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Exercise 1. Read the following words and put them in the correct column.
blue clock blossom blur block
circle blink bleed classic bicycle
blank class club black table
blonde clown close clerk click

/bl/ /kl/

Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. rubbish B. product C. rubric D. cutting
2. A. pool B. footprint C. school D. tool
3. A. cooked B. accomplished C. hissed D. gained
4. A. warming B. protecting C. littering D. carbon
5. A. pause B. laugh C. clause D. cause
6. A. quality B. improve C. condition D. serious
7. A. species B. recycle C. ecosystem D. renewable
8. A. polluted B. reduced C. washed D. danced
9. A. pictures B. watches C. buses D. brushes
10. A. litters B. dreams C. belongs D. plants
Exercise 3. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. conversation B. entertainment C. invironment D. information
2. A. serious B. habitat C. quality D. protection
3. A. reduce B. species C. device D. reuse
4. A. product B. absorb C. concern D. marine
5. A. recycle B. tornado C. ecosystem D. renewable
6. A. coral B. dugong C. resource D. effect
7. A. diverse B. wildlife C. toxic D. campfire
8. A. movement B. conical C. extinction D. heritage
9. A. mission B. protect C. substance D. plastic
10. A. oxygen B. dangerous C. neighbourhood D. endangered
Exercise 4 .Underline the duster /bl/ and double underline the duster /kl/ in the following sentence then read
aloud the sentences.
1. I went for a walk around the block.
2. Cats are very clean animals.
3. The teacher blamed me for the accident.
4. My father usually has a cup of black coffee for breakfast.
5. He was climbing up the wall.
6. Today she is wearing a white silk blouse.
7. Is our hotel close to the beach?
8. If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.
9. His eyes were bright blue.
10. I went to the table tennis club yesterday.

B. Vocabulary & Grammar

Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and write the name of the activities.

ecosystem harmful substance 3Rs plastic rubbish

carbon footprint single-use tree planting endangered species
marine life extinction industrial waste dumping site

1. ___________________ 2.___________________ 3. _____________________ 4. __________________

5.___________________ 6. ___________________ 7. _____________________ 8. __________________

9. ___________________ 10. __________________ 11._____________________ 12. _________________

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1

1. They are trying to protect __________________ such as saolas, dugongs, lynxes, wolfs and several species
of the vulture.
2. ______________ is one of the causes of air pollution.
3. _________________improves wildlife habitat connectivity, supports biodiversity and and removes harmful
pollutants from the air.
4. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from ________________.
5. Science tells us that healthy _______________ provide humans with things like food, clean water, clean air,
and protection from natural disasters.
6. We should all go green by practising the ________: reduce, reuse, and recycle, which is always encouraged
by environmentalists.
7. A _______________ is anything that is contaminated and threatens the safe of man. It can be in the form of
food, water, drugs, fruits, ect…
8. Volunteers gather garbage and ________________for recycling.
9. Although _____________ plastic products are convenient, they are detrimental to the environment.
10. A ________________is a ground for the disposal of waste materials.
11. ______________ means any type or species of saltwater fish, shellfish, mollusks, coral, or other marine
12. __________________ is a term that represents the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)
released into the atmosphere.
Exercise 3. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B.
1. habitat A. a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and
is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground.
2. medicinal B. to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that an
be used again.
3. tornado C. a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a few of
that type alive
4. extinction D. the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives
5. pollution E. used to cure illnesses
6. global warming F. including many different types of people or things.
7. resident G. related to the sea or sea transport
8. renewable H. a situation in which something no longer exists.
9. diverse I. damage caused to water, air, ect by harmful substances or waste.
10. recycle J. a person who lives or has their home in a place.
11. endangered species K. a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the greenhouse
effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.
12. marine L. are natural ones such as wind, water, and sunlight which are always avaiable.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Exercise 4. Complete the correct answer A ,B ,C or D.

1. To save our earth, I use cloth bags for shopping, not ________ ones.
A. green B. paper C. cheap D. plastic
2. In my family, we put food waste and objects for ________ in different bins.
A. using B. recycling C. toys D. reducing
3. ________ should be far from residential areas.
A. Plastic rubbish C. Industrial waste
B. Dumping sites D. Forests
4. Our project aims to promote the ________ to make our planet Earth healthy.
A. 3Rs B. pollution C. industry D. reduction
5. To help save the environment, look for ________ products when you go shopping.
A. eco-friendly B. cheap C. single-use D. plastic
6. ________ unwanted paper will reduce the raw material demand for paper production.
A. Throwing away B. Recycling C. Burning D. Collecting
7. Please put rubbish into dust bins instead of ________ the streets.
A. cleaning B. dirty C. dropping D. littering
8. You can learn to appreciate the ________ around you by participating in outdooractivities.
A. natural resources C. trees
B. habitat D. endangered species
9. We organise a Clean and Grow Day each month to make our neighbourhood a ______ place to live.
A. spacious B. friendly C. convenient D. urban
10. Water ________ can kill a lot of water life like fish and plants.
A. pollution B. use C. source D. supply
11. The factory dumps a lot of ________ into the river and pollutes it.
A. materials B. products C. rubbish D. water
12. Saving energy reduces air pollution and greenhouse gases. The less we pollute our environment, the more
we ______ global warming.
A. develop B. endanger C. prevent D. damage
13. When the earthquake happened, the children ________ a picnic at the campsite.
A. had B. were having C. are having D. would have
14. Scientists are developing better systems to make ________ about natural disasters.
A. warnings B. predictions C. advices D. notices
15. The teacher was correcting our papers ________ we were drawing our illustrations.
A. though B. as soon as C. before D. while
16. _________is the gradual increase of temperature on the earth’s surface because of greenhouse effect.
A. Global warming B. Climate change C. Natural habitats D. Extreme weather
17. We can raises awareness ______protecting environment by using social media.
A. from B. on C. for D. of
18. Do you think we are doing enough to _______wild animals?
A. prevent B. protect C. promote D. predict
19. Air pollution is a ________ problem in many major cities.
A. practical B. global C. endangered D. serious
20. Environmental pollution is becoming an ________serious problem that needs to be taken care of as soon as
A. increasingly B. increasing C. increase D. increased
21. Awareness of environmental damage from ______________ bags is growing.
A. simple-use B. single-uses C. single-use D. single-used
22. She studies mountain gorillas in their natural______________.
A. habitual B. habitat C. living D. place
23. This region is the ______________ of many species of wild flowers.
A. home B. house C. household D. homework
24. The restaurant has a ______________ menu that includes dishes from all over the world.
A. different B. various C. diverse D. diversity
25. ______________ in the area includes deer, bears, and eagles.
A. Wildfire B. Wild life C. Wildly D. Wildlife
26. Their main goal is to promote environmental______________.
A. loss B. problem C. issue D. protection
27. They were fined for illegally ______________ waste into the river.
A. treating B. dumping C. dealing with D. creating
28. How long did the villagers have to wait ________ the rescue team arrived?
A. while B. before C. after D. as soon as
29. ________ my family applied the Save Our Energy rules, our monthly use of electricitywent down.
A. Until B. After C. While D. Till
30. You can’t camp here ________ you get a permit from the local authorities.
A. until B. when C. after D. as soon as
31. ________ we put dustbins in public places, we saw the difference. There was muchless littering.
A. While B. As soon as C. Till D. Before
32. Toxic waste from nuclear plants is hazardous to the environment. What is the closest word of the underlined
A. troublesome B. poisonous C. grievous D. panic
33. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days. What is the opposite word of the underlined
A. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive
34. I will call you before I _______ over.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. came
35. After she graduates, she ________ a job.
A. got B. will get C. had got D. get
36. When I ________ him tomorrow, I will ask him.
A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. see
37. As soon as it _______ raining, we will leave.
A. stops B. stop C. had stop D. stopped
38. By the time he comes, we will have already _________.
A. leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves
39. - What do you mean by ‘single-use’? - ________
A. Be used once only and then thrown away.
B. I will recycle single-use things.
C. I rarely use this word.
D. It’s an adjective.
40. What can you do to help protect the environment? - _________________
A. I support environmental protection.
B. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
C. I’ve tried to learn about environmental protection.
D. It’s important we do.
Exercise 5. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
1. Air pollution is a major cause of diseases or even lung cancer.
A. reason B. right C. action D. damage
2. It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populted,
such as much of Asia and Africa.
A. disappeared B. threatened C. increased D. reduced
3. Many schools provide environment education to raise student’s awareness of conservation needs.
A. effort B. benefit C. exploitationD. knowledge
4. With its various activities, the Camp has set up a stronger regional identity by raising youth’s awareness of
Southeast Asia’s history and heritage.
A. heredity B. tradition C. culture D. bequest
5. Elephants will become extinct if man continues killing them.
A. die out B. die down C. die of D. die away
6. She is eighteen, so by law her father cannot prevent her marriage.
A. fail B. defeat C. avoid D. forestall
7. When the laser strikes the chemicals, it releases a form of oxygen that kills cancer cells.
A. contains B. vaporizes C. gives out D. omits
8. Don't be concerned about your mother's illness; she’ll recover soon.
A. surprised at B. worried about C. embarrassed at D. angry with
9. The air is naturally polluted by foreign matter such as plant pollens and dust.
A. contaminated B. occupied C. filled D. concentrated
10. It was great to see monkeys in their natural habitat.
A. sky B. home C. forest D. land
Exercise 6. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following
1. There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.
A. attraction B. speculation C. ease D. consideration
2. Pure water is often a fairly rare commodity that requires significant energy to produce.
A. Contaminated B. Clean C. Unadulterated D. Flawless
3. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. pollute B. destroy C. eliminate D. protect
4. Toxic waste from nuclear plants is hazardous to the environment.
A. safe B. poisonous C. grievous D. panic
5. He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety.
A. passionate B. ready C. indifferent D. stolen
6. What would happen to man's health if the water rsources were polluted?
A. refined B. contaminated C. destroyed D. poisoned
7. His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole.
A. good B. crude C. harmful D. harmless
8. Cutting trees and burning forests destroy a lot of wildlife habitats.
A. Reducing B. Decreasing C. Carving D. Planting
9. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days.
B. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

ecosystem global loss renewable

habitat environment harmful substances wildlife

1. People were concerned that pets or ____________ could be affected by the pesticides.
2. Our planet earth has a natural environment, known as ______________, which includes all humans, plant
life, mountains, atmosphere, rocks, galaxy, massive oceans, and seas.
3. Water pollution occurs when ____________- often chemicals or microorganisms -pollute a body of water.
4. The panda’s natural ___________is the bamboo forest.
5. The probable result of ___________warming will be a rise in sea levels.
6. The two most common ______________ energy sources used today are wind and solar, but others will
become more common in the near future.
7. The government told that they would do more to protect the ________________.
8. Many endangered species are at risk of disappearing due to habitat ___________ and illegal hunting.
Exercise 9.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
reduce raise practise play turn off
release avoid volunteer save pick up

1. We all need to do our part to _________ the planet.

2. Try to _________ foods which contain a lot of fat.
3. Please __________ the television before you go to bed.
4. The factory had _________a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
5. By ____________ the 3 Rs, we can save resources for the future, and reduce the amountof waste.
6. They will require car makers to ____________ emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
7. I _____________ to help clean up the beach last week.
8. The volunteers tried to ______________ litter on the rivers.
9. The campaign has succeeded in _____________ public awareness of the issue.
10. Schools ____________an important role in society.
Exercise 10. Complete the sentences using the Simple Future tense form of the verbs.
1. While I (study) _______________for my exam, my roommate was playing music loudly in the next room.
2. After I (complete) ______________ my work, I will go for a relaxing walk in the park.
3. As soon as the taxi (arrive) _____________, they will be able to leave for the airport.
4. Lan and Mai will go to bed after they (finish) ___________their work.
5. Ken is going to wait right here until Jessica (come) ____________.
6. The last time that I went to Korea, I (visit) ____________ Namsan Tower.
7. Bill will get home at 5:30. After he gets home, I (have) ____________ dinner.
8. As soon as he finished the article, he (punish) _______________ it.
9. While I was going to school, I (meet)___________ my friend.
10. I (work) _____________ here since I graduated
Exercise 12.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. (Before / When / While) she is ready, we will leave.
2. I’ll send you a text message (until / as soon as / before) I hear from Nam.
3. (Before / After / While) she goes, she will turn off all the computers.
4. I’ll go online (while / as soon as / until) I get home.
5. (After /Before/ While) we receive your confirmation email, we will send you a link to download the
6. I have to wait (while / before / until) my mum comes home.
7. (Before / Until / When) Mr. Tan phones, please let me know.
8. Let’s play with the children (after / until / while) it is time to go.
9. He will send them an email (before/ until / as soon as) he arrives in London.
10. I will give you my reply (before / by / this time) I leave this afternoon
Exercise 13.Match the clauses in the two columns to form complex sentences.
1. I'll phone you when A. when you see him - he looks so different.
2. I want to see Mai B. when she got the job.
3. I'll tell you about our holiday C. when someone phones me.
4. You won’t recognise him D. when I come back.
5. We must do something before E. until the weather is nice.
6. You’ll feel better F. I get home from school.
7. I felt surprised G. until you are ready - 1 can’t go without you.
8. We have to wait here H. before she goes out.
9. Take a message I. it is too late.
10. I will wait J. when you have had something to eat.

● Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exercise 14. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.

1. We need to raise awareness _______ environment problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.
2. Pollution can have serious effects ________the balance of ecosystem.
3. People are becoming more aware ________environmental issues.
4. The new road will cause a loss _________the beauty of landscape.
5. Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide ______the atmosphere.
6. The regions are home _______ bears and mountain lions.
7. Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped ______ the river.
8. Orange juice is rich ______ vitamin C.
9. The pools provide a rich habitat _______ water plants.
10. The volunteers have provided free food and fresh water ________ homeless people since yesterday.
Exercise 15. Write the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. The river is heavily __________ (POLLUTE)
2. Everybody can do something to make our _____________ green. (NEIGHBOUR)
3. Could your group do a presentation on what we students can do to protect our _____________?
4. Last night I watched a documentary about some ____________ species in Asia. (ENDANGER)
5. The factory dumps its ____________ waste right into the river without treating. (INDUSTRY)
6. The music club made so much noise that the ____________ complained to its owner. (RESIDE)
7. Are all types of pollution ____________ to the health of humans and animals? ( HARM)
8. The _____________ are concerned about the oil spills in the East Sea. (ENVIRONMENT)
9. If we use water _____________ , more people will have fresh water. (CARE)
10. You should never buy___________ made from endangered animals. ( PRODUCE)
11. A new series of educational programmes shows the ____________ of wildlife to humans. (IMPORTANT)
12. Animals should be kept in their ____________ habitats. (NATURE)
13. Earth Hour has grown to become an international ____________ for the environment. (MOVE)
14. We think it’s very ____________ that you’re climbing the mountain alone. (DANGER)
15. The ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is very ____________ with thousands of species. ( DIVERSITY)
16. This law provides _____________ for threatened animals and plants. (PROTECT)
Exercise 16. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
1. I cycle or walk to school every day instead of let my father drive me there.
2. An ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is diverse with thousands of species.
3. Many factories and hospitals are dumping toxic substances into rivers and lake.
4. Before we reduce the use of single-use products, we help protect the environment.
5. Wildlife habitats cannot be saved until we stop cutting down trees while burning forests.
6. If you saw litter on the street, pick it up and throw it in a rubbish bin.
7. Natural disasters cause usually serious damage to our property and the environment.
8. Earth Day is a day when many people gather to plant trees and cleaning up parks.
9. Habitats of dangerous animals are damaged by human activities.
10. Con Dao National Park is rich animal species and is important for their preservation.
11. Saving natural resources is of great important to every country.
12. I’ll go to supermarket after my mother will come home.
13. I am going to speak with the boss when the meeting end
14. Peter realized he had forgotten to knock on the door before he had left school.
15. Before leaving, you should turn on the light to save energy.

C. Reading
Exercise 1: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.
● Dialog 1:
1. What does Tom’s dad want to throw away?
A. a bottle B. a can C. a bin
2. What will Tom do with his can?
A. give it to his dad B. take it home C. throw it in the bin
● Dialog 2:
3. Tom’s dad says some animals become extint because of……
A. other animals B. changing climate C. museums
4. Tom’s dad says ……… can cause climate change.
A. the sun B. too many animals C. air pollution
● Dialog 3:
5. What does Tom want to be when he grows up?
A. an environmentalist B. a bird watcher C. an actor
6. Tom says he wants to ………
A. Find frogs and birds B. protect animals C. make money
Exercise 2: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.

1. What do many politicians and scientists consider to be the biggest danger we face?
A. Global warming. B. Deforestation. C.Pollution. D. Overpopulation.
2. How is climate change affecting different species?
A. They are becoming more numerous. C. They are dying.
B. They are moving to new habitats. D. They are growing larger.
3. What is happening to the ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica due to climate change?
A. They are growing thicker. C. They are shifting to new locations
B. They are melting. D. They are causing sea levels to drop.
4. How is climate change affecting our weather?
A. It is making it rain less. C. It is making places warmer or colder.
B. It is causing less wind. D. It is making earthquakes more common.
5. What can individuals do to help combat climate change?
A. Drive more cars. C. Cut down on things that produce greenhouse gases.
B. Use more plastic bags. D. Leave lights and appliances on when not in use.
Exercise 3. Listen and complete each gap in the table with ONE or TWO word from the recording.

Clean-up Team Clean the central (1) _________

● Pick up rubbish, bottles, and (2) _______ bags
● Water small trees and flowers
Donation Team Collect used items
(3) ________ the items and put them into correct bags.
Media Team (4) _________ photos of the event on the club’s website
Make (5) __________ for the club’s future activities.

Exercise 4. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words.

People damage the (1)____________by polluting it. For example, (2) _________and factories release
greenhouse (3) __________ like carbon dioxide into the environment, causing global (4)__________. This
means the temperature of the planet is (5) _________. If the Earth’s temerature keeps (6)_________, people and
other animals won’t be able to (7) ____________ anymore.
Exercise 5. Listen to Harry, Olivia, Magda and Carlos talking about environment issues. Decide if the
following statements are true (T) or false(F)
1. Tony did Magda’s job while Magda was sick. ______
2. Harry rode his bicycle to the café. ______
3. Harry usually drives to the football pitch. ______
4. The traffic in London is good, and cheap. ______
5. Johnny doesn’t like travelling by bicycle ______
Exercise 6.Listen to the passage and decide which statements are True (T) or False (F).
Statements True False
1. Air pollution doesn’t endanger people’s health in some cities.
2. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage.
3. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage.
4. Garbage disposal is a problem in many large cities.
5. Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution.
Exercise 7. Listening to the passage and fill in the missing words/ phrases.
I hate pollution. It makes me really angry. I think (1) _________ is greed. People don’t care about the (2)
_________ so they pollute the air just to make lots of money. Big companies are the worst. They pretend they’re
not polluting. They have the money to say they are (3) “________”. Pollution affects us all. We are all less
healthy because of companies that pollute the air or our rivers. (4) ___________ needs to think about how we
can reduce the amount of pollution we create. Not using the car when we can walk is one way. Turning off
lights we don’t need is another. Barack Obama says he’s going to do his best to help the Earth. I really hope he
does because if pollution gets any worse, we’ll be in (5) __________ big trouble.

Exercise 8. .Listen to the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Environmental pollution is one of the world s problems. ______
2. Vehicles and factories account for air pollution. ______
3. Waste is usually dumped in the city where many people are living. ______
4. The sea water is heavily contaminated by oil spills and industrial sewage. ______
5. A lot of fish are dying because of marine pollution. ______

D. Reading
Exercise 3.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Light pollution is not (1)_____________ serious as water or air pollution. (2)_____________, it is the type of
pollution that (3)_____________ more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we could sit out at night and
(4)_____________ at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are
covered with lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky
and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (5)_____________ to apply light to almost
everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (6)_____________ to produce the power to light the sky.
Eye strain, (7)_____________ of vision and stress are what people may get from light
pollution.(8)_____________ light at night can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that help US to see
things properly.
1. A. more B. as C. much D. only
2. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred
4. A. watch B. see C. spend D. gaze
5. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful
6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used
7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing
8. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many
Exercise 4. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
What is your water footprint?
A water footprint is the amount of water a person consumes each day. Your water footprint is the amount of
water you consume by your way of life. It (1) _______ the water that is used to make your clothes, the food you
eat, and any other products you consume.
So what can you do to reduce your water footprint? First, try changing some bad (2) _______ you have. Take a
shower instead of a bath and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Another important way to (3) _______
water waste is not to waste food. By eating all the food you buy, you help make the most of the water used to
produce it. The less food you waste, the less water you waste. Finally, you should be aware of what foods and
other products require a lot of water, to produce and make (4) _______ consumer choices. Knowing your water
footprint and (5) _______ an effort to reduce it can really make adifference.
1. A. includes B. does C. takes D. has
2. A. products B. habits C. goods D. feelings
3. A. reuse B. recycle C. reduce D. remember
4. A. wrong B. quick C. accurate D. smart
5. A. doing B. having C. making D. running
Exercise 16.Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.

California has 8 national parks and 20 national forests,

more than any other state. Yosemite National Park is one of
the most visited parks. It is famous for its waterfalls and
granite cliffs. Many rock climbers go to Yosemite to climb
a rock wall named El Capitan. Point Reyes National
Seashore is on a peninsula north of San Francisco. It is a
good place to see harbour seals, sea lions, and many kinds
of birds. Disneyland in Anaheim is another California
tourist attraction. This large amusement park was created by cartoonist Walt Disney. It features a fairyland
castle, a haunted mansion, a jungle safari, and many other attractions and rides.

San Diego has a world-famous zoo. As you wander

through its Rain Forest Aviary, brightly coloured tropical
birds fly by. You will think you are on safari in its
outdoor Wild Animal Park, north of San Diego. Sea
World in San Diego is a great place to watch whales and
dolphins perform. California’s sunny climate, long
coastline, and natural beauty have made it the most
popular tourist state in the United States.
1. Yosemite National Park____________.
A. is famous for its kinds of birds
B. is one of the 20 national parks in California
C. interests rock climbers with its El Capitan, a rock wall
D. is created by a cartoonist
2. San Francisco____________.
A. is famous for its Point Reyes National Seashore
B. has its special waterfalls and granite cliffs
C. has more wildlife than anywhere else in California
D. attracts lots of young children
3. Anaheim attracts many tourists with its____________.
A. El Capitan B. Wild Animal Park C. Sea World D. Disneyland
4. San Diego is worth visiting if you are____________.
A. a newly-married couple C. an enthusiastic rock climber
B. an animal lover D. a movie fan
5. Which of the following statements is true about California?
A. It has the most national parks and forests of the US states.
B. Its Disneyland with the fairyland castle is the most famous national park.
C. It attracts lots of tourists with its modem life.
D. It is a peninsula north of the United States of America.
Exercise 17.Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time
Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household
chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be done to
stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things.
First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce the
number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place plastic and
glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it.
Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short showers
instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded, or
simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.
Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this waste
effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The average
person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and reusing.
If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted.
1. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except____________.
A. house chemicals C. wastes
B. water from households D. water in rivers.
2. Recycling can help us____________.
A. never cut down trees C. place garbage bins easily
B. use products again and again D. produce more paper products following things except.
3. In order to save water, we can do all of the____________.
A. take short showers instead of baths
B. repair leaky faucets
C. fully use the washing machine
D. turn the faucet off' while brushing your teeth
4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because ____________.
A. plants need to develop C. waste can be recycled and reused
B. a person can do it in his home D. an average man produces compost for plants
5. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. recycling B. the number C. cutting down D. effort

E. Writing
Exercise 1.Use the connector provided at the end of each group of sentences to combine them into one.
1. Everybody in the Green Team was present. We started cleaning the beach. (when)
2. You are brushing your teeth. Don’t let the water run. (while)
3. The fire brigade got the news of the forest fire. They came. (as soon as)
4. We picked up all the litter in the stadium. The stadium was clean. (until)
5. He turned off all the lights and electric devices. He left the house. (before)
6. Phong was in New York. He stayed with his cousin. (when)
7. We must join hands to save our environment. It’s too late! (before)
8. Hoa heard the news about the disaster. She phoned to tell me. (As soon as)
9. He realised he didn’t have enough cash with him. He didn’t buy the suit. (When)
10. At 4 p.m. yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house. I was looking after myyounger brother. (while)
11. You are in Ha Noi again. You must come and see us then. (when)
12. He finds somewhere to live. Then he’ll give his parents the address. (when)
13. I do the shopping. Then I will come back home. (after)
14. It starts raining. Let’s go home before that. (before)
15. She must apologise to him first. He won’t speak to her until then. (until)
16. You leave. I will make you a cup of tea. (before)
17. She will stay at her aunt’s house. She is London. (while)
18. He has read the newspaper. I will borrow it from him. (as soon as)
19. I have decided the issue. I will let you know. (when)
20. They have built a new road. The traffic will be better. (when)
Exercise 2.Write sentences with the cues given.
1. The forests / disappear / if / cut down / too many trees.
2. Supermarkets / other shops / have to pay / huge fine / if / dump / rubbish / streets.
3. Environmental pollution / term / refer / ways / man / pollute / surroundings.
4. most / people / not know / where / their / plastic / waste / go /.
5. By the time/ leave/ cleaned/ everything/ campsite
6. My father/ taught/ how/ bike/ before/ bought/ one
7. You/ not/ cinema/ friends/ until/ finish/ homework
8. We/ many beautiful birds/ while/ fish/ lake
9. Remember/ turn/ light/ before/ go
10. We/ plant/ trees/ while our friends/ clean/ rubbish/ beach.
Exercise 3. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
1. destroy/ and/ habitats/ a lot of/ burning/ Cutting/ forests/ trees/ wildlife
2. save/ of the year/to/ We/ things/ the earth/ continue/ should/ doing/ every day
3. A volunteer/is/ protection/ organization/ my sister/ as/ for/ animal/ working/ an
4. Reduce/ dumping/ we/ pollution/ waste/ should/ lakes and rivers/ avoid/ to/
5. problems/ that/ global/ will/ think/ in the future/ people/ lots of/ warming/ cause
6. arrives/ we’ll/ as soon as/ leave/ be able to/ taxi/ for/ the/ airport/ the
7. good ways/ recycled materials/ and/ are/ made from/ products/recycling/ protect/ buying/
8. Life/ has/ air/ a/ on/ pollution/ harmful/ our/ effect
9. plastic bottles/ consumption/ should/ bags/ the/ of/ and/ single-use/ we/ products/ reduce/ like
10. visited/ I/ wildlife/ a lot/ last week/ learned/ Cuc Phuong National park/ about/ before/ I
Exercise 4. Circle A, B, C or D indicate the sentence that is closest meaning to the sentence given.
1. If we want to save wild animals, we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
A. Hunting wild animals because we want to save them.
B. We won't save wild animals unless we stop all illegal hunting of them.
C. We want to save wild animals if we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
D. We need to stop all illegal hunting wild animals when we can save them.
2. We checked-in and rested a little, and then we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park.
B. We didn’t check-in and rested a little until we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park.
C. We checked-in and rested a little as soon as we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park.
D. After checking-in and resting a little, we visited the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park.
E. After visting the Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc and conservation park, we checked-in and rested a little.
3. My mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags to help protect the environment.
A. My mom doesn’t use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic bags to help protect the environment.
B. To help protect the environment, my mom avoids using reusable cloth bags.
C. My mom doesn’t like plastic bags instead of reuable cloth bags to help protect the environment.
D. To help protect the environment, my mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags.
4. Jan’s father will be returning soon.
A. Jane’s father will soon returning to her.
B. It is Jane’s father that is returning soon.
C. It won’t be long before Jane’s father returns.
D. It won’t be long before Jane’s father returns soon.
5. My sister was planting trees and my brother was picking up rubbish.
A. My sister was planting trees but my brother was picking up rubbish.
B. My sister was planting trees while my brother was picking up rubbish.
C. My sister was planting trees until my brother was picking up rubbish.
D. My sister was planting trees and my brother was, too.

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