wich [ufn] - ufn - mJ] x(n} [ula] -ufn—3)) = { 35) tJ 10<0 uot-io-a1={0 Sowhere Tt 0 4 Un-3] o A042 3 \ be 124345 ft | (wo Fig. 1.7.12 xin} -(ufalula—mqj = {Ale OS nse (ssFig. 1.7.11 . . a Osasm uf} fa 3] = { Os 0s? a a {3 elsewhere 0 elsewhere witha y (MU-New Syllabus wef academic year 21-22) (M6-75) [el tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP: 1.7.12 Muletpitcacion with 8 [n - m] = {0,0,5} tr} xfa] 8 (n fo 510-21 = 2) e123 4 +234 caanBig. x[ng] 8 {n — at n = ng, When any signal is multiplied x(a] 5[n— no] * 8 [n=] = with a shifted impulse we get the sample or value of the signal where the impulse is located. x{n} 8{n] = x{0] dfn} &{n] = Lat =0 (saseiFig. 1.7.14 « Amarbitrary signal can be expressed as a weighted sum of delayed and advanced unit sample sequence. = -36{n+2)- 18 [n+ 1] +18 [a] 438[n -1] + 58 [n - 2] + 78 [n -3] + 13 (n-~4) x(n] (MU-New Syllabus wes academic year 21-22) (M6-75) (Discrete TH ime Signal & Discrete Time System )....Page ng fis LT xm) Sa—m} In general x(n] YX xlm] S[n - m} RHS = 1 only when m= B{[a-m) = =l we know that ie. 8{0] only when m = 4 CEES “1,6, 4 5}, plot the following disor © som. : x(n} = (3,2,1,6,4.5} F 4 7012345 6 ig asyFig. P. 1.8.1(a) @® x40) = (3,2, 1,64, 5} T x(o+4] asa\Pig. P. 1.8.1(b) eum 6 ue Tech-Neo Publications. SACHIN SHAH Ver" —_— DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) Q Abo} aen}u-Al @ e {ol ul-a-1} rz ees 0 o— use] “e210 12 n (usoFig. P.1.8.1(4) ey 1 ant] 6 5 Ho-1 1. {n-1] ul] $3 ’ i + t ++ o123465 vin) Try “TT 3 (MU-NeW Syllabus w.e f academic year 21-22) (M6-75) [eal rech.tieo Publications .A SACHIN SHAH Venture 2AN012 345678 (On0HFig. P. 1.8.1(0) eee RIS SRILEM MU - Q. 3(b) Dec. 18, 10 Marks For x{n) = {1,2,~ tr 4] plot the following discrete time signals @ x{n43) @ xt-n-y i) x(n) ula — 1) (iv)x{n 2) 8(a- 2} () x20) % son. : xin] = {1,2,-1,5,0,4) rete Time Signal & Discrete Time System), p, @ xint3) = (1,2 oAsnBig, P.1.8.2(b) (i) x{-n-2) paca) (a70Fig. P.1.8.2(c) xi-n-2] (MU-New Syllabus wef academic year 21-22) (M6-75) Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Ver® DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) (ili) x(n] + ufo - 1) (iv) x{n 2) 8[n 2] x(n-2] S{n—2) Totes a3 8 a 0% 5 4 (vy) x[2n} -{ t caroBig. P1820, "201233 9 (aroFig. P.1.8.2(g) 1U-New Syllabus we f academic year 21-22) (M6-75) & Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture | T OSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Time System )-.Page no, 2 OO =ae om WH 1.9 CLASSIFICATION OF DISCRETE-TIME =r a+r is SIGNALS n=-= © In first summation replace ‘n’ by ‘=m’ WH 1.9.1 Energy and Power Signals Energy of a signal x(a) is defined as " M z 3 + Ms a oy eE= ZS kl = © IfBisfiniteie O 1.10 SOLVED EXAMPLES ON ENERGY A FF cos (2 (apn + 91 POWER SIGNALS = Ex. 1.10.1: Classify the following signals as energy and power signals. P= ne 3) 220 L x{a} = { = @y" a<0 = oR x{a] -G) ufa} +2" u(-n-1] =A 2 x{a}_ = A.cos (ogn + 9) (apn +6) = 3. xfa] = ae™ © soin. : 1 B= Dem = a? lim 1 L - a Ne 2 INeT QN+ +70) a2 2 = (aT + [@ J a AE zo 21) “4 inau-New Sylabus we f academic year 22-22) (M6-75) Wl rech-neo Pubiicatons. SACHIN SHAH Veo® — — — DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) pe (Discrete Time Signal & Discreto Time System )...Pageno, (1-21) 6 Hog n+9) xin) = A 2 B= EZ wimt= |p eioneol = = [ail soorrolf = © wes E wee Iaeitorrof’ P Ae = za a= * Noe ING] ONDA P=? is a power signal. Find whether the given signal is energy signal or not “ x(n) =u (a) =u (n=6), © son. : x(n} = ufn) -ufn-6) | ufn) | 1 A 23 4 567 n- i 12345676 uln}-uln-6), | | 4 | 1012345678 (arsFig. P1102 { Exdudiyly tp} 7 E = xin? na- eVePare rarer x(n} 1U-New Syllabus wef academic year 21-22) (M6-75) E=6 Eis finite P is zero. The signal is an energy signal UX 1.103 EORTONEEOSE Determine the energy and power of signal given by . xin) = (1/3)" un). © son. : Ci " Signal has finite energy therefore power of the signal is zero. ‘The signal is an energy signal DH 1.11 PERIODIC AND NON-PERIODIC SIGNALS Ee ee A sequence x{n] satisfying the condition, x[n] = x[n + pN ] Yn is called a periodic sequence with periodic N. Both N and p are integers. The smallest valued of N° satisfying the condition is called Fundamental period. xin} N=3 432401 239456 (asnFig. L111 & Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture DSIP (MU - Som 6 - COMP) (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Time System } Page ng (is z bo 1.12 IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN | , xn} = cos Fn-sin En 3eos Gna CONTINUOUS SINUSOIDS AND DISCRETE SINUSOIDS _i(Ee-n) $$ emer SIN SPS stay ae * A discrete-time sinusoid is periodic only if Its | xin) = cos (8) me (§») frequency is a rational number. en Consider a signal if xin} = oe! Let xyln] = Acos (ayn +9) D1 soin.: X2{n] = A cos (a (n + N) + 9) where 1, Comparing with A cos (2nfon + 0) x2[n) = x) [n +N] 1 Now x2[n]_ = A cos ((«ty + @) + (a N)) fy = 76 cos (A +B) =cos A cos B-sin A sin B fis rational «. Signal is periodic with period N = 4, = A [cos (tayn + 9) €08 tay N 2. Comparing with A cos (2m fon + 6) = sin (ain + ) sin ty N] 1 © — Therefore x2[n} will be equal to xi{n] if cos @N =1 fo = on and sin N= 1 fp is not rational ©. Signal is non-peri These conditions will be met if and only if aa e Perfo, WN mK ‘Where K is an integer. | 3. Comparing with A sin (2 m fon + 0) 2nfyN = 2nK fi. ale K eR fy. = jy @ rational number fy is not rational ©. Signal is non-periodi, + This_means one period of the sampled sinusoid | Comparing with A cos (2nfon + 6) ie. (N samples) we obtained from ko periods of the analog sinusoid, and A sin (2nfyn + 0) + The common period of a linear combination of periodic fi = i, he de andi get discrete time signals is given by the least common 16 8g multiple (LCM) of the individual periods. N = LCM[4, 16, 8} No = LOM {Nj, No Ngo.) . We ©. Signal is periodic 5. Comparing with Ae@mor* ® Nj Np .... are the periods of the individual sinusoids. imparing 1 oo fo =a5 ws POLE ARES CW oe ciassin N OF PERIODIC {gis rational ~. signal is periodic 0} Pe jobIe SIGNALS 6 Comparing with A cos (2fgn + 4) Ex. 1.13.1: Classify the following discrete signals as f % 2S atta J. periodic and non-periodic. If periodic find their fundamental 1 = jon Mdh= 16 period, . fy is not rational ©. Signal is non-periodic: 1. xin] = cos Fn 7. Comparing with Ae" +® oo # 3 2 xin] = cos 3 0 fl = 35 ad h= 5 2n 3 Xie] = 2sin Fn N= LCM (20, 10) = - Signal is perio (MU-New Syllabus wef academic year 21-22) (M6-75) Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH VeN™* DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) UEx. 1.132 Determine whether or not the following signals are periodic. If periodic specify its fundamental period. @ x(n) =008 05 nn +03) GX (0) = 005 (0.3. wn) +10 sin (0.2529) © son. : (i) x) [n] = cos (0.5 nn +03) Comparing with A cos (2m fy n + 6) Waly = 05n + =O 1k =g>N fg is rational -. Signal is periodic with period N = 4 Gi) xp [n] = cos 0.3m + 10 sin 0.250 comparing with A.cos (2m fp n+) and A sin (21 fy n+ 6). anf, = 030 gj 22d and Inf, = 0.25 1, = 8 fy =} fy = + and = Since f, and f are ratio of two integers signal is periodic with period N = LCM (20, 8). WH 1.14 DISCRETE-TIME SINUSOIDS ARE “ALWAYS PERIODIC IN FREQUENCY (LE. THE MAXIMUM FREQUENCY RANGE IS 2x) Consider a discrete-time sinusoid, xfn]_ = A.cos (yn + 4) = A cos (2nfgn + 6) = A.cos ((a)+2n)n +0) Replacing w+ y+ 27 = A.c0s (iy + 27 +4) = A COS (Ugh + 6) or if we have Oy = Wt 2k where k=0, 1,2. wwe get the same signal x(n) xfo] = Accos (a n+4) (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Time Syst )...Page no. ( Dy _1.15 EVEN AND ODD SIGNALS + A ssignal which satisfies the condition x{n] = x{—n] Vn is called even signal or symmetric signal. (maoFig. 1.15.1 © A signal which satisfies the condition x(n] = — x[- a} nis called an odd or asymmetric signal. b (onan)Pig, 1.15.2 In an odd signal x{0] = 0 Let xy{n} and xg{n] be even signals and x3{n] and xg{n} be odd signals. Let x{n] = xj{0] -xzln) x(n) = xa) -x2[-n) KX fon) = xy{n)- xofn] ie, xf-n) = xf) Therefore the product of an even signal with another even signal will give an even signal. Let x(n) = xyfn} +360) xin] Xy[- a] + xgf- n} = xy [n} « x9 [n]) ~%yf2] -x3[0] =~ x{n] ‘Therefore, the product of an even signal with an odd signal will gives an odd signal. x {a} xn} Let X3 {a} x4 (0) x3 [- a) x4 f- 0) Ee xsfa)] f- xgfnl] = x5 (2) x4l0) (MU-New Syllabus w.e- academic year 21-22) (M6-75) Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) x{-n] = x{nj Therefore, the product of an odd signal with another odd signal gives an even signal. Let x(n] = x; (n) + x3 [n] x(]n) = xy[—n] + x3 [-n) = x) [n] + x3 [a] x[-n]#x{n]} and x{-n) #-x{n) Let x{n} = x3 [n) + xen] x{-n] = x5 [-n] +x4{-n) = (-xs{n]] + [4-9] xn) = — {x5 [n] + xqln]] x_n} = -x{n] ‘The sum of an odd signal with another odd signal gives an odd signal. Let xin} = x) fn] +x2[n] xf=n) = xy En) + x2[- 1) =x; [n] +2 [n) x[-n) = x{n) Therefore the sum of an even signal with another even signal is an even signal. © If x{n] is an odd signal D xin) =0 « =1 D xy = xin} +x{0] D x{n) n=l Proof : © x{0] = 0 for an odd signal. In the first summation replace ‘n’ by — p = L xtpl+ DY xn) ii nel = ED -xtp]+ LD xfn)=0 pall a za 1.15.1 Even and Odd Components of a Signal ‘Any signal x[n] can be expressed as sum of an even signal xe{n} and an odd signal xo[n} (nau-New Syllabus wes academic year 21-22) (ME-75) (Discrote Time Signal & Discrete Time System )....Page no x(n] '¢ [1] + Xo [n] To find x, {n] and xo {n] x[-n} = xe[-nl + Xof-n) x{-n} = Xe{n]- xf n} x(n] +x{-n] = 2xe[n} L xeiny = Maltatel x{nJ—x[-n] = 2X9 [a] goto = 241 =a n} © IEx{n] is even then xp [n] will be zero and if xfn)s.q then x, [n] will be zero. DH 1.16 SOLVED EXAMPLES ON DECOMPOSITION OF SIGNAL INTo ITS EVEN AND ODD COMPONENTS _ Ex. 1.16.1: Decompose the signal x(n] into its even ay ‘odd components. 142n -2 System can be represented using a math, equation (difference equation). The difference of the system whose block diagrams shown ab yin} = x{o) +ax (n-1] 3. System can be represented using its ing, responsefunit sample sesponse. The response y* discrete-time system 10 a unit impulsefunit sequence (B(n) is called unit sample response yy impulse response. The impulse response is ajoy,, by hin}. ms amnFig. 1.17.3 «For the system with difference y{n] = x [n] + ax {n=1) ‘can be obtained by making input x(n) = 3{n} hn) = 5{n} +aB{n-1] ie. h(n] = {1,a) ©The impulse response has a length N Ex. 1.17.1 : Obtained the difference equation and impuls response of the system whose block diagram is adn) yin) Unit Delay ay(o-1} viet] a (ia)Fig. P. 1.17.1 Soin. : The difference equation is ya) = x(n] + ay [n- 1) ‘The impulse response can be obtained by making inpul x(n] = Stn) yin} = 8{n) + ay(n— 1} yl} = 500] +ayl-1 VL) = 8{1] + ay(0) y2] = 812) +ay(l ya) = (haa, ie hin) = (yaaa...) =a" ofa) k ye Tech-Neo Publications. SACHIN SHAH Ve" DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) me 1.18. Causal and Non-causal Systems A system is said to be causal if the present output depends only on present and past values of input, In a causal system the output sample at ng ie. ying) depends only on input samples x{n] for n < no, The impulse response of a causal sequence system will always be a casual sequence 5& Example of Causal system 1 y(n) x(n] + ax{n - 1) b[n] {l,a) Causal sequence — tea 012 (aemFig. 1.18.1 z yin) = x(n) +ay [n-1) bin) = (aaa ad saya =4 (vasmFig, 1.18.2 «Example of non-causal system 1 yin) hin) = xfn] + ax{n +1) al) t 04 zi cus Fig. 1.18.3 1s w.e-f academic year 21-22) (M6-75) (asnFig. 1.18.4 ‘The impulse response of a non-causal system may be anticausal or two-sided sequence, Causal systems are called anticipatory and non-causal systems are anticipatory. ‘A non-causal system can be made causal by delaying the output by some samples. yin} = x(n} +ax [n+ 1] © Toutput yfn} is delayed by 1 sample vila} = yin- 1) ie. yy{n] = x[n— 1] +ax {n} md Static and Dynamic Systems Static systems are memory less ie. the output does not depend on past or future values of the input. Example yln} = axtn] +x [n} yin] = nx{n) Dynamic systems have either finite or infinite memory. Example N yin) = YD x{n—m} m0 yin) = D x(n-mj m=0 Te 1.18.3 Shift-invariant and Shift Variant Systems (or Time - Invariant and Time - Variant) A system is shift-invariant if input output relationship is independent of shift. & \Tech-Neo Publications...A SACHIN SHAH Venture (asFig. 1188 i.e: if input is shifted output will also get shifted by the same amount. But the nature of the output doesn’t change. Example 1 y(n) = x{n) +ax [n-1] If input is shifted x[n] — x [n - no) yaln) = x{n—no] + ax(n~ np -1] If output is shifted y{n] — y[n~ no] yln—ng) = xln=ng]+ extn n9~1) Since y;[n] = y[n—mo] ‘The system is shift invariant. 2 ylo] = xf) If input is shifted x{n]_ > x[n~ np) yin] = nxin~nol If output is shifted yn} ylang) yng} = n=ng-x fa =n9) Since yy{n} # yln~ng} ‘The system is shift variant. ‘%& 1.18.4 Linear and Non-linear Systems © A linear system satisfies the superposition theorem. © For a linear system the input output graph has the behavior shown below. (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Time System )._-.Page no, (ay un Vy Output y Input x (wasoFig. 1.18.6 For a non-linear system the input output graph exhibit a behaviour shown below. Output y (uassig. 1.18.7 ‘A non-linear system gives and output which tis frequency components which were not present in te input signal. viol = <0} (asoFig. 1.18.8 (MU-New Syllabus w.e- academic year 21-22) (ME-75) Jech-Neo Publications. SACHIN SHAH Ver DSIP (MU - Sem 6 - COMP) (A) Exampt of non-| Inear systems. yo) = xt) If input is xj{0) then ovtput, 2 yiln) = x; fn] If input is x;{n] then output, 2 yale) = x, [0] If input is aj xi{n} + a) x9{n] then output, yalt] = (ay xyf0] +29 xglny 22 2 yaa] = ax, Un + 20%; 25 xp +05 x 0] we find that, yal] # ayyiln] + ap yofn] The system is non-linear. Details on how to find the spectrum is explained in chapter 2. On looking at the spectrum of x and y we find that the spectrum of output has frequency components which are absent inthe input x. Q) yin) = sin (x{o)] I input is x;{n) then output, yiln} = sin fxyfa1] Ifinput is xs{n} then output, yale} = sin fxofo)} If input is ay xy[n} + a) x3fn] then output, ysto} = sinf ay xyf0] + a9 xf) wwe find that, yale] # ay yy{n] + a2 yoln) ‘The system is non-linear. 3 ya) = Axa] +B Ifinput is x; {n] then output, yilo) = Axy [9] +B If input is x9{n) then output, ya lo} = Axg (a) +B If input is aj x[n] + a9 X2{n] then output, yg ln} = Afajxy (n] + a9x9{n)] +B we find that, yaln} # ayyiln] + 22 yaln) ‘The system is non-linear. (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Ti stem J. Page no. (1-29) (B) Example of linear systems X xm) (yt) = m If input is x,(n] then output, x,(m] Ifinput is x,{n] then output, yin = 2 xqlm) If input is ay xy{n] + 3p x3fn) then output, ys{n] = ay xy [mn] + ay xyfm) yatn) =a, DL xylmj+ a, LD xglm) we find that, yalo] = 3) yiln]+ ap ala] The system is linear. Q yla) = x{n}+ax{n—-1) If input is xy{althen output, yin) = xy{n] +axy{n—1] If input is xpfa] then output, yala] = xofa) +a xgfn- 1] If input isa; x,{0} + a xa{nlthen output, yala} = ay xyfo} + ap xofa] +a [ay xyln ~ 1] + ay xfa-1] ‘we find that, yaln] = 4) yiln] +9 yon) ‘The system is linear. Linear-Time-Invariant (LTI) or Invariant (LST) system Linear Shift- ‘A. system satisfying both the linearity and shift invariance property (MU-New Syllabus w.e f academic year 21-22) (M6-75) [Bb rech-neo pubcationsA SACHIN SHAH Vertue DSIP (MU - Som 6 - COMP) DH 1.19 INFINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE (IIR) AND FINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE ‘The impulse response Bia) = (tase aod Na. = length of the impulse response array Nose ‘The system is IR, TR systems may of may not be stable but FIR sy are always stable. © IF the impulse response of the system has a finite Tength, then the system is @ Ghnite impulse response stems (FIR system. yia) = x(n) +axin—1] bia) = (1, 8b N22 ‘This system is FIR. ‘© Systems ia which the present output sample depeads only of present and past inpot samples are called Non. yin) = xfa) +axio—1] © System ia which the present output sample depends on past output sample in addition to the present and past alled Recursive, + Consider a system, * This system jve as current output sample value depend on previous output sample value ‘+ Now lets find its impulse (Discrte Time Signal & Discrete TiS year = 8a) ~81tl+ 2 System has a f J Recursive systems nec: response. = Non-Reeu 2 Consider a system havin fe systems need not be FIR, 1g impulse response, yta) = ‘This system can also be recast as, xf = 4] -y (9 ~2) systems and stale whether they are recut xo] ste Delay 12 (oan 1 x1 —= ye Day 42 (sng. P1201 © som. : yo] = x(a) 4} xfo=U) @) yn = xoned yte-tt System 1 is non-recursive. System 2 is recursive because for calcula yB3) = 88)-810+ yi2i=0 (sMu-New Syllabus wf academic year 21-22) (ME-75) ‘curtentpresent output we need the previous past olf TBrecitveopubieations. sachin sah vee J SIP (MU Sem COMP) x, 1.20.2: Obtain the impulse response, step reeprnse ancl the response tothe input xin) = (1,2, 3} forthe systems described by the following siference equation an! stile whether they are HR or FIR, \ (1) sta) = slo} Sint) 2) ytd extn 4 yn -td © soin,: For imputse response x(n) = 8(n) lol = Sin} +4 801) 1 = {v3} Impulse response is usually denoted by h(n) w iol = @) syle) = 801+ yin 1) yO) = 810) + 4 y-t)=1 Yi) = 811) +5 ylon=$ ye) = 82] +3 y= yln) ie. hfn} = For step response input x(n] = u{n} ()— yto) = ulal+ Sule Yo ={L33 } Step response is usually denoted by sfn} * s[n] = {i } 2) ylo} = ulal+$ yin vl0} = o]+ $ se-l=! vil) = ul + $ y(ol=3 ye} = ull+ 5 yll=} viol = {15.2.4} ww (Discrete Time Signal & Discrete Timo Page ro (1 when input xf} (1, 2.9) aw yin} = Bfn} + 26{n + 4 dn 1) + 26(0 2} #3840 31) 1] + 38{0 2} 3 Bin) + 3840 1] + 46{n ~ 2) +3 6fn - 3) wba 2) yo) = ala} +} yn) ylol = x10}+4 yf- 21 yi = atty+4 yt ye} = x}e gt? vil = (15 Ff © In-system (1) we find thatthe impulse response is Finite in duration therefore system is finite impulse response (FIR). © In-system (2) we find that impulse response has infinite duration therefore system is infinite impulse response aR). 1,21 STABLE AND UNSTABLE SYSTEMS 5% Stability condition of an LTT D.T. System Time domain test BIBO Stability Condition (1) A diserete-time LTI system is BIBO stable if and only if the output sequence y(n) remains bounded for all bounded input sequence x(a). Proof : ‘The output of any D-TLTI system is given by (Refer to section 1.3.1 for detailed proot) yla} = bfo)* x(a} yl} = EZ bfm) x (n-m} ‘Taking absolute value of both sides of the equation Zbl] x {a~m) tytn}! (MU-New Syllabus w.e academic year 21-22) (N6-75) Tech-Neo Publications..A SACHIN SHAH Venture CSIP (MU - Sem. COMP) Absolute value of to the the sum iy always less than or equal “UM of the absolute values, Hence ‘yim s oy Unf) x (m=) | ™ Winput sequence x{n} is bounded IXEMH Ss Me m=H0 thf) | Thus, if S, <2 i.e, Z thlmjt

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