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Republic of the Phillipines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Oroquieta City
District VIII


On October 29,2023, vesper of election day, as a Chairman ,I lead my team precints number
0110A,0110b, SK110A,SK110B to Treasurer Office, around 8 oclock in the morning to check the form 14. which is the Certificate of Receipt of Official Ballots, Other Forms and supplies by the Board
of Elections Tellers to be used during election day. The transaction was fast since the personnel in charge
for the release had sort out the needed materials according to its barangay assigned and also the ballot box
for the Barangay and SK election so with the BBOC ballot box and get the 3rd copy of C.E. Form no. 14.
From Treasurer office we travel to our station San Vicente Bajo Elementary School to set up our
Polling Place to make sure that everything will be order as per instruction from the COMELEC Officer.
We prepare also the Express Lane for PWD, Pregnant women and for the Senior Citizen.
On October 30,2023 , election day the Electoral Board Members at 3 oclock in the morning we gather
in the COMELEC Office to get/ claim the copies of PCVL and EDCVL then proceed to Treasurer office
to get/claim all the paraphenalias for the election Day. We arrived at the Polling Place at 4 oclock in
morning. At 5:00 o’clock in the morning all the watchers for both parties arrived and submitted their
watchers appointment to the chairman. Exactly 6:00 AM o’clock the chairman show to all watchers for
both parties the serial number of ballot box, the serial number of Official ballots for Barangay Election
(0036418-0036802) and for SK Official Ballots (12830-0012951). for Barangay Election we have 385
registered Voters while SK registered Voters 116 in our precints. At 7:00 oclock in the morning our
voting started in our precints. The voting runs smoothly with no particular order from our EDCVL/and
PCVL, with Gods grace our place is very peaceful. People comes and go to vote with an assurance that
their official ballot are put in the ballot box. At the end we reached a total of 316 actual voters for
Barangay and 111 for the SK.
At exactly 3:05 PM we closed the voting and complied our paper work. We ended our tasks with
BBOC at around 4:30 in the morning following day.
It was indeed a satisfying job for me who had witnessed a very harmonious election day despite a
very tiring job as an Electoral Board Member.
November 1, 2023 at 3: o’clock in the afternoon was the proclaimation of all winners Barangay and
SK .
Thank you God and Blessed Virgin Mary for the strength we had.

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