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The story of Mrithun Sao Jamal

0-12 years

I was born in a good and very religious family with good parents, in the good, holy city of Thrane. I was born
the 27 Far of Vult, and it was a great day, until it was over. I was born without the force of life inside of me,
and therefore dead. My parents were in agony until a priest from the Silver flame came and help me out of
the darkness and into the light of the flame. By the help of the flame I lived, but I was marked with the
whitest hair in the city. My siblings looked up to me due to that and they said I was holy, and I believed that
so much that I wanted to join the church of the Silver flame. At the age of 12 years old I was taken in by the
Silver flame and learned up in the church.

18 years

At the age of 18 I woke up with a stinging pain in my eye, and with a light blur on it. With haste I went to
the high priest and asked him for help, and he looked at my eye. He told that the thing he saw was of pure
evil and must be removed at once, were after he pulled me to the healing chamber. 3 weeks went when I
could not do anything on my own, because the priests feared me and what I had in my eye. My family came
no doubt and visited me, my brother and sister were worried about me and wanted to help me, but they
could not because the priests did not let them stay for long. And my parents did not cry for me, no they
thought that I was becoming corrupted by and unholy demon and did not speak nor looked at for, duo to
the fear of themselves being cursed. I was at tears, but then I realized that it was all a test sent by the silver
flame, and I just had to get through it, and all will be good. That Idea had I until the last try to get ride of the
“evil” out of my eye.

One day I got sent to the flame chamber where I was to meet the high priest, and I was excited for this
honor. I stepped in the chamber and I saw the high priest holding a silver-like flame in his hands, alongside
other priests that was going right at me. They grabbed me and hold me tight so that I could not move, and
the high priest started talking “Mrithun you have great evil in you that we need to cleanse out of you and
our last solution is the Silver flame itself”. I was scared but I kept the test-thought in my mind, so I just
nodded and took a deep breath. The priest folded out his hands and the flame were shoot out against me,
but in last second something forced my arms and body to move and I broke free of the others grasp. My
hand was hit first, and with a glair it was dust, but the flame still moved on. The last thing I remember is a
burning hot feeling against my face and a loud scream inside of my head…

After I don’t even know how long, I woke up in a bed at home with my mother looking at me with a smile
and a sweet look on her face and said “Its okay honey you are safe now. You have been cleansed”. I looked
scared back at her, tried to get up but my brother holds me down in the bed and he also said it was okay I
just needed some rest. At nighttime I could not sleep because of the pain so I got up to get some water, and
when I looked in the mirror and at first, I saw bandages. I took them of, and I saw the damage they have
been dealing me, and I screamed in pain both physically and mentally. My family came in and saw me
crying in the sink, broken down just standing there. My sister came closer and said “Sao, its not as bad as it
seems”. I turned with a flick of my head “LOOK AT ME. IM A MONSTER, AND I GOT TREADED AS ONE” I kept
on crying. My farther tried to pick me up but something hold him back. Like a black and red force field and
pushed him back into the wall. I apologized while crying, but I made a hole in the wall with this force out to
the street, walked out there looked back at my families frightened faces and ran away.
My brother who was training to get into the army sat off after me, and grabbed my sleeve in my rope, and
pulled it of so that he could see my chest. He saw a black and red mark on my shoulder that was snout
around itself and was twisted in a bizarre way. His face went white and just said “HEATHEN” were I after
pushed him away from me with the powers with in the. Aberrant mark. In my years on the run I had a
million thoughts running in my head. Was it my fault? Did I kill anyone? Will I? am I a monster? But then the
most important question came in my head. Am I the bad one or is the church? I looked back at Thrane. It
was there fault what happened to my face, and they shall no, they will feel the wraith of Mrithun Sao

19 Years

At the age of 19 I went to Karranath to find a group that goes under the name of Blood of Vol that is very
great with necromancy. I took an airship over the lands to get there faster, but the downside with that plan
was all the people that was onboard. I sat over in a corner to avoid contact with other people, until a
stranger came over and sat next to me. It was a half elf with short black hair and the most beautiful eyes,
and the best part was that when he saw me, he did not fear nor disgust me. He just looked at me and
introduced himself as Horal, and told him my name and somehow, we got a conversation up and going. He
was very sweet, and we talked about almost anything, our past, our present, and a little about our future
and I did not know if it was just me, but I thought that he liked me. I ended up with that the Horal and me
got together over a few weeks, and he told me that he had some family in Karranath that that was
engineers that would gladly help me with my little hand problem. When we came to the city of Atur we
found his family and I got introduced to them, and after a few days of work they made me a prosthetic
hand of cobber and with a white diamond in the middle.

24 Years

We lived in the city of Atur for some time and had a good life, and we just got married. We had a little
house in the middle of Atur and I got work at a shop that were selling herbs and medicine. While Horal was
working as a teacher at a university for astrology and came home with the craziest stories from a normal
day of work. His parents supported us very much when nobody else did not do. And one day at an evening
we were over for dinner his mom said, “So when are you going to have some kids”. It took me a little while
to get it. She was thinking that we were getting kids, I thought it was something strange. But Horal looked
at me, took my hand and said that he also had been thinking about adopting a kid. When we came home
that I did not think that I would be a great farther. He just looked at me and said that would be a great dad,
and if I were not than he could just be. I laughed a little. At nighttime I went to the bathroom and when I
looked at my face and saw the scar that the episode with the Silver fame had given me, I felt some burning
in my face and I saw a picture in head of a symbol of the Blood of Vol. I thought that it might be a sign that I
most go to them to fully recover.

I morning I woke up early and packed a backpack, and when I came into the kitchen, I saw my beautiful
Husband in a housecoat and looked at me with a look that I cannot put words on. He asked me where I was
going, and I said that I had to do something that was the first reason I came to Karranath. He gave a look of
confusion and sadness, but he walked over to me, kissed me, and said that I better be back before the week
is over. I said that I will be back tomorrow with a rose in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other. I
walked out of the door and towards the train station.

When I came to the place, I heard they were, I was nervous that if they could help me to get back on the
track. I stood in front of the door and knocked on it, to be answered with an open door I saw a staircase
that went down. I got down the stairs till I got to a dark room with a red light on a bowl with something in
it. I could feel the presence of other people around me, but I just went towards the bowl to see that it was
full of a substance that smelled of iron, and then I realized that it was blood. A red light showed the
presence of a woman with black hair and red eyes hold out a dagger in her hand and said, “you are lost my
child. We will help you in the dark and let you be stronger. Better. I see you are marked; we will heal you.
All you need to do, is give us some of yourself” she gave me the dagger, and I got over to the bowl hold out
my hand over the it, laid the dagger on my hand, and pulled it over it so that the blood flood out of my
hand. When my blood hit the bowl of blood, I started tripping, having these weird visions of me on top of a
throne with a crown that was dripping black liquid that turned to smoke when it hit the ground. I felt a
burning pain on my scar and a strange twisting in it, but pain made me pass out. I woke up in an ally and a
gnome that was stealing from me, and I got scared so I pushed it away, but it pulled a little sword and told
me not to try anything. I was fearing for my life, so when it was running at me, I hold out my hands and
closed my eyes. My eyes last I was awake I only had one, and I was not stabbed. I opened my eyes and saw
a red and black spectral hand choking the gnome up in the air until it snapped its neck. The gnome falls to
the ground and the hand fly into my shoulder, so I got scared so I ripped open my shirt to what is was. It
was a twisted mark that was going around my shoulder and a little up on my neck. My back hits the wall,
and again a million thoughts are going through my brain. “I can’t go back home now. Will he even care. Can
I risk taking the chance? Will I be killed for this? Oh shit! I just killed a person!” I was having a mental
breakdown besides a dead person. I cannot go back now; I need to get away at once. But I need to say
goodbye to Horal and give a reason.
The letter to Horal

Hello, I hope you will understand what I am about to tell you. This the hardest task I ever had to do,
to say goodbye to a loved one no, my own husband. For two days ago I told you that I have some
things to take care of, and I did. I took to the blood of Vol to maybe get some help with my face,
and I know that it was a stupid decision, but it was my last chance. So I went there, and they got my
eye back and my face, but I am marked even worse than before. And I figured out that I have an
aberrant dragon mark and I want you to know because you are the one, I have closest to me of all.
What I am trying to say is that I am not coming back home, even though I promised you, and I think
that you should not dwell with me but instead go on and forget about me. But I will never forget
you, and I love.
-Yours truly Mrithun Sao Jamal

Im mel cin

Relation list:
Horal Ruruz: My husband-love
Jahvak Jamal: My little brother who is in the army of Thrane-like
Heidith Jamal: My older sister who is a priest in the Silver flame-love
Rinne Jamal: My mother-hate
Alun Jamal: My farther-do not like
Femvek Ruruz: Horal’s farther-like
Barrie Ruruz: Horal’s mother-like
Hydrus Flatgazer: High priest of the Silver flame-inner hatred

Dragon mark Spells:

Chill Touch: A red and black hand shoots out of shoulder and chokes target
Shield: A red and black force field surrounds and protects me

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