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Academic Year – 2020-2021

Secondary Section (Term – II - Revision)

Name: ____________________ Subject: Science Date:

Class: VI Time: Total Marks: 40


1. Attempt all the questions:-

2. Draw the diagram wherever necessary
3. Write answer in full sentences or words as given in the options (in multiple choice

Q.1) Multiple Choice Questions :- (20 x 1 = 20marks)

1. Materials that can be recycled are collected in

(a) Red bins
(b) Blue bins
(c) Yellow bins
(d) White bins

Solution: - Blue Bin

2. Bulb glows only in

(a) closed circuit
(b) open circuit
(c) in both circuits
(d) open circuit if bulb is not fused
Solution: - closed circuit
3. To prevent electric shocks, the metallic electrical wires are covered with
(a) paper
(b) cotton
(c) aluminum
(d) plastic
Solution: - plastic
4. A substance which allows electricity to pass through it is called
(a) a conductor
(b) an insulator
(c) semiconductor
(d) superconductor

Solution: - a conductor

5. Major part of the air is constituted by

(a) carbon dioxide
(b) oxygen
(c) nitrogen
(d) inert gases

Solution: - nitrogen

6. The ratio of nitrogen to oxygen in the air is

(a) 1:4
(b) 4:1
(c) 3:1
(d) 1:2
Solution: - 4 : 1
7. envelope of air that surrounds the earth is known as
(a) Biosphere
(b) Atmosphere
(c) ecosystem
(d) environment
Solution: - atmosphere
8. Magnets have a shape
(a) cylindrical
(b) ball ended
(c) horse shoe
(d) all of these
Solution: - all of these
9. Attraction is seen between the poles of two bar magnets in the case of
(a) N-pole of one magnet with N-pole of other
(b) N-pole of one magnet with S-pole of other
(c) S-pole of one magnet with S-pole of other
(d) all of these cases will show attraction
Solution: - N-pole of one magnet with S-pole of other
10. Which is a natural magnet?
(a) Magnetite
(b) Hematite
(c) Bakelite
(d) Copper
Solution: - magnetite
11. Magnets attract
(a) wood
(b) plastic
(c) paper
(d) iron
Solution: - iron
12. Which is not a part of water cycle?
(a) Cloud formation
(b) Rain
(c) Drinking by animals
(d) Sun
Solution: - drinking by animals
13. Boiling point of water is
(a) 100°C
(c) 101°C
(b) 99°C
(d) 102°C
Solution: - 100C
14. Which is a result of condensation of water vapors?
(a) Rain
(b) Snowfall
(c) Hail
(d) Tiny water droplets
Solution: - tiny water droplets
15. Which of the following can be recycled
(a) Stone
(b) cloth
(c) paper
(d) grass
Solution: - paper
16. Which gas helps in burning?
(a) Oxygen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) nitrogen
(d) all of these
Solution: - oxygen
17. Which of the following makes use of magnet?
(a) A shirt button
(b) a screwdriver
(c) a can opener
(d) a door steps
Solution: - a screw driver
18. Which of the following is the natural magnet?
(a) Lode stone
(b) bar magnet
(c) ball – ended magnet
(d) horse-shoe magnet
Solution: - lode stone
19. Smoke is producing mainly in burning
(a) Wood
(b) Coal
(c) kerosene
(d) all of these
Solution: - all of these
20. Air is present in
(a) atmosphere
(b) soil
(c) water of ponds, lakes and seas
(d) everywhere
Solution: - everywhere.

Q.2) Answer the Following Question In Short: - (3 x 2 = 6marks)

1. What are categories 2 categories of wastes?

Solution: - there are mainly two types of wastes
1) Biodegradable: - such as kitchen and either plant and animals wastes, which
can be degraded by the action of organisms.
2) Non-biodegradable:- wastes like plastics , metals and glass which cannot be
degraded by the organisms.
2. Is air is conductor or insulator? Explain?
Solution: -if air is dry then it is an insulator or bad conductor of electricity, as it
doesn’t conduct electricity when the circuit is open. If air moist then it acts as
3. What are magnets explain with examples?
Solution: - magnet is a substance that has the property by attracting objects
made of iron, cobalt and nickel. On the basis of their occurrence
E.g.:- key , iron , nail etc.

Q.3) Answer the Following Question In Short: - (3 x 3= 9 marks)

1. List five activities that are possible due to presence of air?

Solution: - 1.) It is essentials for the respiration in living beings.
ii. It Helps In Burning.
iii. It helps in winnowing
iv. Compressed air is used in tiers of vehicles
v. air helps in the dispersal of seeds and pollens of flowers of several plants.

2. Define conductor and insulator and 3 examples each

Solution: -conductor: the substances which allows an electric current to pass
through it, is called conductor e.g.:- gold, silver, metal etc.
Insulator: the substances which does not allows an electric current to pass through
it, is called insulator e.g.:- eraser, polythene, paper etc.

3. Explain briefly carbon dioxide gas and its properties?

Solution: carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas. It is soluble in water. It
neither burns nor supports burning. It extinguishes a burning fire. It is an
important greenhouse gas. it Is necessary for photosynthesis .
Q.4) Long Answer Questions: - (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

. What is bulb? Mention two mains conditions necessary to make the bulb glow?

Solution: a bulb is an electric device which gives us light when suitable materials inside it is
called filaments gets heated up to high temperature.

Two main conditions necessary to make the bulb lights up are:

1. Connects the positive (+ve) terminal of the left cell with the negative (-ve) one of the
right side cell using a wire.
2. Close the switch to complete the circuit.


Whenever sajia returns from school she empties her water bottle in the potted plant instead of
throwing it in the sink. She always keep her eyes on her housemaid that the water after mopping
the house must be used for watering the plants in the garden.

a) Can you suggest any other use of the water left after mopping?
Solution: we can use the water after mopping in flushing the toilets.
b) What is the function of water in plants?
Solution: water in plants help in transportation, maintaining turgidity,
photosynthesis and cooling through transpiration.
c) What values of sajia is shown here?
Solution: sajia is eco-friendly, responsible and intelligent girl.

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