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Subject: Business Management information system

Submitted By: TABISH FAWAD
Roll No.: FA20-BAF-012, Section: A

Question1: Identify and analyze a number of advantages

An information processing system for business transactions that collects, modifies, and retrieves
all transaction data is known as a transaction process system (TPS). Performance, dependability,
and consistency are TPS components.
TPS advantages:
With a TPS in place, businesses can efficiently speed up every transaction to reduce client wait
times. While some systems execute transactions immediately, others gather transaction data over
a predetermined time period and process it later, frequently beyond business hours.

TPS benefits in this case study:

 Automates student assistance functions if you are putting them up at home or elsewhere
utilizing the internet.
 giving information online about all of the degree programs it provides.
 online program registration
 upgrading its database of prospective students' details, etc.
 accessed using a personal computer and the Internet.
 You should gather the necessary data for your need.
 gathering of personal data, such as library fines etc.

Question 2: Analyze how you think this system helps the university
Components of a Transaction Processing System:
 Inputs: Usually, the original records of transactions used as inputs into an accounting
system. These include client order slips and invoices, for instance.
 Processing system: This part converts the inputs' information into a language that the
computer can understand.
 Storage device: This component refers to the area of the computer's memory where the
processed data is kept as a ledger or report.
 Outputs: These are the records or reports that a transaction processing system creates in
This university offers a transaction processing system that automates some of the procedures
related to providing support for its students. The activities entail: (a) giving online details about
all degree programs it offers; (b) registering for a program online; (c) maintaining its database of
prospective students' information, etc. Internet and web browser technologies including
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Hypertext
Transmission Protocol are used in the system's architecture (HTTP). This method allows students
to login from the convenience of their home utilizing a laptop or personal computer. Students
have access to all programs, including those for enrolling in classes, paying fees, paying library
fines, uploading challans, etc. As a result, we can state that all business transactions, operational
systems, and pertinent information are visible through university applications like university
portals. To put it another way, students communicate with the system through an online
electronic form (input to the system). In order to submit the request and begin its processing, the
student must first input their personal information, choose the program they are interested in, and
then click the form's continue button. These two actions are known as the processing function
(PF) and the output function in the context of transaction processing systems general architecture
(OF). The PF will essentially handle processing the request itself, while the OF will take care of
displaying the required data on the student's computer screen. The processing task is carried out
at the computer server housed in the university's main information center because the system is
an online one.
The output function will take care of presenting this information once the request has been
handled by the processing function and the information sought has been gathered.

 user interface:
The system will display the essential details. One of the system's key benefits is its
capacity to gather information on potential students, which the university may utilise for
upcoming marketing campaigns.
 processing capacity:
The PF will effectively handle the request's processing. The processing is done at the
computer server located in the university's main information centre or administrative
 a commercial database:
The processing function establishes a connection to the university database.
Question 3: Suggest 3 - 4 additional services and features which should be incorporated
with this system
 Disseminating knowledge geared at students.
 Sharing institutional success stories and involving alumni in the admissions process.
 Hosting a no-charge aptitude test.
 Using the appropriate online admission tool.
 Update your material periodically by including the most recent changes, according to
more information. Because technology is evolving quickly, universities should routinely
upgrade their systems to stay current.
 Universities should provide tutorials on how to utilize new technologies and make their
systems simple for students to access.
 The university should include their email and phone number so that students who have
system issues can contact them.
Question 4: Suggest how this data may be restructured so that such a limitation is solved.
Hint: additional contact information. Draw a tree like structure representing your

XML Introduction: A tool for locating structures in a document is a markup language. The
markup language XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used to create documents with
structured data. While HTML is going to display the data, XML is about to define the data and
its structure as a meta-language. By enabling authors to design and structure their own document
markups, XML serves to complement HTML rather than to replace it. The structure of HTML
pages as well as the tags used to mark them up are predetermined. Because XML lacks a
predetermined tag set, it lacks any preconceived meanings. That is what makes XML extensible.

Tutorial Examples:

In order to handle student information, we now employ XML to establish a student record
Name and address information are included in each student record. First name and last name
make up the name. Street, City, Email, and Phone Number are the first four elements of the
address. Thus, the following is a presentation of the student record's structure:


 TheName
address is required
contact if the university
title can’t
date contact
of bith the address
contact number or email they
will send letter to the address.
 The pervious degrees are required to get admission in the university so that they can
initials phone temporary secondary
check that the student is eligible or not.

family email permanent intermediate

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