The Tomb of The Snake-A2

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The Tomb of

the Snake
Spell Thief adventure A2

By Adam Hutcheson

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

If you want to be a player in this adventure, stop reading
now! This is for game master (GM) eyes only.

This adventure should be used as the second adventure for
the Dice-Match system and the Spell Thief setting. If the
players completed the Unicorn’s Tower adventure, they are
following the advice of Mara, the Unicorn, to seek out the
grave of her old companion, Fisk. Powerful tools are thought
to be hidden within its walls.

Encounter 0- The Entrance

The party arrives at the location described by Mara. In a
clearing between thick vines and trees stands an 8 ft. tall
stone statue of a snake which appears to be an adder. Its
eyes are rubies 6 inches wide. If the players want to steal the
eyes, the snake becomes animated and bites. If they
manage to defeat the snake, it returns to its inanimate form
and allows them to take its ruby eyes. If they ignore the ruby
eyes and try to find an entrance, they find an opening at
the base. They also fine what appear to be several human
bones crushed into the soil.

Animated Snake Statue

This stone reptile packs a mean bite. Lucky for you, it has no
venom like its living counterpart.
Body-6, Mind-X, Observation-X

Loot- 2 large rubies (50 gold value)

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

Encounter 1- Tick, Tock, Slash!
They crawl down into a shaft that is 20 ft. long and 2 ft.
across. The ladder they cling to seems near crumbling to
pieces. They reach a wide chamber that is completely
dark. Until they use a light spell or a torch, they will not see

Standing in the dark are eight Clockwork Guardians. These

machines have the appearance of men in wooden armor
carrying wooden swords. They stand motionless until the
characters touch them or try to walk toward the northern
door. As they attack, their wooden gears and internal
wheels click and grind.

After the encounter, characters may use their Observation

ability to search and find the hidden door in the floor
leading to Room 7.

The northern door is locked but a Burglar can use their

burglar tools (Observation roll) to open it. If they fail, the
characters may try to use brute strength to bash it open.

Clockwork Guardians (8)

These machines attack en masse and fight to the death.
Their wooden swords are sharpened but are considered
bludgeoning weapons. Their heavy wooden armor is useless
to a human character due to its weight.
Body-2, Mind-X, Observation-X

Loot- None

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

Encounter 2- Put the Needle on the Record
This room is empty except for a small locked treasure chest.
If the burglar uses the thieves’ tools, the contents are safe.
Bashing it open is a remarkably bad idea. Inside is a stone
disk with narrow grooves carved into its surface. On the
back of the disk are three notches that fit the mechanism in
the Room 7 snake’s mouth. Simply describe its appearance
without giving away its nature as an information-storage
device. They’ll need to make the connection themselves.

Encounter 3- Is That Treasure?

The room contains a treasure chest 6 ft. wide treasure chest.
The players need two successes on an Observation check
in order to see that the floor underneath it gives way and
shows that it is really a pit trap. The treasure chest is a fake
nailed to a hinged floor. Anyone approaching the trap falls
and takes 1 Body damage. A successful Observation check
shows the trap for what it really is and the characters see
that there is a safe walkway leading to the two doors at the
sides of the room.

Loot- none

Encounter 4- Hickory, Dickory, Dock

A large clock dominates the western wall in this room. Its
ticking is loud and echoes softly. As soon as any characters
enter the room, three giant rats attack. For some reason,
they are all wearing little hats. They fight until there is one left
at which time the remaining rat flees squealing into the

If the characters attempt to manipulate or inspect the clock

without two successes, the acting character is sprayed with

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

a mind-altering mist emanating from the clock face. They
take 1 Mind damage and the ticking of the clock stays in
their head long after leaving the room.

There is a hidden door in the northern part of the room. One

success on an Observation check can locate it. It leads
safely into Room 7.

Loot- three small hats (You expect gold from rats?)

Encounter 5- The Little Shrine of the Snake

This room is apparently a monument to snakes. Paintings of
snakes cover the walls and the eastern portion of the room
has a fountain with a golden snake rising from the middle.
The water smells terrible. They may deduce that this is
poison. They may collect some if they have a jug. Of course,
a player may get brave and drink some. See the effect

Loot- snake (20 g), poison (1 Body die per round


Encounter 6- The Puzzle Room

The wooden floor tiles in this room are all painted various
colors. There are four tiles of each color. If a character steps
on a red tile, two blue tiles flip over. Green tiles lead to three
red tiles spinning. Blue tiles make the green tiles drop three
inches. Yellow tiles do nothing.

This room is intentionally confusing. No matter what solution

your players devise, three successes with a Mind check are
necessary to find that stepping on one blue tile, then three

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

reds, and two greens unlocks the door at the north side of
the room.

Encounter 7- The Real Tomb of the Snake

If the characters entered through the door from Room 6, a
stone block falls from the ceiling and does two Body
damage to the first person entering. Entering from the secret
entrance to the west does not trigger a trap.

This room is supported by huge stone pillars that are

wrapped in granite snakes with their hollow mouths open. A
10 ft. tall jade adder sits in the middle of the room. Its mouth
appears to be on a hinge. Opening the mouth reveals a
circular plate with three raised tabs. If the players found the
stone disk in Room 2, they can place it here which causes
the mouth to close. It works like a record player. The granite
snakes on the columns are speakers. They hear the following

“Greetings adventurers! If you made it to my burial

chamber, you are worthy of the information that will lead
you on a spectacular quest. I assume that you met my
friend Mara. We were once Champions of Aldur, helping
those in need and keeping peace in the kingdom. Along
with our four other companions, we collected great wealth,
unusual objects, and finely crafted weapons in their travels.

“Only too late in our adventures did we discover that there

was a traitor in our midst. The spell that prevents Mara from
dying was stolen for purposes I do not know. While someone
as pure as the Unicorn can take this curse in stride, the
potential for such a spell in the wrong hands is unthinkable.

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

“The spell only works one time each century and its casting
on Mara expended its use. We tried to hide all records of
the Codex page so that others may not seek it out until the
time was right for a new group of Champions. If Mara sent
you here, she believes you have what it takes. Head north
to the village of Gyta and prepare yourselves for an
expedition into the mountains. You must find the Owl, or
what remains of him. He once possessed a great weapon
that could be quite useful in the right hands. For now, take
this and use it well…Champions of Aldur.”

With that, the recording ends and the jade snake’s mouth
opens. Gleaming from within is a curved dagger with a
jeweled handle. Its tongue appears to be a rolled pouch
with three unusual tools inside.

The Adder’s Tooth

The gleaming blade on this dagger is sharpened to a razor’s
edge. Its jeweled handle provides a sturdy grip for the user.
This dagger is limited to Burglars only. The user may reroll 1
Body die when attacking from behind.

Expert Burglar Tools

With some practice, the user may wield these tools to
unlock the most difficult of chests or doors. They allow the
burglar to roll their Mind and Observation dice together on
a single roll when attempting to open chests, doors, or locks.

Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

Tomb of the Snake Map

4 3


Locked Door

Hidden Door/Passage


Panos Salteas (order #8697233)

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