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The drill power pump consists of a motor, that drives a pump mechanism. When the motor is
turned on, it creates power, which is then used to operate the pump. The pump sucks water or
fluid from the source and pushes it up to the surface through pipes or hoses.
This type of pump is often used in drilling operations, Agricultural irrigation systems, or to
access groundwater for various purposes. It is an efficient way to bring water up from deep
underground without the need for manual labour.
Most of the power drills available are electrically powered which makes them less suitable in
developing countries where electricity generation is a huge problem.
For the pump to be functional in such areas, the is a need to make human powered

Basic calculations

1. Flow rate (Q): the flow rate of the pump refers to the volume of fluid it can move per unit

The flow rate can be calculated using Q =A X V

Where Q = flow rate
A = cross sectional area of the outlet pipe
V = Velocity of fluid at the outlet velocity

2. The power required to drive the pump

The required power can be calculated using the formula
P = (Q * H * ρ) / (3,960 * η)

Where: P = Power requirement, Q = Flow rate, H = Total head or the height the fluid
needs to be lifted, ρ = Density of the fluid, η = Pump efficiency

For a pump with outlet diameter of 76 mm and discharge velocity of 10 m/s;

The flow rate (Q) of the pump is given by the formula:


To find the cross-sectional area (A) of the outlet, we use the formula for the area of a circle:
A = π * r^2

Where: π = 3.14159 r = Radius of the outlet

r = 76 mm / 2 = 38 mm

the cross-sectional area (A):

A = π * (38 mm)^2 ≈ 4549.13 mm^2

1 square meter = 1,000,000 square millimeters

So, the area in square meters (A_m²) is:

A_m² = 4549.13 mm² / 1,000,000 ≈ 0.00454913 m²

Now, we can calculate the flow rate (Q) using the formula:


Q ≈ 0.00454913 m² * 10 m/s ≈ 0.0454913 m³/s

The flow rate of the drill pump with an outlet diameter of 76 mm and a fluid velocity of 10 m/s is
approximately 0.0455 cubic meters per second (m³/s).

The density of water is approximately 1000 kg/m³.

Given: Q = 0.0455 m³/s (from the previous calculation) H = 20 meters ρ = 1000 kg/m³ (density
of water) η = 0.62 (pump efficiency)

P = (Q * H * ρ) / (3,960 * η)

P = (0.0455 * 20 * 1000) / (3,960 * 0.62)

P ≈ 0.58065 kW

The power required by the pump is approximately 0.58065 kilowatts (kW) with a total head of
20 meters and a pump efficiency of 62%.

For the design, a 1HP AC motor will be required to drive the pump.
Since the aim of this work is to make the pump functional without electricity, a special gearbox
can be attached in place of the electric motor.
To determine the gear ratio required to give an output power of 0.57 kW, we need to
know both the input power and the efficiency of the gear system.

The formula to calculate gear ratio is:

Gear Ratio = Output Power / Input Power

However, the gear system has an efficiency factor (η) that represents the energy losses
in the system due to friction and other factors. The formula with efficiency taken into
account is:

Gear Ratio = Output Power / (Input Power * η)

Conceptual design

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