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How To Eliminate Self Doubt Forever, Understand the Power of Your Unconscious Mind, and Overcome

Procrastination, Self-Sabotage, and the Glass Ceiling | Peter Sage | TEDxPatras

❓ The video discusses why intelligent people procrastinate, self-sabotage, and struggle to achieve
success despite the abundance of resources and opportunities.

Intelligent people often procrastinate and self-sabotage.

Many people struggle to achieve higher levels of success or earn more money.

The existence of a glass ceiling preventing breakthroughs.

Examples of successful individuals who overcame lack of resources and opportunity.

The tension between comfort and potential as a barrier to success.

The lack of intimacy between a husband and wife leads to a fight, causing the husband to snap at their
child's request for a toy, resulting in the child feeling unworthy and potentially impacting their behavior
in the future.

The husband's fight with his wife causes him to be frustrated and snap at their child's request for a toy.

The child's persistence in wanting the toy may stem from not understanding financial constraints and
feeling undeserving.

The husband's negative response to the child's request reinforces the child's belief that they are not
good enough or deserving.

The child may unconsciously act out this belief throughout their life, including self-sabotaging behaviors

The first law of psychotherapeutic intervention and personal growth is that people will never rise above
their opinion of themselves, which is largely formed in childhood.

🧠 The majority of our actions are driven by our unconscious mind, which can lead to self-sabotage and
negative patterns.
We only use our conscious brain for critical decision-making, while the rest of the time our unconscious
mind is in control.Our conscious mind is like an ant, trying to move in a different direction, but it is often
overpowered by the unconscious mind.

Our unconscious mind is like an elephant, carrying all our limiting beliefs and unresolved issues.

Our environment has a significant influence on our behavior and can override our conscious intentions.

Repeated exposure to a different environment can change our preferences and behaviors.

The environment we live in and the people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our
mindset and beliefs.

Our physical bodies adapt to the environment we put them in.

The law of conformity states that we are influenced by the people we surround ourselves with.

tips to change our mindset: stop putting the wrong things in, be mindful of the mainstream media's
influence, and choose positive peer groups.

The mainstream media's job is to stimulate the amygdala and focus on negative news.

Avoid watching the news to maintain a positive mindset

🔦 Take control of your focus and choose what you want to pay attention to.

Smoking and being programmed by mainstream media are both unhealthy and constant programming.

Choose to focus on what you want, rather than what the media wants you to focus on.

your family and choose your friends wisely.

Expose yourself to positive information that supports your potential and greatness.

Work with a mentor or coach to identify and eliminate unconscious patterns.

🔑 Self mastery is the key to achieving the best version of ourselves and making a positive impact in the

Saying no to people can help manage time and avoid overwhelm.

Addressing unconscious programming and creating positive habits is important.


Self mastery allows us to remain centered amidst chaos and uncertainty.

Becoming the example and inspiration for others is the best way to promote change.
Being the embodiment of the change we wish to see is crucial.

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