IELTS Speaking Forecast (May - August 2023) - With Sample Answers

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IELTS Speaking Forecast

(May - August 2023)

With sample answers

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How do you keep yourself healthy?

I keep myself healthy by maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical exercise. Additionally, I
make sure to get enough sleep and manage my stress levels effectively.

What are your favourite sports?

My favorite sports include swimming and basketball. I find swimming to be a great way to stay active and it
helps improve my overall fitness. Basketball, on the other hand, is not only physically demanding, but also
allows me to have fun and compete with others.

Are there health classes in your school?

Yes, there are health classes in my school. These classes cover a wide range of topics such as nutrition,
physical fitness, mental health, and personal hygiene. They provide valuable information and promote healthy
habits among students.

Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?

Yes, it is relatively easy for people to exercise in my country. There are numerous fitness centers, parks, and
recreational facilities available that cater to various interests and fitness levels. Additionally, the government
promotes a culture of physical activity by organizing sports events and encouraging outdoor activities.
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Do you like ice cream? Do you eat ice cream a lot?

Yes, I do enjoy eating ice cream. It is a delightful treat that I find quite enjoyable. However, I wouldn't say that I
eat it excessively. I consider it more of an occasional indulgence rather than a regular part of my diet.

Did you eat ice cream as a child?

Certainly! Like many children, I had a fondness for ice cream during my younger years. It was a special treat
that brought joy and excitement. I have many cherished memories of enjoying ice cream with friends and
family on warm summer days.

Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?

Yes, there are several shops in close proximity to my place of residence that sell ice cream. Whether it's local
ice cream parlors, dessert cafes, or even supermarkets, there are various options available for purchasing this
frozen delight. It's convenient to have these establishments nearby when I desire a scoop or two.

Would you like to make your own ice cream?

Absolutely! The idea of making my own ice cream is quite appealing to me. Not only would it be a fun and
creative activity, but it would also allow me to customize the flavors and ingredients according to my
preferences. I believe it would be a rewarding experience to savor the taste of homemade ice cream that I've
personally crafted.
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Can you remain focused for a long time?

Yes, I can remain focused for a long time, especially when I am engaged in a task that I find interesting or
meaningful. However, like anyone else, my level of focus can be influenced by various factors.

How do you stay focused?

To stay focused, I try to eliminate distractions and create a conducive environment. I break tasks into smaller,
manageable chunks and set specific goals. Additionally, I prioritize my work, use time management
techniques, and take short breaks to maintain mental stamina.

Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?

Yes, for the most part, I was able to stay focused in class when I was a child. However, there were times
when my attention would waver, especially if the subject matter was not engaging or if the classroom
environment was noisy.

Is it easy for you to stay focused in a noisy environment?

It can be challenging for me to stay focused in a noisy environment. I find it helpful to use noise-cancelling
headphones or find a quieter space when concentration is crucial. However, some individuals are more adept
at blocking out noise and maintaining focus regardless of the environment.
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Can you fix things?

Well, I must admit that I don't have the greatest knack for that kind of skills. I tend to struggle with technical
repairs and lack the necessary expertise to troubleshoot complex issues. However, I'm always open to
learning and improving my skills in this area, so perhaps with some guidance and practice, I can become
better at fixing things in the future.

Did anybody teach you how to fix things when you were a child?

I must admit that I didn't have much formal instruction in that area. While I did observe my parents and other
family members occasionally tinker with household repairs, it wasn't something that I actively participated in or
received dedicated lessons on. However, I did have the opportunity to assist with small tasks here and there,
like tightening screws or handing tools to my parents. Nevertheless, my exposure to hands-on repairs was
limited, and most of my practical knowledge in fixing things has been acquired through trial and error as an

Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?

Yes, I believe it is necessary for people to learn how to fix things. Being able to fix basic household items or
perform minor repairs can save money, promote self-reliance, and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. It
also empowers individuals to take control of their surroundings and develop problem-solving skills.

What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

When something is broken and cannot be fixed, the best course of action is to explore alternative solutions.
This may involve replacing the broken item, seeking professional help if necessary, or finding creative ways to
repurpose or recycle the broken object. Accepting that some things are beyond repair is part of the problem-
solving process, and it is important to adapt and find suitable alternatives.
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How important are friends to you?

Friends play a vital role in my life, as they provide companionship, support, and contribute to my personal
growth. They are crucial to my overall well-being and happiness. Having friends allows me to share
experiences, exchange ideas, and receive emotional support during challenging times. They offer a sense of
belonging and help me develop a social network that expands beyond my immediate family and academic
pursuits. Therefore, I consider friends to be of great importance in my life.

Do you often go out with your friends?

As a university student, balancing academics and other commitments can be challenging. However, I do
make an effort to spend time with my friends and engage in social activities outside of our academic
environment. While the frequency may vary depending on workload and other responsibilities, I try to allocate
time for socializing with friends on a regular basis. Whether it's grabbing a meal together, attending social
events, or participating in recreational activities, going out with friends allows me to unwind, foster meaningful
connections, and create lasting memories.

Where do you often meet each other?

My friends and I frequently meet in various locations depending on our preferences and availability. Common
meeting places include cafes, parks, libraries, or designated hangout spots on campus. Additionally, we might
organize gatherings at each other's homes for a more intimate setting. Since we all have different schedules
and commitments, we strive to find meeting locations that are convenient for everyone, ensuring equal
accessibility and minimizing commuting challenges.

What do you usually do with your friends?

When spending time with friends, we engage in a range of activities tailored to our interests and preferences.
Some popular activities include going out for meals, watching movies, attending concerts or sporting events,
exploring local attractions, or participating in recreational activities such as hiking, gaming, or playing team
sports. Additionally, we often engage in meaningful conversations, sharing our experiences, ideas, and
providing support to one another. These activities allow us to strengthen our bond, have fun, and create
cherished memories together.
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Which day is your favourite day of the week?

It's challenging to pick a single favorite day of the week since each day holds its own significance. However, if
I had to choose, I would say that Saturdays tend to be my favorite day. Saturdays provide a welcome break
from the rigorous academic schedule, allowing me to unwind and recharge for the upcoming week. It's a day
when I can pursue my personal interests, spend quality time with friends and family, or simply engage in
activities that bring me joy and relaxation. Whether it's exploring new hobbies, going out for recreational
activities, or catching up on leisure reading, Saturdays offer a much-needed respite and a chance to focus on

Which day is your least favourite day?

While it might sound cliché, Mondays are typically my least favorite day of the week. The transition from the
weekend to the start of a new academic week can often feel abrupt and demanding. After enjoying a couple of
days off, it can be challenging to jump back into a routine of classes, assignments, and responsibilities.
Additionally, Mondays are often characterized by early morning lectures and a considerable workload, which
can further contribute to the sense of fatigue and lack of motivation.

How do you usually spend your time on the weekends?

On weekends, my routine can vary depending on the workload and personal commitments. Generally, I try to
strike a balance between productive activities and relaxation to make the most of my free time. One of the first
things I do is catch up on sleep, allowing myself to rejuvenate after a busy week. Then, I dedicate a portion of
my weekend to academic pursuits, such as reviewing lecture notes, working on assignments, or conducting
research for upcoming projects. This helps me stay on track and manage my workload effectively.
Additionally, I try to pursue personal hobbies and interests during the weekends, such as reading books,
watching movies, or engaging in creative endeavors like writing or painting. These activities provide a much-
needed outlet for self-expression and relaxation.
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When was the last time you had a few days off?

The last time I had a few consecutive days off was during the semester break at the end of last year.
Typically, these breaks are scheduled between academic terms and allow students to recharge and prepare
for the upcoming semester.

What do you usually do when you have days off?

When I have days off, I try to strike a balance between relaxation and productivity. I usually catch up on sleep,
engage in hobbies such as reading or playing musical instruments, and spend time with friends or family. It's
also a great opportunity to catch up on any pending assignments or review course material.

Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or your friends?

The way I spend my days off depends on various factors, such as personal preferences and obligations. While
I enjoy spending quality time with both my parents and friends, it ultimately depends on the circumstances. If I
haven't seen my parents in a while, I may prioritize spending time with them. On the other hand, if I have
planned activities or outings with my friends, I might choose to spend my days off with them. Flexibility and
balancing relationships are key considerations in making such decisions.

What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?

If I had a day off tomorrow, I would seize the opportunity to relax and pursue activities that bring me joy and
rejuvenation. Firstly, I would start the day with some light exercise, such as a morning jog or yoga, to energize
myself. Then, I would dedicate some time to reading a book that I've been meaning to delve into for a while. In
the afternoon, I might catch up with a close friend over a coffee or explore a new cafe in town. Finally, I would
conclude the day by engaging in a creative hobby, such as painting or playing the guitar, to unwind and
express myself artistically. Overall, my ideal day off would involve a blend of personal reflection, social
connection, and creative fulfillment.
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Do you usually carry a bag?

Yes, I do. I typically carry a bag with me on a regular basis. Carrying a bag is essential for me as it allows me
to conveniently carry my study materials, such as textbooks, notebooks, stationery, and a laptop. Additionally,
I also use my bag to carry personal items like my wallet, keys, and sometimes even snacks or a water bottle.
Having a bag ensures that I am well-prepared for my day and enables me to stay organized while on campus.

Do you change your bags often?

Personally, I tend to change my bags occasionally, especially if I find a new bag that meets my requirements
better or if I want to match my bag with different outfits or occasions. However, it's important to note that
changing bags too frequently can be impractical and time-consuming, so finding a balance between
functionality and style is key.

What kind of bags would you use when travelling?

When traveling, the type of bag I choose depends on the nature and duration of the trip. For shorter trips or
day excursions, I often opt for a backpack. Backpacks are practical for carrying essentials like a water bottle,
snacks, a camera, and any other items I may need throughout the day. They also distribute the weight evenly
on my back, making it comfortable to carry for extended periods. On the other hand, for longer trips or when I
need to pack more clothes and personal belongings, I prefer using a suitcase or a travel duffel bag. These
larger bags provide ample space and organization options, allowing me to pack efficiently and keep my
belongings secure during transit.

Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

Yes, I did use a backpack when I was a child. As a child, my backpack was an essential companion for
carrying my textbooks, notebooks, lunchbox, and other necessary items to school.
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Are there wild animals in your country?

Yes, there are indeed wild animals in my country, Vietnam. As a diverse and geographically expansive nation,
we are fortunate to have a rich variety of wildlife habitats. From dense forests to vast coastal regions, these
diverse ecosystems support a wide range of animal species. Our country is home to numerous indigenous
mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even some endangered species. Efforts are made to protect and
conserve these habitats to ensure the survival of our native wildlife.

Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?

Yeah, I've been to both a zoo and a safari park. The zoo had animals in enclosures that tried to mimic their
natural habitats. It was cool seeing animals from all over the world in one place. The safari park was more
natural, with open spaces where animals roamed freely. It was awesome getting close to them and seeing
their behaviors up close. Both places taught me a lot about animals and conservation.

What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?

If given the opportunity, the animal I would most like to see in the wild is the majestic Bengal tiger. Itr is an
iconic and endangered species native to certain regions of my country. Their elusive nature and dwindling
population make encounters with them a rare and extraordinary experience. Seeing a Bengal tiger in its
natural habitat would not only be a thrilling adventure but also a poignant reminder of the importance of
preserving our wildlife and their ecosystems.

Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?

Yes, there are several TV programs dedicated to showcasing and educating the public about wild animals in
my country. These programs are usually broadcast on nature or wildlife-focused channels, providing
captivating and informative content for nature enthusiasts. They feature documentaries, wildlife series, and
educational segments that delve into various aspects of animal behavior, conservation efforts, and the
importance of preserving biodiversity. These programs serve as a valuable resource for learning about our
native wildlife, raising awareness about environmental issues, and inspiring viewers to appreciate and protect
the natural world around us.
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Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?

My personal preference between rainy and sunny days may vary depending on the situation. However, if I
were to express a general inclination, I would say that I tend to enjoy sunny days more. Sunny weather often
brings a sense of warmth and brightness, which can be uplifting and conducive to outdoor activities. It also
provides ample opportunities for engaging in recreational pursuits, such as going for a walk, studying in a
park, or participating in sports. Nonetheless, I do appreciate rainy days for their own unique charm and the
cozy atmosphere they create.

What do you do on rainy days?

On rainy days, my activities are typically influenced by the indoor setting and the desire for a comfortable and
productive day. As a university student, I often utilize such days to catch up on academic tasks. I may allocate
extra time for studying, working on assignments, or reviewing course materials. Rainy days can also be ideal
for engaging in leisure activities that are better suited for indoor environments. This may include reading
books, watching movies or TV shows, playing video games, or even pursuing creative hobbies like painting or
writing. Additionally, rainy days can be an opportunity to relax and unwind, so I may take the time to practice
self-care, such as enjoying a hot beverage, listening to music, or spending quality time with friends or family.

What do you usually do when it starts to rain and you are outside?

When I find myself outside and it begins to rain, my immediate priority would be to seek shelter and protect
myself from the elements. Depending on the situation, I may look for nearby structures like buildings, bus
stops, or covered areas where I can take refuge until the rain subsides. Carrying an umbrella or wearing
appropriate rain gear is also helpful in such situations. If I'm unable to find immediate shelter, I would try to
find a temporary solution to keep myself dry, such as taking cover under trees or awnings. It is important to
note that safety is paramount, and if the rain becomes heavy or poses any risks, it may be advisable to find a
safe location and wait until the conditions improve before continuing with outdoor activities.

Have you ever had to change your plans because of the rain?

Yes, I have encountered situations where I had to alter my plans due to rain. Inclement weather1 can often
disrupt outdoor activities or render them less enjoyable or feasible. For instance, if I had planned to have a
picnic, go hiking, or engage in outdoor sports, heavy rain would likely require me to postpone or cancel these
activities. In such cases, it is necessary to be flexible and adapt to the circumstances. Instead, I might

1 Inclement weather is unpleasant, especially with cold wind and rain.

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consider indoor alternatives or reschedule the activity for a more suitable day. Rain can serve as a reminder
of the importance of being adaptable and finding alternative ways to make the most of the situation, ensuring
both safety and enjoyment in different settings.
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Would you like to become a teacher?

As a university student, I have contemplated the idea of becoming a teacher and find it intriguing. Teaching is
a noble profession that holds the potential to shape young minds and contribute to the growth and
development of individuals and society as a whole. The prospect of sharing knowledge, inspiring students,
and fostering a positive learning environment is certainly appealing to me. However, I believe it is crucial to
explore different career paths and gain practical experience before making a final decision.

Do you think you could be a good teacher?

While it is difficult to assess one's own potential as a teacher without actual classroom experience, I believe I
possess several qualities that could contribute to being a good teacher. Firstly, I have a genuine passion for
the subject matter I am studying, which I believe is essential for effectively conveying knowledge to students.
Additionally, I value clear communication and strive to present information in a coherent and engaging
manner. Moreover, I am patient, empathetic, and believe in the importance of understanding students'
individual needs and tailoring my teaching methods accordingly. However, I am aware that becoming a good
teacher requires continuous learning, adaptability, and a willingness to refine my skills through practical
experience and professional development.

Did you have a favorite teacher when you were a child?

Yes, I did have a favorite teacher when I was a child. My favorite teacher was my third-grade English teacher,
Ms. Johnson. She had a unique way of making the classroom environment fun and interactive, which made
learning enjoyable for everyone. Her teaching style incorporated various creative activities, such as group
discussions, role-plays, and storytelling, which captivated our attention and fostered our interest in the subject.
Moreover, she was approachable and always encouraged us to ask questions and participate actively in
class. Her enthusiasm for teaching and genuine care for her students left a lasting impression on me.

How did this teacher help you in your study?

Ms. Johnson played a crucial role in my academic journey. She helped me develop a strong foundation in
English by providing clear explanations, offering constructive feedback on my assignments, and encouraging
me to push beyond my comfort zone. She recognized my strengths and weaknesses and tailored her teaching
methods to address my specific needs. Additionally, she fostered a supportive and inclusive classroom
environment, where all students felt comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions. This created a positive
learning atmosphere that motivated me to strive for excellence. Overall, her dedication, guidance, and belief in
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my potential had a significant impact on my study habits and instilled in me a love for learning.
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What foreign languages have you studied? Why?

As a university student, I have had the opportunity to study several foreign languages. The languages I have
focused on are French and Spanish. I chose to study French because of its widespread international use,
particularly in diplomacy, literature, and the arts. Additionally, French is one of the official languages of many
international organizations, such as the United Nations, making it a valuable language for future career
prospects. Spanish, on the other hand, intrigued me due to its prevalence as a global language, spoken by
millions of people across various countries. Its relevance in North and South America, as well as its cultural
richness, motivated me to delve into its study.

How do you often learn a new language?

When embarking on the journey of learning a new language, I adopt a multifaceted approach that combines
various resources and techniques. Firstly, I enroll in formal language courses or join language study groups at
the university. These provide a structured curriculum, guidance from experienced instructors, and
opportunities for interactive learning with peers. Then, to further enhance my language acquisition, I engage in
immersive activities, such as watching movies or TV shows, listening to podcasts or music, and reading books
or articles in the target language, which greatly contribute to improving my proficiency in the language.

How long does it often take for you to learn a new language?

The time required to learn a new language can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the
complexity of the language, its similarity to languages I already know, the amount of time dedicated to
learning, and the level of proficiency desired. Generally, achieving a basic conversational level in a new
language can take several months of consistent study and practice.

Is learning a new language difficult for you?

Learning a new language can indeed present challenges, but I approach it with a positive mindset and a
determination to overcome any difficulties that arise. Some aspects, such as pronunciation, grammar rules,
and vocabulary retention, can be initially challenging. However, through consistent practice, exposure, and
guidance from teachers or language resources, I gradually develop proficiency in these areas. Additionally,
cultural differences and idiomatic expressions can pose obstacles to understanding and fluency. Nonetheless,
I find that with time and effort, I believe that anyone can make significant progress in learning a new language.
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Do you like art?

Yes, absolutely. In the past few years, I have developed an appreciation for various forms of art. Art has a
unique ability to express emotions, convey messages, and provide a deeper understanding of the world
around us. Whether it be paintings, sculptures, photography, or other creative mediums, I find art to be a
captivating and enriching aspect of human culture. Exploring different artistic styles and techniques not only
broadens my horizons but also fosters critical thinking and encourages me to engage with diverse

Would you like to be an artist?

While I deeply admire the talent and creativity of artists, I personally do not aspire to be a professional artist.
My passion lies in academia and pursuing knowledge in my chosen field of study. However, I do value the role
of art in society and recognize its importance in shaping culture and challenging societal norms. Hence, I
actively engage with art as an appreciator and supporter, rather than as a creator.

What artwork do you have on the walls of your home?

Within the confines of my living space, I adorn the walls with a carefully curated selection of artworks that
resonate with my personal taste and interests. I believe that surrounding oneself with art can create an
inspiring and visually stimulating environment. Among the pieces that grace my walls are a mix of prints,
photographs, and paintings. Each artwork holds a special significance, whether it be a representation of a
cherished memory, a thought-provoking statement, or simply an aesthetic delight. By displaying these
artworks, I am able to create a personalized atmosphere that reflects my individuality and appreciation for
artistic expression.

Have you ever visited an art gallery?

As a university student, I have had the pleasure of visiting several art galleries throughout my academic
journey. These excursions have been immensely valuable in deepening my understanding and appreciation of
art. Art galleries provide a unique space for artists to showcase their creations, allowing visitors like myself to
immerse in their artistic visions. By engaging with the artworks firsthand, I have been able to explore different
artistic movements, observe the skillful execution of techniques, and gain insights into the historical and
cultural contexts that influence artistic expression. These gallery visits have been enriching experiences that
have broadened my artistic perspective and furthered my intellectual growth.
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Do you like chocolate?

As a university student, I personally enjoy chocolate. It has a delightful taste and can be quite indulgent.
Whether it's a rich dark chocolate or a creamy milk chocolate, it often serves as a delectable treat during study
breaks or as a reward for completing assignments. Additionally, chocolate has been associated with certain
health benefits, such as providing antioxidants and improving mood. However, it is essential to consume it in
moderation due to its high sugar and calorie content.

Did you like chocolate when you were a child?

Certainly! Like many children, I had a fondness for chocolate when I was younger. Chocolate was often
associated with special occasions and celebrations, such as birthdays or holidays. Whether it was a bar of
chocolate, chocolate candies, or chocolate-flavored desserts, it never failed to bring joy and excitement.
However, my taste preferences have evolved over time, and while I still appreciate chocolate, my palate has
become more diverse and appreciative of other flavors as well.

Have you ever given chocolate as a gift to someone?

Yes, I have given chocolate as a gift to someone on several occasions. Chocolate is a versatile and widely
appreciated gift option, suitable for various celebrations and events. Whether it's a box of assorted chocolates,
a carefully selected chocolate bar, or a gourmet chocolate gift set, it can convey thoughtfulness and convey a
sense of indulgence. Many people, including friends, family members, and colleagues, enjoy receiving
chocolate as a gift, making it a reliable choice for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or even as a
token of gratitude.

How popular is chocolate in your country?

In my country, chocolate enjoys a significant level of popularity. It has become a staple treat for many
individuals, and its consumption is deeply ingrained in our culture. Chocolate products can be found in various
forms, such as bars, candies, truffles, and desserts, in numerous stores, supermarkets, and specialty
chocolate shops. Furthermore, chocolatiers and chocolate manufacturers continue to innovate by introducing
unique flavors and combinations to cater to different tastes. Whether it's enjoyed as a snack, used in baking,
or incorporated into traditional recipes, chocolate holds a special place in the hearts of many people in our
country. Its popularity is evident from the widespread availability and the enthusiasm with which it is
consumed during festive seasons and everyday indulgences.
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Do you like wearing jewellery?

As a university student, I have varying preferences when it comes to wearing jewellery. While some
individuals may enjoy adorning themselves with jewellery as a form of self-expression or fashion statement,
others may prefer a more minimalist approach and opt to forgo wearing any jewellery altogether. Personally, I
fall into the latter category, as I tend to prioritize comfort and simplicity in my everyday attire. However, I
acknowledge that wearing jewellery can hold cultural significance for many people and can serve as a means
of personal style and individuality.

Have you ever bought jewellery as a gift?

Yes, I have bought jewellery as a gift on a few occasions. Giving jewellery as a gift can be a thoughtful
gesture, particularly for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or significant milestones. It allows
the recipient to cherish the item and serves as a lasting reminder of the occasion and the bond between the
giver and the receiver. However, it is crucial to consider the recipient's personal taste and preferences when
selecting jewellery, ensuring that it aligns with their style and complements their individuality.

What type of jewellery would you like to buy?

When it comes to the type of jewellery I would personally like to buy, I am particularly drawn to simple and
elegant pieces that can be worn on various occasions. For instance, I appreciate delicate necklaces with
understated pendants, dainty bracelets or bangles, and minimalist earrings. I find that such pieces can
effortlessly complement different outfits and enhance my overall appearance without being overly
ostentatious. Additionally, I prioritize selecting jewellery made from high-quality materials to ensure durability
and longevity.

What type of jewellery is most popular in your country?

In my country, the most popular type of jewellery varies depending on cultural influences and fashion trends.
However, I can speak generally about the prevailing preferences. Traditional jewellery designs, such as gold
or silver ornaments embellished with gemstones, often hold significant popularity. They not only showcase the
rich cultural heritage of our country but are also favored for their intricate craftsmanship and timeless appeal.
Additionally, contemporary styles featuring modern metals like stainless steel or titanium, along with
minimalist designs, are gaining traction among younger generations due to their versatility and affordability.
Ultimately, the popularity of specific jewellery types can differ regionally, reflecting the diverse tastes and
preferences of individuals within the country.
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Do you have a lot of keys?

As a university student, I don't typically carry a significant number of keys. Usually, I have a few essential
keys, such as those for my dorm room, mailbox, and perhaps a locker at the gym or library. These keys are
necessary for my daily activities on campus. However, I try to keep my keyring streamlined and avoid carrying
excessive keys that are not regularly used.

Do you always take your keys when you go out?

Yes, I make it a habit to always take my keys with me when I leave my residence. Whether I'm going to class,
the library, or even just stepping out for a quick errand, I understand the importance of having my keys on
hand. It ensures that I can access my room or any other locked spaces I may need to enter. Being responsible
with my keys helps me avoid inconveniences and potential security issues.

Have you ever lost a key?

Fortunately, I have not experienced the misfortune of losing a key so far. I make a conscious effort to be
mindful of my belongings, including my keys, to minimize the risk of misplacing them. However, I am aware
that losing a key is a possibility, and I understand the potential consequences it can have, such as the need
for a replacement or even the security risks associated with a lost key falling into the wrong hands.

Do you do anything to avoid losing keys?

To prevent the loss of keys, I employ a few strategies to help me stay organized and minimize the chances of
misplacing them. Firstly, I have designated spots for my keys, such as a hook near my entrance door or a
specific pocket in my bag. This consistent placement reduces the likelihood of forgetting or misplacing them.
Additionally, I try to develop a routine of consciously checking for my keys before leaving any location. By
doing so, I can ensure that I haven't accidentally left them behind.
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How often do you go to the library?

As a university student, my frequency of visiting the library varies depending on my academic workload and
research needs. During busy periods, such as midterms or final exams, I tend to visit the library more
frequently. On average, I try to go to the library at least once or twice a week to access resources, study in a
conducive environment, or borrow books relevant to my coursework.

When was the last time you went to a library?

The last time I visited a library was just last week. I needed to find scholarly articles for a research paper I was
working on, and the library's extensive collection of academic journals and databases proved invaluable in my
search. It was a productive visit, as I managed to gather relevant sources to support my arguments and
enhance the quality of my paper.

Did you go to the library when you were a child?

Yes, I did visit the library when I was a child. The library was a fascinating place for me, filled with an array of
books and opportunities for exploration. I have fond memories of attending storytime sessions, participating in
summer reading programs, and browsing through the shelves to discover new worlds through literature.
These early experiences fostered my love for reading and expanded my knowledge in various subjects.

How popular are libraries in your country?

Libraries continue to hold a significant place in the cultural and educational landscape of my country. While
the advent of digital resources and the internet has altered the way people access information, libraries
remain popular and relevant institutions. They serve as vital community hubs that provide not only books but
also access to computers, study spaces, educational programs, and various other resources. Many people,
from students to professionals, still rely on libraries to access specialized materials, conduct research, or
simply enjoy the serene atmosphere for studying or reading. Public libraries, in particular, play a crucial role in
promoting literacy, lifelong learning, and equitable access to knowledge across different socioeconomic
backgrounds. Overall, libraries continue to be valued and appreciated in my country.
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How often do you listen to music?

As a university student, my music listening habits vary depending on my schedule and personal preferences.
On average, I listen to music almost every day. It has become an integral part of my routine, providing
entertainment, relaxation, and focus during various activities.

What kind of music do you like most?

When it comes to my preferred genre of music, I have a diverse taste that encompasses multiple genres.
However, I find myself gravitating towards contemporary pop, rock, and alternative music. I appreciate catchy
melodies, meaningful lyrics, and a balance between instrumentals and vocals. I also enjoy exploring music
from different cultures and occasionally delve into classical and jazz compositions.

When do you listen to music?

I listen to music during different times and situations. While studying or working on assignments, I often listen
to instrumental music or tracks with minimal lyrics to help me concentrate and create a conducive
atmosphere. During leisure time, I enjoy playing my favorite songs while relaxing or engaging in activities like
cooking, exercising, or commuting. Music also accompanies me during social gatherings or when I want to
unwind after a long day.

What types of music are most popular in your country?

In my country, the popularity of music varies across regions and age groups. However, some genres enjoy
widespread popularity. Pop music, both local and international, has a significant following among the younger
generation. Bollywood music, which is the soundtrack of Indian films, is also immensely popular and appeals
to a wide audience due to its fusion of various styles, including traditional and contemporary sounds.
Additionally, regional music, such as traditional folk or regional pop, holds significance in specific states or
cultural contexts. The popularity of specific genres may change over time, influenced by evolving trends and
emerging artists.
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Did you learn about outer space and stars at school?

Yes, as part of my education, I did learn about outer space and stars during my time at school. The study of
astronomy and celestial bodies was included in the curriculum, particularly in science-related courses. We
explored various topics such as the formation and life cycles of stars, the composition of galaxies, and the
exploration of our own solar system. The subject was presented through a combination of lectures, practical
experiments, and visual aids to enhance our understanding of the vastness and wonders of outer space.

Do you think it's important to study the stars?

Absolutely, studying the stars is of great importance. The field of astronomy and the study of stars contribute
to our understanding of the universe, its origins, and its evolution. By exploring celestial objects, we gain
insights into fundamental concepts of physics, chemistry, and cosmology. Additionally, studying the stars
allows us to develop technologies and techniques that have practical applications on Earth, such as satellite
communication, GPS systems, and advancements in optics. Moreover, the knowledge gained from studying
the stars can inspire wonder and curiosity, encouraging scientific inquiry and fostering a deeper appreciation
for the natural world.

Would you like to travel to outer space?

As a university student with a keen interest in science and exploration, the idea of traveling to outer space is
undeniably captivating. The opportunity to witness firsthand the vastness of the universe, experience
weightlessness, and observe celestial bodies up close would be an extraordinary and awe-inspiring

How important is studying the stars considered in your country?

In my country, the importance of studying the stars is recognized and valued. Astronomy is viewed as a
scientific discipline that contributes to our nation's pursuit of knowledge and technological advancements.
Many universities and research institutions offer dedicated programs and departments focusing on astronomy
and astrophysics. The government, through funding and support, encourages research and development in
this field, acknowledging the significance of astronomical studies in areas such as space exploration, satellite
technology, and cosmology. Additionally, public interest in astronomy is fostered through astronomy clubs,
planetariums, and popular science events, emphasizing the cultural and educational value of studying the
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How often do you shop at small businesses?

I generally try to support small businesses whenever possible. I believe in the importance of fostering local
economies and contributing to the growth of small entrepreneurs. While I cannot provide an exact frequency, I
make it a point to visit small businesses regularly, especially for unique products or services that may not be
available in larger corporate establishments.

Do you prefer buying things from small businesses or big businesses?

Personally, I tend to lean towards supporting small businesses over big businesses for several reasons. Small
businesses often provide a more personalized and unique shopping experience, and I appreciate the
individual attention and care that small business owners often put into their products or services. While big
businesses may offer convenience and a wide range of options, I find the character and charm of small
businesses to be more appealing.

Are there many small businesses where you live?

Currently, I’m living in Hanoi, which is a big urban area, so the prevalence of small businesses in the city can
vary depending on the specific location and community. In some neighborhoods, there may be a significant
number of small businesses, ranging from local cafes, boutique stores, independent bookshops, and artisanal
workshops. However, in other areas, there may be a higher concentration of larger corporate establishments.

Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large business?

It’s hard for me to say, because I can see that both small and large businesses offer unique advantages and
considerations. Working for a small business can provide a more intimate and collaborative work environment,
allowing for greater individual involvement, direct impact, and potential for growth. Small businesses often
provide employees with the opportunity to develop a diverse skill set due to the broader range of
responsibilities. On the other hand, large businesses may offer more structured career paths, greater
resources, and opportunities for specialization within specific departments. Personally, I believe it’s better for
me to just leave my options open for now.
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How often do you stay up late?

As a university student, my sleep schedule can vary depending on my workload and commitments. However,
on average, I find myself staying up late around two to three times a week. This is often due to assignments,
studying for exams, or participating in extracurricular activities. It's important to note that while occasional late
nights may be necessary, maintaining a regular sleep routine is crucial for overall well-being and academic

When did you last stay up late?

The last time I stayed up late was two nights ago. I had a major project deadline the following day, and I
needed to put in some extra hours to complete it. Despite feeling a bit fatigued, I recognized the importance of
meeting the deadline and managed my time accordingly. It's essential to find a balance between work and
rest to avoid excessive sleep deprivation.

How do you feel after staying up late?

After staying up late, I generally experience a mixture of physical and mental effects. Physically, I may feel
tired, groggy, and less alert than usual. My energy levels may be lower, and I may find it harder to concentrate
on tasks. Mentally, I may feel a bit scattered or find it challenging to retain information. It's common to
experience a decrease in cognitive performance and overall productivity after a night of limited sleep.

How does it feel the morning after you stay up late?

The morning after staying up late is often characterized by a sense of fatigue and sluggishness. Waking up
becomes more challenging, and I may require extra effort to get out of bed. I may experience difficulty
focusing on tasks, and my cognitive abilities may feel somewhat impaired. It's common to have a desire to
catch up on missed sleep or take a nap during the day to regain some energy. To mitigate the effects of sleep
deprivation, I try to prioritize a healthy breakfast, hydrate adequately, and engage in light physical activity to
help wake myself up and improve alertness.
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What do you usually do on the weekend?

As a university student, my weekends typically revolve around finding a balance between academic
commitments and personal leisure. On Saturdays, I often dedicate a significant portion of my time to studying
and completing assignments, especially if I have upcoming exams or deadlines. This allows me to stay on top
of my coursework and maintain a disciplined approach to my studies. However, I also understand the
importance of taking breaks and engaging in activities that help me unwind and recharge. Consequently, I try
to allocate some time for socializing with friends, pursuing hobbies such as reading or playing a musical
instrument, and engaging in physical exercise to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend, I had a relatively busy schedule due to various academic commitments and personal
engagements. I think on Saturday, I attended a study group session with my classmates to collaborate on a
challenging assignment for one of our courses. We discussed concepts, shared ideas, and worked together to
find solutions. Then, on Sunday last week, I met up with a group of friends for dinner at a local restaurant. It
was a delightful opportunity to relax, socialize, and have engaging conversations outside the academic realm.

What will you do next weekend?

Next weekend, I anticipate having a slightly less hectic schedule compared to previous weeks, allowing me to
engage in activities that promote relaxation and personal enjoyment. I intend to take some time for myself
and engage in activities that promote relaxation and personal growth. I might explore a new hiking trail in a
nearby nature reserve, allowing me to appreciate the outdoors while engaging in physical exercise.
Additionally, I plan to dedicate a few hours to pursuing a personal hobby, such as painting or playing the
guitar, as a means of creative expression and relaxation.

Do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child?

As a university student, I find that I appreciate and value my weekends in a different way than I did when I was
a child. While weekends were undoubtedly a time for leisure and play during my childhood, they often lacked
the sense of freedom and independence that I experience now. As a child, weekends were structured and
planned by my parents or guardians, often involving family outings or extracurricular activities. While
enjoyable, these activities were guided by external factors and had limited scope for personal choice and
exploration. In contrast, as a university student, I have the autonomy to shape my weekends according to my
interests and priorities. This newfound freedom allows me to strike a balance between academic pursuits and
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personal leisure activities, fostering a sense of ownership over my time. Although weekends as a child held
their own charm and simplicity, I find that I now cherish the flexibility and agency that comes with being a
university student, making my weekends more enjoyable and fulfilling.
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Do you like wearing T-shirts?

Like many young people my age, I absolutely enjoy wearing T-shirts. They are incredibly comfortable and
perfect for the casual and laid-back vibe on campus. T-shirts allow me to express my personal style while still
being relaxed and effortless. Plus, they come in a wide variety of colors and designs, making it easy to find
ones that suit my taste.

How often do you wear T-shirts?

I practically live in T-shirts! They are my go-to choice for everyday wear, especially when I'm attending classes
or hanging out with friends on campus. I would say I wear T-shirts at least four to five times a week, if not
more. They are just so versatile and easy to style with jeans, shorts, or even skirts, depending on the

Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

Yes, absolutely. I'm a huge fan of T-shirts with pictures or prints. It's a fantastic way for me to showcase my
interests and personality. I have quite a collection of T-shirts featuring my favorite bands, movie quotes, or
quirky designs. They add a fun and unique touch to my outfits, and I often get compliments or strike up
conversations based on the prints I'm wearing.

Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

Definitely. Whenever I go on vacation, buying T-shirts as souvenirs is a must for me. It's a wonderful way to
commemorate my trip and bring back a tangible memory. I love hunting for T-shirts that have the name or logo
of the place I visited, along with iconic landmarks or symbols that represent the local culture. It's like carrying a
piece of my travel experience with me wherever I go, and I enjoy wearing those T-shirts to relive those fond
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Where do you go to school?

I go to Washington High School. It's located in my hometown, right here in Sunnydale. It's a pretty cool place
with lots of students from the neighborhood. We have this big campus with different buildings for different
subjects, like English, math, science, and all that. It's been my school for the past three years, and I've made
some great friends here.

Do you like your teachers?

Well, it's a bit of a mixed bag, to be honest. I have some teachers that I really like and admire. They're really
knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, and they make the classes engaging. They're always
there to help when I have questions or need extra support. On the other hand, there are a couple of teachers
who aren't as great. They can be a bit boring or don't seem as invested in teaching. But overall, I'd say I like
my teachers more often than not.

What are the differences between your school and other schools?

Hmm, well, I can only speak from my own experience, but I think there are a few differences between my
school and other schools. For one, our school has a really diverse student body. We have students from
different backgrounds and cultures, which I think is pretty awesome because it gives us a chance to learn from
each other's experiences. Another thing is that our school has a strong focus on extracurricular activities. We
have a wide range of clubs and sports teams that students can join, and there's always something happening
on campus. Lastly, I think our school has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. It feels like a close-knit
community where everyone knows each other.

Is there anything you want to change about your school?

Yeah, there are a few things I'd like to change about my school if I could. One thing is the cafeteria food.
Honestly, it's not the best. I wish we had more healthy and diverse food options instead of the same old stuff
every day. Another thing is the class schedule. Sometimes it feels like we have too many classes packed into
one day, and it can be overwhelming to keep up with all the assignments and tests. It would be great if we had
a more balanced schedule with some breaks in between. Lastly, I think the school could invest more in
updating the facilities. Some of the classrooms and equipment are a bit outdated, and it would be nice to have
a more modern learning environment.

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What sports do you like?

I'm really into basketball and soccer. Those are my top picks when it comes to sports. I love the fast-paced
nature of basketball, and the thrill of making those three-point shots. Soccer, on the other hand, gives me a
rush with its teamwork and the satisfaction of scoring a goal.

Where did you learn how to do it?

I learned how to play basketball and soccer through a combination of school sports programs and joining local
community teams. In school, we had physical education classes where we were introduced to various sports,
including basketball and soccer. That's where I got my first taste of these sports and developed some basic
skills. To take it further, I joined community teams where I received more focused training and had the
opportunity to play with other passionate athletes.

Did you do some sports when you were young?

Definitely! I was quite active in sports when I was young. I loved being outdoors and trying out different
activities. I played basketball, soccer, and also dabbled in swimming and track and field. I think being involved
in sports during my younger years really helped me develop my coordination, teamwork skills, and overall
fitness. Plus, it was a lot of fun and a great way to make friends.

Do you think students need more exercise?

Absolutely! I believe students need more exercise in their lives. With the increasing use of technology and
sedentary lifestyles, it's crucial for students to engage in physical activity regularly. Exercise not only promotes
physical health but also contributes to mental well-being and academic performance. It helps reduce stress,
improves focus, and boosts energy levels. Whether it's through organized sports, gym classes, or simply
encouraging outdoor play, providing opportunities for students to be active is essential for their overall
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Describe a place you have been to where there were a lot of people

You should say:

● Where it is
● Who you were with
● What people were doing there

And explain why there were a lot of people

I would like to share my experience of visiting Times Square in New York City, which is a place known for its
bustling crowds.

I visited Times Square during my summer vacation last year. I was accompanied by a group of close friends
who were also interested in exploring the vibrant atmosphere of the city.

As we arrived at Times Square, we were immediately struck by the sheer number of people present there.
Some were leisurely strolling along the sidewalks, taking in the dazzling sights and sounds of the vibrant
advertising billboards that lit up the area. Others were shopping in the numerous stores and boutiques,
eagerly searching for the latest fashion trends. Street performers entertained the crowd with their captivating
acts, while tourists snapped photos of the iconic landmarks.

The reason why there were a lot of people at Times Square can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, Times
Square is widely recognized as a major tourist attraction, drawing visitors from all around the world who come
to experience the vibrant energy and iconic ambiance of this renowned location. Its central location in the
heart of Manhattan also makes it easily accessible to both locals and tourists. Additionally, Times Square is
known for hosting numerous events and celebrations throughout the year. From the famous New Year's Eve
ball drop to movie premieres and concerts, there is always something happening at Times Square that attracts
large crowds of people. Furthermore, Times Square is home to countless entertainment venues, theaters,
and renowned restaurants, making it a hub of cultural and culinary experiences. The combination of all these
factors creates a magnetic pull, attracting people of diverse backgrounds and interests.

Overall, my visit to Times Square was a memorable experience, surrounded by the bustling energy and
diverse crowds. It was fascinating to witness the convergence of people from all walks of life, united by their
shared curiosity and fascination with this iconic place.

Where do young people in your country like to go?

In my country, young people often enjoy going to a variety of places depending on their preferences and
interests. Many of them like to hang out in popular cafes or coffee shops, where they can socialize with
friends, study, or simply relax. Shopping malls are also quite popular among young people, as they offer a
wide range of stores, entertainment options, and food outlets. Additionally, urban parks and recreational areas
attract young individuals who enjoy outdoor activities, such as jogging, cycling, or having picnics. Cultural
events, music festivals, and concerts also draw a significant number of young people, as they provide
opportunities for entertainment and discovering new talents. Ultimately, the choices of where young people
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like to go in my country are diverse, reflecting the vibrant and dynamic nature of our society.

Are people happy living in crowded apartments?

Living in crowded apartments can be a mixed experience for people, and opinions may vary depending on
personal preferences and circumstances.

Some individuals might find the bustling environment and close proximity to neighbors in crowded apartments
to be energizing and socially stimulating. They may enjoy the sense of community and the opportunities to
interact with a diverse range of people. Moreover, living in a crowded area often means having easy access to
amenities, services, and public transportation, which can be convenient for many.

However, others might find living in crowded apartments to be less desirable. The lack of personal space and
privacy can be challenging for some, and the noise levels and constant activity can be overwhelming at times.
Additionally, limited living space can make it difficult to accommodate personal belongings or pursue certain
hobbies or activities.

Ultimately, whether people are happy living in crowded apartments depends on individual preferences,
adaptability, and the specific circumstances of their living situation. Some individuals thrive in the bustling
atmosphere, while others may find it less ideal. It's important to consider personal preferences and priorities
when making housing choices.

What are the advantages of living on a high floor?

Living on a high floor of a building can offer several advantages. Firstly, higher floors often provide better
views and access to natural light. Being situated at a greater elevation allows for expansive vistas of the
surrounding area, whether it's a cityscape, natural landscape, or both. This can create a sense of openness
and beauty, enhancing the living experience. Additionally, ample sunlight can brighten up the living space,
making it feel more welcoming and uplifting.

Secondly, living on a high floor can provide a greater sense of privacy and tranquility. Being above ground
level can reduce the noise from street traffic, pedestrians, or other external sources, allowing for a quieter
living environment. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who prefer a peaceful atmosphere or need
a conducive space for studying or working from home.

It's worth noting that while living on a high floor has its advantages, there are also considerations to keep in
mind, such as potential challenges during emergencies or instances where elevator access may be limited.
Ultimately, the decision to live on a high floor depends on individual preferences, priorities, and any specific
factors that may influence one's living situation.

What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?

Well, one of the main disadvantages of living on a lower floor is the lack of privacy. Since you're closer to the
ground level, you might have people walking by your window or looking into your apartment. It can feel a bit
exposed, especially if you have your curtains open or if the building is situated in a busy area.

Another downside is the noise. Lower floors are more prone to noise pollution from the street, nearby traffic, or
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even the building's common areas. If you're sensitive to noise or enjoy a quieter living space, it can be a bit
frustrating to deal with constant sounds from outside or neighbors passing by.

Additionally, living on a lower floor might limit the amount of natural light you get. Tall buildings or surrounding
structures can block sunlight from reaching your windows, making your living space feel darker and potentially
affecting your mood.

Overall, living on a lower floor has its drawbacks when it comes to privacy, noise, and natural light. However,
it's important to consider personal preferences and the specific circumstances of each building or location.

Which scenic spots will have queues of people?

There are a few scenic spots that are notorious for having long queues of people. One example is the popular
observation decks of iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Empire State Building in New
York City. These attractions offer breathtaking views, so it's no surprise that they attract large numbers of
tourists. However, the downside is that you often have to wait in long lines to get to the top and enjoy the view.

Another type of scenic spot that tends to have queues is theme parks. Whether it's Disneyland, Universal
Studios, or any other major theme park, the most popular rides and attractions often have long lines. People
are eager to experience the thrilling roller coasters, immersive shows, and other exciting entertainment
options, so it's common to spend a significant amount of time queuing up.

In general, any scenic spot that is highly popular and attracts a large number of visitors is likely to have
queues. It's always a good idea to check the crowd levels and plan your visit accordingly to minimize waiting

Why do some people spend a long time queuing in a restaurant?

There can be several reasons why people spend a long time queuing in a restaurant. One common reason is
that the restaurant is extremely popular and in high demand. If a particular restaurant has a great reputation,
serves delicious food, or offers a unique dining experience, it's likely that many people will want to eat there.
As a result, the restaurant can become crowded, leading to longer wait times.

Additionally, some restaurants do not take reservations or have limited seating capacity. In such cases,
customers have to wait in line until a table becomes available. This is often the case for trendy or small-scale
establishments that prioritize a first-come, first-served policy.

Moreover, some people are willing to wait in line because they believe the food or dining experience is worth
it. They may have heard great reviews or recommendations from friends and are willing to invest the time to
enjoy a memorable meal.

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say

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● What it is
● Where you will do it
● Whether it is easy or difficult

And explain why you would like to try it

One water sport that I've always wanted to try is paddleboarding. I think it would be an amazing experience to
balance on a long board and paddle my way through calm waters. I imagine myself gliding gracefully along
the surface, enjoying the serene surroundings.

As for where I would do it, I've seen some stunning paddleboarding spots on crystal-clear lakes and tropical
beaches. I think it would be incredible to try paddleboarding in a serene lake surrounded by lush greenery or
in a tropical paradise with turquoise waters and white sandy beaches.

Now, regarding the difficulty level, I believe paddleboarding can be a bit challenging at first. Balancing on the
board while navigating the water requires some core strength and stability. However, with practice and
patience, I'm confident I can master it. It seems like a sport that allows for gradual improvement and a great
way to challenge myself physically.

The reason I would like to try paddleboarding is because it combines relaxation, adventure, and a connection
to nature. I find being near the water incredibly soothing, and paddleboarding seems like an excellent way to
enjoy the beauty of natural surroundings while engaging in a fun activity. It also provides an opportunity to
switch off from the hectic pace of everyday life and find some tranquility. Overall, paddleboarding appeals to
me as a unique and refreshing water sport that I hope to try in the future.

What is the most popular water sport in your country?

I would say that the most popular water sport in my country is swimming. Swimming is not only a recreational
activity but also a competitive sport that many people participate in. It is widely enjoyed by individuals of all
ages and is often practiced in various settings, such as swimming pools, lakes, and even coastal areas.
Swimming provides a great opportunity for exercise, relaxation, and socializing, making it a favorite water
sport among people in my country.

What are the advantages of water transport compared to other modes of transport?

From my perspective, water transport offers several advantages over other modes of transportation. Firstly,
water transport allows for the transportation of large quantities of goods and materials. Ships and barges have
significant carrying capacities, making them ideal for moving bulk goods such as raw materials, commodities,
and heavy machinery. Secondly, water transport is relatively cost-effective for long-distance travel. Compared
to air or road transport, shipping goods through waterways often results in lower fuel and operational costs.
Finally, water transport is considered more environmentally friendly as it produces fewer greenhouse gas
emissions per unit of cargo transported.

What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?

In terms of goods transported by water, several characteristics can be observed. Firstly, water transport is
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particularly suitable for transporting bulky and heavy goods. Items such as minerals, ores, coal, grains, and
construction materials are commonly transported by ships and barges due to their large volume and weight.
Secondly, water transport is often used for the movement of non-perishable goods. Since waterborne
transportation can take longer compared to air or road transport, goods that are not time-sensitive and can
withstand extended transit times are typically chosen for shipping by water. Examples include various types of
raw materials, machinery, and manufactured goods. Finally, water transport is also used for the transportation
of hazardous materials, including chemicals and petroleum products. Stringent safety measures and
regulations are in place to ensure the secure handling and carriage of these goods to minimize environmental
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Describe an important decision you have made

You should say:

● What it is
● When you took this decision
● What the result of the decision was

And explain why the decision was important.

An important decision that I have made in my life was choosing my major in university. I made this decision
during my first year of college, after exploring various academic disciplines and considering my long-term
career goals. Ultimately, I decided to pursue a major in computer science.

The result of this decision has had a significant impact on my academic and professional journey. By studying
computer science, I have gained a solid foundation in programming, algorithms, and software development.
This knowledge has opened doors to numerous opportunities in the tech industry and has equipped me with
the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world. Additionally, the decision to major in computer
science has provided me with a strong sense of direction and purpose, aligning my studies with my passion
for technology.

The decision to choose my major was particularly important for several reasons. Firstly, it allowed me to
specialize in a field that is in high demand and offers excellent career prospects. The tech industry continues
to grow rapidly, and having a computer science degree has provided me with a competitive edge in the job
market. Secondly, the decision was crucial because it allowed me to pursue my interest and curiosity in
technology. I have always been fascinated by computers and their potential to solve complex problems, and
studying computer science has allowed me to delve deeper into this subject and gain a deeper understanding
of its intricacies.

Moreover, the decision to choose my major has shaped my academic journey as a whole. It has provided me
with a structured framework for learning and has introduced me to a wide range of concepts and theories that
have broadened my intellectual horizons. The analytical and problem-solving skills I have developed through
studying computer science have proven to be valuable not only in my academic pursuits but also in other
aspects of my life.

In conclusion, the decision to choose my major in computer science was a significant and impactful decision.
It has shaped my academic and professional trajectory, opened doors to numerous opportunities, and allowed
me to pursue my passion for technology. The decision was important as it aligned my studies with my
interests and provided me with a competitive advantage in a rapidly growing field.

Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?

Yes, I believe that children do have to make important decisions at times. While adults often guide and
support them in decision-making processes, children can still find themselves facing choices that can have a
significant impact on their lives. These decisions may vary depending on their age and level of maturity, but
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examples could include selecting extracurricular activities, choosing friends, or even deciding on academic
pathways. Although adults usually play a crucial role in assisting children with their choices, it is essential to
acknowledge that children can indeed face important decisions of their own.
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What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?

After graduation, teenagers often face a series of important decisions that can shape their future. Some of
these decisions may include selecting a career path or further education options, such as attending university
or vocational training. They might also need to decide whether to pursue immediate employment opportunities
or take a gap year for personal growth or travel experiences. Additionally, teenagers may need to consider
financial responsibilities, such as managing loans or budgeting their expenses. These decisions can
significantly influence their long-term prospects and require careful consideration and planning.

Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?

When children face decision-making challenges, they can turn to various sources of support. One primary
option is seeking guidance from their parents or guardians, who typically have a deep understanding of their
child's needs and aspirations. Parents can offer advice, share their experiences, and provide emotional
support throughout the decision-making process. Additionally, children can consult their teachers or mentors,
who possess knowledge and expertise in specific areas. School counselors can also play a crucial role in
assisting children with decision-making, offering guidance and helping them explore various options. Finally,
children can turn to trusted friends or siblings for their perspectives and insights. Ultimately, having a support
system of caring and knowledgeable individuals can greatly assist children in making informed decisions.

Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?

Well, undoubtedly, advertisements have a significant impact on our shopping decisions. In today's consumer-
driven society, advertising is omnipresent and has become an integral part of our daily lives. Advertisements
are carefully crafted to attract our attention, create desires, and ultimately persuade us to purchase products
or services. Through various mediums such as television, social media, and billboards, advertisers employ
persuasive techniques like appealing visuals, catchy jingles, and celebrity endorsements to grab our attention
and shape our preferences.

Moreover, advertisements often highlight the benefits and unique selling points of products, making them
seem more appealing and necessary for our lives. They create a sense of aspiration, promising us improved
lifestyles, increased happiness, or enhanced social status if we acquire the advertised products.
Consequently, these messages can influence our decision-making process and sway us towards purchasing
certain items, even if they may not be essential or aligned with our actual needs.

Do you think the influence of advertising is good?

The influence of advertising is a subject of much debate, and opinions on its goodness or otherwise can vary
depending on various factors and perspectives. Advertisements play a crucial role in promoting products,
services, and brands, contributing to economic growth and providing vital revenue streams for businesses.
They help create awareness about new products, educate consumers about their features, and foster healthy
competition in the marketplace.

From a positive standpoint, advertising can be seen as a catalyst for economic development and innovation.
By providing information about products and services, advertisements enable consumers to make informed
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choices and find solutions that meet their needs. Furthermore, effective advertising campaigns can stimulate
job creation and contribute to economic growth by boosting consumer demand. Advertisements also support
media outlets, enabling them to offer valuable content and services to the public.

On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential negative effects of advertising. Critics argue that
advertisements often create unrealistic expectations, manipulate consumer desires, and foster materialistic
values. They contend that advertising can contribute to a culture of excessive consumption, leading to
environmental degradation and social inequalities. Additionally, vulnerable individuals, such as children or
those susceptible to persuasive techniques, may be more easily influenced by misleading or deceptive

Should advertisements aimed at children be banned?

The question of whether advertisements aimed at children should be banned is a contentious issue that
requires careful consideration. Advertisements targeting children have become increasingly prevalent in
various forms, ranging from television commercials to online campaigns. Proponents of a ban argue that
children are more susceptible to persuasive techniques and are unable to fully comprehend the intent behind
advertisements, making them vulnerable to manipulation.

One concern is that advertising aimed at children may promote materialistic values and encourage excessive
consumption. Critics argue that such advertisements can create unrealistic expectations and instill a desire for
products that may be unnecessary or unsuitable for their age group. Moreover, there are concerns about the
potential negative impact on children's self-esteem and well-being when they are exposed to advertising that
perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards or unhealthy lifestyle choices.

However, it is important to consider alternative perspectives as well. Advertisements can play a role in
teaching children about responsible consumer behavior, promoting creativity, and providing educational
content. Well-designed advertisements can be entertaining, informative, and even encourage critical thinking
skills. Furthermore, restrictions or regulations that promote responsible advertising practices and protect
children from deceptive or harmful content may be more effective than an outright ban.
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Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money

You should say:

● What it is
● How much it will cost you
● When you would like to give that gift

And explain why you want to give the person that expensive gift

What do young people like to save money for?

Well, young people have various reasons for saving money. One common goal is to save for their future, such
as higher education or starting a business. Many also save up for travel experiences and to explore different
parts of the world. Additionally, some young individuals save money to purchase expensive items like
gadgets, fashion accessories, or even a vehicle. It's important to note that saving habits can vary among
individuals, as personal interests and priorities differ.

Is it easy for people to save money to buy something expensive?

Saving money to purchase something expensive can be quite challenging for many individuals. It requires
discipline, budgeting skills, and a long-term commitment. The ease of saving money depends on one's
financial situation and income level. It becomes easier when someone has a steady income and can allocate
a portion of it towards saving. However, unexpected expenses and financial obligations can make saving
more difficult. Ultimately, it comes down to personal financial management and making conscious decisions
about spending habits to reach the goal of buying something expensive.

Should children have pocket money? Why?

Providing children with pocket money can have several benefits. Firstly, it helps children learn about financial
responsibility from a young age. By receiving pocket money, they can develop skills in budgeting, saving, and
making choices about how to spend their money wisely. It gives them a sense of ownership and control over
their finances, promoting independence and decision-making abilities. Furthermore, pocket money can serve
as a valuable tool for parents to teach their children about the value of money, encouraging them to prioritize
their needs and wants. However, it's crucial for parents to set clear guidelines and expectations regarding
pocket money to ensure its effective use and to instill important financial values in children.

Who should teach children how to use money, schools or their parents?

In my opinion, both schools and parents have a crucial role to play in teaching children how to use money

Firstly, schools are well-equipped to teach children the fundamental concepts of money, budgeting, and
saving through dedicated courses or workshops. They can provide a structured curriculum that covers topics
such as personal finance, budget planning, and responsible spending. Additionally, schools can create a
learning environment that encourages students to develop critical thinking skills, make informed financial
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decisions, and understand the consequences of their choices.

However, parents also play a vital role in teaching children about money. They can provide real-life examples
and experiences related to earning, saving, and spending. Parents can involve their children in household
budgeting discussions, explain the value of money, and encourage them to save for future goals. By setting a
good financial example and discussing financial matters openly, parents can help children develop healthy
attitudes and habits towards money.

Why can't some people save money?

There are several reasons why some individuals find it challenging to save money. Let's explore a few
common factors contributing to this issue.

Firstly, a lack of financial literacy and understanding of money management can hinder people's ability to
save. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, individuals may struggle to budget their income effectively,
differentiate between wants and needs, or make informed financial decisions. In such cases, financial
education and awareness programs can be valuable in helping people develop the necessary skills to save

Secondly, inadequate income or low wages can make it difficult for individuals to save. When people struggle
to cover their basic expenses, saving becomes a luxury they can't afford. Rising costs of living, inflation, and
economic factors can further exacerbate this issue. Increasing income levels or seeking opportunities for
additional income can help individuals save more effectively.

Furthermore, lifestyle choices and spending habits can also impact a person's ability to save. Overspending,
excessive debt, or a lack of budgeting can leave individuals with little or no money left to save. By adopting a
disciplined approach to spending, prioritizing saving goals, and making conscious choices about expenditures,
individuals can improve their saving habits.

In conclusion, the inability to save money can be attributed to factors such as limited financial literacy,
inadequate income, unexpected expenses, and poor spending habits. By addressing these issues through
financial education, income growth, emergency planning, and improved budgeting, individuals can overcome
challenges and develop a habit of saving for a secure financial future.
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Describe a sports program you like to watch

You should say:

● What it is
● Who you like to watch this program with
● How often you watch this program

And explain why you like to watch this program.

One sports program that I really enjoy watching is the English Premier League. It is a professional football
league in England, known for its competitive matches and talented players.

I usually like to watch this program with my friends and family. It's a great way for us to come together and
bond over our shared love for football. We gather in the living room, cheer for our favorite teams, and engage
in lively discussions about the matches.

I try to watch the Premier League matches as often as possible, especially during the weekends when most of
the games take place. However, due to my work and other commitments, I may not be able to catch every
single match. Nonetheless, I make it a point to watch the highlights or important games whenever I can.

There are a few reasons why I enjoy watching the English Premier League. Firstly, the level of competition is
extremely high, and the matches are often unpredictable. It keeps me on the edge of my seat, wondering
which team will come out on top. Secondly, the league features some of the best football players in the world,
and it's a delight to witness their skill and talent on the field.

Moreover, the Premier League has a rich history and a passionate fan base, which adds to the excitement.
The atmosphere in the stadiums is electrifying, and even watching the matches from home, I can feel the
energy and enthusiasm of the crowd.

Lastly, watching the Premier League allows me to escape from the stresses of daily life and immerse myself in
the world of football. It's a form of entertainment that brings joy and excitement, and I find it a great way to
relax and unwind.

Which sports do Vietnamese people like to do?

In Vietnam, people enjoy participating in various sports activities. Football is particularly popular, with many
Vietnamese people actively playing and following the sport. Other popular sports include badminton, table
tennis, swimming, martial arts such as Vovinam and Taekwondo, and traditional games like shuttlecock
kicking (đá cầu) and dragon boat racing. Additionally, sports like basketball, volleyball, and tennis are also
gaining popularity among the younger generation.

Which one do people prefer, playing sports or watching sports programs?

While there is a significant interest in watching sports programs among Vietnamese people, the preference for
playing sports is also quite high. Many individuals enjoy actively participating in sports, as it provides them
with opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and personal development. However, watching
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sports programs, especially football matches, is also a common leisure activity, and people often gather with
friends or family to cheer for their favorite teams.

What are the benefits of playing sports?

Playing sports offers numerous benefits for individuals. Firstly, regular physical activity through sports helps
maintain good health and fitness levels, contributing to overall well-being. It can improve cardiovascular
health, strengthen muscles and bones, and enhance flexibility and coordination.

Moreover, playing sports can have positive effects on mental health. Physical activity stimulates the release of
endorphins, which help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It also provides an outlet for releasing pent-up
energy and helps improve sleep patterns.

Do you think children today do enough sports?

Well, I believe that children nowadays don't engage in sports activities as much as they should. In today's
digital age, many children spend a significant amount of time indoors, sitting in front of screens and gadgets,
rather than participating in physical activities. This sedentary lifestyle can have negative consequences on
their health and overall well-being. Regular sports involvement is crucial for children as it promotes physical
fitness, helps in building strong bones and muscles, and enhances coordination and motor skills. Additionally,
sports provide an opportunity for children to develop teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, which are
essential life skills. Therefore, it is important to encourage children to participate in sports and strike a balance
between technology and physical activities for their overall development.

How can children be encouraged to play sports from a young age?

There are several ways to encourage children to play sports from a young age. Firstly, parents and guardians
play a vital role in setting a positive example. They can engage in sports themselves and involve their children
in family activities such as cycling, swimming, or playing ball games. By participating together, parents can
demonstrate the importance of physical activity and make it a fun and enjoyable experience.

Secondly, schools can play a crucial role in promoting sports among children. Physical education classes
should be given priority and be well-structured to include a variety of sports and activities. Schools can also
organize inter-school competitions, sports events, and clubs to encourage participation and foster a
competitive spirit among children.

Furthermore, the government and local communities can contribute by providing well-maintained sports
facilities and promoting sports programs and initiatives. They can organize community sports events, provide
coaching and training opportunities, and create awareness campaigns about the benefits of sports for
children's health.
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Describe a traditional festival in your country

You should say:

● What it is
● When it is often celebrated
● How it is celebrated

And explain what you feel about this festival

Well, in Vietnam, we have a traditional festival called Tết, also known as Lunar New Year. It is the most
significant and widely celebrated festival in our country. Tết usually falls in late January or early February,
based on the lunar calendar.

The celebration of Tết is a grand affair that lasts for about a week. It is a time when families come together to
welcome the new year and pay respects to their ancestors. People clean their houses, decorate them with
colorful ornaments, and prepare traditional dishes.

One of the key aspects of Tết is the act of giving and receiving gifts. It is customary to exchange small red
envelopes, called "li xi," containing lucky money. This tradition symbolizes good fortune and blessings for the
year ahead.

Another important element of Tết is visiting relatives and friends. People travel long distances to reunite with
their loved ones, and it is considered a time for reconciliation and forgiveness. Families gather around a
special altar to offer prayers and incense to their ancestors, seeking their blessings and guidance.

Fireworks displays and dragon dances are also a common sight during Tết. These vibrant performances
create an atmosphere of joy and excitement. Additionally, there are various cultural activities and games
organized throughout the country, showcasing traditional music, dance, and folklore.

Personally, Tết holds great significance for me. It is a time when I can reconnect with my family and friends,
strengthening our bonds and creating lasting memories. The festive atmosphere and colorful decorations
bring a sense of happiness and renewal. I enjoy participating in traditional rituals, such as making traditional
food and paying homage to my ancestors. Tết truly embodies the spirit of unity and gratitude, and it fills me
with a deep sense of pride for my Vietnamese heritage.

Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals of their own country?

Yes, it is indeed crucial for children to learn about the traditional festivals of their own country. Traditional
festivals are an integral part of a nation's cultural heritage and identity. By understanding and participating in
these festivals, children gain a deeper appreciation for their country's history, customs, and values. They also
learn about the significance of these festivals in fostering unity and togetherness among their fellow citizens.
Moreover, traditional festivals often carry moral and ethical lessons that can help shape children's character
and instill a sense of pride in their cultural roots. Therefore, it is highly beneficial for children to be exposed to
and educated about the traditional festivals of their own country.
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Why is music often an essential part of traditional festivals?

Music plays a vital role in traditional festivals due to its ability to evoke emotions, create a festive atmosphere,
and enhance the overall experience of celebration. Traditional music often accompanies various rituals and
performances during these festivals. It helps set the mood, uplift spirits, and bring people together in joyful
celebration. Music is a powerful medium that can communicate cultural values, stories, and historical
narratives. It also serves as a means of cultural expression, allowing individuals to connect with their heritage
and traditions. Additionally, traditional musical instruments and melodies are often passed down through
generations, and their inclusion in festivals helps preserve and promote cultural heritage. Therefore, music
holds a significant place in traditional festivals, contributing to the richness and authenticity of these

Why do people celebrate traditional festivals?

People celebrate traditional festivals for several reasons. Firstly, traditional festivals provide an opportunity to
honor and pay respect to historical or religious figures, events, or deities that hold cultural significance. They
serve as a reminder of our roots and heritage. Secondly, traditional festivals foster a sense of community and
togetherness. They bring people together, strengthening social bonds and promoting unity among individuals
from different walks of life. These festivals often involve shared activities, such as feasting, dancing, and
performing rituals, which promote a sense of belonging and collective identity. Thirdly, traditional festivals
provide a break from daily routines and offer a chance for individuals to unwind, relax, and enjoy themselves.
They serve as a form of entertainment and celebration, providing joy and happiness to participants. Overall,
traditional festivals serve as cultural, social, and emotional outlets, allowing people to connect with their
traditions, community, and inner selves.

Do you think traditional festivals will disappear in the future?

While it is challenging to predict the future with certainty, it is unlikely that traditional festivals will completely
disappear. Traditional festivals hold deep cultural and historical significance and are often deeply ingrained in
the fabric of a society. They have withstood the test of time, adapting and evolving to meet the changing
needs and interests of each generation. However, it is possible that the way these festivals are celebrated
might change in the future due to various factors such as globalization, urbanization, and shifting societal
values. It is crucial for communities to recognize the importance of preserving and promoting their traditional
festivals to ensure their continued existence and relevance. By adapting to the changing times while staying
true to their core values, traditional festivals can thrive and remain an integral part of a country's cultural

Is it important for a country to preserve its traditional festivals?

Yes, it is highly important for a country to preserve its traditional festivals. Traditional festivals are not just a
reflection of a nation's cultural heritage but also a source of pride and identity for its people. They carry the
values, beliefs, and wisdom of previous generations, providing a sense of continuity and connection to the
past. Preserving these festivals helps to maintain cultural diversity, as each festival represents a unique
aspect of a country's traditions and customs. Additionally, traditional festivals are significant for tourism and
can contribute to the economy by attracting visitors from around the world. By safeguarding and promoting
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traditional festivals, a country can showcase its rich cultural heritage, strengthen its national identity, and
create opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding.

How can the government and each individual preserve the traditional festivals of their country?

Both the government and individuals have important roles to play in preserving traditional festivals. The
government can take several measures to support and promote these festivals. They can allocate resources
for cultural preservation programs, provide funding for festival organizers, and create policies that protect and
promote traditional cultural practices. The government can also integrate cultural education into school
curricula, ensuring that children learn about their traditional festivals and their significance. Additionally, the
government can organize and sponsor events that showcase traditional festivals, both locally and
internationally, to raise awareness and encourage participation.

On an individual level, everyone can contribute to preserving traditional festivals. Individuals can actively
participate in festivals, attend cultural events, and support local artisans and performers who play a crucial
role in carrying forward traditional practices. Sharing knowledge and stories about traditional festivals with
younger generations is also essential. By involving children and encouraging their participation in these
festivals, individuals can ensure that the traditions are passed down to future generations. Furthermore,
individuals can take part in community initiatives and volunteer efforts aimed at preserving and promoting
traditional festivals. Together, the collective efforts of the government and individuals can help safeguard and
celebrate the rich cultural heritage embedded within traditional festivals.
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Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live

You should say:

● What it is like
● How big it would be
● Where it would be located

And explain why you would like to live there

Well, an ideal house or apartment for me would be a cozy and modern place where I can feel comfortable and
at ease. I envision it to be a spacious and well-designed home with all the necessary amenities and

In terms of size, I would prefer a moderately large house or apartment, neither too small nor too big. It should
have enough rooms to accommodate my family and provide individual spaces for privacy. Additionally, I would
love to have some outdoor space like a small garden or balcony where I can relax and enjoy some fresh air.

As for the location, I would prefer it to be situated in a peaceful and safe neighborhood, away from the hustle
and bustle of the city but still within easy reach of essential facilities such as schools, markets, and hospitals.
Ideally, it would be in close proximity to natural surroundings like parks or a nearby beach, allowing me to
enjoy nature and outdoor activities.

The reason why I would like to live in such a place is that it would offer a perfect balance between tranquility
and convenience. Coming home to a comfortable and well-maintained space would provide a sense of
relaxation and rejuvenation after a long day. The presence of nearby amenities would ensure easy access to
everyday necessities, while the proximity to nature would allow me to escape the urban chaos and connect
with the natural environment.

What is the difference between living in an apartment and living in a house?

Well, living in an apartment and living in a house have their own unique characteristics. Firstly, apartments are
typically smaller in size compared to houses. They usually consist of multiple units within a building, with
shared walls and common areas. On the other hand, houses are standalone structures with more space,
including private yards or gardens.

Living in an apartment often means having less privacy since you share walls and sometimes even floors or
ceilings with neighbors. In contrast, houses provide more privacy as they are separate entities. Apartments
usually offer amenities such as security services, elevators, or communal facilities like swimming pools or
gyms. Houses, on the other hand, may provide more freedom in terms of customization and personalization.

The choice between living in an apartment or a house depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and
financial capabilities. Apartments are often more affordable, especially in urban areas, while houses tend to
be more expensive. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preferences, convenience, and the desired living
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What do people in Vietnam prefer to live in, in an apartment or in a house?

In Vietnam, the preference for living in an apartment or a house can vary depending on several factors.
Generally, people in urban areas, such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, tend to prefer living in apartments. This
is mainly due to the limited availability of land and the higher population density in cities.

Apartments provide a more affordable housing option in these densely populated areas, and they often come
with amenities and convenient locations near workplaces, schools, and commercial areas. Additionally, the
rising trend of high-rise buildings in cities has made apartment living more popular.

However, in suburban or rural areas, people still have a preference for living in houses. These areas typically
offer more spacious land, a quieter environment, and a closer connection to nature. Houses in such areas
allow families to have more space, cultivate gardens, and enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle.

Overall, the preference for living in an apartment or a house in Vietnam depends on factors like location,
lifestyle, financial considerations, and personal preferences.

Why do some people move to cities from the countryside to live?

There are several reasons why some people choose to move from the countryside to cities in Vietnam. One
significant reason is the pursuit of better employment opportunities. Cities generally offer a wider range of job
options, higher wages, and better career prospects. People migrate in search of jobs that provide stable
income and the chance for upward mobility.

Education is another factor that attracts individuals and families to cities. Urban areas often have better
educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and schools. Moving to the city allows access to
quality education and a wider range of educational opportunities, which is particularly important for young
people seeking higher education or professional training.

Moreover, cities tend to have better infrastructure, healthcare facilities, and public services compared to rural
areas. People may migrate to cities to access improved healthcare services, transportation networks, and
other amenities that enhance their quality of life.

It's worth noting that not everyone who moves to cities from the countryside does so voluntarily. In some
cases, individuals are forced to migrate due to factors like natural disasters, poverty, or lack of resources in
rural areas. Economic disparities between urban and rural regions also contribute to the movement of people
seeking a better standard of living.

What difficulties do people have living in the city?

Living in the city can bring about various challenges and difficulties for residents. One primary difficulty is the
high cost of living. Cities often have higher housing prices, increased expenses for daily necessities, and
elevated costs for services such as transportation, healthcare, and education. This financial burden can strain
individuals and families, particularly those with lower incomes.
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Another challenge is the fast-paced lifestyle and high levels of competition. Cities are typically bustling with
activity, and people often find themselves in a constant race against time. The pressure to succeed in careers,
meet deadlines, and maintain a work-life balance can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Urban areas also face issues related to overcrowding and limited living space. The population density in cities
can result in congestion, crowded public transportation, and a lack of open green spaces. Noise pollution, air
pollution, and traffic jams are common problems in densely populated areas, which can adversely affect
people's physical and mental well-being.

Furthermore, social isolation and a sense of disconnection can be challenges in urban environments. Despite
the large population, individuals may experience difficulties in building meaningful social connections due to
the fast-paced nature of city life. Loneliness and a lack of community cohesion are issues that some city
dwellers face.

What are the problems with crowded cities?

Crowded cities present numerous problems that affect the quality of life for residents. Firstly, traffic congestion
is a significant issue in crowded cities. The high volume of vehicles on the roads leads to traffic jams,
increased travel time, and frustration among commuters. It not only wastes valuable time but also contributes
to air pollution and environmental degradation.

Housing scarcity is another problem in crowded cities. The demand for housing surpasses the available
supply, resulting in soaring property prices and limited affordable housing options. Many people, especially
those with lower incomes, struggle to find suitable accommodation within their budget, leading to housing
affordability crises.

The strain on public infrastructure is a notable concern in crowded cities. Overburdened transportation
systems, inadequate sanitation facilities, and insufficient public amenities can make daily life challenging for
residents. Insufficient access to healthcare and education services is also a problem, particularly for
vulnerable populations.

The increased population density in crowded cities often leads to social issues and a lack of community
cohesion. Overcrowding can contribute to higher crime rates, heightened competition for resources, and
social inequality. Additionally, the limited availability of green spaces and recreational areas reduces
opportunities for relaxation and physical activity, affecting people's overall well-being.

Overall, crowded cities face challenges related to transportation, housing, infrastructure, social dynamics, and
the overall well-being of residents. Addressing these problems requires effective urban planning, sustainable
development strategies, and the provision of essential services to support the growing urban population.
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Describe a job you think is interesting

You should say:

● What it is
● How you knew it
● What skills it requires

And explain why you think it is interesting

Well, I think a job that I find really interesting is being a wildlife photographer. It's a profession that involves
capturing captivating and stunning photographs of various animals and their natural habitats. I first came
across this job while watching a documentary about nature and wildlife. The breathtaking images and the
opportunity to be so close to nature really fascinated me.

To be a successful wildlife photographer, one needs a combination of technical skills and a deep
understanding of wildlife. Firstly, a good knowledge of photography techniques, such as lighting, composition,
and camera settings, is essential. Additionally, one must have excellent observation skills, patience, and the
ability to anticipate animal behavior to capture those extraordinary moments.

What makes this job so fascinating to me is the chance to explore and discover the beauty of nature. It allows
photographers to travel to different parts of the world, immersing themselves in diverse ecosystems and
encountering rare and exotic species. The opportunity to witness and document unique animal behaviors and
interactions is truly captivating. Moreover, wildlife photography has the power to raise awareness and inspire
conservation efforts, which makes it even more meaningful and fulfilling.

In conclusion, the job of a wildlife photographer is both challenging and rewarding. It demands a blend of
technical expertise, a love for nature, and a passion for storytelling through images. Personally, I find it
incredibly interesting as it offers the opportunity to connect with nature, explore the world, and contribute to
the preservation of wildlife through the art of photography.

What are the most popular jobs for young people in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, the most popular jobs for young people are often found in the fields of information technology,
finance and banking, marketing and sales, tourism and hospitality, and manufacturing industries. These
sectors offer a wide range of opportunities and attract many young Vietnamese due to the potential for career
growth, competitive salaries, and the chance to work in dynamic and innovative environments.

What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?

The difference between high-income and low-income jobs in Vietnam is quite significant. High-income jobs
typically require advanced qualifications, specialized skills, and extensive experience. These positions are
commonly found in professions such as medicine, law, engineering, and management. They offer higher
salaries, better benefits, and opportunities for career advancement. On the other hand, low-income jobs are
often characterized by lower wages, limited benefits, and less job security. These jobs typically require less
formal education and involve manual labor, such as construction work, agricultural labor, or service jobs in the
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informal sector.

Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?

There are certain jobs in Vietnam that pay low wages but require a high level of skills. For instance, jobs in the
creative arts, such as music, painting, or writing, often demand significant talent and expertise but may not
always provide substantial financial compensation. Similarly, some professions in the social services sector,
like social work or community development, require specialized knowledge and skills, but the salaries in these
fields tend to be relatively low. Furthermore, certain technical positions, such as computer repair or technical
support, may require extensive training and proficiency, yet the wages might not be commensurate with the
level of expertise.

When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future careers?

The right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future careers is typically during their
late teens or early twenties. At this stage, individuals have usually completed their secondary education and
may be considering further education or entering the workforce. It is important to take the time to explore
various career options, assess personal interests and skills, and gather information about potential career
paths. Setting clear goals and creating a plan can help young people make informed decisions about their
education and career choices, increasing their chances of success and job satisfaction in the future.

Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to students?

Yes, I believe it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to students. Secondary school is a
crucial period in a student's life when they are starting to think about their future and make decisions that will
impact their career paths. Providing career guidance and advice helps students explore different occupations,
understand the requirements of various fields, and make informed decisions about their future. This guidance
can include information about educational pathways, job prospects, and the skills needed for different careers.
It equips students with valuable knowledge and empowers them to make well-informed choices about their
education and career options.

What are the factors that affect how young people choose a job?

Several factors can influence how young people choose a job in Vietnam. Firstly, salary and financial stability
are significant considerations for many individuals, as they seek jobs that can provide a decent income to
support themselves and their families. Secondly, the perceived status and social recognition associated with a
particular occupation may influence job choices. Young people often aspire to professions that are highly
regarded in society or offer opportunities for upward mobility. Additionally, personal interests, passion, and
aptitudes play a role in job selection, as individuals tend to be more motivated and satisfied in careers aligned
with their skills and passions. Other factors include job security, work-life balance, opportunities for career
growth, and the location of the job in relation to family and personal commitments.
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Describe someone you know who often helps others

You should say:

● Who he/she is
● How often he/she helps others
● How he/she helps others

And explain how you feel about this person.

The person I would like to talk about is my close friend named Linh. She is an incredibly kind-hearted and
compassionate individual who always goes out of her way to help others.

Linh is someone who consistently helps others. I've noticed that she engages in acts of kindness on a regular
basis without any hesitation. Whether it's a small favor or a significant problem, she is always there to lend a
helping hand.

Linh has a diverse range of ways in which she helps others. For instance, she volunteers at a local charity
organization where she spends her free time assisting underprivileged children with their studies and
providing them with emotional support. Additionally, she often offers her help to friends and family members
who need assistance with various tasks, such as moving houses or organizing events. Linh's selflessness is
truly commendable.

Personally, I hold great admiration for Linh and her altruistic nature. Observing her consistent acts of kindness
has inspired me to be more empathetic and supportive towards others. She serves as a role model for me and
many others, reminding us of the importance of compassion and lending a helping hand to those in need. I
feel incredibly fortunate to have such a compassionate friend in my life.

How can children help their parents at home?

Well, children can contribute significantly to their parents' household responsibilities in various ways. Firstly,
they can assist with daily chores like cleaning the house, tidying their rooms, and doing the dishes.
Additionally, they can lend a helping hand in preparing meals or setting the table. Moreover, children can help
with grocery shopping by accompanying their parents and carrying lighter items. They can also take care of
younger siblings, assisting in their supervision and playtime. Overall, by actively participating in these tasks,
children can reduce their parents' workload and create a more harmonious and supportive environment at

Should children be taught to help others from a young age?

Absolutely! It is crucial to instill the value of helping others in children from a young age. By teaching children
to help others, we cultivate a sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility within them. When
children learn to assist those in need, they develop a greater understanding of the world around them and
become more considerate individuals. Furthermore, helping others fosters positive relationships and a sense
of community, promoting harmony and cooperation within society. Therefore, it is vital to teach children the
importance of helping others right from the early stages of their development.
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What makes children help each other at school?

Children often help each other at school for various reasons. Firstly, a sense of camaraderie and friendship
among classmates can motivate children to assist their peers. When children establish a supportive and
inclusive environment, they naturally tend to help one another academically or emotionally. Furthermore,
teachers and school programs that emphasize collaboration and teamwork can encourage children to assist
their classmates. Additionally, children may recognize the benefits of cooperation, such as improved learning
outcomes and stronger bonds with their peers. Ultimately, a combination of friendship, positive school culture,
and understanding the value of mutual assistance leads children to help each other at school.

Should students do community service?

Engaging in community service can be highly beneficial for students. It provides them with opportunities to
contribute positively to society and develop essential life skills. Through community service, students can gain
a deeper understanding of societal issues and learn empathy towards those in need. Moreover, it helps them
develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. Community service also offers students a chance to
explore diverse experiences and broaden their perspectives. By actively participating in such activities,
students become active citizens who are aware of the world's challenges and strive to make a difference.

Do you think community service should be required for all students?

While community service offers numerous advantages, whether it should be mandatory for all students is a
matter of debate. Requiring community service for all students may ensure widespread participation and
create a culture of giving back. It can also help students develop a sense of civic responsibility and foster a
stronger sense of community. However, some argue that mandating community service might make it feel
forced or insincere. It is important to strike a balance and provide students with the choice to engage in
community service voluntarily. Educators can promote the benefits and value of community service,
encouraging students to participate willingly and wholeheartedly.

Why are some people willing to help others even though they have never met before?

There are various reasons why individuals are willing to help others, even if they have never met before.
Firstly, it may stem from a fundamental sense of compassion and empathy towards fellow human beings.
Some people possess an inherent desire to alleviate others' suffering and make a positive impact on the
world. Additionally, cultural and religious beliefs can play a role, as many cultures promote the value of
kindness and helping others. Moreover, personal experiences or witnessing acts of kindness can inspire
individuals to extend help to strangers. Lastly, some individuals may find fulfillment and a sense of purpose in
being of service to others, regardless of their familiarity.
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Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future

You should say:

● What the adventure is

● Where you would go
● Who you would be with

And explain why you would like to take the adventure

Well, I would like to talk about an adventure that I have been dreaming of for quite some time now. The
adventure I would like to take in the future is a trekking expedition to the Himalayas.

I have always been fascinated by the majestic beauty of the Himalayas, and I believe that trekking through
this breathtaking mountain range would be an incredible adventure. I envision myself exploring the
picturesque valleys, traversing challenging terrains, and witnessing stunning views of snow-capped peaks.

If I were to embark on this adventure, I would choose to go to Nepal, as it is known for its diverse range of
trekking routes in the Himalayas. Specifically, I would love to trek to the Everest Base Camp, one of the most
iconic and renowned trekking destinations in the world.

As for the companions on this adventure, I would prefer to go with a small group of like-minded friends who
share the same passion for adventure and nature. Having supportive and adventurous friends by my side
would not only enhance the overall experience but also provide a sense of safety and companionship during
the challenging moments of the trek.

Now, let me explain why I would like to take this adventure. Firstly, trekking in the Himalayas would be an
incredible physical and mental challenge for me. It would push me out of my comfort zone and help me
develop resilience, endurance, and determination. Moreover, being surrounded by the awe-inspiring beauty of
nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, would provide a much-needed escape and a chance to
reconnect with myself.

Additionally, this adventure would allow me to appreciate the magnificence of the natural world and gain a
deeper understanding of different cultures and ways of life. It would be a humbling experience to witness the
simplicity and resilience of the mountain communities and learn from their harmonious coexistence with

Who often likes to read adventure books?

Well, adventure books tend to attract a wide range of readers. However, it is often observed that adventurous
individuals, particularly those who have a strong curiosity and a thirst for excitement, are more inclined to
enjoy reading adventure books. These individuals seek thrilling experiences and find solace in the pages of
these books, where they can immerse themselves in thrilling stories and live vicariously through the

Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?

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It is a subjective matter, but generally, people have diverse preferences when it comes to adventure stories.
Some individuals may lean towards adventure novels as they offer a more immersive experience through
detailed descriptions and the ability to use their imagination to picture the scenes. On the other hand,
adventure movies have visual and auditory elements that captivate the audience, providing a more dynamic
and cinematic experience. Ultimately, it depends on an individual's personal taste and the medium they find
most engaging.

Why do people like to read adventure books rather than take an actual adventure?

Reading adventure books can be a captivating and convenient way to experience thrilling situations without
physically embarking on dangerous expeditions. There are several reasons why people choose to read
adventure books instead of pursuing real-life adventures. Firstly, reading allows individuals to explore various
settings and scenarios safely, without the inherent risks associated with real adventures. Additionally, books
offer a sense of escapism and relaxation, allowing readers to unwind and indulge in thrilling narratives from
the comfort of their own homes.

Why do some people not want to take adventures?

While adventures can be enticing for many, there are various reasons why some individuals may not be
inclined to pursue them. Firstly, some people may have a preference for a more predictable and stable
lifestyle, where they feel comfortable and secure. Engaging in adventurous activities often involves stepping
out of one's comfort zone and facing uncertainties, which may not appeal to everyone. Moreover, some
individuals might have physical limitations, financial constraints, or personal responsibilities that make it
difficult for them to embark on adventures. Lastly, fear or anxiety can also play a significant role, as certain
individuals may have a fear of heights, water, or other elements associated with adventurous activities.

What kind of personality should people have in order to experience a lot of adventures?

To experience a multitude of adventures, individuals often possess certain personality traits. Firstly, they
should have a strong sense of curiosity and openness to new experiences. Adventurous individuals are often
willing to embrace challenges, take calculated risks, and step out of their comfort zones. They tend to be
enthusiastic, proactive, and adaptable, as adventures often require problem-solving skills and flexibility in
unpredictable situations. Additionally, having a positive mindset, resilience, and a thirst for personal growth
are essential qualities for those seeking adventurous experiences.

What are the benefits of taking adventures?

Engaging in adventures can offer several benefits to individuals. Firstly, adventures provide opportunities for
personal growth and self-discovery. Through facing challenges and overcoming obstacles, individuals can
develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and a sense of accomplishment. Adventures also offer a break from
routine and monotony, rejuvenating the mind and body. They can enhance one's understanding of different
cultures, environments, and perspectives, fostering a sense of empathy and cultural appreciation. Additionally,
adventures can create lasting memories, build confidence, and provide valuable life experiences that
contribute to personal development.

Describe a car journey you had

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You should say:

● Where you went

● What you did on the journey
● Who you had the journey with

And explain how you felt about the journey

Recently, I had a memorable car journey to Da Lat, a beautiful city located in the Central Highlands of
Vietnam. It was a much-awaited trip as I had heard a lot about the breathtaking scenery and cool climate of
the region.

During the journey, we drove through winding roads surrounded by lush green forests and scenic landscapes.
We made several stops along the way to admire the panoramic views and take some photographs.
Additionally, we visited some popular tourist spots such as the Datanla Waterfall and the Valley of Love,
where we enjoyed the natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere.

I had the journey with my family, including my parents and my younger sister. It was a great opportunity for us
to spend quality time together and strengthen our bond. We shared laughter, stories, and enjoyed playing
games during the journey. We also had meaningful conversations and discussed our plans for exploring Da

Overall, I felt extremely delighted about the car journey. The picturesque views and the refreshing air made
the experience truly mesmerizing. Being surrounded by nature's beauty and spending time with my loved
ones created a sense of tranquility and contentment within me. It was a much-needed break from the hustle
and bustle of city life. I felt rejuvenated and grateful for the opportunity to explore such a stunning destination
with my family.

In conclusion, the car journey to Da Lat was a wonderful experience filled with scenic landscapes, quality time
with family, and a sense of peace. It left me with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for the
beauty of nature.

What do Vietnamese people prefer to use while commuting, private cars or public transport?

In Vietnam, the preference for commuting varies among individuals. However, it is common for Vietnamese
people to rely on public transport rather than private cars for daily commuting. This is primarily due to several
factors. Firstly, public transport options such as buses, trains, and motorbike taxis are readily available and
offer a cost-effective means of transportation. Additionally, traffic congestion is a major issue in urban areas,
making private car usage less practical and time-consuming. Moreover, public transport allows people to
avoid the challenges of finding parking spaces, which can be quite limited in busy cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi
Minh City. Overall, while private cars are still popular among certain groups, the majority of Vietnamese
people prefer to use public transport for their daily commuting needs.

What are the benefits of using public transport?

Using public transport in Vietnam offers several benefits. Firstly, it is a more affordable option compared to
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private cars, as it eliminates the expenses associated with purchasing and maintaining a vehicle. Public
transport fares are generally lower, making it a cost-effective choice for daily commuting, especially for those
with limited financial resources. Secondly, public transport helps reduce traffic congestion and the associated
environmental pollution. By choosing buses or trains, individuals contribute to minimizing the number of
vehicles on the road, leading to less congestion and a cleaner environment. Additionally, public transport can
be more time-efficient, particularly in congested areas, as buses and trains often have dedicated lanes or
routes, allowing for faster travel times. Lastly, public transport promotes social interaction, as it brings people
from diverse backgrounds together, fostering a sense of community and connection.

How can people be encouraged to take public transport?

Encouraging people to take public transport requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, the government and
local authorities can improve the quality and accessibility of public transport services. This can be achieved by
increasing the frequency and reliability of buses and trains, ensuring comfortable seating, and providing clear
and timely information about schedules and routes. Moreover, the implementation of integrated ticketing
systems, such as smart cards or mobile payment options, can enhance convenience for passengers.
Secondly, the promotion of public transport through awareness campaigns and educational initiatives can play
a crucial role. These campaigns can highlight the environmental benefits, cost-effectiveness, and reduced
traffic congestion associated with public transport usage. Additionally, providing incentives such as discounted
fares, loyalty programs, or special offers for regular commuters can further motivate individuals to choose
public transport. Finally, creating dedicated bus lanes or prioritizing public transport in terms of infrastructure
development can significantly improve its appeal and efficiency, making it a more attractive option for

What qualities does a good driver need to have?

A good driver should possess several important qualities. Firstly, they need to have a strong sense of
responsibility and prioritize safety at all times. This means obeying traffic laws, adhering to speed limits, and
being mindful of road conditions and potential hazards. A good driver should also demonstrate excellent
situational awareness, maintaining a constant lookout for other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Patience
and self-control are crucial attributes, allowing the driver to remain calm in challenging situations and avoid
aggressive or reckless behavior. Good communication skills are also essential, including the ability to use turn
signals, follow road signs, and effectively communicate with other drivers through gestures or eye contact
when necessary. Lastly, a good driver should be attentive and focused, avoiding distractions such as mobile
phones or other activities that may divert their attention from the road.

Should the minimum legal age for driving be raised?

In my opinion, the minimum legal age for driving should not be raised in Vietnam. Currently, the minimum age
for obtaining a driving license is 18 years old for cars and 16 years old for motorcycles. While there are
arguments for increasing the age requirement, I believe that the existing age limits are appropriate. Firstly,
raising the minimum age could have a negative impact on the accessibility of transportation, particularly in
rural areas where public transport options might be limited. Young individuals who need to travel for
education, work, or family responsibilities may face difficulties if the driving age is raised. Moreover, it is
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important to consider that driving is a skill that can be learned and developed through proper training and
experience. By setting the minimum age at 16 or 18, individuals have the opportunity to undergo formal driver
education programs, gain practical experience under supervision, and gradually develop the necessary skills
and maturity required for safe driving. However, it is crucial to ensure that proper regulations and enforcement
mechanisms are in place to address issues such as underage driving, reckless behavior, and the prevention
of road accidents involving young drivers.
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Describe a book that you have read many times

You should say:

● What the book is

● What it is about
● How many times you have read it

And explain why you read it many times

Well, the book that I have read many times is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It's a classic American
novel that was published in 1960.

The story revolves around a young girl named Scout Finch, who narrates her experiences growing up in a
small town in Alabama during the 1930s. The main plot focuses on Scout's father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer who
defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. Through Scout's eyes, we witness the racial
prejudices and injustices prevalent in society during that time.

I have read this book around four times, and each time I delve into its pages, I discover something new and
thought-provoking. The writing style is captivating, and the characters are so vividly portrayed that they almost
come to life. Moreover, the themes of racial inequality, social injustice, and moral courage are still relevant
today, making it a timeless piece of literature.

The reason I have read this book multiple times is that it offers valuable life lessons and encourages empathy
and compassion. It reminds me of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of
adversity. Additionally, the book's eloquent prose and engaging storytelling make it a joy to read, regardless of
how many times I've gone through it.

What kinds of books do children like to read? Why?

Children in Vietnam enjoy reading a variety of books, particularly those that are entertaining and imaginative.
They are often drawn to storybooks that feature colorful illustrations and captivating characters. Fairy tales,
adventure stories, and books with animals as main characters are quite popular. These books allow children
to immerse themselves in different worlds and use their imagination while reading.

What can children learn from reading books?

Reading books offers numerous benefits for children's development. Firstly, it enhances their language skills
and vocabulary. Through exposure to different words and sentence structures, children can improve their
communication abilities. Additionally, reading books helps to foster creativity and critical thinking. It
encourages children to analyze characters and storylines, make predictions, and draw conclusions.
Furthermore, books also promote empathy by allowing children to understand and relate to different
perspectives and experiences.

How can parents encourage their children to read books?

Parents can play a vital role in encouraging their children to read books. Firstly, they can create a reading-
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friendly environment at home by providing access to a variety of books. They can set up a cozy reading corner
or designate a specific time for reading each day. Additionally, parents can lead by example and show their
own interest in reading by discussing books and sharing their own reading experiences. They can also read
aloud to their children and engage in discussions about the stories, which can make reading a more enjoyable
and interactive experience.

Which one do people prefer to read, ebooks or printed books?

Regarding the preference for reading materials, both ebooks and printed books have their advantages. Some
people prefer ebooks because they are easily accessible and can be carried in a portable device such as a
tablet or smartphone. Ebooks also offer features like adjustable font sizes and built-in dictionaries, which can
enhance the reading experience. On the other hand, many people still prefer printed books. They enjoy the
tactile experience of holding a physical book, flipping through its pages, and smelling the paper. Printed books
also have a nostalgic appeal and are often considered more authentic by book lovers.

Do you think printed books will disappear in the future?

While the rise of digital technology has impacted the publishing industry, it is unlikely that printed books will
disappear entirely in the future. Despite the popularity of ebooks, there is still a significant demand for printed
books among readers. Printed books have a unique charm and a sense of permanence that digital formats
cannot replicate. Additionally, some people find it easier to concentrate and retain information when reading
from a physical book. Therefore, while the availability and usage of printed books may decrease in certain
areas, they will likely continue to exist and be cherished by book enthusiasts for years to come.
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Describe a speech experience that you had

You should say:

● Who you gave the speech to

● What the speech was about
● Why you gave the speech

And explain how you felt about the speech

I would like to share a speech experience that I had during my university days. I gave the speech to my fellow
classmates and teachers at a special event organized by our department. The speech was about the
importance of effective communication skills in the modern world.

I decided to give this speech because I observed that many students in my department were struggling with
their communication skills, both in verbal and written forms. As a language enthusiast myself, I believed it was
crucial to emphasize the significance of effective communication in various aspects of life, such as academics,
professional careers, and personal relationships.

To prepare for the speech, I conducted extensive research to gather relevant information, examples, and
statistics. I also practiced my delivery to ensure clarity, coherence, and confidence. On the day of the event, I
was quite nervous but determined to deliver my message effectively.

During the speech, I began by explaining the concept of effective communication and its impact on different
areas of our lives. I then provided practical tips and strategies to enhance communication skills, such as active
listening, clarity of expression, and non-verbal communication. I also shared personal anecdotes and success
stories to make the speech relatable and engaging.

Overall, I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement during the speech. However, as I progressed and received
positive feedback from the audience in the form of nods and smiles, my confidence grew. It was fulfilling to
see my classmates and teachers actively listening and showing genuine interest in the topic. Their
enthusiasm and engagement motivated me to continue delivering my message with passion and conviction.

Is public speaking skill important?

Yes, public speaking skill is indeed important for several reasons. Firstly, it enables individuals to effectively
convey their ideas, opinions, and messages to a large audience. Whether it is in a professional setting,
academic environment, or social gathering, being able to express oneself confidently and coherently in public
is highly valued. Moreover, public speaking skills are crucial for leadership roles, as they allow individuals to
inspire and motivate others. Lastly, possessing good public speaking skills can boost one's self-confidence
and contribute to personal growth and development.

How can people improve their public speaking skills?

Improving public speaking skills requires practice and dedication. Firstly, individuals can start by researching
and studying effective public speaking techniques. This includes understanding the structure of a speech,
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using appropriate body language, and employing rhetorical devices to engage the audience. Secondly, joining
public speaking clubs or organizations can provide valuable opportunities for practice and feedback from
experienced speakers. Additionally, individuals can enhance their skills by actively seeking opportunities to
speak in public, such as volunteering for presentations, participating in debates, or delivering speeches at
social events. Lastly, self-reflection is crucial for improvement. Recording and reviewing speeches can help
identify areas for improvement, such as vocal clarity, pacing, or gestures.

What benefits does the Internet bring to communication?

The Internet has revolutionized communication in numerous ways, offering several benefits. Firstly, it has
greatly enhanced the speed and efficiency of communication. Instant messaging and email services allow
individuals to exchange messages in real-time, irrespective of geographical distance. Secondly, the Internet
has expanded the reach of communication, enabling people to connect with individuals from diverse
backgrounds and cultures across the globe. Social networking platforms provide opportunities to interact,
share ideas, and collaborate with people from different countries. Additionally, the Internet has facilitated the
dissemination of information and knowledge. Access to vast online resources allows individuals to educate
themselves, stay informed, and engage in intellectual discussions. Lastly, the Internet has facilitated the
development of various communication tools, such as video conferencing and online collaboration platforms,
which enable seamless communication and teamwork regardless of physical location.

Do you think face-to-face communication will be replaced by online communication in the future?

While online communication has become increasingly prevalent, it is unlikely that face-to-face communication
will be completely replaced in the future. Face-to-face interaction offers unique benefits that online
communication cannot fully replicate. In-person communication allows for a deeper level of connection, as
individuals can observe and interpret non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of
voice. It fosters a sense of trust and understanding that may be harder to establish through online channels
alone. Moreover, face-to-face communication provides a platform for immediate feedback and spontaneous
brainstorming, which can be essential in certain professional, academic, or personal contexts. While online
communication provides convenience and accessibility, the value of face-to-face interaction remains
significant for building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and creating meaningful connections.

What qualities does a good communicator need to have?

A good communicator possesses several key qualities. Firstly, clarity is essential. They should be able to
articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely, ensuring that the audience can easily understand the
message. Secondly, active listening is crucial. Good communicators pay attention to others, demonstrate
empathy, and respond appropriately to the concerns and perspectives of their audience. They engage in
meaningful conversations by asking relevant questions and seeking clarification when needed. Thirdly,
adaptability is important. Effective communicators adjust their communication style to suit different audiences
and contexts, using appropriate language, tone, and non-verbal cues. Additionally, good communicators are
confident and self-assured, conveying their message with conviction and authority. They also demonstrate
openness and respect for diverse viewpoints, fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment. Finally,
good communicators continuously strive to improve their communication skills through practice, feedback, and
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self-reflection, recognizing that effective communication is a lifelong learning process.

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Describe a game you played in your childhood

You should say:

● What the game was

● When you played it
● Who you played it with

And explain how you felt about playing the game

The game I would like to describe from my childhood is called "Ô ăn quan." It is a traditional Vietnamese
game that is commonly played by children in the streets or during recess at school.

I used to play this game during my primary school years, which was from the age of around six to twelve. It
was a popular game among my friends and me during our free time.

Typically, the game is played with two players, although more players can join if they wish. One player acts as
the "shopkeeper" or the person who controls the game, and the other player becomes the "customer." We
would take turns being the shopkeeper and the customer, so everyone got a chance to experience both roles.

Playing "Ô ăn quan" was always exciting and enjoyable for me. I felt a sense of anticipation and
competitiveness as I strategized my moves and tried to outsmart my opponent. It required logical thinking,
quick decision-making, and hand-eye coordination, which made it mentally stimulating.

Moreover, this game provided an opportunity for social interaction and bonding with my friends. We would
cheer for each other, share strategies, and celebrate victories together. It created a sense of camaraderie and
friendly competition among us.

Overall, "Ô ăn quan" holds a special place in my heart as a cherished childhood memory. It was not only a
source of entertainment but also a means of developing cognitive skills and fostering friendships. Playing this
game always brought me joy and a sense of fulfillment, and I will always treasure those moments from my

What games do young children in your country like to play?

In Vietnam, young children have a diverse range of games they enjoy playing. Traditional games such as "O
An Quan" (Mandarin Square Capturing Game) and "Bai Choi" (a folk game combining music, poetry, and
lottery) are still popular among children. However, in recent years, with the rise of technology, digital games
have become increasingly popular. Games like "Liên Quân Mobile" (Arena of Valor) and "PUBG Mobile" are
quite popular among young children in Vietnam. Additionally, outdoor activities such as badminton, football,
and hide-and-seek are also enjoyed by many children.

What is the difference between the kind of games children play now and what they played in the past?

The kind of games children play now differs significantly from what they played in the past. In the past,
children used to engage in more traditional games, which often involved physical activity and social
interaction. These games encouraged face-to-face interaction, cooperation, and creativity. However, with the
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advent of technology and the increasing availability of smartphones and tablets, children nowadays are more
inclined towards digital games. These digital games often focus on virtual experiences, with a greater
emphasis on individual play rather than social interaction.

Which is better for children, individual games or team-based games?

Both individual games and team-based games have their own benefits for children.

1. Individual games can help children develop self-reliance, decision-making skills, and concentration.
They allow children to set their own goals, work at their own pace, and take responsibility for their
2. On the other hand, team-based games provide children with opportunities for collaboration,
communication, and teamwork. They learn to cooperate, strategize, and support each other. Team-
based games can also enhance social skills and foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among

Ultimately, a balance between individual games and team-based games is beneficial for children's overall

What are the benefits of games to children?

Games offer several benefits to children. Firstly, they provide opportunities for children to develop their
cognitive skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. Games often require children
to analyze situations, make quick decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances. Secondly, games can
enhance children's motor skills and coordination, especially in physical activities like sports. They improve
hand-eye coordination, balance, and overall physical fitness. Additionally, games promote creativity and
imagination as children engage in pretend play and create their own narratives. Finally, games can also
contribute to social and emotional development by fostering friendships, teamwork, and empathy.

Should parents limit the time their children play games?

While it is important for parents to be mindful of the amount of time children spend playing games, a blanket
restriction may not be the most effective approach. Instead, parents should focus on finding a balance
between game time and other activities. It is crucial for children to engage in a variety of activities, including
outdoor play, social interactions, educational pursuits, and family time. Parents can establish clear rules and
guidelines regarding game time, considering factors such as age, educational needs, and overall well-being.
Regular communication and monitoring can help parents ensure that game time does not interfere with other
important aspects of a child's life.
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Describe a film you watched recently that you felt disappointed about

You should say:

● What the movie was

● When you watched it
● Why you decided to watch it

And explain why you felt disappointed about it

Recently, I watched a film called "The Lost Treasure" which left me feeling disappointed. I watched it just last
week on a Friday evening. The reason I decided to watch this movie was that I had heard some positive
reviews from my friends, and the trailer seemed intriguing. Moreover, I am a fan of adventure films, and this
movie promised to offer an exciting treasure hunt storyline.

However, I felt disappointed by "The Lost Treasure" for several reasons. Firstly, the plot was quite predictable
and lacked originality. It followed the typical formula of a group of explorers searching for a hidden treasure,
facing obstacles along the way. There were no unexpected twists or surprises, which made the film feel
monotonous and unengaging.

Secondly, the character development was weak. The main characters lacked depth and complexity, making it
challenging to connect with them emotionally. I believe that strong character development is crucial in a film
as it helps the audience become invested in the story. Unfortunately, "The Lost Treasure" fell short in this

Furthermore, the film suffered from poor pacing. The narrative seemed rushed in some parts, while in others,
it dragged on unnecessarily. This inconsistency in pacing disrupted the flow of the story and made it difficult to
maintain my interest throughout the movie.

Lastly, the special effects and visual presentation were subpar. The CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) used
in the film looked unrealistic and amateurish at times, which detracted from the overall viewing experience.
Given that the film relied heavily on action sequences and visual effects, this was a significant letdown.

In conclusion, despite my initial excitement and high expectations, "The Lost Treasure" failed to meet my
hopes. The predictable plot, weak character development, pacing issues, and subpar visual effects all
contributed to my disappointment. I believe that a captivating and well-executed adventure film should offer an
engaging storyline, relatable characters, and impressive visual effects, all of which were lacking in this
particular movie.

What are the most popular types of films in your country?

In Vietnam, the most popular types of films vary, but there are a few genres that stand out. Firstly, romantic
comedies are quite popular as they provide light-hearted entertainment and often showcase relatable love
stories. Secondly, action films, particularly those with martial arts or thrilling stunts, attract a large audience as
they offer excitement and adrenaline. Lastly, historical dramas depicting significant events or figures from
Vietnam's past are also well-received. These films help to connect audiences with their cultural heritage and
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evoke a sense of national pride.

Why are films about historical figures or events popular?

Films about historical figures or events are popular in Vietnam for several reasons. Firstly, they allow viewers
to learn about and reflect upon their nation's history. Such films provide a valuable medium to educate and
inspire audiences, particularly the younger generation, about the struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs of their
ancestors. Additionally, historical films often evoke a strong sense of national identity and pride, as they
highlight the country's rich heritage and its heroes. Lastly, these films can foster a collective memory and
cultural unity, as they bring people together to celebrate shared historical narratives.

What are the factors that affect how people choose a film to watch?

Several factors influence how people choose a film to watch in Vietnam. Firstly, genre plays a significant role.
Individuals tend to select films based on their personal preferences and interests. For example, some may
prefer comedies for light-hearted entertainment, while others may opt for dramas to experience emotional
depth. Secondly, recommendations from friends, family, or trusted sources have a strong influence. Positive
word-of-mouth reviews or high ratings can sway someone's decision. Thirdly, promotional material such as
trailers, posters, or online marketing campaigns can attract attention and generate interest in a particular film.
Lastly, accessibility and convenience, such as the film's availability in local theaters or on popular streaming
platforms, also impact the decision-making process.

Do you think films need to have famous actors or actresses to become successful?

While having famous actors or actresses can certainly contribute to a film's success, it is not a prerequisite for
success. In Vietnam, there are instances where films featuring lesser-known or emerging talents have gained
widespread popularity and critical acclaim. A captivating storyline, skilled direction, and strong performances
can captivate audiences, regardless of the actors' fame. Moreover, a well-executed marketing strategy,
positive reviews, and word-of-mouth recommendations can significantly influence a film's success. Ultimately,
it is the overall quality of the film that determines its reception, and the talent and fame of the actors are just
some of the contributing factors.

Is music an essential part in successful films?

Yes, music plays an essential role in successful films. In Vietnam, as in many other cultures, music helps
create an emotional connection with the audience and enhances the overall cinematic experience. A well-
composed film score or a carefully chosen soundtrack can heighten the drama, evoke specific emotions, and
reinforce the narrative's impact. The right music can amplify suspense, evoke nostalgia, or convey the mood
of a particular scene. Additionally, catchy and memorable songs from films can become popular in their own
right, further contributing to the film's success. Therefore, the inclusion of suitable and impactful music is
indeed crucial in creating a successful and engaging cinematic experience.
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Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town

You should say:

● Where the shop is located

● What it sells
● What kinds of people usually go there to shop

And explain how successful you think it will be in the future

Well, there's this new shop that has recently opened in my city. It's located in the downtown area, right in the
heart of the city. The shop is situated on a bustling street, surrounded by other commercial establishments
and popular restaurants. Its location makes it easily accessible to both residents and tourists.

The shop primarily sells trendy fashion clothing and accessories for both men and women. They have a wide
range of products, including stylish clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry. The shop boasts a contemporary
interior design, with neatly displayed items and attractive mannequins showcasing the latest fashion trends.
The shop owners have put in a lot of effort to curate a collection that appeals to the fashion-conscious
individuals in the city.

As for the kinds of people who usually go there to shop, it seems to attract a diverse clientele. Young adults
and teenagers, especially those who are keen on staying up-to-date with the latest fashion trends, are regular
customers. Additionally, professionals who work in nearby offices also visit during their lunch breaks or after
work to browse through the collection and make purchases.

Considering the location, the appealing range of products, and the growing interest in fashion among the
locals, I believe this shop has the potential to be quite successful in the future. The downtown area attracts a
significant number of shoppers, and with the shop's trendy and fashionable offerings, it is likely to attract a
loyal customer base. Moreover, the shop owners can leverage social media platforms and online marketing
strategies to reach a wider audience and expand their customer base. With proper management, consistent
quality, and an eye for current fashion trends, I foresee this shop becoming a go-to destination for fashion
enthusiasts and contributing positively to the city's retail scene.

What kinds of shops are popular in your city?

In Hanoi, where I’m living right now, there is a wide range of shops that are popular among the residents.

One of the most prominent types of shops is the traditional markets, known as "cho." These markets are
bustling with activity and offer a variety of goods, including fresh produce, meat, seafood, and household
items. They are not only popular for their affordable prices but also for the vibrant atmosphere they provide.

Additionally, convenience stores have gained popularity in recent years. These small shops, such as Circle K
or Vinmart, are scattered throughout the city and are open 24/7. They offer a wide array of products, including
snacks, beverages, toiletries, and other daily necessities. Convenience stores are especially favored for their
accessibility and convenience, making them a go-to option for quick purchases.
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Moreover, electronic and technology stores have also gained popularity among Hanoians. These shops
provide a wide range of electronic gadgets, appliances, and accessories, catering to the city's tech-savvy
population. Places like Nguyen Kim, Pico Plaza, and Tran Anh Electronics are known for their extensive
selection and competitive prices.

Lastly, coffee shops hold a special place in the hearts of Hanoi residents. Hanoi is famous for its vibrant coffee
culture, and there are numerous coffee shops scattered across the city. From traditional Vietnamese coffee
houses to trendy and modern cafes, Hanoians enjoy spending time in these establishments, socializing with
friends or finding a peaceful corner to work or relax.

Do you think location is a key factor that attracts customers?

In my opinion, location plays a significant role in attracting customers. A well-situated store or business can
capture the attention of potential customers and increase the likelihood of them visiting the establishment. A
convenient location, such as in a busy commercial area or near public transportation, can make it easier for
customers to access the shop. Moreover, a strategic location can also contribute to the reputation and image
of a business, making it more appealing to customers. For instance, a store located in a popular shopping
district is likely to benefit from higher footfall and customer interest. Therefore, I believe that location is indeed
a key factor in attracting customers.

Which ones are more popular with young people today, online shops or traditional shops?

In today's digital age, online shops have gained significant popularity among young people. The convenience
and accessibility offered by online shopping platforms have made them an attractive option for the younger
generation. Online shops provide a wide range of products and services, often at competitive prices. They
also offer the convenience of 24/7 shopping from the comfort of one's own home. Additionally, online
shopping provides the opportunity to compare prices, read reviews, and access a broader range of products
that may not be available in traditional shops. While traditional shops still hold their own charm and appeal,
especially for certain types of products or experiences, the ease and convenience of online shopping have
made it more popular among young people today.

Do you think online shopping will replace traditional shopping in the future?

While online shopping has experienced significant growth and popularity, I don't believe it will completely
replace traditional shopping in the future. Traditional shopping offers a sensory experience that online
shopping cannot fully replicate. The ability to physically examine products, try them on, or interact with
knowledgeable sales staff can be valuable to many customers. Traditional shops also provide a social aspect,
allowing people to interact with others and enjoy the ambiance of a physical retail environment. Furthermore,
there are certain products, such as fresh groceries or specialized items, where traditional shopping remains
the preferred choice for many individuals. Therefore, while online shopping will continue to thrive and evolve, I
believe traditional shopping will still hold its place and coexist with online shopping in the future.

Is there any problem with online shopping?

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Yes, there are some challenges and issues associated with online shopping. One of the main concerns is the
lack of physical interaction and the inability to see or try products before purchasing. This can lead to
dissatisfaction if the product received does not match the expectations or quality portrayed online.
Additionally, there is a risk of online fraud and scams, where fraudulent sellers or websites deceive customers
and take their money without delivering the promised products. Privacy and security concerns also arise, as
customers need to provide personal and financial information online. Furthermore, the reliance on delivery
services can lead to delays or mishandling of packages, causing inconvenience for customers.
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Describe an invention

You should say:

● What the invention is

● How you use this invention
● Whether it is difficult to use

And explain how you feel about this invention

Well, I would like to talk about an invention that has greatly impacted our lives, and that is the smartphone.

A smartphone is a handheld device that combines the functions of a mobile phone, a computer, and various
other multimedia gadgets. It allows us to make calls, send text messages, browse the internet, take photos,
play games, and access countless applications that cater to our different needs and interests.

Personally, I use my smartphone for various purposes. Firstly, it serves as a means of communication. I can
easily make calls or send text messages to my family, friends, and colleagues. Moreover, my smartphone has
become an indispensable tool for productivity. I use it to check my emails, schedule appointments, and set
reminders. It also allows me to access important documents and research information on the go, which is
extremely convenient for my studies and work.

As for the difficulty of using a smartphone, I would say that it is relatively easy to use. The user interface is
designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, with icons and menus that are easy to navigate. Most smartphones
come with touchscreens, which make the interaction more intuitive and natural. However, for someone who is
not accustomed to technology or smartphones, it may take some time to become familiar with all the features
and settings.

In terms of how I feel about this invention, I must say that I am truly amazed and grateful for the existence of
smartphones. They have transformed our lives in countless ways and made tasks more efficient and
convenient. Being able to have all the necessary functions and resources in a single device that fits in my
pocket is truly remarkable. It has brought people closer together and expanded our possibilities in ways we
never thought possible.

However, I also recognize that smartphones can be addictive and may have some negative effects if not used
in moderation. It's important to strike a balance between the virtual world and the real world, and not let the
smartphone consume all of our time and attention.

What are the qualities of a scientist?

Well, in my opinion, there are several qualities that are important for a scientist.

Firstly, a scientist should be curious and have a strong desire to explore and understand the world around
them. They should have a keen sense of observation and be able to ask insightful questions. Additionally,
critical thinking skills are crucial for a scientist to analyze data and draw valid conclusions.
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Furthermore, patience and perseverance are essential qualities for a scientist. Scientific research often
involves conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and sometimes, facing setbacks. Therefore,
scientists need to be patient and persistent in their pursuit of knowledge.

Lastly, ethical conduct is highly important for scientists. They should adhere to rigorous ethical standards in
their research, ensuring the integrity and credibility of their work. These qualities collectively contribute to the
success and impact of a scientist in their field.

Are there any inventions that have changed the world profoundly?

Absolutely! There have been numerous inventions throughout history that have profoundly changed the world.
One such example is the invention of the internet. The internet revolutionized communication, information
sharing, and business practices, connecting people across the globe and transforming various aspects of our

Furthermore, the invention of electricity has had a transformative impact. It has revolutionized industries,
enabled the development of advanced technologies, and improved the quality of life for people worldwide.

Medicine has also seen groundbreaking inventions, such as vaccines, antibiotics, and medical imaging
devices. These inventions have saved countless lives, improved healthcare, and advanced our understanding
of human health and diseases.

These are just a few examples of inventions that have had profound impacts on the world, transforming the
way we live, work, communicate, and understand the world around us.

Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?

While many inventions have undoubtedly brought significant benefits to our world, it is important to
acknowledge that not all inventions have a positive impact. Some inventions, unfortunately, can have negative
consequences or unintended side effects.

For instance, the invention of nuclear weapons has brought about the potential for mass destruction and
poses serious threats to global security. Similarly, certain chemical inventions have led to environmental
pollution and health risks.

Additionally, advancements in technology, such as social media platforms, while offering benefits like
connectivity and information sharing, have also raised concerns regarding privacy, mental health, and the
spread of misinformation.

Do you think people who have not been educated in school can invent things?

Yes, it is certainly possible for people who have not received formal education in school to invent things. While
formal education can provide valuable knowledge and skills, it is not the sole determinant of someone's ability
to invent or innovate.

Invention is often driven by curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. These qualities can be nurtured
through various means, such as personal experiences, self-learning, mentorship, or practical hands-on
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engagement with a particular field or subject.

Many famous inventors throughout history did not have formal schooling in their respective fields but made
groundbreaking discoveries and inventions. Their passion, determination, and ability to think outside the box
were instrumental in their innovative achievements.

Furthermore, access to information and resources through books, online platforms, and communities can
empower individuals to learn and explore independently, contributing to their ability to invent and innovate.

Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments or private companies?

Both governments and private companies play important roles in supporting and sponsoring inventors. Each
has its own advantages and can contribute in different ways.

Governments have the capacity to provide financial support, research grants, and create favorable policies
and regulations to foster innovation. They can invest in research and development initiatives, establish
innovation hubs or centers, and promote collaboration between academia and industry. Government support
is particularly vital in areas of research that may not be immediately profitable but have long-term societal

On the other hand, private companies often have the resources, expertise, and market-driven approach that
can enable inventions to be transformed into practical applications. They can provide funding for research and
development, offer mentorship and guidance, and bring inventions to market through commercialization
efforts. Private companies are often motivated by potential profits, which can drive the development and
scaling of innovative ideas.

Ideally, a collaborative approach between governments and private companies is beneficial. Governments
can create an enabling environment through policies and funding, while private companies can contribute their
technical expertise and investment capabilities. By working together, they can create a supportive ecosystem
that encourages inventors and promotes the translation of inventions into real-world impact.
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Describe a popular person in your country

You should say:

● Who this person is

● What he/she is like
● Why you think this person is popular

And explain how this person influences the public

Well, one popular person in my country, Vietnam, is Huỳnh Trấn Thành, commonly known as Trấn Thành. He
is a renowned comedian, television host, and actor. Trấn Thành is quite a versatile and talented individual.

Trấn Thành is well-known for his witty sense of humor and his ability to connect with people from all walks of
life. He possesses a unique style of comedy that resonates with the Vietnamese audience. His performances
are characterized by clever wordplay, spontaneous improvisation, and a keen understanding of human nature.
Trấn Thành has a natural gift for making people laugh and bringing joy to their lives.

I believe Trấn Thành is popular because he has managed to establish a strong presence in various forms of
media. He has hosted numerous successful TV shows and has acted in a number of hit movies. Trấn Thành's
popularity is also attributed to his genuine and down-to-earth personality. He is often seen as relatable and
approachable, which makes people feel comfortable and drawn to him.

Trấn Thành's influence on the public is significant. Through his comedic performances and TV appearances,
he has the power to uplift people's spirits and provide a temporary escape from the stresses of everyday life.
Many people view him as a source of inspiration and a role model for pursuing their dreams. Additionally, Trấn
Thành is actively involved in charitable activities, supporting various social causes and helping those in need.
This involvement contributes to his positive influence on the public, as people admire his philanthropic efforts
and are motivated to make a difference themselves.

What kinds of people are more popular at school?

Well, in my opinion, there isn't a single formula for popularity at school as it can vary depending on different
factors. However, generally speaking, students who are friendly, sociable, and have good communication
skills tend to be more popular. Additionally, those who actively participate in extracurricular activities, such as
sports teams, clubs, or student organizations, often gain popularity among their peers. It's also important to
mention that academic achievement can sometimes contribute to popularity, especially if someone excels in
certain subjects or consistently achieves good grades.

What are the benefits of being popular at school?

Being popular at school can bring several advantages. Firstly, it can enhance one's social life and overall
experience at school. Popular students often have a wider circle of friends and acquaintances, which can
provide them with a strong support network and opportunities for collaboration and learning from others.
Secondly, popularity can boost self-confidence and self-esteem, as being well-liked by peers can give a sense
of validation and acceptance. Lastly, popular students may have an easier time integrating into various social
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activities and may receive more attention from teachers and other staff members, which could potentially open
doors to additional opportunities, such as leadership roles or special projects.

Why are some people less famous than others?

There can be several reasons why some individuals are less famous than others. One factor could be their
personality traits or behavior. For instance, if someone is introverted, shy, or prefers to keep to themselves,
they might have fewer interactions with their peers, making it harder to become well-known. Moreover, some
students may focus more on academic pursuits or have different interests that don't align with mainstream
popularity. Additionally, the size and dynamics of a school community can play a role. In larger schools, it can
be more challenging to gain widespread recognition compared to smaller schools where everyone knows
each other more closely.

Is it important to become popular at a workplace?

While being popular at the workplace can have certain benefits, such as a positive work environment and
potential career opportunities, I wouldn't say that popularity should be the sole focus or measure of success.
Instead, it's more crucial to build good relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and effective
communication. It's important to collaborate well with colleagues and superiors, contribute to team efforts, and
demonstrate professionalism and competence in your work. These factors can lead to a positive reputation
and respect among your peers, which can contribute to a fulfilling and successful career.

How do people maintain a good relationship with their co-workers and their bosses?

In my opinion, one good way for a person to maintain a good relationship with their co-workers and bosses is
by demonstrating a strong work ethic and being reliable. This means consistently performing tasks to the best
of one's abilities, meeting deadlines, and taking initiative when necessary. By displaying a strong work ethic,
colleagues and bosses will develop trust and confidence in one's abilities, which can foster positive
relationships. Additionally, being reliable means following through on commitments, being accountable for
one's actions, and communicating openly about any challenges or issues that may arise. When co-workers
and bosses can depend on someone to deliver quality work consistently, it builds a foundation of trust and
mutual respect, which is vital for maintaining good relationships in the workplace.
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Describe a happy experience in your childhood

You should say:

● What it is
● Who you were with
● What you did

And explain why you felt happy

Well, one of the happiest experiences from my childhood was when my family and I went on a trip to the
beach. It was a sunny day during the summer vacation, and we decided to visit a beautiful beach in Vung Tau,
a coastal city in my country. I was accompanied by my parents, my younger sister, and my grandparents.

We had a fantastic time at the beach. We played in the soft sand, built sandcastles, and splashed around in
the refreshing seawater. The waves were gentle and perfect for swimming, so we spent a considerable
amount of time frolicking in the water. We also enjoyed collecting seashells and exploring the shoreline,
marveling at the diverse marine life.

The reason I felt incredibly happy during this experience was the strong bond I shared with my family. We
laughed, played, and created lasting memories together. The sheer joy of being surrounded by loved ones
and engaging in simple yet enjoyable activities filled my heart with warmth and happiness. It was a carefree
day, free from any worries or responsibilities, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the moment and
appreciate the beauty of nature.

Moreover, the beach itself contributed to my happiness. The picturesque scenery, with the vast expanse of
golden sand, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the gentle sea breeze, created a serene
and relaxing atmosphere. It was a peaceful escape from the bustling city life, providing a tranquil environment
where I could unwind and embrace the beauty of nature.

Why do you think some people have better memory than others?

Well, I believe that there are several factors that contribute to why some individuals have better memory than
others. Firstly, genetics play a significant role in determining one's memory capabilities. Some people may
have inherited genes that enhance their memory function. Secondly, a person's lifestyle and habits can also
affect their memory. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are important for maintaining a
healthy brain and memory. Additionally, engaging in activities that stimulate the brain, such as puzzles,
reading, and learning new skills, can also help improve memory. Finally, motivation and interest in the subject
matter can influence memory. When someone is genuinely interested in something, they are more likely to
remember details related to it.

What kinds of things do people often remember nowadays?

In today's digital age, people often remember things that are closely related to their daily lives and immediate
surroundings. With the constant use of smartphones and other devices, people tend to remember phone
numbers, email addresses, and passwords. Moreover, social media platforms have become a significant part
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of our lives, so people often remember their usernames, profiles, and the content they have shared or
interacted with. Additionally, important events and personal milestones, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and
significant achievements, are also things that people frequently remember nowadays.

What are the things people should not forget?

There are several things that people should not forget in their lives. Firstly, it is essential not to forget the value
of relationships and the importance of maintaining connections with family and friends. Building and nurturing
these relationships can bring joy and support throughout life. Secondly, people should not forget their
responsibilities and commitments, whether it be personal, professional, or educational. Keeping track of
deadlines, appointments, and obligations is crucial for a well-organized and successful life. Lastly, it is crucial
not to forget self-care. Taking care of our physical and mental well-being, making time for hobbies, and finding
moments of relaxation are vital for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Why do some people remember more of their childhood than others?

The ability to remember childhood experiences varies from person to person. Several factors contribute to
why some individuals remember more of their childhood than others. Firstly, the age at which the memories
were formed plays a role. Memories formed during early childhood (between 3 to 5 years old) are known as
childhood amnesia, and they tend to fade over time due to the developing brain and changes in neural
connections. However, some individuals may have vivid memories of significant events or emotionally
charged experiences that have left a lasting impression. Additionally, the significance and frequency of
interactions with family members and the environment during childhood can also influence memory. Positive
or traumatic events that have a strong emotional impact are more likely to be remembered compared to
mundane or less emotionally charged experiences.

What can people do to improve their memory?

There are several strategies individuals can employ to enhance their memory. Firstly, maintaining a healthy
lifestyle is crucial. Regular physical exercise improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain, which
promotes better memory function. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty
acids also supports brain health. Secondly, getting sufficient sleep is essential for memory consolidation and
cognitive functioning. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a conducive sleep environment
can help improve memory. Furthermore, engaging in mental activities that challenge the brain, such as
puzzles, crosswords, reading, and learning new skills, can enhance memory function. Additionally, using
mnemonic techniques, such as visualization, association, and repetition, can aid in remembering information.
Finally, maintaining an organized and structured approach, such as using calendars, planners, and reminders,
can assist in managing tasks and responsibilities effectively, preventing memory lapses.
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Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place

You should say:

● Who he/she is
● What the new place is like
● Why he/she moved to a new place

And explain whether his or her move has a positive impact

Well, I would like to talk about my friend Lan, who recently moved to a new place. Lan is a close friend of mine
whom I've known since childhood. She is a young and ambitious woman who always seeks new opportunities
in life.

The new place she moved to is a bustling city called Ho Chi Minh City, which is located in southern Vietnam.
It's a vibrant and dynamic city with tall buildings, busy streets, and a lot of hustle and bustle. The city offers a
wide range of job opportunities, cultural activities, and a fast-paced lifestyle.

Lan decided to move to Ho Chi Minh City primarily for career advancement. She was working in a small town
where opportunities were limited, and she felt that she needed to explore a larger city to broaden her horizons
and find better job prospects. The new place provided her with a chance to work for a renowned multinational
company, which was a significant step forward in her career.

As for the positive impact of her move, I believe it has been quite significant. Firstly, Lan has been exposed to
a diverse and competitive work environment, which has challenged her to improve her skills and knowledge.
The city offers various training programs and networking opportunities that have helped her grow

Secondly, the move has expanded her social circle. Ho Chi Minh City is a melting pot of cultures, attracting
people from different regions of Vietnam and even from abroad. Through her interactions with colleagues and
fellow residents, she has gained new perspectives and formed valuable connections.

Moreover, living in a big city has broadened her horizons and exposed her to a vibrant cultural scene. She has
attended art exhibitions, concerts, and cultural festivals that have enriched her understanding of different art
forms and traditions.

Overall, I believe Lan's move to Ho Chi Minh City has had a positive impact on her life. It has provided her
with better career prospects, a diverse social network, and access to a rich cultural experience. She seems
more confident, motivated, and fulfilled since moving to the new place, and I am truly happy for her.

Why do some young people keep moving?

One reason why young people keep moving is the pursuit of better educational and career opportunities.
Many young individuals choose to relocate to larger cities or even abroad in search of higher-quality
education, access to prestigious universities, or better job prospects. They believe that by moving, they can
enhance their chances of securing a good education or finding a fulfilling career.
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What is the difference between living alone and living with roommates?

One main difference between living alone and living with roommates is the level of independence and
personal space. When living alone, individuals have complete control over their living environment. They can
make decisions regarding the arrangement of furniture, cleanliness, and overall atmosphere without needing
to consult or compromise with others. On the other hand, living with roommates involves shared
responsibilities and the need to consider others' preferences, leading to a more communal living experience.

What are the benefits of living alone to young people?

One main benefit of living alone to young people is the opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth.
Living alone allows individuals to have more freedom and independence, enabling them to explore their own
interests, establish their routines, and develop a strong sense of self. It provides a conducive environment for
introspection and self-reflection, helping young people understand their strengths, weaknesses, and personal

What are the skills that people need to start living independently?

Two skills that people need to start living independently are financial management and basic household
chores. Financial management skills involve budgeting, tracking expenses, and making wise financial
decisions to ensure they can cover their living costs and handle unexpected expenses. Basic household
chores include cleaning, cooking, and maintaining a tidy living space, which are essential for maintaining a
comfortable and functional living environment. These skills contribute to the smooth running of a household
and the overall well-being of individuals living independently.
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Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

You should say:

● When you got it

● How you got it
● How you found it was incorrect

And how you felt about it

Well, there was this one occasion when I received incorrect information, and it was quite a frustrating
experience. It happened about a year ago when I was planning a trip to a nearby tourist destination.

I got the incorrect information from a travel website that I frequently visit to gather details about different travel
destinations. I was searching for information about the local attractions, transportation options, and
accommodation recommendations. Unfortunately, the website provided outdated information that led me

It was only when I arrived at the destination and started exploring that I realized the information was incorrect.
The website had mentioned a particular attraction as being open to the public, but when I reached there, it
was closed for renovation. I felt disappointed and annoyed because I had wasted my time and money based
on that misleading information.

To confirm that the information was indeed incorrect, I approached the local tourism information center. The
staff there informed me that the attraction had been closed for several months and wouldn't reopen for
another few weeks. They apologized for the inconvenience caused and provided me with accurate information
about alternative places to visit.

Upon realizing the error, I felt frustrated and let down. I had trusted the website to provide reliable and up-to-
date information, but it had failed me. It made me question the credibility of online sources and taught me the
importance of cross-checking information from multiple sources in the future.

In conclusion, the occasion when I received incorrect information was quite disappointing. I got it from a travel
website, found out it was incorrect when I reached the destination, and felt frustrated and let down by the
experience. This incident taught me the value of verifying information from reliable sources before making any
important decisions.

What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?

There are various professions that involve giving information to others. One common profession is that of a
customer service representative, who assists customers by providing relevant information about products or
services. Another profession is that of a journalist, whose role is to gather and disseminate accurate
information to the public. Similarly, tour guides also provide information to visitors about tourist attractions and
historical sites. Lastly, teachers and educators also play a vital role in imparting knowledge and information to
their students.
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What’s the difference between giving information by phone and by email?

When it comes to giving information, there are differences between using the phone and sending an email.
Firstly, communicating information by phone allows for immediate interaction and real-time conversation. It
enables individuals to ask questions and seek clarification promptly. On the other hand, sending information
via email provides a written record of the conversation, which can be referred back to in the future. It also
allows individuals to provide detailed explanations or instructions in a more organized manner. Additionally,
emails provide the advantage of being able to reach a larger audience simultaneously, whereas phone calls
are typically limited to one-on-one or small group interactions.

How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

To verify the accuracy of information, people can adopt several strategies. Firstly, they can cross-reference
the information by consulting multiple reliable sources. Comparing information from different sources helps to
identify any inconsistencies or discrepancies. Additionally, fact-checking websites and online platforms
specifically dedicated to verifying information can be utilized. These platforms evaluate the credibility of claims
and provide evidence-based assessments. Furthermore, seeking expert opinions or consulting professionals
in the relevant field can also help in determining the accuracy of information.

Do people trust the information online?

Trust in online information varies among individuals. While some people trust information found online, others
may approach it with skepticism. The credibility of online information depends on several factors, including the
source, the reputation of the website or platform, and the presence of supporting evidence or references.
People tend to trust information more when it comes from reputable sources, such as established news
organizations, academic institutions, or government websites. However, it is important to remain critical and
verify the information through reliable sources before accepting it as true.
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Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child

You should say:

● Who this child was

● When you spent time with this child
● What you did together

And how you felt about it

Well, I remember a delightful experience when I had the opportunity to spend time with my little niece. Her
name is Linh, and she was around four years old at that time. It was during the summer vacation, precisely
last year in July. Since we were all free from our commitments, I decided to visit my sister's place to catch up
and spend some quality time with Linh.

When I reached their house, Linh was brimming with excitement to see me. We started our day by playing
some indoor games, such as hide-and-seek and building blocks. She would giggle every time she found me
hiding behind the curtains or beneath the table. It was truly heartwarming to witness her innocence and joy.

Later, we decided to head outside for some fresh air and went to a nearby park. We enjoyed swinging on the
swings and sliding down the slides together. Linh's laughter echoed in the park, and I couldn't help but smile
at her infectious enthusiasm. We also played catch with a ball, which was great fun.

As the day progressed, we took a leisurely stroll and explored the beauty of nature around us. Linh was
curious about everything she encountered - from colorful flowers to chirping birds. It was delightful to witness
her curiosity and see the world through her innocent eyes. We also sat on a bench and had ice cream,
savoring every bite and cherishing the simple pleasures of life.

Throughout the day, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment. Spending time with Linh reminded me
of the importance of cherishing the present moment and finding joy in the little things. Her laughter and
genuine happiness were infectious, and it made me appreciate the innocence and purity of childhood.

In conclusion, the occasion when I spent time with my young niece Linh was truly memorable. We played
games, explored the park, and enjoyed each other's company. It was a reminder of the beauty and simplicity
of life, and I cherished every moment of it.

How do children in your country spend their free time?

Well, in Vietnam, children have various ways of spending their free time. Many of them enjoy playing outdoor
games like soccer, badminton, and traditional games like jump rope or kite flying. They also engage in indoor
activities such as reading books, watching movies, or playing video games. Additionally, some children
participate in extracurricular activities like music lessons, art classes, or martial arts. Overall, children in
Vietnam have a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to how they spend their free time.

Is it necessary for children to play with their friends in their free time?

Yes, it is indeed necessary for children to play with their friends during their free time. Interacting and playing
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with friends brings about numerous benefits for children's social and emotional development. By engaging in
activities with friends, children learn important skills like communication, cooperation, and problem-solving.
Furthermore, playing with peers fosters a sense of belonging and helps children develop meaningful
relationships. Friendships also provide a source of support, fun, and shared experiences. Therefore, it is
highly encouraged for children to spend their free time playing with their friends.

Why do some parents not want to spend time with their children?

There could be several reasons why some parents do not want to spend time with their children. Firstly, in
today's fast-paced world, parents often face work pressures and time constraints, leaving them with limited
free time to spend with their children. Additionally, financial obligations and the need to provide for the family
may consume their attention and energy. Some parents may also lack awareness of the importance of
spending quality time with their children due to cultural or personal factors. However, it is essential to note that
these reasons vary among individuals, and many parents do prioritize spending time with their children
despite the challenges they may face.

Do you think children should be free to choose what they do in their free time?

Yes, I do believe that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time to a certain extent.
Allowing children to make choices empowers them, develops their decision-making skills, and promotes
independence. It is important for children to explore their interests and passions, which can lead to personal
growth and self-discovery. However, it is equally crucial for parents and guardians to provide guidance and
set boundaries to ensure the choices made by children are safe, educational, and balanced. Finding a
balance between freedom and guidance allows children to make the most of their free time while ensuring
their well-being.

What kind of activities can children and parents do together?

There are numerous activities that children and parents can enjoy together. One popular option is engaging in
outdoor activities such as going for a picnic, cycling, or taking nature walks. Families can also spend quality
time indoors by cooking or baking together, playing board games or card games, or working on craft projects.
Reading books aloud, watching movies, or visiting museums and cultural sites are also great ways to bond
and learn together. Furthermore, participating in sports, attending cultural events, or volunteering as a family
are excellent opportunities for both children and parents to connect and create lasting memories.
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Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often

You should say:

● What it is
● How often you wear it
● What it is like

And explain why you enjoy wearing it

Well, the piece of clothing that I wear most often is a pair of denim jeans. I would say I wear them almost
every day, as they have become my go-to choice for casual and even semi-formal occasions.

These jeans are quite comfortable and versatile. They are made of high-quality denim fabric, which is durable
and allows for easy movement. They fit me perfectly, neither too loose nor too tight, and have a classic blue
color that goes well with various tops and shoes. The design is simple yet stylish, with a straight leg cut that
flatters my figure.

There are a few reasons why I enjoy wearing these jeans so much. Firstly, they are incredibly practical. I can
wear them to different settings, whether it's going to college, meeting friends, or even running errands. They
offer a level of comfort that other clothing items may lack, allowing me to move freely and carry out my daily
activities without any constraints.

Secondly, these jeans have a timeless appeal. They never go out of style and can be easily paired with
different types of tops, such as t-shirts, blouses, or even sweaters. This versatility saves me the trouble of
constantly thinking about what to wear, as I know I can rely on my jeans to create a stylish and put-together
look effortlessly.

Lastly, I appreciate the durability of these jeans. They have been my faithful companion for quite some time
now, and they have managed to withstand regular wear and tear without losing their shape or color. This
longevity not only saves me money from constantly buying new clothes but also gives me a sense of
attachment to them, as they have become a part of my personal style.

Overall, my favorite pair of denim jeans is an essential part of my wardrobe. They offer comfort, versatility, and
durability, making them the perfect choice for my everyday wear. Whether I'm going out for a casual outing or
a semi-formal event, these jeans never fail to make me feel confident and at ease.

What kinds of clothes do young people in Vietnam like to wear?

Well, in Vietnam, young people have diverse preferences when it comes to clothing. However, there are some
common trends that can be observed. Many young individuals in Vietnam tend to embrace a mix of traditional
and modern fashion styles. For casual wear, they often opt for comfortable and trendy outfits such as jeans, t-
shirts, skirts, and dresses. Additionally, young people in Vietnam are fond of vibrant colors, unique patterns,
and accessories like hats, scarves, and sunglasses. They also like to experiment with different footwear
styles, ranging from sneakers to sandals, depending on the occasion and personal taste.
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When will people in Vietnam wear formal clothing?

Formal clothing is typically worn on specific occasions in Vietnam. People in Vietnam tend to wear formal
attire for important events such as weddings, formal ceremonies, business meetings, or when attending
religious functions. For men, this usually involves wearing suits, dress shirts, ties, and leather shoes. Women,
on the other hand, often choose elegant dresses, suits, or traditional Ao dai, which is a long dress with a high
collar, worn over loose-fitting pants. It's worth noting that the frequency of wearing formal clothing can vary
depending on an individual's profession, social status, and cultural customs.

What is the difference between the way the elderly and the young dress in Vietnam?

The primary difference between the clothing styles of the elderly and the young in Vietnam lies in their fashion
preferences and cultural influences. The younger generation tends to adopt more modern and Western-
inspired clothing styles, while the elderly often maintain a stronger connection to traditional Vietnamese attire.
The elderly may frequently be seen wearing traditional Ao dai, conical hats (non la), or loose-fitting garments
that reflect Vietnam's cultural heritage. In contrast, the younger population embraces a wider range of fashion
choices, including Western-style clothing, influenced by global fashion trends.

When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?

In Vietnam, people wear traditional clothes on special occasions and cultural festivals. One of the most
notable occasions when traditional attire is worn is during the Lunar New Year, known as Tet. During Tet, both
men and women often wear Ao dai, which is considered the national costume of Vietnam. Additionally,
traditional clothes are commonly worn during traditional weddings, important religious events, and cultural
celebrations such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Hung King Temple Festival. Traditional clothing not
only reflects the cultural heritage of Vietnam but also serves as a source of pride and a way to preserve the
country's rich traditions.

What can you tell about a person based on their clothing?

Clothing can provide valuable insights into a person's identity, personality, and social background. The way a
person dresses can convey their sense of style, their cultural background, and even their profession. For
example, formal attire often suggests professionalism and a serious demeanor, while casual and trendy outfits
may indicate a more relaxed and modern approach to fashion. Additionally, clothing choices can reflect
personal preferences, social status, and economic circumstances. It is important to note, however, that
making assumptions solely based on clothing is not always accurate, as personal style and fashion choices
can vary greatly among individuals.
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Describe an occasion when you got lost

You should say:

● Where you were

● What happened
● How you felt

And explain how you found your way

Well, let me tell you about a time when I found myself lost in the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City. It was
during my visit to this vibrant city last year.

I remember I was exploring the famous Ben Thanh Market area, which is known for its labyrinthine streets and
numerous shops. As an avid traveler, I had a habit of wandering around without a specific plan. However, this
time, my adventurous spirit got the better of me.

As I strolled through the narrow alleys, I got completely engrossed in the vibrant atmosphere and the hustle
and bustle around me. I lost track of time and direction, and before I knew it, I found myself in an unfamiliar
part of the city. The surroundings were quite different from what I had seen before, and I couldn't recognize
any landmarks.

Initially, I felt a mix of anxiety and confusion. Being in an unfamiliar place without any idea of how to get back
can be quite unsettling. I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm, reminding myself that I needed to find
my way back.

To find my way, I decided to ask for help from the locals. I approached a friendly-looking woman who was
selling street food nearby. With a polite smile, I asked her if she could guide me back to the Ben Thanh Market
area. She kindly pointed me in the right direction and gave me clear instructions on which streets to follow.

Reflecting on the experience, I felt a sense of accomplishment and resilience. Getting lost in a foreign city can
be daunting, but I learned the importance of staying calm, seeking assistance from locals, and utilizing
available resources.

What should people do when they get lost?

When someone gets lost, one important thing they should do is to remain calm and composed. It can be quite
easy to panic in such situations, but staying calm allows individuals to think clearly and make rational
decisions. By keeping a level head, people can assess their surroundings, look for familiar landmarks, and
ask for directions from local residents or authorities. It is also advisable to carry a mobile phone with GPS
capabilities or a map to help navigate through unfamiliar areas.

Why do some people have a better sense of direction than others?

One reason why some people may have a better sense of direction than others is their ability to pay attention
to their surroundings. People with a keen sense of direction tend to observe and remember landmarks, street
names, and notable features of their environment. Additionally, individuals who have a habit of actively
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exploring and navigating their surroundings tend to develop a better spatial awareness, making it easier for
them to find their way in unfamiliar places. However, it's important to note that having a better sense of
direction is not solely determined by these factors, as it can also be influenced by an individual's innate spatial
intelligence or natural aptitude for navigation.

Is map reading still a necessary skill today?

In today's digital age, where navigation tools are readily available on smartphones and other devices, some
may argue that map reading is no longer a necessary skill. However, I believe that map reading remains a
valuable and relevant skill. While GPS and navigation apps provide convenience, they may not always be
reliable, especially in remote or low-signal areas. Moreover, being able to read and interpret a map helps
individuals develop a deeper understanding of their surroundings and enhances their spatial cognition. Map
reading also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as it requires individuals to analyze and plan
their routes effectively.

What do people in Vietnam use to find a way when they are in a strange place?

In Vietnam, when people find themselves in unfamiliar places, they often rely on a combination of resources to
find their way. One commonly used method is asking for directions from local residents or passersby.
Vietnamese people are generally helpful and willing to provide guidance to those in need. Additionally, people
in Vietnam may also use digital navigation tools, such as mobile applications or GPS devices, to navigate
through unfamiliar areas. These digital resources have become increasingly popular and convenient in recent
years, allowing individuals to find accurate directions and real-time information about traffic conditions.

Should tourists learn about the place they are about to visit before their trip?

Absolutely! It is highly recommended for tourists to learn about the place they are planning to visit before their
trip. Acquiring knowledge about the destination helps tourists make the most of their visit and have a richer
experience. Learning about the local culture, customs, traditions, and history can foster a deeper appreciation
and understanding of the place. Additionally, being aware of important landmarks, attractions, and local
customs can help tourists navigate the area more confidently and respectfully. Furthermore, knowing about
any potential safety concerns or travel advisories is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip. Therefore,
conducting research and learning about the place in advance is highly beneficial for any tourist.
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Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future

You should say:

● Where you would like to go

● When you would like to go
● Who you want to go with

And explain why you want to visit the place

Well, I would really love to visit the stunning city of Kyoto in Japan. It's a place I have dreamt of exploring for a
long time. If I were to plan this trip, I would choose to go during the cherry blossom season, which typically
occurs in late March to early April. The beauty of cherry blossoms in full bloom is something I don't want to

As for the company, I would like to go with my family. Exploring Kyoto together would be an incredible
experience, creating lasting memories with my loved ones. We could immerse ourselves in the rich culture
and history of this ancient city, discovering its temples, gardens, and traditional tea houses.

There are a few reasons why I am particularly drawn to Kyoto. Firstly, it is renowned for its well-preserved
traditional architecture and historic sites. I am fascinated by Japanese culture and the unique blend of
modernity and tradition that Kyoto offers. The city is home to numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites, such
as Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) and Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, which showcase the architectural brilliance of
Japan's past.

Secondly, Kyoto is famous for its traditional Japanese gardens. These meticulously designed gardens are not
only visually stunning but also offer a peaceful and serene atmosphere. I can imagine strolling through the
gardens, surrounded by cherry blossoms or vibrant autumn foliage, and feeling a sense of tranquility.

Lastly, Kyoto is known for its exquisite cuisine, including kaiseki (traditional multi-course meals) and matcha
(powdered green tea) culture. Trying authentic Kyoto cuisine would be a delightful culinary adventure, and
participating in a traditional tea ceremony would be a memorable experience.

In conclusion, I want to visit Kyoto because of its rich history, traditional architecture, beautiful gardens, and
unique cultural experiences. Exploring this enchanting city with my family during the cherry blossom season
would make it an even more magical and unforgettable trip.

Updating …
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Old topics:

Describe a historical period you would like to know more

You should say:

● When it was

● What you are interested in

● What you have known

● And why you would like to know more.

Sample Answer:

I would like to know more about the Renaissance period. It was from the 14th to the 17th century, primarily in Europe.
I am particularly interested in the art and architecture of this time period, as well as the advancements in science and
philosophy. I have learned about some of the famous artists and thinkers of the Renaissance, such as Leonardo da
Vinci and Michelangelo, but I would like to know more about the cultural and societal context in which they were
working. Additionally, I am curious about how the Renaissance influenced the world and led to the modern era.
Overall, I am fascinated by the creativity and innovation of the Renaissance and would like to learn more about this
important historical period.

Part 3

Why is learning about history Learning about history is important because it allows us to
important? understand the past and how it has shaped the present. It also helps
us to understand different cultures and societies, and how they have
evolved over time.

Is there any difference between Teaching history through books and videos can be different in terms
teaching history through books of the level of interactivity and engagement. Books provide more
and videos? detailed information, whereas videos can provide a more immersive
and visual experience.

What are the ways children can Children can learn history through interactive activities such as field
learn history? trips, role-playing, and hands-on projects. They can also learn
through educational games and videos, as well as through visiting
historical sites and monuments.
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Why are there many children who Many children may not like to learn history because they find it boring
do not like to learn history? or difficult to understand. It can also be hard for them to relate to the
events and people from the past.

Is it important to protect and It is important to protect and preserve historic buildings because they
preserve historic buildings? are a part of our cultural heritage and can provide insight into the
past. They can also be used for educational and tourism purposes.

Who should pay for the The preservation of historic buildings should be a shared
preservation of historic buildings, responsibility between the local people and the government. The
the local people or the government can provide funding and resources, while the local
government? community can help to maintain and promote the buildings.

Describe an interesting old person you have met

You should say:

● Who this person is

● How you know this person

● What you do together

● And explain why you think this person is interesting.

Phiên bản ngắn, dành cho bạn không có ý gì để nói về câu hỏi này:

I can’t really think of an interesting old person I’ve met, but I know my grandmother is really cool. She’s my dad’s mom
and I’ve known her my whole life. We mostly just hang out at her house and talk about different things. I think she’s
interesting because she’s lived through so much, like the Great Depression and World War II, and she always has
these really cool stories to tell. Plus, she’s still really independent and active in her community, which I think is pretty

Phiên bản dài, dành cho bạn có nhiều ý để nói:

One interesting old person I have met is my neighbor, Mr. Thompson. He’s in his late 80s and has lived in our
neighborhood for over 50 years. I’ve known him since I was a kid and would often see him working in his garden or
sitting on his front porch.
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I got to know him better when I started helping him with his garden during the summer. He taught me how to properly
care for different plants and even shared some of his own gardening secrets with me. He has a green thumb and his
garden is always blooming with beautiful flowers and vegetables.

But Mr. Thompson isn’t just interesting because of his gardening skills. He’s also a retired history teacher and has an
incredible wealth of knowledge about different historical events and figures. I’ve had some really fascinating
conversations with him about everything from the Civil War to World War II. He always has these vivid anecdotes and
details that make the history come alive.

Apart from that, he’s very active in the community and always looking for ways to help others. He volunteers at the
local senior center and helps out with the neighborhood association. He’s always willing to lend a hand and is
respected by everyone in the community.

Overall, I think Mr. Thompson is interesting because he’s a wealth of knowledge and experience. He’s lived a long and
fulfilling life and has always been eager to share his wisdom and experiences with others. Plus, his kindness,
generosity and his community spirit are truly admirable.

Part 3

Do you think old people and I think that old people and young people can share interests. Age is just a
young people can share number and doesn’t define what a person likes or dislikes. People of all
interests? Why or why not? ages can have common interests, such as music, sports, or hobbies.

Is there anything that older Yes, there is definitely something that older people could learn from the
people could learn from the younger generation. Young people tend to be more tech-savvy and have a
younger generation? Why or different perspective on the world that older people can learn from. They
why not? can also learn about new trends, culture and technology.

What can the younger Younger generation can learn a lot from older people. They can learn
generation learn from the about history, culture and life experiences. They can also learn important
older generation? Why? values like respect, responsibility and work ethic.

What qualities does a To take care of old people, a person needs patience, compassion, and
person need to take care of understanding. They also need to be able to communicate effectively with
old people? Why? older people and understand their needs.

What are the benefits of Employing older workers has many benefits. They tend to have more
employing older workers? experience and can bring valuable skills and knowledge to the workplace.
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Why? They also tend to be more reliable and have a strong work ethic.
Additionally, older workers can serve as mentors for younger employees,
helping them to learn and grow in their careers.

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

You should say:

● What party it was

● How you met this person

● What you talked about

● And explain why you enjoyed talking with him or her

Sample Answer:

At a party last weekend, I met this really cool person named Jake. We were both at a friend’s apartment for a birthday
celebration, and I remember seeing him standing alone near the kitchen, so I went over to introduce myself.

We started chatting and I found out that Jake was a senior in college, studying computer science. I’m a sophomore,
also studying computer science, so we had a lot in common to talk about. We talked about the classes we’re taking,
and the projects we’re working on. He even gave me some tips on how to improve my coding skills.

I really enjoyed talking with Jake because he was really knowledgeable and passionate about his field. He had a lot of
great advice and it was really inspiring to hear about all the cool projects he’s been working on. Plus, he was just a
really nice and easygoing person to talk to. I hope to stay in touch with him and maybe work on a project together in
the future.

Part 3

Where do people go to People go to college, social events, clubs, or activities to meet new people.
meet new people? They do this because they want to expand their social circle and make new
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Is it difficult for people in Due to the fact that the majority of foreigners do not speak Vietnamese,
Vietnam to communicate English is often use as a common language for communication. As a result,
with people from other the answer to your question depends on the level of proficiency in English of
countries? each Vietnamese person. If they are fluent in the language, it wouldn’t be
difficult for them to communicate. However, if they are not fluent, it may be
more challenging for them to communicate effectively.

Why are some people Some people may be unwilling to have conversations with others because of
unwilling to have shyness, introversion, or lack of confidence. They may also be dealing with
conversations with personal issues or past experiences that make it difficult for them to open up
others? to others.

Is it difficult for adults to It can be difficult for adults to talk with children because they may have
talk with children? different perspectives and communication styles. Adults may also have
difficulty understanding the child’s perspective and may struggle to connect
with them.

In what situation would People may be willing to get to know new people in social situations such as
people be willing to get to parties, networking events, or classes. They may be open to meeting new
know new people? people because they are looking to expand their social circle or make new

Does technology make it Technology can make it easier to communicate with family and friends
easier to communicate because it allows people to stay in touch no matter where they are in the
with family and friends? world. However, it can also be challenging because it can be difficult to have
in-depth conversations or connect on a deeper level with people through

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

You should say:

● Where the place is

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● What the pollution was

● Why the air was not good

● And explain how you felt about the place

Sample Answer:

I visited Beijing, China a few years ago and the air pollution was really bad. The place is a big city with a lot of
factories and cars, so the pollution was mostly caused by industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust. The air was not
good at all, you could barely see the buildings and the sky was always grey. It was really hard to breathe and my eyes
were constantly irritated.

Honestly, I didn’t enjoy my time in Beijing because of the pollution. It made it hard to do anything outside and it was
just not pleasant to be in such a dirty environment. It was a reminder of the negative impacts of human activities on
the environment. I hope the situation improves in the future, but it was definitely a wake-up call for me to be more
conscious of my own impact on the environment and make an effort to reduce it.

Part 3

Is there more pollution now Yes, there is more pollution now than in the past. This is primarily due to
than in the past? the increase in population and industrialization over the past century. As
the global population has grown, so has the demand for energy,
transportation, and consumer goods, all of which have contributed to an
increase in pollution. Additionally, industrialization has led to the
widespread use of fossil fuels, which are a major source of air and water
pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions.

Do you think the city is I think it depends on the specific city and countryside in question. Some
cleaner or dirtier than the cities may have stricter regulations and more efficient waste management
countryside? systems, making them cleaner, while others may have less strict
regulations and lead to more pollution. On the other hand, the countryside
may have less pollution from industrial sources, but may have issues with
agricultural pollution.

Do you think companies Yes, companies should be forced to reduce pollutants because they have
should be forced to reduce a responsibility to protect the environment and human health. Additionally,
pollutants? it is important for companies to be held accountable for their actions and
the impact they have on the environment.
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What responsibilities should Individuals have a responsibility to reduce their own environmental impact
individuals have for looking by conserving resources, reducing waste, and being mindful of the
after the environment? What products they purchase and their supply chain. The government also has a
about the government? responsibility to implement and enforce regulations to protect the
environment and hold companies accountable for their actions.
Additionally, the government should invest in and promote sustainable
practices and technologies to ensure a cleaner environment for future

Describe a city you would like to stay for a short time

You should say:

● What city it is

● What you would like to do there

● Who you would go there with

● And explain why you would like to go there just for a short time

Sample Answer:

I would love to stay in New York City for a short time. I’ve always been fascinated by the energy and diversity of the
city, and there’s so much to see and do. I would love to explore the different neighborhoods, check out some of the
famous landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and Central Park, and maybe even catch a Broadway show. I would also
love to try some of the amazing food from all over the world that you can find in the city.

I would go there with a group of my friends from college. We’ve talked about taking a trip together for a while now, and
I think New York City would be the perfect destination. We’re all really adventurous and love exploring new places, so
I think we would have a great time together.

I would only want to stay for a short time because, even though there’s so much to see and do in the city, I think it can
also be pretty overwhelming. I would love to have the opportunity to experience all the excitement and energy of the
city, but I think it would be nice to have a break and come back home after a few days. Also, it’s a pretty expensive
city to stay in and I can’t afford to stay there for a long time.

Part 3
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Why do people sometimes go People sometimes go to other cities or countries to travel because they
to other cities or other want to experience new cultures, see new sights, and make new
countries to travel? memories.

Why do places with historical Places with historical sites tend to develop their tourism industry more
sites develop the tourism actively because these sites are often considered to be important cultural
industry more actively? and educational resources. They attract many visitors who want to learn
about the history and culture of the region.

Do most people like planned Most people may not like planned travelling because it can be restrictive
travelling? Why or why not? and not allow for much flexibility. They may prefer to have more freedom
to explore and make spontaneous decisions.

What are the problems with Problems with international travelling include language barriers, cultural
international travelling? differences, and difficulty navigating unfamiliar places. Additionally,
international travel can also be expensive and time-consuming.

Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

● When it was

● Where you had the meal

● What happened during the meal

● And explain why it was unusual

Sample Answer:

So, one time I was on a study abroad program in Japan, and my classmates and I decided to go out for sushi. We
ended up going to this tiny little sushi restaurant in a back alley that we stumbled upon by accident.

The sushi was amazing, but the thing that made it so unusual was the way it was served. Instead of getting our sushi
on plates, the chef brought out these little boats made out of bamboo, and the sushi was arranged on top of the boats.
It was definitely different from anything I had ever experienced before.
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Another thing that made the meal unusual was the fact that the sushi was super fresh – like, the fish was still moving
when it was served. It was definitely a bit strange, but also really cool to see how fresh the sushi was.

Overall, it was an unusual meal because of the unique presentation and the super fresh sushi. It was definitely
something I’ll never forget.

Part 3

What are the advantages and Advantages of eating in a restaurant include having a wider variety of food
disadvantages of eating in a options, not having to cook or clean up, and being able to socialize with
restaurant? friends or family. Disadvantages include the cost, which can be higher
than cooking at home, and the potential for poor service or less-than-fresh

Do people in Vietnam eat fast I can’t say for certain about the specific eating habits in everyone in
food at home? Vietnam, we have the population of around 100 million, after all. But if I
have to guess, it’s likely that some people in Vietnam eat fast food at
home and some do not. It depends on factors such as personal
preference and economic status.

Why do some people prefer Some people prefer eating out because it allows them to try new foods
eating out to ordering and dining experiences, and provides a break from cooking and cleaning
takeouts? up. Some people also find it to be more social and enjoyable than eating
at home.

Is the food that people eat The food that people eat today is different from the food that people used
today different to the food to eat in the past in many ways. For example, today’s diets are often
that people used to eat in the higher in processed foods and sugar, and people have greater access to
past? a wider variety of foods from different cultures. This is due to changes in
agriculture, transportation, and food processing, as well as changes in
lifestyle and cultural influences.

Do you think people are less It is likely that some people are less willing to cook meals by themselves
willing to cook meals by these days, compared to the past. Reasons for this may include having
themselves these days, less time or energy due to busy schedules, lack of cooking skills, or
compared to the past? relying on convenience food. People also have more options for eating
out and ordering takeout, which can make cooking at home less
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Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

● What the website is

● How you first found out about it

● How often you visit it

● And explain why you like it

Câu trả lời mẫu 1:

One website that I often visit is Reddit. I first found out about it in high school when a friend recommended it to me. I
visit it pretty much every day, either on my phone or computer. I like it because it has a huge community of users who
post about a wide variety of topics, so there’s always something interesting to read or watch. Plus, the upvoting and
commenting system allows for a lot of engagement and discussion, which I find really fun. Overall, it’s just a really
easy and enjoyable way to pass the time and stay informed about different things happening in the world.

Câu trả lời mẫu 2:

One website I often visit is YouTube. I first found out about it in middle school when I was looking for music videos. I
visit it almost daily, mostly on my phone, to watch videos for entertainment or to learn something new. I love it
because there’s such a wide variety of content, from funny videos to educational content, and it’s easy to find
something that interests me. Additionally, it’s a great way to discover new creators and stay updated on my favorite
channels. Overall, YouTube is just a great way to keep myself entertained and informed in my spare time.

Part 3

What are the most popular I live in Vietnam, and in my opinion, the most commonly used apps here
apps in your country? are social media apps, or apps for instant messaging. Some examples
are apps like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Zalo. People use them
every day for communication, sharing photos and videos, and
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What are the differences From my experience, I think young people tend to use the Internet more
between the ways young for social media and entertainment, while older people may use it more
people and old people use the for things like online banking and research.

Who do some people like to I think some people prefer to read the news on the Internet because it’s
read the news on the Internet more convenient and they can access a wider variety of sources. Plus,
instead of getting it from TV? they can read news at their own pace and not be limited by TV

Will libraries disappear in the I’m not entirely sure, but I think libraries will always have a place in
future? society because they provide access to physical books and resources,
as well as a quiet space for studying and learning.

What effect has the Internet The Internet has definitely had a big impact on the way people
had on the way people communicate. It’s made it easier for people to stay in touch with each
generally communicate with other, no matter where they are in the world. Social media and
each other? messaging apps have made it easy for people to stay connected and
share information.

How can people find reliable To find reliable information on the internet, it’s important to check the
information on the internet? credibility of sources, read multiple articles on the same topic, and
consider the date of the information. Additionally, fact-checking websites
like Snopes and can be helpful in verifying the accuracy
of information.

Describe something you did with someone/a group of people

You should say:

● What it was

● Who you did it with

● How long it took you to do this

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● And explain why did you do it with others

Sample Answer:

Last semester, I was a part of a group project for my marketing class. Our task was to come up with a marketing
strategy for a local small business and present it to the class. The project took us about two months to complete, and
we met up regularly to discuss our progress and delegate tasks.

The four of us had different strengths and weaknesses, and we all contributed something unique to the project. For
example, one of my group members had a lot of experience in graphic design, so she created all the visual aids for
our presentation. I, on the other hand, had experience in market research, so I helped analyze the data we collected.

The final presentation was in front of the whole class, and our professor as well as the classmates were impressed by
the level of detail and research that went into our project. We ended up getting an A on the project.

The reason I did it with others is that group projects are a great way to learn from others, and it’s always more fun to
work with friends and get different perspectives on a problem. Collaborating with others also helped me to learn new
skills and improve my teamwork and communication skills.

In what ways can Neighbors can help each other in many ways, such as by lending tools,
neighbours help each other? helping with yard work, watching each other’s homes while on vacation,
and offering to pick up groceries or run errands for those who are unable
to do so themselves.

Do you think neighbours I think it depends on the specific neighborhood and community. In some
help each other more often rural areas, neighbors may be more likely to rely on each other for help
in the countryside than in the and support due to their physical distance from resources and services. In
city? urban areas, neighbors may have more anonymity and be less likely to
interact with each other on a regular basis.

How do children learn to Children learn to cooperate with each other through a variety of
cooperate with each other? experiences, such as playing with other children, participating in group
activities or sports, and working on group projects in school.

Do you think parents should I believe that parents should definitely teach children how to cooperate
teach children how to with others. This can be done through modeling cooperative behavior,
cooperate with others? encouraging children to share and take turns, and praising children when
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How? they display cooperative behavior.

Do you think it’s important I think it’s extremely important for children to learn about cooperation
for children to learn about because it is a vital life skill that will help them in all aspects of their lives,
cooperation? from school and work to personal relationships and community

Describe your first day at school.

You should say

● Where the school was

● How you went there

● What happened

● And explain how you felt on that day

Sample Answer:

I can’t really remember too much about my first day of primary school since it was so long ago and I was only six at
the time. But I do remember that my school was located in a nearby town, so it wasn’t too far from my house. My
parents walked me to school on my first day, and I remember feeling really excited but also a bit nervous. I had heard
all about primary school from my older siblings, so I knew what to expect, but it was still a little overwhelming. I
remember being really excited to learn new things and make new friends. I think overall, I was pretty excited to start
primary school, but I was also a little bit scared too.

Part 3

What would parents prepare Parents might prepare a healthy breakfast and lunch for their kids, as well
when their kids go to school as make sure they have all the necessary school supplies. They might also
on the first day? help their kids pick out an outfit to wear on the first day.

How do children socialise Children socialize with each other by playing games, talking, and
with each other? participating in activities together. They may also join clubs or sports teams
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to meet new people and make friends.

Is socialisation important for Socialization is important for children because it helps them develop
children? communication and social skills, learn how to interact with others, and
build relationships. It also helps them learn how to navigate different social
situations and understand different perspectives.

What are the common Common reasons for job change include wanting a higher salary, seeking
reasons for job change? new challenges, wanting to work in a different field, wanting a better work-
life balance, or wanting to work closer to home.

What are the advantages Changing jobs can have advantages such as gaining new skills, earning a
and disadvantages of higher salary, and finding a better work-life balance. However, it can also
changing jobs? have disadvantages such as having to go through a probationary period,
not receiving benefits or job security, or feeling like you’re starting from

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

You should say:

● What it was

● When you received it

● Who gave it to you

● And explain why you wanted it so much

Sample Answer:

One time, my friend gave me a book that I had been wanting for a long time. It was called “The Alchemist” by Paulo
Coelho. I received it as a birthday present from my friend in October of my sophomore year in college.

I had heard so much about this book and how it had such a great impact on people’s lives. I had also seen a lot of
reviews of it on Goodreads and other book review websites. I had seen it at the bookstore a few times but never
actually bought it. When my friend gave it to me, I was so excited because I had wanted to read it for so long.
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I think what made me want it so much was the idea of the story, it was about a young shepherd boy who goes on a
journey to fulfill his personal legend. I thought it would be a great way to help me figure out what I want to do in life. I
also love books that have a lot of meaning and can teach me something new.

Overall, it was a great gift and I’m really grateful to my friend for giving it to me. I read it and it was such an amazing
book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to read a book that can change your life.

Should employees have Yes, employees should have their own goals because it helps them stay
their own goals? motivated and focused on their work. It also allows them to take ownership of
their job and feel like they are contributing to the company’s success.

How should bosses Bosses should reward employees by recognizing and praising their hard work,
reward employees? offering bonuses or incentives, and providing opportunities for career growth
and development.

What kinds of gifts do Young people like to receive rewards such as gift cards, money, experiences,
young people like to and technology items as gifts.
receive as rewards?

How should parents Parents should reward their children for good behavior and accomplishments
reward their children? by offering praise, giving small gifts or treats, and spending quality time with
them. It’s also important to give age-appropriate rewards and to avoid using
rewards as a way to bribe or control children’s behavior.

Describe a time you were late for a meeting

You should say:

● What the meeting was for

● When the meeting was

● Where the meeting was

● And explain why you were late

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Sample Answer:

Oh man, I totally remember this one meeting I was late for. It was a group project meeting for one of my classes, it
was for a Marketing class. The meeting was scheduled for 2pm on a Wednesday and it was supposed to take place in
one of the classrooms on the second floor of the business building.

So, why was I late? Well, I was working on in the library, and honestly, I totally lost track of time. I was in the zone,
trying to finish up a paper for another class that was due the next day. I had set a reminder on my phone for the
meeting, but I must have accidentally turned off my phone while I was working. I didn’t realize I had missed the
meeting until I looked at the clock and saw it was already 2:10pm.

I quickly packed up my things and rushed across campus to the business building. I ended up getting to the classroom
at 2:10pm and everyone was already there and had started discussing without me. I could tell they were all a bit
annoyed that I was late and had held up the meeting. I apologized and tried to make excuses, but I knew deep down
that it was my own fault for not being more responsible with my time.

After that incident, I always made sure to double check my schedule and set multiple reminders to avoid being late

Part 3

Do you think it is important to Yeah, I think it’s important to be on time. Being late can be
be on time? disrespectful to the other person’s time and can negatively impact the
meeting or event.

How do people avoid being late Some ways people avoid being late for meetings include setting
for meetings? reminders, leaving earlier than planned, and planning for unexpected

Do you think young people or I don’t think it’s fair to say that one age group is better at managing
old people are better at time than the other. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses
managing time? when it comes to time management.

Why do young people waste I think young people may waste more time because they may have
more time than old people? more distractions or less responsibilities than older people. But it also
depends on the person.

How can people manage their Some ways to manage time better include setting priorities, creating a
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time better? schedule, and being aware of time-wasting activities.

Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

You should say:

● What it was

● When you heard it

● How you knew it

● And explain how you felt about it

Câu trả lời mẫu 1:

So, I heard some really great news about one of my best friends recently. She’s been working really hard to get into
graduate school, and she finally found out that she got accepted into her top choice program. I found out about it last
week when she called me to tell me the good news. I knew she had been really stressing about it, so I was so happy
for her when she told me. I felt really excited for her, and I’m so proud of all the hard work she put in to make this
happen. It’s just really cool to see all of her hard work pay off and I know she’s going to do amazing things in her

Câu trả lời mẫu 2:

So, I heard some great news about one of my close friends recently. He and his long-time girlfriend just got engaged
and they’re planning to get married next year. I found out about it last weekend when he called me to tell me the good
news. I knew they had been together for a long time and I was really happy for them when he told me. I felt really
excited for them, and I’m so happy that they found each other and are taking this step in their relationship. It’s just
really cool to see them both so happy and in love, and I’m looking forward to celebrating their wedding with them next

Part 3

Is it always good to No, it’s not always good to share something on social media. It’s important to
share something on consider the potential consequences and whether it’s appropriate to share before
social media? posting.
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Should the media only No, the media shouldn’t only publish good news. It’s important for the public to
publish good news? be informed about current events, including negative ones. For example, some
negative events that the media should report on are natural disasters, political
scandals, and crime. It is important for the public to be informed about these
events so they can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

How does social Social media helps people access information by connecting them with a wide
media help people range of sources and allowing them to follow and interact with people who have
access information? similar interests or expertise.

What kind of good People often share good news about personal accomplishments, positive events
news do people often happening in the community, and heartwarming stories.
share in the

Do most people like to Yes, most people like to share good news with others. It’s a way to share
share good news with positive experiences and connect with others. Personal accomplishments such
others? as getting a new job or promotion, positive events happening in the community
like charity events, and heartwarming stories like a kind act by a stranger are all
examples of this kind of news. Sharing them can make people feel good and
also help to spread positivity in the community.

Do people like to hear Yes, people like to hear good news from their friends. It’s a way to stay
good news from their connected and feel good about what’s happening in each other’s lives.

Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young

You should say:

● What it was

● Where you did it

● Who you did it with

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● And explain why you enjoyed it

Sample Answer:

One activity I enjoyed in my free time when I was young was playing soccer at the park with my friends. We would
usually meet up at the park near my house on the weekends and play for a few hours. We would usually have about
6-8 people, so we would split up into teams and play a full game. It was always a fun time, and we would often invite
other kids from the neighborhood to join in as well.

I loved playing with my friends because it was a great way to bond and build friendships. We would always be joking
around and having a good time while also getting some exercise. Plus, I’ve always had a passion for soccer, so it was
a great way to enjoy the sport and improve my skills.

Playing with friends also helped me to develop my teamwork and communication skills, which have been valuable
throughout my life. I have many fond memories of those days and I think it was a great way to spend my free time as a
young person.

Is it important to Yes, it is important to have a break during work or study. Taking regular breaks
have a break during can help to prevent burnout and improve productivity. This is because when we
work or study? work or study for extended periods of time, our focus and concentration can start
to decline. Taking a break allows the brain to rest and recharge, which can
improve focus and concentration when you return to your work or study.
Additionally, taking a break allows you to engage in other activities that can be
enjoyable and help to reduce stress, such as physical activity or spending time
with friends.

What sports do Some popular sports among young people now include soccer, basketball, and
young people like to volleyball. These sports are popular among young people because they are easily
do now? accessible and can be played with friends or on a team. They also have a strong
emphasis on teamwork and physical fitness, which can be appealing to young
people. Additionally, many young people are exposed to these sports through
school or community programs, making them more familiar and accessible.

Are there more It’s hard to say for sure, but there may be more leisure activities for young people
leisure activities for now than in the past due to advances in technology and increased access to
young people now different types of activities.
than in the past?
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Can most people I am not sure about the current situation of Vietnam, but from what I know, it is
achieve the balance hard to achieve the balance between work and life in Vietnam because of the
between work and pressure of work and social expectations.
life in Vietnam?

What are the Children’s leisure activities are often more structured and supervised, such as
differences between playing organized sports or taking classes. Adults tend to have more autonomy in
leisures activities of choosing their leisure activities, such as traveling or pursuing hobbies.
children and those of

Describe an actor or actress whom you admire

You should say:

● Who he/she is

● What he/she looks like

● What kind of movies he/she appears in

● And explain why you admire this actor/actress

Câu trả lời mẫu 1:

One actor that I really admire is Ryan Reynolds. He’s a Canadian actor, known for his roles in movies like “Deadpool”
and “6 Underground”. He’s a pretty good-looking guy, with dark hair and a charming smile. He’s also known for his
quick wit and sense of humor, which I think is really appealing.

As far as the types of movies he appears in, Ryan tends to do a mix of action and comedy. “Deadpool” is a great
example of this, as it’s a superhero movie with a lot of jokes and sarcasm. He also did a great job in “6 Underground”,
which is an action-thriller. I think he’s really versatile and can handle a wide range of roles.

I admire Ryan Reynolds because he seems like a genuinely nice and down-to-earth person. He’s active on social
media, and he always comes across as someone who is kind and humble. He’s also a dedicated father and husband,
which is something that I think is really admirable. Additionally, I think his humor is great, he always makes me laugh,
and I think he has a great sense of humor. He seems like someone who would be fun to hang out with and is always
willing to make others laugh.
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Câu trả lời mẫu 2:

An actress that I really admire is Audrey Hepburn. She was a British actress, known for her roles in movies like
“Roman Holiday” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. She had a very classic and elegant look, with her short, dark hair and
her big, beautiful eyes. She was also known for her grace and poise, which I think is really admirable.

As far as the types of movies she appeared in, Audrey tended to do a mix of dramas and romantic comedies. “Roman
Holiday” is a great example of this, as it’s a romantic comedy-drama. She also did a great job in “Breakfast at
Tiffany’s” which is a romantic comedy, and “Sabrina” which is a romantic comedy-drama. She was also in “My Fair
Lady” which is a musical film. I think she’s really versatile and can handle a wide range of roles.

I admire Audrey Hepburn because she was a true class act. She was beautiful and elegant, but she was also a very
talented actress who could do both comedic and dramatic roles. She was also known for her philanthropic work,
particularly with UNICEF, which is an organization that provides humanitarian aid to children in need around the world.
She was a true role model and her beauty, talent, and dedication to making the world a better place make her a
shining example of a Hollywood star.

Is being a professional Being a professional actor or actress can be a good career, but it can also be
actor or actress a good very difficult to break into and maintain success in the industry. It requires a lot
career? of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

What can children Children can learn a lot from joining drama clubs at school, such as public
learn from joining speaking, teamwork, and self-confidence. They can also gain an appreciation
drama clubs at school? for the performing arts and develop their creativity.

Why do children like Children may like special costumes because it allows them to become someone
special costumes? or something else for a short period of time. It can be exciting for them to
pretend to be a different character and can also help them to develop their

What are the Acting in a theatre and that in a film are quite different. Theatre acting tends to
differences between be more physically demanding, as actors must project their voices and
acting in a theatre and movements to reach the back of the theater. Film acting, on the other hand,
that in a film? requires more subtlety, as the camera is often very close to the actor’s face.
Additionally, theatre performances are live, while film performances are
recorded, and can be edited, cut and pasted together.
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Describe an advertisement you don’t like

You should say:

● Where and when you first saw it

● What type of advertisement it is

● What product or service it advertises

● And explain why you don’t like it

Sample Answer:

I saw this advertisement for a weight loss supplement on my Instagram feed a few months ago. It was a sponsored
post, so it was clearly an advertisement, but it was also in the form of a “before and after” transformation picture. The
product being advertised was a weight loss pill, and the before and after pictures were supposed to be the same
person, but the “before” picture was clearly just a picture of a heavier person, and the “after” picture was a picture of a
thinner person.

I don’t like this advertisement because it promotes a really unhealthy and unrealistic idea of weight loss. It implies that
you can just take a pill and lose weight without any effort or change in lifestyle. It also implies that the only way to be
happy and successful is to be thin, which is not true at all. Additionally, the use of the “before and after” pictures is
misleading, as it’s not clear if the weight loss shown in the pictures is even due to the product being advertised.
Overall, I think it’s a really irresponsible and harmful advertisement.

What are the most The most advertised products in Vietnam at this time are probably technology
advertised products in products such as smartphones, laptops and smart home devices. These
your country? products are constantly updated and improved, so companies heavily advertise
the newest and most innovative models.Clothing and fashion items are also
advertised frequently here in Vietnam, especially during the change of seasons
from autumn to winter or before the big shopping holiday, such as Chirstmas and
Lunar New Year. Clothing companies here often have large promotional
campaigns where they sale off many of their product lines, which often come
with heavy advertising.

Which one is more I think that online advertising is more effective than newspaper advertising
effective, newspaper because more people have access to the internet and are likely to see online
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advertising or online ads. Additionally, online advertising allows for targeting specific demographics
advertising? and tracking the effectiveness of campaigns more easily.

What are the benefits Some benefits of advertising include increasing brand awareness and sales,
of advertising? reaching a larger audience, and differentiating a product from its competitors.
Advertising can also create jobs in the advertising and media industries.

What do you think of I think that celebrity endorsements in advertising can be effective because
celebrity people often trust and are influenced by celebrities. However, it can also backfire
endorsements in if the celebrity has a negative image or if their endorsement seems inauthentic.

Does advertising Advertising can definitely encourage us to buy things we don’t need by creating a
encourage us to buy desire for products through persuasive messaging and targeting emotional
things we don’t need? triggers.

What role does social Social media plays a big role in advertising, as it allows for targeted advertising,
media play in influencer marketing and easy sharing of ads. Social media platforms also
advertising? provide a direct link to consumers, allowing for easy feedback and
communication between brands and their audience.

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say:

● What it is

● Where and when you do it

● Who you do it with

● And explain why you enjoy it

Sample Answer:
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A daily routine that I enjoy is going to the gym in the morning before class. I usually go to the gym around 6 or 7 am,
right before my first class of the day. I typically go alone, but sometimes I’ll bring a friend or meet up with someone

I really enjoy this routine because it sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. I feel like I’ve accomplished something
before class even starts, and it gives me a boost of energy and motivation for the rest of the day. Plus, I know that
working out is good for my physical and mental health, so it’s a win-win situation. Additionally, it also helps me to keep
up with my fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Should children have Yes, children should have learning routines. Having a routine helps children to
learning routines? know what to expect and can make them feel more comfortable and confident in
their learning environment.

What are the Some advantages of children having a routine at school include helping them to
advantages of children stay focused and organized, and to develop good study habits. It can also help
having a routine at them to manage their time more effectively and to be more successful in their
school? academic studies.

Does having a routine Yes, having a routine can make kids feel more secure at school. When children
make kids feel more know what to expect, they feel more in control and less anxious. A consistent
secure at school? routine can also help them to establish positive habits and to feel more
comfortable in their school environment.

How do people’s Weekday routines tend to be more structured and focused on work or school,
routines differ on while weekend routines are often more relaxed and focused on leisure activities.
weekdays and

What daily routines do Daily routines at home can include things like waking up at a certain time,
people have at home? getting dressed, eating breakfast, doing homework or other tasks, and going to
bed at a certain time.

What are the Daily routines now and in the past may differ in many ways. Nowadays, with the
differences between technology, people can do many things from home, so their routines are more
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people’s daily routines flexible and they have more time to do leisure activities. Also, people are more
now and in the past? aware of the importance of self-care, so they have more time to practice it in
their daily routines. In the past, people’s routines were more focused on work
and less time was spent on leisure activities.

Describe something you would like to learn in the future

You should say:

● What it is

● How you would like to learn it

● Where you would like to learn it

● Why you would like to learn it

● And explain whether it’s difficult to learn

Sample Answer:

Something I would like to learn in the future is coding.

I would like to learn how to code in Python because it’s a versatile programming language that’s widely used in many
different fields like data science, artificial intelligence, and web development.

I would like to learn it through online tutorials and taking a class at a local college or university. I would like to learn it
because it would open up a lot of opportunities for me career-wise and allow me to build projects that I’m passionate

It may be difficult to learn at first, but with practice and persistence, I believe I can master it.

What’s the most The most popular thing to learn nowadays is probably something related to
popular thing to learn technology or computer science, such as programming languages like Python
nowadays? or web development. This is due to the increasing demand for technology
professionals in many industries, as well as the potential for high-paying jobs in
these fields.
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Which influences Both income and interest play a role in influencing young people when choosing
young people more a course. Some people may be more interested in a field that may not have as
when choosing a high of an earning potential, while others may choose a course that they know
course, income or will lead to a higher paying job.

Do young people take Some young people may take their parents’ advice when choosing a major, but
their parents’ advice others may not. It depends on the individual and their relationship with their
when choosing a parents. For example, a student who has a close relationship with their parents
major? and values their opinion may be more likely to take their advice, while a student
who is more independent may choose to follow their own interests and

Besides parents, who Besides parents, people may take advice from teachers, mentors, or other
else would people take people they trust and respect. For example, a student may ask a favorite
advice from? teacher for advice on what major to choose, or they may seek guidance from a
mentor who has experience in the field they are interested in pursuing.
Additionally, they might seek advice from people who have a successful career
in the field they are interested to know more about.

Why do some people Some people prefer to study alone because they find it easier to focus and
prefer to study alone? retain information when they are not being distracted by others. Additionally,
some people may feel more comfortable working independently, as opposed to
working in a group.

Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result

You should say:

● When it happened

● Who you complained to

● What you complained about

● And explain why you were satisfied with the result

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Sample Answer:

I recently had a situation where I had a complaint and I was satisfied with the outcome. It happened last semester
when I was taking a class and the professor was not teaching the material in a way that I could understand. I decided
to talk to the department head of the class to voice my concerns. I explained that the professor was not providing clear
explanations and that the class was not meeting my learning needs. I also mentioned that I had reached out to the
professor for extra help but had not received a response.

The department head listened to my concerns and took the time to understand my situation. They spoke with the
professor and let me know that they would be providing additional resources to the class to help with understanding
the material. They also let me know that they would be keeping an eye on the class to make sure that the professor
was teaching the material effectively.

I was satisfied with the outcome because the department head took my concerns seriously and took steps to address
them. I also appreciated that they provided additional resources to help me understand the material better. The class
ended up being much more manageable and I was able to get the grades I wanted.

When are people more People are more likely to make complaints when they are unhappy or
likely to make dissatisfied with a product or service.

What do people often People often complain about poor customer service, defective products, or
complain about? issues with billing or charges.

Which one is better It depends on the situation and the person. Some people may feel more
when making a comfortable expressing their complaints in writing, while others may prefer to
complaint, by talking or talk about it. Writing a complaint allows a person to fully express their thoughts
by writing? and feelings, and also allows for a record of the complaint. Talking about a
complaint allows for a more personal and direct approach, and may allow for a
quicker resolution.

Who is more likely to It is difficult to say who is more likely to make complaints, as it can vary
make complaints, older depending on the situation and the person. However, older people may be
people or younger more likely to make complaints because they may have more experience with
people? customer service and may have higher expectations. Younger people may be
less likely to make complaints because they may not have as much experience
or may not be as assertive.
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How do people often People often respond to poor customer service by complaining to the company
respond to poor or to friends and family, or by taking their business elsewhere. Some people
customer service? may also leave negative reviews online or on social media.

Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with

You should say:

● Who this person is

● How you met this person

● How long you have known him/her

● And explain why you want to work/study with him/her

Sample Answer:

One person I’ve met that I would love to work or study with is my current lab partner in my biology class. Her name is
Samantha and we met at the beginning of the semester when we were assigned to be partners for the class. I’ve
known her for about 4 months now and she’s been an amazing partner to work with.

Samantha is extremely dedicated and hardworking. She’s always on top of her work and is always willing to help me
out when I need it. She’s also really passionate about biology and it’s infectious. Being around her makes me want to
work harder and learn more. Additionally, she has a great sense of humor, which makes working with her really

In terms of why I want to work or study with her, I think she would be an invaluable asset to any project or group.
She’s a great collaborator and is always willing to put in the extra effort to make sure our work is the best it can be.
She’s also a great communicator and is always able to explain complex concepts in a way that’s easy to understand.

Overall, I think that working or studying with Samantha would be an incredibly valuable experience and I would feel
lucky to have her as a partner.

Why should children Children should be kind to their classmates because it creates a positive and
be kind to their inclusive learning environment for everyone. It also helps build relationships and
classmates? promotes empathy and understanding.
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Should teachers let It depends. Teachers should consider factors such as student compatibility and
students choose their learning styles when making decisions about deskmates. Giving students some
deskmates? autonomy in this decision can also foster independence and responsibility.

What matters most I think the most important thing about a colleague’s personality is that they are
about a colleague’s reliable and trustworthy. For example, if I am working on a group project and my
personality? colleague says they will have their portion done by a certain date, I need to be
able to trust that they will follow through and deliver on time. If they don’t, it can
cause delays and added stress for everyone involved.

Are good colleagues Yes, good colleagues are important at work because they can make the work
important at work? environment more enjoyable and productive. They can also provide support,
collaboration and mentorship.

What kind of people People who are friendly, approachable, and easy to work with are often popular at
are popular at work? work. They also tend to be good communicator and team player.

Describe a noisy place you have been to

You should say:

● Where it is

● When you went there

● What you did there

● And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

Sample Answer:

One noisy place I’ve been to is Times Square in New York City. I went there last summer during my break from

It was pretty crowded and there were a lot of people talking and walking around. There were also a lot of cars honking
and sirens going off. I remember feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the noise, but it was still an exciting and fun
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I went to some of the shops, saw a Broadway show, and took some pictures with friends. Overall, Times Square is a
noisy place because of all the street performers, the billboards, the cars and the sheer number of people in such a
small area.

Sample Answer:

A very noisy place that I’ve been to is a college football game at Ohio State University. I went there last fall with some
friends to watch a game.

It was incredibly loud in the stadium with people cheering, the band playing, and the announcements over the
loudspeakers. It was an electric atmosphere and everyone was so excited for the game.

We tailgated before the game and then watched the Buckeyes win. It was a really fun and exciting experience but it
was definitely a noisy place because of all the crowd noise and the constant cheering.

Do you think it is good for I think it’s good for children to make noise to some extent. It’s a natural part
children to make noise? of their development and helps them express themselves. However, it’s also
important for them to learn when it’s appropriate to make noise and when it’s

Should children not be I don’t think children should be completely forbidden from making noise. Like
allowed to make noise I said before, it’s a natural part of their development and they need to be able
under any circumstances? to express themselves. However, it’s important for them to learn how to
control the volume and timing of their noise-making.

What kinds of noises are Some common noises in life include traffic, construction, animals, people
common in life? talking, and various household appliances.

Which area is exposed to The city is generally exposed to more noise than the countryside. This is
noise more, the city or the because cities have more people, more cars and other vehicles, and more
countryside? industrial and commercial activity. In contrast, the countryside is typically
quieter and more peaceful.

How would people usually People in my country usually respond to noise in different ways depending
respond to noises in your on the situation. For example, if someone is making a loud noise in a public
place, people might ask them to be quieter or move away. In contrast, if
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country? people are at a concert or a party, they might expect and enjoy loud noise. In
general, people tend to be more tolerant of noise in certain situations, such
as in a city where there is more noise.

Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall, park…)

You should say:

● What the development is

● When/where you noticed it

● How long it took to complete it

● And explain how you feel about it

Sample Answer:

Oh, there’s this new apartment complex that just got built near campus. I first noticed it when I was walking to class
one day and saw construction happening on the site. It must have taken them about a year to finish it, cause I
remember seeing the first stages of construction last semester and now it’s all done and ready for people to move in.

Personally, I think it’s pretty cool. It’s definitely going to add more housing options for students, which is always a good
thing. Plus, it’s close to campus and all the shops and restaurants nearby, so it’s in a great location. It also looks really
nice and modern, so that’s a plus. Overall, I think it’s a positive development for the area.

Is public transportation Public transportation is generally quite popular in many countries, especially in
popular in Vietnam? urban areas where it is a convenient and cost-effective way for people to get
around. For example, in Vietnam, cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi have
extensive bus and motorbike taxi systems that are heavily used by residents
and visitors alike.

What can be improved Public transportation services can always be improved, such as increasing
in public transport frequency of buses and trains during peak hours, making sure the
services in your infrastructure is well-maintained and safe, and providing more convenient and
country? accessible options for people with disabilities. For example, in a country like
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Vietnam, the government could work on expanding the bus and metro systems
in major cities, and improve the infrastructure to make public transportation
more reliable and safe for citizens and tourists.

What leisure facilities Leisure facilities that can be used by people of all ages include public parks,
can be used by people community centers, and libraries. For example, a public park typically offers
of all ages? playgrounds for children, sports fields for adults, and walking paths for seniors.
Community centers often have a variety of programs and activities for different
age groups, such as art classes for children, fitness classes for adults, and
game nights for seniors.

Who likes to use public It depends on the country and city, but generally speaking, younger people
transportation more, tend to use public transportation more than older people. For example, in
older people or younger Vietnam, college students and young professionals are more likely to use
people? public transportation than retirees. This is probably because younger people
are more likely to be in the workforce and have a longer daily commute, while
older people may be more likely to have retired and have less need to travel.

Describe something you did that made you feel proud

You should say:

● What it was

● How you did it

● What difficulty you had and how you dealt with it

● And explain why you felt proud about it

Sample Answer:

One thing that made me feel really proud was when I took on a leadership role in a student organization on campus. I
had always been a member of the group, but I decided to run for the position of President. It was a big step for me
because I had never been a leader before and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibility. But I
decided to go for it anyway.
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The election process was pretty intense. I had to give speeches and campaign to the other members of the
organization. It was definitely nerve-wracking, but I tried to stay focused and remember why I wanted to run in the first
place. I also made sure to listen to the concerns and ideas of the other members, and I think that really helped me
connect with them.

In the end, I won the election and I was really excited to start working as the President. There were definitely some
challenges that came with the position, like coordinating events and managing the budget. But I was determined to
make the organization the best it could be, so I worked really hard to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Overall, I felt really proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on this leadership role. It was
definitely a learning experience, but I feel like I grew a lot as a person and I’m really proud of what we were able to
accomplish as a group.

Which one is more In my opinion, both personal goals and work goals are important. They each
important, personal goals serve different purposes and contribute to overall well-being and success.
or work goals? For example, a personal goal might be to exercise regularly for better
physical health, while a work goal might be to land a promotion for career
advancement. Both are important for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Does everyone set goals Not everyone sets goals for themselves. Some people may not see the
for themselves? value in setting goals or may have difficulty identifying what they want to
achieve. For example, a person who is struggling with mental health issues
may have a hard time setting and working towards goals.

What kinds of rewards are Different people have different ideas of what constitutes an important reward
important at work? at work. Some may value financial compensation, while others may value
recognition or opportunities for growth and development. For example, one
person may be motivated by a raise in salary, while another may be
motivated by the opportunity to lead a team.

Do you think material Material rewards can certainly be important in the workplace, but they are
rewards are more not the only type of reward that matters. Non-material rewards such as
important than other kinds recognition, praise, and opportunities for growth and development can also
of rewards at work? be highly motivating. For example, a person may feel more fulfilled and
motivated by receiving a promotion than by receiving a bonus.
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What makes people feel People feel proud of themselves for a variety of reasons, such as achieving
proud of themselves? a goal, overcoming a challenge, or helping others. For example, someone
may feel proud of themselves for graduating from college, for overcoming a
personal struggle, or for volunteering in their community. These experiences
can all contribute to a sense of self-worth and fulfillment.

Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax

You should say:

● Where it is

● What it is like

● What you enjoy doing there

● And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

Sample Answer:

My favorite place in my house to relax would probably be my bedroom. It’s located on the second floor, and it’s where
I spend most of my time when I’m not out and about.

The room itself is pretty simple, but I’ve decorated it with some of my favorite things to make it feel cozy and
comfortable. I have a big comfy bed, a couple of posters on the walls, and a desk where I can work on my

When I’m in my room, I like to just lay in bed and read or watch TV. I find it really relaxing to be in a comfortable
environment where I can just unwind and not have to worry about anything else. Sometimes I’ll play some music or
listen to an audiobook to help me relax even more.

I think what makes my bedroom such a great place to relax is the fact that it’s a private space that’s just mine. I can
decorate it however I want, and I don’t have to worry about anyone else being there to disturb me. It’s a place where I
can truly be myself and feel at ease.

Why is it difficult for It can be difficult for some people to relax because of stress, anxiety, or
some people to relax? overthinking. For example, a college student may have a lot of assignments
due and exams coming up, making it hard for them to relax because their
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mind is constantly thinking about what needs to be done.

What is the place where The place where people spend most of their time at home is typically the living
people spend most of room or bedroom.
their time at home?

Do you think there I think there should be classes for training young people and children how to
should be classes for relax because it is important for their overall well-being. For example, yoga or
training young people meditation classes could teach kids and teens techniques to calm their minds
and children how to and bodies, helping them to better manage stress and anxiety.

Which is more important, Both mental and physical relaxation are important, but I think mental
mental relaxation or relaxation is more important. For example, a person may have a physically
physical relaxation? relaxing day at the spa, but if they are still stressed and anxious, they are not
fully relaxed. On the other hand, if a person takes time to meditate or practice
mindfulness, they can achieve a sense of mental relaxation regardless of their
physical activity for the day.

Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something

You should say:

● Who you taught

● What/how you taught

● What the result was

● And explain how you felt about the experience

Sample Answer:

So, I’m going to talk about the time when I taught my cousin how to play guitar. I had been playing for a few years and
he had expressed interest in learning, so I offered to teach him. I showed him the basics of how to hold the guitar and
how to play a few chords. I also gave him some tips and tricks for practicing and learning new songs.
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The result was that he was able to start playing some simple songs and was really excited to continue learning. He
even started practicing on his own and would show me new things he had learned when we would hang out.

I felt really good about the experience because I was able to share something I love with someone else and help them
learn a new skill. Plus, it was cool to see him progress and become more confident in his playing.

What practical skills can Young people can teach old people practical skills such as using technology,
young people teach old like smartphones or computers. Specifically, a college student could show an
people? older person how to use social media to stay in touch with family and friends.
This can help the older person stay connected and engaged with the world
around them.

How can young people Young people can teach old people new skills by providing tutorials or classes.
teach old people new To illustrate, a college student could teach an older person how to use a new
skills? piece of software or how to navigate a new app. This can help the older person
stay current and adapt to new technology.

What are the ways People can learn something new through various methods such as reading
people can learn books, taking classes, or watching videos. To demonstrate, someone could
something new? learn a new language by reading a language learning book, taking an online
class, or watching videos on a language learning app.

Do people in Vietnam Generally, people in my country do like to watch videos to learn something. As
like to watch videos to an example, we often watch videos on YouTube to learn how to cook a new
learn something? recipe, or watch a video tutorial to learn how to fix a broken appliance. Videos
can be a convenient and engaging way to learn new information.

Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

You should say:

● When you got it

● What you got it for

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● How often you use it

● And explain how you feel about it

Sample Answer:

I got my new laptop about a month ago, primarily to use for school and work purposes. I was really excited to get it
because I had been using an older model for quite some time and it was starting to slow down and have issues. I was
looking forward to having a newer and faster computer to help me with my assignments and projects.

I use the laptop pretty often, at least a few hours a day. But, I have to admit that I find the touchpad to be quite difficult
to use. It’s not that it’s not responsive or anything, it’s just that the sensitivity is a bit different than what I’m used to and
it takes some getting used to. Sometimes it’s hard to navigate the cursor where I want it to go and I find myself having
to use an external mouse instead.

Another issue I have with the touchpad is the buttons. They are pretty hard to press and I often find myself
accidentally right clicking when I mean to left click. I’ve tried adjusting the settings to make the buttons more sensitive,
but it hasn’t helped much. It’s not a huge issue, but it’s definitely something that I find frustrating.

Overall, I am satisfied with my laptop’s performance. It’s much faster than my old one and it’s able to handle multiple
tasks and programs at once without any lag. But, the touchpad is definitely something that I find challenging to use.
I’m still getting used to it and hopefully, with time, I’ll be able to navigate it more easily.

What technology do people in Smartphones are a widely used technology in Vietnam, with most people
your country often use? owning one, even the elderly. They are used for a variety of tasks such
as making phone calls, sending texts and emails, browsing the internet,
using social media, and even making online purchases. They also come
equipped with various applications that can be used for entertainment,
productivity, and other purposes.

Why are people keen on People are keen on buying new technologies because they want to stay
buying new technologies even updated with the latest features and advancements. They also like to
though there are only a few have the newest and most advanced technology.

Why do technology Technology companies keep upgrading their products because they
companies keep upgrading want to stay competitive and provide their customers with new and
their products? improved features. Additionally, as technology advances, companies can
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create new products and revenue streams.

What changes has the The development of technology has brought about changes such as
development of technology increased connectivity, access to information, and automation of many
brought about in our lives tasks. It has also made many aspects of our lives more convenient, such
as online shopping and remote work.

Do you think the development Yes, I think the development of technology has affected how people
of technology affect how learn. Technology has made it easier for people to access educational
people learn? resources, learn new skills, and connect with others in online learning
environments. Additionally, technology has made it possible to
personalize learning experiences, which can improve student outcomes.

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