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Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Multiple-choice questions

Multiple-choice questions
Chapters P1–P8
Click on the correct answer to each question.
1 A student weighs four metal blocks, as shown. Each block is the same size and shape. Which metal has the greatest



2 The graph represents the journey of a car along a road. In which section of the journey was the car travelling with the
greatest speed?


3 Which row in the table shows quantities and their units correctly paired?

A weight, N mass, kg
B weight, kg force, N
C force, N mass, N
D mass, kg weight, kg

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Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Multiple-choice questions

4 When a stone is dropped, it falls with the acceleration of free fall. This tells us that:
A The stone falls straight downwards.
B The stone falls at a steady speed.
C The stone is unaffected by the Earth’s gravity.
D The stone’s speed changes as it falls.
5 To determine the density of a metal block, a student makes the following observations:
Using a balance, mass of block = 240 g
Volume of liquid in measuring cylinder without block = 80 cm3
Volume of liquid in measuring cylinder when block is totally immersed = 120 cm3
The density of the metal is:
A 1.2 g/cm3
B 2.0 g/cm3
C 3.0 g/cm3
D 6.0 g/cm3
6 An astronaut travels to the Moon, where the strength of gravity is one-sixth of that on Earth. Some students try to explain
what he will observe. Which statement is correct?
A The astronaut will float because he is weightless.
B The astronaut’s weight will be less than on Earth but his mass will remain the same.
C Because the astronaut weighs less on the Moon, his mass must also have decreased.
D The astronaut’s mass will be less than on Earth but his weight will remain the same.
7 The diagram shows a beam on a pivot. Four forces act on the beam. Each force is 10 N. Which force will have the greatest
turning effect about the pivot?


8 A student hangs a sheet of card from a pin. The card hangs freely from the pin. Which point on the card could be its centre of mass?


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9 The diagram shows a rectangular object acted on by three horizontal forces.

10 N
20 N
10 N

The resultant of these forces is:

A 0N
B 20 N to the left
C 20 N to the right
D 40 N to the left
10 A student is measuring the extension of a spring when a force of 10 N acts on it. The diagram shows the spring with no
force, and with a force of 10 N acting on it.

30 30

29 cm 29
28 28
27 27
26 26
25 25
24 24
23 23
22 22
21 21
20 20
19 19
18 18
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8 10 N
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

What extension does the 10 N force produce?

A 6 cm
B 8 cm
C 10 cm
D 14 cm

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11 A light bulb is supplied with electrical energy. It produces light energy and thermal (heat) energy. A student writes:
   electrical energy supplied to bulb
     = light energy + thermal energy produced by bulb
Which statement is correct?
A The student is incorrect because some energy is always lost when it is transformed.
B The student is correct because energy is conserved when it is transformed.
C The student is incorrect because the bulb will produce more thermal energy than light energy.
D The student is correct because light bulbs always produce thermal energy as well as light energy.
12 Which row in the table gives the correct names for energy due to motion and energy due to position?

Energy due to motion Energy due to position

A internal gravitational
B kinetic internal
C gravitational internal
D kinetic gravitational

13 The diagrams show four forces that are moving four boxes.
They show:
◆◆ the size of the force
◆◆ the distance moved
◆◆ the mass of the box
Which force does the most work?

200 N
5 kg

4.0 m
100 N
20 kg

5.0 m
200 N 10 kg

5.0 m
100 N
5 kg

3.0 m

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14 Electricity can be generated using uranium in a nuclear power station. Which statement is correct?
A A nuclear power station makes use of geothermal energy resources.
B Uranium is a store of chemical energy.
C The energy stored in the uranium does not come from the Sun.
D In a nuclear power station, uranium is burned to release stored thermal (heat) energy.
15 The graph represents the motion of a car along a road. What is the car’s speed, in m/s?


Distance / m 30



0 1 2 3 4
Time / s

A 10 m/s
B 12 m/s
C 12.5 m/s
D 15 m/s
16 Which graph represents the motion of a body that is decelerating?


Time Time


Time Time

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17 A train is accelerating as it moves away from a station. As it passes a signal, its speed is 5.0 m/s. Then, 50 s later, its speed
has increased to 25.0 m/s.
What is its average acceleration, in m/s2?
A 0.4 m/s
B 0.5 m/s
C 2.0 m/s
D 2.5 m/s
18 A skydiver jumps from an aircraft and falls through the air towards the Earth. Which graph could represent his motion
before he opens his parachute?

Time Time


Time Time

19 An astronaut whose mass is 100 kg on Earth travels to the Moon.

The gravitational field strength on the surface of the Moon is 1.6 N/kg. Which row in the table shows correctly the
astronaut’s mass and weight on the surface of the Moon?

Mass / kg Weight / N
A   0   0
B 100   0
C 100 160
D 160 160

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20 The graph shows how the length of a spring changes as the load on it is increased.



Length / cm


0 1 2 3 4 5
Load / N

What is the extension of the spring, in cm, when the load is 3.5 N?
A 15 cm
B 25 cm
C 40 cm
D 55 cm
21 Hooke’s law describes how the extension of a spring depends on the load on the spring. The law can be written as F = k x,
where k is the stiffness of the spring.
A student tests four springs by adding a load of 20 N to each one in turn. Her results are shown in the table. Which spring
has the greatest value of k?

Spring Original length / cm Final length / cm

A 10 40
B 20 30
C 30 50
D 40 60

22 What force, in N, is needed to give a ball of mass 0.5 kg an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2?
A 0.125 N
B 2.0 N
C 4.5 N
D 8.0 N

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23 A force of 5.0 N acts on a beam as shown.

0.8 m

5.0 N
0.2 m

What is the moment of the force about the pivot?

A 3.0 N m clockwise
B 3.0 N m anticlockwise
C 4.0 N m clockwise
D 4.0 N m anticlockwise
24 A beam is pivoted at its midpoint as shown.

100 N 0.5 m 1.0 m

What force must be applied at end X to balance the beam?

A 50 N upwards
B 50 N downwards
C 200 N upwards
D 200 N downwards
25 A stone of mass 3.0 kg is moving with a speed of 4.0 m/s. What is its kinetic energy, in joules?
A 12 J
B 24 J
C 36 J
D 72 J
26 Most of our energy resources depend on radiation from the Sun.
Which of the following energy resources does not depend on solar radiation?
A wind energy
B hydroelectricity
C geothermal energy
D biomass

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27 The diagram represents the energy transformations that happen in a light bulb each second.
light, 30 J

energy, heat, 170 J
200 J

What is the efficiency of the light bulb?

A 15%
B 30%
C 100%
D 170%
28 A force of 50 N is used to push a box up a slope XY, as shown.

50 N

1.2 m
2.0 m

1 6m

How much work, in J, is done by this force in moving the box from X to Y?
A 0J
B 60 J
C 80 J
D 100 J
29 A crane lifts a load of bricks of weight 20 000 N to a height of 10.0 m in a time of 20 s. Which row in the table shows correctly
the energy transferred to the bricks and the power of the crane?

Energy transferred / J Power / W

A   2 000   100
B   2 000 40 000
C 200 000 1 000
D 200 000 10 000

30 By what process is energy released in the Sun?

A solar power
B radiation
C nuclear fission
D nuclear fusion

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Chapters P9–P11
Click on the correct answer to each question.
1 A liquid is a substance …
A … with a fixed shape and a fixed volume.
B … with a fixed shape and a variable volume.
C … with a variable shape and a fixed volume.
D … with a variable shape and a variable volume.
2 Which row in the table shows the correct name for the change of state indicated?

Change of state Name

A from solid to liquid boiling
B from liquid to solid melting
C from liquid to gas freezing
D from gas to liquid condensing

3 A solid is heated until it starts to become a liquid. While it is melting, its temperature …
A … increases.
B … decreases.
C … stays the same.
D … expands.
4 In the kinetic model, matter is pictured as consisting of particles.
What does the space between the particles contain?
A water
B air
C vacuum
D more particles
5 Which one of the following statements about evaporation is not correct?
When a liquid evaporates …
A … the volume of the liquid decreases.
B … molecules with more energy leave its surface.
C … some of its molecules disappear.
D … its temperature decreases.
6 A gas exerts pressure because …
A … its particles collide with the walls of its container.
B … a pressure gauge shows the value of the pressure.
C … the molecules of a gas are farther apart than in a solid.
D … Brownian motion shows that the molecules of a gas are moving around.

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7 The picture shows a cylinder containing air. When the piston is pushed in, the volume of the gas decreases. Its
temperature remains constant.




The pressure of the gas …

A … increases.
B … decreases.
C … stays the same.
D … contracts.
8 Look at the picture shown in question 7. Another way to change the volume of the gas in the cylinder is to cool it. The
pressure of the gas remains constant.
The volume of the gas …
A … increases.
B … decreases.
C … stays the same.
D … warms up.
9 Energy must be supplied to raise the temperature of a beaker of water. This energy …
A … is lost by convection.
B … increases the internal energy of the water.
C … is converted to temperature energy.
D … disappears as the temperature rises.

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10 When a cooking pot is placed on a hot stove, energy passes through the pot into the food it contains. What is this is an
example of?
A expansion
B convection
C radiation
D conduction
11 When air is heated, it rises. This is because …
A … hot air rises.
B … the density of air decreases when it is heated.
C … hot air radiates heat.
D … there’s no smoke without fire.
12 A gas exerts pressure on the walls of its container. Which is the correct explanation for this?
A Gas molecules are very small and fast-moving.
B The gas molecules move more slowly after colliding with the walls of the container.
C The molecules of a gas are closer together at higher pressure.
D The momentum of a gas molecule changes when it strikes the walls of the container.
13 When observed through a microscope, smoke particles in air can be seen moving about randomly. Which is the correct
explanation for this?
A The microscope makes the smoke particles look bigger.
B The molecules of air are smaller than the smoke particles.
C Collisions with air molecules cause the smoke particles to move.
D The smoke particles can move freely in between the molecules of the air.
14 Which of the following will not increase the rate at which a liquid evaporates?
A increase its temperature
B increase its surface area
C increase its volume
D blow a draught over its surface
15 Which of these liquid-in-glass thermometers has the greatest range?

°C °C
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

35 36 37 38 39 40 41
°C °C
50 60 70 80 90 100 110

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16 The picture shows a liquid-in-glass thermometer. How could its sensitivity be increased?

−10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

A Make the tube longer.

B Make the scale markings closer together.
C Calibrate it more carefully.
D Make the tube narrower.
17 Metals are better conductors of heat than most other materials. Which is the correct reason for this?
A The atoms of a metal are free to move through the material, carrying energy with them.
B Metals contain free electrons, which can move through the material, carrying energy with them.
Metals have a lower specific heat capacity than other materials, so they require less energy to raise their temperature.
D Metals have shiny surfaces, so they lose less energy by radiation to their surroundings.
18 The picture shows an experiment to investigate the cooling of two cans, X and Y, which have been filled with equal
volumes of water at 90 °C.
board to
isolate cans

thermometer thermometer

matt shiny
black silver
surface surface


Which of the following statements is correct?

A Can X cools more quickly than can Y, because a matt black surface conducts heat better than a shiny silver surface.
B Can X cools more quickly than can Y, because a matt black surface radiates heat better than a shiny silver surface.
C Can Y cools more quickly than can X, because a shiny silver surface conducts heat better than a matt black surface.
D Can Y cools more quickly than can X, because a shiny silver surface radiates heat better than a matt black surface.

Chapters P12–P15
Click on the correct answer to each question.
1 A student stands in front of a plane mirror. Which of the following statements is not correct?
A His image is behind the mirror.
B His image is a real image.
C His image is left–right reversed.
D His image is the same size as himself.

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2 The diagram shows what happens when a ray of light strikes a plane mirror. Which two angles are equal, according to the
law of reflection of light?


1 4

A angle 1 = angle 2
B angle 1 = angle 3
C angle 2 = angle 3
D angle 2 = angle 4
3 Which diagram correctly shows how a ray of light will pass through a parallel-sided glass block?

4 Which arrow correctly indicates the focal length of the lens?


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5 Which diagram correctly shows how a real image is formed by a thin converging lens? (F is the principal focus of the lens.)

object F

object F

object F

object F

6 What is the approximate range of audible frequencies?

A 20 Hz to 200 Hz
B 20 Hz to 20 kHz
C 200 Hz to 20 kHz
D 20 kHz to 200 kHz
7 The diagrams show the oscilloscope traces produced by four different sounds. Which sound has the highest pitch?


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8 A boat sends a sound wave down to the seabed at depth X. It detects the reflected sound wave (the echo) after time T.

sound waves

seabed echo

Which of the following is the correct expression for the speed of sound in the water?


(2 × X)

(2 × T)

(2 × X)
(2 × T)
9 What quantity is the same for all electromagnetic waves travelling in empty space?
A speed
B frequency
C wavelength
D amplitude
10 In the diagram, which arrow correctly represents the amplitude of the wave?



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11 Electromagnetic radiation comes in different forms. Which pair do not appear next to one another in the electromagnetic
A microwaves, ultraviolet
B visible light, infrared
C X-rays, ultraviolet
D radio waves, microwaves
12 The diagram shows what happens when a ray of light strikes the inner surface of a glass block. Which of the following
statements is not correct?


1 2

A angle 1 = angle 2
B angle 3 is the angle of refraction
C angle 1 is the angle of incidence
D angle 3 is the critical angle
13 Which of the following statements is not correct?
A Sound waves are longitudinal.
B Sound waves require a medium if they are to be transmitted.
C Sound waves travel fastest through a vacuum.
D Sound waves are produced by a vibrating source.
14 Waves are travelling across the surface of water. They have a frequency of 24 Hz and a wavelength of 1.5 cm. What is their
speed, in m/s?
A 0.16 m/s
B 0.36 m/s
C 16 m/s
D 36 m/s

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15 Light waves are refracted when they travel from air into glass. This is because their speed decreases. Which row in the
table shows correctly how the frequency and wavelength of the light waves change when the light is refracted?

Frequency Wavelength
A increases decreases
B unchanged decreases
C unchanged increases
D decreases unchanged

16 Which row in the table shows correctly the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror?

Size Position Type

A smaller than object behind mirror virtual
B smaller than object behind mirror real
C same as object in front of mirror real
D same as object behind mirror virtual

17 Which point in the diagram shows the approximate position of the image of the object formed by the mirror?





18 Opticians supply lenses made of different types of plastic; each type has a different refractive index. The table shows the
refractive indices of four types of plastic. In which type of plastic does light travel at the highest speed?

Type of plastic Refractive index

A 1.48
B 1.67
C 1.52
D 1.49

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19 The refractive index of a material can be deduced from measurements of the angle of incidence i and the angle of
refraction r. The four graphs show how i and r are related. Which graph has a gradient equal to the refractive index?
r i

i r
sin r sin i

sin i sin r

20 The ray diagram shows how an image is formed when a converging lens is used as a magnifying glass. Which of the
following statements is not correct?


image F object F

A The image is larger than the object.

B The image is a virtual image.
C The image is inverted (upside down).
D The image is further from the lens than the object.
21 A sound wave travels through a material as a series of compressions and rarefactions. Which of the following statements
about a sound wave is correct?
A The particles of the material travel through the material at the speed of sound.
B The wavelength of a sound wave is the distance from a rarefaction to a compression.
C The particles of the material are closer together in a rarefaction than in a compression.
D Compressions and rarefactions travel through the material at the speed of sound.

Chapters P16–P21
Click on the correct answer to each question.
1 Which diagram shows correctly the forces between two electric charges?



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2 Which row in the table gives correct examples of electrical conductors and insulators?

Conductor Insulator
A polythene glass
B steel copper
C copper plastic
D gold silver

3 A student is measuring the resistance R of a resistor using the circuit shown.

12 V

A 0.5 A

The resistance R is:
A 3Ω
B 6Ω
C 12 Ω
D 24 Ω
4 Which row in the table shows the correct symbol for the component named?

Component Symbol
A switch

B fuse

C resistor

D variable resistor

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5 Which pair of resistors will have a combined resistance of less than 100 Ω?

50 100 1000 100

C 100 D

50 50

6 Which diagram correctly shows the shape of the magnetic field around a wire through which a current is flowing?



7 In a d.c. electric motor, a current-carrying coil is placed in a magnetic field. Which of the following statements about a d.c.
motor is correct?
A The current enters and leaves the coil through slip rings.
B The coil experiences a turning effect.
C The user turns the coil to make the current flow.
D The electric field of the coil is attracted by the magnetic field.
8 Which row in the table gives the correct unit for the electrical quantity named?

Quantity Unit
A charge coulomb

B current ohm
C p.d. ampere
D resistance ampere

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9 The diagram shows four lengths of wire, all made of the same metal.
Which wire will have the greatest resistance?



10 A student moves a permanent magnet into a coil of wire.

A current flows through the wire. This is because …
A … the changing magnetic field induces an e.m.f. (voltage) in the wire.
B … the wire is connected to a battery.
C … the wire is made of a magnetic material.
D … a coil of wire has a magnetic pole at each end.
11 Which transformer will produce an output voltage Vout of 20 V?

A 10 turns 50 turns B 20 turns 10 turns

5V Vout 20 V Vout

C 20 turns 40 turns D 40 turns 10 turns

10 V Vout 5V Vout

12 Electricity is often transmitted at high voltage. This is because …

A … the pylons that carry the cables are very tall.
B … high voltages are safer than low voltages.
C … transformers can be used to increase the voltage.
D … less energy is lost in the cables when high voltages are used.

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13 Which row in the table gives correct units for both charge and current?

Unit of charge Unit of current

A coulomb (C) ampere per second (A/s)
B ampere second (A s) ampere (A)
C ampere per second (A/s) ampere (A)
D coulomb (C) ampere second (A s)

14 The diagram shows two objects X and Y that have been rubbed together. Electrons have been transferred from X to Y.

electrons transferred


Which row in the table shows their charges correctly?

Charge on X Charge on Y
A negative negative
B positive negative
C negative positive
D positive positive

15 The current at a point in a circuit is a measure of the rate of flow of charge past the point. What is the current, in amps, if
300 C passes in 2 minutes?
A 2.5 amps
B 10.0 amps
C 150 amps
D 600 amps

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16 Which graph shows the current–voltage characteristic for a filament lamp?


Voltage Voltage



Voltage Voltage

17 Wire X has a resistance of 20 Ω. Wire Y is twice as long as X and it has twice the cross-sectional area.

wire X

wire Y

What is the resistance of Y, in Ω?

A 5Ω
B 10 Ω
C 20 Ω
D 80 Ω
18 When an electric motor is connected to a 15 V supply, the current in it is 3.0 A. Which row in the table correctly shows the
power dissipated in the motor and the energy transferred each minute?

Power / W Energy transferred per minute / J

A 5.0 5.0
B 5.0 300.0
C 45.0 45.0
D 45.0 2700.0

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19 In the circuit, the p.d. across each resistor is shown. What is the p.d., in V, across the supply?

− +

2.0 V

2.4 V 3.6 V

6.0 V

A 6.0 V
B 8.0 V
C 14.0 V
D 16.0 V
20 In the circuit, the current in each resistor is shown. What is the current, in A, measured by the ammeter?

− +

A 4.5 A

1.0 A 1.0 A

3.5 A

A 0A
B 4.5 A
C 9.0 A
D 10.0 A
21 Two resistors, one of resistance 24 Ω and the other of resistance 12 Ω, are connected in parallel with each other. What is
their combined resistance, in Ω?
A 6Ω
B 8Ω
C 24 Ω
D 36 Ω

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22 The primary coil of a transformer is connected to a 20 V alternating supply. A current of 0.5 A flows in the primary coil.
An ammeter shows that there is a current of 2.5 A in the secondary coil.
Which row in the table shows correctly the type of transformer and the p.d. across the secondary coil? (You can assume
that the transformer is 100% efficient.)

Type of transformer P.d. across secondary coil / V

A step-up 4.0
B step-up 80.0
C step-down 4.0
D step-down 80.0

23 A transformer is used to increase the voltage of the electricity supply for transmission on the grid. This reduces the energy
losses in the cables of the grid. Which of the following gives the correct explanation for this?
A The high-voltage cables can be held high above the ground, so less energy can escape.
B The current in the cables will also be increased, so the current lost in the cables is a smaller fraction of the total.
C The current in the cables will be less, so there is less energy lost as heat in the cables.
The high voltage means that the resistance of the cables is less, so less energy is wasted in overcoming their resistance.
24 The first diagram shows a wire directed into the paper. There is a current in the wire, and the circles represent the
magnetic field due to the current.

Which one of the four diagrams shows the field when the direction of the current in the wire has been reversed and the
current has been increased to a higher value?



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25 The diagram shows a straight wire in a uniform magnetic field. The field is directed perpendicularly into the paper.
A steady current flows in the wire in the direction shown.

magnetic field
into paper



Which arrow shows the direction of the force on the wire?


Chapter P22
Click on the correct answer to each question.
1 Which row in the table shows correctly the charges on the particles that make up an atom?

Proton Neutron Electron

A +1 +1 –1

B +1 +1
C +1 0 –1
D 0 0 –1

2 A particular nuclide of iron (chemical symbol Fe) is represented as follows:


This nuclide contains which of the following?

A 56 neutrons
B 26 electrons
C 26 neutrons
D 26 protons
3 The nucleus of a particular form of carbon (chemical symbol C) contains 6 protons and 7 neutrons. Which of the following
is the correct way to represent it?
7 13 6 13
6 6 7 7

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4 A particular nuclide of oxygen (chemical symbol O) is represented as follows:


Which of the following statements is correct?

A The nuclide’s proton number is 8.
B The nuclide’s proton number is 17.
C The nuclide’s nucleon number is 8.
D The nuclide’s nucleon number is 9.
5 We are constantly exposed to radiation from radioactive materials in the soil and elsewhere around us. This contributes to …
A … ground radiation.
B … foreground radiation.
C … background radiation.
D … underground radiation.
6 Radioactive materials give out three types of ionising radiation. Which of the following correctly lists the three types of
radiation in order of their ionising effects, starting with the most strongly ionising?
A α, β, γ
B β, γ, α
C γ, β, α
D γ, α, β
7 Which of the following correctly lists the three types of radiation in order of their penetrating ability, starting with the most
A α, β, γ
B β, γ, α
C γ, β, α
D γ, α, β
8 Which symbol represents a beta particle?
A 2
B -1
C -1

D γ

9 A radioactive sample contains 4000 undecayed atoms. It has a half-life of 5 days. What will be the number of undecayed
atoms remaining after 10 days?
A 0
B 400
C 1000
D 2000

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10 The graph shows the patterns of decay of three different radioactive substances.

Amount undecayed

Which of the following statements is correct?
A Substance X has the shortest half-life.
B Substance Z has the shortest half-life.
C Substance Y has the longest half-life.
D Substance Z has the longest half-life.
11 The graph shows the pattern of decay of a radioactive substance.


Count rate / counts per minute



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time / days

What is the half-life of the substance?

A 40 counts per minute
B 8 counts per minute
C 8 days
D 16 days

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12 The graph shows the count rate detected close to a radioactive source as it decays.




Count rate / counts per second









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time / h

What is the approximate half-life of the source, in hours?

A 1.0 h
B 2.0 h
C 3.0 h
D 4.0 h
176 176
13 When an atom of lutetium 71
Lu undergoes radioactive decay, it becomes an atom of hafnium 72
Hf. What particle is
emitted in this decay?
A proton
B electron
C neutron
D alpha particle
14 The radioactive isotope of polonium 84
Po decays by emitting an α particle to become an isotope of lead. Which is the
correct symbol for this isotope?

A 82
B 80
C 82
D 80

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Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Multiple-choice questions

15 Radiation from a radioactive rock is directed into a uniform magnetic field. The radiation follows a curved path in the
magnetic field.
Which type of radiation is definitely not being emitted by the rock?
A α-particles
B β-particles
C γ-rays
D protons
16 The radioactive isotope technetium-99m is used as a tracer in medicine.
Its half-life is about 6 hours. It emits γ-radiation.
Why is this isotope a good choice for this purpose?
A Most patients can be expected to live longer than 6 hours.
B A substance with a short half-life can be safely stored for long periods of time.
C A substance with a short half-life will not expose the patient to radiation for a long time.
D The radiation from the isotope will be easily absorbed by the patient’s body.
17 Beta radiation can be used to monitor the thickness of plastic sheeting as it is manufactured. Why is beta radiation a good
choice for this?
A Beta radiation can pass through plastic without being absorbed.
B Plastic sheeting becomes radioactive when it absorbs alpha radiation.
C Beta radiation is absorbed gradually as it passes through plastic.
D Factory workers will not be harmed by exposure to beta radiation.

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