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Iman Arman1*, Wahyuni Siahaan2, Aisar Novita3

Program Studi Penyuluhan Perkebunan Presisi, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Medan
Mahasiswa Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Medan
Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera
Corresponding author:

Motivation comes from the Latin word motive, which means encouragement. Motive is a force
contained within an organism that encourages it to act or act. The purpose of this study was to
examine the level of motivation and the factors that influence planters in casting immature oil palm
plants. This research was conducted in Bandar Pulau District, Asahan Regency from April to June
2023. The method of data collection was observation and interviews using a questionnaire. validity
and reliability have been tested, while the data analysis method uses a Likert scale and multiple
linear regression. The results showed that the motivation level of the farmers was 72.05% the
following equation Y = -9.947 + 0.130X1 + 0.374X2 – 0.247X3 +2.029X4 + 1.012X5 + 0.397X6 +
e Further testing using tcount shows that the factors of farming experience, income, cosmopolitan,
and availability of farm credit have a significant effect while age and education no significant effect
with tcount greater than t-table.
Keywords : Farmers' motivation, farming experience, income, cosmopolitan, availability of farm
credit, Multiple Linear Regression, Bandar Pulau District.

A. INTRODUCTION plants. Maintenance of oil palm immature plants

Oil palm is a plantation crop that (TBM) usually includes plant sanitation, pest and
produces food oil, industrial oil and biofuel disease control, maintenance of terraced roads,
(biodiesel). Oil palm has a positive influence maintenance of crop plates, weed control ,
on economic and social growth. As one of castration, and fertilization (Pardamean, 2017).
Indonesia's largest agricultural export
commodities, palm oil has an important role Of the many oil palm TBM maintenance
as a large source of foreign exchange and activities, there is one factor that is often a
taxes. In the process of industrial production problem for farmers in oil palm cultivation in
and processing, oil palm plantations are also Bandar Pulau District, namely the problem of
able to create opportunities and jobs, poor growth of oil palm stems and farmers still
especially for rural communities while selling sandy fruit that is not suitable for
improving people's welfare (Ditjenbun, 2021). processing. this is because these farmers do not
Bandar Pulau is one of the sub-districts in castrate/ablate, the oil palm plants are immature,
Asahan Regency, this sub-district has an area resulting in the distribution of nutrients between
of 43,342 hectares (433.42 km²) consisting of the plants and the sandy fruit of the oil palm.
10 villages namely: 1) Aek Nagali Village, 2) Castration is the disposal of male and
Bandar Pulau Village, 3) Buntu Village female flowers on oil palm Immature Plants
Maraja, 4) Gajah Sakti Village, 5) Gonting (TBM). Castration must be carried out if more
Malaha Village, 6) Gunung Berkat Village, 7) than 50% of the oil palm trees have produced
Huta Rao Village, 8) Padang Pulau Village, 9) flowers (male or female). given should be used
Aek Tarum Plantation Village, 10) Padang for plant growth so move to fruit development. If
Pulau Plantation Village. The area of the farmers still do not want to castrate/ablate the
plantations that produce community oil palm immature oil palm plants, there will be many
in Bandar Pulau District covers an area of negative factors that are felt not only in terms of
21,383 ha with an average production of poor cultivation to production that is not yet
199,891 tons (BPS Asahan, 2021). feasible for production.
Maintenance of oil palm plants after Motivation is also influenced by several
planting on land is divided into two, namely factors that come from within (internal) and from
maintenance of Immature Plants (TBM) and outside (external) of what ?. Motivation Is an
maintenance of Mature Plants (TM). Oil palm encouragement due to a stimulus that makes a
immature plantations are the pre-harvest person want to carry out certain
period (starting from planting until the first behaviors/activities so that they are better than
harvest) which lasts for 30-36 months old the previous situation (Uno, 2023).
It is important to identify the farmer's r-hitung (0,572 – 0,804) lebih besar dari nilai rt-
motivation, so that the factors that cause these tabel (0,514) dapat disimpulkan seluruh
activities to be carried out will be identified. pernyataan dinyatakan valid dan nilai cronbach
Based on the description above, the objectives alpha (0,699 – 0,841) lebih besar dari hasil 0,600
of this study are: menunjukkan bahwa kuesioner dalam penelitian
1. Assessing the level of motivation of ini dapat diandalkan Data collection techniques
smallholders in castration on oil palm were carried out by interviews, observation and
immature plantations in Bandar Pulau District, filling out questionnaires by the research sample.
Asahan Regency. The data analysis technique for the adoption rate
2. Assessing the factors that influence the uses quantitative data obtained from calculating
motivation of smallholders in castration on the total score taken as a sample from
Immature Palm Oil Plants in Bandar Pulau smallholders who castrate immature oil palm
District, Asahan Regency plants so that it can be interpreted into 5
categories based on level: very low, low,
B. METHODOLOGY medium, high and very high. For the factors that
The Final Project will start on April 6 to influence farmers on the use of life support on
June 8 2022. The research location is in chili plants using a Likert scale (1-5) and
Bandar Pulau District, Asahan Regency, multiple regression tests with the help of SPSS
North Sumatra Province. The selection of version 25. The regression analysis equation
research locations was determined used in this study is as follows:
purposively. Taking into account that the Y = a + β ₁X₁ + β 2X2 + β 3X3 + β 4X4 + β 5X5 +
majority of the population of the area are β 6X6
farmers/farmers of oil palm plantations. This Information:
research was conducted using descriptive Y = Farmers motivation -- planters
quantitative research, which is a method or X1 = age
way of analyzing data and describing existing X2 = education
assessment data and relating them to theories X3 = farming experience
related to the problem to draw conclusions. X4 = income
Data collection technique is a way of X5 = cosmopolitan
collecting data needed to answer the X6 = availability of farming
formulation of research problems, both in the credit
form of primary data and secondary data so RESULTS AND
that they can answer the problems to be DISCUSSION
studied. The motivation of the planters in castration on
Based on the results of the Regional immature oil palm plantations
Potential Identification (IPW) the number of Interest Level Score Maximum Percentage Catego
smallholders who have immature oil palm Obtaine Score (%) ry
plantations in Bandar Pulau District is 214 d
The motivation
people spread across 3 villages in Bandar of gardeners in
Pulau District. The number of samples to be castration on
tested in this study were 68 people from 3 immature oil
villages in Bandar Pulau District. The palm
plantations in 2.857 3.400 72,05 High
distribution of the number of samples in each the Bandar
village was carried out by means of Pulau
proportional random sampling. Instrument test subdistrict,
is divided into validity test, reliability test and Asahan
classical assumption test.
Operational boundaries are understanding Source: Primary Data Processing (2023)
boundaries that are used as guidelines or If it is drawn into a continuum line with
benchmarks in conducting research. score interpretation criteria according to
Operational is determining the construct or Sugiyono (2019), it will look as follows:
characteristic to be studied so that it becomes
a variable that can be measured (Sugiyono, 20% 36% 52% 68% 84%
2019). The research variables consisted of X 100%
and Y variables. Factors that influenced the
level of motivation of farmers in casting
immature oil palm plantations were age, 72,05%
education, farming experience, income,
cosmopolitan, and availability of farm credit.
Uji validitas dan reliabilitas telah Very low Low Currently Tall Very High
dilakukan terhadap 15 pekebun non sampel di
Kecamatan Pemali Kabupaten Bangka. Hasil Figure 1. Continuum Line of Farmers' Motivation
Level in Performing Castration on Immature Plants planters to castrate simultaneously (together).
in Bandar Pulau District R2 is coefficient determination explain here

Analysis of the factors that influence

the motivation of smallholders in castration
on immature oil palm plantations in the Partial Test (t-test)
Bandar Pulau District. Based on Table 28, it is known that the F-
Analysis to determine the factors that test count value is 216,401. If the F- test count
influence the motivation of smallholders in value is compared to the Ftable value at a
castration on immature oil palm plantations significance level of 0.05 where the degree of the
uses multiple linear regression analysis. Peling (DF1) = K-1 = 6 and the de So it can be
Regression is a method used to predict how concluded that the value of Fcount (22.842)>
much influence the independent variables have Ftable (2.25) and a significance value of 0,000
on the dependent variable (Sugiyono, 2019). <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
This shows that the variable X simultaneously
has a very significant effect on the variable Y.
The second hypothesis states that the age,
education, income, income, income, cosmopolita,
the availability of farming credit has a significant
effect on the Y. Sawit Oil palm in Bandar Pulau
District, Asahan Regency was accepted. These
factors affect the increase in the motivation of
planters in carrying out the castration of plants
that have not produced oil palm in Bandar Pulau
The statistical equations formed from
N Variabel Koefisi Koefisi T Sig the multiple linear regression analysis
o en en hitun according to the partial test results in Table
Regres Regres g 28 are as follows:
i i Y = a + β ₁X₁ + β 2X2 + β 3X3 + β 4X4 + β 5X5 + β
6X6 +e
Y= -9,947 + 0,130X1 + 0,374X2 – 0,247X3
+2,029X4 + 1,012X5 + 0,397X6 + e
1 Age 0.190 0.116 2.167 0.033
a. age
2 Educatio 1.638 0.843 15.71 0.000 Based on calculations using statistical
. n 8 analysis in table 28, the tcount value is 1.105
<1,999 ttable with a significant level of 0.273 >
3 farming 0.105 0.058 2.094 0.039 0,05, so H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. It can
. experien be concluded that partially the age variable has
ce no significant effect on the motivation of farmers
4 Income -0.559 -0.121 - 0.000 in casting immature oil palm plants in Bandar
. 4.340 Pulau District, Asahan Regency.
Based on the real conditions in the study
5 Cosmopo 0.724 0.211 7.411 0.000 area, the age of the farmer is a factor that is
. litan closely related to the ability to work in carrying
out his farming activities, even though they are
6 availabili 0.073 0.40 1.442 0.153 old, the farmers there are still enthusiastic about
. ty of working on their land, even though there are
farming some jobs that they need other people to help
credit them, even though they are old. can be used as a
Source: Primary Data Processing (2023) benchmark for the activities carried out by
someone at work where the productive age will
work optimally. So that in this study the age of
Simultaneous effect Overall test (F
the respondents has no effect because on average
all people play an active role in their farming and
The simultaneous influence test (F test)
aims to determine the effect of the independent it has become a hereditary habit. and attached to
variables, namely age level, education,
farming experience, income, cosmopolitan, themselves so that they are accustomed to
availability of farming credit with the running and managing their business. Age is not
dependent variable the motivation of the an obstacle for farmers in doing their farming.
variable has a significant effect on the motivation
b. Education of planters in casting immature oil palm plants in
Based on calculations using statistical Bandar Pulau District, Asahan Regency.
analysis in table 28, the t-count value is 1.025 Based on the results of interviews in the
< ttable 1.999 with a significant level of 0.309 field, one of the factors that motivated farmers to
> 0.05, then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. be motivated by new innovations was because
It can be concluded that partially the they wanted to increase their income, that the
education variable has no significant effect on average income of oil palm farmers was only
the motivation of farmers in casting immature around 2.6 to 5 million. Therefore farmers want
oil palm plants in Bandar Pulau District, to increase their income due to the many
Asahan Regency. economic needs that they want to fulfill. And
The results in the field show that even they were motivated because they knew what
though the average education is at the high benefits would be obtained if they castrated the
school level, it does not affect the motivation farmers who thought that if immature oil palm
of farmers in castration on immature oil palm plants were castrated, they would get benefits
plants in Bandar Pulau District, Asahan such as fruit growth that was larger and uniform
Regency. this is because farmers need more in weight and oil palm stems that had been
education through non-educational skills castrated more strong and sturdy this is what
training experienced as a child in order to makes farmers motivated.
improve their skills in oil palm cultivation to
hone their abilities in determining good oil e. Cosmopolitan
palm cultivation besides that outside formal Based on calculations using statistical
education canprovide greater stimulation in analysis in table 26, the tcount value is 8.952 >
making decisions and do something. ttable 1.999 with a significant level of 0.000
<0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It
c. farming experience can be concluded that partially the cosmopolitan
Based on calculations using statistical variable has a significant effect on the motivation
analysis in table 26, the tcount t-test is -2.062 of farmers in castration on immature oil palm
> ttable 1.999 with a significant level of 0.044 plants in Bandar Pulau District, Asahan Regency.
<0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Based on the results of interviews in the
It can be concluded that partially the variable field, one of the factors that motivated farmers to
farming experience has a significant effect on
the motivation of farmers in castration on be motivated by new innovations was because
immature oil palm plants in Bandar Pulau the respondent farmers were already open to
District, Asahan Regency. and it can be outside innovations. On average, the respondent
concluded that the duration of farming has a
negative effect on the motivation of farmers in farmers have mobile phones and television.
castration. They also like to find information about oil palm
Based on the results of interviews in the cultivation, including the importance of
field, the longer the farmers and the more castration on oil palm plants.
often farmers cultivate oil palm plants, the in the Bandar Pulau sub-district and its
farmers feel that they have often received surroundings there are many companies in the
failure from their efforts so that their plantation sector that are close to village
motivation is lost. In addition, experience has residents where they also often exchange
a negative effect because the longer the information and share experiences about oil palm
experience of farmers in cultivating oil palm cultivation. And many of the farmers in the
already feels comfortable with cultivation village work for nearby plantation companies,
techniques that have been carried out from these companies have already applied castration
generation to generation so that farmers feel to immature plants, that's where the farmers see
comfortable with the cultivation so they are clear evidence that castration is profitable when
reluctant to adopt existing innovations while applied, that's where the farmers want to try and
farmers who have little experience they are practice it directly on their oil palm lands. And
more willing to accept innovation and are it's not only from there that the farmers in the
more motivated to develop their farming village often hold associations with extension
business. workers and many of these farmers are very
enthusiastic about the counseling given.
d. Income
Based on calculations using statistical f. availability of farming credit
analysis in table 26, the tcount value is 3.287 > Based on calculations using statistical
ttable 1.999 with a significant level of 0.002 analysis in table 26, the tcount value is 3.751>
<0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. ttable 1.999 with a significant level of 0.000>
It can be concluded that partially the income 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It
can be concluded that partially the availability immature plants in accordance with the
of farm credit has a significant effect on the instructions/directions in carrying out castration,
motivation of farmers in castrating immature and establishing a close relationship between
oil palm plants in Bandar Pulau District, farmers and extension workers.
Asahan Regency. 2. Provision of information regarding good oil
Based on interviews with farmers, the palm cultivation to increase the success and
availability of farm credit is very helpful for welfare of smallholders in the oil palm plantation
oil palm farmers, especially for plants that are sector.
still in the Immature Plants (TBM) stage, 3. high level of cosmopolitan between fellow
where these funds will help farmers to meet farmers and outsiders is expected to exchange
their family needs and also for capital to open information about oil palm cultivation in order to
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