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2020/21 SECTION A 4, where a is constant, to answer Questions 1 10 3. 1. Find the complementary solution ofthe equation Assde+B BosaAttBel CsaAattB Ds=A+e 2. ind the general solution ofthe equation, A seatt+AtB cs att +at4B Ds Lat + At + Bet atateB 3. Find the pariclrsoluon given hina conditions = O nd = w when = 0 Aseuta? Bos-usie Cssuttta? Dsautia 4. A differential equation is given as y” + py! + gy = de**. Suppose a = 0 isa double root ofthe characteristic equation, wha is the rial sou ALPE B.P CPO D. Pest 5. Find the equation ofthe sgt ine which as dough (5, ~2) by fining» pariclr solution ofthe teeta cqution 2 = 2 A 10x~3y 43520 ©. ar" 10y—35=0 B x-y-70=0 6 Find he constant ssh ht te vss 21— J +h, 142) —3K and 3144) +a arsine. Sree epee «ro ghee ane 1. oma ditereta equation fom = Acos@ by timing the constant 4 A S+sing=0 © S4rFseco =0 +cas0=0 dE +reano=0 sete parmeticeutingventy x cos, yesiau, =u Wanner Qecitone 810 10, 8, Fin he uni tangant the cure AL BaCsnultcus) Cr De 9. Find r-v, where vis the velocity Asin = Bou C.cosu —D. sinucosu Meerblin Series: Your Friend To Success. or0at SECTION A where as constant, 0 answer Questions t to 3, Use te diel ution |. Find the complementary solution ofthe equation, Assdet+B BosadthBe! Csaatt® Disa Ate 2. Find the general solution ofthe equation, A ssat?+A+B Css ah bathe D. at? + At + Be! ataceB 3. Find the paula slton given then ondtons s = Oand = u when ¢ = 0 Acssutta® Bsautel? Csnuttle® Doseurtta 4. A differential equation is given as y" + py’ + gy = de**, Suppose a = 0 is a double root of the characteristic equation, what is the tral solution A Pt BP cpt D.prte* 5. Find the equation ofthe straight line whic passthrough (5,2), by finding 8 particular solution ofthe differential equation A. lOx—3y +35=0 C. 3x 10y-35=0 B x-y-70=0 D.3xty-30=0 (6. Find the constant a such that the vectors 2i are coplanar, +k, §+2)-3k and 3144) + ak reread i 2. Forma fetal suaton om r= Acs by eliminating he constant A. S+sing=0 c. S+r?seco=0 B. rf cas=0 v. E+rund=0 Use the parametric equation given by x =cosu, y=sinu, =u toanswer Questions 8 10 10. 8. Find the unit tangent othe curve AL BECsinutteosujtk) Cr oe 9, Find rv, where v isthe velocity Asinu Bow C.cosu —D. sinucosu ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. sawed coset B Sinut eos eaves icpintteaaes ofa ui = ah 285 4 ponies cae Bn wasy-e | ta. indan integring fst othe cmon “@e *Y Roe te ed (3. chven ta (saya) = Age? 4 BPE + fod Fl ee ec v.60 the bites equation (Dt = Why = acon tomer PaeN aw16 14, tens the differential equation Mee ee B. Noncbomogencous C. Exask ssoparble 15. Find the roots ofthe auxiliary equation. Fa ema eLst | Gmatklottt P mast 16. Find the complementary solution. wae soe €. Acone + Bsinx + Cet + De* Goer Bans GH gen eone + (Ce" + De™*)Sinx B.A +Bsi ic pce rr save tex3—1=0 AY A yoxinx +Ax+B x+Ax+B T.De B. y= Ax+B Inx+ Ax+B . jan ’ ie-GrenttR =e-teaseL retains +e, a AO BW a2 DA a ‘Use the following information to answer Questions 19 and 20. “The right-hand side of the differential equation is of the form 3x7 e™* and has roots 22. 19. Find the complementary solution. A. (ky + kde C. ky + kaxe™ > B. (ky + ka)xe™ D. (ey + kexde™ ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. suusrinELe Ger a sou Wr te 1 sams 20. Determine the trial solution ofthe equation. A. xe? (aq + at +032") ©. e2(ay + ax + apx) BL Peay + a,x tar?) D. ay + ax +a)? don (x? + 2) + 2ayy! = 0 pb -2 21, Find the integrating factor of the eh Ad B =x? c 22. Which ofthe following equations is homogeneous? Arfatty cary w= Bray D.@=2) 2-42 23, Forma differential equation from y = e® by eliminating the constant B. A gay poe ¢ femy DxZ=yiny ‘Use the vector ry = x81 yf + 22k, ry = yi-xj-axzk, and my =i yi + 72k to answer Questions 24 t0 27 24, Find ry ty Ax ayttate Boxteinyiextz? Boxteyttxtz? D. x? =2y? 48a? B22 c. ertz D4 26. Find |r % ral atthe point (1 AE Be ci D2 27, Determine the vector (FX) atthe point (1.1.1) Ao Ba C2 D. = Use the points given as A(2, 3,1), B(L,~1,2),C(-1,23) to answer Questions 28 and 29. 28, Find the area of the parallelogram formed. A BE c3 D, 3vz, 29. Find the ae of ABC. wo Be ch big 30. Given thie ner trea equation with roots 0,~1+2i, ind the complementary solution. A. €-*[ky cos(2x) + k; sin(2x)] + ke™* —C. e~*[ky cos(2x) + ky sin(2x)] + ky, B, ky cos(2x) + ky sin(2x) + ka D. kyo"? + ky cos(2x) + ky sin(2x) Merblin Series: Your Friend To Succ (r+ y)dx += x)dy =0 and use it to find the general solution. (©) The postion vector ofa particle relative tothe origin at time tis F = (otsinat + cos wt)i + (Sint ~ wt cos at)} (Find the velocity and aceleration (ii) Show thatthe acceleration is inthe direction of aime 3. (@) Find the solution to the diferent equation y" + 3y' +2y = x?e* (©) Show tha the equation (x + ycosx)dx + sin x dy = O is exact and find is general solution. 4 (@) Solve the differential equation y' = 2y +x, y(0) = 2. (b) A particle P moves along a curve with parametric equations a= where (Determine its velocity and acceleration at any time (Gi) Find the unit tangent, the curvature and the principal normal tothe curve. s CT PLE WITH MERBLN SERIES SECTION B *- Stow ta the four points P(20.1),Q(—1.2:),8(3,22) and S(3,—6,~3 leona plane (©) find te general solution ofS +20 ar = 0, where and w are constant such that w® — a? > 0 % (a) Show that w = (x? + y#)-* isan integrating factor ofthe diferent equation SOLUTION SECTION A (202021) em + Btemst ie! + Bee =A+Bt Aner: € 2. ‘The geen ons s = 5. +5, Salvin fra prison 5, Using D oper, =a tae D Ds=a Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. cera su wt ENULIN SERIES se7@ But remember is integration, ths, means we ars inrating two mes Answ when ¢=0 ath A+ Be ate Fors= ae? +a+ oe -a(0)? +A + B(0) sath A+ Bt Sar? +0-+ue annette Answers C 4. Given y” + py! + ay = de Since, « = 0 isa double root ofthe characteristic equation ‘We consider tril solution y = Pe®e™ Buta =0 Thus, y = Pree Pete = Pe? ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. yetader-s) 10y + 20 = 3(x = 5) 6 Given 2} k, 1+ 2)—3K and Bi +4) Fak Leta=2i-j th, b=l+2)/—3kande = 3 +4) +ak estos ae coplanar then, a (bx €) z-1 1 aoxo=ft 2 - b 4 @ ab J-coh Tek | 2(2a~(-12)) + 1(a- (-9)) +14 6) = 0 2a + 12) +(a+9)+(-2)=0 4at%M+a49-2=0 -en(3) Put (3) into (2) Letr = cosui +sinuj + uk Unit tangent = iv sinui teosuj +k ‘Merbiin Series: Your Friend To Success. uukusriaEUNE GET A oMPUE WITH MERLIN nF Coos uy sine COUT int cost WET viet sinui+cosuj +k rev = (cosui + sinu, + uk)(—sinui + cosuj +h) cosusinu + sinucost +u susinu — cosusinu + Answer: B Was cosui-sinuj i oj rxa=|cosu sinw 1] I-cosu —sinu ol ine su, ,|cosu sinw simu lJ eosu alt I tosu sina (0 ~ (~sinu)) ~ (0 ~ (~cosu)) + (sin cosu + sinucos ) i(sin u) = j(cos u) + k(0) =sinui—cosuj Answer: 11. Given M = ai ~ 2a) +2k and N = ati +aj—4ak For perpendicular vectors, MW = 0 (ai ~ 2a + 2k) «(at + aj - 4ak) = 0 a ~ 2a? 8a a(a? ~ 20-8) =0 a=0 @-2a-8 @+2q-4a-8=0 a(a +2) = 4(a+2) (@-4(a+2 a4 a=4 ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. ‘Thus, a= =2,0,4 Angwer: A U2 Givens ay = 0 Th ingrting tors Answer: A 1. Given (x,y, 2) = BW) = Sh aytet + aay 8 +2) = 2 lbete 30% +9] est aye 3, = Znaytet + 3y°2 - 28) = 2b [Laer +3y%e-20] = Zee + 9y%21 = 24x? + 18yz [Atte pint (1,-1,-2) Seo) = 240)? + 18-2 sii a = 24436 60 Answer: D 14, Since, (D* - 1)y = e* cos. itis Non-homogeneous. NOTE; for homogeneous, te equation is equal to Zero. Answer: B k 15 For the roots ofthe auxiliary equation, we consider the homogeneous part of the equation (t= ty=0 bud Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. ust CET SOLE WT MERU SES (mm? —1)(m? +1) = 0 Form?-1=0 m= m= dt Form? + Answer: B 16, For m = +i, which isin the form m = wt vi, where w= Oand v = 1 We considera trial solution, y, = e¥*(A cosvx + B sin vx) (A cosx +B sinx) = Acosx +B sinx Form= 41 ‘We considera tral solution, y» = Ce + De"™* Cet + De® ‘Thus, the complementary solution = yy + Y2 ‘Aicosx +B sinx + Ce* + De* Answer: C m= ‘Thus, the complementary solution is ye emt + Qre™E = Pe + Quel =P 40x Solving fora panicular solution, yp Using D operator, £2=2 bey ro) 4 Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. una SES cerasmnut wr neans wo are integrating 09 times Bu rememter sittin, hs nr4P +O Hench gen oatonisy = 18x 2+ : Men +P +Or-¥ Shine PQ De consi Let = Q= and a =P, Now tat hy ae all i Srinxt Act Aas a 'S.GiveaR=e-tcosei+ertsine| +e-%, find [7] since"Di+ (cert sine + eFcos )j~ et Tebetanyio gatos = eee ae mands . $= (-€°1c05(0) ~ @- sin(0))i + (~e- sin(0) + 2° cos(0))} ~~ =(-1-Oi+O+D/-k SHitj—k 19. Given the ighthand side ofthe ffrental equations ofthe form 3x and has roots 2.2 That is my = my We considera complementary solution yz ne + xe ke + kyxe™ = (ky + hare ‘Thus, the complementary solution i = (key + kpx)e®* Answer: D 20.Given 3x72”, where m, = my = 2 We considera wal solution yp = e¥(ay + a,x + a,x?) =e (a) + a,x +.4,x2) Answer: C 21. Given (x? + y2) + 2ayy’ 10 Your Friend To Success, soa aes (=) +2470 ubiply trough by dr, we oi GP yar + 2xydy = 0 Let p(x,y) = x2 =? ley) = dry Py = ~2y Way "Note: you ean use xory. ‘bat use the one that will eliminate one of the variables =-44 sir BB BIE dy = Sia Hae igi bot sds tin Bax Sidu = -2 far Ing ting ~2inx + Ine Ing + 2Inx Inc, —Ine, Ing inx? = Ine Injx? =Ine take exponential log on both ses, we obtain Ings? — gine wae For the constant ¢, is advisable to choose the least natural number, that is 1. nes ‘Thus, the integrating factor is a ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. sets Answer: A 22. For homogeneous (Ax, Ay) = a"h(x, y), Thus ionly x2 Answer: B 23.Giveny = eF() Iny Put 3) invo (2) * 28.02 sSeiny-y c sanity Ansrer:D 24. Given the vctorn, = 24— yb tak, ty = yim a) aake and ty =~ yh + xa ty ty = (xi — yf + xzk)(E- yf + 72k) axteyleet? Answer: B Pees) = i(eyz - ($222) = j(-282 — xy) + k(-2 = (-y9) 2 ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. smmsrimesine (Cerner. wT MRL Sass amyi+ r+ Pk = (yt 2) ‘At the point (1,1,1) Fee = (CYC) + GF) - (— GPA) - (MAD) + (0 + DDK = (14 1-1-4 (14k = 242) Wry rol = VERDE VF Answer: y mx - Wr (yxn)abe -y az 1 -y 22 rfl eee 1G ad-Oh Bl-=ft Sl (x2 yz — (xyz) + x(x52 - x2) - x2(-x"y - (-Y)) ya + xy2) + x(05x ~ x2) ~ xx(-1"y +9) Oyint rytet texte + yt At the point (1,1,1) Fe (6 5) = C7070) + CF) + CCD ~ GF) + FC) - CVA) Sn14141-141-1 =0 Answer: A (28. Given A(2, ~3,1), B(1, 1,2) and C(-1,2,3) ‘Area of parallelogram = [AB x AC| FFind their position vectors, =I -/+2k- Qi-3/+h) = j+tk-2143j-k 8 Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. ‘ sige veon sn 3 Tay sax aren rs 5 2 1 eS aug -Hc5 tena s eee ae cons =12 CO Tasca 2 cae jez e RS i+k area ofawiangle = $148 * 71 x rey = vTFT ete o i PG: (PR xP8) \ Va x20 = ‘Thus aca of «parallelogram = Answer! A 29, arn of winngle = $148 x AC = 33 p Answer: D 30. Given 0,-1.4 2 et _ Given O12 gui nine form m= we SME ST and v=2 Form = 1 224 galaion ya = emia conve + kasin on PaxrRy fll cos 2x + ke sin 2) Form =0 a ‘We vonsider a trial solution yo = Kae" re “Thus, the complementary sotution is Y vty = e-* [key cos 2x + kasin 2x] + ky ‘Answer: C | SOLUTION SECTION B % 1. (@) Given P(2,0,1), Q(-1,2.3),RG2.2) and s@,-6,-3) ‘The position vectors are p=vitk q= 2+ 2j 43k ety Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. remit] ¢2k sa3i-o)-a4 no Foc the our pins oe ona plane, 7 -(PH 73) 0. ant (FG x FF = 0 Pom a-p = 9042) 43k i+) = -i42)43k-21-k +2) 42k Fi=r-p #314242 - L4H) = 142) 424-21-8 (434k o-5 3-6) 3k-@i+K) 3-6) 3k -2i-K inet a 322 FO (PRPS) [i 21 ae = -3(-8-(-6)) -2(-4-1) +2(-6-2) = -3(-2)- 2(-5) +2(-8) =6+ 10-16 =0 322 Coxm-w[r 2 i| iced Leary = 12-4) + 6(-3-2)-4(-6-2) (-2) + 6(-5) - 4(-8) -30432=0 Hence, the points P,Q, and S are coplanar (leon the plane). 0 Gen tlle =Oon nal) cers wcd,we bia By substation my es inter + 2ame™™ + 07e™™ =O On = cemt(m? + 2am +02) 0 eran Let en #0, then o mi +tamto? = Using quadetic formal, ence, the diferent equatio BOTS ytere a= 1 = 2 and c= 7 = Since iol, here exit Fx oncul 20 w aT - a tee SAlaydde= J (sa)aa Bua? —a? >0 eee cont) =-«ti-®) Leewn tay? Thus, m= -a £ Yaa, Which is inthe formm= ut vi, wherew=—a and v= V(@?— a2) (epee =5(2)! aifte Hence, th general solution isin the form = [i cos vt + sin vt] wy [ices (FHA + tine FHT =tiow ain 2. (@) Given (x + y)dx + (y ~ x)d) (1) ¥ HE GEE noe mo) Comite (Si “Multiply (2) by (1), we obtain ‘Letx = ytan! CEO Hyde + OF +yIIG—2)dy = 0 iam Gi)e+Ra=0 ae sied= 2s, dx =ysec Gale 6 Merbln eres: Vour Friend To Succes, Merbin Series: Your Fr Meuse GET SIMPLE WITH MERLIN SERLES wey) = 5 Arte) _ (oy? QD-Ceepnay) _ y-ray ay 7 ory cr ete) _ (wAKen-6-0129 a aye Hence, the differential equation is exact, ‘Since it holds, there exist F(x, y) such that FeO) = SE cll) Fy) = FE cs) Amegrte eqn (1) with x SFlay)dx = f(S2)ax “Gots SFeay dx = J (S5)ae + §(S) Consider, f (5) ax Laws st ty? (a) Ax... Sasa) SDE =ifidu fin bey ane +) eyo) » Consider, f (Ea) de Letx = ytand 8 oy sec? Ho ysecto dx = ysee? 0d0 S (ea) ee S Graciarape see? 00 Fah ” Merblin Series: Your Friend To Succ ~~ cen aso rT MEREL SERIES sane = faa 0+ Butx = ytand Estand o= tan?) =i(je-ur' (te seve) Put (6) and (¢) ino (a) we obi Jayde = Binge +7) e+ a" (8) Fer Fay) = Hina! +y4) + +100"?(2) +4 ating? ty?) +00 (2) Hert = flnGe? +9) a0" G) #9) nee) whee 90) = «+e Diferentate eqn (3) with y Beer =Yabe Stet ayn ; (cy) = ae $e woe £Q+00 Ge Meee CHeow Munastiaine (CET ASIMPLE WITH MERU Sets sat 0) Bay) = 35 +90). “ Eqn (2) and eqn (4) are the same, we equate them Sat aT 0 integrate with respect to y S#'O)dy = Jody 0) = e4(5), put) into (3) nt +y) +t (Ste, bt FEE) = Go = Fn + y?) + tan" (8) +. Bice +79 + (2) =e. 6 Pin? + y#) + tan () (©) Given r= (otsinat + coswe) + Ginot — ot cosut)} i Velocity (”) = £ (w sin wt + wt cos wt — w sin wt)i + (a cos wt ~ w cos wt + wt sin wt) Acceleration (a) = (a? cos wt + w2coswt ~ w*tsin wt ~ w? cos wt)i+ Cor sin ut + a sinwt + 0? sinwt + 0%t cos wt)j 19 ‘Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. fuer casi om oy teosconi + OF Z rons conrsnel oy + #2 cos w(0))i + acqy sin w(0) ~ & 05 set ston Sa # #1) DH Caran ignanor®) ‘ ‘Thus, the particular solution | ence the gener solution ze = 0 inthe {~ diretin, atime t= 01 “ont sezlrin inte iso oF 0) Given r+ yeoss)de + in LetpGey) = x + yeose a9) = sin 220) = cone 3 Oey" 639 #29 eae on YIU nce the equation is non ~BOmogENEOUS pina ha Se ariel qa pe 7 37 Ce ence, the diferent co P+ Im+2= characteristic equation me +3m42=0 acre meme 2m+2=0 +mt2m42 os mm +1) + 20m +1) =0 sm +1) +2041) he m+ 2y(m+ 1) =0 a tegrate eqn (2) wit SEGay)dy = f sir FQ.y) = ysin + Diecast an ( Fay) = yoosx + qn (1) and eqn (4 xtycosx=ye Solving fora particular solution, Given y" + 3y! + 2y = x%e* ya) = 224 3242 oa D*y + 3Dy +2y emer (0430 +29 So'@dr=f Letting f(D) = D® + 3D + 2, we obtain 2 F(D)y = xe" wasnt * y= arte? sinc, f(t) =(1)? +300) +2=6 #0 ysin 5 2» Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. “Merbiin Series: Your CET A SIMPLE WIT MERON SEES pole: Tus the pl sion iy, = fate enh gene soon is y= ye" + ge7™ + Eate® () Given (x + ycosx)de + sinz dy = 0 Let p(x,y) = x + yoosx x.y) = sine a9) y = cosx Hens herein ution exact sine 22 = satey) ‘Since it holds, there exist F(x,y) such that vee() (2) Integrate eqa (2) with y SElzy)dy = fsinxdy FLY) = ys Wooo) Differentiate eqn (3) with x Fxltay) = e052 Genre) qn (1) and eqn (4) are the same, we equate them xt yensx = yoosx +6'(2) #'@) = x4 yeosx-yease $'(x) = x invograte with respect to x Jo'@aee fede + eyen(5),_ put (6) into (3) Fayy)sysinx+ Ste but Fy) =c a Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success. semis Gera SMPLE WIT MER ey=ysinx +E +6, ysing += ey =e) ysinx +2 Sac wherec =e, ‘Thus, general solution is ysinx += ¢ genera 7 4. (@) Given y' = 2y +x, y(0)=2 yndy (x) = ef -te 4G) = e-?* enultiply u(x) by the differential equation. y'e™—2ye** = xe rearrange inthe exact form Liye integrate with respect to x SE Ge dz = f re ay em fxe dr...) Consider fxe-2* dy By using imegration by par, Sudv = wv f ody Letuse dy se-tgy Ja fem ay Ser) Ste dy se ~ TS te Pe") imo (1, we obtain Merblin Series: Your Friend To gy 0 Success, sunset GET AMPLE WITH ERBLN +6, divide through by e~#, we obtain general solution a) (er)-246 def ent! + ome) tea * oe! taol ta ‘Acceleration (a) Emory, ero-2e+9 ,, enro-2209 GH eset at «AEH Te cateed 4 ween; tes) tent teen) * Tene teat wee tape wero! ene ii, Unit tangent (7) 1 2 3 vay tam tok Fy tl 2 Merblin Series: Your Friend To Success.

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