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Age Gender Real Estate Purchase Value Of Investments No of Transactions

38 Female No 12200 4
30 Male No 12400 4
41 Female No 26800 5
28 Female Yes 19600 6
31 Female Yes 15100 5

Answer -1
Descriptive Statistics
Age Value No of Transactions Household Income

Mean 33.6 17220 4.8 72460

Standard Error 2.5019992006 2741.97009465822 0.374165738677394 7493.63730107082
Median 31 15100 5 73300
Mode #N/A #N/A 4 #N/A
Standard Deviation 5.5946402923 6131.23152392731 0.836660026534075 16756.2824039224
Sample Variance 31.3 37592000 0.699999999999999 280773000
Kurtosis -2.1683389644 0.535841407237969 -0.612244897959184 1.80868034798475
Skewness 0.596189046 1.16544852068082 0.512240832571884 -0.2083227765672
Range 13 14600 2 47100
Minimum 28 12200 4 48200
Maximum 41 26800 6 95300
Sum 168 86100 24 362300
Count 5 5 5 5

Answer 3 (i)
Population Proportion of sample having broadband access (p)
Population proportion of sample who don't have broadband access (q)

Formula of I.E of proportp q z(a/2) at 95% C.I n

p̂ +/- z(a/2)* (p̂(1 - p̂)/sq 0.6 0.4 1.96 5

lower limit upper limit

I.E 0.1705855149 1.02941448508405

we are 95% sure that Interval Estimate of population proportion having broadband access lies between 17% to 102%
Broadband Access Household Income Children
Yes 75200 Yes
Yes 70300 Yes
Yes 48200 No
No 95300 No
No 73300 Yes

Disclaimer we are following T dist in Q.2 because s.d of population is unknown, so we follow T-dist in this ca
Answer 2
i) Age
Mean s (s.d) t(a/2) at 95%F(degree of freedom)
33.6 5.5946402922797 2.776 4

Formula of interval estimate E=t(a/2)*Std error of mean

mean +/- E

Lower limit Upper limit Interpretation

I.E 26.654450219025 40.5455498 we are 95% sure that Interval E

ii) house hold income

Mean s (s.d) t(a/2) at 95%F(degree of freedom)

72460 16756.282403922 2.776 4

Lower limit Upper Limit Interpretation

I.E 51657.662852227 93262.3371 we are 95% sure that Interval Esti

Answer 3 (ii)
Population Proportion of sample having childern (p)
Population proportion of sample who don't have children (q)

p q z(a/2) at 95% C.I n

0.6 0.4 1.96 5

lower limit upper limit

I.E 0.1705855149159 1.0294144850841

between 17% to 102% we are 95% sure that Interval Estimate of population proportion having broadband access lies be
so we follow T-dist in this case as we are analyzing Sample in this case study.

n E denotes margin of error


or of mean

e are 95% sure that Interval Estimate of age lies between 26.65 to 40.54

n E denotes margin of error


are 95% sure that Interval Estimate of Household Income lies between 51657.6 to 93262.3

ing broadband access lies between 17% to 102%

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