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Short summary:

We are developing a mental health project aimed at connecting patients and therapists for
teleconsultation calls. To enhance the therapy process and aid therapists in their work, we
want to create an AI tool with two main features.

1. Summary of the video call

For a Therapist it is necessary to write down a summary of every consultation made and
sometimes it is hard to catch the words that were used during a consultation, but they are
fundamental for a successful therapy.

The idea is to develop an AI tool that will help therapists in their job as well as accelerate
their patient’s therapy.
The tool will have 2 main features:
● Transcription of the call: As our calls are conducted in a non-English language, we
require a versatile tool that can generate both Word Document/PDF transcripts in
both the non-English and English languages, capturing every aspect of the
conversation. These transcripts will be conveniently stored in an S3 bucket for easy
access and reference. To achieve this, we are exploring suitable public APIs that can
seamlessly handle multilingual transcription. Any suggestions for suitable APIs
would be greatly appreciated.

● Summary of the call: This tool will create a short summary of the call and help the
psychologist to recapture and remember how the therapy started, how it has
developed and how it’s going. A summary tool that will provide concise recaps of
each call, helping psychologists recall how the therapy began, its progression,
and current status.

2. Generative AI for content creation:

Recognizing that each individual has unique needs, schedules, and challenges. Our primary
goal is to personalize the therapy experience and make it more accessible.
● We leverage the responses gathered through our self-assessment tools and data
obtained from transcriptions of consultations. By harnessing the power of our
generative AI, we want to create customized content, including personalized videos,
tests, and exercises, tailored to address the specific requirements and preferences of
each individual.
To come up with a solution to solve both of these challenges and what tools and
technologies will be used to achieve the results, including the existing datasets available if

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