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Md Amer Md Amer
md amer

Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE)

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Sep 15, 2023, 2:55 PM GMT+5:30

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Using wind tunnel testing, the effects of ice

implementation on aircraft performance and
MOHAMMED AMER (21951A2144)

Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering –Dundigal, Hyderabad –

500043 Department Of Aeronautical Engineering


Ice formation, which continues to be a major aviation safety concern, has a significant impact on
both the performance and safety of aircraft. The numerous effects of icing on aircraft are briefly
summarized in this abstract, with an emphasis on the effects it has on aerodynamics, structural
integrity, and operational safety. Ice on aircraft surfaces disturbs airflow, especially during takeoff
and landing, which leads to less lift, increased drag, and possibly fatal stall conditions. Ice makes
things heavier, which strains structural elements and increases the risk of long-term stress and
structural damage. Additionally, icing reduces the performance of the engines and control
surfaces, significantly limiting maneuverability and thrust production.

Aircraft are outfitted with anti-icing and de-icing systems that use heat or other
techniques to remove or limit the building of ice on important surfaces in order to lessen
these negative consequences. These equipment must be fitted, and safe operational
procedures must be followed, because regulatory authorities around the world maintain
strict rules and requirements surrounding aviation icing. To make sure that their designs
can survive the forces brought on by ice, aircraft manufacturers invest a lot of money in
research, development, and testing.

Keywords: be important and typical of the period.

Aircraft Icing, Icing Types, Aircraft

Performance, Aerodynamic Effects, Icing
Detection, Deicing, Anti-icing, Icing-Related
Accidents, Icing Certification, Ice Protection
Systems, Icing Research, Weather
Conditions, Icing Severity, Ice Accretion
Models, Icing Prevention Strategies.

Literature Review:

This literature review's aim is not to provide

a complete overview of the field of icing
aerodynamics research but rather to examine
some of the work that the authors believe to

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This review's objective is to

investigate how ice formation
affects various aircraft forms,
with a focus on the
implications it has on the
fuselage, wings, tail, engines,
and landing gear. The
evaluation takes into account
how crucial anti-icing and de-
icing systems are in reducing
these consequences.


The greatest concern for

aviation safety and
operational effectiveness is
the effect of icing on
aircraft. The accumulation of
ice on aircraft surfaces causes
aviation icing, which lowers
lift, increases drag, and
obstructs airflow. It is a
significant risk that could
result in mishaps. Pilots steer
clear of icing situations and
deice their aircraft as needed

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It typically occurs when an aircraft is exposed

to extremely cold weather, precipitation, or
clouds with supercooled water droplets.
Because of this, there is a serious issue with
aircrafts operating at very high altitudes,
which necessitates thorough examination and
the development of preventative measures.

Many organizations, including the National

Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the
1. Formation of Icing on aircraft
Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST),
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
and the National Transportation Safety Board The icing on aircraft surfaces is formed
(NTSB), have acknowledged the ongoing when freezing rain comes into contact with
the aircraft's structures. Many factors
problem of icing.
contribute to the formation of icing on
aircraft surfaces:
Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). The NTSB has made numerous Temperature, Moisture, Clouds, Freezing
safety recommendations after icing- related Rain, Duration of Exposure etc.
incidents and accidents and has ranked icing
The circumstances mentioned above must be
among its “MOST WANTED Aviation
satisfied before supercooled water droplets
Transportation Safety Improvements”1 since
can hit the aircraft's surfaces. The smooth
airflow over the wings, tail, and other
This introduction aims to offer a thorough surfaces can be disrupted as ice builds up,
review of the numerous effects of icing on changing the aerodynamic qualities and
aircraft in addition to highlighting the perhaps impacting the performance and
significance of this phenomena for aviation safety of the aircraft.
safety and operation. It examines the various
Anti-icing and de-icing systems are installed
forms of icing, how they damage an aircraft's
on aircraft to combat the icing
structural elements and aerodynamics, and
what manufacturers and operators are
attempting to lessen these effects. It also
illustrates the importance of ongoing study
and oversight by the authorities in
maintaining the dependability and safety of
aircraft during icing conditions.
Understanding the complexities of aircraft
icing is essential for improving safety,
efficiency, and dependability of air transport
in all weather conditions.

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2. Icing formation on various aircraft


Icing may have an effect on many

aircraft constructions, which could lead
to several performance and safety issues.
The effects of icing depend on the
location and intensity of the icing, which
Anti-icing and de-icing systems are installed
can occur in many different places on an
on aircraft to reduce the impact of icing on
aircraft. The following is a list of how
the aircraft's structural integrity. These
ice affects various aircraft structures.
systems use a number of methods, such as
 Wings and Air-foil Surfaces pneumatic boots or heated surfaces, to
 Tail Surfaces (Horizontal and prevent or stop the formation of ice in
Vertical Stabilizers) critical areas. To ensure aircraft safety in
 Control Surfaces (Ailerons, icing circumstances, stringent operational
standards and regulations are put in place,
Elevators, Rudders)
taking into account the necessity of pilot
 Engine Components (Inlets, Fan
training and adherence to procedures.
Research and development projects aiming
 Landing Gear to enhance anti-icing systems and
 Antennas and Sensors comprehend the complexity of icing are
 Exterior Surfaces helping to further improve aviation
 Structural Components safety.


A vital component of aviation safety is anti-

icing, which involves preventing or
removing ice formation on aircraft surfaces.
Icing can cause performance loss and safety

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risks by obstructing airflow across an  Mechanical De-icing

aircraft's wings, control surfaces, and engine
 De-icing Trucks
parts. Various anti-icing devices and
approaches are used to avoid adverse Proper de-icing practices, combined with
consequences of icing: anti-icing measures, help maintain
aviation safety in icy and snowy
Anti-icing techniques:
 De-icing Fluids
 Anti-Ice Systems Effect of icing on the aerodynamic lift:
 Engine Anti-Ice Systems The production of aerodynamic lift, a
 Wing Anti-Ice Systems fundamental force required for maintaining
 Propeller De-icing flight, is significantly disrupted when icing
 Rotor Blade De-icing forms on aircraft wings and other
De-icing: aerodynamic surfaces. The shape of the air-
foil is altered as ice builds up on the surface
De-icing is a crucial step in aviation that of the wing, which interferes with the
involves clearing snow, ice, or frost off of an airflow across the wing. Due to this
aircraft's surfaces. As ice buildup on an interruption, lift output is significantly
aircraft can interfere with aerodynamics, add reduced, which lowers aircraft performance
weight, and impair the functionality of vital and raises the possibility of safety issues.
equipment, it is crucial for ensuring flight Because of the changing aerodynamic
safety. To guarantee a safe and effective properties caused by icing, the aircraft must
flight, de-icing is frequently done right use more energy to maintain velocity and
before take-off or while the aircraft is still on altitude, which reduces lift and increases
the ground. drag.

De-icing techniques: Effect of icing on aerodynamic drag:

Aerodynamic drag, a force that resists an

 Heated Surfaces
aircraft's forward motion in the air, is
 Pneumatic Boots
significantly impacted by icing on aircraft
 Hot Air
surfaces. The smooth flow of air is disrupted

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when ice builds up on the wings, fuselage, or

other aerodynamic surfaces, causing
irregularities in the surface and changing the
shape of the aircraft. This disturbance raises
the pressure drag and skin friction drag, both
of which significantly raise total drag. Ice
reduces lift while also requiring higher
engine power to overcome the ensuing
increased drag, which lowers fuel efficiency
and overall performance.


1. Effect on Lift Coefficient (Cl):

With the introduction of simulated icing

conditions, the lift coefficient
experienced a noticeable decrease
compared to the baseline clean wing.

The extent of the reduction in Cl was

directly related to the thickness and
shape of the ice accretion. Thicker ice
Wind Tunnel Results for the Effect of
layers resulted in more significant
Icing on 3-Dimensional Wing Models:
reductions in Cl.
The objective was to simulate the
2. Effect on Drag Coefficient (Cd):
conditions that aircraft encounter during
flight through icing conditions and The drag coefficient exhibited an
assess the resulting changes in lift and increase with the introduction of icing, as
drag coefficients. expected.

The type of ice accretion, such as rough

or irregular ice shapes, contributed to
higher Cd values compared to smoother
ice surfaces.

3. Effect on Stall Characteristics:

Stall angles of attack under icing

conditions were lower than those
observed with the clean wing, indicating
a reduced margin of safety during flight.

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 Cm - pitching moment coefficient

 Cmα - pitching moment
coefficient derivative with AoA,
longitudinal stability
 c - chord length
 CAST - Commercial Aviation Safety
 CFD - computational fluid dynamics
 ICEFTO - Ice Contamination
Effects Flight Training Device
 k/ c - the ratio of
protuberance height to chord
 IPS - ice protection system
 LAMP Bihrle Applied
Research Large Amplitude
Multi-Purpose wind tunnel
 LWC - liquid water content
 MVD - median volumetric diameter
 Re - Reynolds number


The impact of icing on aircraft is a complex

issue with broad consequences for flight
performance and safety. Icing interferes with
aerodynamics, reduces lift, increases drag,
and impairs control of different aircraft
structures and components. Particularly
during crucial flying phases, the presence of
ice causes dangers ranging from lessmobility
to an increased risk of engine stalls and
Nomenclature: inefficiency.
 α- AoA angle of attack, deg
In conclusion, the wind tunnel experiments
 β -angle of sideslip, deg
on the 3-dimensional wing model revealed
 b- wing span
that icing has a significant adverse effect on
 δa, δe, δr, δf -control surface both lift and drag coefficients. This research
deflection: aileron, elevator, review underscores the importance of
rudder, flap, deg effective anti-icing systems and protocols to
 Cd, CD - drag coefficient
mitigate the impact of icing on aircraft
 Ch, δA - aileron hinge moment performance and safety. Furthermore, it
 Cl, CL - lift coefficient highlights the need for accurate modeling
 CL, δA - aileron control and predictive tools to aid in the design of
effectiveness aircraft that can better withstand and operate
 CN - normal force coefficient safely in icing conditions.

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