Chapter # 2 Notes

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Question #1 : What is a network ? Give some reasons for network importance.


A computer network is group of computer for collection of data communications between computer
having features of hardware sharing, use of communication software and use of communication
media which are connected in a meaningful group to allow users to share information and
equipment/hardware with others. For example:

a) Sharing printer and scanner on a network

b) Sharing Hard drive of main server for centralized data updating and access for all every time.

c) Using Communication Software like Net meeting, MSN messenger, Facebook , twitter

d) Sharing of internet connection through LAN/WAN/GAN

e) Access to any other computer on the network (Like using Remote Admin, Any Desk or by
using Team Viewer software)

f) Sharing data/hardware with others user (data, hardware & software).

g) Formation of different communities groups on the network like (Facebook).

h) Supporting GUI – Networking operating system for sending/receiving fast data signals.



i. Network allow users to share files with each other

ii. Centralized data updating would be possible if more than 2 computers are connected

iii. Centralized data can be access by any user on the network

iv. Network enables a user to share his computer hardware like Laser printer /Scanner,
Server hard drive to other users on the network.

v. It enables unlike computers equipments to communicate. if the computer on the network

are having different operating system like MS-DOS, UNIX, APPLE-DOS then networking will
not be possible only if they have networking operating system like Window 2000, Netware
4.1, Window server 2003.

vi. More improved communication with speed and accuracy become possible. Like sending
Email, instantaneous message on LAN without a chance of data/message being lost.

vii. Can send fast data over a long distance using satellite link DSL, microwaves link so it
become cheaper than sending telegrams and telephone message or by post.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 1 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
Question #2 : What are various types of networks?

Types of Networks

There are various types of networks locally or globally but the most common types of networks are:

1. LAN (Local Area Network)

2. WAN (Wide Area Network)

3. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

4. GAN (Global Area Network – Internet)

1. LAN – Local Area Network

1. Privately owned communication network that give its users services under a limited
geographical area /locality. LAN is mostly connected by length of wire, LAN Network cable (CAT-
5/CAT-6) or using Fiber optics cables.

2. LAN is run/maintained by special networking software like NOVEL, ISA Server, Wingate ,
proxy server. Range of LAN is usually within one Kilometer ( 1000 meter). It can be inside a
building like (HBL plaza) , in one office (computer lab), groups of builds close together, Example
University Campus .

Major Characteristics of LAN

1. LAN operates within a building or floor of a building. Can run more powerful applications using
LAN by reducing the size of LAN and connecting more than one LANs together.

2. LAN allow users to share physical hardware like LASER printer, scanner, server hard drive,
shared folders , including sharing software of database and centralized data with other users.

3. Local services of LAN remains available to all users most of the time and LAN rarely shutdown
or restrict access to connected workstations if properly maintained by Network Administrator on

4. LAN provide communication system link to outside communications system means two LANs
can interconnected with each other if it is in different locations keeping the limits of LAN.

5. MODEM is not always needed within a LAN instead of it special hardware (NIC, LAN cards) and
software supporting LAN (LAN Card Drivers supported till Windows 98) are used.

2. WAN – Wide Area Network

1. A wide area network is a communications network that covers a wide geographical area,
such as a province or a country.
2. These networks allow multiple users to access a variety of host computers through the
same physical medium, while separating ·each user's session so that no user is aware of
another on the network.
3. It also enables LANs to communicate with each other.
The major characteristics of WANs are:

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 2 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
1. The network operates beyond the local LAN's geographic scope/limit beyond 1Km but
wide range like province. It uses the services of carriers provided by communication
companies such as Pak Net, PTCL, PTA
2. In a WAN, the transmission medium used are normally public systems such as
telephone lines, microwaves and satellite links.
3. WANs rarely shut down, but because the enterprise must pay for services used, it might
restrict access to connected workstations. Not all WAN services are available in all
4. Wide area networks operate at speeds much higher than the limit of normal voice-grade
telephone lines.
3. MAN – Metropolitan Area Network

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer network that usually spans a city or a
large campus. A MAN usually interconnects a number of local area networks (LANs) using a high-
capacity backbone technology, such as fiber-optical links, and provides up-link services to wide
area networks (or WAN) and the Internet. Suppose the internet services provided by Company
expend its network in Hyderabad now its MAN will be part of WAN but services of each city will be
known as for e.g Cybernet-Karachi / Cybernet-Hyderabad.

4. GAN- Global Area Network

Global area network or Internet – Inter Network - International Network (a worldwide

collection of interconnected networks) is a collection of networks a network of networks-that
communicate with each other by using the same standards (protocols) of communication.
The computers that make up these networks are of different types. Currently, over one billion
computer systems with tens of millions of users in almost every county in the world-make up
the Internet. Users access the Internet by connecting a computer that connects to the Net
making it a global village.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 3 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI

Question#3 : What is topology? Explain different network topologies.


The physical layout of any network is called topology. There are Four basic topologies of LAN are:

1. Star Topology

2. Ring Topology

3. Bus Topology

4. Hybrid Topology

*5 Tree Network Topology

*6 Mesh Topology

In network topology a component is called a node usually it is a computer on the network .The term
node is also refer to any device connected to a network including the server, the clients computers
and any peripheral/Secondary devices such as Printer ,Scanner or Video camera etc.


 In star topology each client/workstation is attached to a main central server. Any communication
between any two nodes on the network will pass through the main server.

 Each device/node is directly connected to the main server which contain the network interface
card and software/driver for network interfacing which manage overall data communication
between network.

 If any user at workstation wants to print the page then it sends the request to the central server
and then central server notifies the client about the task accomplished or failed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Star Network

a) Advantages of Star Network

i. Easily new terminals/workstations can be added to/remover from the network

ii. No chance of data collision because the central server prevents the data collisions for the
messages between each workstations.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 4 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
iii. If communication between server and any workstation is broken then the entire network will not
be effected and rest of the nodes will continue operating.

iv. Transmission delay between two terminals or between server or any workstation does not
increase by adding new nodes to the network because any device connected will have its own
path or link to the network without effecting others.

v. Easy to detect faults and to remove parts

vi. No disruptions to the network when connecting or removing devices.

b) Disadvantages of Star Network

i. Network mainly depends on the central server if central server crash/ fails to work then entire
network will be stop.

ii. Star topology is expensive because a separate wire will be required for internet connection for
each computer with central server.

iii. The performance and scalability of the network also depend on the capabilities of the hub/switch
(if using sub-standard).


 In Ring Topology multiple terminals and peripherals are connected into a ring-like structure.

 All terminals communication will follow a clock-wise or anti-clockwise pattern of data


 There is no concept of central server.

 The message goes from terminal to terminal until the designated device is reached i.e. if the
message was sent from terminal-1 to terminal-4 it will flow from 1 to 4 until data is going to
received by terminal-4 with acknowledgement.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 5 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
Advantages and Disadvantages of Ring Network

a) Advantages of Ring Network

i. In Ring network message will flow in only one direction, so no chance of data collision/ data

ii. More reliable than star network because the communication is not dependent on the main

iii. Performs better than a star topology under heavy network load

iv. Low cost of setup

b) Disadvantages of Ring Network

i. If the ring is broken then the entire network will stop working

ii. It is difficult to troubleshoot the ring network

iii. New terminal (node) or computer cannot be added to the ring network easily. Moves, adds and
changes of devices can affect the network

iv. Communication dely is directly proportional to the number of computers in the network.

v. Network adapter cards are much more expensive than LAN cards and hubs

vi. Much slower than an Ethernet network under normal load


 Each network device is connected to a common cable or BUS

 Each node/component has its own network interface device usually a circuit board or network
interface card. This component can be plug into the available expansion slots. Card contains
necessary hardware and supporting software.

 Data is sent down the bus and will be available to all the devices connected to the bus, where
each message contains its own destination device address.

 If due to any reason the message collides and does not transmit to the receiver then the device
wait for acknowledgment else tries to retransmit that message with destination address.

 There is no concept of central server in Bus network topology.

 Systems which use bus network architectures have some scheme of collision handling or
collision avoidance for communication on the bus, or presence of a bus master which controls
access to the shared bus resource.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 6 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Network

i. Advantages of Bus Network

i. Simple and easy to understand, implement and extend and easy to install

ii. Bus network may be organized as Client/Server or peer-to-peer network.

iii. Easily new terminal can be added to Bus network

iv. If one the terminal become defective it does not effect on other computers of the network.

v. Well-suited for temporary or small networks not requiring high speeds (quick setup).
vi. Cheaper than other topologies.
vii. Cost effective; only a single cable is used.

ii. Disadvantages of Bus Network

i. Extra circuitry and software are need to avoid data collision.

ii. It is not easy to detect any error if arises in the network

iii. If the connection in the bus is broken the entire network will stop working.

iv. May have problems when two clients want to transmit at the same time on the same bus.

v. Slower data transfer rate than other topologies.

vi. Only one packet can remain on the bus during one clock pulse.

vii. Proper termination is required for packet transmission.

4. Tree Network Topology

 Tree Topology is a combination of the bus and the Star Topology.

 The Tree Topology follows a hierarchical pattern where each level is connected to the next
higher level follows a certain pattern in connecting the nodes. Think of a tree that branches out
in various directions and all these branches need the roots and the tree trunk to survive.
 The tree like structure allows you to have many servers on the network and you can branch out
the network in many ways. This is particularly helpful for colleges, universities and schools so
that each of the branches can identify the relevant systems in their own network.

 A Tree Structure suits best when the network is widely spread and vastly divided into many

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 7 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
 The Tree Topology has two kinds of topology the star and the Bus topology.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree Network

 Advantages of Tree Network

i. Supported by many Network vendors

ii. A point to point connection is possible in Tree Network.

iii. All the computers have access to the larger and their immediate networks

iv. Best topology for branched out networks.

 Disadvantages of Tree Network

i. The Tree Topology network is entirely dependent on the trunk which is the main backbone of
the network. If that has to fail then the entire network would fail.

ii. Since the Tree Topology network is big it is difficult to configure and can get complicated
after a certain point.

5. Hybrid Network Topology

Combination of any two or more types of network topologies is forming a Hybrid Network Topology.
Any topology of network will depend upon the combination of factors like:

I. Reliability of the entire System

II. Expendability of the System

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 8 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
III. Cost effective issue

IV. Availability of Communication line

V. Dely involved in routing information from one terminal to another.

Most computer networks are Hybrid in nature i.e. combination of any two network Topology. For
Example a university Campus that might use a bus network to connect different departments and
star or ring network inside the department.

6. Mesh Topology

In Mesh Topology every Computer (node) can have multiple access points to access data on any
other Computer (node) it may be the combination of all previous topologies.

Question#4 : What are the different LAN MODELS ?

LANs usually follow two models: (1) CLIENT/SERVER (2) PEER-TO-PEER.

Client/Server Model
 A client/server model uses one or more computers as servers, and the other
computers on the network are clients. The server is a high-capacity, high-speed
computer with a large hard disk capacity.
 It contains the network operating system, the software required to run the network.
The server also contains network versions of programs and large data files. Clients
the computers that can access the server-send requests to the server.
Here are some common services that clients request:
1. Storing and retrieving files on the server's hard disk.
2. Running programs that are stored on the server's hard disk.
3. Printing to a network printer.
The client/server model works with any size or topology of LAN and does not tend to slow
down with heavy use. .

Peer-to-Peer Model
The word peer denotes one who is equal in standing with another. A peer-to-peer LAN is
one in which all computers on the network communicate directly with one another without
relying on a server.
 Peer-to-peer, networks are less expensive than client/server networks

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 9 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
 work effectively for up to 25 computers. Beyond that they slow down under heavy
use. They ate thus appropriate for networking in small groups.
 Ensuring that viruses are not introduced to the network is the responsibility of each
individual user.
A network can also be a hybrid combining elements of both client/server and peer-to-
peer models.

Question# 5 : Differentiate between Client Server and Peer-to-Peer Model ?

Client Server Model Peer-to-Peer Model

 Mostly depend on the main server  Independent working – no concept of main server –
computer equal rights for each computer
 Sever containing high-capacity, high-  Ordinary configuration system will work effectively
speed, large hard disk capacity. up to 25 Computers
 It contains special network operating  It contains simple operating system like Windows
system like LINUX, Windows Server 2008 XP
etc, software required to run the network.
 The client/server model works with any  Peer-to-Peer model works with LAN topology like
size or topology of LAN , does not tend to BUS, RING & it tends to slow down with heavy use,
slow down with heavy use. useful for small organization.

 More Expensive  Less Expensive

Question# 6 : Differentiate between LAN & WAN ?


 LAN stands for Local Area Network  WAN stands for Wide Area Network

 LAN maximum Rang is 1km  WAN rang is more than 1km and can cover
through Province/Country.

 Privately owned network with in building or  Public support network and support many more
office or in lab- limited users than 10,000 users in cities or in country/province.

 Mostly it is wired or it may be wireless  Mostly it is wireless network depending on

network microwave transmission

 Setting up LAN is easy job.  Setting up WAN is difficult job.

 Mostly depend on one main server (follow  Different servers connected with Tree like
Star topology) structure(Tree Topology)

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 10 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
Question# 7 : Differentiate between Usenet & Telnet ?

Usenet Telnet

1. Usenet is the collection of all internet 1. Telnet is service of internet that allows users to
newsgroups, open discussion forum which is access remote computers outside your local
more than 30,000 area.

2. It is an electronic discussion forum for 2. It required user name and password for login but
people to comments and post their view many do not have any restriction.
related to any topic like jobs, medicines ,
current market rate , sport news etc.

3. An article is the message posted by any 3. Using telnet can access libraries, databases and
user on net public service all over the world.

4. Follow up post is considered as posted 4. Hytelnet is the tool allows users to access
reply to any user comments/article. various sites using Telnet service.

5. User has to subscribe for the newsgroup 5. World Wide Web (www) allow user to access
to address any topic of interest. different sites using Telnet.

6. Usenet is classified into major categories 6. Using Telnet and FTP user can access and
called domain retrieve the documents/data using World
wide Web.

Question# 8 : Define the following terms Router, Bridge , Gateway

1. * A router is a special computer network connecting device/hardware that directs
communicating messages when several networks are connected together using LAN or WAN.
2. High-speed routers also known as switch serve as to High speed Internet Backbone(data
routing)-transmission path, handling majority of the data traffic.
3. High-speed routers serve to find the shortest path for packet switching using IP address with f
dynamically updating Routing table on the basis of which they decided data packet routing &
broadcasting connected through it.
4. Used to connect various devices in the multiple networks with more than one broadcasting domain.
5. Router is used for Network Link Layer (OSI Model)

6. Protocol dependent and recommend to use to read IP (Internet Protocol address) of device.


1. *A bridge is a hardware and software combination used to connect various

devices having same type of networks.
2. Bridge are used to connect devices within two different LANs having same protocol with in
single domain counting as a one single network

3. Example : Bridge is recommended for single network having single LAN (Low cost).

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 11 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
4. Protocol Independent and recommend to use to read MAC address of device

5. Bridge is a repeater with filtering contents by reading MAC address of source and

6. It has single input and single output port making it 2 port device.

7. Bridge operates for Data Link Layer (OSI Model)

Gateway is an interface that enables dissimilar-networks to communicate, such as a
LAN with a WAN, based on different topologies or network operating systems.
1. Gateway as the name suggest is a passage to connect two networks together as
they may work on different network model(LAN/WAN).
2. A gateway is a hardware device that acts as a "gate" between two networks. It may be
a router, firewall, server, or other device that enables traffic to flow in and out of the network.
3. Work as messenger agent that take data from one system, interpret it and transfer it to
another system.
4. Also called Protocol converters and can operates on any network layer.
5. Gateways are more complex then switch or router.

6. A router is a common type of gateway used in home networks. It allows computers within the
local network to send and receive data over the Internet.
7. A firewall is a more advanced type of gateway, which filters inbound and outbound traffic,
disallowing incoming data from suspicious or unauthorized sources.
8. A proxy server is another type of gateway that uses a combination of hardware and software
to filter traffic between two networks. For example, a proxy server may only allow local
computers to access a list of authorized websites.
Also called Repeater HUB is a network hardware device used for connecting multiple Ethernet
devices together as single network segment having multiple input/output ports used in data
collision detection because it forward the jam signal to all ports , because it work on half-duplex
device under the physical layer of OSI model now a days they are OBSOLETE and replace by
network switches .

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 12 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 13 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
Question : What is Email, its advantages and dis-advantages ?

Electronic Mail
The Internet has world's largest electronic mail system called E-mail. Person with an e-
mail account can send messages to other users. Most e-mail programs also permit users
to attach data files and program files to messages.

Basic electronic mail (e-mail) address has two parts:

(1) the user name
(2) the domain name.

The user name identifies the person who originates or receives the mail; the domain name
identifies the computer system on which the user has an account are separated by an @

Email address can have five parts for example

1. First part-user ID: First part is the user's identification-in this case, asad.arshid
underscore is allowed now a days . is also allowed.
The @ symbol, which follows the user ID, identifier with several identifiers

2. Second part-subdomain: The second part is the sub-domain which immediately follows
the@sign which is dadc which stands for DHACSS Degree College

3. Third part-domain: the domain-in this case is dhacss which is actual domain purchase
by the party by paying domain registration fee.

4. Fourth part domain types, is the network's top-level domann type in this case edu for
"education". Other domain types are com (commercial), org (organisation), gov

5. Fifth part country code indicate country code in this case is pk for Pakistan, au for
Australia and uk for England us for USA(America)

Advantages of E-mail
1. Fas as user can send/deliver your message to the recipient in seconds, instantaneous,
also check that whether the recipient has accessed your message.
2. It's Easy to use and operate
3. It's Available round the clock and round the globe with the support of internet.
4. It's Fun: electronic mail systems enable you to find friends all over the world:
5. It's Cheap: Worldwide electronic mail services such as Hotmail services are
free to certain level to Receive and charge less than you would expect for
example gmail account give you 15GB data for storing email documents/files
free of cost.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 14 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
6. It's Flexible: You can send a message to more than one person if you like.

Disadvantages of E-mail
Following are some disadvantages of e-mail:
1. It is still not generally available to all over the world 100% because of no-internet
2. Ii has created an information overload. People are swamped by junk mails and
spam finding what is relevant and need to read from the hundreds of mails.
3. It is possible that any of the e-mail contains virus, which may affect your
Computer system.
4. Any e-mail send to wrong address cannot be recalled back.
5. It is not completely private or confidential due to hacking.
6. As e-mail is free, so someone may send e-mail for trouble so that you may feel
Uneasy to deal with.

Short note on Internet

 Internet of Inter-Network is the is the collection of various computers and other
devices connected with each other while sharing the resources through internet.
 The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks.
 We communicate with each other through internet by using same protocol TCP/IP
since 1983
 It is the largest network of the world that connects computers located at different
parts of the world that consists of link by electronic, wire or wireless, and optical
networking technologies.
 History : 1960s ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
started packet switching consider to be the birth of internet
 In Pakistan internet services are provided by mainly PTA/PTCL and the major link is
provided with SEA-ME-WE4 South East Asia–Middle East–Western Europe 4) is
an optical fiber submarine communications cable system.
 Connection to internet is possible by Cabel modem by ISP (Internet service
providers), by DSL (digital subscriber line) using telephone line, FTH (fiber optics to
home) , Dish shape antenna (using radio signals), cellular radio network, using WIFI
(Wireless fideliry radio signals network) DSL (Direct satellite link using satellite

 Internet provides us some advantages as:

1. Information and service mostly free and available for all
2. People can communicate making it a global village
3. Support for bulletin board e-newspaper
4. Chat rooms / social media network sites
5. Voice conversations
6. Video conferencing
7. Online shopping sale-purchase
8. Social media applications

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 15 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
9. Online music audio, video
10. One line video tutorials on various topics
11. Message boards blogs people can share their views
12. Powerful serach engines.
13. Telemedicine allow medical specialist in one city and to diagnose and treat
patients in another city.

 Disadvantes are :
1. Lot of wrong information on the internet. Anyone can post anything as garbage.
2. Predators hang out on the internet waiting to get unsuspecting people in dangerous
situations like kidnapping, blackmailing
3. Addicted to the internet causing problems with interacted friends and family
4. young children too easily access to unethical sites
5. Easy to waste a lot of time on the internet.
6. Internet has a lot of "cheater" sites. People can buy essays and degree and pass
them off as their own far more easily than they used to be able to do.
7. Hackers can create viruses that can get into your personal computer and ruin
valuable data.
8. Less concentration towards library and books for searching
9. Cybercrimes on go
10. Cyberbullying or harassment using social media
11. Spamming – sending unsolicited message / not ask by any user
12. Malware to monitor user screen while web browsing

What is a web Browser and how does it work, name commonly use web browsers and
write some properties/features of web browsers.

Web Browser:

Web browser or Broswer is an application software that allow users to access and view web pages
of server side and you need to connect to internet using web browser. When user request a site it
types the address in address bar and press serach/enter buton then browser send the the request
to the concern web server who look for files in its database disk and then send the link web page
access to the user back.

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 16 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI
Popuar web browsers are :
1. Google Chrome
2. Internet Explorer
3. Mozila Firefox
4. Apple Safari
5. Opera
6. Netscaep Navigator
7. Miscrosoft Edge
8. Brave
9. Chromium
10. Mosaic in 1993 consider to be first web browser that can disply text and images
11. Worldwideweb in 1990 consider as first ever browser deveoped by Tim Berners-Lee

Now a days every browser has following interface & functionalities:

1. Navigation buttons for previous and forward button
2. Refresh , Reload and Stop button with Home page button
3. Address Bar
4. Integrated seach engine tool
5. Tabbed Browsing
6. Book Mark buttons
7. Functionaltiy to helop user to navigate the web page/web sites
8. Support of email, chatm FTP, Web publishing
9. Navigational tools to retrive , display fin save and print web pages
10. Speed of browsing usign cache
11. Customisabiltiy to open liking first page to open when browser open
12. Java buit in translators support
13. Multimedia support
14. Real time processing allowing two or more users to work on same project simultainoiously
15. Web publishing of creating and testing any web pages in web server envirnment
16. Security of data
17. Synchronisation of data with differnet devices switing between phone and browser/PC

BY : Lec Asad Arshid Aziz ( Page 17 of 17 DHACSS DEGREE COLLEGE (Boys & Girls), KARACHI

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