Claude Monet

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Student’s Name





Claude Monet

In 1840 Monet was born; he then enrolled at Academia Suisse; this is after a critic

insultingly dabbled Claude's painting impression style after the year 1874 following the

exhibition of art. This critique was a reason for the impression being extra concerned with light

and form than pragmatism and the stuck period. Claude then fought poverty, illness, and

depression, until he demised around 1926. Monet was a French painter who got famous for his

work that provided a name to the Impressionism art movement anxious with capturing light and

its normal and usual forms (Dombrowski 2020).

Oscar Monet Impressionist movement work is a famous and re-known painter in art

history and a prominent figure in the program; Monet was born in Paris, France, with Adolphe as

the father and working in the kinfolk's shipping industry and Louise as the mother taking

attention of the family, being a popular hostess, she is also a trained singer and likes poetry. At

the age of 5 years, Claude moves from the household to Le Havre, where he grows up with his

elder brother called Leon. Claude does not prefer to stay in a classroom set-up from the first time

in school. However, the teachers report Monet to be a decent student; he instead prefers being

outside the class. Monet developed a passion and love for drawing; his book contains people's

sketches and caricatures of the school teachers. Louise, her mother, supported this act and

passion for drawing through the father wants him to be a business tycoon. Thus, Monet suffers

greatly due to her mother's demise, who supported his artistic efforts in 1857 (Dombrowski


Monet became perfectly-identified for his caricature work and sketching the majority of

the town residents. In meeting Eugene Boudin local artist of the landscape, Claude starts

exploring the natural globe in his effort. Eugene introduces Monet to outdoor painting, which

later becomes Monet's exertion pillar. By 1859, Monet then decides to move to Paris to pursue

his art. By moving to Paris to pursue art, he gets powerfully influenced by Barbizon painting

schools and enrolled as a student of Academia Suisse. Monet then meets more artists like

Camille Pissarro, becoming a close friend for decades. Monet then served in the military

stationed in Algiers from 1861-to 1862. Due to health reasons, he gets to be discharged from

Algiers to return to Paris, where he studies with Charles Gleyre, and through Charles, Claude

gets to meet more the artists like Auguste Renoir and Frederic Bazille, and Alfred Sisley; they

then become friends. Monet receives support and advice from Johann Barthold Jongkind, a

landscape painter; this is a significant inspiration for the upcoming artists (Dombrowski 2020).

Monet then likes working outdoors and, at times, gets accompanied by Renoir, Bazille,

and Sisley when doing the painting sojourns. Monet, in the process, won the reception to Salon

of 1865, annual art juried show conducted in Paris, and he won the receiving since the show

chose his two landscapes, that is, landscapes for marine. Monet receives more critical tribute in

his work as a human being but still struggles financially. Next year, Monet gets to be chosen

over again to partake in the Salon. Still, during this period, the show concentrates on the scenery

and portrait of Camille, who in real sense is his wife in the future and lover; soon afterward,

Monet and Camille catch breaks. Louise-Joachim becomes Monet's work patron; this enables the

artist to proceed with the exertion and cares for the family. Monet and Camille get wedded by

1870 June; due to the outbreak of war between Franco-Prussian, the couple gets to run away with

their one kid to London in England. Monet then meets Paul-Ruel, who becomes Monet's first art

dealer (Dombrowski 2020).

Monet then returned to France (1872) after the war and settled in Argenteuil that is an

industrial town found in the west of Paris; he then began developing his techniques; he visited

the majority of his artist partners, like Renoir, Edouard who became an interview later who gets

to hate him at first because the majority of the individuals confused their name as Monet and

Manet, and Pissarro. In banding as one with most of the other artists named, Monet assisted

informing the Anonyme Societe des Sculpteurs, Graveurs, and Peintres as a substitute for Salon

and exhibited their works as a group (Dombrowski 2020).

Claude sometimes got frustrated with his work, and as per most of the reports, Monet

destroyed more of his paintings, estimated at a high range of up to 500 works, as he burned, cut,

or kicks off the offending pieces. Even with all these outbursts, Monet gets identified and is

known to suffer a lot of self-doubt and bouts of depression (Dombrowski 2020).

Impressionism is a practice or theory that entails painting related to the painters found in

France in 1870 that depicts the whole and natural appearance of major entities/things using the

means of strokes for unmixed primary colors for stimulation of actual light that gets reflected.

Impressionism developed in the 19th century in France and concentrated on the painting practices

of doors and conspicuous 'on the spot' instead of studio sketches; the central impressionist topics

and focus were the scenes and the landscape of all-day life. Impressionism is considered a radical

art movement founded in the late 18th century; it centers in the major primarily on painters of

Parisians. The impressionist got to rebel against the thesis matter and then embrace modernity;

thus, the impressionist desired to create work that reflects the universe they were living in. The

focus of impressionism was to unite the impressionist together, and this made it simpler to focus

on the process by which light was in place of defining a moment in time, using color as a

provider definition rather than the black lines. Thus the impressionist got to major in the practice

of air painting Plein, also known as the outside painting. The impressionism of late is being

incorporated as the major influential and popular style of art found in Western history, but

initially, it got to be divided by the critics (Choi 2020).

The artist's role in impressionism was to depict transience associated with light, capturing

scenes of the modern transformation of life and the natural universe where they ever-shift

conditions. The artists were to construct their pictures using a freely brushed color that takes

precedence over the contours and lines; they then typically painted scenes concerning the new

life and subsequently painted outdoors. The impressionists/artists got that they were in a position

of capturing momentary and the effects of transient from the light by air Plein en painting

technique. Moreover, most of the impressionist prints and paintings, consequently provided and

produced by Cassatt and Morisot, are concentrated in the interiors domestics. The impressionist

portrayed the whole visual effects rather than the details; thus, this enabled them to use 'broken'

brushstrokes that are either unmixed or mixed with color to achieve an effect relating to an

intensive vibration of colors (Choi et al. 2020).

The impressionists caught ordinary subjects and got involved in the daily activities

concerning urban and rural settings. The artist relaxes the line boundary between the background

and the subject to resemble a snapshot as an impressionist painting effect. The larger part of the

reality gets to be captured by chance. The other artists involved in this work of impressionism

are; Alfred Sisley, Berthe Morisot, Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet, Mary Cassatt, August

Renoir, and Edgar Degas (Seitz 2021).

By 1851, Monet was enrolled in Le Havre Secondary school of the arts on April first.

Monet first became identified locally due to his charcoal caricatures that he sold at 10 or 20

francs to get money. Monet undertakes the first drawing lessons from Ochard Jacques-Francois,

David Jacques-Louis's former student. Around 1856-1857 on Normandy beaches, Monet met a

fellow artist named Eugene Boudin, then became Monet's mentor, guiding him in using oil

paints. Boudin teaches Monet about the outdoor techniques used for painting (Seitz 2021).

Monet was the leader of the impressionism movement, using the brief strokes

of brush and colors in fragmented applications that found their way into the other

individuals' work. He gets to concentrate on the time passage in the portrayal of light.

The series of paintings captured on Rouen Cathedral at different times in the year

offers clear examples of Monet's ideas of how the impressionists can change the

subject concerning impressionism with properties found within and around. In 1894 he

produced the most famous series called The Facade at Sunset. Monet then expanded

his impressionist activity throughout his life by culminating in the studies that he

carried out to be multiple on the Waterlily Pond, produced from 1898-to 1926, and

done before he died, which shows that his work achieves abstract quality (Choi 2020).

Renoir is considered another leader of the impressionist art movement; he

shared Monet's interest and, unfortunately, preferred capturing the artificial light in

dance hall places, and then directed his studies on light effects on figures and

predominantly the female form instead of scenery and always focusses on portraiture.

According to Renoir, life seemed to be the preferred subject matter all day, as the

portrayal drenched upon optimism. The painting that he carried out in 1876, known as

Moulin de la Galette, depicts a crowd dance garden under Butte Montmartre that

utilizes natural and artificial light to portray a jolly party surrounding atmosphere,

thus highlighting the majority of Renoir's interests (Seitz 2021).

I think that impressionism work seems to be the best painting work ever

developed by the artists in the world. I want to put my interest in Renoir and Monet's

work about the impressionism art movement concerning light capture and how they

were doing their job. The impressionist made the best invention too far, and by

combining forces, I think they were able to succeed in their impressionism work.

Works Cited

Choi, Yoon-Young, and Hyun-Soo Lee. "Biophilic Color Palette Development based

on NeuroArchitecture towards Psychological Healing-Focused on the

Landscape Painting of Impressionism'Claude Monet'-." Journal for the

Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design 36.2 (2020): 43-52.

Dombrowski, André. "Impressionism and Standardization of Time: Claude Monet at

Gare Saint-Lazare." The Art Bulletin 102.2 (2020): 91-120.

Seitz, William C. "Claude Monet". Encyclopedia Britannica, December first, 2021,

Accessed April eleventh, 2022.

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