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12 stay z eat PO ee ec uy: 1 was not you were | you werenot| you weren’t | Were you ... he he he he we |e we | wa ste } wasn't | Was { ste it it it it. Yes, I/he/sheyit was. No, |/he/she/it wasn't. Yes, you/we/they were. ve ve ve we 2. | NO, youlwethey weren't. ree a wee at } werent we { _they. they? | they _ they .. © Czasonmik 0 be w czasie post simple praybiera forme was lub were. W 1.13.05. Ip. (J, he, she, if) uzywamy formy was. W pozostalych preypadkach (we, you, they) udywamy formy were ‘© Zdaria praecaace tworzymy poprzez dodanie do czasownika was/were partykuly not, Najceeiciej udywane 59 formy skrécone: wasn’t lub weren’t. Bob wasn’t at the park yesterday. © Zdania pytajace tworzymy, umieseczajac podmiot przed czasownikiem was/were. Where was Tracy last night? Wyraienia czasowe: yesterday, last week/month/year, two days/weeks/months aga, in 1997 itp. © Czasownik had (czas przeszty czasownika to have) Zdania Peete - 3 CO f | Il ‘Yes, I/you/he/she/ you } tant have Dis (jou 7 it did he he he No, l/you/he/she/ she a not have |she | ato have [Dia {se |e 2 lit didn't. it it it you he she } had it we you } had they “Yes, you/welthey we we | we \did. you | not have you | ae have |Did {re | --? |No, youlwe/they they |they they _|didn’t. @ Czasowik to have (got) w casie past simple praybiera we wszystkich osobach i licebach forme had. «© Zdania pytajace tworzymy za pomoca struktury did + podmiot + have. Did he have a cat when he was a child? ‘© daria preeczace tworzymy za pomoca stuktury did notldidn’t + podmiot + have We did not/didn’t have a car ten years ago. UWAGA: W czasie past simple pornijamy stéwko got. He had a dog. } couta dance J} coutdn'e dance you he she } could dance we } could dance Bo 1 could { |} dance? you she } couldn't dance you } couldn't dance © Czasownik could jest forma czasu past simple czasownika can, uiywana we wszystkich osobach i licebach. © Casownika could udywamny, mowigc © tym, # kto$ umiat robié cos w przesztosci, When she was young, she could ride a bike very fast. | | Yes, I/you/he/she/it could. he cau { i } dance? NO» lyourhe/she/it couldn’ it | Yes, you/we/they could. we | , could { a } dance? NO. Youlwe/they couldn't, they | | | | | 5 A Czasownik was/were 2. Wstew was, were, wasn’t lub weren‘t, 1 Wstaw was lub were, 1 A: Was Leonardo da Vinci from Spain? A ea Enea : No, he wasn’t. He .. from ttaly. house yesterday. 2A .. Beethoven and Mozart famous composers? 2 They very tired after B: Yes, they .. 3 hig ma cone 4 3 A Shakespeare and Dickens from France? a pein tese ayy B: No, they ... There from England 4. She «non at home yesterday. 5S Fiona and Mark «..ssssssee VEFY an Dickens a painter? ieee B: No, he He . a writer, 6 They . .ata party = 5 A Picasso and Goya painters? last night. Yes, they .. 7 He naughty when 6A Vivaldi Italian? he a child. ae 8 Jenny and Nina ... at ie . ateon ne 7A: Verdi, Beethoven and Mozart painters? B: No, they . They composers. 13 Grammar 2 3 Dopasuj pytaniazkolumny A 6 Wstew have, ad, didn’t ave, did ub didn’t do odpowi z kolumny B. nr B VME een Pete ..... [71 What was the film a Two days et dog] when Ne waslalcia: like? ago. BS Nove ; (21) Was Mary with b Yes, | was. oe a goldfish them? Itwas 2A you .. [31] When were you in wonderfull short hair when you were ten? Milan? d_ Yes. His voice B: No,! a [41] When was Tim’s was fantastic. Ve . long hair. birthday? e- Last month. [5] Was he a great f No, she ae ees oe singer? pear have enough time to practise her lines? [61_] Were you at work was at ete yesterday morning? school. 4A you a nice day yesterday? © Czasownik had B: No, I 1 a bad day. A, stew had lub didn’t have, 5A: What .. hey 1b a really nice day out with for dinner? J my family last Sunday. We 2) . spaghetti but they J a picnic in the park. We 3 nice weather, but we still 4) fun, We 7 Wi6tzdaniaz podanych wyrazow. 5). tuna sandwiches and ‘i home-made lemonade. Then we 6 a game of football. We . enough players so we joined teams with another family! dessert. didn’t/Maria/last/have/guitar lesson/a/on Sunday/. 2. Sue/long hair/had/of ten/the/at/age/. 5 Odpowieds na ponidsze pytania na swéj temat. se im/breakfast/did/this morning/? 1 Did you have long hair when you were ten years old? 4 pet dog/didn’t/Mary/have/a/, 2. Did you have a bike when you were six? 3 Did you have a dog when you were eight? 5. the children/did/Maths test/have/on/a é ~ vee Tuesday/? 4 Did you have a computer when you were eleven? 4 © Czasownik could © swim (V) © dive (X) Ricky could swim, but he couldn’t dive. 2 © read (7) @ sing (V) Bill could read and sing. uzanne) * ride a bicycle (7) © write (x) i (Karl) © draw (¥) © cook (/) © speak French (¥) ® read (Vv) ‘ © use a computer (x) ® play the guitar (7) Q Odpowieds na ponitsze pytania na sw6j temat. 1 Could you read at the age of three? 2. Could you count to 20 at the age of four? 3 Could you write at the age of five? 5 Could you ride a bicycle at the age of seven? 6 Could you speak English at the age of nine? 7 Could you cook something for yourself at the age of ten? 15 16 2 My favourite .... 2. The Centaurs were 3 The 5 The Phoenix's tears could Vocabulary 2 © Entertainment Zakresl wtasciwe wyraienie. 1 pretend to eat flames. A jugglers B Entertainers € Fire eaters is Coldplay. Their music is great. A juggler B people C band 3. The horror film was . Everyone was scared. A exciting B frightening C sad 4. C.S. Lewis was a famous His most famous work is The Chronicles of Narnia, A writer B painter «musician 5 caseane afe Very entertaining. | like the way the actors sing and dance. ‘A Musicals B_ Comedies C Animated cartoons © Mythology Dopasuj do siebie stowa z obydwu kolumn tak, aby utworzyé wyrazenia. Nastepnie uzupetnij nimi zdania (1-5). A B G1) wild a wounds heal b_ into flames mythical beasts burst creatures sharp e claws 1 The Phoenix, the Unicorn and the Dragon are all . They do not exist. pogriff had on the end of its feet. 4. The Phoenix was a bird that could and then be born again from the ashes. E | ET fal F Fla ° N w Across 2 The Centaur has got a human 4 The Phoenix had long ....... on its wings. 8 A dragon had a long that looked like a lion’s. 9 Aunicorn had a thick on its head. Down 1 The........ of a phoenix can save a person’s life 3 The Cyclops was a giant creature with a single .. 5) Aunicorn had a ........ on its forehead 6 A dragon looks like a huge ..... 7 Adragon had sharp ‘on the end of its feet. © Types of Films Dopasuj do siebie zdania z obydwu kolumn tak, aby utworzyé krétkie dialog. > A B [1] Do you like horror a Yes, I couldn't films? stop laughing. [21] What was the film bit was an like? action film. [3]_] What type of film Really? I do. was it? dd Itwas exciting. [4]_] Was the film funny? e No, I like [SL] | don't like musicals. Jakiego gatunku filmowego dotycza ponitsze zdania? Uzupetnij opisy ilustracji, jak w przyktadzie. © action © animated cartoon ® comedy ® horror © musical © sciences This flm is very scary and makes you scream. It’s 0 horror film. In this film, the actors sing and dance. This film is about space travel in the future. In this film, the hero does dangerous and exciting things. This film is very funny and makes you laugh. in this film, the characters are puppets or drawings. Vocabulary 2 6 2) Podbisz obrazki nazwami instrumentéw muzycznych. b) Znajdé w poniészym diagramie nazwy instrumentow z éw. 6a. PSAXOPHONEC THARCVYDTHE AIRPVIOLINLE NTNOBNUITRLE OPOFWERJOPO GYUVOE SDE ED TAILJASDECKXL UACCORDIONY PQAUIYRKBSR RSWERTULNHE GUITARMGIAE V7 18 Skills 2 Reading 1 Susan potrzebuje pomocy w zadaniu domowym. Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i uzupetnij kwestionariusz poniiej. Life in the 19" Century - Help! Ihave to write about life in the 19" century for my English class. Please help!!! Susan ‘The nineteenth century was an age of inventions: the telegraph, the telephone, and the phonograph (later gramophone), are some of the ‘most important inventions. And of course photography and, at the end of the century, the very early beginnings of cinema. Judy Without telephones or email, it was common to visit a friend or ‘a neighbour. Writing letters to friends or family far away, and reading theits, also fled a lot of hours. Alicia People in the early 19° century, like people today, liked to have fun. | People had some contests (for example horse shows), There was @ lot of food and dancing during those contests. A lot of the people couldn't read. That is why they sometimes paid a boy to read cloud to them! Pattick Name some of the most important 19" century inventions: People invented photography in the 20" century. True False People in the 19* century did NOT write A letters. B emails. People in the 19% century passed their time by A. writing letters. B. talking on the phone. People asked some boys to read aloud to them because A it was difficult to read the books they had. B they couldn’t read. Listening Wystuchaj rozmowy Henry‘ego i Susan na temat obejrzanego filmu. Zakresl wtasciwa odpowiedé: A, B ub c. Henry was at the cinema on ‘A Monday B. Saturday © Tuesday What type of film was it? A comedy B action C horror The main character was very A. boring B exciting C interesting Robert Down is A. a famous actor B Suzie’s cousin Jane's brother ‘What musical instrument does Robert Down play? A the drums B the synthesiser the electric guitar Skills 2 Speaking Odpowiedz na pytania. Whaat type of films do you like? What is your favourite film? Do you like going to the theatre? your favourite type of music? ‘Where were you last weekend? Did you have a nice time? ‘Who was with you? Translation 6 Przettumacz Preetlumacz zdania na jezyk polski. wyréiniong czesé tekstu na jezyk Do you like action films? angiel: Could you speak English at the age of ten? In medieval myths, Did you have long hair when you were ten agtowe, skraydta i pazury ogromnego ofa oraz | | years old? | was at a party last Saturday. The music was great. What was your weekend like? Writing 4 CED Unpetnij por ‘e-mail do korespondencyj- iela/korespondencyjnej przyjaciétki z Wielkiej , dotyczacy ostatniego weekendu. W niektére luki ¥é dwa stowa lub wigce}. z | It's a pity you weren't there. | Take care, FT) oe the Hippogriff was a beautiful bird. Miat | tuléw i tylne nogi konia, Mégt uniesé ctowieka na grebiecie. The Hippogriff could | fly very very fast. | 19

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