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Table of contents

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6 15 Why rent a farm?

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9 18
U-FARM was established on September 29, 2020. It is the star
of the metaverse industry. The project was created using
GameFi technology. Relying on GameFi technology, it
creatively transformed the business model of offline farms
into online business, and created unique coordinates in the
Internet world to realize the privatization of Internet assets
and realize the Internet Integration with farm operations.
The vision of the project is to create a metaverse ecosystem
that combines farms, pastures, and agricultural and livestock
product processing plants. Later, more comprehensive
projects such as urban construction and financial centers
will be expanded. U-FARM is currently the largest farm
platform in South Africa. The founding capital mainly comes
from the investment of Hyperchain capital. Binance, Roblox,
Unity Software, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia and Alphabet also
participated in the project.
U-FARM is currently the largest farm
platform in South Africa. The founding
capital mainly comes from the
investment of Hyperchain capital.
Binance, Roblox, Unity Software,
Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, and
Alphabet also participated in the
project. These internationally
renowned companies are involved in
our projects. This proves its potential
Blockchain is a distributed database without a centralized management
1. Decentralization
organization, and each node can participate in the verification and storage of
transaction records.
The transaction records in the blockchain are protected by cryptography. Once
2. Immutable
the records are written into the blockchain, they cannot be modified or deleted.

Participants in the blockchain can use anonymous accounts to conduct

3. Anonymity
transactions, protecting personal privacy.

The transaction records in the blockchain are open and transparent, and any
4. Transparency participant can view and verify the transaction information, ensuring the
fairness and credibility of the transaction.

The blockchain adopts a distributed verification mechanism, which can quickly

5. Efficiency
complete transaction verification and recording.

These characteristics make the blockchain have broad application prospects

in the fields of finance, logistics, medical care, and copyright protection.
What is the Metaverse?
01.Origin of the Metaverse
The concept of Metaverse was originally derived from
the 1992 American science fiction writer neal
stephenson's "Snow Crash", which described a parallel
real world online world- Metaverse.

02. "Metaverse" industry

The listing of Roblox in March 2021 made the concept of
Metaverse detonate the market, and the market value of
nearly 40 billion US dollars has completely opened up
the imagination of the "Metaverse" industry

03.In the Metaverse

In the Metaverse, users no longer deliberately distinguish
between physical real existence and digital virtual
existence..The environment is the carrier of the next
generation of social world.
What is GameFi
GameFi is an emerging field that combines blockchain
technology with gaming mechanics. It is a combination
of DeFi (decentralized finance) and NFT (non-
homogenized tokens) and aims to attract more users
and investors by introducing game mechanics to the
world of decentralized finance and blockchain. In
GameFi, users can participate in games to earn token
rewards that can be used to trade, invest or purchase
in-game items. gameFi typically uses NFTs to
represent in-game items or assets that can be uniquely
identified and traded on the blockchain. gameFi is
growing rapidly and is attracting more and more
investors and gamers to participate GameFi is growing
rapidly and attracting more and more investors and
gamers to participate in it.
A brand new project that combines online and physical agriculture

It is a decentralized distributed ledger technology that can record
transaction information and ensure data security and

The combination of physical agriculture and

digital currency can promote the
development of agricultural production, and
Token (USDT)
through the payment and transaction
Is a digital asset that can be traded and
methods of digital currency, the sales and
transferred on the blockchain network
transactions of agricultural products can be
carried out more conveniently.

It is a combination of games and finance. By
combining games and financial elements, It is a digital asset trading platform that
players can obtain income in the game and allows users to trade digital currencies on
participate in the financial market. the platform.

It is a virtual multiplayer online world in which users can carry out
various activities, such as socializing, gaming and business
Operation of U-FARM

U farm agent U Farm U Farm Selling

invests and buys puts money to 50% of profits from 50% of U Farm's
Products have a
land grow crops U Farm profits
Have a professional
will be used to run will give feedback
professional sales Financial team
the company to the agent
team operating funds
Cost and Profit USDT

30 USDT 0.75 USDT 22.5 USDT 274 USDT

100 USDT 2.5 USDT 75 USDT 913 USDT

300 USDT 7.5 USDT 225 USDT 2738 USDT

900 USDT 23 USDT 690 USDT 8395 USDT

2700 USDT 67.5 USDT 2025 USDT 27000 USDT

8100 USDT 202.5 USDT 6075 USDT 91125 USDT

Potatoes, Wheat, Corn, and Coffee beans are leased for one year, Barley for 400 days, and Soybeans for 450 days.
Upgrading the land only requires paying the price difference.The new level is calculated from the day of the upgrade, with old land
seeds being collected and new seeds being distributed.
How to make money in U-FARM
Users can buy private land on the farm, and the land use right is 365 days. When you
buy land, you will receive a certain amount of UFC tokens. UFC tokens are currently
exchangeable for USDT. Later, when U-FARM goes online on the exchange, it will be
freely traded like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Each piece of land can be planted and harvested once a day, and the fruits will be sold
automatically and the corresponding USDT will be obtained. USDT will be recycled by
[U-FARM], recorded and stored in the mining pool of [U-FARM]. These tokens will
circulate freely around the world through cryptocurrency exchanges.

After deducting transaction fees and commissions, [U-FARM] will deposit the
remaining tokens into your account as your farming income. Different grades of crops
will generate different transaction fees and commissions, as well as different handling
fees. This is thanks to 【U-FARM】unique GameFi technology and innovative
encryption algorithm. This ensures that each user's data is unique

UFC serves as the base operating token of U-FARM. Responsible for communication
and flow in the domain network, UFC Coin is the basic unit of account on the U-FARM
blockchain and UFC Coin is also a natural bridge token based on the TRC standard
token. Once the UFC token is successfully listed on an exchange, anyone can convert
it to other cryptocurrency coins on the blockchain via smart contracts or use your
country's fiat currency to purchase UFC Coin.
What can U Farm bring to you?
First of all, you have a stable job every day, which guarantees your income.
Secondly, you can invite your friends to join your team and get invitation bonus
and working bonus.

we need to understand the value of U Farm Planting. U Farm currently has 4

levels of farms for you to choose from. No matter which level of farm you
choose to own, you will get a return of at least 10 times more than the amount
you grow, without any risk. This is the value of U Farm farming

Each account can plant 10 lands, and everyone can freely combine them. The
higher the level, the higher the income. All lands are rented for one year (365
seeds). After you earn back your cost, the income you earn every day is your net
Secondly, you can choose to upgrade your farm by simply paying the
difference in price
U Farm's Land Rules
NB: For example,

# to upgrade a potato farm to a wheat farm, you only need to pay 100-30=70USDT
# Upgrade from wheat farm to corn farm, you only need to pay 300-100=200USDT
# to upgrade a corn farm to a coffee farm, you only need to pay 900-300=600USDT

When upgrading to a higher level, the account will be valid on the day of the
upgrade and the one-year lease period will start again (unused seeds before the
upgrade will be recycled to get seeds for the new land)

Renting a farm for yourself is the easiest way to make money. Because this way does
not require you to invest a lot of money to bring you a long-term stable income.
Therefore, we should use all the rules and incentives of U Farm wisely to create more
value for ourselves.
If you are A, the friend you invite is , and the
friend B invites is your C C the friend you invited is
your D

You are A, you will get B's 5% land bonus and 3%

planting bonus. Get C's 3% land bonus and 2%
planting bonus.
Get D's 1% land bonus and 1% planting bonus.

For example, if your friend B buys a coffee

bean farm for $900, you get 5% of B's
(900*5%=$45), he earns $23 per day from
farming, and you get (23*3%=$0.69) per day.
Example: You have 10 B-rank members, 10 C-rank members, and 10 D-rank members,
and they each buy ten coffee bean farms

Land Lease Incentives planting rewards

Land Lease Incentives for Ten B's. Coffee bean Land Lease Incentives for Ten B's. Daily income
price 900USDT*10 people*10 land*5%=4500 of coffee beans 23USDT*10 people*10
land*3%*365 days=25185
Land Lease Incentive for Ten C's. Coffee bean
price 900USDT*10 people*10 land*3%=2700 Land Lease Incentive for Ten C's. Daily income
of coffee beans 23USDT*10 people*10
Land Lease Incentives for Ten D's. Coffee bean land*2%*365 days=16790
price 900USDT*10 people*10 land*1%=900
Land Lease Incentives for Ten D's. Coffee beans
daily income 23USDT*10 people*10
land*1%*365 days=8395

Your team income: 4500+2700+900+25185+16790+8395=58470 USDT ( R1110930 )

As we all know, the annual advertising fee for a brand and an enterprise is
very astonishing.

Procter & Gamble: $11.5 billion in annual advertising spend

Amazon: $10.9 billion in annual advertising spend Advertise

L'Oreal: $9.9 billion in annual advertising spend User

Samsung: $8.6 billion in annual advertising spend

Alibaba: $8.4 billion in annual advertising spend U-FARM

Therefore, the platform's team rewards are actually giving back to users the saved advertising
costs and operating costs.
Wealth Friendship Social circle
The development team Introducing friends to The platform offers
can not only get team participate can increase opportunities to meet people
rewards, but also save a your income, help them from various fields and
lot of advertising fees for gain benefits, and deepen backgrounds, gain new
the platform connections while bringing perspectives and expand
more opportunities. your network through
communication and learning.
Why rent a farm?

Prices are rising, interest rates are going up, it takes a lot of money to fill up at
the gas station, and people's lives are getting more and more stressful. Whether
you have a job or not, finding a long-term stable extra income will definitely
help you improve your economy and raise your standard of living.
Why Join U Farm
U-FARM is a stable business model, so you no longer worry about unemployment and

U-FARM's innovative model can not only bring economic benefits, but also allow you to
participate in the protection of green and environment, and contribute to future

Joining U-FARM, you will become a dynamic and creative community member with
unlimited development opportunities.

Whether you want to change your life or realize your dreams, U-FARM members are
your reliable partners. Join us and start a new chapter in your life!
Over 2000,000 users in South
Africa Join U Farm
Change destiny, start
from U Farm

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