Executive Order

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Executive Order No. 59, signed by President Fidel V.

Ramos on February 24, 1993, telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and fully integrated
prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of authorized public nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private sector
telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and fully integrated investment in telecommunications.
nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private sector
The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion
investment in telecommunications.
of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines.
The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion
It also seeks to enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to
of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines.
promote the State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications
It also seeks to enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to structures suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.
promote the State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications
The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all
structures suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service
The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service reasonable cost.
wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at
However, the order prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of
reasonable cost.
authorized public telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and
However, the order prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private
authorized public telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and sector investment in telecommunications.
fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private
The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion
sector investment in telecommunications.
of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines.
The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion
It also seeks to enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to
of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines.
promote the State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications
It also seeks to enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to structures suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.
promote the State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications
The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all
structures suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service
The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service reasonable cost.
wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at
Executive Order No. 196, signed by President Corazon C. Aquino on June 17, 1987, vests the
reasonable cost.
jurisdiction, control, and regulation over the Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation
Executive Order No. 109, signed by President Fidel V. Ramos on February 24, 1993, with the National Telecommunications Commission.
prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of authorized public

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The order aims to supervise and regulate the activities of all satellite terminal stations with It mandates that the operation of CATV systems in the Philippines shall be open to all citizens
satellite facilities for delivery to common carriers. It also seeks to enhance effective of the Philippines, or to corporations, cooperatives, or associations wholly-owned and
competition in the telecommunications industry in order to promote the State policy of managed by such citizens under a Certificate of Authority granted by the National
providing the environment for the emergence of communications structures suitable to the Telecommunications Commission.
balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.
The grantee shall pay the income tax levied under Title II of the National Internal Revenue
However, the order prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of Code, as amended, and a franchise tax equivalent to three percent (3%) of all gross receipts
authorized public telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and from business transacted under the Certificate of Authority. The National Telecommunications
fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private Commission is authorized to issue the necessary rules and regulations to implement this
sector investment in telecommunications. Executive Order.

The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion However, the order prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of
of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines. It also seeks to authorized public telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and
enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to promote the fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private
State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications structures sector investment in telecommunications.
suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.
The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion
The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines. It also seeks to
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to promote the
wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications structures
reasonable cost. suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.

The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service
wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at
reasonable cost.

Executive Order No. 436 is a policy guideline that regulates the operations of Cable Antenna
Television (CATV) systems in the Philippines.
Executive Order No. 205, signed by President Corazon C. Aquino on June 30, 1987,
regulates the operation of Cable Antenna Television (CATV) systems in the Philippines. The order aims to promote the general welfare and protect the public by regulating the
operation of CATV systems.
The order aims to promote the general welfare and protect the public by regulating the
operation of CATV systems. It mandates that the operation of CATV systems in the Philippines shall be open to all citizens
of the Philippines, or to corporations, cooperatives, or associations wholly-owned and

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managed by such citizens under a Certificate of Authority granted by the National funds both from the private and public sectors to support the implementation of the IT21;
Telecommunications Commission. promoting strategic partnership and alliances among local firms and institutions with leading
international R&D, educational and training institutions, technology providers, developers,
The grantee shall pay the income tax levied under Title II of the National Internal Revenue
and manufacturers to speed up industry growth; creating and maintaining a national database
Code, as amended, and a franchise tax equivalent to three percent (3%) of all gross receipts
on IT as part of the national statistical system; and performing such other functions as may be
from business transacted under the Certificate of Authority.
assigned by the President.
The National Telecommunications Commission is authorized to issue the necessary rules and
The amendment also revised the composition of the NITC and established a Secretariat to
regulations to implement this Executive Order.
provide technical and administrative support to the Council.

However, the order prescribes the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of
authorized public telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and
fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private
sector investment in telecommunications.

The order aims to promote advancement in the field of telecommunications and the expansion
of telecommunications services and facilities in all areas of the Philippines.

It also seeks to enhance effective competition in the telecommunications industry in order to

promote the State policy of providing the environment for the emergence of communications
structures suitable to the balanced flow of information into, out of, and across the country.

The order mandates the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that all
users of the public telecommunications service have access to all other users of the service
wherever they may be within the Philippines at an acceptable standard of service and at
reasonable cost.

Executive Order No. 469 is an amendment to Executive Order No. 190 that was signed by
President Fidel V. Ramos on February 23, 1998.

The amendment added several functions to the National Information Technology Council
(NITC), including advising the President, Congress, and other sectors of government and
business on IT policy and its various aspects; coordinating and overseeing the implementation
of IT21 and its successor plans; harmonizing and coordinating all IT public initiatives,
programs, and projects to ensure their consistency with the goals of IT21; sourcing necessary

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